Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 19, 1901, Image 6

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    LA KG COUNTY EXAMlNI.K : I. Kl-Vll-V, OKI.C10N, DHC.I9 , loOI.
Ijkw Provides That livery District
In Every County In Oregon
Is Entitled To Library.
The list U'tft'atirf pl.iced upon Hi"
statute latoks of this stale i law viliicii
if taken advam-ire of will U of untold
Wnetit to the sthools f Orc.'on. The
law provides the nu-nii" for sccurim!
school libraries lor every distiict in the
country that wishes to make an appro
priation (or this- uhhv'. The law i as
follow 8 :
"Tlio county courts of l lie several
counties of this siate may at their dis
cretion levy, Ht llit same i they levy
..ther taxe-, lax upon all taxable pro
procrty in their counties for scIuh1 li
brary purpose., which shall urtvtle
an amount which shall I im li'i" '"
ten cents per rapila for each ami all I In
children within (lie coiitny between the
af of four and twenty year a shown
by the then last procedinx n Ii.h.I census,
which shall Ik- colle.-ted at the fame
time, and by the fame officers as other
taxes are collected ; and such aityrcgatetl
sum when so levied ainl collected shall
le known as the general school library
fund cf the comity, ami such fund shul.
be set aside and used for no other than
school library purposes, in the manner
hereinafter provided for."
A school library is regarded by all
teachers as a necessary means for the
education of the boys ami (jirln while
th.y ate attending tne public school-,
but only a few of the school are pro
vided with suitable books, and no pro
vision is made in the law for the expen
diture of money for them except in the
section quoted. The rural schools es
pecially feel the need of books, for so
many of the hooies ae without reading
matter that is suitable for ynunjt jieople.
It Would only require an appropriation
of $1000 of county fm-ds to place in
every school district the nucleus of a
library around whi h would irow a col
lection of books that would be of great
help in the education" of the children oi
the district. Some districts would re
ceive but a few dollars, but this would
purchase a few liood looks, and as it is
impossible to measure the power of a
Itook to it is inis)ssible to measure the
value to children of even a few books.
Ten cents U a small sum to ak for read
ing matter for each child in the county
lor a year, and it does not ieem possible
that any citizen could object to this ex
jeiiditure of county funds. Every school
in the country would feel the beneficial
influence of such a lion. The county
court has authority to act, and it would
doubtless lie sustained by the pe.ipie in
making the appropriation for the benefit
of the children of the county.
Moat Startllatr DUeovarr la Ma4
by Two Huatcra la I ha Wllda
of Mlchlaaa.
Adolph Meiser and John S'attery,
two young men from Crytal Fails,
Mich., who were hunting partridge."
on the headwaters of the ler river,
about 14 milts from that city, met
what they assert was a wild man. Jlis
hair was long and shaggy and long
w hiskers nearly covered hi face, show
ing that they had been growing for
some time. The hunieragol within 30
feet of the man before they taw him
or he them, and all were surprised
when the stranger snarled at tbem.
.Meiser attempted to talk to him, but
all the response he could get was:
"Public, public, public." When Klattery
and MeUer moved forward the stranger
gave a terrible yell and darted into the
bushes, fie ran like a deer, bounding
over the windfalls and stump.
The fining man was large, but had
liccome emaciated from e jrpoaure and
hgnger. The clothes he had on were
in.ahreds exposing his body to view. He
carried part of a gun barrel and a tent
pole in liis hands and when found was
eating the carcass of a (lead tkunk.
The Crystal' Kalis men hurried to
town and reported the diicovery, and a
posse wn organized to hunt for the
man. It is thought that the man i
some unfortunate hunter who has been
lost in the woods and become insane
from fr'irht. The territory where the"
man was seen is large stretch oi
woods, and a person might roam there
for months without meeting anyone
The posse will stay out until they flnr
the man.
Cigar Smokers Taka Notice.
