Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 26, 1901, Image 2

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    LAKE COLISTY EXAtUKt&UlKgf tCW a(dV wVfi; ?6, 190f.
Puhllnhed Every Thursday
Maaonlc Building;
(One Year, $2.00
-'Six Months, 1.00
(Three Months, 50
LAKEVIIiW, OKI-dON, VilC. 26. I90I.
As is well known by tlio public Tla;
Ksaminer Iimh for montlm boon working
t create, general local interest in
oaition to the proponed lea-intf of the.
public lamin. TIiih f.r ore effortn hve
leen unuv.iiliiitf. Only one flection of
Lake county lian confide red t lie matter
of HUllicient i'lipoltiince to take any
ac'.ion therein, viz. North Warner. It
M concliiiled by tli entire preHH of the
Went that the conditions are alarming
t!.at the we iltby stock corporations are
working assiduously and h ill line a
targe amount of money to ain their
point. Ir hi'ciuh (-trance to tin that
every interest in Luke enmity the mer
chant, the lai mcr, (he t ladesniuu, and
the laboiet--shoulil f.ul to lind any
thing ill t hie rent (jnesl ion to interest
thrill. And why I he Mii.ill moi kilieli of
thi.- 1 1 1 1 1 1 slioiiM not lake a deep in-
leroM in tlx' Midjecl is I'i'VoikI .ui itom
prehensi'iii . They, finely, are the men
who fiiuii M he most in le i eMoil in the
leasinn iieM ion, for they aie the men
who iniiMi Hist pi out of business in this
country should leasing become a law.
'1'hcv will he followed h thi merchant,
lor when the big corporations get con
trol of the range they will have mer
chandise stores of their own and their
employes w ill be compelled to buy from
them. When this come to pass what
is to heciiiue of the army of laborers?
Where will they get employment?
Why, in some other part of the world
when the small rancher ami small stock
man are unknown ; w here other indus
tries take the place of stock irtising on a
.....11 1 1 1
Miiiiiu scnie. me poor man wno iiujh
worked hard for years improving his
homestead, and has got a start in the
mock business, must give up his home
or Htarve, and the West will know the
homesteader and settler "no more for
ccr." As gmver l'lecland said, "it is
:l condition and not a theory that con
I. its us," and the people must do bat
tle on 5 hat con. lit ion against the slock
wealth of the country. The North War.
iter Auii-I.aud Leasing Association is to
lie couii'liuieiitcd and 111 everyway en
ciiiiuiged f r its activeliess, foresight,
and realization ol the dauber that threat-
lis the slock interests, as well as every
other interest of Lake county. "An ap
peal to the Congress," promulgated by
4hul Association ami puhhsned in The
Kxamiuci list week, i, we understand,
lo be put 1 1 1 1 11 (be loi in ui a petition, a
e y of w w iil bo cent lo evoiy pre
cinct in I. ike county for mmi. nines, and
'I he KxaiMnei c.ilieslly hopes that all
lia mi' against leasing will not pass
tins pennon idly by, but will sign it and
j t their licit bbois to do Itkew ise.
In colour I Ion u ith the leasing .iles
llun, Mud under the heading "Stockmen
Should Watch," the Oregon Kohuh
lu'un, puhlished at linker . " i : v , has the
('low in :
As tbeie is a committee of the Na
tional Livestock Association dehherat
lug over the recommendation submitted
Nt the lsi convention for iimge IcaMtig,
it is especially oppornnie for the county
Nssm iai ions of the not I h est , so pro
iioiin. e I against leasing at all times, to
ioliuoiale meuioiials, or send resolu
tions 10 the . 111. i ts of the nalliili.ll as
MiK'iati 'ii, to be submitted 10 the mem-Ih-ih
of this coiniiiitlee.
It would also bo discreet (or the sllb
iir.liuate ss iittioiiK to look to whom
they have to rvprcfcnt ihein at the next
coiiveiition. It in probable that the
tueinU'is attending the national asso
ciation reiieent the larger and wealth
to? o .nies, vk lm arn admittedly fav
orable to leasing. Thove coinpaiiu s aie
tnueli U' able to have a repieceiita
live there than the multitude ol smaller
-ttvkuiii, iinleaa the latter pooled inter
.st to hale the ekK iiso i f a delegate
Hwoin to lepreM'tit their true svitli-
neiit. l'ii!ra the mall tutkmcii ei-
pected such action as'wmt taken, it is
unlikely that they wonl4 think to send
The urgency for action lies in the fact
thit there ate many stockmen not effect
ed either way by the question. They are
of the Last, middle west and south. No
range opens to their herds and while
they have a voice in influencing action,
they are more likely to be governed by
such presentation of the case as seems
to them most reasonable. Miould only
the representatives of large companies
g from the west, it might easily be in
fe rred that tie pieponderance of sen
timent in the west was for leasing.
