Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 09, 1902, Image 6

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Dr. Burney Pete," Indian Mcd
clne Han, Suddenly Come to
Life in th- Coffin.
There h. liveit .11 i.imioy Valley, IV.,
tine? forw IffoTv the hitiMiiHti'c tr.i 1
wan know n in thi Wil, i';ii'tor t j e
of tlu Wfstorti I nli:iii for iif v vt'itis
known n "Dr. linnu-y Valley Tele.''
He it the hist of the medieine men if
the Hurney 1 11 . 1 i n. After three l.i
apt'tit apparently in the happy liutitirn
groutitls. he li;- vene h.i.-k to life, p-.t-t
a? hi Kvly was henm lifted into the eol
tin, to frighten Lit mourning tribesmen
liilf out of their tenoet.
Barney Viil'uy I'ete, most f tmont of
the Hurney Indians, who for more thtui
fifty years has bronchi his herbs aid
emblems to K'ar upon the ails of the
tribes", sat in Camas' store at Ihirney
last week telliiw of wondrous entes th.t
had been wrontrht. Wrinkled, painted
faee, he looked a hundred e.irs old.
Siiildenly I'ete feli frotn his t hair. U s
faee striu k a hot stuve ami he rolled up
on the tloor, apparently dead. Heart
failure as ascribed.
Word as sent t.' Peter's" two, npiuws
who dwelt in different places. The
uiesetii:er went throiiish the Kail Kiver
country, and the Lillians solemnly
pai kel up and took the trail to Hurney.
The dea l medicine man's body was re
moved to the wickiup of his t. milliter
near by
Hilly Pete, his son, as master of cere
monies, prepard the most el.ib Mate iiin
eral of tinny years mio'i the I nilians.
Chancers and bea'ers of hollow dru.ns
and wailing squaws frightened teams off
the r ail for three days, w hile the IhhIy
lav in state. Indians came from the ad
jacent counties for fifty miles. The
crowd of Indians prepared for the bur
ial and i-tood in silence while Hilly Pete
and two other lif'ed the body into the
Collin. Suddenly the corpse's 1,'l's shot
into the air. Then it raised up in the
colli u. The terrified Indians dropped
the body, and the whole company yelled
and ran. Finally Hilly Pete and his
sister ventured back to their lather,
helped him to his feet, and now he has
fuliv recovered.
A Deep Hystery.
It is a mystery why women endure
I!a. kache. 1 1-nlac::", Ner t iii-nes-,
Sleej.ii siif.., M. i.ii, eh olv. KainMiiL' and
I)izv s-1 I j -i wh.-ii ttiouaii'l- have
piovid ti.'- Hie. iiic Hitters will .piick.y
.'lire fitch tro'liile-. "I suffered for
years with kidney iro'ible," writes Mrs.
I'lu be Cherlev, of l'attersuti, la., 'and
a lame back pained me so I could not
tires- myself, but Klectr'n- 1'itters wlmliy
eured me, and, although 7:i years old,
I now am able todo all my house ,vot k .'"
It oV'-rcom,- Con -t i . at ion , ImpioM--At'petite,
yives perfect health. Only
liijij at Keall'- dru.' store.
Maar People Drowned by BelBtt
Choked with the Evaporated
"I have nvr twen t he A tlan tie or t,e
!'": fie W'H n or the 'I '. of M xo. hu t
have hati fruue exprrit-rie with aalt
wa'er, iifttr'l.iv i', -;i' l it,r-je Y.
Ii ; -e : I , o 1 I'a rk i v . I ' t a h , to a ';i J.
it. L'on i'"t man. He ia an otheia! of
t),i t'rta' tl!vnr near 1'ark City,
which ex:n'.'ft deej-r than any rth-r
in !.- wor!'!.
"Salt lake is a remarkable s.lifft i,1
wa'er in many ways, and bathit.jf ir, it
i,,-'i'Si'i featurex which arr unhpif.