I Hereafter all of ho eitfarsthall niaiiu
Ifmiore will lie banded, and each band
1 on the ciwur w ill en'itlo the smoker to
one chance in the list of prise that are
to te niveti aw.ty ; so naturally the more
bands the smoker nets the more chances
he will have ' win a prise, therefore jt
lH-h.iove all sin. krr t call lot Sharp's
win-, mid at the same lime get a u.tod
smoke. I will als i say iliat I have ie- j
I'I'l vim I
d a new stock of very hue inMirleil ,
. . i .i - i.. i ..
looilCeo. linn u'r riui - i""' 'n w. :
the tra.l" will Ut iH.tler than those mad"
N'iere Atrial purchase will convince 1
Voil. 1 will ni mi sav mm i anon m.i
some h.e a brainl of cigars that they
like and smoke all the time, which is
tub' ami proper; but when it is inline
tetial ton s" soil whalbraml he smokes,
so lom: as he wet-a K'xsl cutai. 1 would
ak tln in to call for a home mannfacnir.
ed ciw'ar. Kverv dcaier in Ijtkeview has mi n i'. anil vour iiairoiiak'" "i"
Ihe follow iiitf
certainly In- apprtviatetl
brmi'ln ate of home manufacture: "The
Whoilnii A iMliith." "The Itrt'Aeiy."
"Alliam'.irn." "I.ilkeview ," "J mine II.
L. Benson," "Pannmla," "The leader, '
and a few others.
The drawing will take place on Satur
day evenii if MkHi 1st. at some
sto-e in town, so that all parties havu ti
ctiance w tM be a:ile to see tne ira ou:
There will be 2 prices in all, any of !
which will lie worth winning.
All of my eivrar. win nave osno. .
ilitli.ri nt iiiuiiUts from one up. There
w ill alo lie a duplicate unrulier to cor
respond, these will U put into a Imi
ami sbakoti well, then as the lucky num
bers are taken out thev will win the
prizes accirdilia! to the list. Follow iut!
is the li-t of prizes, volued at 7":
1 lients 14k k'old watch warranted for
?S vear. F.ltfin moveinent.
2. I'lioloiiritpii album, very tine.
It. Box of .Vl goisl cijrars.
(i, "
10. V . very tin".
1 1 . f icii' s so id silver match b ix
12. Butter knife ami sugar ssk.ii, koi
P!. Picture and frame.
14. tients solid silver match UiX.
IV. Picture and frame.
pi. Box of perfume.
1". Toothpick holder.
Ladies purse
l'l. tients piM'ket knife.
2t. lient sM-ket lunik.
4ll SII AKP, The Citfar Maker.
trtlalti of t'tllltr Oraaaaaata
tloa for tho Hoaao That Ara
Joot Papalar.
Interest in tapeatry has been revived
and couch cushions with tapestry cov
ers are included in the season's collec
tion, and are something of a relief
from the silk and satin and embroid
ered linens that hae held sway for
some time. The (iibson sofa pillows in
etching tints are a popular as ever,
ays the Brooklyn Kagle.
In the new silverware designs fa
miliar flower are conspicuous, carna
tion pinks and poppies nppearing on
spoons a ml forks. In a s'oon show
ing the poppy design the bowl is of
fold, while the handle is enatneb-d in
the red and green tints of the natural
blossom mid leavea.
The fall srluvenir spoons are orna
mented with carefully sculptured rep
resentations of the buffalo, bear, wolf,
fox. moose nnd rabbit.
Odd jnnlinieres are preferred by fas
tidious women to the regulation lH'i
found in the shops. Japanese jars it:
dull red coloring decorated with fig
ures in relief are favorite plant hold
ers, and Indian baskets have been
cleverly utilized for the same purpose.
Cracker crumbs are suggested as n
cleansing agent for tan suede kid
gloves. Put on the gloves and manipu
late the cracker crumbs as though
washing the hands.
Ornnire peel allowed to smolder on
i red-hot shovel or iron will destroy
odors of cooking.
A mixture for politdilng steel sur
faces is mnde from emery powder
blended with equal parts of sweet oil
anil turpentine. The article to be pol
ished should be covered with this mix
ture, rubbed vigorously and afterward
dusted slightly with dry emery pow
der. Among the new serving trays are
hnsswnod designs beautifully polished
and inlaid with fine woods in floral de
signs tinted in imitation of the nat
ural flower.
Zinc may be kept burnished like sil
ver by rubbing it hard with a mixture
of soft soap and fine sand, afterward
polishing it with a little oil on a soft
rag, adding sometimes a drop or two
of methylated spirit to the oil. The
secret of keeping this metal bright is
regular and daily hard rubbing.
Rsby'i Blaakivt.
