Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 20, 1902, Image 8

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Local & Personal
Coming & Going
ds armed at
;.. ! i! now
I. WCek.
; nuri.'ii no- voioil fnmi
:: j.liac " pneumonia.
Frank K"iner h;i almost recnered
I mil a .were attack of pneumonia.
... i ... a t
tin' tuMlllnui .-i.iiio.n-. . ..
ca-e in Alturas
Tl. Krown Iviuluiii ca-e in
will (.,.i.a- i go to tho jury tin week.
.Mr-. !;.- I '' U'l'n 'or tlu'
Vl,.K uiiii a lighi i pneu-
Atioii.ry .'"Im 1. Voiiatoi na- been
.iiniKi. o 1 1 . practice hcloie the .-upictne
0"nr: of i regon.
Mrs. K. A. Paxton is also reported ill
this week.
Two hundred and twenty-live new-
township plats won' received Ht tin
One of tlu inoKt distrenHimj incidents
of tho week in Lakeview wan tho death
nl M im. Lou lVrkins, a young woman
who hits lived hero h!I her lift. Sin
wan horn at Now- Pino Crock, ncronn the
lino in California, February 111. 1H7-4,
ami ilioil February b", l!H),.,l awed 27 year
II mouths ami "b Hie profcused
faith in Cliii-t iti ISS'i ami jninoil the
Methodist Church. She wan tlio wife of
(iooriio W. l'erkins, to whom mIio wan'
niarrioil in I o ember, IS'Ai. j
On February :!il (this month) n little :
daughter came to brighten the home of
the parents, hut the mother wuh not (
Lakeview land otlice during the past j ,,.Htnifd to tarry loin: on thin larth to
week, to take the place of thofe lost in , ,,,. the little one's footsteps. She
the Inn lire . 'never recovered from the illnonx, and
Miss .losii' Harvey, editor of the j after much suffering passed awiiv t un
school column, is ill with symptoms of ( early hour on Saturday morning. Those
pneumonia this week. The associate who knew deceased intimately are much
eiiit.-rs i-.iin.i v loud aim .waster : grieveit over nei ueatn. nnc s iMI"i
Philip l'-oche have chaise ot the work
during tin' ilnes ol the chief.
The Fa! Side Herald is the name of
a"ine weeitly publication just
laiiin -bed a; Puitlaiid. U will he the
and pure woman and a loving friend,
and Time will nut eft a e her memory
from the hearts oi those who loveil her.
Cut off in the springtime of life by the
cruel hand of Heath, as the frosts ol
The Royal Tailors
Samples for Spring and Summer
Suits are Shown at Bicber's
FROM J j .00
argest Line of Cloths to choose from,
itf Perfect fitting Suits Guaranteed,
d-il-' stih an elegant
soaps. "-'
aircli Suiid.iv
.-ei vi e- at the I'.ipllft i'11
aiornti; and eM-'iin. serviefs eveiy
i?Ven:n; next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mom of Clover
Fiat atti.-i.ded the funeral of Italph
loore on Saturday.
Miss Kdna Bonner, hw death ii an-
viaunced in another column in this
jjr, died from an operation for
Take your ca?h to Ahlstrom Bros, and
et a chance at the prize dram.
Judfc'e Harrington of Modoc is said to j
ive ainioet t-rjken iiown irom uie
unji etrain o..asioned hy ttie Iookout
yuchinc tise.
TJie Kaker family of attorney;, John
ami C. A. Uaker, spent several
-40irs in jail at Aliura- last fk by
.rder of .lude Harriniiton.
The general election this year for
stale, con'resri'jnal and county urlieers
accoriinii.' to the new law for Or
oifojj. be l.ei l on MomJav .June 1'.
especial cl ainpion ol the interests ,,f ; winter blight the I ur-lin bud, her life
Multnomah ly inn on the Fast side of . half-spent on earth was not niis-speiil
the nvei. and has ability as well a- nrit m'r reward l- Heaven, the home of the
behind it. Christian. Much sorrow is expres-ed
for the hu-band whoe wee
sob for tin dead mother' loving clap.
1'eceaned was the daunbter of Mr. and
Mrs. J.A. Mulkey of l.akeview. and a
The t it eiionian says that tiie opposi
tion to the candidacy of Congressman
T. H. Tongue, in the First Histriet,
from State senator ieorje C. Brownell,
has apparently vanished. Senator
Brownell will be a candidate for the
State Senate to succeed liimnelf.
