r i m 11) It ft mimn GyfO VOL. Will. LAKKVIKW, LAKK COUNTY, Ollh(.ON, THURSDAY, UK I J. i:s, VM2. no. (;. WOOL Ml:N OREGON'S B!(i AT MI:LI;NA TIMBER M:LTj I hey il c Statistkhiii North the l.kc County 1 1 a Jo Square Mirblc limit in (i Resolution Mile, Which i llstimalcd at Aildri-Hstil to I'roitlcnt. I I wo llillion I cct Lumber. i I tin I i Iiiii iiv ' Hi tin' I'.n i : t- Noilh- ' 'I Uf tiiii'""- in On-gnii n-Hi lii-H the uihI ..ill i .i..M r' A-m,i lulu. n, in ii in. mi h total i.f 2 Il.'v' . ;. m x I.' x n feel, n-i..iliili. ii a I II (M-i In l (i .i nl l;i.ufi- j l.naiil iiii-itHiiti'. Lane county linn more V 1 1 Mil' I ' ICS, II 1 1 IH I S. N I ' Umbel lllllll llll) olle'l III the Stale, With N.iiili, st.tn-ti. urn i.l tin- ill . inlii. i-i.t nl n t.iliil .l L'h.s.'i i.ihiii,!! m l.i.iin) leet. iinii.ul.ii I nit - iimlir llir ( fn-u I'.ini'iiii. i I ii In- ( 'mint Inii" 2,l" Hipuirc miles Mr. Nuilli,, Kliuvi.l lln' National 1 1 1 u ,t ' I nl twi billi .u f I . board ".. mil. hi i I Wool M .inilhn I uicl i-, I" mi-a-lllf. A. .1 .lohli-oli, inVf rilllif III i I. ,i I I, I i,i I., I 1 nl .i l.i i,, I.. n nguim-l I ..it-f 1 1 .i i t , w If i ha ('n more nl tl.i iiinil ..ii mi... I. 'I i.f n-..iilniii ill.- liiiil.. r i.l on-goti tliiin imy Mat. II, nl: i,innilif ll.f stand "I 1 1 1 -r I :i 1 1 1 n 1 ! "1 1..' I'.uii.- .irtli-.M-i w i"l iiiiw'ih' j iMi.( in ii,.- fiiiM- ni ::::'.,ii'i,oiiii,'mi, lil'l'.ll I" I'i t 1 1 - 1. 1. II. . 'II ll.llt U U j HIP I nVfl 1 1 1 ,1 H B t , h H I . M I (f.-l 111 f I nl.! l I. the admit '.I. Mi. S. N.jllif liguiei. given .ml ly the I " n i t- 1 Slates I if. )' ig h'il) MlrveV. II'- says: 'I In- w in i' ;n-nlf-t 1 iiiiliir lull i t" I.f found III III"' CMltles "( CUtm'p. Columbia Wa-luiiwtoii 1 illiiuinok , C'iiio, Tln-lc is al" iiiHK- ...; I III . IV I I.f I. Ii I Hull If I-, I" II , ;'i f III tlllllKI 111 I I'lK, I Hil'iin, IrtMlliMI, i f i In i n i tfiit , (In- mi :i 1. 1 I l,f n'i..!f i Yamhill. Mu I" li. linn. Chic kauia-. win.-.- n..u,:l.-l .I'-in- Im- i- i." "i-i.iiiK ulUiniii.ili, W'a-i ", Crook, K I a it it 1 1 1 .. . ii. mi. -,fiii " j .larks .1 ..-.(.!. i m . Curry, I.nki, l. N.iiili in uiiliigoniin.' tin- dcMies nl till' wixil t'l.iiU'M lllnl "t.'i klm II ! 1 1 1 -.Hii.lrv i" taking ii.U.iiil.i,-ii' nl I.l . .ilii-i.il j.. -i' mu. im. I lli.it l.i" pris.nal . .... fit I..II I- in I'll I lu If , I" fll v till- ll'.lht. l lunula and I. II i nv - ' 'l-,'- " T-f. jm i - i 7 Triple (luff To lh . litiiM'rial miirM '7 f-'T' r)i-,wcl I ;n " rr.rrc or rniv- i:.mim:i;mi:. I . f , 1 I. i;i I I II 1 1 V 11 II' II M, 1 .;!... I.. r . . I 1 1 I.l'' ll.iw .1T f ll H . .' , . I J,; .H'r i .1 III I. . fll '111 i .-ii t. KM to I n: I, t ;..;i'i i'H.t-ll t lor- ii;. .i .MI' W 'll I I f .. Villi..' I Mil lif 111. HI.. I - Ill-f J .1 1 I. rl;.l!' 1 1 I lll. W.I -h.'ii.il 1. 