! Nothing is softer or daintier for the
i new baby than a blanket nisde of the
i lively eider-down cloth, ft cornes in a'
' yard and a quarter width, and good
quality routs 6$ cents a yard, nuv a
yard ot the fleecy material and 4'Y,
yards of satin ribbon two or three
i inches wide. Fold the ribbon togethe's,'
haute around the square and fYalhf.ij;
v. atitcb with silk. The knitting'
i silk, costing 3S cents a ball, is th:
j cheapest, i'1'he light blues and pule'
1 jtiuks are beautiful bound with sal in
ribbon and fratbr rstitched with si'k
to correspond, but the white inateriiil '
; bound witli Ihe wash taffeta is, 'not f-o.
P 1 1
diublc, iia it can be vva.-l
J. Oood Housekeeping.
trana rian 1 aptarad.
The other day Al Srhnepp and 8.
V. Kltts observed a dark object In
thesurf neurthe Pig Klcphant nt South
Atlantic Clty.V .1. They found It to
a monster fish of some unknown
species ntul it required a horse and
tackle to pull It ashore. The flsh is
uino feet In leni;th, four feel in cir
cumference, and l mouth is 13
Inches iicioss. It has three rows of
teeth, some or tiieui an men
. i
bng. fins like n walrus, and none of
1 he old fishermen who examined It
coiiiii name n.
Momaa 4mhllteaer la rarla.
The l'aris Messenger says that an
attempt to resuscitate the old Unman
' amphitheater near the .Inrdin ilea
iPlantcs, Paris, Is iiboiit to be made.
. This ancient arena, which is now
used partly as a plnvi'inutid for pot r
rhililreu mid pnrllv for omnibus
stables, has a remarkable history. It
is one of the Inrircst known Komnn
arenas, and dates back to the tirst
ecntnrv. There is ttidriiee that 1 -tat-oe-.T
.'"I'r'i ' II vti ,rt there.
Ket0r,,mendallon .n Writ Know"
CliLdgo lh akl.ui.
. ,1Ii,.., !im-.
...... ,
i I'miiib Keini dv lot aliuo.i !l ol,,
'con-til lisl counlis, wilb d net icsiilt.
I pii'-rt lis' It ilill lii-n ot nil aces.
I Atn i;lad t" reeoiiuiiend I' all in need
Mint seekli it re.u l ir.'lll ii.i.' at. il ii iil'II"
and br . i. cbial atfln- . Il li noi. liar-
cnti" ami Mile in ll c I'liml" "f Ibe most
iiiiproii ioi. il. A pan cea
(or Mil mankind l r. "d m B. M
ui,i, l . l b. li . t l.i es'o. III.
Tin- I- loi sine by l ee Pcall,
Fat Tatlrla.
Boil hslf a dozen ririrs for nt lest to
nil Ii il t r a ; shell and cut thrill Into
lengthwise !icr; when perfectly cold
dip ach slice into beaten rifif sea
sot, ed with sa I and pepper ; then cover
com pl I el v w it h brenil criiin bs i n w h irh
ha been mixed a lit lie mincrii parsley.
Kr t her cut 'e : i. hot f it I s ufbcii n I U
to float thin.: arrange on a hot diah
with slices of grilled or panned toma
toes, and serve w ith bechamel sauce.
aalimgton Star.
o trraplei.
Almsgiver- Why don't you use water
once in a w hile ?
Ilustv l:in 1 do, miatrr; I'd jis' n
'-e f ' i n n ste.-. ni'iou t as a freight,
j : . . . . - ,'
Saya he Wa Tortured.
"I Mil., led sin b pain Hum corns I
could hnnllv walk." writes II. Boblo
son. lilslir..ilgh. 111-., "but But kleli's
Arnica Salve coiii letely cured tbem."
Acts like manic on spiHlis. Ihuibis,
ill-, soles, . i aid-, Iniiiis, bolls, uleeis.
Pel fei I III ale I (.1 kill . 1 1 -I a -es II I ill piles,
t ore guaian'eed by lit' I'eall. I'llce
, 2 cents.
