Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 19, 1901, Image 5

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A Mchekah Itean .Social.
Tim ItoU-kali liavn miwli It a cualomjj T,) A T
whenever It In iw.iln, ami for tlii
Iritrr m'iiriiii tliti I.'Hltco l lcn di
vided, ami eaili i i to alternate, ao
that a nrH'inl of mitncktiiil will ho I veil
every meelintf nigM ilnrin llm winter.
Tin (I ml nun ol llm M'H'm (I veil at
tln'lr hiRt itMi't i nu Iriiluy niulit. A
ureal iiiiiiiv people never heard of a
hean hiiu ih'Iiii , hut I hern I mora (tut
In a few amall a-ka of lieau if liamlled
projierly. than a Ihix of monkey. Tim
lit ltt rt'Kn of reremnnie ael aroiiml
mall rIIro( ht luaiidiil 1 tod, ami
there weie (mir of ea li liiimher. All of
tlmae hnvliiK lint mine number were re
iiiRlel to llRReiiihh hy lliemaetvea ml
write poetry on the Rilijii't of randy.
'1'litt J'i'Ui'it In aMnrliii prixea lH-llel
that itwitRiill rii u'hmI t lint It wan a
lie. Tlii U here llm hean rmo hi,
Kiltht ark the RUe of an ordinary en
ve)H, pnitinlly llllcl wild dean were
u' arts I on antool In the center of llie
hnll, ami one of earh roiii of the
ciiiiumIiiiiU Wit .Utiitiul ahoilt ail
feel (ruin the rIhiI. At a given aitftial
they urahheil fur a liitu each ami ( -Mi
hiti k and plared it in i chair, ami
re'alilii( the ixratioii until they
were all taken. 'Iho iiiorI rapid
lirahher look the prUe. A(aln liean
caine in piny when iht worn cli oen
ami j'U'v.l ihwiH in rowa facliitr
TfTTTTrrTrrrTf it i nritTT'iE
A. A in Irk waa hero laat Monday after
a glaR ronnter from the field a'ore. Mr.
A mirk Iirr rri'cl4'l a Field Rtr hnlld
liitf at Now Pica Creek and haa oeied
out with a amall stork of gener) incr
hiilio, lakeview Camp, No. TCI, Woodmen
of ihi World, a ill hold a reKiila:' meet,
ititf on Monday evening, liec. 'M, in
Rieadofon the regular meeting niyhc,
Wedi lay, le-. '.'.'ith.
A. I,. Howell ictiirnud Tuesday from
KaiiRaa City where he delivered a hniich
of male for Heaart A Ijiwrenre. He
Ray it la too cold hack there for him
IHI Udow fin. Ilu viailrd Omaha and
other MiinlN,
Tomorrow, Friday evening, a Sunday
RthiMil enterl.lnmeiit will Ik given at
the; Methodiat ihtir"h. The program
will le intereRting, and all are inviu-d.
No admiRRion feu will I hi charged, hut a
collection will lie taken up.
ICememher that the rule la to I
Rtrli'tly adhered to hy the maak hall
manngement that only thone en iiiarijue
will le allowed to dance until alter the
uninRkiig lake place.
U. Handotii, one d the huy farmer
of the I'I.ewauean, wa in I-akeview thi
week alter a load of alfalfa aeed, Mr,
Handout ray the people up hi way are
going to have all the fun and enjoy metit
HRihlti during C.hriRtmaa time.
A hand of 1-t-V) mutton hdoiigiiig to
l '...I.... ........ i.. ... iiu it....
i Mini, tin in'i nrm iiiiti ii tJ imu i
each other. The hag were placed ranch in Klamath munly lal week to
on a tul.le at the head of two ; led n alfalfa for a month and then
rowa in twoii!cR. When the aignal waa
hiied to Sacramento. ThcRe mutton
llm. iii mu iiin. urn ....7 n,iiii m mm - -
... I came from I-ake county.
jfiven inn imu were jmi ru ujiouu
leather good t the Monogram, auch
time and paed .loan the lineal rap. 1 aR cigar caRea, hill tNKikR, lailit chatelaine
.it - .i.i.. U... ..I.......I ....t l.u : unrtR. raril ciiMea. ifititlitneii'R ourm.
