Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 09, 1902, Image 5

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jtii, t A t i t dttimni AtXJLXt
I''. (I. IliiiiiiiiK, proprietor of tin Ihcwa
Valley llin lur.l SI M'k Farm, ha hold to
Jamc I'.iu ry the caat half of the Mock
nor lli ol tin- Mrliool Kruiinda. Tin' price
in film. M r. Itnrry'a n aldi'iicc already
m i upiin it portion o tlic block.
Tim New Year' edition ol Tin ' 'nyon
ian I replete Willi atatiatica kidI tin' re
aourcca of the atato. It in proliiilily tlir
bent piipi'r cer liirni'il out by tin' North
went Mniinrrli ol journal. It in imal
r 11 limtory ol Oregon that every
ahoiild read, win) thru tiftul nwity to a
rl A KinK, tln popular caterer, had
11 elegant aprcad Kt their remirlon cw
Year'a niht, to which all their friend.
reie inviteil. A laryr crowd partook ol
the IiiihI ol many delicacies. Koaat
turkey, mU'l", liam and many guta!
thiiiK" t'o iitimcroo to mention were
prcad in K'eul proftiaion.
The pn ttieat calendar lor i'Kl2 which
haa coine In our notice wan neut out hy
that enterprimiiK citizen and merchant
! KUimith Kallx, (iiv.rup T. Illlwin.
Mr. IUI.I in forwarded one to his old
friend William Nail ol !keview, a a
New- Year'a K'lt. The center in a
Ivl'm 11 1 1 f 11 1 eUK'aviiitf id the town ol
Klamath Kalla, over which i rained gilt
letter in the greeting "A Happy New
Year- l'lC'."
Will It. Ilorvford ha received from thn
County I'oiirt the appointment ol
County ICoadmaUr, a altiiui created
hy the hint Icginlature and incororateil
into the new law lor the rounlic ol
Oregon. Tim Koadmanter will have
charge ol ull roadn and bridge within
the county, and hi duties are inaiiy.
The upMiintniei)t given general aatmlac
lion, an Mr. Ilcrylord in well qualified lor
the pocition. Hiiralary i t.'alO -r year.
The lowent ntnte tax levy since WO in
the Male of Oregon, was In 1W7 when
the levy wan mil In. The lanl levy
wa0 710 milln. The levy li rlWltaie
hat not yet hecn announced, hut the
figure in total are given at '.,57tl.W,
Lakerntinty's portion ol taxen to Ik' paid
;".the ntate treanury. The alate rev
i' t toU rained thin year under the
now )w in f;''K),UKI greater than it wan
hint jcar.
Jreka Lil an epidemic ol marriage
during t 'hrihtina week, l.uciiin S.
WiIhoii, Jr. ami Ida M. Kgli ; Mr. Ilu
Ix-rt of I'.iiiu and l.illie W. Penny of
I'tiiii; John S. Moore and Alhth K.
MeveiiHcn ; ,l,i Hpickey ol I Muiftn u ir
ami nice K, Kreeiiuiii of Klamathon ;
t'hii". . I .oar and F.lhi M. lAcriil vl
1 liiiiihing liar; Harry H. Ilollarhtd and
S:ii ah M. Noel (f Kluiiiathnn lit'nrge It.
Peck of Yrcku and t.ucy Mount of
t'hlco; mid IWivId t.Rw of tjuart. valley
and May Scott of Oro Fino all joined
I111I1.I1 and heartH and "jumped the
tirooiuhtii k." May happiucMH attend
them all.
The iil:iriintiue which liua tieen in
force between I.ake and Klamath
coiinlii'N wiih ili'clari il off lent Saturday,
and the Million at DrcwM (tap wan
aliiiiiiloniil and the HparatiiH moved to
l.aki-view. John IS. Itlair, iinai'iiutinc, una in nervicu fifty-three ilnya
and was glad to return home. The
(juariiutiue no douht eaved Ijike county
from an epidemic of thin loathaome (lit;
cac, ami to nmch credit cannot 'he
given the County nrt lor ilu prompt
action in the matter. The tunxll
amount of money tided in enforcing the
iiiaraiitiuu wiih well exiiended.