Capital punishment has been re
stored to the 'statute books by the Col
orado legislature, in the hope that the
deplorable lyi.chiui.' record of the Cen
tenni.'ii Mute mav be 1 1 t r m ! 1 1 . if anil
rnlt'liirj bv rib-c-i ,i .it
A tii'Uig Ihe 4" :i ' s . f
II1 oil, islali'!. M i i.e. M
j i ,1'i'ie i it nr.- lo.w he in
ties in which the p. i n
of I he law .
the l,:, I,
I'liian iii.i'
' . t en. in ii ii i
. "f a life
under Irrnia
for a life is not rx.ieied
of statutory
enact inent. ledger
I ood Changed to poison
I'll irll inv; h oil in t
duct - cttis-l suke I bo
Pr. King's Ni a Im
.'li-OI.S floln cl'.v'ge
ilite.i me ' to
ol iitseliic, hut
11 1 1 -a a-V ( ..-I l.
l.o'.eU, genii V.
nawllv bit I . 1 1 . I I
I' Si. k
l.lvi r. Kid' i'V
( Inlv il's al I., e I
lit 1 1 J t oil
I'llC I .', I'I
.1 . "Al l
- I I'.lt ion
ll'l llll
t roll bins.
llrlllali fallura.
tne man m
six in the llriti.h ,,a...
Is a total abstainer.
l.i. Ml
1 . 1 . r l .
j.c. 1 1 :
T.i I, VHl I k " I'.n.III'l l II II I ll'' I .1 I
ilr j i - is
. 1. 1 in.
j lil-Kool Wrotiuhl Iran I'lllar.
The largest wroii"lit iron pillar is at
Ielhi. in Ifn.iii. It i- tin f.i t high and
weighs 17 ton-. . . Sim
Offers Uni x' t-lleil facilities for learn
ing the ele! il at i'i I Peril in Sinn tliliml bv
I lnlil. This mi'lboil eniilos lieilber
I sbadllig, h'.' i' i'. II boi III I'll rat 1 conl lite-
jtiollH; is t he simplest , Hi i-1 legible
i rapid sin it i Im ml in use, ami Ibe
.mil j
j met b"d I lint can be -u
"lllllv Inilllind !
bv mail,
Send f'.i fun Iri il lesson and
t ii liiiiieii lliulililiK, it-li-
ingtoii, li'iiii'T' ,si'i'iiinl.
luif I
HUtpH the Cough
and works olf the Cold.
hiixallvt' llr.'iitn-trultili.e 'I ahleis tire a cnltl in
tine titty, Nn cur.' no .tiy. l'l ice ''i cenia, Illy
', : ' ; " 'Ti"'
b .':?:v-,-i I. .. t.t ,. ' "-s -
ja ', ;,
'--fc.Tif-in -i- ar r f . ' a . W
5 :'..',
Ii a. r. t" '' ini'a.ttot . all a.xi.t tat mlns
laml. niiai. l I'll On' '"''
Inlii'Vlrw It mtla ; Ii.iiim', l.arn an. I tHrral A
valuaMi. . i-! tis-rly rlllo r hit asrienll
utal, sar.l. n ir hull. litis r a. for mrllii f
.artl'iilat i-iiiiilrr al The Mswlner eltlia.
.loarr.n Mi-aitunr suit Mture laml Iti ;
I nk allrt. alt Inieeil with Imir l.artn'il wlr. ;
IIMIIK .tlli! Hl.ltllri' at tllla nlllrr-
li.ri v a. r lar.lni hiI. I lull.' ninth t I akr
1 mi main r.a.l. Kl' In-a.l nl caul.-, Iietw
ml l.nsa) ,wl t. .l.l. in r. s riMUna. Ilm in sail,
all In. in. In. hi i Itw l. IUi)ct i an an . Ill ami
I.U lull i'nn t. .f. .1 Inr latinlns 'ni
hnmlr. it ami II 1 1 y l.nln'l ataiti t" n ntl
. at It a rutin an tt. W III altaWa. Hue
nl Hi.' I .tot aniall sarilrli aNia In I aki-
I ninlri. nl A e in I aki li .
A . ini'l, . a. Il .ii In I . r ilav. now
ti.nnliiK. In S""'f i.r.h r; I. all Inl. rr.l I o k I
I'lam r , IhriH' t nki' nl caitliv Itni aa ,1'lialna rlr ;
l.i l uai lri lai il i iilllaltillis n In nl Ihiihi r.
slttiateil 4 nitli-a Iiiiiii I aki'i Irw, til.' In I aki
view Heal K.iat.- A. in y. lakeil.x ureiiiiii.