1 ii" rinl. i I tin- I.l - I l I I' III il I f . II .1 I ll ' ll Ma in m . ni' IV I'llf" ll.llllfV. '.llll Itllllll, IVlklT, I lllil- I Hi. ni an. I Wuli.iHii. IlnTf HH' .1 I III I 1 " " 1 M ' I . I f Hi I if I '( t lllll'fl lllllll in I Hf "ii, ni'.l il il i. in. hi tin' WfH'i rn -;...f uf l hi-1 .1-. .i I' 1 1 mu nt. nil" an 1 1 ol tin' I ...i-t r.iii'f. II.:- I ift iMiM ynlil Imiii lit i i"! In 'J1 M .i mo Iffl 1'i-r arif. '11k: f-lilli.ltf nl ll.f ll.llf Ifllt -I'll'lfh n in. . i -1 nt: t If 1 1 1 1 ih fin 'I j 1 1 i la , I.l i H In lull I I .f I' il f I 1 1 II i i! i"ii . nl H I tin I'll! .i .. ' i -. i , ' 1 i i -1,-m- i.l In f-ii.. k . f .11 -, llkf-l I iiinil m I'i au .l.. : .il ii.- " t-i Li ui- i I 'i .1 111 III! I I' ' ' I i I' I ' Wl II' 1 ! I f VI. 'I.lt f Hi "t 1 1 if i 1 1' HI : 1. 1 i i . Ii. I ; i.ik'f I "! I I.f 1 1, if I I. . i -I.. I. I . x " .-I ! i. .n at I Ii ii ii'. i. i.l f.i t I.f n i-m. hi i ( m.ui.if I i -I'M k ,vlilH ni li.f .-I. 1 . 1 1 1 if I'i, y, IJ'i. r I vt i arif. Tin; party. The "MarJ Times Party." liiini; np.iii Hinl I.iihI mii-t pinvi- up (in I In Wcilnt'-ilav t'Vfliilm. tin' 1 1 int., I In- n.iiiii' in '."i lav at wlnili tinif tie aflf r Tin-Lxauiiiu-r went to pifs-c. Solai-c Inn. I -t ! pai'l f ir, nii'i ul-'i fffi fur . C'iri'le N". "i. Wyim-H of Woinli-ralt, in ii k i ii i if t.nil. fii I i.f liiini. aii'l aiivi-r- ' ifftvi- tliiir miifli talkiil uf "Hani Timeii ti-iiiir. Thf fiitiif ci.-t iiut'i lf i.f tin? I'aily,"' an I it wa imleiil an noia-i'in i in liial purrliii-f prii-f it If-- tlmn $:'.D. A .Surprise I'art , l.:i-t I'ri'l.iv f vi-n tik'. a- tin Mmw yuan I ini'i- 1 1 1 ' i k-' fuMt ai..l 1 1 1 . tl.ii k tipi. n the . lia.iUl.lf ti.iil.fr ,i,iHff..ii I- a lollnwn: k'r"ini'l. h i-r...l ..f inii-l. .vi ! ninth-, !...:.. . . I .. .. I I p.i-IM..i, ami I . M M .il.il f Milff I ily, M. i.t , dir mi pf rin If inlf nt nl il.r ..inn- ' I' .ii t Mu-lit . Sure Cure I or Smallpox. Mi- .1 Mill. r ..I l .il ii-w luHi lf.l in tn ll.f .liiini i tluf ii k llif fill l.iM 1 1 . ).' ai I ii Ir v. Inrli tiiiiy prnvc uf muiii' U-f tn till' -'lllllll' : ll.f fi.llnW lll N 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 ' X Ifllfilv W HH f IVl'li t" t I.f I llllli' I'V il i i .1 1 1 spi Hull-Ii t . il lln Mi.rktnn ' ( '.il ; f i .. , h Im ray h : " 1 In-if it Ii appf i I a ri i ipf u f i n il Iuin I'fi ii iimiI. tn my kimu Ifilyf , in liwu- llfllx I.f I .l-IH. Itiil plfMlll III' I'll I c Html I pi 'X , l In I if 1 1 tln ill t lln.:. aif Ii) lint.'. It ill iiim. run- n iulft li'M i. llrif in llif iii ipf im I liavi' Uf I It tu flirt' finallpix. Inn If in iiimI 1 1 1 1 f i i i it 1 1 h fiiul tln -ii t nil t miiH ilif, it iiinil: ."iilplmlf i.f zi:i'', niif ftam; fuxnli.xc i ilinitalic ), niif tliiin; I. .ill a Ifiii-piKiii-fnl uf Minr. Mix miIi tu tul'lf Hpiioii liiUuf walcr. Wlifii tliuniiiylily mixfil, a'dl lour nunri'S nf vwiIit. J uki' a tea Hpiiiinfiil i-vrry hour. LitLiT iliffawf ill ilifiippnir in twi'lvM liuiii'H. I or u fliilil, mnallfr iIuhk aiforiling to itH ii'o. ll ciniiiliifN Himl'l ''iiiiik'I pliy hii iaiiH to tint 1 1 1 i m . tlnTl' wnlllil lit' no ni'fil f (ifht ImiiHi'H. If you viiliif in Iv irt' ami cxpi ii iicc, life thin fur dial ti inlilf ilici'iiHi1." Oregon llouxe. Mr. and Mm. I.. I-. lukli nian liavi' takt'ii (luii'f uf tl.f liulfl uliicli wiih f.iiimilv known m Tin- Cultaf ami later an llotrl tU- Carry. Mr. Winklf- iiinil Iuin taken a leuHe on (lie prnpi-rty ami Iiiih llinioiilily remivatod ami fur niHlii'il tlic plaof. He Iuin mailu the rooniH coiiifiiilulilo ami inviting, and the talilo under tint ciipt'rvinion of Mm. Wiukleiuan, who will a I ho Buperinteinl tlio kilrlien work, will Im furniHlieil with tliu lieht that tlio market affordn. 