t.AKB COUNTY EXAMlNf : U-KKVICV, ORHOON, IT.B. 17. I IRRIGATION ON BIO SCALE I IN KLAMATH IN MBMORIAfl. To the Noble Uraml, We (Wand, Of ficer ami Hrothero of Morilla 1-odge, i No. 2!M. I. O. O. V: We the undersigned committee up- : pointe.l to draft resolutions of respect to i .,f..nr llrnllli.r A If ted M' inv mriii'i A New FPject That Will Irrigate ' Powell. deceased, respectfully ,nb,ni. All the Land From Fall to '- n" Whereas, it has been the mil of Al- Tul Lake-Klamath On : miK,lltv (;o1 to r,.m,m. from our midst the Road to Wealth. . ur dearly beloved Hrother Alfred Mc- Klamath eoniity is naturally situated for the establishment of elaborate and wonderful imitation system, and the people of that d unty ate of late taking advantage of the opportunities. The result in the future will le that Klam ath will k'row immensely in population, and will in a few year- become one of the wealthiest counties in the state. full v reali.e that Mor- Powell, and Whereas, we ilia Lodge, No. SU, I O. . has thereby lost a faithful member, a zeal ous mid worthy Krother, Therefore be it Resolved: That we deeply lament the death of our beloved Hp'ther, and deplore our loss. We can only recog nize with profound sorrow the mournful ti,u Hi, i.'.iniililii-.m tells of a new hi , ... ii ii : i ( ; dispensation oi our Aiiwie i rovuu-m - and Ihiw submissively to tht irrigation proje -t that will lirmn witl in its sciiH' the great bodies of land from Klamath Kails to Tide Lake. That paper says : Plans are maturing for one of the most ex ensive irrigation enterprises in Southern Oregon, and if carried to com pletion, as now promised, it will Ue of inestimable benefit to the valley stretch ing from Klamath Kails to Tule Lake and will aid materially in the future growthand prosperity in this country. The project is in capable and determin-; ed hands, and it is believed that success j will follow the effort without co Dieting j with other similar undertakings alreadv j established. The enterprise is inaugurated by Tule ' lake ranchers, and N . S. Merrill, W. I'. : Whitney and Wni. Hall of that precinct were here yeeterdiv to prepare article'' of incorporation, copy of w hich was du lv filed with the county clerk. Capita! stock is 150,UW ami will U supported, it is said, by 100 ranchers, who propose to become stockholders. Within thirty da;. s tlit- organization will be completed. Tiie promoters anticipate no difficulty in floating bolide and being able to have active construction under way early this spring. The plan is to tap the main body of Upper Klamath lake and make a cana that will furnWh water enough lo irri gate 40,1X10 acres of land. This will re quire cutting through the hill northeast of Klamath Kails and among other work, making a half-mile tunnel. It is thought it will take a year to complete the canal. It i- a eo-opeiative echeine and will be able to furnish water to stockholders and others at a compara tively low rate. It cm he readily seen that the under- will of Hun w ho doeth all things well ; Resolved : That we tender to the wife and relatives of our deceased llrother our heartfelt sympathy ; Ke'oU-ed : That we tender a vote of thanks to 1-ikeview Uidge No )':!, I. O O. V., for their fraternal aid in con-j ducting the funeral of our late lirother ! Alfred MePimell. 1 i . I - 1 1 ..... I I... . I. 1 I 1 resented to anil auopieu oy wie ldge, Kebruary 1"), j U. t). Wahi, Secretary, j C. P. Kakaiikk ) W. K. ('aMHIUIMIK J- K. O. Wahk ) Committee. "Around the Pan" "The reailer may make up his mind to In-pleasantly overwhelmed by the opu j lenee and vivacity of 'Around the Pan", published by the Nutshell Publishing i Company, UVy Third Avenue, New York, j The wonders liegm with the frontis piece picture of I resident McKinley, ; drawn in a single line Ix-giuning at a point on the cneek Ixme and going round and round in a constantly widening , circle, w ith waverings and dow nU-anngs , of the pen in the proper places t sfure detachment and shading. We are told tnat tiiis (sirtrait "is considered the , most uniiue work of its kind in the1 world', and if there are degrees of j uniipienes.