Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 09, 1902, Image 3

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.-A l '
Interesting Notes
(Intlicred During
The Week and
Stated Briefly
For Examiner Renders
I'sinlcv in (nil of 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 m , iiiTordiiiK l"
llil I'iikI.
Mr.. M line Mt'Mnnaltl iif 1'aiitlfy W ItH
vinitintt Iiit NiNli-r Mm, llnycn Mulkry
t I IHVIN ( leek lltHt wrrk.
ili'HiritiK line ilri-Hwil himher
ulinuld I . I-,. liiihHill. M.' L'
(TlMllle I'l M III I . I, will) lt'llt Nl'W
Vfitr'n Willi Iiim relative in Modoc, re
tiirni'd In I Ihewauriiu Niturdiiy.
MiH AIIk' MeUktT o( II111 1'iiiHlry
I'iihI clitfl spent New Year' ul ('rooked
I'rcrk mi'l 1 u 1 I l.ukcvicw u 1 riff vinit.
Ilcfiiiiii,, I;. M11111111-I, pinm-cr hard
ware iiienhiint nl Vfi kn, whn has heeii
in liiiiinN there sunt' ) H.V ( , mi
I h'l'i in I it '.'"Mil.
Inr 1 1 - Ynivi I lentlhrnt , iii,v In
Mrs. W.M W..,h, ,,. k, l.akcweu,
U'-n. ITtl
I III- I'.i-I -H It CIlllM. . Inn. -,
( 'lii'H itm .in'n 'li 1 l.i 11 Mi r 1 .UhI , made it.
W. I It I 1 1 1 W II I III ltt!HIH pll'Bflll III a
new :in '.11 mi iii -ii r iiili'.
It Mil le.teil hrlc lift Hl'l'k thill
hl.likl.v rilltll' costcd 1111 tin'
mulsh. A rail I ! 1 1 1 1 1 tn . t 1 1 1 1 1 v
l nri.i ilie-l 11 1.. I i.t 1 1 1-1 h wi n- mnl tu l.c
lilllnliil, .iyi tin- 'i ml.
It. I'. MapllBilcll n I I. Junes, ('ill.,
well kin. ii I, i n- in. '..In i,,r (. 1 r tin- Al-
hilll) Nlll-l'IV, hit-. llBp..Bf.t n 1 1 1 M p..p
City It t It .1 1 1 1 1 i II l I Hjtll lux
liimilv tn Medium, I ir .
Mil. Mewnrl, 1 1m mule huyer wiih in
Hum iirililMirliiniil tint first nl the week,
ami, Hi' 11 r i' iiifnruifd iir liufl ipnttt n
iiiiiiiInt nl iniili'N in linn vulli-y unions
lliinii In-ihu I'mr I'D head Imin T. M. Har
vey, nml 17 head Irmii Win. (inrrirk
A1I111 A rKU.
Mr. T. ). IIi'IhIithiiii ( Willnw Itinii li Hi- (iilnriiiH u
lliHt (all "own wheat ib Innkinif splendid.
Mr. II. Iihh hIhuiI 7 u -ri'it Mliirli In n
Imw 1 ni Ml 1 1 r 1 r 1 K n 1 1 ' I fnim which he will
ri'nli7.i I.IK crnp neit harvest. Al
lium I'llllllill-llllT.
When ymi uimt 11 line rt.Hst nr h
IfiHnI el i'ii k mil nil ,1'HM'H .V ItlUK" Hi 1 1
W ll" I tnh stand. I I'
Mr. nml Mm. William Harvey have
rctuifird In tin ir Summer I.lilie home,
where they will remain Inr the, winter.
I Inn r i nn nly seat rcseli-nre i kept in
ri iiilini'HH (nr their return nml In at mire
lityin Imiiki-ki-i'iiiiiK whenever tln-y !-
MM till halltff liHlttlntiH.