If this question were left to the real
men effected, only people of the south
west, west and northwest would have a
voice. In these regions the range is to
lie found. The residents there will suf
fer or prosper by any action taken.' They
should have the guiding voice, and when
Congress is called upon to move, it is to
be hoped that the people of the west will
be accorded 1 he balance of jower. (should
this be the case and no immature judg
ment prevail, theie will be no range
lint to the active often falls victory,
and il the stockmen of this region do not
make thein-elves felt in the National
councils, their interests are not absolute
ly sale.
i Hphe new
I ..The Lakeview Mercantile Company.. 1
O'HJ'HJ Capital I
Successors to H. C. ROTHE & CO.
The once great? Populist party is j
now without representation in me
I fnitcil Stales Senate, likewise the Sil
ver Iicpuhlicitiis. Senator Iubois, oi
Idaho, w ho walked out of the Republi
can convention at St. Louis in IS1.)1,!, to
gether with Senator Teller of Colorado,
and a few others, have loudly an
nounced that they are all Democrats
now, and Senator lleltfelt, also of Idaho,
w ho was elected as a populist, has w rii
ten a letter to the state chairman of
that parly iu his stale, urging hint to
amalgamate all his following with the
Itemociats. Iu the meantime there are
two lonely men in the Senate, Wel
lington of Maryland, and McLaurin of
North Carolina. The former is burred
out of the Republican caucus and the
latter out of the Peimsjratic. Hut return
ing to the matter of populists going baik,
to the fold. We cannot see how they
can consistently embrace the I 'oni
on at ic faith, for they left it because it
was ' rotten to the core" and the "lie
publicans wore all thieves," and they
could not w ell go to that party. How
ever, with the I'omocrais it is, "as long.
as iho lamp holds out to burn the vilest
sinner niav return."
V .H Miller. I'l-eNident
V A Kehait. V I
V I. !"iiclliiiit. !.'! A Trt'UM
We will soon have on
hand the largest and most
complete stock of
Ever opened up in South
eastern Oregon.
K M .Hi Her, ' A Jtelinrt
V I. NnelliMK, Iteht MrKee
IV l Ilerytfertt. K .11 iirrrn
4aeorie II llaukins
I Lakeview flercantile Co. i
Dusnap liid she nay: "This is so
Bertwhistle You forget, she was a
widow. She said: "You've been dead
alow!" Brooklyn Eagle .
Lord liosoberry, former Premier of
hugland, thinks (ileal liritaiu should
listen to peace overtures. A million a
day iu money is what the war costs and
Knl.ind's soldiery have fallen by tW
.ens of thousands.
On lcccmlcr b'-lh the Senate latitat
the I lay-l'aunccfote Isthmian Canal
1'roniy, by the decisive vote of 7- to ts.
"lam willing to take the judgiuot
of Admiral Oewey in the matter, ' says
lienor d Miles, regarding the Schley tastt.
fjf Knolpn and solpnK y
I tohtreber good crops j IT
I I are crnhm I I v
Sold everywhere.
1902 Annua! FREE. j&
Snliscrils rii to The Kxniuiner who remove
from one locality to another, or rhangc
Iht-ir ixisiMfHce H.tilress sbkkt re me 111 In' r lo
itn this ottiee a cttr.l so their paiwr inn be .!
tffs't lo the l iuhl iosUlttee.
TUIC DaDCD is kep en nle t K.C. 1ak's
I WO rArCn AitveriiMHK AmmvSI ndiii
Merchants' KxcliaiiKC Snn PrMm-two, "al ,
wlton- coiuraelN for ailuntisine van U-niaiie
for it.
You Can
Nebraska was colder during thr past
two weeks than it has invu sitiuw Ui
great b!i..ard of 1SSS.
Admiral Shley is going toobje.
A Uool Cough rWdktiMv
(Krom the oi tU'. TiHiutumlia, Auslimiia.)
1 tin. I (.'bainU-rlatu's Cough Uemotly
is an e client medicine. 1 have boon
suHcring from a severe cough for Iho
last two months, and It bivs effected a
cure. I have urcat ideasiue in reonin
mending il. W. C. Vot-kKK. This is
the opinion of one of our oldest and
most res 1 h ted reshU'lits, and has boon
voluntary given itt .ss faith that
others may try thervint'y and U Ihmi
tiled, as was Mr. ltm'kitor. This rem
edy is sold bv Lev 1. call, druggist.
A. J. Snoll wanted to attend a )arty,
but was afraid to ik so 011 atveuni of
pain in his stomach, which he (oared
would grow worse. He says, "I was
(coins my trouble! ton lady friend, who
said: 'Chamtierlain's Cholic, Cholera
and l'iarrhoea Kerned v will mt you in
condition (or the party.' I .ought a
Uitlle and take pleasure iu stating that
two I loltloa cured me and enable me to
have good time at the party." Mr.
Snell is a resident of Summer llih, N.