It i- vi ry invigorating an'! rrfrrnhiiif.'
to l,e, hut it lakes sortie time t,,
h.'oiin' a, ''oiiif'i tw the X t ru on' : -
roily ouoyai'v jf the water. It is
fjllil.- impossitia; to Milk ItT Ui 'Jr'Wll
in l.i nit ii:a:.r peop.'e hair
In n, ki.-'I iy ihewa'er. When there
i-. a iireie and spray is dat-hei! upon the watrr i.-, so i!rriht-Ly im--e
i a i .1 with ha '. t t h.'i t t tie iiij u id ptr
tion eviip'.ra'e! very tj u ick ly a nd l-avr,
a i!i ;,,-'.! of -ait on thr akin.
On -'Mia! occasions propl have
.li if . .: w hi bat lii:(f or Im-i-ii
w reel-. : '' ! tl.-'-wf otrrhoard air!
1, f ' , lit', foil l.'i '' :i 'I oil top of t he
v, a e f. i I , U i'l i " m a i, hy the ace tin, u
. .1' - a. I in t In-1 r mouths, and ik,
t ri ' He iatiry s'i, i . water ha thin sr.
,, . i,;- iii.ri il to-'la i i. ry 'iilfec, i,' l;.a' in llie Sail .'ike. 1 ietirnid
j I,;,' I o.u. J I. jo.v sal1 -water l.aihii
, - ( ; alir he a eh. ii.'.': .,i.k a ijij,
1 1 , : , . I i .-. ! r'aiiC.v i v jili nnnt !
i ,:. . in u a : i r ' ha I is sa : , hut not o
,;. ! a - ii, I : all. K'lt 1 1" " ' 1 mmoi
t ;. . . f-,r i he hat In r- a I Sa ' ia l-.e 1
. , . . v, ., J m !,!!, any i Idnsf .:.
I here was a man. Ami nil
mirror said "sallow skin.",
ami mo scales saiu "losing 1...
. n . 1 1 f 1 1'" ' hile th ahatlnwa writ aprrail far atnl ladle.
WOlMt. . VlUl lUS IrieiUlS CllU But It.r aha. loin w.rr mian-a -..rirnr.l -
.... . .In tatlh th alow nirlotli ;
w.i their heacis as he passed ni ii.m .,1 h, . ,tr,- n, ai nr. .,
., . . While It Irnl all a awril Htiali'rv.
v. Init bemir a prudent man 1
v 4 Moth itim-iia irr ,-oiittlv ami Puiim-a l toa.e.
I'.nlhwith swalloweil daily Ul '" '" '""'
Th alow mr a hhuh to li.r''nl f..
! '...''n pleasant diises tf Scott's ' .i' .-. ir. r 1 ; 1 nr.
Ati.l lln-ii a. ,m;i-.i.. lh- ' '.
kltin. With thr L-rair i'f li a ;r Itul i '.t.
It rrmol like ilrrain tlic ln l' "fc 4 -
Then his mirror said "ruddv llke 1 k,,, "" '"
.ce." And the scales sunk
;n.ith his weiglit. .Ami hi
u ;.ds looked upon him with
Vt v.. This is no fable but is true
. . i. vtiul yu a litltf lo try. it rou tike
i''. I' .'v 11DWNK. og l'catl street. New
No f iles On Him -Married .Man.
Notion ik'o the wife of a Western
Kansas political! aski'tl him to lay aside
jx.lit ics htiit enough one day to du the
potatoes in the garden. He Ukrreed todo
it. After dikTink,' a few in inutes he w cut
into the house ami said he had found a
coin, lie washed it off and it proved to
lie a silver quarter. He put it in his
jeans. "I have worked pretty hard,"
-aid he to h's w ife ; "I e;uc-s I will take
t short np." When heawoke he found
hi w He hail dili: all the rest of the po
tatoes Hut she found no coins. It
then diwned on her that she had been
Meals at All Hours.
Charlie and lieorkte, two excellent
c.xiks and exiwrie. ceil restauranteiirs.
have taken the restaurant known as
a m's 1'lace, just opposite Ib-tel l.ak
vii', and are ettiiii:up tine meals ai
lunches both d.iv and nijht. liive
Charlie and lie.irje a call I r a l' I
meal. -M-tl.
