I.AKI! COUNTY RXAJIINIZR: LAKLVII3W OKf-OON f TJl 6, 1902. : LOCAL I jj PICK-UPS. t VT7T f TTTYTTTTTYTH T I'TTTT'f ft nliver l. ( 'harltou wu ii from New I'ini' Creek this week. It. V. Mutli', liveryman (rum Kliuii Mill I aIIn, Witt III loWII this Week. Horn At IUinniir.il, Oregon, IhnI week In tin' wifool 1 in i Heutictt, II mm. Horn nt Luke City. Cm)., 1'M'J, 1. 1 (if wife of II. V ' Judge Ilnriitigtou n( MimIui wa (ihi luixy vi tliTilnv tn nend Judwe lli.rri tu jail Mi Ci.rdwell, one f( llm teacher in llio Khiintth l ull school, ha Ihtii call ed to Ja'kniville by tin- ili'Ntli n( her mother, leaving (or there IhhI Friday. Ili-r 'Inn- In tin- school in being filled ly Mis Minnie A pplcgalc.-- K ht'iiitlh !".! pren. ( 'harlie Hcrr.nrd, one of tin- guy hoys (rum Allurit, wu with his. L.ikcvicw i (iikIhIm a 1hv or two this week. Charley 1 "V Altura in ipiiet, apparently, Imt j once liiii tlm I 'our I ill .luxii.e it ii ! - Jiwnnuy 'K j in, ii i urn reign, and there ii "something ' in-, ft mm. ( . " nil tin- tunc. Tin. Woodmen will have llm opera , house IhhuI ilully il iiili"l lor tlii'.'r ' lutll on Friday evening, lcb. i.'1-t. Irvln Ayres. . C. Whltworth. Geo. M. Ayre.i. S ( Mi K cndlee, t In 1'ly stockman, I I M nil men the loir l-i Tin- mom mo-cr-n it hm-iuci- inlor m I tikcvicw lin-l ' - 'I thief like h thief. "I" rolidir Saturday . ' lellowhip witli ioIiImth. 'Hie I r 1 1 1 k 1 1 1 k' lli.H.g. r.hant ..( N.w I'm- H-'h" 'l' "" """! Cre.k.wa ,l,.H.n vnolo, in Lake- Tli"K"-"i, o -ia..- w ill, Id, Imt . , . ' even the liar hale the liar and w ill have view l.t-l I' riday. , HH llttla to llll Willi llllll HM possible.! "Poison Creek .No.r III tin" hist I""! i ' I HI t 1 ni' i I I'.uriiH lb-ma ha evidently g"l ll'" dip.." whatever new .!... '''" '"cl.liKl.t says that i ... . ! the cattlemen ol the country an amiou : M i ft ! ritiiri'K Jones of I'uislcy m vm , , . ,. to hHVf lIlK IHII'I l-Hlll(f lull IHlHHfil. itlii Iriioiiln III l.rtkvii-w, hihI I" llm ... , . . . TIik f-tar lili'h I tuikflit iin.i'inl tliii; Kui.i.t ol Mr. ml Mm. rti Johtimni. nlBli-tiinil hv Hiliiinn. "tin; wcnltliy ( iitnlni r (oiiliil Uitot in llm wvciilh ' , ) hIim kiniMi. No mnull Htoi kmiin, ritncli- roiiml in Situ Krnriiiro hint l-'riiltt v : . . . ' cr or hoiiii-Htfii'li-r lnvom uny miiIi fro- niL'lit, itiul ll" ltt't ifivfii llm h- 1 (lOHltlOII. t'illlllll. . I 'l lm Ctifwaiii'itli I oft wi-nt nil iill- I M .Siin.Uy wiih uroiimlhoK iy. j .... . , , ... ' j W-! Iitct wei-k , itinl rliHrtrt-il Mi Mnrx 'I'lii- lillli wi-ntlmr tirniliil i'iti ml,, i ... i ' ' 'lii-lin hikI lloliiifn hh lii-Mn! "trnvi-liliK but wi-nl hark 'li hm Imlu (or Hiiolln-r i i i, ,i 1 . hw under. hverylxxly know tlioi-e , '"'kH- j K.-nt Ifti it-ii to U nil riKht. Kilitor Mi-tz- ! oiil with Imt HinuU. , ki r inuBl (.,.rUlllv ,lv,. M.,.n t,a,iv! tl.o.iKliI," Iroin all oulwur.l uii-Hrniiri-R ( Jack Milli r, tin-well known j 1 1 1 on Extra Cash Discount for next Thirty Days on LADIES' WRAPPERS KlflONAS DRESSING SACQUE ETC. ArilES, WlIITWORTII tfe Ayiles ran l m-i ii iliuly t u iii hiikIi.w. mnhiiiK hy our hum - I tin- wcHtern IH" route, HU'I Mimm Arrl.ie I A i- irrimiioii'lioit inty tlntt 1. K. I'.tvir Ki-i'm-i', iliiuuhli-r ol Attorney II. W, Kee jxicl uiAter uikI ineri liHiii nl Puiry, i n I Ml., of Kliimatli Kail, were mitrrieil at riiHtler, nml li iiiHtriiinentitl in muk i ' tl(. ,,,n,,. ,, 1 1 - hrnle' fittlier at the Ji.uiy a K'""' low". 1 I i.IIm on Jnnuury llm binle i : iMnj'H 1 out awakening lier, nhe ouicht to Ik? able 1 to mHii out over her Hlet'iin hjmiiihp anil kimlle lire without awakening him. Soiih" "ile in Ijtkeview Hhoilhl re memtT that a torn;"'' may irittict a il.