Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 09, 1902, Image 2

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PaMlsbeJ l'vry Thursday
BEACrl ic in'OARkliY
Matudlc Building
i One Year, $2.00
TERMS: -Six Month. . 1.00
(Throe Months. 50
LAKEVIEW. URFtlON, JV 0. tool.
Tin1 dri-Mi' 'id Washington, IV C.
nrresoiiilont i;V!" t.'it there is no lne
d H'uritif the i:iss!(tf-. of ;inv :eneriil
tr-i . ' il.irii. ,nl'.'., .in-. -" li::! I. up. ( -ivnr-wig
au iirc r hi urn (or even mi es
iieriuieiital fystcin. Kt.teri iiu'inU'rs
sit Colli; r' have ex.iinineil the rem
H Ni'p'im In tin1 puhlio iniml that
General Mile in either a fool, is iniitrit,
or lie ii .vnrtiti inoio notoriety. Ho
(Miitii just an well have kept aloof from
tlu S'liliV'Siinwon-lti'ty controvwrM',
a to have maile himself rniirtilons hy
his pulling ( Ii i air. Nuu people
never know when they are well off, or
how t ki't'p llicir iiniii i tm clofMil in iniit
ler thai .li'ii"t Ci'iu'crn them.
Now tluit th holnlavit are over it if
to ho hoiutl that '.hsr people il lake
rotinty will tmii then attention to li e
oim immrl:int matter to the people f
th West- iiml in whtrh lootl interes'
dlxxiUl not wunc ami noinl petitions
I TFirm $30,000 SSita, I
& ..The Lakeview Mercantile Company.. j&
5uccc5sors to M. C. ROTH I: & CO.
1 from every precini't in tlit roiinty to
promise hill recently agreed iiin ly I liii:re-siiniii Tongue in opposition to
.he irrigation n.luvj p-. .mi ate already I l'"' pr'l"-1 h-a-deg of tho Ian
taking riidieul exception to provis- j Tlu-rf is no tunc to low.
.on. A general hill in order to pas-a,
ainst provide that the rik.'1-t t . water
ia!l remain in tin' land and the pi ice'
it which irrigated lauds in.iv be oh- I
The Supei inteinlent of puhhc school
of Indianapolis- ha ordered the line of)
l'lesideul Knopf veil's me"):! as .tread
ing excrvise in the eighth trade c I a ixoh ,
... i
and a un exercis in iivii' ami eurrent,
history in tin- huh hod. Hi' refers to!
the mossine a- "an example hy the of
. I President of (he I'litted States of the use j
from London says: "Miss i pure and I'miil'le Kniilish". i
ined, iimler the homestead law, shall
It'eonal to the amount expended h
the lieneral liove mine lit in then recli-aiation.
A cil'l
i'orti.i Knight's action for hreael
promise against the I'uke of Mam hes
tnr, which is due for trial in the courts
here this week, is after all, not likely to
'f fought to a finish. The I'uke of
Manchester, with the assistance of his,
father-in-law . Z;iiiiinTinaii. has offered !
the pUintitf a lump sum, said to he :
0i0. in sc'.'lemtMit of her claim. !
Ttie la Iv's law vers advise her to ac- I
cept. Sne w ill pr ih.ihly take their a 1-
Tice. Th.' Puke considers that he has i
!;splayeu great tnaiiiatii!nity through- j
nut, and the know ledge that he thinks i
r has In en i-ne of the chief reasons why
I'ortia has refused hitherto to coin-
The Shanghai cm respondent to tlie
Pally Kxpres.s rallies that a uii-siou.u y
and a i.u.i.l er of Christian converts i
have Keen massacred at Niii ha I'll, i
in Kan Su pioince. It is a"oiled that,
the ttoops of tifiieral Tung Kuh iang f
are responsible for the mas-acre. 1
V 1 Will. r. I'rrsl.lcnl
4' V Ithurt. l
t I. "lu lling . . r I n n
...S I OCK...