Popular Koute.
(ilobe Trotters invariablv remark
the excelli in e of the Kin lirande I'inii :i
Car s, rvii
Kor mani.'icent scenic at-
tractions, fa-t and c uufortaMe train -rr-
vice three trains to the Ka-t daily , and
interest al.-tu' the line, the route throned,
Salt Lake City and Iienver via. the Kio
l Iran i.' Western and I'etiver ,V Kio
lirande is unsurpassed' Iiaily through
Sleeping and Ihiiinsf (,'ars to Iiener,
iinialia, Kan.-as Citv, St. I.ouis or Chi
cairo without ehatife. 1'ersonally con
ducted excur.-i' ni every week. Kor rate-,
folders or information apply to
J. 1 1. MitisJield, lieneral Ajent, KM
Third St., 1'ortland or lieo. . Hint,
A--istant lieneral l'as-'m;er Ak,'ent,
"alt Lake City.
Offers unexcelled facilities for learn
ins: the Celebrated I'eriuti Shorthand bv
nail. This method employs neither
-hadini;, position nor arbitrary contrac
tions; is the simplest, most liyihle, and
rapid shorthand in use, and the only
metlifHl that can I Hiiecessfully learned
by mail. Send for free trial lesson and
catal' tine. Commercial I'uildini, Wash
ington, corner Second. lU-tf
laltavai nt Horoaco ts Hrarl" at Krform
to Cotrirl m Pltlshl and Hralal
llavl of AITalrs.
A '!i itt-h to t-hr I.oiiddn Timi" from
Tanjfirr, rli-alinf with the
thiit the fcultan ir,ti-i;i! to n--I'.rin
tlie Mmrih prison yatrni, ;iy
a ii)" iiin more jiitialde than the ir-
i t -tute of the jjrihona it i i ji 1 1" -MiKf
to iniHt'in. Any Muroefitn -nii-ji-ft
ih K.'iijie to tie seized ai:tl .m-airi r
ateil at ativ mo merit, of ten will), nt t he
jireter.(; of a trial. The rumor that he
tiai 4,aved a few (Villan is etilloiiiit
rx ir. fur his im tr isoti men t .
The ..'ate of affairs in the jinnon In
the eiiit - is had. any", the T! inf ' r r
r ijion'ient. That of the prisoi in
the ci.ur.try hn flies r!esTiit ion. Mai. v
of th'-m ronhist of hinnll, h .'h a '. lei!
yartf, with no hftie, nit a.helier, no
water snpjiljr, and no sanitation.
To add to the horror, the prisoner
are chained by their rinkn to a Ion;, i
heavy iron chain, aKimetirnej nt, many
:.Vai:u':c:;,::;;:MER EFOR D STOCK WA R M
fts SO to on ch
twen t-noh. Hen tt, their lev. I he coi.i'-i.oi
r, the hu lit e r rfl ii eft n (Innieon are fii-ii
it. re awful.
The .-.iiltan inten'H tovhttutn- nil tlii. '
II" will orerhatil the iri-or,. u nol' '
i li spei-to ra to report upon III'- r I'uli'1.,
tlon. The pri-ioner" ate to hjvi mi f
fieieiit rat'ona, lopplieil t , them l.y
the ;if:ftl ofiieiaU.
.Stops the Ct.uli
;mJ works rati' the Colli.
THE new year minuet.
wt -.
ft rr'h?
T ilanrd In th kail bj tha lltVa red
alma til. I th liini at the,
lorrn waa outlln! on the floor be
- .4'.
S.' -t j--!v, w w a.
An. I .. tia. i-r.,i f.i
Tlir nl.l U' 1. 1. 'in. I tan li t
su. li an a.r . f tru.- .
The I' r i-l I !.r .la: .
I'. UK-'t.
An. I I .Irrimr I i.t the II. al are .l.a l.
The 11 if t .Ian. i 4. IV - t .1 1 ..(
An.l tin luirr.itia: in.ain 1 I1.-.I
It a .. a. .-. r ,v,. t r. a . f ' - ' n
W ' 11 all cl. ia mir 11. .1 i.o rtl.i. vn,
wt,,n t. . m l I
I an I. a. kn.K'. I
) ; v.
i ! ' '.at .1 r ti: ,
If at l . I- Ht .
