Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 02, 1902, Image 2

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( I hree Months, SO
Senator Williamson, whose (i lends are
equally iividt1 us to wiar plum he
V llould pick I' M. .'.!. i '11 Hi' . finds
himseleUu I II. i p t en! ;:!. . : i i
ietiiutely t) announco his ' candidacy
t-jtber (or the congressional nomination
iu Opposition to Moody or (or ."secretary
i Mate agamsi I'unbr. This in w
titical gossip, a The hxaminer inidiT
stands it, lii 'ii is causing s me uii
easiness in certain ipiai ters. Senator
" Williamson returned two works ajio
. from the annual mcclinit ol the Na
tional Livestock Association held at
I'uicago. anil spent a lew days in Salem
sud Portland in coiifeience with parly
'eaders. To an Oregonian reporter Mr.
Williamson aid :
"The unsett'ed condition o( ihe o
!:t.eal situa'.ioii in Kastcrn Oregon, and,
m fact, in the entire stale., makes it mi
ls.ihle (or me to make a definite an
nouncement i f any can li lacy at pres
cnt. My friends know that it has been
jiy desire to go hefore the state conven
tion ad a candidate for secretary o(
ta'.e. I have ha I no intention of tlirt
iui witli two nominations, hut circum
stances inav so shape Uieinselves that 1
:ny be compelled to forego my auibi
l,.iou. Regarding my possible candidacy
; tr congress, I shall be governed more
r les by eonditious, as is every man in
public life. It is early yet to discuss
nominations to Ije made next summer."
Jt may be sail truthfully that Mr.
Williamson is not a miscellaneous candi
date for whatever otlice may dr.. p his
way, hut is in tlie ' hands ol his Iriends"
a-i it were.
We presume, at the proper time, Sen
awr Williamson will definitely - an-
. tldi'"'f -ia mMri T'e "I" 116 .
' ceitain, if ihb party in Eaatyn. Orejfoti
ill decide upo.i Mm (or Mine p.iriicu
. tr otlice, make him the only candidate
.Hid the only tight this side the In iim
tailis, organ;..- that purpose in
.ew ai.O .o li. I.'.'- convention i;h jt
viid Kasteru and .-o
IciealloliS J.,1
an't heat him I !
r I
a-tern ' iiegoii
in -"i . a. I :.
1 If le.llill.U'ioli.
Al't-r the la
-isiiy won.
j.recinct east
olfice w i.l not
sllioli will he
'ulna i .h t i .
A landiiaii-
I the ( a -
tlolll eVelV
i s f..r some
. I iin- n an tor
ure inia-i . Th
ne po-
iMiididale- tins
lin.e in.i-t ' ij
:.ack and sit io. n."
'1 he Kxaminei woi.ld prefer to
W iliiam-oii tnaKe ti e ti.!,t lor ,-e
I S.ttte.
AI i .
'M tal
Ma lay, who wrote di-paia -ingly of
medley, ha l,..en a-ked by 1'resi.lent
ituo-evelt to resi.'n hi- po-Mion as a la
'rer in the navy yard. .Maelay de
c.ii.e- to do sO and a in- is protected
iy the civil servii e law . He i- the man
a ho wrote a "hi-tory'' of the gn at na
vi, battit.-ili which he acil-ed ,'chle
)l cowardice. .Mr. .Ma lay will pro
oli!y think better oi it and resign
1 hiwydore I; i js.-velt i I'tes.ilen". J.ater
I'y an md.-r oi I're-jdcnt Uoo-evelt
ecretry Long ol the navy ill hinged
M -n iay lion, tlie pnsi ion.
I', i now coi. -nlei ed perfectly sale to
.tunoiit.cii t)ii 'ongre-.s vsill re-enact
ti.e lieary (liine-e I!x'lu-ion Art.
'Ihi- one oi tin- be-t law eei en
acted b (' i,gr.--s. Il tint body w ill
l.l!l the Land l.ea-li.g bill when it comeg
tip fur c jnsiderat ion then will the West
continue to be a gloiiou part of the
world for every known industry.
A w if ariiendment to Senator I loar'h
lull to colonize the anaichistH on an
i.-l tnd would be to provide tw o islands,
one for the males and another (or
the (einalfM, so there would be. no op
jsrtunity (or any little anarchists to
make their appearance. Anarchy is
bred in ti.e bone and nuckled from the
mother breast.
.j i i.iiu.-Mi army nrftceta Ironi
Kansas City to iinptvl the heavv tdiip
inents. It is feared the trust has killed
the noose that bid the golden egg, (or
no sooner w as the. price udvanced than
the buy ing. sti pH'd, and it is said Col
onel IV Cuigh will not buy another mule
in the I'nited States. (The tru! have
probably killeda businetm that lias left
-40.0tH).lHHl in the I'nited States and has
taken from the raisers a grade i( atock
that they ci-uld not s'll, and has given
UcmmI pri for thrin. There is weeping
ami wailing ainoiig the mule buyers who
hover around this, pert to place the or
ders with the ltrltish.