White Spreads
Fleeced Wrappers, Flannelette Gowns,
Flannelette and Eiderdown Dressing Saques
Knit Underwear, Ladies' Waists and Skirts
Ladies' Coats, Capes and Fur Collarettes,
Muslin Underwear, Ladies' Children's and
Misses Rubbers, and Rubber Goods every
kind, Men's Felt Boots and Bootees (new).
c. u. snider . . .
01 frftTFEr1 II
.1. I. Uaim-rsley, Ft. Collins, Colorado :
"rind liiTi-uitli Hill.Brriiti.ii nniiii-v.
il want llii I.iiki' ('miiitv I ' x am iiht tn
kti'i H.i-t'.
I'i v I .a ki- 1
'Hii 1 1 vf liiillrtin 1 nrr-HMiriilciit at
Iti'ililinK Ii-IIh nl hii HKfl miner nf ShaHi
miitity lii-iim "Iniinil ilt-H'l, H-ati'il U
ri'lit. in hii iiiit liiiililiN(.', ami Hiini-riiit;
frmn ofvi-rt- ImriiH hIm.iiI tin- rit-nI ami
dirr." It imiMt liave lu-cn a Htrnii(r ilruw
011 tin- 1-nrri-Mximli-ht'ii imakMiiutimi tn
It'll Imw in Dili tl.e iii-H'l man w hii niiffrr- PIKST-CLA55
ii.K' wln ii lni.i.,1. ! ACCOnriODATIONS
y akeview.
Mm. Silvan KffH 'it Walla Walla,
WitNliinirtnii, .rcvi'iiti'.l a l.n-ak (nr IiUt
ty 1 y tin- jini-mimm at tlit rnutitv jail nti !
Icrfiiilicr 'SM. 1 he iiriHiiierM attackcii :
Iiit liiiclianil, S lit-r iff Kith, ami alumni
nviTiiit ri-il 1. 1 in . w lit-ii tin- t.lm ky 1
I mi I'M iriyiiii. I wniililn't ! wi.tnaii llirunt a ri-vulver tlirouvli the'
nillit V (' r tin' In 'Ir htali- nl KiatiliK nf tin- t'uriilir lil fuwril the
For connnkciAL
F. H. MILLER & CO., Prop'rs, F. P. LIGHT, Man'gr
l 'iilnrniln. I ilmi'l kimw
Hill ri-iii it in here,
i iiiri. "
! men Lark In their relic.
1 1 r v 1 1 1 1 1. f in t he 1 1 in- nf meat that
the imiiket iilf ir.l- ran he Innml at the
.Iniii " A l; i mi" in :t ki t. 1 L
lik.' we
S'lel the ,aHr...i at, ,,,vt. ,,,. ,, ,,Mrry tiHll,V(.
!.iarte. a new meat market at th
I i li'.rii.n htan.l, ami are fiiriiinhirik.'
! I. it ever Miike yni that ymi ran I t ,ei r iiihIi unerf W ith t he hei-t lut-Ht t he
I Imy Ji-bi- Mi.nie he-key I he came I mark el allnnl. 1-
1'iiee ib ('Hill Inr jmbI nr.lirmiv
In-key'.' I I A iH'tahle B.ile nf lie nt.H k Iihh tietii
dl'iiiaile at Iteil I '.luff. IKhiIhh S. t'tme
han hnlil twenty I, 1' alel 'A year nl IjiiIIb
(mm J i i - Herylm.1 her.l tn a reirerenla-
M mIIiiin iiim haci l a !
niinh- eattle at l.lkelv, IiibI Week. There
Chaiimv I'epew wiim we..ei IhMibn w e le Be yen t v hea.l ill the ham I ami he
Palmer IVtemlier L'.'ilh. It t.x.k three w ill hi mi; them nver t Iiit Week Nte
I'tTt'iimnieB In hiIibIv I'hitiint v that he Smith nl lnki ,ew wait hem Mnmlav,
w a mai i ifl (.'urn! an 'I bI ri.n .'. I (in l.ri.le ink' tn take a ha ml n( muttnn Bht-ep
i a ii l.eiiuty . t h. mm y i ut i .il t the after- In Iteim d .r .1 . M . Thnm ibi in . ( Vilar ville
.llllliel B.eei h nil Ileenril.