4'. Oil' . a.t a .
. . irllt .
itaw a I '4.r ' ' ' T
II. f ir amtii. n t fiVr l.a I i.r uri.
, A nil all th-.a- w ho w at. tit .1 wire I w'. I.
.'t-r ,
. ;. r
.ft a
Ar-. 1 i:rr .Irrant1.! til! the rn.-a.ufi'
T i.fa aa f r ; : tn t a' rl ! 4 .w 1 . i
An 1 I: 1 !.ltmi . f I.'.' .! i I"'
- r'lao-l S. 1 -1 1 in la'1.1' II nt J
It (iirJIes The (Ilobe.
The I tine 1 if lliti'kleii's Arnica s.ilv...
as the b. s in th.- world, extends amtind
the earth. It's he t it le t .'t fei t h.aietof
(,, Corn-, 1 : i r n -. I'.riii-e. s.,,,,..
I'.olU. l icet-, lelol,-. ,..-.
I'aii-s and all ?-kin I ru t.t n .li-. ' in-
( .Hible Pile cur... cents a box
dru-irist .
Th lo- l.a n 1 1 v llr, mi, , I 1 1 !i l in- I ti I ! : - :
.1 r ,i l'cis' r. n, I rl,. t n. .ti, ii i ' 'a i . - ' , . . r-' r
W . i . r.. sic tin1 '. I : - , ci in li I . . X . .' li.'
Athnn, IVnn., Jim. 77.
Kvf r Jilncr th" I: r-at (). ;. run. of ni'
mi-() tbv wf?r vtv lrrv"lHr a. n t I
uJff-rM, with HP-lit -nin ifi my lupn,
biM'k, (Htornarh mi'! JVh, t'h t.-rntilf
r.faninf d .v n pu.ii in tt'i'liinn-fi.
1 tj riii tc Ui p'l-t month I havf iif.-n
tnkiiiK Win if ('nnini u?hI rii-d f ri I'M
Hlak-IrHiiil;t. iiml I th n Ninth
ly pcriiMl Without jniin frth (Irt tiin
in yer. Nanmk Davu.
What is I ife worth to a woman suffer-
1 ,n9 mt Nann'e Dam su,,e'ei17
mere are wompn in inousanns ot homes
to-day who are bearing thote terrible
menstrual pains in silence. II you are
one ol these we want lo say that this
will bring you permanent relief. Con
sole yourself with the knowlrahjo thai
1,000,000 women have been complctoly
cured by Wine of Cardui. These wom
en suffered from Ittucorrhoea, irregular
menses, headache, backache, and
bearing down pains. Wine of Cardui
will stop all these aches and pains
for you. Purchase a $1.00 botlle of
Wine ol Cardui to-day and lake it in
the privacy of your home.
Fnr ftilvl. t- uiiil lili-cl iiri-,;..f '-I.K. ulvlniwy ii, j.-
t "., " I I,. I. flit .'0 .".! I" , 'I,"
'li.f rtiiiiiaii',,:,, -Mt ill' um , i WCiiii..,,,.,
jf j',4"'
, "',-?' -""'il?'' ; "
Vt''"'t .,
i'i -A
fmn ,n vmw ..t jw. .. i ifmut
hS i
of So. Glen Falls, N. Y., drt
rribc ft condition whii h thou-
and of mm
a n tl w o nt r 11
find identical
with tlirir.