'f'lie iiuine of the eHtabliHliinent httN la-en tliaiiKud to the "(Oregon IIouho". I Mean IkvIh, comfoi u'jle rooms, ami a X'kmI tahle will be found at the Oregon. innkiiiL' tM'uplf ftnl" iMifllv intn the '.'."i.'i.iHMi.iKm.oim front yard nf ll.f rifnlfii.-f .f Mr. and 1'i .Mm.tmii.iKHI Mr-. A. N'. lr:n h an.) did tln n ami 7. mm, mm, urn tln'n- attempt tn fine Mr. and Mrn. o'mm.mm.mm I'.e in li e re ar. m-fd tr. m their dreamo h ii.iii,ikki,iki iiver lHik and paper in a niuct pleading "..miii.mm.imo manner. The Miipri-e wa- eiun.lete. J.mm.mMi.mm l.ai h one nf the party reptefeiited a I .mm,mKl,ooo fharade, and there n- miirli amiife- ,mKi,(Hm,(Kl inent over the piefMin:. Mrn. C li. 1 .mm.imo.imo Andfr-mi miff-fd I he larye-t iiumher of '.iHHi.mm.lMKl iharadff ami mu- pie.sented with a J.iMi.tKHi, mm prize. The evening uh pleaeantly i pitNNetl in iliaradfM and nmei, and l7,liNI,lMHI,t.Km i ued with ref re.-hiiieiits, iee-eream ami cuke, hrnu'ht ulmi liy the happy party Tula! . ''', IHUI.IKKI.IHK) a feat lire that wan thoroughly en- I iiie f if hi ..I t In-I niil.fi l.ind-has heeu j".vei hy the Hiirpriced ones Tlmge hin lied ovei . I f.i i - ' i ' nut pieHeii t w ere, .M r . and M ih. V . 1 .. ?-nell- knu ii tin ie wa-iii. i. .Ihui.iI in iiej!nn, inii, Mr. ami Mrs. Y. A. MiiHHinill, hill int'iinv ruiintv theie aie 1 .iNHlaeii'H. Mr.iunl Mth. ('. li. Amleifuii, Mrs. C. Yf IL i i tfd in i ii pine i - pi ni f II. ml. n k Nelu pine Miar lune hlte pine Nul.'elir Miver lir Ufd red. ir Whil.ifil.n I umaiii' k lute tir M Ifi'e llaneiillM mu l .ie. ti' nk, as A. Knox, Mi-fen Mae Miller, Mae Sni der, Lulu Maxwell, Knee Venator, MefHm A. II. Ilaineridey and Max Whittles-. Osk Who Was Tiikiie. Theie nii hilliuli-ul lee t ul luiulaT of the fiiialler smhhI- u-f I lur linifhinj; and rahinel put piiM'H, fiiVH the Oregon Tiin heriiiiin. The varitie-are maple, myrtle, lie 1 1 , 1 I.f k oak. white oak, live oak, tan haik oak, madiona, dogwood, wild i hei rv. veM , iumiier, inntiiitain inahok:- ',' ., . , ,! Salem, Oregon, Kehruary (i, 11102, Kalph any, ehiiiouapiu, alder, harherry. and ' Ralph Allen Moore Dead. 1IKI. At the Florence Sanitarium. niau.aiiilii. At the low valuation of fii.oO per thousand tect of uiaiilifactured luiiiher, the ftanding limU'r of Oregon reirNentH on the Iminih of Mr. JolinHou'tl cHtimate an HHnet, availahle at Home lime i of neat iy IlitlJtHhlUHI. The foreMN of Or egon cant of the ('aHcadcn range are coin- minim I largely nf yellow pine. Thin NpeeieN croHNCN the i:iiige a little iiorlli of latitude 1 1 degrees, lleie the weNtein limit croNNi'N the niiige and immedialely rii i ih nortliwcNtward down its hIo;-ch llll'll, tUlllillg to till Hi III I ll Itlld HOIltllWCHt, it ci'ohm'h the valley jiint Mouth of hone- lung, and (hinncx into the Coast range. Sugar pine enters into the State from California, extends northward over the entire breadth of the