Wc will soon have on
hand the largest and most
complete stock of
I:er opened up in South
eastern Oregon.
or TMK
itmrtn i
n llllrr. It. hart
I. Miir IIIiik. Iteht lf.fcrr
l llrrt Inril , t l l.n-i n
l.i'urgr II llullti
The fall of slow in ."-eotland is heavier
than at any tune in titty years, .several
gamekeepers and sheperd are missing
and the destruction .if sheep in the snow
drifts, which range from ten to twenty
deep, is unprecedented.
Lakeview flercantile Co.
Kvery man thinks that if he could live
his life over agin, how differently he
would spend it. It is dreadful at last
to look along the valley that was once
ri tread before uu w glad and eunny,
teeming w ith corn and w ine and oil and,
lo ee how barren we have left it. Count
your itocxi actions on your fingers, as the
ayfirer counts the miles he lias passed
or the tra ler his gains, i,t the sports-
nmi Li- s'l.-.'-t canyon reckon one
dv?a week? a month? a vear? And
Well, we wonder what these women
will ask for next? A woman in Califor
nia was granted a divorce because her
husband gave her only M cents in seven
months. They must think we men re
made of moiiev.
The Boerd under the leadership of
Pewetl won another victory over the
Knglish at Zeefiditain on Pecemlver 24th,.
Many of the King's soldiers were killed,
and the wounded and risoiiers iniml)
ered 1"0.
krghstration Notice.
Ilegis-rati ni for the fuming elefthin
f-ti you will want a large stock to balance i will open at the County Clerk's ollice on
.Mono. iv, toe 'mi ii. iv oi .lanuarv, i'oj.
tho's' in the other scab'. Man is a rea
fining Is-ing and a free age it; 1
uuke- a -tiatige use of both privileges.
and Notaries Tub-
i term in bankers have a claim of
flJ;i.'iM -i ii the li'iveriimeut o
Veiiejc'iela, the payment of which ha
hen system iti.-a ly iv .il - I. a .d there
in fi.O" .i HI d ! Ir r:ntii eitiytois f.,r
.lu-tn t lh
lie nt ..ut -ide ,ire. in.".s desiring b.mks
and blanks for regi-t ral ion purpose
in iv pro iiie same upon application t"
'.he cleik.
W. (iu.NTHKi:
,"2:it C'.iiinty Clerk.
l'"s -'l-':l.'e- I Ii .1
sx S i ii'ii. i; I. 1 ! 1 i
(il'-nt is takit...
t i ill o! I h. ecu- .(!'
parati'inH t. tak" ( r
ll il,e- ot W-I.e. -'ii.l ;
tv.'ICIIIO- We'.-ll... '. '
.states by i.-nn my '
taken that tie- p1'. rp
as but to .!'- t I '
li-..t to hold pie Ii ll.el-' v
.-i n
re ..'IM
r ii i i
cir- - i is! .--i
- '11 i k i pre
oi t'.' ens' mi
! ' I. at plll l.o-e.
;in- I'nited
re any action
i-e of tiiis action
l.ti-ii- due and
t h" n -'. -ei.-d .
At a ni'
K .ston
ting ot
I :-ifiif any on p.
Mrk!iHin Nvas eld.
.l'- lf V" I CM I oi t
Mi. Markh-im iJ
fi eight and t r.iili'-ifii-1
iv.-ion, -o l I .1
.'iHi tel - at Mill I'r.e
el'V general pas-en.
f h tlie Soiit hiii'ii I'd
Willi headipiai ters :
; i dn ectors of tin
. (.'. -ntial Kail
i.e. jvli, C. H.
-.' -. president and
. ne- of the sys'em.
r,;-'.v a-sistant general
, 'i.nger of the I'ac
i : I'a.'i ':f , with he-id-
ii lie was lor iii -ii
I freight agent
if lanes in (regon,
"What i th xeit"fiint on tit piaz
za, Choliey?" "Fellah just, arrived
vithout any golf clab.."- Hott'un Com
mercial Itulletin.