Yreka Journal :I'ete Mugler and
wife of SiHHon, have been sued for f.'ll),
IHM) (lamageH in the Superior Court of
Sun Francisco hy their daughter-in-law,
wlm alleges they alienftted the affections
of I Kir huHhand and their boh, Nick
Mugler. Thn complaint states they
were married at Berkeley last January,
ami that her lot was 0110 of peace and
liappincHH until tlio parenU of her bus
hand (liHcoveritd that they did not like
her. "Then," naya the broken-hearted
wife, "they commenced a systematic at
tack upon Ilia fellings and love for me,
and (leHtroyod the love and affection he
Imro me."
Homer It. Warren, pioneer lawyer
of Yreka, it dead.
I'avln Creek people enjoyed a ma
ipierade hall on New Year'a night.
We want mime of that veninon, and il
we don't yet il there will he "nomething
Corneliun llalght, a pioneer farmer of
l.itlle Hlnmta, Hinkiyou county, died on
January 2, I'mi!, aged 70 yearn.
Minnen Maude and Celia Ni'irt,
who formerly livtxl in Alturan, are there
lioin Itepuhhc, Wanhington, on a vinit
with old Iriendn.
Horn at the ('handler ranch, Crook
ed Creek valley, I .like County, Ore.,
January 1, IWtt, to the wile ol Monne
Curry, Jr., a daughter.
A neat on the New York nlock eichange
wan nold laat week for f 7 r . t M X . There
in nome eetine attached to the privilege
ol gam hling on the exchange in A trier ica'n
(iolhnm. Five more neat are for aale
and for one of thene f K,(0 wan offered.
That neat in prohahly in the llrnt row.
In our lant innuu we iinintentionally
omitted the fHiue of Mrn. K. V. Iwinin
comuilioii with Mr. and Mrn. Walter
Kherlia k, in a hrief mention of the man
ner in which the graven of "Waller and
Fred" were iH'autifled. Mrn. l-win took
an active part in thn work and alno an
niated in every way ponnihle, a nhe
alwaya do, at the mourning liomen '
Kchmiiirk han marked down hin i
clothing to cont. (io there and get a
nuit or overcoat cheap. 1 'J
Minn Violet Kener cam in on the
Termo nlage from Sun Francinco, lant
Sunday. Min Violet han Ih-h attend
ing m hool in the city during the winter,
and came up to n;eud the holiday
neanou with relative and friend in Al
turan. She will prohahly lie accom
panied hack to the city hy her winter,
Mm. tiladyn Kachford, who will npend a
few week viniting her mother, Mm. J.
M. ThompHi.n. New Fra.
Mr. and Mr, (t. W. Sencer ol the
Went Side, returned on New Year'i day
from an extended viit with Mr. Sa-u-cer'a
relative in Fairhury, 111. They
lelt here on Sept. 15th lant and were
prcacnt at a great family re-uniou, the
particular of which were puhlihed in
thene column never) week ago. Mr.
and Mm. Sjncer viwited Chicago and
other placet, and on their return ntop
ped a few weeks with relative and
friemln at (Sratita Pann. They had an
enjoyable trip throughout.
C. I'. Snid-r han had plantl in the
yard nur rounding hin residence ome large
lir tree taken from the forest near
l.akeview. Thcce treed will le taken up
in winter and replaced in the epring
until they take root and grow, if nuch a
Ihlng in poKHihle. It iH merely an expert
' incut with Mr. Snider, and if it proves
Hiicconnful many renidence gnmiids in
l.akeview will he heautitied with tho.-e
Ntately evergreenn. The Kxamiuei
Hincerely hoped that Mr. Snider' exper
iment will he a nncccHN.
Death of U.a Itolton.