CiiHcade range, and probably nearly to the CoiiHt, its northern limit running an far north an the latitude of Oakland. In mentioning the timlier lando of Lake county it might lie well to inform intending purchasers that the cunt of timber lands is f2.M per acre in tracts Allen Moore, youngest son of Mr. and Mm. W. J. Moore, of Lakeview, age 11 years, 8 months and I'I days. W. J. Moore is now on the way from Salem with the remains of his Hon, and in expected to arrive today. Announce ment of the funeral will he made hy card. Not District Attorney Bonner. A report reached Lakeview Saturday night that listrict Attorney F.. (.'. Hon tier of Modoc County hi'd died suddenly the previous evening in Oakland, Cat., of heart failure. The report turned out to he erroneous. It was the married sister of Mr. Homier who succumbed suddenly. Madeline My April rtr.it. Mr. Juo. M. Crawley, traffic manager of the N-C-O Railway, informs The L'x auiiner that the prospects are that the Nevada-California-Oregon Railway will lie operating to Madeline, H1' miles north of Teruio, by the first dav of April, 1SKM. to remind one of "hard times. the make up nf -nine of the gentlemen present would have put to shame the original "Weary Willy" and "fiu-ty leia L-," could they have looked in upon the scene that night. And the 1 t i-. too, were niit'le up perfectly to suit tiie oe. a-iuii . There were really come hard lu.iking cases ;it ih,. "hard times" affair. Some lew had the audacity to attend in good dress, hut found their mistake when tin 'committee demanded of them heavy lines for wearing gin-d toggery. The lines amounted to over $12, which went to the Circle funds. All sorts of aniu-ing sanies were indulged in until siipln-r was announced. Each memlier of the Circle ' ad ttiitlicent eatables for their invited guests and there was ample provision made for all present. The lunches served in tit: plates, and coffee drunk from tin cups were, excellent, and everybody enjoyed it. No guest was allowed to pay a tine, hut whenever a tine was imposed il was paid for by the member for the guest. After lunch dancing began and continued until 'A a.m. It was a jolly, enjoyable and interesting entertainment throughout. MOODY TURNS TRICK ON LUSK An Argument That Throw the leasers Into 5pasms and ' Which They Admit True. On February fith F. C. I.uk, presi dfnt of the American Cattle Growers' As-is iation, was heard by the public land i.'oiniiiittiw; of the H nise in favor of the Millard bill for lea-ing the public grazing lands. Ilurimi the hearing Kep resentative M i-sly of Oregon brought out the fact, previously unobserved, that the nuiitarv wagon road" in Or egon, controlling a grant of l.'imi.isX) acres, cniiid, ur.der the pending bill, control lu acres of grazing land for every one of their present holdings, or nearly half nf the entire Mate of Oregon. The friends of the bill admitted that this was a correct construction of the proised law, although it was not framed for that purjse. Mr. Moody also called atleutien to the fact that while the bi'l permitted home stead entries it virtually bl.x-ked the op eration of the homestead law by falling t i provide that persons making home steads on lands under lease could se- CJreany ie.i-ehold and that houie.