"Cilori are (o eharig-alle on the
Inrach " "KhV" "One is -i'her blue
from cold or rtd friin .sunburn." - In
dianapolii Nt-wa.
A Stage Paradox "Kunny ubmit
critics, isn't if.'" "What is?" "UIin,
it'u whn th trr-at us coldly tlmt we
oomi'licr oiirs.ln.s roateil." Phila
delphia Kvening I'.ul U-tin.
A Private K!irt,atioii. ('apt. Iove
lee - "P.ul you certainly were flirt i 1 1 y
vii'.h one of the men in the ranks."
M1.-S Coquet te--"Ah. yes. Put that was
a priv.iie affair." - Town and Country.
"Money ii like hlou-l." mid the
a, , -pi-ifithrift nephew; "it i.-n't any gno'I
unlei.-. it keeps in eireu.ation. 1 es,
answered the wis uncle, "but you
shouldn't let either of them get away
from you." Ha It iumre American.
Her Fat 1. 1 r - -" Vo'.ri iiifi n, do you in-i.-nd
to marry my naught cr 7" Vournr
Man "Funny! 'IIih' hs ' he (pii-st ion
N i oi r lis ul'Ii te r f
Th. lmi IlaOl.
Ornwuila nml hi wife were sitting at
the brrnkfasl table I he other morning
he trying to read the paper. wluU
she naa lecturing him on tna dissipat
ed houri fsudiieiily, looking up, h.
said :
"Now hrr. is a (Hrrffttly correct
sentiment. A writer in tht papvr
says the ht capital to tegia with is
a capital wif."
"'I'hat's very tru. dsar," replied
Mrs. tirowells, smiling at lh. thought,
that her remark would .licit a ruin-
tdiment. "Vut jnhrr. ran a man alwava I
get such a wife?" j
"Why, in a deaf and dumh asylum, (if fV
course," answered the U-rtless JT
wretch. 1
As the syuipath.ttc no. hat i. wont ,
to remark: We will riot further in
vade the sanctity of tlie doioesti.
ipiietude." (hie-ago Pnily .News.
tJOOtJOtr WOO tttf i-V
Manufacturer of the s. r1
Recognized as the Pest Vaguero .Saddle
V;if)if ami I'ti-rv Ilarncss. Whips, liolu's, Ilcatas
its, Spurs, (Quirts, llost'ltcs, V.U: -o- -6- -if
Krpairin 'l all kimls, ly cornpt'ttMit iihmi. -i- o
Tn inuke tutro ru-
tamer o H Ii jt ur thf'
(crown ?ttrr. 'i'hat'n th
Mts;ri't tf th FVrry fume.
K1 ..r rt-rrv's Slswlu tnlrl
j hp, I non itinn ariy oilier
v k :.i'J. tiHi ny till iHir.
A I'.tG.Smt Aunwil t'lCb.K .
I O. M. Fnrry Jl Co. S I
Detroit, yff
Si 1 1. -i r i l.i rs I
from oi..- I.
: le-ir i-'.-'i
.'r... 1 1 1 1 - .
Ire--. ! in
. i Thi I-: x a r:it fi. r n Iii i-m..'i
.i n 1 1 v t.. m i . .' i . r i tm nr.-
Hit'lr---s 'tilii r-mi in i.. r in
a runl -ii lh- t' ui..-r - mi I.- ml-r-.i-
lit .o-n.lti. -.
I n I rArtti A'tv- rii-.nn n . I,. i.i ,
Mi-ll lilllli - Ku llllliei-
I A f I s
nlel .. .
uii r ram ..1' ii. ' ni ,
wlii-r.-i:uli mi ls mr el M-mMiiK cn I.i- iniel.
(ur ii.