All .Inn h ii ('hiiiammi w In. Iuih m.ele ' ! Miirk lia a tliui-nf Inuwn ami
nvei ;niHm ii, .iitatiH'H in the j.itBt Bi tine nl eattle mi thewayheie (mm hi.
iimnth-. ami ib Hill tlik'inK I ii n. t r .-. I h nl r",,',' 1 '"'! "H -lip I Ik hi j
laVB. I rai L a i- ( hee(
live n( K. V.. WaiUwurtli, the sinkiytiu
hanker, w hn huH a lame Btrn k ranch in
Sha-ta N'allev. The IhiIIh hr..iik:ht $:!,.
iumi, nr fl.'ai An a'ent nf Mr.
adw orili Iiiih pureliiiBfil 5, (Km htrem
fnun Mi if Mvaim nl (iriillev, pay iny ."mI
a hetil, nr J.rK,(M (nr the Int.
arren nf the tnheiB mi the InwIamlB inlj.i
fell! tn Mntktnll, lal. Wily ".li.hll."
Ilfitp u 1 1' m.Te than white man.
I'. I !. KiIbniII, late n( the 'nttnliWiiml
null, hie a laice Inl n( line ilit-ei Inm
her n B.tle. ,-11' hllll. I.'
I'.ei mini A Snii have many hnlv rail- ,
eiB tn Bee tlmce New Itnyal A iltnlnal if
tlmp heitil Bt-w iiitr iiiai hineH. They are j
heaut ilul marliiiii'B ami the wnineii are'
all in Inve w ith them. These marhim-B
uio B'.l.l hb ehraply as any ntlier make. 1
Cniintv ( 't ut i mi m i nit-r J. M. Martin1
ami 'I nihter ! Inienri' in riveil (mm Sil-j
ver Lake la-t WeiliifHtlav iiiglil. Mr.!
Martin hh.vh i. ,.,,1,1,.,,, j,. f miirrii.tfen
'" '" '" 'I'lii.itf (h,. ImliiliiVH IuihI
kept the puhln; m ft t-ntitiniial uneial
w hill.
I n l a t"i Bl, eleiin, lint halh at Mrank
w ii 1 1 1 1 'm hlmp. W hen ynil run e nut nl
the I. alii plant ynuru lf in the t hair ami
eel a rle in Bhave.ailer w hu h try Inn Bine
Blue il, null nil 1 1 if I li'l l it' . .VJ-ll
Mam I Miller, ihe ititirBH ilinij;hlef nf
.1 . lit 1 1 1 iti Miller, "1'iiet nf the Siena, "
tlietl al Oaklaml en ( 'lnin iiiiih Mve, n(
lieai I lailiirr. Shr wiih Ih ii ii at Cape
r.laiien, tlifynn, lliirty-ninr yrarH ak'n.
Sin- wan imiiiiril anil leaven a himi ten
yea ib nh.
in a few
Bleei will en tn the San - ram I'tn mar- i
kel ami Htn ihiI.iiIiIm nf hnl-t tn Mr. j
Shllk'f at Uelkeley, Oil. Win
lit-mm 'fii Silver Stale.
I i. ii "1 tltai ' I m-Beil llllllher nll).'ht In he
ill ili inaml. I', f! Kii-mII ha- it in liit'e
ipianl H h b. See him, n r a.1-i i i-b.- h nn at
l.nkeview. .'il.' J
Tin' tiiBf nf N. I'.. Knight, rt'v m in It-ii l ,
vm. J. W. Ilamakrr, appellant, appeal
(mm Klamath enmity, II hi. II. I. lien-
BIHI, jll'lK'f, JIkIbTIIII'IiI nf Inwer fninl
all'miieil hv mi i.rriiir I'mirt. (liiininii
hy ABiii iatr .1 tint rr K. A. Mnnre.
Thin wm a irnree.hng rtmiuieiu'eil in
tin' Klamath inint tn reinnve a . ul. lie
n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 ralnl, 1 1 imaker.
