Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 26, 1901, Image 1

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NO. ol.
' o
'i LEC
en:s about t;;e,
. oooooooooooooooooooooooo
'iSTI.F.TOK. associated with
l.oili comedy aud tragedy,
owes its elevation to the
glory of a p.ounucut Christ
mas decora: . n tu ilie r lies of Druid
leal supcisl.tiun .".nd aziiin. even fur
ther lack, in traditions of Norse my
thology, in which it played an impor
tant part
Long before ke-siim was invented or
ballads were made and sung the mis
tletoe was a sort of fetich ami is as
capricious as most heaihon deities, in
asmuch as ii has a marked preference
In the choice of a tree to grow upon,
the oak. the larch ami I lie pear being
the least favored, while it loves the
poplar, hawthorn, lime, maple, moun
tain ash and, lirst and foremost of all,
the apple tree. It roots firmly, grows
slowly, gradually stifles the tree item
braces aud then dies Itself I In ancient
lore It had rare medicinal virtues, but
these have found oblivion with the
lapse of time.
Norse fables tell us that Raldur, the
bright and the beautiful, the' god of
light, was regarded with jealousy by
some of the other deities, aud Frlga, to
protect him, made everything In heav
en and earth swear to do him no
harm. Rut disregarding the mistletoe
as being so' slight and weak she omit
ted her precaution In Us case. . LokL.
the malevolent Are god, seizing this
chance, bewitched a twig of mistletoe
till It swelled to the size of a spear
and. slyly giving it to blind Hodnr,
told Ii'm to throw it among the gods
when they were s ' t piny.
It struck P.aldur and killed him. bijt
Kri-.r..' mir.-vidoiisl., restored him to life
mid thereafter guarded the mistletoe,
which the gods at her pleading decided
should be t:uable lo do any mischief
n ir:; ' ti unless it touched the earth, For
lliis reason it always humron high, and
the vigilant goddess was propitiated by
a sign of amity and good will.
Many of the most important riles of
the Druids were performed in connec
tion witli it. and today men and maid
ens hold tlrat il constitutes a sanction
for salutes that might otherwise be
too daring. Yet the old mysterious
glamour of its power fo harm still
clings to It and imparts a touch of su
perstitious witchery to the tragic fate
if the gay young bride who, mad with
merriment, hid in the oak chest that
;roved her tomb.
Ye, In more man olden heiuty.
Are like angel guards returned.
Sharers in this holy duty.
Children with their banners, sec.
In the chapel alcoves gather;
Happy they with him to be
Children of s common Father.
Hear the organ's prelude ring
With the welcome to the morning.
While the ieatal censers swing
And the altar lights are burning.
Lovely Yule, though shadows steal
Unawares o'er all thy brightness.
Though yon naked boughs reveal
Marble mounds of inowy whiteness.
Yet the wreath of Christmas day
Green and fragrant ever liveth,
For the Hand that took away
Is the Hand that once more giveth.
William B. Chisholm.
Tbe Christmas Tree.
Of all the Christmas greens the tree
Is the aristocratic monarch. Used not
so much as an actual decoration itself
as a background for decoration. It
figures as the central ornament In the
Christmas festivities. Its trimming is
a matter of mystery. Its burden o
lights, tinsel and finery the rarest
spectacle that juvenile eyes ever look
upon, and Its brief but triumphant
career an epoch In home life to be long
ttniernbered. Philadelphia Times.
HHIsTMAS preen in hearts we keep,
lleeiiii-ss 'f t he etoulitit; weather,
ll.etlless (f (he mists that sweep
o'er tlic oiiillatuls ami the heather.
Mji in the nilit we sing
Hv 1 1 io siile ,-f floral inntiner.
While the uii kets widely swing
Kit the pilirrttn and the M ranker.
Cellars with the me twine
KihiiiiI tiu- i liancel's inner railing,
While tlie and waves combine
( 'uruiui I. .i rut threes wailing;
While I In irnwn if drifted snuw
C'liirt ri u'er tiie marble's whiteness.