Rrad what he
a-, ami note
the similarity
of your own
t ttsr. Write to
him, rin losing
Mumped jid
l!rstl rnvrl
opr for reply,
ami rrt a per
U D. Palmer.
sonal corroboration f what i
here K'ven. He say reardinn
Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure:
"I miflrrwd n'onnin( pun in tli left
tura-l and betwrrn tnr ahuuldn ti. iii
lie ut In utile. Mv hrrt wnil.l p.t'i 1
tat', fl ittrr. traen kip heals iml.l I
co il l no loticrr lir in l ed Nik-lii lirr
n, !,t I walitr.l liir H. r. tnr t.ilirdnwn
w Hild liar tnrant u..rii ilealh. M 1
r-iiHtition rr tnr. t a!ni-t w -.rn
I I r-g.111 tji.:!, I r' llrft Cuie,
hut it liclint tnr Iti tn fir tint. I alrr
I ImW I'l. M.Irs' NrTvilif Willi tlir
I Inot err um! t'.rslr.t ai t'Hl
f.'i ntv I ra-nrvt! tli" ! .rr lillllUl "lit
rri ts In i;.' r thrw trttiril:r at tlial."
Sold by all Drugjlsts
on fvi.irntf.
Or. Mile. r'al Or,., Ithatrt, nd.
I'.xiwrlonro ('n Ineo.H.
I'nut itn lu by iim-xliiiK' l' centa in
Inula:. f I'.iCiM rfi.m lulin. Intc.:st-
mippl it tnl we timil it. l ull Hie .'.o, . !.is.
1.1. V UK' 'S , fill Wurrrn St. , N . tk.
Clifton. An. .1111, Jun. '.'", 1- ''
Maaanl. Kit ltltos.; I'l-RW artid n '
r. nt bottle of I n aiii Halm. 1 lii dy 'ir
r. th tpiirkrht and moat p t inani nt
inr f.'r eiitnrrli und c-.M in lh In ml
lli.t i. .M l'iiiTii,liMi.Mt:r An i...lM t'.i
Memrs. l l.T linos : I h terli lth, I. .1
with eaittrrh for t wmtr yeitm. It inn. In inn
r.i wr.ik I tlioi,-ht I Imd cmminil ti' n. I
cot mm I - of I'ly'd Cn-ntu Itnlm toi l in
thr.n lift, . disi l.arpe atopped. It la thn
best liitilli inn I htln 'lrd for cntarrli
KroU-rta, Cul. l'nasn K. Kini i rsi inr-
You Can
V i j t m r ' In -r - tr l ! .' rl' ' tl , k. I: . H ,
..t tt,.- t , . r.ri. -1
n hti'it Itif. rti ntitf
1 1 - -1 . 1 (' i-' n t l.-r
ltd imiit .t.
r. I ti... I .
i .In
f , I r 1 1 . ! r r - .if ..-ir
COkRI;5l'OM)l;NCI; COl'kSI;
i -n i ! li iIii if (li i!n l 1 1 ' ! . '..: !. 1 1 i
in ... n,. u . t . in t,-1 nt.. i,. t. niti, ..f!.. r- :n r
k'rtt'l In Mill HI' 'Ii". I I If I ' I ! li
(.if MmI 1 ii t r ' i" tinii. .. r n Hi 1
i , ,r f' 'I r t ' .r in I i' i 'tn ( i
. . i.t A'! ! r
Kchnke'K Law Sc ConimcrcUl School.
I'iiki I mi, h:i.i,M,
1 I M ItCIt I I I.I I ICI-: M l. I'KOOfr .
t inf. -In'. I nil. I iiftl- .
I k . i. s , ' r y - iti . S . ." r !
'.i-'- ii In r t i n ''mi . I' I'nr'iM
.' 'I (,.',' l-f I'l' tl'll II 1 VAk III -ll limf
i (. i r ' U V n r 1 v. i : I " . tin ,n I ! i - . - fti. . ni
." 1 1 t l-ik . f. k-i,u, i-u -nt-iflnv Mi. 1 I ' ii la-. . t
I h ii r'. nil t ; tn .-r i i 1 1 , f - . 1 1 ' j i I ' it i (. 1 1 N . ..
'..r Mi-- t -j ..f 1 , ..I .' ;. in I . it 1".
1- H- tin in. -s t w 1 1 ii - a, mi a i i It n rri. , luliii
t-i- r I n
, ,i-. , If
lit. K"H.
K M. It It A I I MS. II. Kiii.-r.
i tri k .ti-- n i. hi.ri i.i:ni: r
I In tin- ttiit.t l t i'l rt ul Um -ta I.- ..I i I ok., ii.