( 'utile 'Ib ink' will imt he a very pnp
li l:i i' vni'iitinii in I'.aker eniinty if a few
timre ennvii't miiB are hail. It in liih tiuif
that the "ril-ller" Bt-tlleil ilnw n In leiti
li i it 1 1- I'liBiiu-B, .'ilhei iii the I'enilenlniiy
nr nut i if it. Ilneaiinr; in the eattle hiis
inrvHwilhnn rapital Bave a aiel
hiantlilit! imil i" tin lniirr a ).'" Irll np-
t it I il in I y .- I 'il k t-r Cily Mrlnnfrat.
There it iinly nlie why ymi
bIhiiiIiI iliink .It r Mnnre WhiBkey ainl
thai iH lieiaile vmi have Biuml Ihe
pl.'.le. 1
A Kai.NHx etlimr wlio liax I'niitraftetl
the hahit n( iH'i'aBinnally attrmlili);
i hiiit h, has t h in In -ay : " I.ailn-B i-hnulil
lake nff their liatn in ehiiri h Nn preaeli
er t an iiiBpire a mail wlm i Innkiu into
a Inpsitletl ati.'rej.'atien nf deiul birtln,
j Btiil'leil wea-leit, t halnelenn hkinn, ril)-
ImiiB, I K-m I n. jelH, i-tirkn, htraw , paper.
' L-.i J
The Excelsior...
A Model Country Store
Dairy, Klamath Co., Oregon
At the Ecellor ye can get
anything from paper ol pins
to a town It. H the article
doc mot happen to be In
stock I can get It for yeu.
Postoffice in the Store
...I. F. DAVIES...
Equitable Life Assurance Society of Jthe U. S.
20-Payment Lift' Kttiiialle xliev No. I the policy and ilividend into fully -aid
2:!ii,.riii2 tin the life of Mr. It. M., nl j up policy for $17,410. 3.1. To receive
Hmnklyn, refently niaturnl, nfferetl tlitt j surrender value of the policy in caeh
I Imltlrr the fnllnwi'im optimm in settle-1 $11,4118. SO. For insurance rates and par-
inriit: Int. To continue tMilicy (now (ul- ticulars, write or call on J. i. smitn,
llnwern. iurn Iiib t'lo and tliir-tlf down I I v paid up) (nr $10,000 and m-eive a each ajfent. Consultation and office treat
! .l:..:.l 1 ..t r. ,vi i n. 1 rr. . . r.,..
Jt liiukt'H llvilUUT feel lnft ill tin' wilder-
divitlrud of $",011.!H). I'd. To convert i ment free.
Strongest in the World.
i -
( lynter ctK'ktnilH, frrnh, temperate ami
ilelieiiiUH, jiiHl received at I'oM iV KinV.
Thin Iri'veniKe is very refreshim:, in
kitMnl for the utoujiich ami ImiliN uii the
Hvnifin. If your appc.ite in failing try I
an nyuter cocktail; it ! ill ways palat
ah!c mi'l ;ivefi an appetite tor otlu-r
fnntlM. rhvHiciaiiH ro"oiniiit'titl it, ami
I'. ib t ,v. Kin alwa.VH have it (ri-Bh ami 4
mire, lint nti hv the Im-nI ni.iiiiifiii'tiiri.rd 1
111 thecilv- 4")-tf
Hotel de Barrv
Recently Built
Everything New
And First-Class
Lage Sample Rooms
For Accommodation
Of Commercial Men
Henri Hene tin Tlnin pays all.
Americans a great coinpliinenf lie J
B-tivs that these three phrases from 1
' i
Mi Kinley, "Mo lint tell my wile," Mo
not harm Ihe Hinr fellow," and "I am
biiitv to tlisturh the happiness nf the ex
hibition," are phrases palpitating with
the American repirds (nr others. We
an accept (his tine compliment as an
nil-set tn the ilrclarat ion of that Trench
actress who savs all the men are hours, j 5&LiV5lyV'''LV
W. K. I5ARRY, Proprietor.
You Wanta Watch That
i -ir
At New Pine Creek's Big Store.
J ' V :.'