- we are willing to believe that this i most the thing of which there are ! no duplicates. ( If course there is text in , addition to the pictures, and we should ! be surprised indeed to hear from any ; piirclnM-r the opinion that he had not g it hi- mone 's worth r$2 (,." When a Store Keeps Up With Public Demands We have always tried in a simple business way to make this store the store of the people You could always find what the public wunted not only find it here, but priced lower than at any other compet itive store. It naturally follows that the store has grown, will continue to grow. It is a satisifactory store. 06 J6 J6 oc Our Mr. Bailey has just purchased while in San Francisco a complete Spring stock. Watch our ad. gAILEY & MASSING ILL J IV Hffilrr han MorrlMon Reeder & Morrison nT BUCKSMITtfS AMD noRsrsiioLRS MF?NS HHAVY WINTER... LADIES' EXTRA FINE CHILDREN'S .SCHOOL . MIEEI'MERDER'S NAILED SHOES New Pine ! rvrrj thing- in the ItlaritnnitlhliiK l.inr atntl nntmfMr tion luarnnlrril CreeK, Oregon. New Vegetable Store... L. B. WHOKTON, Prop. OPPOSITI: BAILI-V & MA55IN(1ILI.'5 320 Acres Land For Sale. W have for saie 32U acrec of farming and, situated on the West Side of Lake; H4' miles, from tirnlx;r; range; 5) acres, improved; 200 taking i!l greatly enhance the value of (iw thousand-of acre-of land and lesides op.-i, euj direct oeiietit, brifg much indir- acres under fence and material on roth lo tiie county and to this. 1 the ground to fence balance: two uood well-; watering placed for Block in field j All kinds of lierries, Vecetables & i Fruit carried in season. j Leave orders and what you want J for the day will be delivered at your door, fresh and sweet. hen you see a mile on a man's face like this fellow , just guess that he ha a a pair of (iraves' 5hoc.t. HPhese 5hoes are all cele brated make; are the best to be found on the market, and are moderate price. 11111 THE RED SHOE STORE ect town. Saiem Mate-man: Oregon Republican- n.iil wilii delight the annoiiuceiiient froui Washington, that the next Con-gre--iun.il campaign will he wage.l on the i--ue made dy the Jiemocrat de claring against the retention of the Philippine.-. Tin- i- an issue that all Re publicans en Htand shoulder to shoiihler on, anil one that will insure hiicce-s yond ti,e ipn-Hion of a doubt. The re tention oi Uie-.- i-Umls means more to the Pacific toa-t than to any other sec tion oi the country, and the ipiestion of their abandonment can be bafely left to the people of Oregon who will be the first to give expression on thin question in tiie pre-enl lorm. Oregon will never favor a scuttle policy, especially when it is again-t the development of her com inerr, .,; r. la'ions with the Orient. i all summer; gool 2-story residence, bam and i.nthouses ; garden spot where all kirolw of veietliti.u unit iiii.K.hu I berown prolitically. Mtuated 1 mile j Irorn living stream and 15 milen from I.akeview. tf ! S20.00 IN PR A VrarnliiK Kor Nprlnar. Whn K"nile ."irlnK arrlveH once mor To beautify th lancj. Y.'f will forfc-et th Borrows lore Whieh winter bail exinirvl. I cure not for the buiMInK tree l.'pon the vernal hill Nor for the sepnyr wamltrlni? free Nor for the KurulliiK rill. Hut I am lon(?lnK for the day When I no more neeiJ feur Tint drenilful price which I munt pay When tirewooil Ih ao dear; W hen from the uplxot that I turn The water freely t!ows. When 1 no more In Krlef shall learn That everythliiK Ih froze. Washington Star. Iuei.-a-e oi the culture of alfalfa is one of the most notable things, observed in Laslern Oregon, Lantern Washington and Idaho. It is. a word of Arabic origin "alfacfacah" meaning "the bent kind of fodder." It was brought into Spain bytheAraba. In Spanish it is "allal fez." Tho French call it "lucerne." 8ayu the Jrover8' Journal: "It matters not by what name it is known, Arabh hit it about right when they lit the beet fodder." It U the It of graHs cropa on sage brush where water can be bad for on. Oregonian . s 1 ! t I To be Given Away April 1st. A Ticket with every 50c Cash Purchase A k Prize No. 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Beautiful Stand Lamp, Ladies or Gents Vici Kid Shoes, Gents Hat, Fine Gilt Novelty Clock, Hand Painted Medallion, Famous Novel, "Sky Pilot" Damascus Pocket Knife, Fine Reversible 4-in-Hand, Valued at $4.50 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.75 1.25 75 dontforqctTosave rebate tickets MONOGRAM, 1SgS55f0- a TIIK OKHMAN hUHAMHY t WAHHINOTOJf. v, 8'