-ei.er wnuti'l than a Hwonl. A Teiinenm-e irl the other niiht utole out over the leepiin: form of her mother, I with itinl m.trriel l.er lover. , ; . .. . i lr (. I.. SUnlrv, Klur.lv (tinner of C,. - ' h.ii.I to U a ,.re,eHimc youi, womitu 1 hat kimt ol a wins i " ...II Creek, ami Mr. Ki. e. uronnetor of w illi iiiiiny IriemlM. , ne ran i ' the ralnhiiiK'1 mill, were in ltke ; 1 lie uimt for the WikmIiihmi hull on view Tuemlay on hunine. ! tl,e '.'1 t int. i to he iloriate.l hy the "lirnuiluia" Chnmller i rwoverinc Women of Woo.leruft , nml will U- it lowlv from the r. i.lentitl full he re ! ur.n,l f..t . ! A mini wa afraiil of thumler an.l ve.l ll wiMk. M.t wa on the roa.l I AUl,r,.v ICht . I . Hell, to recovery at ln-t re-rt. '('owell A Hell, wko nime to !.ke- C. M. Iilleiiuiii Kx-Attorney (ieneritl view hint Ortnher to reniile anil look of Oregon, wuh a hucineh viMitnr in ufter the law jiractire of the (inn, hit i.akeview hint week, returning to h in , , ,,. tmrk to irt 1 H i) 1 1 . home in I'ortliiml Via the went Moinluv i lt pleiinant jieiitleumn nml it hikhI law ter, murmur. i nml nunle inimv frielnl ill l ake I'niiiilv In new xiitier Miliirii'tion. nml liien he felt mi Mnull he ua ahle to haek riu'lit out. f the firm ( "w led into a hollow ln: a a pla.'e of j 'a(ety, t-iiyH a truthful exehane. I lie , thuinler roareil ami the rain jMinred ilow n ! in torrent. The hy heuan to ewell ami i ...... .1 - I..1I..... uua U...I,,.,. Ill III.. I Mi, ii 'ill' M,iir ii-ii"w " " . .... ... r. Hell i .. ,n lit n e. in henan juiHHiinr before him. Mnl-len- j Dll S UFUg OlOTC. Iv he relneinlieleil that he hal Imt paid The Oder of Flowers That is what a perfume should be true to Nature, delicate, lasting. We have just received a fresh lot from the place where the flowers grow. These are among the most delicate extracts made; they con vey an air of refinement. If you have never used any of our per fumes, come in and sample them. A large variety to select from Tim amount of u bu rii.t ion to the I reil 'limn hi hort i-tay. .nellin uionui.ieiit fiiinl ut thi otfire, to J.t'al. I'ulmiik anil Harry I'. Aider, ilale, im f.'Jil.iHl. K. K. Tandy, of Niii I li i ,, popular reimweiitai i vex of iiroiuin- Yakiimt, WiimIi., i the latent miIwi iliei , M H holei-ale lioii-e iii San I'raiirim-o, j I ,unt Sundity there were (.hipped from j to the fund w ith 5. 'were with the hu-iim men of Lake- ! Keno to Chii'a;o sixteen ear o( as fine lion. II. A. I', in in i 1 1 f ( Keiio, who la! ! view evei ul da du i i iit I he pa-l w eek . nil t !e um ever left for t he market. The; year Hiiiveyed a big tritit of piivi-mine lit 1 l'"'h eentliinen have it bin trade for ! ( iazette nay that 1'. I.. Hantaan hnd S.R.SUBLETT&CO. Now located in the laud near Tim I lie, hit a contr.n't to survey unollier htre body near Hend, Cr.n'k rnu nt y, the romini; niiniiu r. It is reported that coiit ractor Vadin, of the At,hlnd-Klamath I'iiIIh mail route, hit been awarded the rotitra t on the K I a ii i l 1 1 1'mIIh I.akeview route for carryuik' Ihe mail. Tin i merely it ru mur. Jk'rt Nichola and wife, and the latter' iter, Jennie (irinie, left for Klitmiith KulU Monday morning. If the road don't break up they w ill rontinuo on to Medford, near which city Mr. Niihol will enquire in (armiiiK. AlU-rt Tozier, I'reMident of the National Kditorial Aociation, ha re turned (rom Hot SpriiiKi, ArkaiiNitH, w here he ha been booming the great Oregon Fair all alonx the line. Tozier in boomer (rotn Hoomerville. The San Kranclaco Chronicleof lat Fri day announces the divorce proceeding o( Allie Mabel Hopkini t. L. L. lloje kin, on thegroundt o( (allnre to provide. Plaintiff aks that nhe'te allowed to -reHume her maiden name, Mabel Wkite. Mr. Iauintt Bill I.unk of Chico am) the T ranch haa called a meeting of his cohorts in Wahington to put up