ICW. OREGON, JAN. 2 , lOOX vaneement rand by the ppr as a first-class advertising medjuos, and disseminator o( the newt, modesty lir bids to dwell upon the subject. We prefer to let the public judge of (he mer it of Tlie Kiaminer a a local news paper. Tlie rapid strides made by thin pa xt t the front ranks of the interior pres is due to the generosity anil liber allty (if the live business men of I-ake county, ami the merchants anil busi ness men generally of Lakeview In par ticular as well as to the more than one thousand subscribers who have given us their patronage. Few interior news papers can boast ol one-half the bona fide subscribers that The Examiner has on its list, and that fact alone is suf ficient to insure the business man the best results from advertising placed in these columns. We are pleased to state -that nearly all our subscribers are prompt in making payment for the pa per and we are not compelled to keep continually "dunning" for money from delinquents through our columns, as many country papers do. The Exam iner publishers sincerely thank the pa trons of this paper for their liberality io the past, an'i respeclful'y solicit a con-tinuam-e of their generous patronage in the future. We wish you all a Happy New Year. An Error Corrected. R. 1 Cuurtright, one of the witnesses in the famous Lookout case, feels that The Examiner has not treated him fair ly and erred in the issue of December 26th w hen thi-3 paper stated that it cop ied from the Alturas Plaindealer of Dec ember 2Hli that "the witness Court wrL'ht formerly consorted with Mary Hall, the old squaw, mother to some of the men who were lynched, and for that reason he is supposed to have an in terest in seeing the suspects prosecuted." We tind thai Mr. Courtwright is cor rect, as the Alturas Plaindealer did not contain the language quoted. A por tion of the "Inc dents of the Famous Case," published in The Examiner, was taken from the Plaindealer and the re mainder from the Reno Gazette. The i.t.elte contained the language which Mr. O-urtwright fays in a letter to The Examiner is an error, in which we used Li- name in a wrong connection. The Examiner does not desire to do an in jutice to Liny one, and consequently we acknowledge that the ''offensive'' lan guage was not found in the Plaindealer, but was taken from the Reno Gazette. The Examiner cheerfully corrects the error. the officiating clergyman, and pro UHCi Ih wrJ thai Joined Ik hap. py lovers in a most impressire manner. Quite number of friends of the con tracting parties witnessed tbe cere-: raony. An elegant wedding supper j was served and many were the good i wishes expressed for the future happi- j ness of the couple. The bride is a charming, accomplished and pretty ' young woman, of whom her parents and ! husband are justly proud. Ske is the , grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. : Brattain. The groom is a well known and deservedly popular young stock man of Silver I-ake valley, who has a prosperous future before him. Mr. and. Mrs, Carlon were the recipients of num-; erous wedding gifts, a follows: j Set atWrr kolvri, forka and table ipount . ). ('. t'onn Set Utit traaoona .. Mr. and Mrs. J. Marlln Silver aua;ar shell Odie Horning j Bllrer timer knife Kthel Martin Ulaia Jrult itlib wlib allrr atand Klurem-e Martin I Silver cake maud Mr. and Mra. Ira llradlejr . Silver cake aland Trank I'ayne : Silver cuter a. Martin and Uua Schroder 1 Cracker Jar Mr. and Mrs. Marshall '. Crumb tray Win. Hough Pig cushiou Mra. Win. Hough Toilet set Mr. and Mra. Wm. Klltredge Wash bowl and I'licher . Mr. and Mrs. J. II. . uowdy Table linen Mra Kll Viurgar Jar Mabel Kgll Salt aud pi 1 per shakers l.iia Kgil Caudle stick Kred Kgll Melal lamp Mr. and Mn. A. 1. O. yer Carving set.. M.-asra. Halley and MoMey j Glass water pitcher Cora Wardwell i tiiass Cake Man; Mra. Kobt. Musty Class stand and fruit ilish . ..Mr. and Mra. li. B. Wardwell i lilass sjrrup pitcher Jewell forum' Set glass dishes Thomas and Kate Jarkson Set gl-s dish's sam Wardwell silk sofa cushion Vera Hill Napkins Mr. and Mrs. Warren luiin an Handc rduel Isa Corum ! t'lckle dish, table linen and saure dishes . i Mrs. J. M. Small j Booties . La I'uihsii Mr. and Mrs. Carlon strt hand in ' hand through the remaining years ol their lives w ith the kindest wishes of all who knew them for a most happy ex i.