Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 02, 1902, Image 3

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25 Nkwh,
M ,.
Interesting Notes
(lathered During
The Week and
Stated Briefly
l?or Examiner Readers
lln'iy New Yciir In I ! urn lin-r rend
(ieilltfe 1'illkct played llii' Violin III llic
iniixk I'lill, iiii.I l I il m il.
Nl llllilln k
iM MllMI- llUH'l-Mllll' ITMI'L'
Iii-lieml I tiiiHt.Hi in nln f 1 1 it I 1 1 r i if it -
lllT-l ii'lll'flll Inl illlunl M l ire.
I llillll . 1 1 1 f . H tin Uellt tn Mill, , I
mIxhiI ii ciu ii-i, l.n l. tiitncl In Luke
lew .
lot ii k'liim mi. k- nl Toe
I mr .
b If.
'Mn ntl..lil V.illi-y r,nlr..i. in In Li
el tended In I'.iiini. h,i n- I'.nriiB
H'llll III I like VIC . lll-yi ill , I'll'. ,
l'"M, In ll,i- ml.- i, I runk 1 1 iidl, in ,
ililllllS l .
I iiiiii'm lur iii-Imiik'
III I In li-iil h ill I'ri-niileiit .lulni J. Val
entine nl Willi., rHrifi . I CoV ex prem,
tin- i-iii iny- nf 1 1, n i,iii,iiii v ,,. Ihi-if
Ih-hI iiii.I Inn mI fnend. lli-wuM h ifiiml
limn in every respect.
l-iir tin- Vmvi '!! f i i f . npplv In
Mf. W. 1 1. S nmli in k, l.ukewevv, Ore-
ir ii
Mr. ami Mr.. II. , . lukint hi.. I Mr.
iiinl Mr. Miner l!luii..iit ii-iil Cliril
miiH in l.nkeVi. . 'I'lm Inrnirr uerc
I iui-1-Ik ii K. M. Iliiilliiiu uml wife hi,,
llu- liilli-r i.l Sin-nil I 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 an. I wife.
Sli in iiii'k liHi fine hknli-ii. !iiy ii
pmr mill tin. n tn .1 j ii .i tlm liiku iiiii
i.i 1 1 in. ;,
White Spreads
Fleeced?-Wrappers; Flannelette Gow,
Flannelette and Eiderdown Dressing Saques
Knit Underwear, Ladies' Waists and Skirts
Ladies' Coats, Capes and Fur Collarettes,
Muslin Underwear, Ladies' Children's and
Misses Rubbers, and Rubber Goods every
kind, Men's Felt Boots and Bootees (new).
C. U. SNIDER . . .
'llu- 1'i.Ht report" Jin k Kelt-ay U
k'nn fi-i-iliiiK 7 K lirinl more ( I)er.
L'lt. lie Iih'I l.eeti f Iihk WHl dead
pi evi.nly In tliix new mlditioli. ,.
now lin l.'iiiii lien. I in tin- fi-i-il yaril. and
Ii i 1 ill tlirln, hr my, ii rr lieef Int.
liKIICTIII) IN 1 900
'IImhiiiih ll.iimhiir, Htratirr In lleno,
ll ......I M
winiik-in ii. r iriitral I'milir train w ii-
in. I t'niiii; In f I I '. Ilutt iil.u-r mie mum
. . . . 'I here i nnr w hi-krv that aU ay livm
"' " 1 1 in itM ami Unit m .l.-fM-
we-t In- ntlriii.i. I., p He M".ir. I irt it at Jam im-rt lut I'h.
na niiiy nnr .i..l n..w .
1 1 .eeni t.i U- the pra.l ir
entity l..r luuyeiK t.. iin'e an nl .jei I i.ei ! knew it. 'I lint 'n jiit hke a man."
ilnniik' i trul l.y ralliiiK t lie'e a ,ar. V hrii a tteinan inarrie" the h-i'.iii. lime
I III' Ulll' of Imi.viiiii f . r- ti t.-.u i.;,.i u t
Mi...- -t r i -l,i. tiel.-.l I,,n W.-.t s,...i " "' "l"-"-- -..inmrn.l Her COl.: TIIOl'S
ieri.a.. in mlh.i ai llu- .In, i:,., h f,.r I, rr K"'"! ..,rei. the hi. I TKIIAl.MEZNT
Im i line
I he I ' M'i i-l. .1
. I.. Il.,ll.....k an. I Alex I ii,aln. k
mi ir in I mm the I. i unrh tn a I tel., I t he
iiiiii-k hail
W hen a man marrii-N a hthihI time,
in MimI.ic every . .man i.l I.ih iirijiiaintanie i-avn:
Ytr conru:kciAL
t it iii-1 1 ,.ni.. tune a'n tn I'.Uie iihmI ,,r
.1 hiu ..t ., Inn, I., i. j
Plenty Im.- h n un an, I Iniin" at I he I
I'.Xi-i-IhIiiI , I 'ai I .
-crrelarv will h-HVe t he ( 'ahine!
UN mi-'Ii a- hiN i-iii i e-Mii im namril. '1 he
ie..,rt thai .irtrlary Hay will nr-iiMi in
uml har l.-a l tin- treim hi- hi., m M,,.
-it the hiilletm.
that hhe will he haj,.ier than i-ln- wan'
w ith her (irnt l,in-t,n,.
