LAKE COUNTY EXAIINER: LAKEVIEW OREGON, 1902. .U4 tJJk Uh iJbJk .UiJt. JUt AJU. .ti-t ' LOCAL PICK-UPSi ,V- 7TTV TT TTTT VTW TTT TVT TTT l him Overton in Hi-rioiiHly ill of pncu iQoniii Bt his I'IiihIi home. flSIrM. Daisy Morrm, wife of Johnny Motrin of I'IiihIi is said lo be seriously ill. 3 illnrri In Klamath Falls, Oregon , hint Week, to the wifo of Cury Rumnhv, a Hon. J Jjiirt Redden, tint Summer Lake Htock- rriun, ciimc down on h visit to bin wife this week. I Mr. ittul Mrs. John R. Hammond Cimc down from Paisley last Tuesday on it IniHiiii'HM v i h i t , returning homo yentorcliiy . Andrew 1 lummerHlcy Iiiih been unite ill for several days, with lagrippe, and threatened with pneumonia, li t w able to he out again. : -jVIrH. Rene I'axton in ill, and is Herious y threatened with an attack of pneumo nia. Her husband, Frank I'axton in re Covering, after a dungcroiiH attack of pneumonia. Mulcom CofTmun, accompanied by his liter Mihh Ktliel Coffmati, and Mihh Mahie Trior, sinter of Mrs. Font Smith of Lakeview, arrived hern Tuesday from Cedarvillc, on a vittit. -Horn In ljikcview, Oregon, February li, JIM)!!, to the wife of Dr. K. II. Smith, A ten-pound Hon. Tim r. now walks with a more elastic Htep, and neems to be very proud of bin Ikv. S. !'. Chandler returned lro'n Sun FranciHco and other Culiloruia points last Tuesday evening. Mr. Chandler went to the city to consult a specialist ----- ttid we understand returns much en Connived regarding biH health. ; The wood-Hawing .''ontent at the Quak er Doctors' nhow Saturday flight created plenty of amtiHement. MrH. Zadie Line barker proved to le the champion naw , yer and won the f5 -unli prize. Young " J'bil Harry won the gold watch. Mrs. Lulu Cunther bun Iteen advised to cro to an honpital at l'orllund to bt j rperutcd upon. She iH Hiiftcring from a I double attlictiou, apttendicitin and an flhceHH of the Hide. She left via l'Hisley, Silver Luke and Shaniko, for I'ort lund, yesterday morning. Mrs, (iun ther'M friends hope for a successful opera tion and a speedy return. Heuutiful and liMeful prizes to be ' given awuy at the Monogram. You net ';;" " ticket to the April 1st dm wine with every r0 cent piiichafc. (In a f" pur chase you i et ten ticket, on fill pur- t'biiHe one hnndred ticketn. til.' Mr. and Mm. Win. I'. Heryford n - turned home lant ThurHilay night after ' an uhcucL- of two months, dirring which .' time they visited in San FranciHco, San Jomc, i-tockton, Loli and Millville, Cul. -They bad an enjoyable trip. Mr. ., Heryford says be liked the country j around Stockton and Lodi better than any he caw in bin traveln. I Southern Tacitic Conductor it'orge ; J'.nnw iclit, one of the beHt known and tnoHt popular railroad men on the count, ha been promoted to the poHition of ; Southern l'ucidu traininaHter, w ith bead- quartern at I iiinHinuir, Cal. Many puo ' pie in Lake county will remember Con , ductor Kngrticht whone run for h long time Iiiih been pant Ager, and will be - glad to learn of bin promotion. i AlturaH need not go into liVHterich over the few mild ciihc" of nmullpox in Lake view. AlturaH baa bad a much more deadly and contiigioim dineaHe than Hinallpox in itHWoiHt form and it need fumigation, too much fumigation! Smallpox haw been stumped out in Lukevicw there are no cHe of that dinuHO here now. Let the prens agent correct bin error in the Keno Gazette, and be mire to not gel gay. W. R. IlmnmerHley arrived from the I)rew Valley country Tueuday with a big load of ppoila captured on mountain height and by ruwhing otreain. In oth er wordH, "with gun and trap, Billy haa made a good haul among the fur ani mals of Lake county this winter. One trophy on exhibition at Bailey A Mais RingiU'tt, ifl the antlered head of a giant of the forrent a many pronged buck that in bin life must have been a beauti ful specimen of the mulotail deer. RALPH ALLEN flOORE. The funeral of Ralph Allen Moore wrh held from the MethodiHt Church in Lakeview hint Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The church was filled with friendH of the grief Htricken family, and