LAKBCOUNIY EXAMINER: "KHVinV. OREOON. Plill. m. 11. SCHOOL PAPER. wm "wkkki y. ri- " uk. vi. r.ii.i..- s.-i.o..t. K.llt.T. JiwlK H.BVkV i i ' . ll.iilll' -voi'lHt.'v Kl nnrpmi.l I I no. 10. toil is tin- p'ice oi sinve-s.' Tom I'.urn- un- "''sent from Monday. Sa.nne. M' K'i' threaten.'.! with pneuinoi'ii' N,.:'K went to to tin' r:in.-:i I'fi ,l:iv ami I.m- not rc:urn.'.l to s, In-d. I.OtMC Itoi'lu- - Mllill'U' to he lit school Mon.luy. .Wit- II irv.-v. on i- ...htoi-iio.-lii.'i. quite ill. Harvcv ("o'vin ;.nt fie'n school with iin a't.O's ol c;ir ache. Harry 1 .ir.'i'.iriT was al" ut owm to sickness. Imrim: the ('hri-tin:-- holidays the (x'liool directors einnl." 1 a man to re pair tin' l"ltry. l-ut ; v water continues to come into our tli i. irtmciit. lira.v t rii'iw. )"' --1 1 " 1 mi ' count of ill healt' . The motion was carried that the chairman of the Mh trade literacy I'hil' appoint a comm. ttee to make up a pro gram to ! remie'ed on Friday Wash ington's birthday. Mr. Newbill -ft Saturday fir thf Willamette Vail. . A pleasant even inj: was stMit at ti residence o: . I.. Sii.'Iiini: on th' t" nint; I -e fore the j.arturc of Mr. New ' ill. Tin- pi.-sts were .tertained in a ven pleasant manner I llle of the - .nlflit- of tin- eL'iltt. grade. Inez V- ..eeler, took the teachers' oxanunati . ami was -i.-- in ! . Si.e n. nv tak- ill' the studies ..f thf '':h 'in in-. nit of the ahs.'iH'f of thf t-tl itor. the i-sistants were eompe il.-il to prepare :.. work for thf pres. Tio it in the school formerly oc cupied i.v Km 1 t .I. Moorf ha- been ht-au-tiiu'.S -oratii! with (lower- ain! 'er yr.-fii' i t thf past week. Mn.k.iy Yi'H FKli. Jl. linrj. I j -' . ... Tin- op : I'l'ir-!- !'.; .h K'i-r k- r . K'llui :.! V. :- ..;... !--:. in . t I.. It :rr.- ia:.i-it r.y . rr.-mii ' hmw. "1 a : r !. : v.. : . !!.- ... !.;. K: ;. V:. -n-,.;r..- ft- i. .l;-x . r j . ... .(,- 1 1 ' , r i . M . r ..! .; . -n . 'I I I ,.1, W. iui.1 Alil.lf M""r.'. I'.l th.'ir lv '' VnlU" "( ri'-,,,' !(.o.isn.'ss anil mnli. 1l' I-'-' n , N,,,n ' ,,'ary lit.-, nn.l was l.on.-t. i'""' os, alwuys li-hri!iiir I"" 'l"'f, (..,Mf.illv nn.l faithfully, iui.1 whs tirst mi hi.- la-s iiiiioiik.' thf U. in tl.oiitfl.t nn.l a.'tion. ul ways l.'ii.lii I'.'lpnik; han.l' hf ,,,11,1 ,o coo.l. 11. d.m o t" " ; hf .laroil to !. triif. ami was iriciitly In lov. .1 I'v I s s. h.ioluiatfs ami frif mis, ami was ;,. pi nlo ot hi- tfa.'hf. I I to.ii'lifis of our pilhln' school art a" .ii monrnnm ovt-r tin- I 'st stmlfiit ; ul noiif ot t Iii-iii was s,, mar ami ili-ar lo K.ilph as thf one who was loachim: him. ami Inni his ;1i'f tohl lift, a- sin--aul "Kalnh, ooil lf," thf iiioimiii: hfiorf h s pai flits staitfil away with him." 1 will n.'wr K ahlf to wntf to von " tircat t.-ars sto.xl in thf hov's i-vfs, as hf Have iliat lon ami tarfwfh look. Hf l-oro all Ins sifkiu-ss with patifiiiv ainl tortitinlf. lalior.-.l ami waitf.l. hut ilul not .trspair : ami w hf n tohl ly thf physii'ians that then' was no liopf toi his rtvovfry, he tol.l his fatlifi' lo writ.' a letter to In.- mother, to eoiniort her. 