Y. This retmsly is (or salt by Ie
lU-all, dru.glit,
A.uiro a iliorwi)tly rnu'iU-a.1 know I
eiltse nl the 'oli'lriaer
Wiihout inlerferiJuf with, your ii-csvul itu
Semi ihisImI lor Yrvt Tril l.-i anil
full imrlii'iilsrH ul .tnr
A Imi opinions 1 4 ;Kiinii Hvut I'.tiu alor. tnisi
in nti'ii, sleimrsplu fs Hint wtner in re-
Eii lo this iiu l'ni.i. T"Xt tM4t. i. Terms
r Mail litslriii'tiou. "'r ruiuith. I ts
wiiihMorr'eii'.l nt reiuriit'it n .! of re
ctipl. Adilrrs-
Itrltnke's La,w St. Coaxnertial School,
I'nUvtl statt-K 1 anil nrnoo,
I.HkwitUV, (Wl'KOIl.. iKHYiutxT l. 1A1.
Noiu'c is berrliy kiwu tUat 111 ooiuliaue
iilt flu' .rmihiois tr tlte at oi t iii(jr. s ij
June S.lsTs, I'litiilctl "An aH for the sale wf
t i 111 t-e r IhiiJk in liio Stnkn wf t'atifornia, (rp
liiiu. ca. ami WacliiiiKtu Territory. " as ov
leiiih i 10 all the kunlu' Lan.l Slate hy act of
Annas! i isoi. K. of IjtWevirw,
0011 111 ol l ake. Siale of t Kon. ha linn day
tile, I ill Ihi otllne kUkHMtl sun ini'llt .No. is,
(or I lie nun-llano vi III SW iu SW 4 of Seoiiull
n. J I in ToitUi No. Ss S, KatiK' No. 3 t.
ami will offer irwol t slum thai the laJi.l
oiik)ii in more vaJnalJ tor tl liuilsT or stwne
I hau r SKrleitAural rust'. aint lo MaUJ'sh
his e u nt to woJIauJ lloro the KetriMirauU
K Hirrul tlikuttiev at l.a.ev ! , (ir.gii. u
Santntay. the lh day of Krh.,!'!!. tie Maine
a nilui'i'; Jprr 1 1 11 IT . William Kiiik,
I lukrlek M.s--. Kov KhxIoii, all ot l-a.vvu .
irt.t:ii. An; aa.l al t rsons lainiina a.ter
l I Me l'l.' l's ril l latut are r U. .' , 1
ti:J their elainia iu litis office on or Iwlorv sanl
Sail ilav ot rehruarv. fH. K. M. Rs tTTAlN,
iU j U. kisier.
S. F. Ahlstrom
Manufacturer of the
Recognized as tftc Best Vaquero Saddle
J Wapon antl Burgy Harness. Whips, Rols, Reatas,
Bits, Surs, Quirtsv Rosettes, Etc. hJh b- ;
J lapairino: of all kinds by competent men. -y- Q
Sash, Blinds. Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract vork"& material
I'nit.'il state I jn t urtli'i'.
lakeview . ori'Kon. !. II. l'l.
NiHuv 1 hrrel.y itnen that in miiilianee
Willi I he provlnon ol the act of t'onitrnui of
Jnm-XlsTs. enlilli.t "All act for the ale of
tnuU r laiitta iu the Stat. of California, Ore
nun. Neva.ta. an. I Vnmslou TerriUirr." a
i xieinlel to all tht fnblie Laut Suio by aet
el Aii4-ul . tofJ. I'harl (, Ui't', of 1-ak-K.
eouiity of l ake.siat' ol lr'iton. ha I hi
day rilott IU ihi oltiev hfcawortl ialenu'Ut No.
jo, for the ur'hae of iho Si, of bK'i. X1,
of Sa, of '. No. Si la T. No. .HI S, K. No. JO K.
:..! '.!! orr i'rHt 10 Im thai the laol aounht
I 11101 alnalt for li timber or ton than
lor agricultural uir(e. antt to vatablita hi
elaiui 10 Mil. I lainltM'lor tot Ki-RUlrr auil K
vler of Ihiajotno al Ukrvir, trKou.Aa Fri
day tin' -11 ly ol lKi'. l'l. lit liaatea a
Il lit-': W. k. Harr. Jaair H Turi. k.
W. awing-, Nallwtn K. Wileoi, all of lkn,
Ort'itou. Aaj antt all ixtmhi tlaiuiin- aj
vrrM'ly IU ahovv i''riUsl U11.U are re
i)Urlet lw Mle I h. ir elai in In tin virn on
or brfuJv l4 f!'h lay ol Ihwalwr. 11.
octU-U . M. oRATTAl!. K'.u-r.
A very large and handsome
assortment of Ladies and
Gentlemens' Watches, and
complete line of Jewelry
ii I :
J: I :
Put your ad in The Examiner.'Jt brinas U