-teiice. The Examiner extends hearty congratulations. We wish Everybody a Prosperous and Happy New Year Bailey & passing.!! J Hrfdrr A ( has Msrrlann Reeder & Morrison ;t. blacksmiths AND HORSLSttOtRS Christmas Dance at Shellhammer's. We are informed that the home of Mr. arnl Mrs. frhellhammer, at Crooked Creek, was the scene of much festivity and jollification on Christmas Eve. A lar'-e ::rowd of neighbors and friends of the family were invited by Mr. and Mrs. s;hellhammer to spend Christmas Eve w ith them and the result was one of the most enjoyable events that ever took place in that valley. Everybody danced and had a jolly time and at midnight sat down to a fine supper. Ere they arose from the table the old clock on the man tle announced that Christmas day had arrived. Good wishes for a merry Christmas were exchanged and then dancing was resumed until the chickens crew in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Shellhammer were congratulated for the fine entertainment and were voted a delightful host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Jiurrill Miller, Miss Louise ftusen bury and others whose names we did not learn, attended from I.akeview. KegUtration Notice. Registration for the coming election w ill open at the County Clerk's ollic on Monday, the Oth day of .January, l'.K)2. Justice of tbe Peace and Notaries Pub lic of outside precincts desiring books and blanks for registration purposes may procure same upon applic ation to the clerk. j-3t Wm. Gcsthkh County Clerk. Enjoyable Xmas. at Dairy. Dkah Exminkk: We had a splendid time in Dairy this Xrnas. Sport nc fun was n it at a stands-till either clay or nik'ht. We ' hot turkeys in the morn ing and had a sparring match in tlie , evening and w e danced all night. J'ie Iledent'er got the most turkeys and Pat Calahan won the sparring match. I ' bet all my money on George Vaughn ! but he lost in the initial round. j We danced in The Excelsior building. j Ike moved out and we moved in for this ! , occasion only. We bave a "kick" com- ing even if Ike did give ns the use of the j store and furnished the lights gratis, j He refused to grease the floor. But we bad a good time, nevertheless. The re-1 n owned Elaclyis band furnished music I which was pronounced first-class. Hisi Honor kept the peace and Brown Michael was master of ceremonies and' (taller, Cm. Cm. Anderson of Hotel Dairy , got up the supper and such a supper! j It was a feast to make the Hotel Lake-' view envious We danced all night,!' and all went home pronouncing Dairy a n ico place to dwell in, and wishing j Christmas would come oftener. Da.n Dk Qru.i.K. Dairy, Oregon, Dec. 26, 1901. j ' License to Wed By Phone. W. L. Sutherland and Miss S. K. Jackson of Silver Lake were issued a li cense to wed by rather a novel method last Eriday. The proper affidavit, duly J sworn to, was sent over the telephone to j County Clerk fiunther, and the officer! in turn informed them that the license ' had been issued and was forwarded by mail, requesting the groom at the same time to forward by mail the affidavit for record. There was no legal obstruc tion to the marriage and Tbe Eiaminer understands the Lapp event took place last Sunday under most pleasant auspices. U .. lao rifrj thing In y I he II I ark nun 1 1 hi fig V Line and nl mriie- ) lion guarniilrnl Now Pino CrocK. Oregon. New Vegetable Store... L. 15. WHORTON, Prop. OIM'OSITI. HAII.I.Y & M VSM, l.'.s All kinds of Merries, Vegetables & f?ruit carried in season. Leave orders and what you want for the day will be delivered at your door, fresh and sweet. MEN'S HEAVY WINTER LADIES' EXTRA LINE CHILDREN'S .SCHOOL . .SHI hl'HLRDLR'S NAILED SHOES Hi yhenyc ou see a Mime on a man's face like this fellow, just guess that he ha a pair of (iraves' 5hoe. rpiiese 5hoes are nil cele brated make; are the best to he found on the market, and arc moderate price. THE RED SHOE STORE ? 'r'r s r j .'. by ' SSS S S ' f f y S ''S'S S 'J S S S S f f s 'f ' f ' DO YOU Need anything in the line of CLOTHING? If so we offer you bargains in these MEN'S SUITS MEN'S OVERCOATS YOUTHS SUITS YOUTHS OVERCOATS Boys and Children's Suits and Overcoats DON'T FAIL TO SUE OUR LINE OF SHIRTS & NECKTIES MONOGRAM, AH! rri w ft A Mm m V". , . .... a 5: I i 8