'telliiiHlns teai'hfr ir" otl-hve. ami what to ilo w ith Ins he IniiHiiik's. 1 No hope now hut to resign all to hi avior an.! meet him in pea.'e. when all nature i- hushed to rest ; the departing soul. like the vanishing sun, jieHi-etiil! disappearing, only to shine in an. .liter an. I hriiiiiter heiiiisphere . - A n I sun-.- I Usi. ilcnr lliilpli w rrtll.-il, Ami - .-. li) In i ! Mlh r.'ML-ii. il, M ;0 ll- llol -till ! lll'iT 1 aaii i 1 1 - lit' .-v.- I.i'liin.l '" And as one looked on the hfautiith easket, ami hfhcld within it thf wan ami wa-ted iare you rotiid -.- nothiin: lint purity ot miml and soul in siieh a I.H'dy, hut raitd to hf hold, thf loiii;.' r von 'a.d. thf more hf.iutv ar.-f. How true arc the word-, ' At i t,'- en orav -d oi, tin- top oi thf hfautitul fas ket. The fai'f shows '.-aif and r.uitent ntfiit. wi'.h some thiuu of an aiiu.-l liuht. and. "At r.-st.'' w ith n d w host tint.-- iiain'f is cairn and serene a- t h i.t.-e of lleaven. hv the -hadnw of thf cloud. I v N X i x X X X X X X X X I 1001 was a very busy year with us l S v . l . N . v s s S S V V v, V V V S S V V V s v v v v v . s s S v V v v N N ' wv. V V V v S V v A V V s V V s S s V V V s V N S V Mndc so by our miuiy patrons, whom we tlrsiro lo thank, ami in th( jiitnro as in the past will continue to try ami merit your patronage hy fnir and holiest treatment; by a bg dollars' worth of roods for every dollar you spend with us, and ly showing a readiness at all times to correct mis takes w nich w e may make It' you have not heen trading at this store ask one ol' our customers about us anil then pve us a trial X: lS Is! I Bailey & Massingill S V s v v s S ' V V S v s s s ' S V V, I jikfvituv's fastest trrowinir store. -- I" . 11 v CI T S S V J3 tV Vs) 1 ") 0 ' I " ' I t N S kM ; s. s i .1 W Hi'riliT Iiiih Morrlxon i Reetfer & Morrison V ft .... BlCKSMITS Jzs? and IIORSLSIIOLRS ! rv.'rj I 111 ni: In the ItlurkHilillhlMK Line nn.l xutiHliie lioii Klllirniil. i ll New Pino CroeK, Oregon. ) ;..-. in ii. I'.- ' :tti':in: U .:m:;i. 1 !' : 'j . t f. .i 1 1 - 1 i . . . ! A it '. ! M ' v l:ny K'.i-r- i. I..t.,-:. 1 : . . l;-.x l.i.'..-r-":i 1 I:.. . 1-r.oir. hn r- s i: ,.t- i-.m:i;- (; i..- ii : I.i n.-i-rt r'--- ' li-.-.. . t I 111:,' i . t ; t nit.-.l .-!. -N I... t: : r. :n. ii.-liiiiir l'"iir! I.M.'Mirirr linr.-;. I.iic-i'iifl,'r K'lna K.-hnrt .Mi.':.- . : l i M. ii i I ra ii . M ' . r i.i In- Ki-. l a.I.KN MooHK. A - I lay i!i id my he.l, on l)f.:. 1 iio'i. i-il a t am driving past my window .put.- rapidly, and the farriaj.'. coi.iaine.l our dear student kalph Alien Mx.r. aiid hi- ia.-t friend, Mr. Carifk.-r. Mr. Carii-ker wa- hrinin liaiph home to -. f hi- 'ood parent, as hf had a sprained ankle, whi-h he had re .'eivid while skating one day htdore Ohri-tina-; and his hoot had caused an ahra-ion on tin; hide nf the ankle, which If'-amo poisoned from his Htoc kiny. It was not thought to he serioun at li'st, hut heinj; very painful, lie wai phi. eil iiii.ier the physician 'h care, hut he gradually hecame worse. A hunt three weeks his father, Mi-coinpanied hy l)r. J-. K. Smith, tojk little Ualph to the Florence Sanitariunj, at Salem, via SacramenUj. An jjeration was performed, wherehy the pliysieiaiiH found that the trouble wax apparently tuU;r:iilusis of the bone, and gradually became worse, until the night of February 6, VM'2, when the Death Angel came and carried bit beautiful, .polices spirit to liiw heavenly home. He was Loin in Lakeviuw, .May 1U, ami was the youngent hod of. Choice Meat Drawing. n Mon lay morning a prie luea' .i r.i winvr wa- inaugurated at Fane i 1-I'z.'fiai.!'