Then. nife- ms, Ilie sretir flue
tiliiiiiiitTs viith a summer brightness.
lit i
The Art Made Plnln For the Pres
ident of the Feast,
USTOM has made It usual here
abouts to eat turkey for our
Christmas dinner, and accord
ingly the festive bird will
grace many a table. But it Is not ev
erybody who knows how to carve a
turkey, and the hints given here may
help many a bewildered man to so de
mean himself that the ordeal may not
disgrace him in the eyes of the wife of
his bosom, as well as of those guests
who may be present at his board.
Have the turkey resting upon his
back. Put the two titled fork in about
an inch in front of the peak of the
breastbone, where it will sink into a
hollow formed by the peculiar con
l.irmatiou of the breastbone. The bird
I' then held while the carving
is hoi.g done.
Thi first thing lo do is to t;ke off the
legs at the second r joint. lut dow:i
alongside the leg and bear outward a
little, with the knife set well in.
The knife is inserted above the leg.
and after making an incision it is
pressed outward. The second joint
then parts easily from the body
er both legs are removed in this man
tier the wings should be cut off. the
knife being used on practically the
same principle as that employed hi re
moving the legs.
The next point for the skillful carve''
Is to separate the "drumstick," or i'u'st
joint, from the rest of the leg. This is
done by fixing the fork in the second
Joint of the turkey. Then an incision
Is made at the joint, and the end of
the leg is then pressed down wllh th"
The breast of white meat is now .it
tacked. The fork is again placed over
the breastbone in the original position.
anl slices are removed from I lie breast.
The slicing should commence near ilie
peak of the breast bone, the cuts beim;
taken thinly, the knife held horizontal
ly and the cuts extending downward
toward the wings. After the meat has
been taken from both sides of the tur
key's breast In this fashion the knife
is Inserted transversely behind the lit
tle projection on the breast between
the peak and the neck. This Is formed
by the "wishbone." or "merry thought."
The knife slips easily between this and
the breastbone, so that the "wishbone"
Is easily removed, carrying with It a
liberal portion of white meat. The re
moval of the "wishbone" makes a con
venlent opening Into the Interior of the
turkey, through which a spoon may be
inserted for the removal of the tasty
Nothing now remains but the car
cass of the turkey, and the only task is
to disjoint It. This Is done by first re
moving the breastbone. By means ol
the fork tin peak of the bone is raised
and swung over toward the neck, dis
jointing it near the base of the latter.
The neck, if desired, can be removed,
leaving only one more portion of tin
bird to be dealt w ith. This is the back
The hiickhoue Is broken about three
Inches nUive the tail, and there you
are. Ilie dismemberment of your tur
key is now i-oinplete.
I kite
inJmmm tw$4
THE NHJ.IO U.tnl'.'.
, UUOl
The .outii ( iinil:i:a lutemtue awl AYest Indian exposition, at ( hail s .m. was oih-h-cI
with u;m riaie ci-rc.m liies on Jfecamb.-r 2. The ill s i.t i ni shows a portr.-i: of tnc presi
dent of tiie exposition, F. W. Wageiier, and two emblematic groups ct mama. .
on the envelopes. Variations were.
"Mr. Santa Claus. Joyiand Co., N. Y..
911 Happiness Ave.." and "Mr. Santa
Claus, Toy and Candy Palace, Christ
Uiasrille, Joyiand."
Another child, perhaps of Ilihcruhm
ancestry, had addressed his petition to
the saint's residence In "Fairyland.
Ireland." One young writer, with a
somewhat hazy knowledge of geo
graphical names, had sent his letter to
'Mr. Saint NIckerlls. to the North
Pole., Mexico." Another, with a be
lief In the power and Influence of
nurse, had addressi-ii ftiij missive to
"7!) Bedford Ave.. Knar Meaty."
which, being deciphered, is found to
tuean "Care of Mary."