KikM aerea laa.l (eneeil, iiimkI hunae ami
,,.rlli .,, ., ,i. .re,l; s
.'Tea Ih. H I'hmril;
W rile to I aaetli
nlllKt.'tt allallaul sanleti
Ileal Katate Aseliey
I 1- ai a. -tea aila'ia. hay ati.l grain lamt. .1 ttillea
.... Hi i I i'i .larvllle. Ill Snr tla Valley. In
-ai Ihla .ai-i' prmllieeil I'M) luha nl hay a. il
sai I. nali. -la nl stain. I'ati gt.m .'aai tuna i,l
bay any year Nnw haa a atami nl a. ti a i.
ailsba I l.rcr i tn.a alfalfa lilinut Ir r iiint inn
mil U- ent II. la ytar. Ibe kimhI rt-.tileme
! I li e. nil Ihe ranch. 1 lie .aee rail It rill ii.
iinn. " it a aitmll ran. lie. n rv tili- ly. All
r tiieailmt ami naitiral aprinsa all nver Ihe Intnl.
1 I nrtn a l.ll IKS eatl alan Itiebl.le In Ihr lireliaae
t4ai h.hmI l.rei-il .hei'. ami I.e. In-a.l cattle it . I.ey
, .1' aire A II ail a. Imm.I holla, I. I.M sleit in i.m
criiiri.t Ihla ranch. Nil Irrigation ti.eeajh4tv
f..r Inn, alfalt.i nr sralu rl-ni I inileie
mlflinf hmm1 li.'raea, wavniia ami machinery
h'l In! Ill I na( .llfsiaea n allh llietanch, lhla
I. tin flneat ilalry tan. h In Valley A
..!i n.ll'l ..tale Inr a cntniiy nl aeien nr risht
fanilllea. I ill Her ilealrea In aelt Im CHItac lie h as
ti ii lunch latnt ami Inn many i.ther inl. fi ata in
I- k alter f..r rurili. r rl ular. urltelni.,
en. (Hire nt l.nk.-t li w Aifeiiii, J. . MeOHrri y
'I a lll.ll HI. l l. r-MIIO.
I litli .l Slal. a I ami oltlee.
I ak. i lea , dr. mi, N.. . ."J Pa-I
. l!ee la her. I.y S'trli that 1'. ' rarilii
I aa Mot notice nf tnti-litl.ill . tnake Hlial n,n
Im n r. i, . w ar.laell. I s i i.m .at In. ,.m. e in
Sitter lake, I O. i'll. nil Sat II O lay the 1 1 III la I ',1
Ian., fan, en enlti.r.- a.iii ain.n Sn
atj, r in' 1" nf sW i, nl See 'i. 111 r. .ai s n b.
K. lie name aa m Itneaa, a I . I . Ham-.. J.'ln.
I'ariiu. I vl I a sinlih. frank II a rr la. all nf Sum
r i a i , i'i! (.nil. i
r. V llltATTAlN. ItiKlanr.
111. I'MIMtl
I nil. .1 stale. ami liftlee. I aa. lew . llr.Knn,
Nio, I'i. I'A'I. Nnller la her I.) alveli llial tt,e
f.. iinn II. n liatlieil aetlli r ha. flle'l e nt
hi. ii. t-ii i ten, iii make rinal root Iti ai,H.rt cl
III- claim, anil that -a l1 iiim.i iilll Im' ica'le Im-.
Lite II,.' U. !!. r ami Ken In r at I ak. . lew .
tir.-ir.iii. nil bii-i wIm r 1. I'a'l, vlr: Janna .v
lllanni.nne nf I lie helranf ami fi.r all nf I lie he II a
nl i.i . aa. ,1 Ann lU.ll.l'.. II. K. I'. Inr SI, sW I,
I.ia T ate) a .. .- ami M', Ml -. e I ..'j
. H.JnK. He tiatnea the Inhnw alii w Itm .a-a t.
r.. e h la cnlill n llnlla real.lellie li t nil a ml I li I
1 1 1 al Inn nf aahl laml. ir: ('. u. JiiIhimiu.