I l..r Hi.- i niititi t,l l.ttkt- In tl.t iiiHiltr..) tlif
' . -lilt.- i.l .lain, i W la.i.'.'. . H- tl
j In lnl II MAY I UM ' l'. i.tiif it
lli. ft l.y Ki'"ti llial llif n H-li r;ii.-. . x-fill, ,r
j ,, tin- i ill mi't l.-i, in lit , ,1 I it 1 , 1 1 I U.I,,,.'
, 1. s i,i-.,M,., , l, n. j l. , ,H I-hihI Xi.tmiit at
- . - 1 1 I- Kt . ulttr . Ill III," I tin II t y ' nut I t,l 1l,t- f a t
I .f nr. t-'.li. f'.r l.akf ' ttntit v , n nl thai -ni-l i it,, r
! 1 1 II- I, Xf I lllltl h . -t 1 1 1 1 1 1 - I I t ilu . .Ihiiuhi 'll 1 1 .
I'i .' at In ,,'i Ini a h in ul - ti ), I I ti i nl l In. I nun 1
t lii-U'. ' ..Mi. in tn. i i, mill t inirt linn-.-, in
! t in- lltll tl nl 1 .11 V f Vlt V, , Ink,' I tt'lllt i irt ,.,.n , ,ih
I nt 1 1 mi- ft 1 1 1 1 I'lat f t,r li-iiriiik' t i;. t t um s it, i
j-i'li l ni.,1 Arttmiit. it tttiy tiit-rt I..- mi. I It.r
i int- -t-ttlt mi nt Hi, ifi.l
I "i'i , t li i .:i;i Ii tt i,l In i ftiil.t r. p. I'i.
i II -. I i
I I-. i ntur i.l t lie l.ii-t i : ! , n . I I , . i ,. ,, t ,,i
i Jllllli'l W . I UM'lt h, .1. , .1 ,
t ntiiMsiit ciiiiiai' mii m ;- ni'
. a.1.1: Ol- It I t I. I'lllll'l in t .
I ""I I' I'. I- lit III IIV . I ' r S tl, hi in
' nn- i-l mi fi'l- r nl Hi.- i ituiii, i tuiri i.i I nk,-
' . . 1 1 n i , ' i r 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 . a I i tin 7Hi tlin t.l !,.,
I-l hi li.' ii, nil. r . 1 1 1,,- . -.i,- ,,i ii.ii ri. 1 1
! l ni I. r-. tl, f. ., ,. Ili- 1 1 1 1 , 1 , t -1 , 1 1 -1 1 , it , 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1,
'"' "I Hi' -ii el .--till.', ii ill -.'.I i.i ,,,l,i, ,,, -, ,,,,,
i I,, in,- l,i-li. tt l.eltlt r. .. i t h-Ii ft. t t,,in,, i ti,,
, 1 ' ii 1 1. 1 - ul,;- , 1 t, li t inn i inn i.i -,iit t,itii
nn -iiliir.luv. Inn. It, I .ii.:, nl .',,', ,, , , , , ,,,
I ,ln . nl 1 1., i i, in, ti i i ,,,,.,. ,,, .,n,
i i -. i'i n i y nil In ,iur ol ll. i it i k '- i, Hi. .- in, r. ii,
i" I ''' -i ii :l 1 1. 1 t :.!,!. in I, , ini, . ( Mini.-.'
I Hit ,,l l h- - i 1. 1 II ni ri. II Vt till.m t , , '
! 1,1 1 'I' "Hi in, 'I ml II., I ,11,1 till, iin, ,,,,, ,, . ,
; 11,111 I I,.- -111,1 , ton.. ,.. ,i ,, ,,,,,,, ,, u ,,,
',:!.. I .i I . . ii . ,!,,(, . .,11,., imii,,,, ,,, ti,,i'i,ij
I It. I linl til ll.t- mi , Hurt it-1 t n 1 1 , l h a, t 1 1, . Min,. ,,
, I.' r .. nl ii in i, n. I,, ,,n (,,. ,,j,,u nil, ,),.., , ,(
I " nl ,i,,,i H i . I., -,i it -I.i , - i ., ..,
; ' sl '" ' " 1 ii. 1 1 ii,.,;,,,
i I iil l lli e. ,. I I . I, i ts ,., ,,,.: ,
ik' in in I., l- i. in, ,,, ii,,. A.Iiiiiiii in'iii.r in
1 1 nn nl -nli'. I if i .1 nl i- ,. ii-1- i , ,,M, ,., r
1 '' " '' I'M I.I 111! A I I A IN
: I'liiiiiii-lliilur nl i-tll,. ,, ,,,,,, ii,.r-.