Hioterof Mrs. C. S. Bneliel of Pamley,
Mrs. Ned JUckuison of Ml. Vernon,
Washington, Mrs. Frank Paxton of lke
view , and Phil. Thomait, Flank, William,
s ity Meat Market
hivervlsHiv is after one or more of
those prizes to be tfiveii awav at the Jolm, Bert and lialph Mulkey.
llZT?Sl Z ten' awira'lLei: " " '
and see tlie prizes. Ii 2 I Creek, for interment, on Sunday. Ki-v.
G W. Hollouian. of lb Bai.tim chuicli
i. s. r. s..
Beal!. the with I.-.
' ItV,
dru.'iii-t can furni-ii the
iine-t p'.-rfunu- in the
At a mask ball in Marysville, Cal., a
local physician repreaented "Judge
liarrt.iton of Modoe." Huring the
lynching trial the Judge has gained
a point that wis never before presented
as an opportunity a notoriety, state
wide, through Mornewhat unenviable.
A H.-nver, Colorado, dispatch under
date of February 10, cay that in Baca
county, Colo., thousands of cattle on the
range are reported to be dying from
st arvation and exposure. The cause of
the mortality is due to the ecarcitv of
Door North of Hotel Lakeview
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Etc.;
LANE & FITZGERALD, Proprietors.
of lakeview . conducted the fervice.
To the PuNlc.
The least we can xwisibly do it. recog
nition of the many act1 of hindnes and
neighborly friendship accor)il u during
the illneHs of our beloved Hon.and in our
sorrow and lereaveiiieiit at bis death 1
and funeral, is to make Millie aek- t
now ledgemeiit of our high appreciation,
and heartfelt thanks for the -mpath
expressed and kindly acts performeil by
many g.xsl friend-. Those tokrns of
Lakeview Livery
WM. K. BARRY & fl. VV. J. BARRY, frops.
Feed stable
in Connection
he.'lt 1 1 1 ! ! i j , who has been -eliou-iv
ii lidlrf-sed for ten days, 'vas taken in a
f-uggy to Altura- by tieorge Whorton,
4t Tliur-day, t attend tin- funeral of
'xa mother.
County Commissioner J
.isjrteH heiiously ill on Tue-day. I r .
ar.'i ti.e Ireeznii.' of the water ; true friendship will only be forgotten
I when uiemorv fail- u.
1'r. N.-No,) J). A-d.-ll. the dentist ar-j Mk- vn" Mk-"- W- Jl M""uk"
, ., ,, Lakeview , (r.gon. I- eh. V.nyj
rue.l Irom the north Monday evening, ; J
and will h ,n charge ol J)r Heniore't'M Catarrh Cannot lie Cured.
dentai paiior during the latier's abseur. i with local applications, as thev cannot
at Halla- and Salem. Hr. He
Hoists hoarded hv the- dav or mouth
h'irst class turnouts and saddle horses.
Our specialty is the ttiick and safe de
livery ol passengers to all points in
the district.
Hay and Grain for Sale.
Propriftors Barry's Opera House "tr;;;:
public alr Lalnmrtii
I reacn me seat oi me uiweaie l alarm
morest ex- , jy a j, ,,r eonst it n t ional dixea-e, nnd j
I -.-1 i . tart next week and will laki- 1,1 order to cure it vou must take inter- j
' 1,, , . ., , nai reiiiemes. iiaiiN i aiarrn i lire s
L SlMth wa- called to attend hi,,. """' l" l" P"ce
i.-i ryirv- Mr. I'ro-e Mifh-rny from a
iad alia-. K of .ay 1 1 pj.e.
Comrnis-i.jii.-r Wmior, aIio is now in
ttf Jill i;n- a', the i.-nii of C inty
' rirl, says he is in the lield for the l;t!.
-lHblicaii nomination tor Coanlv Jinlge.
JJurn- Time- lb-raid.
Mee the i-t ,,f
i them in tin- ho
Mr-. M.j.r.
of his sister-in-law,
Call at ( harlie (rave' );,.,! sh.
'ore ior im,- .pialily -oi,- leather, all
sizes and -n t,.., ,JT larmer- and labor
er- ior ,(,,. ;lMl hlll)l ,j, at )linit. ;
.i-o i,,, i,. ,.;,, ,,r (-,,b,jnii.
o-i oi orie- lo ne ..ov.-n
4 y by AhNti.ji,. lirv-. Fourth pae
llh-r- of Vuletide Cirel.. U,
.of Wood. -raft ot lieddiiig, Cal., have
adopted a nni'iue hs ste,,, ( entertain
j ing. One ..ilicer of the Circle is lo U.