II. hi) 1 .-. li man, .. . Si.l.le ami lnrria w Inn
f I I. all i.f I Jiki' lew . Ti kiiii.
not -'I Ii. K M. bHarreis.
.. I'HIMIf'.
(.ami fifllce al l.akeilew, iir.-ifnll, Ni.vein
I" r I .. I:a I .Nnt'ee la In r. hv itlten thai Mn
hiliioi I li at name. I aetller haa flliil linlle. ifhta
llilel. I. 'II In make filial .ri.,.l In a 1 1 1 .. r t il
lo. i .anil, ami thai aanl .ni.l w lil Im- ncle Im-f-.r.
tl.e lt, all. I at laeu.n.
I r if. . 1 1 . mi 1 1. i'i in I m- r 'l I'a.J. il IraW l.i.h
. .. II. h I'M I. Inr the Mb, See .',. I . H S (. Jl
r. lb' nam. a I he fnllnw lUK VI lllie-ai a In .rne
I.I- ei.litlnili.lla real. I. tic i,m.i ami
i'ivii'1 l.ii'l. hi: t. W . II. nr a .'li'
man. i. W . Snhle ami M.,rtla lnKn. I.I. all nl
1 akev l. w . i iri-Knll.
in Jl ll'i K. M. IISaTTAIs, Ifeyla'er
TimiiiH mum e: .
I li 1 1 -. I stale, lamt lifllee.
Ikevleu , I Ir.'Ki.n. I lelnlM-r I l"l
Vi.tlee la In ri-hy Slteli that III ei'ltipllali
) Willi Ihe l.fni lalntia nl the acl nf Inlliir- aa nl
J i. in -.1. Is, en 1 1 1 1, il '.Mi act lot III.' aaie nf
timh. r lamia In the stalea nt ( aliforiiia, cr.'
i.'..ii. N.-va. la. ami W a.hlhuti.n T ," aa
e i t'-llil. tl t.i all Hie I'lll.lle I. ami Slalea by act
t.t A ii: nat I, I si'-', laniea II . Tnr m n , nl lket lew ,
. i. ill. u nl l ake, alale nl llr. K'.n. Iiaa Una .lay
' liieil 111 tills i.rtll'e Ilia awnrfl atHlelnelit Nn. '.1 I.
Inr t he n. reliant- ul tile I NK1 4 See. al'l s t
1 sh.i , nf nceiimi No. ;n In Tun n.hli Sn. n ',
I hiur Sn ;l K W M, ami will i.1. r 'f....l in
-I...1I Ihul tin. laml ai.tlifhl la mine laltnil.le I'.r ;
li-iimlier nr alntie fliHii Inr auticnlinral iir
... illl'l tn ealal.llah hla l'l, Im In nal'l lalnl
Im ti.r. the Iteirlsti r ami H. ei iMri.f Ihl. nfti.-.
at l.Hkevleiv.iOriifiiii, nil Krtilny, the Mill Ua nl I
J t i- li 1 1 . r , lal. lie inline, it. u II ui , t cri
.liii.iin.'ttlial, .I. I-.. Met. artei. Ii.oik Cn'ii'l - .
Iti.iU' w, iircKnii, anil buil I I. I lemml ni !
i I'ii. -ii ilrcy'iti. Any ami al) .er..ili. clitlimliil
a'ber-'-li ihe alsive .le.crihi l Itinila are r-'
' l I II le Hieir I I. .llll. Ill lllla I. lllce ii
I.. Inr.
-Ml. I I II Ii il..) nf Im
l pit
.iiiImT Ii
K. M ATI Al N,
H. moi. r.
julihih ur inr. nww m. s. t.n
Mi i t. nn the '-''I ami lilt W i .lne.'lny nf
-en lllnlllh III Mh-iiIOc Hull, al H i. In.
t-. I-. I mi s y. I 1. 1. itl l mi, nun.. I. r.
I'.I.K't WlMHH IM K, h Ik.
t'"''V'' ;,
y t i?
v ... Knight at I'vthins...
iiiMKK I.AKK I.OIMiK Nn. a.'., meeta
every 'Ineailay evnlllnu, ll.l.l I ellnwa
Hull, l.itkevlew, Ore. VlaltlitK knlxhU
itirilially Itivlletl.
.Ur Iii kti.n, ritalicitllnr Ctiiitiiiutiiler.
liKti. il. AVMKs. K, nf It. Hinl s.