tit f. iitt tl.
Drews V.-jlley, Orofjon.
F. O. Bunting, Ownoi
Lnr est herd if .-Egictered
I'erefords i.i f'regon
, I -C it. I GO ;;,cii
J& 8l,r.,a?.IJ
fait al, Una aaol Hnrmrmm.
I.akr lr . Or,
OlMI'tX Hrall iii( hint I 'alia atiaaaraal
irnii1l) tlat ,r mailt
K. II . tOIII II H la
lh) Irian aixl aanrairon
I.akr a Ir a . Or.
Oftli I )( a hi- l
t It W f llrlllllllal'
IX' III tail
l ain li , Orrcaaa
oi I n I hal l In.
I. r low
llMr) a) I a m
l.altrtlrta. flrrBa
I'l t I'l I II. ,11. In, f
I II II t I it tl !'.
tllimir) at -
I Jalar lew , Or
o I II f I'.ll IHnlilliia'
. Ilnrnr j -al I a w .
Irf laf lr , Or
I'll II ' I'al, lliil'.lli,,-
i . i n un
llerrtr at law
Ijaml YJallria a,rrlall
1 1 I i I i ,.) . ii iiui;.ii.k
iit.sai.l i.itaniii
I IM.aatt I I I. at Hill.
1 1 or at a - til -1 .at
l.nkrilrii . Or .
'I I lt llllt.k ..I I ,
a, II I If mi taa
I James Barry :x
I,. l . tl.. t. s..ii . . w. a ','.
itn la'. I '"' I it I'tali.l II
Ink. I ,..,.t1 . .Ml. I n I
jZac Whitworth
m.. -lit
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i ' I.
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I. '. I.
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H-li I t. . I I .
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I ' I I I III,'. U I I 1 1 - I I ' , I 'I
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nn. I I ' II: In . M I nk. i ii i i . ,,t, . , . t Ii::,
1 1 Mt ,i- tui'l III. If -r , i ni it
II. t - , . i-1 1 1 . - '"I "On. -I : Ii in-'I ' -itt., '' ,
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1 1 If i niil
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lit -ti... t. i l!i, itn -i. 1'n. i " '': n 1
l n,i,. I- n-1 a . tt , ,' I K l: it.t ni. ,ii,i -
1 1 1 1 1 I
l 1
ktaMaUal, BO YTARf
a i I- .u- : ik.d.
t ft ' Copvi
A n vr ' him, -II. 'j ft - (,., , ,,... ,i
'I'll' ..IV .i ''I i -ii 'i i i;r 1'itii. ii I . ,
III Vt III I-ill 14 l tl. ii l, y , rut ,,,
t "M. Ilv I.-I.H ,. l ,1, I.
Hl'l.l t I !( I l'!,',I (ll v (, . H,
r i' .-i.i i,ini n 1 1,. i, m u, i
Ill IfifUr, W t (mill. I hiirV
Scicniific Jtecricn...
A liHinSonii-fr lllnitrnli-.l w k iirccit clr
fllh. Hull l-f HhV M. H 1 1 1 I J 1 ' I -t, I!,', 1. 'It'll'. i n
v-'ir i.ihn, . .''-.l.l l.y ! -.1.
MlJNN&Co.3,;," 'v. New York
, K hi . Wu.l.ii.ti
"rrAV- 'it'. v"ri;i
. 'I
II l'i,ltl 1 1
, III.-. II. V
N I I.I -: Hu tt