OllllY Km INKBIIIIIl Hllil IMl l"1 Ull HlliniiTl I f r.
, . large and Rimill in anv kind of leather,
table at Ihu other end, and picke.l up ,,Ml.r dreRRltiK caaea lor home ue and
. i , n-i i I .....i;.... ..... fill
and aenl hack jiiRl a quick. The aide
that del the iinRt rapid work wa the
viitor. A a coacher Frank IJght can't
Ihi Uat, hut t'ha. Tonningeii waa the
lioaa when it came to Rending the heana
down the line.
Modoc Cillien Killed.
The New I'.ih tell of the death of
Henry MorrR. well known citlaen of
Moih anility, which occurred at the
Uatllo Crek lmon hatchery, in
ShARta coiinly, fin Nov. 2th. Whilo
htorra wa Moikiug at the hitchery on
that fatal night during a fierce atorm he
waRlrnek and liiKlanlly killed by a
tree which lloaled down with the de
hri aent with the ruhing H'mhI in Hat
tie Creek. The IhIv wa recovered.
traveling, etc. M
J. A. Anthony la"t wt-ek aold to Mra.
M. F.. KiniRey hi new reaidence on
Water atreet, op(Mite the Jamnierthal
block. The price paid hy Mri. Kimaey
waafTOt). WeunderRland that Mr. An
thony and family will remove from
Ijikeviea' in the Rpriinf.
Chriatmaa jeaelery, nice for gift
emblem pin, tml, cuff button,
watchea, chain, ailver aalt and ih-pikt
ahakera, napkin ring, hahy bracelet,
clm-ka, Hue perfume., and
doll carriage at the Monogram.
l'hll Lynch (darted ten dnya ago on a
tad journey to hi old home in Ireland,
to aettle up the etate of hi recently
deceaaed wife, and to viait her grave.
Mr. Lynch expect to have a rough trip
rroaaing the ocean at Ihi time of year.
He will lw ahNctit never. I month.
The new 32 candle power electric
! light Rtrung Hloug Hcwey rtreet are a
TowiishTp I'lata. 1 H"' '''", ') Kr, "t convenience to
Cnited Hate Land OhVe. the a-oplo !ivmg on that Rtreel. Theae
Lakeview, Dregoii, )ec. 11, l!H)l. I htmpa give ulmoat aa much light a the
Notice in heiebv giveo that the fol-1 arCi It i a convenience tlmt haa long
low ing dem r.U d towrRhip have : , ntwM.
Imm.ii received at till olhce lowit ! ....,.
Toan.hip .12 ., K 27 i:.; Mr. M. A. I'helpa and Mr. Mailer
" ?., li. 20, 2'., 22 and 27 V.. lyer w ill give a aelin'tion from the op
" :I4 S., lie. 22 and 27 F. ; I eia "Norma" at the concert next Satur-
" :t'i S., It. 27 K. j I day evening, I Hi;, 21t. Io not fail to
Tliev will be tlleci in thi otllce on ttie ' attend. 1 lieae two aiugera nave in
.' . ...... . . I . II.. : ... ,i...i,i.I u.irlr li Will
1M,I. .,( lilMlllirV. 1 1H-
Appliintion lor the entry of landa in
the above ihm -ribed township will lie
re-eived at tin ollice and made of
record on and after aaid lKih day of
January, HHI2. H. M. Bbattain,
Ilolinea-l'helpa Concert'.
Following i the program to be given
at the concert neat Saturday eening,
Dec. Slat :
1 Piano Solo, "La Hourree'
M. A. Phelpa.
2 Harilone Silo, "T!.e Clang of the
Ftirue." M- I" Holmea.