A few day-sago the leading mule men
of the country got together ami fgretl
to advance price of mule to the British
liovernmcnt f 15 per head. The price
has la-en $100, and the new prce asked
was (115. It was thought John Mull
would stand for It, but he has kicked
over the traces, and will go to South
Anieri a for his 'mules. Colonel IV
Ihiigh, ranking ollicer of tin- Hntish
army corps from Kansas City, was asked
if he would stop all purchasing.
"I cannot discuss the reoorted trust,"
said he. "I do not know that I will or
that 1 will not buy any more mules in
the fnited States." 1
A dispatch frum Job intiesburg under
date of IVeetuber 'U, "ontains reports of
sharp lighting bu(ween lloers and Kng- ;
lish in the Orange Krver and Transvaal
colonies, his said that the casualties
were severe on both sides. There ap-
p-ars to be a determii.ed effort
n the
part of the Boers not to be whipped.
but to ki I off by degrees nearly all of the
I'.ri'ish soldiery and to bankrupt Kng
land whose everyday war in Koerland
.osts a million dollar.
p A rotw club has Iwen organized in
VorUaniJ, The pleasant duy nf its
tneni)ers will In- to make I'ortland a
r s city a genuine bower of roses dur
ing the fair. This i! U- .,( it-e!f a
uni.'l- a'tradi'ii). ilregili excels the
.sor.diti ro-. , and ith tin- expendi-
in-ofthe rn-ci'-sarv tiiuc and a r 1 1 -1 i .
i i. elm it
;on i ir-'on iie'tropolis can lu
ll! Ill I the poel ino-t ardent
I lie- coni inuoii-'a"d.-u of ro-es.
Sir Thomal I.iptoti received a Inag
niliceiit -i'.ver punch howl and stand a
i ( hri-tmi pre-ent from American
friend. ir Thoma said: "I cannot
av ho ih-ligli'ed I am. It merelv
I bow - 'hat if a man does the right thing
iu mciici they appreciate it as no
; th-' people do. I have fievel received
! an 1 1. 1 ng I a hied in on- than this splen
jdi I g;!t mv American fiiend."
On-.'ii, will next year have the larg-
I wool III the ln-tory of the
and lioiii present indications it
will hung a gisid pi ice. li wool i
higher there will be a renewed demand
(oi -beep, of w hich the state will have a
gieat nun. her to market.
Sad Christmas for Mrs. McKinley.
Mi-. McKinley spent Christmas day
alone a' her home. Hie was urged to
join ti e l.arlier lainilv at their ( tins'-
ma-.In ner at the old Saxton home, but
declined to do so. She did not wish to
be -i. p i ib!y reminded of the ( 'hristmas
day- oi the ji-ist. a she would be by
sud. .i 'iii.nir. Mrs. .Mckinley's fundi
is a- n ond or bi.-ltei than it lias been
since i ie I nigedy. IteiativeH wbu see her
moht oileii s.tale she shows gradual im
proveinent. She remembered many of
hfi fiii-nds with little (hllhtmaH present
. i
and she received (lowers and presents. ,
(ro Hi a.l over the fOUtltry. 1
Blown to Atoms.
The old idea that the body sometimes
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
bus been exploded ; for I'r. King'a New
Life 1'ilis, wl.l' h ie perfectly liarinleHH,
gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex
pel poi-onoiiH matter, cleanse the system
and absolutely cure Constipation and
Sicl: lleadttche. Un'y '.T centH at Lee
lieall's drug Htore,
W m i
k i ne Laiveview iYierccintnc vui;
Offr 14 t'.HM
OMI' V Y :
V y Mlllrr. fn-nlitriit
I' A It. hart . I
I.Miii-lltna. ta.-r A Trr
Lakeview flercantile Co. I
oaa of Taa Hmw.
"Thia article," she aaid. looking op
from th paper, "itri that phTaiciant
almnit invariably have uo buainejia
"So?" hf replied, abaent-mimltdly.
"That'a what it say," ahe aaerted
"They are too ea going in a buai
nas way, and renl!y doifl know how
to get a proper return for their ar
icea. Tliere la no claaa, it aayi, that
ia ao much impoaed upon. lo yon
think it'e true?"
Veil." he replied, t nought fully.
he pfthem tuny lack ( Ujauu-a
ability, Vit otliera bar enouirh to
make the average good. l)o ymi re
meniter that you askeil Ir I'llla to
dine with us last month?"
"Yea. What of it?"
"ilea rhargr.l it up in hia bill aa a
profeksional call " ( hirajro I'oat
TIk- V: r-..!r:
The Kti. i it ',.i r
The Iiuvt
I .i i o ii
Detroit, Mich.