Wlm raVirvad- poin-iug towards Lalte j "at each week to the remaining
Utility from two diieciioiiH the time j. j ",,1(-fs and members until the list ,.f
tf :J? tltivi. to Use their . ti'uiif j 'J"":'-'r"i H '"mil pleted . -. TJi.t duties of
And lights, U-iore railroad companies, i tl"-' ,)f t,1 b.tes- will be dis-
,xei -vud'cate- lake '.n,- best .,.f it.
taken internally, and arts directly on
the bliwsl and mucins surfaceff. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not u ipiack medi. irie.
It was prescribed by one of the l-t
ihy-icians in tin- country for years and
is a regular prescr i pt ion . It in cori-s-eil
of the be.l tonic known, rolu
bined with the be t blood iinrilierH.
i a l ma ilirectly on the mucus Hiirla -e-B.
The perfect coin bmat ion ..(the two in
gredient is w,hat riHiice ueh wnider
(nl result in curing ,'atarrh. Send for
teftimoiiial- Iree.
F. J. CIIFNFV A CO. I'rop., i
Toledo, O.
Sold by ilriiKist, price T"ie. '
Hall's Family I'ills are the best. I
Put your ad in The Examiner, it brings $
Verona Pale Face 60729, C. D. Nairn, owner, Ballston, Oregon, j
'.act Saturday niiit, l ebruary loth,
s the warn.e-t nighl exerienced in
: i.' action nin e October 1, VM). On
ne latter dan- tie- m.-reury went opto
'.' u'ftvf jitj.j ... v,. .r.iay night la-t it
''"W ed i- a.-.., ,e.
. Ah:-': i.
n . : .
-a w
C 1.-I.IU.M
ti.e til'-'''
-im. dav-. b'l".
' report-. Mr.
-i".i: up a great
- r. ,c n:j:i'. lor
i'o ll I .l'-! e. I a -eVee
A'u,-' loin a ppe.Weil
cusned at e.e.-h meeting, thus familiar- j
umg the numbers with the duties of all j
officer in a pit-usaut manner. !
The ICepuhhcaii i-iate Convention j
w ill be held in I'ortland on th second
day of April. The Congressional .
Convention tot the Mrst Jlistrict
po.oo.i.- I,.- held at KoM.-burg ,
'" . i 1 -i , giving the Congressional
inemb-l - a eh inc.- t re,l..h I'oltiaild in
till.e to a"!.-!..' th'-X.Ue coll . elllloll Ol.
tne ioIioAiir.' da;.. Tin- C.,ngre--j., mil
' oii.inl.le.- ol the l ll-l will meet
I'orlian.i today. Lake county will huve
lour . I.-;. -. it.-s to ciii h coiisentioii.
,1 . 11. Campbell, well known in like
. view a- tiaveling salesmaii for l'aul
';.!. .-ml ei' i a' :A 1 il roni lln.-. will
, i .c a a .u pr i.e- to t he amount of on
Aiil 1st. With eveiy '(0 cent put , J- rieduian- li.pioi Jioil-i; in San F rui;
l4M you get a ticket. .
J n I el we. 1 1 a u ... i, .. I . ,u t : . .
' '"-" "I' I'oniwoil Willi
i. A. Anderson, the 1'ikw h 'lap farmer
AJ wooiismar., Hpent Saturday night in
ikttviuw. "Uncle Jim" is kicking
Ubiderabiy alxiut the way certain
irple try to avoid the fumigating ela
tion, and nays there in no harm in a
that house and ban accepted a similar
one with the Crown DiHtilleritsH Com
pany, bis territory to I the Btate of
Nevada. Mr. Campbell retainn his. reH
idence at Cottonwood, Cal., and norm)
of bis friend are "mentioning" him as
4Vod sensible "smoke" in the right 1 a Itepublican CHtidi'latt- for Mit-riff oi
rt of company. j MianU county.
L ' ..ii " Jin s .
'".i; - ' vv'.v,v---'.;v-'A-.' j..-y
:ShimiUU4 ..
- - . ..?'-
-,1. "1 V.' I J
v hi J
j. J
V..-. Il l T . . . . .
a Z Z ' IT!' lm,.S; tolor is Klfc" "it, with show,
w . II4IV4I1II
. oe, uu-Hiunuinir (loir, witii iTiim f ,.,wi r:u ..r a. n- .
wuh the i,st )f r., ,,,,, ,T , linc. (lisi;ositi(m: niu; z;zZnA
i smv- ii 111111.1 ivti v i i ii i f siiintifn iwi ii .
' " vjvm n, ciiivi 111:
s puppus arc in great demand, at $10 up.