many personal fric (1h f the dead boy, HihonlmHtcB who knew him well and loved him in life. Rev. C. W. Hollo man preached a touching sermon, and while referring to the lHt moments of the dying youth the mcHHiige of love to bin al in oh t heart-broken mother, bis farewell to teacher arid Hchoolmaten, and the holy light of Heaven that infaid to have emblazoned biH wan face junt before the HiimmotiH all eyes were bathed with tearH. IliH death wan peaceful and with anmile like that of a dying hero he told in whinpers the fond lather who bent over him to catch bis lant word that be wan not afraid to die, becaune be was going to Heaven, and hoied to meet him and mother there. Here was an evidence of purity of char acter and bravery. Death had no ter ror for Ralph Moore ! Would that all could nay iih much when the time comuH to face eternity. The cuhket waH covered with beauti ful flowern and evergieen w reath h. When the preacher finished hie er moti and while the choir was einging the hint anthem friendH marched past the coflin to take a lant look at the face of the dead. Six of biH FchoolmateB tenderly curried him to the hearHc, and when the cemetery waH reached, low ered the heuutiful white casket con taining the cold clay down to its lat earthly renting place. Bright, and noble youth, you have uone from thone who loved and ad mired you, but you will not lie forgotten. The City Heat Market. Lunt week Frank I. Lane bought the i:iterent of J. W. Sch wei rifurth, of the firm of Fitzgerald t Schw infurth, in the City Meat Market in Hotel Lake view building. The new firm ntartn off w ith a nood, fat purne to buy all the fat cattle, j:rain-fed hogH, and choice mutton to lie found necenhury to the wiwitn of their putrotiH. Will R. Steele Iiiih accepted the poHition of manager for the new firm, and the nerviees of a fiit-claHH cutter and all-round butcher, in the pernon of Mr. M. S. IkiriiH of (irantH I'unn, ban been necured. Al ready the new matiitueiuent Iiuh given evidence of a thorough understanding of the bunineHH, and have an tinged the in- terior ol the market in an inviting man- ner. L'vorythiiig in ai clean and i eat iih a purlor, and the countern and blockn have been re arranged giving the hbop a tidy appearance. Choice pieces of heel, mutton and pot k are bung on the bloi'kntaiid and ntrings of fine hoi ognu bung from the hooks. On the counter can be neen choice cuts of beef, mutton und pork ready for the pan. 1 1 in the intention of the new firm to have on band at ull times the bent the range und ranches of Luke county can produce, and the putronuge of the pub lic in respectfully soliiited. Manager Steele invitew everyone to call and see the newly arranged market. Take a chance ut the druwing for a t' ne Sunday roant. Successful Applicants. Three applicants for teuchers' cer tificateH appeared before the Board of Fducation of Lake County, lHt week, and they were each succennful. Miss Lulu Gilbert wrh granted a second grade certificate, Miss Inez Wheeler a third grade, and Minn Grace Driver a third grade. Min Wheeler will con tinue her studies and haH passed from the Lighlb to the Ninth grade in the public school. The stri't quuiantine placed at the residences in Lakeview where smallpox wan reported to exist, haa been the means of confining the disease thus far to the places infected. But two places are under restriction, the residence of John McKlhinney und that of Dr. Sieiner. Last Friday Dr. Steiner re ported a case at his home in the person of Mips Stella Kngle, and at once quar antined the premis and went to the hotel to live. The disease iH in very mild form and it in probable, with the precaution already taken, that it will soon le stamped out. The casea on the West Side are reported getting on nicely and no new casea have appeared. ' Irvln Ay res. FOR 60 DAYS 25 cpeenrf Discount for Cash DRY GOODS, FURNISH CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES and Now on Hand. Ayres, Whitttortii: EXAniNER AND BULLETIN $6.50. Through the misunderntanding of a meHnane over the telephone to the