a light for the Land taaainK Act. All the stock wealth of the Went in at Welling ton haunting the halla of Congress, and "buttonholing" Kaatern members to 8tand in for the robbing nchuine, but thank (iod the Went ha a coterie of Con preHinii who are ublo to cope with them mi any imme they may bring up. their Iioumc lu re. They left for the ; (our car, the Oakland Meat Company houiIi yi flerday m a driving fiiowclorni. nix car. Thcne cattle are all of the CongreNHmitn Tonuue ha presented a very hihet K'ntde and are expected to long petition, higned by member of the I command top-notch price upon arriving court of Oregon, the member of t he t their declination. The i-hipmrnt w ill !.ci:iHl.itnre, an.l promiei.t citizen iieil '"' ' charge of Al Ilendelton of the eritlly protecting againct the policy of j Oakland Meat Company . policing (..rent reservation. Tne peti I , l- Willi of lonanra learned hv ac- tioncr i ii h i n t that the (oret ranger now cident hint week of the death of hi son South of the Daly Bldg. NEW BRICK Carpets, Mattings, Portieres Linealum, Carpet Covers. Undertaking in every branch -v ma xxrz3 or rxiitwriTTJitB i 1 . 1.1- I.- employed w no iiu,.eii..n.i ineir "'"! YlUi at Keddim... Cal. The son and his and perform them faithfully, should be in , J,opitHl at that f11''""1- I phice. nick with ' typhoid (ever; Van Kveryhody i preparing (or the Wood- j died, but the wife recovered after linger- men' grand hull and nupier on Fri.Ny ing for forty day. The family at Ho- evening, February "Jlt. HWell affair. I Capt. Applegale report that work wa Minpended November Hlt on the Modoc I'oiut irrigating ditch ami will he reie'nied early in the cpring w ith a force of fifty men, nay the Klamath Repub lican. The ditch will be thirteen miles long and w ill water above 10,000 acres of land. It i the firt of aevurau irrigating enUrpriHcs proponed for the Klamath ('Nervation. A defective flue in the Linnville houae opposite John McKlhinney'a on Main street, rainu near cunning what might have been a serious conflagration litHt Sunday morning. The Ore raged for a time between the ceiling and roof but those who had the matter in hand went atiout the work of quenching the (lames in a cool and deliberate manner, and the incipient blaze wa put out with a few buckets of water, and there was no excitement. It will he a nanr.a were never notified of the death and burial, hut incidentally found it , out through a friend in Merill. Tne j body was exhumed and brought up for interment in Bonanza cemetery. Some time ago the editor of the Kugene Register advert ied that he had found an ar.icle made of black elastic web, which looked too vmall for a belt and too large for a sleeve bolder, w hich the owner could have by calling at the Register office. No fee for notice was attached. The next Sunday a young lady came and asked for the article. The editor blushed deeply, but stepping to the wall took it from the nail where he had hung it, and handed il to her. She thanked him, slipped the web over her Hiblo and proceeded on her way to Sunday School with a look of sweet peace that is known only to those who live pure lives and have their names written in the Lamb's Rook of life. Roseburg Plaindoaler. k PANE'S RESTAURANT Me.. a,.., hour, or, He ft QQQrj AT Jf Fine Sunday Dinners TTirV 1 5,- .'tr ' o Q NEW PINE CREEK j Is rapidly forging ahead and K. H. Follett, the Merchant is trotting along at the head of the procession. A FINE NEW STOCK lias already been received and more new goods ure arriving at our store all the time AM0NQ OTHER THINGS We have everything desirous in the Grocery Line. A Rpecial line of dents Fancy Shirts. An elegant line of Candies, Cigars and Tobacooe. Watch for our Dry Goods Display. E. 15. FOLLETT