After a hard Htrule (or life upiint-t
the lavaca of lypleWd, hinting for
montliH, death han at hint invaded the
home of M r. S. H. Itolton on the Went
Side itnd taker from her Oca, the cldeet
daughter, afred 111 yearn. For seventy
diiVH and nil'tH did the life of thiti
Hweet gill linger in the hulance, and
during the pact week the reinainiiiK
inninentH nf her earthly career were
cotinted off like Ik ads from ti nilken
cord. She hreathed her UhI on Monday
nifiht. Yi'Hterday at 1 p. in. the funeral
took place from the Union school houne,
and the remains were followed to the
cemetery near hy hy a Ure iiumher of
frieiuln of tlio family. Hev. U. W. llol
loinun olllciuied, and Nervicea were held
at the m hool Imildini: an 1 at the grave.
Deceaaed wiih an amialile, k really ad
mired and heloved girl, and she w ill he
mully iniHHcd from the family circle.
Much sympathy in expressed for the be
reaved mother and uorrow ing relatives.
LostThree Hulea.
TlirtH mules, branded with circle on
riht Htillo, Niipposed to he now between
l.akeview and Summer Lake. A liberal
reward will he given for any information
leading; to recovery of the nniuiala.
W Z Momh.
frvln Ayres.
The Yoke Coat
Is the Swagger Fall Coat. It's the Coat Smart Dressers
are Wearing. We have them.
We have a full stock the
See Them
flllti'il HUM liel (itHrr.
Ijtk. Tifw, ori-xoii, Jan. 7, M.
Notl U birrtjr lvrn that In curoi.lianw
nil ihp uroTlaiiuin "I tlie art nt ( ongrMi o(
JinifS. I7H. rnlitliMt "Ad a t tor the tale of
tlmlM-r lantlnthe Htatra ol t'allfurnla. Ore
noli. Nrvaita. ami W ailiinKlon Irrrikiri." a. '
rxlriKti-d to all tin- I'ublic Ijind Hutra hj act
ot Auguat 4. tM, W llllam t'lrmlenen, ol lk
vlrw. rounty ol lakcilXr ot Ori-noii, baa lliil
ilajr A 1 1-'1 la thla nffic hUaworn lalrinrnl No.
Mil, Inr the purchaae ol tha K1, olK'4. ol
,. HK'4 U ', sw. IS In T. R. No. 1 K.
ami will offrr irMl lo alinw that the lanl aouxht
In mm valuable lor I la timber or utone than
f, ,r aKririiliiiral imriai i. and to eaiabllth bla
claim tn aiil latiitlirture tht Kt'Klatrr and Ke
reiver nltliliomi e at Ijiki-riew, UrrKon.on frl-
lay (he Xli day ol Marrh,lr2. He nami t aa
llnraaea: William A. Wllnhire Maaui-i J.
Hwarei. Thomaa Uaraett. Aulone J. Hwarea. all
nl l.akeview. OnKim Any and all prraona
ilaliiiiiiK adveraely llie alxive dracribi-d laudi
are requeued In file thi-lr rlalma In Ihla ol
llce on or belore nald Jth day ol March, lwrt.
jnll 1 I. it. BHA1TAIN. Kefiitrr.
rnlled Htalea Ind Oftlrr,
IkrTlrw, Oregon, January 7, li.
Notice la hereby given that in cuDipliauve
uith the tirovialoiia ol the at. I ol Congri'M of
June , 1N.. entitled "An ai t lor the aale ol
timber landu In the siaim ol ( alilornia. Ore
gon, Ni va'la, and W aliingii:i 'IVrrtlory, at ,
extended tn all the Publlr Land Mnlen by act '
ol A 1 1 k 1 1 a t 4, ImrJ, KiiIiik K.K'unk.ol lxkevlew.
eoiiiii) ol l ake, male ol Oregon, ban Una day t
lili d III thin urtlce bin Kworn utatemeiit No. :WJ, (In- pun lie ol (be W S ' S. c.'JI.T 40, S ;
limine K W M and ill offer rrool to
I .liua thai the Inn. I nought la mure altiable for .