- Inarket. F.very ca-h por ch i-er of L'-'i cents worth ol meat- I- P UIV-li a ticket wi'.h tin- puichaset '. name tiierenn, and a dupiieate tnKet aim. the name i- droppeil into a -"alett ho.. i Mi Saturday evening next three 'ii-iiiter ted citizens will he called n, to v itness tiie draw inf. The ir-t i,,uiie draw ii iroiii the Uix will l- iriven a tour poimil 'loin roast of heel for the -uinl.i dinner; the second name yet- a three-; po inn1 choice roast of pork : the third a' three-pound choice roast of mutton, -u.-h a choice drawiny should heroine! popular in Lakeview. I.vervhudv ouyht to take a chance at that lice , . -hi. 'la. d. liner propoi-ition. I Notice. I am called away to Ik? ah-eiit ah mt j two week--, and during that time my j ! hu-in-ss will he in rhar'e of Win. j '.wither. Any business left in care w ill recieve prompt attention upon my ! return. I". T. ii mukii. I.llKevieW, Or. Feb. P.I, 11HC. New Vegetable Store... L. 15. WHORTON, Prop. iHM'osni: hAii.i v & massimuli.s All kinds of Iterrics, S'ejrt'lablcs & F:ruit carried in season. Leave orders and what you want' for the day v. ill he delivered at your door, fresh and sweet. I MF.N'S MI.AVY WINTIiK i.aihf:s' i:xta i im: ctm.nkfiN's .school . .SMLI.I'ULklM.k'S NAILLI) SHOES lien you see ' ' a smile on a man's face like this fellow, just jjiies's that he has a pair of Graves' Mioe.s. r- r-?i r-si r-s r- ri WW TThese 5hoeS are all cele brated niake.i; are the best to Iht found on the market, and are moderate price. WSBBk THE RED SHOE STORE s s's s v s s ' j f s r r s s s s ..- y s f s t ' . '' fj S20.0Q IN PRIZES i To be Given Away April 1st. A Ticket with every 50c Cash Purchase i Card ot Thanks. The underpinned de-ire to expresn ' their sincere thanks to the kind neigh bors, and friends, who tendered their j asrisiance and sympathy to us in our hour of sorrow, the illness ami death of our daughter and wife, Laura Lulu j Perkins. These frindly acts will ever ' remain in our memory, j .Mil. and .Mum. John .Mi i.kkv. (iKOHUK W. I'JIKKI.VM. I Lakeview, Feb. 1!, lUO'. .5 Irize No. I 44 44 44 4 4 44 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Beautiful Stand Lamp, Ladies or Gents Vici Kid Shoes, Gents Hat, Fine Gilt Novelty Clock, Hand Painted Medallion, Famous Novel, "Sky Pilot" Damascus Pocket Knife, Pine Reversible 4-in-Hand, Valued at $1.50 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.75 1.25 ; 75 For Stomach Troubles. ' I have taken a nreat many different medicines for stomach trouble and i on stipation," fcayM Mrs. h. (ieiuer ol Junk erton, Iowa, "but never had as yood .-... m any as ironi tJhamberlain'o Momach t Liver Tablet." For tale by Lee Leall. ' When you laek energy, do not relish your food, feel dull ami Htupid, after Mitiint, all you need is a dose of Cham berlain Htomacb A Liver Tablets. I h.-y w ill make you fc,. a ew and give you an appetite like a beur. For bale by Lee Ueull- . DOMFORGET "foSAVE'REBATElkgrS MONOGRAM, AH 's- Proprietors At