Stock j?arm
Drews Valley. Oregon.
F. O. Dunting, Owner
largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
ft) Registered Yearling Bulls
lUlOO, 125 and I SO each
i'. - J ..
LAIDjR MQ head of herd
MMITII at ta)lrM. M. Il'a.
-h t aleluna: anil aaiirnena
l.aki'tlrM, r.
ol I UK llraM'a I'l.ii SI,, I, C.lla alias at e.1 ila ur tilMhl
(c. ii . MtiiTii n i
rhjalrlaa ant Santas
Lake lew. tie.
OIIHI lakril.n I'lul... S. I.
IM O r' l aoill
I akrili a, llrrn
tifrii I I'ati I' llliin.'
, t tm in nl I ji
I akrtlra,
Pali Itiillilititi
I'. II
It I. li til l :
. llni'iir) .Mi l an
Ukrlli M ,
I l'-f '-. sb tin. Lin.
Allai iiry .at-1 a h .
Lake v e , r
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I .a n it Vt all era Saprrlall)
O I P l I cj. si ell lui:.tili(
A I I...N t I I
"Hi lam
I IM.Mtt I I I. at III I I
tlorne) a-al-1. a w
1-al.ev ea , lr,
Malik nl I aae. lew
tin U K
all I I llll Ma
James Barry ,",
Itriiita M II It Sw
i .Tk In
III eat f"l
i W'l, ret et.n
t"' ami Sill
l!alii'. tall..
m , i o. (..ti.
(nr w el In ta, K,.u. run
III Until ear lar lllamt III
lake I'nal.ltl. e a.ltt. a. la.
Zac whitworth ::r;;:;: :::::::
I ar loan
i a.blrra..
To take effect Sunday, May ft, pail.
.v.. I
a i a
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If. Ji en. ' t i a in l.i
7 Jn I'll' I- l.v
I'lnin aa , I in i am
S Inn. n At i I', tne a liani
II. i k ith. A r .' i .n " '.'.am
i lain III. Ar 1 l.'i In 7 ia. ai l
I 'lNM.n inN w n ii
'lertmi, for I Jlkel l-'W , I. Ia.
ami I t. Ill.lwell. I aae I III,
VliK ".,
n t Hi Ii. nr.- .
laml. , A. Iln.
A Itnra. ami l:. im t . ai 1 1 .
Ib.l "i.tllllla. fnt aid snaalll Ilia-,
nl If
..,i e for Mllfnr.l, lane. ii, . in I Ho lit I on
i t:e, i ahf
nil. .ii Inr l.i.lalt.ili. fi.mnli ami l am;.
I., il'a lint St rlliL'.. all!
I II. I a w II h . fi.r I if III' ace, I al Inr 1 il ie ami oreeii
1 villi'. I allf.
. I I a i r v 1 1 1 a -. Mnhaw k ami I my. I alll
lleiin, intim ct'tiir ii iiii -n I'm in, tor a I
' IN.Inia ram .V Meal: ..V T It II Inr all s.n: s
: -until.
.TrtArr f. '
COPVRICmWI. aamitnn a akaf eh m a ties. 1 1. iiaenrl.ilil nnr n.tni..ii f r it i I
liivmil li.ll ta (.'ile'iliihle. t i-
ll.iliaalrtrtlyi Illletit llll. I f lill'llMM.It nil I' ...
enl frea. Ill leal li el" 1 fi.i e no : I' i' " '
I'lit.-nia laKen tlir..nirll Mutilt it i n. lie
Vol.ll '.( k, Hh. mlcliiiMi, 111 that
I Scientific Jltucricati.
A liaiiitanfiielr llnatrait wnekle. 1 antral rlr-
enlallntl nf anr a. ii.nt III. Joiiriiul. I ern.a. 9 t a
yeur: ninllllta, fl. antu lf ail naaaneaierp.
lUane ll i tie. i. i''J V l'l.. Waahtnai -
0 aV''tWVW
fclfB HaMiafcaJfcl
r In a i fur i wi : r 1 1 ra,- fi.r ariln n
Kalia-e. H.h I reek I I.. ti flic
lakevle.l . I". K.ll
waaaaai ssaai in ia'i ii.aasaaiiaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaa
1 1.