"1 am sorry I cannot allow you to
ipen any of the letters. It's as much
'i criminal offense to tamper with them
as with any other letters." said the
tlerk to a reporter of The Commercial
Advertiser. There were, however, two
postal cards ami one open letter, which
were fair specimens. The hitler was o
modest request for the relief of the
n ore pressing wants of the writer II
Hear Santa C lans- Von say that coin tn pet
the tiest presents. I have tried vity hard o he a
Hi boy. Will you please liriiin ine a fire iia:ml.
train of cars, a riiie Im.ik, a
and a little ;aiilat. candy,
Cii.cdby, dear old Santa C'ians.
Christmas eve.
Kinic. I".X ct tonle
oranges and nuts.
We will expei t you
A few letters were evidently written
under the direction of seniors of t lie
family and dropped iu the mailbox to
please the children. Most of the letters
were without stamps.
What becomes of the letters after
thry reach the dead letter otliee? Most
of them are eventually destroyed, as
the children sign only their first names
and there Is no way of returning
The Mlnfletoe and the Ynle Log Were
In Evidence Keittivitlea Begnn a
Week Before Chrlntnin Day Bat
There Wn Jio Santa Clan.
T Is said that the American cus
toms of celebrating the greatest
of all festival ilit, CuriHtmiM;
are descended from or are sur
vivals of the old world customs which
existed in England a couple of cen
turies ago. Yet when these latter are
examined into it requires a wide stretch
of an unusually elastic imagination to
link the ways of the present day with
those of the seventeenth or even the
t ighteenth century.
It seems probable that the folks of
half a dozen generations ago crowdeil
more merriment into the Christmas
season than we of this age do, aud they
went about it with the same prear
ranged systematic care that a commer
cial prince now devotes to some great
f.etoe for the decoration of liotiso anil
church was their initial task, aud t
was performed by the village en masse,
, headed by brave pipers and fiddlers,
who filled the forests with the joyfi.l
1 melodies of Christinastide. It vas the
pagans who first used holly aud mistle
toe for observances, and the practice
1 was adopted by the early Christian The Greeks and Komans al.-o
! used them In their religious ceremonies,
as did the Druids and the Celtic ami
i Cothic nations. So the young maid of
today who stands alluringly under a
sprig of mistletoe may find satisfaction
1 Iu knowing that she Is following the
! precedent of centuries.
In Druidical times the simple peas
ants flocked In crowds to join the pio
! cessions, in which the Druidical priest
! were the foremost actors. The train
: was headed by the bards singing canti
' cles and hymns. A herald preceded
three Druids, furnished with imple
tnents for the purpose of cutting
the mystic plant upright hatchets of
brass, fixed to staves. Then follow
ed the prince or chief of the I b inds,
accompanied by all his Hock aud
followers. The chief mounted the
oak. with a golden sickle detach
' ing the mistletoe and presenting it
to the priests, who received ami bore
the branches away with deep rev
erence. Ou the first day of the year
the brauches. after resting on the
! Druidical altars in the lutervnl. were
distributed among the people as a
I sacred and holy plant, the Druids cry
' ing. "The mistletoe for the new year!"
Many were the superstitions iiiiach-
Ing to this plant. Among Ilie latter
i day charms associated with It. w. cu
suspended In a bunch In the scrva ::,'
hall, was the traditionary and favorite
observance of kissing the maids under
its branches, the superstition prcvail-
i lug that the maiden who missed being
heartily kissed under her mistletoe at
j Christmas would forfeit her chance of
! early matrimony-aud certainly not be
I married iu the ensuing twelve mouths.
A medin'vtfl olwervancc which ul
i ways followed the gathering of holly
and mistletoe was the cutting a.i.l
hauling home of the Yule log. The fa
vorite Yule log was a cross grained
block of elm or the rugged root of u
. tree of fantastic and grotesque form.
Formerly the members of the fam' y
and guests sat down in turn on lie
Yule log, the throne of the mastei . i"
I the revels, sang n Yule song and il:;;'i
! to a merry Chrlsimas and happy in w
1 year. As part of their feast Vide
dough or Yule cakes were consumed.
; These bore Impiessed figures in the
shape of an iin.-l.'e. Sometimes they
i were made In the form cf an I; Tank
I Nor was the nia'.rer overlon! ed.
Christmas Feasting.