Oo.nic IJuartet, "The Auctioneer,"
Mia Man Miller, Mia Jeaaie Nyawar
ner, MeRHr. I'help and Holmea.
4 Soprano Solo. "Sing, Smile, Sh
l)er'" Miaa Mo Miller.
5 Violin Solo, Selection from Opera
"Hoheinian tiirl," Mla Uura Snell-
tl ''uecitation, "Th Sharpahooter'a
MiRH " Mr Holme.
7 Tenor Solo, "Fleeting Dtf;
8 Comic tiuurtet, Pro Phando Baaao,"
Miai Miller.
9 Soprano Solo, "Beautiful flowri i." I
1 Mra. Waltr Dyer.
10 Piano Solo. Selection." from uMh
Diamonda," Mra. W. 8. Blair.
11 Tenor Solo, "Nlu (litan.,
12 "Komlkel Kechingi froro Life,"
Mr. Holmea.
13 rinno Solo, "Trembling -Dew
Drot a " Mla Mae Snider.
14 Comlo O. P. R. A., Miaa Mae Miller,
Mixa Jeaaie Nycewarner, Meaara.
Phelpa and Hoi maa.
15 Keoltatiou, "The Coraiciin.
, Mr. iioiBiea.
1 Vocal Duett, Selection! rom Oymn
"Norma," Mra. Walter Dyw Mr
17P Comed etta, "A Happy Plr," Miaa
Mae Snider, and Mr. Holmea.
A "Shonlnger" piano will be uaed at
the Concei t attho Barry CMr r.uae,
Saturday Kve., December 21, !..,
General admlaalon 60 oentl CtU
dren 25 cent.
wide ex perieiir in concert work, to you
may expect a treti.
The Klamath F'.xpreaa learna that
many of the amall cattle growera in the
F.avlern part of the cotinry are going
to aell off their hand and going in the
aheep induatry, owing to ao many aheep
coming in from other count riea, and
their range ia practically eaten up hy
emigrant aheep.
Wm. F'arrell haa w ritten to The F'.x
aminer from Moyio, B. C, where he re
cently went from Lakeview. He enye
the lead minea of Movie are all closed
dow" owing to the low price for that
product, and that in conaequenco the
cotintiy up there ia exceedingly dull.
A Urre tday entitled "The Happy
Pair," will b givtM! at the concert on
Saturday evening hy Mr. M. L. Holme
and Miaa Mae Snider. Mr. Holmea haa
taken leading paita with the dramatic
talent of Oakland, while Mixa Snider aa
local atar needs no introduction.
Mr. Aiken, buyer for tho Western
Meat Company bought 600 cattle of Joe
Howard laat week at Merrill; be alao
bought 550 of A. J. Jackaon and 80
head of J. D. Carr. Five hundred head
were aent to Montague and the remain
der will be fed on the different feed
grounda about Merrill until January.
Among the coloaaal collection of use
ful articlea auitable for preeenla at the
monogram there might be mentioned
fine aiiiia for boya, liata, overcoat,
mufllera, and ailk handkerchief, ahirta
and necktlea, aweatera, glovaa, air guna,
game, money banka, pocket linivea,
sled and top.
Prof. Wilson of San Franclaco ia now
located in AJUiraa and has accepted the
leadership "'of the braes band at that
place. Prof, Wileon ia aaid to be an ar
tist and played the clarionet in the
Iowa EUU 2ar.d Rt the World'e Fair.
Lakeview ought lo aecort the service of
competent band raaater, by some meane.
Irvln Ay res.
h. C. Whltworth.
Geo. H. Ay re.
The Yoke Coat
Is the Swagger Fall Coat. It's the Coat Smart Dressers
are Wearing. We have them.
We have a full stock the
See Them
Ayiies, WiirrwoRTii Ayres j
Harry Hazleton i putting up a new
atairway on the south of the hank to
the uper tory. The uptaira waa for
merly uaed hy the land otllce, but aince
the tire it haa been unoccupied. Cogs
well A Hell will o:cupy it when com
pleted for a law office.