F. H. MILLER & CO., Prop'rs, F. P. LIGHT, Man'gr
Seimlm Stew ai t Im-i intr.Mlui eil a hill
into the I'mleil MhIi.k Senate ,rnMiliiiK
Mn-i l ern Itutl.-r, r.f Ihr jik.-iew i nhlie m IiimiI, in nut imly a hri'hl tem her
whn haM are.l hernell tn ull hrr niiiln, hill he ix hIho hii urc.m,ln-he.
iiincii ian, aii,l tearhi N a i Iiimi in tn u-ic. I.itft Kriilay iifti rinxin, in the parlnr (if
I Intel l.aki-virw , Hhe (,'avc n lleiita', unfii-teil hv hrr i-lanit, to w hich tlie iarrntf) of !
Inr a f.'n,il nvernmrnt nit..llirr hnil.l- '"'r I'"!"'" ami a lew IrirniU were Invitiil. Tli event wan an enjnyahle one ami
lliK at llenn. 1,11 w,1 attemle.l were liinhly enti-rtailieil. Minn IttitlerV ( htft t-lmw a marke.l im-
See s, k S,, (,,r K,-i fur- j l'r"v''""'"1 '" ,'",'r miifii al e-lin-atlini. l-nllnw in in the priram ren.lereil :
nihin; !ikkh, .'"I 'J j
Nnw (hat I.akeview in nlrnnnt iiNmire. I
f a tli.iiriiix mill fnr the minim; ar we
may In.. k f r nmre rnMM-riiy aiming nur :
In r 1 1 1 r frieml". I i
'rH Ii The -xceIsior-
M . K . Harry ( nine nver from Warner
lat week ami ha, I a thiiri.nuhly enjny.
ahle lime lulling with the merry inank- 1
rri a; the hall. I
I.ii 1 1. h -Ire K n h nf
tinli, at The llirelnmr.
verv I r i -M-tl
.1. '., whn in Inlying artillery
lniri . 1 1 . i w Inn a nnmhrr at the I-wih '
iV I iariett elahle iiii.I in ennai;e, in hrrak- 1
init I hem . IliiniH New . j
('i.iinty I 'niirt will he in MeNHimi next (
week. IheCiiunty Mlirial Paper will!
U' ili-"ii;mite.l at that ineetint;, uh well 1
an iitln-r h.i-ini-MH of imjiiirtance.
I'ellH an, I iiVi-rHh.ieH an. I lexther K.ile.l
HUIn h.H.tH at The Kxi-rlHInr. M-lf
('r.why Snellim;, firmer rrHi.lent nf
l.akeview, has h-fl Ke.l Uluftaiiil h.niht
a line l.ini.rial hIii in Ke lilin, the
iKiniiiiiik! town nf Northern California.
ll l hai.l that Hinre the milecti in iiiiIiIh
hy the 1 1 ill ney 'alley I niu nveinent Coin
pany Iheie in no pnhlic I iii.I left for ur
ilmary entry, in llarney Valley.- I'.uriiM
N e w h ,
Ike, al The Kxi'clMior, han thn Hwect
e"! nl ' i 1 1 1 1 1 - ami the ht-nt hramln nf
rinaiM. M-tf
( iel u ijiiml, clean, hot hath lit Frank
S in 1 1 Ii 'h t-h..i. When vnil rim e nut of
ihe I -ii 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 yniii-elf in the I'hnir ami
(.tI n rlet.n hIuivi', aftei w hu h try hia pure
I'll 1 1- In nil i ii tt iiieilniue. "Ctl
DI CI MHI'k 27. 1001.
I'i.'tno Trio Hoist
Mm. Asim.iN, Mi llAiirr. Mi
A ii f (inincr An Mcrkvl
Ml-ii I'KIKI WllHlimK.
The I 1 a 1 1 1-r r Chnmhuulc
Ml'KA SNIlI 1 I Ml.
Ivnfant Chciv liohm
MlM I A I ' IK HttOWN.
M.'inli , (iicse
Mi (UTir Hki.ii.
I'lowcr Sonx L.'uitfc
iA-ii-htcr Sinn Hchr
li. ii. -thy Hi mnii.
Tin.' M instill Hoy I'npc
Mum. Hi i k.
Violin Solo, Hearts anil Flowers.
Ml 1111 SSKI I I Nil.
: . r ni ii i
A Model Country Store
Dairy, Klamath Co., Oregon
At tbc Esccltlor you can f ft
nythlnf tram a paper ot pint
to a town lot. If the article
4ot not happen to be In
. stock I can (set It lor yau.
Postoffice In the Store
...I. F. DAVIES...
Equitable Life Assurance society of the U. S.
20-Pnvment Life K(iiitable p,l'r' No. ' the policy ami dividend into fully -aid
l?:((i,.rM,2 "on the liie of Mr. (i. M., of up poliov for 17,410. 3d. To receive
Hrooklvn, recent! v matured, offered t tie eurrviiiler value of the policy in caeh
h.ilder'lhe following ontioiiB in fettle- $11, 4:W.80. For inHiirance rate? and par
iiient: lot. To continue policy (now ful-( ticularB, write or call on J. L. Smith,
ly paid up) for f lO.lUK) and receive arauli i ajjent. Consultation and otlice treat
dividend of $'i,011.!H). Ld. To convert i ment free.
Strongest in the World.
$ Hotel de Barry
Recently Built
Everything IVew
And First-Class
Lage Sample Rooms
For Accommodation
Of Commercial Men
W. K. BARRY, Proprietor.
AS'rr' r i-iliT- i-i . iwJ w4irX-. u-i
You Wanta Watch That
11 Great
III vjtVui. ; h'J
.11- iss i
' l 1: X j.
At New Pine Creek's Big Store.