During the middle ages the wl'o!e
Christmas season was given up to lev
els and jollity. In which eating ami
drinking had a prominent part. T1-.
Saxon Instinct of our English ancestor
led them to make of every holiday a'
occasion for feasting. Plenty lo in.
and to driuk was their idea of a f"
val, no matter how sacred miglii ne i
associations. On Christmas il i y i, ;
only lined their stomachs w!
capon, as did Shakespeare's
but Stuffed themselves w'th a!"
rich, nourishing fool ti'id strc'i
pounded puddings and n'e-
I !
Some M Ira a ate
at Christmas
r'ace of the Umd a'Kl :i
Thruiif the courts hliri,- awmtilr
Muhirnns of ytr are rr
AS la Vwlr's lw A ranil'l.
Oil, Ike Ori, In. e iim-i iird !
EPF U n mblress I Efrer
icticod until this year."
said a postorthf clerk, sort
ing out nome half let
ters with "Mr Kama .Claus, Joyiand."
Oct Into Line.
The people of each precinct in Lake
county who are most interested in the
defeat of the project to lease the public
lands are requested to cut from The Ex
aminer of December 19th the article,
"An appeal to the Congress," attach
said article to a petition sheet, and
either circulate the same for signatures,
or post it in their local postofnees with
the request to the postmasters to ask
the patrons of their othces'to sign the
same. When all signatures possible to be
obtained are placed upon thepaper,
same should be forwarded to Daniel
Boone, Secretary of the North Warner
Anti-Land Leasing Association, Plush,
Oregon. No time sho'ild'be lost in do
ing this, as Secretary BooneKJenires to
forward all petitionsjto Congressman
Tongue at ibe earlieet possible date.
financial coup, but the fun was of a
boisterous kind, quite inconsistent with
the crowded way of living these days,
says the Washington Post. If one of
the old merrymakers could come to
life on Christmas day aud celebrate
the festival in the way fashion and
custom demanded in his time, be would
probably find hims'-lf hi the lockup
charged with rudely disturbing the
Noise, bluster, feasting, drinkiui: and
horseplay were the chief features of
the eld time Kuglish Christum. Ciii
maklng existed as It had for many pre
vious centuries, but I hat ii merely
an Incidental feature and not nearly so
important as the work of the muhviu
butler, UMin whom devolved the re
sensibility of currying into the dining
hall the great Uinr's head.
The oldtime Christ ma began a week
before the arrival of the day. Just as
the shoppers cf today rush out with fat
purses to lure Hie holiday bargain, iviu
purchasing gifts did not bother t lie
head or wury the of the old
world folk.
The gaiherin; of the holly and UiIk-
; Compelled to Cut it Out.
j The publishers of The Examiner re
gret to state that it will be impossible
j to issue the promised Anniversary
Edition of The Examiner at the time
' stated, January 2, 1902. We are coin
j pellet! to cut out that which promised to
lie the most elaborate edition of a news
i puper ever issued in Eastern Oregon,
owing to the non-enpport, or evident
indifference, of the people from whom
we expected the mot support in a
financial way to enable us to get up the
expensive edition of 5,tXK) copies. A
half dozen prominent stockmen of I-ake
ccunty, who appreciate The Examiner's
stand for their interests against the
leasing of the public lands, did con
tribute literally, but their contributions
in total would scarcely pay for the f ne
half-tone cuts with whu-h the edition
was to have been embellished. The or
der for cuts has been countermanded.
At some time in the near future, when
all the stockmen return with their
flocks from the desert, we will again
make an attempt to take up the work
and carry it out to perfection. We very
much regret that we failed in the pro
ject to get out this splendid edition,
but had we received the supjiort and
encouragement of those who should
have been most iuterested in the work
we should have carried out our plans.
A it is, with a part of the material for
the edition already ordered, and for
which we had to pay, we are losers lo
the extent of about 50 "hog dollars."
The eJition was to have len n elabor
&u aduilUiiiieat ol the resources and a
general write-up of Lake county, with
considerable space set apart in the in
terest of the small stockmen of this