to. IniilxT or mime (ban for agricultural pur-,
in. c, and lo cMKl'llidi III" cb mi lo naid land'
iHdnre i In- KegUlcr and Keeeiver of (lilnoltue
I nl lake view, i regiin. on Friday, the 2Mb, day of '
March, 1:M''. He naiuea an wit licfccn : Lester '
eninii, Iihvm H. Ilnrtaoe, lieork'' W. King, ;
ix'orgi'C. Fngerald. all nl l.akevie'. OreguU, ,
i Any and all iiiTmuik i laiiiiing adveraely the
I alHive-deHi'ribed laiidn are reiiieMed to file ,
ihcir i litiiioi in ihi nttice on or beture aaid th
day ol March, l'A'J,
K. M. Hkattain, !
Jali91 Kegmier. j
1-and Oflice at Ijikeview. Oregon,
January 7. lA'J.
NnlicelN hereby given that in compliance1
Willi the irovtaioiia ol the act ol Congress of
June :t, IsTK. enOlled "An act Inr (be nale ol
limber landii In the Maleaol Call torn la, Orcron, j and W aabinglon Termor y," an ex lend- ,
eil tn all (be I'ublic ljnd Sialea by act ol Au-
guM 4, IhwJ. William A. VYiUhtrr, nl l.akeview.
cniinlv ol lake. Slate of Oregmi, baa IhU day:
filed in iIiIh ultlre hi" wnrn Aiaiemetil Nn. 3 V.
Inr the purchase nl the S JW 4. Sec II, W
SW4 and NW SH',, See. Id, Ip. : . R. 1 K.,
and w ill offer prnol tonhow I hat the land anught
In more valuable Inr its umber or alone Ihau
Inr agricultural purin-eh, and In esiablish hiii
I'lm in tnsaid land belore the Kegiaier and He- '
ciimtoI this oltlce al l.akeview, Oregon, ira
I rlilnv. the .'Mb diiv ol Maieh, ltMi. He names
as uiiness.s: W illiam ( lendeiien, Manuel J.
Sunrea, Thoiiias Sackeit, A niotie J . Sw are, all
ol l.akevi.w, Oreun. Any and all persona
claiming adveraely the abnve deMTIIied lands
are rciiicMcd to file their claims in tbia oltlce
on or belore aaid iMh day ol March, l'Jdi.
jaiOl K. Ja. 1IKA I I AIN. Keglater.
Death of Noble Sisters.
News has reached Altiir8,aecordinK to
the New Kra, to the effect that two young
ladies, former residents f Alturas, bad
died in Anderson, CaJ. Mian IleHsie
Noble died at 10 oYclock tvn New Year's
day and Miss Vivian her sister, died
on the day previous The Kir's bad been
ill for two weeks. The announcement by
letter alno states that Clair Noble, the
brother, was very ill with pneumonia
and the girls are supposed to have died
from that disease. These two girls were
the daughters of the late Kino
who was kicked to death by a
Anderson something over a j ...
Mrs. Noble the mother who stir h.o
had hereharcof u'P.ktion. The o-e.l
girls were reared in Alturas,
M. C. Whltworth.
The Oder of Flowers
That is what a perfume should be
true to Nature, delicate, lasting.
We have just received a fresh lot
vey an air of refinement. If you
have never used any of our per
fumes, come in and sample them.
A large variety to select from.J
BealTs Drug Store.
Now located
In the
5a, PANE'S
MralH at all kouna f tke l pnnn Mfll AT eMail DOIPC
Fine Sunday
fc... .yr r-Si
Has already been recoived and more
new goods tire arriving at our store
all the time
W have everything desirous in the
Grocery Line. A special line of dents
Fancy Shirts. An elegant line of
Candies, Cigars and Tobaccos. Watch
for our Dry Ooods Display.
E. n. Fou.irrr
Geo. H. Ay re.
from the place where the flowers
grow. These are among the most
delicate extracts made; they con
South of the
Daly Bldg.
Carpets, Mattings, Portieres
Lineolum, Carpet Covers.
Undertaking in every branch
Dinners ; ?pIl,e,,h
la rapidly forging ahead and
K. B. Follett, the Merchant
is trotting along at the head 0
of the procession.