T. A. Wisdom, the man w ho spent
thirty-eight days in the peat house with
mallox, wii discharged by the county
physician last Saturday, and went out
to Dave Fidler'a camp to work. Al
though the patient had a had attack of
the diaeaae ho leavea the peat house
with very few Bears and in excellent
bodily health.
A Bid well correspondent to the Cedar
ville Record is informed that there ia a
case of smallpox at Plush, and that a
quarantine station haa been established
at Deep Creek. This report is erroneous.
There ia no mallKix at Plush, neither
ia there a quarantine station at Deep
Creek. In fact the-e ia not a cse of
smallpox in Luke county.
If you can't decide what to buy for
Christum we can assibt you. We will
show yon something beautiful and dur
able in Dolls, Albums, toilet sets, glove
and handkerchief boxes, purses, Ma
hogany hair, clothes and hat brushes,
and many other line presents at Beall'a.
Aa the outcome of an Indian fight at
Cedarville lat week one squaw is aup
Hised to have been murdered and sev
eral others of the Piute tribe were ter
ribly beaten. A portion of the squaw's
clotliing was found covered with blood
and she haa since been missing. Fights
of this) character are frequent among
the "noble reda" of thie vicinity.
S. V. Kehart is at the Uuas House,
San Francisco, and aends ua a complaint
that he haa not received the laat two
issue of The Examiner. Mr Kehart
is arraaging with a Arm in the city for
the iron pipe for the Lakeview Water
Compny'a new system. The pipe will
be shipped in early in the spring. He
will spend the holidays in the city and
then go to Stockton to work on hi hay
loadin machine.
The jury In the case of J. W. Brown,
suspected aa being implicated in the
lynching of Calvin Hall and three sons
and son-in-law Yantes, was empannelled
in the Superior court of Modoc county
last week and the caae ia now in pro
gress. Deputy Attorney General Charles
Post is conducting the caae for the state.
The case will be vigorously prosecuted.
It took over two weeks to select a jury.
A numlier of reeerved aeata for the
Saturday evening concert will be on sale
at Beall a drug store. Space will alao
be reserved for those wishing to send
their own chain. The price of admia
aion will be 75 cent for reserved aeata ;
50 cent for general admlaaion. or thoea
aending their own chairs, and 25 cent
for children.
Tha Klamath Rarmblican aavs: Dur
ing the past week three pairs ol Mongol
ian pheasant were received tier by is.
W. Gowen and will pass the winter ia
tha bin warehouse of Meaara. Reamea A
- . i .
Jennings, nex spri m. uuwm w
. 1 I . 1 . 1 u illRuul. . I I
turn in nnumu swn iu uiuomm
parta of the county, with tha expectation
of miili!ply'.r.g the eperlea her. They
are nne Mri, ana Mr. uowen u w w
commended for Ida enterprise.
The Oder of Flowers
That is what a perfume should be
true to Nature, delicate, lasting.
We have just received a fresh lot
from the place where the flowers
grow. These are among the most
delicate extracts made; they con
vey an air of refinement. Ifyoa
have never used any of our per
fumes, come in and sample them.
A large variety to select from.J
BealTs Drug Store
Now located
in the
South of the
Daly Bid.
j ma xxrxi ox
Carpets, Mattings, Portieres
lineolum, Carpet Covers.
Undertaking in every branch
Fine Sunday Dinners ZSlS m&iiXXfSZX
rrr Uy''V yaVtlv
j Is rapidly forging ahead and
& K. R. Fnllatt. tha Merchant
is trotting along at the head
of the procession.
Has already been received and more
new goods ure arriving at our atore
. -all the time
, . W have everything demro'CjB in the
, . ; Grocery Lin. A special line of Otnta
Faney Shirt. An elegant line of
Candtee, Cagara and TobacooH. Watch
for 6ur Dry Oooda Display.