Chewaucan l'ont from the publiBhera of The lCxhminer, the I'ont advertises the Lake County F:xaminer and Daily Bulletin at a combination price of $5.50 to bold good until March 17, 1902. This is an error. The announcement of the change in combination price of Ex aminer and Bulletin was made in these colunuiH lant week, and no subscriptions can be accepted at the old rate of $5.50 from February 13, 1W2. Those who de tire to accept the combination from that date w ill be charged $.50, in ad vance as unual. riven at this rate the combination price in very low, as the regular subscription price of The San FranciHco Bulletin alone is $'i. The new rate does not effect Bubcriptioiis paid up before February 13, 1902. I Mr. Wheeler Got Rid of His Rheumatism. j IMirinir the winter of 1H98 I was so, lame in niv joint, in fact all over my j i I .... I 1 ......1,1 l..,r,ll. arrillnit i . (,(,lllfht . ,,.,, of n.amberlain'B ; I'ain Balm. From the hmt application I began to get well, und was cured and have worked nteadly ull the year. R ; Wiikki.ek, North wood, N. Y. For eale by Lee Beall. j "1 have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a nnmtter of yearn and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the bent remedy for coughs, colds and croup I have ever used in my family. I have not woiwe'to express my confidence in thi Remedy. Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich." For Hale by Lee BealL Worse Than Smallpox. Alturas I'laindealer : Health oificer Blondin received a telegram from Lake view Tuesday evening that there were five canes of smallpox at that place. Steps were at once taken to establish a quarantine station at the State line and hopes are entertained that the contagion may be kept out of Modoc. However w e cannot too earnestly urye upon our citizens to guard every suspicious case closely. Providence has already afflicted us with a worse malady than the small pox the lynching canes. But th two combined might be a little more than Christian fortitude and patience could endure. Something; That Will Do You Good. We know of no way in which we can be of more eevice to our readers than to tell them of something that will be of real good to them. For this reason we want to acquaint them with what we consider one of the very best remedies on ; ihe market for coughs, colds, and that alarming complaint, croup. We refer to Chamlierlaiii's Couth Remedy. We have used it w itli uwch good results in our family so long that it has become a household necessity. JJy its prompt use we haven't any doubt but that it has timeundaguiii prevented croup. Thetesti- mony is given upon our own experience, and w e suggest that our readers, ewpeci - all v those whe have small children, i i : i always xeep u in ioeir nuniea an a safeguard against croup. Camden den ! (H. C.) Messenger. For eale by Beall. 11. C. Whitworth. From Feb. 18th. ...On All... Qfe f FloWCfS ww vey an air of refinement. If you have never used any of our per fumes, come in and sample them A large variety to select from.' Beall's Drug Store. S. R. SUBLETT& CO. Now located In the NEW i -A. big- Xaxnrxs PANE'S f Meal at all bourn of the Hi in h uuuu itilhl a oIiihll miuc Fine Sunday Dinners XL Is rapidly IS. B. Follett, the Merchant is trotting along at the head of the procession. A FINE NEW STOCK Has already been received and more new goods nre arriving at our etore all the time AMONG OTHER THINGS We have everything desirous in the Grocery Line. A special line of Genta Fancy Shirts. An elegant line of Candies, Cigars and Tobaccos. Watch for our Dry Goods Display, E. B. FOLLETT J j yf tT f4 I A ! j. 1 A , , - Geo. II. Ayres. IQ GOODS, HATS & Attue That is what a perfume should be true to Nature, delicate, lasting. We have just received a fresh lot from the place where the flowers, grow. These are among the most delicate extracts made; they con 1 BRICK South of the Daly Bldg. Carpets, Mattings, Portieres Lineolum,. Carpet Covers. Undertaking in every branch 3E"TT3rc,rXTTT3Efc33 RESTAURANT fnnn Mr II ATCMlil nnifir V'''''' forging ahead and