In all Us stun!. M CK 'oi
ri..- n o.i-tHK
ci j 5 biBdiu oaiui
.Mi-n Mone mid i'ieen Wilhelmirni are
trie two most prom nwit women in the
wurld today, ltoti .'aineil notoriety hy
making fools of then.-elveK The former
l.y t r intf to f ive a people u relit-'ion they
would not n-adily cept and the latter
hv niarryint? a f,J' nothint;, profli-
gate prince w ho ha .' nothinfi hut a title
to recommend him. Miss Htono waH
ld enough to hawe simwn beAter, hut
on affount of Will.eJn.ina' tender yearH
i.e in to he pitied. fc!.
1 Ii tf I Cillne
niir fa
I I make-
! .script.
Kosalie -l
your briIei
Fanny Lyo '
thoiixht you
not exaetly; hu '
wear yellow, an
how they will -plexion."
AU'i Well That
mother (entering vi
whip) "My hoy tell
your eane acron his h.
Schoolmaster (turning
I I may have .trunk hiu
I intendul, hut" Stej .
thought I'd make you a prei
whip, you'll find it'll laxt 1
do him more (food!" Puuch
I he first i ven
i curious lot
1. now n hen
ton Tran-
any of
.-. I
cIl'SIUM-, lomtlien sml In ln
the iliiM-aw-it membrane,
ll aires i-iiturrh and drives
uwny a culil in t)i bruit
Cri-Kiii Itiilin U placed into trie nntnls,siri-sil
over ttie iiii inlirimi: ami is ulmnrlad. lteliefiaim
mftdi.rtn anil a cure follows. It is not drying dis s
tint irwluix- hni i jn. l.ure Sixi-, 6(1 cents at lJru
eiBW or liy mail ; Trial Hiw:, ID sent.
ELY IlltOTIIKHH, M Warn:ii Street, NeNV York
ItlltMC I.AVII Mil l) K
I'lllleil .-ntti-K I.hihI llllil-e.
I.nki lew , llei elnlii-r 'I. I'Kll.
Nulii e is Ii. r.-l.y KIM 11 'Jiat 111 i oiii.llalii-e
NVil ll t If prill i-ilillS 1.1 Hie Ki t ill I in. Kress 1.1
Itilie II, H7h, enlilli-il "All act fur the sale of
limlii-r lainis in the Hlntim ul l alllnriila, lire
,'nn, Nevada and NViihh miitnii ferrllnry," an ex
l.-inleil to all the I'lthlie Land hlan-H hy art of
AiiK'ixt 4. S'., William V. Hounds. of Lakeview,
eoiiiity of Lake, htale of (iri-xoii, Iihm tiiis day
III". I III this lilllli- lilNHUOIIl hluli llienl No. :ii.
lor the pureliBHc of Ihe SNV' of NV4 of Si i-lion
'it. iii Tiiwin,hii No. ;K s, Pantfe No. :ti K,
. .i Mill offer proof to slum dial (lie UikI
Kht in more valuahle for lis timhi-r nr .stone
i for agricultural piirjioHi-s, and lo eatahliuli
'aim to haid land hi-fore the Jteeisti r aini
ver of thi-tiltii-e si Lakeview, iln-Koii. on
ay, tin: 1.1 Ii day of Ki li.,l'il . lie iiamea
H-k-iii: Jasper Muff. William KwiiiK,
.Moure. Hoy I'axlon, all of l.akevien,
n y and all rhnlis i laimniK ad vi rsi
ve deseritn:d landu are reiiii-iiteiMi
ii lo a iii Mils (iltli-c- on or lii-lnre said
iblUUiy, l')l. L. 4). ilHA'ITAIN,
Keg later.
Sash, liliiuls, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, liccliivcs and l:urniturc
of all kinds made to order. Write.for
estimates on contract work & material
A very large and handsome
assortment of Ladies' and
Gentlemens' Watches, and
complete line of Jewelry.
Put your ad in The xaminer, it brings $