-ted'l-ers in the ranire section of Oregeo, where transportation facilities are liuii tel, unless they had the use of sullicient range to enter the s'ock business, could rot make a living. Iiepresentalive Jones of Washington . and Mondell of Wyoming also took part in the discussion. It is evident from the hearing that no leasing law will re ceive the endorsement of the committee until it meets the views of the Settlers and stock-raisers generally in the West ern states. Teachers' Examination. The semi annual teachers' examina tion for Lake county is now in progress, having lieen opened yesterday by County Huperiiiteudeiit Willita and the Board of Education. Six applicants were expect ed to he present to take the examination hut only three appeared at the opening session. They are Miss Grace lriver, Miss Lulu (iilhcrt and Miss Inez Whee ler. 1'rcf. T. J. Newbill, principal of the l'aisley school, was appointed hy Superintendent Willits to take the place of W. J. Moore on the Hoard of Fxam-ination. No. lo's Ball and Supper. The ball and supper given at the Mo Culley place, in school district No. 10, last Friday night, was a most enjoyable affair. O.uito crowd from Lakeview attended and all report a splendid time and the Inst of treatment. The affair was given as a benefit for the new dis trict and f'.'i was the amount cleared. The supper gotten up by the ladies of the district is reported by The Exam iner represeutive to have been one fit for the sods. The Examiner returns thanks to the good ladies for a fine and bounteous lunch. ; firs, tiallagher Gets Pension. F.dward Michael Gallagher, deceased, who during the last part of his life re sided just south of New Pine Creek, has been allowed a pension of t' a month. ; His widow, Margaret K. Ciallagher, has j been allowed f1 a uio th. Mr. Gall agher was a war veteran, and for a long time the wiJow has been trying to I get the pension. It would appear from the aliove that Mrs. Gallagher will re ceive a back pension of a month, and S a month from the time she made ap- ; plication, for life. The many friends ot the w idow will rejoice to learn of her good fortune. Hon. Thos. H. Tongue took a special interest in this case, and is responsible for the worthy action on the part of the Government. Weather For the Week. The'lT. S. Voluntary Observer station instruments at The F.xatntner office shows the following amount of rainfall for the week past, February Cth to 11th, inclusive : February li, rain 14 hun. in. 7, (1 in.sn.)20 hun. in. " 8, " 25 hun. in. , " 41 hun. in. " 10, ' 12 hun. in. ' 11, " (I in.sn.)3S hun. in. Total 1.50. Examiner and Bulletin $6.50. The publishers of The Examiner have been unable to renew a contract with the publisher of the San Francisco Iaily Bulletin at the old rate, and sub scriptions cannot longer be taken at the combination price (or lCxaiuiner and Bulletin of f5.50. New subscriptions and renewals on the combination offer from now on will be $0.50 Even this is a saving, as the price of the Paily Bulle tin alone is $t. Hemetuber, the price now is $o.50.