'III.- I. Mill.. I
U ll
tlli'v to iiiin'Ii. ; ,-r IiHItK'
H'l'lr--- - ciPl r- iii- iiO
in :
i i -it 1 1 1 i r piip'-r i tin ti- Hl
III j ...- .ITi .o .
! nl K. (' IIAkK'-
A.-lii v i.l Hlel ii
SI - r li mi i "' Kx'aKiikfe, shii h rule in'O, nl..
lieo-colilrili't- lur H'l erllsllig l itll lie lliml'-
for li.
Niisul (Jutarrli piickly j ii Ida to treat- 1
uifciit by Ely b C'roaiu iialni, which is iin o-
ably aroDiatic. It i received through tho
nohtrilu, clean.' and hfiula tha wholo Bur
faca over which it difTiiHcH itself. Druggi"1
mdl the COc. air.a; Trial mze by mail, 10
cents. Test it and you are sure to continue '
the trfc.atim.iit.
,.. -OIIJ,IJO ,lllto thoW! wllo are partial
to the use of atomizera in applying liquid
into the nnbul pithxagea lor eiiiarriiai irvu
litft, the propri' r prepare dream liulm in
lipiid form, which will bo known as Kly'a
Liipiid (.'ream Calm, i'rico iiicliiihng the
apruying tuba i 7"i cents. I iruywtAn or by
muil. 'J he iiipiid form embodies tho med
icinal propt-rtie of the Holid prepurutiou.
'I I Hit tit I.AM 4TI K
t'llile'l Sillies I. Hlel llllirl-,
l.iiki i ie , iinKoii, I ---ii 1 1,-r '.i. I'ml.
S'nlii-e is Ie p liy Kl'i'll Ll'il i" i''iliiniiliei
the rilviMinllS of ihe Hi't III iillri'liH I.
I 'I l-TM ,.i.ll:l...l eAl, ...-I ii.r II... -ul,. ,.l
timlier IhihIs in the soit.s nl ( Mlilnrnla, Ore
cull, NeiiiilH Mini W rerrilury," as ex
icmh ii to ml lie i-ui.ile I. mi. I siiin i, hy m t nl
A ni; iiHt 4 Is1'.'. W ill nun F. Koiiielh. nl lj.loii ,
enuniy nl Lake, htuie ol Oregon, Ima Ihinilny
ll leil In UiU nltlre liishMiirn nun imni Nil. tin,
lor nil ilireilHHi' in llie ni in v HI neiMlon
No. 1 in Tnwiishin No. :ih K, llHime No. 20 V;
anil will offer primf to hhnw Ihul ll laiel
oiiKht is inure vhIiih hie fur lis 1 1 in Oe r or stune
limn fur HKnciilturitl iiiri'iiheh, hihI In eHlnhJikh
Ins i'Ihiiii In siii'l limit tiefnre the iteisii i mi
Keeelver nf this llltll'll Hi I.Hke'iev, 0:oli, oil
"aliirUny, I lie Ian iluy of K h.,l'ml . Hi- naiin
hh ii nessi-H : Jusper Huff, W iUinin KwiiiK,
( hurli h .Miinre. Key I'uxliiii, all of I.Hkevnn,
Op-Kiiii- AnyHiiilHll perKoiiH i'ImiimIiik a'lverHi
ly tiie aliiive ileserilinl IhihIs re reiiii'Niei'
file their elHims in l Ms i.ltict.. uii nr lielnre krkI
1V.Ii rtuy of l-eliriiry, l'il. t, M. llrriN,
(tee Yi Yi Hi tter.
O 'tikU fl J
SMl-iTl'.. r- in
iri'lli In
Heir ...-'..ltic
ln.. Ilil- ..ItH'e
ilr.-- .l t.. th- r
Successors to II. C. ROTII1; &
...S 1 OCK...
We will soon have on
hand the largest and most
complete stock of
I;ver opened up in South
eastern Oregon.
. F. Ahlstrom
lamifacturcr .f the
Ma ihi fact
Uccognied aa the Ileal Vaquero 5addl- Q
Wii'uii ;irnl I'iil''V lldiiH'ss. W It i j -, l!nh's.
1'iils, S.m, (,inirt, lli)ffttf., Ktr. o
lli'l'dirin' of nil K'uhI-, ly cii!iiii'triit im-n.
Sash, liliiuls, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, IJeehives and l:urniture
of all kinds made to order. Write. for
estimateson contract work'& material
A very large and handsome
assortment of Ladies' and
Gentlemens' Watches, and
complete line of Jewelry.
X-l . T TV T t T X a T
. rt. -UUIN-LAI" it
Put your ad in The
tMItt I
n Ulll. r, t II. Ia,rl
I. Hnrlliiia. Mrl.l Hrkrr
l'llrr)(urd. I H l.n-ra
lacorir II llauklH
r"- -
.,J rhrVi
a- o
examiner, il brings f