Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 19, 1901, Image 4

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Fire at Bernard..
I-ast Thursday afternoon a disastrous
fir was averted by the aid of lmn.1 fire
extinguisher which stood in a convenient
part of the store of J. K. Iternard A Son.
Ted Jaqnish tie clerk was workings! a
bench near th, hammering some
pipe. and as he w as making considerable
noise he fai ed to lifiir the roar of tlanu'S
on the inside of tln otVt-e, the door of
which was luhtly closed. Poring a lull
in hi" work, however, he heard framed
picture drop from the wall anl upon go
ing to the ftlice dor cneivcd the (lames
reaching up the side of the couth wall
ai:d along the ceiling. The fire was
gaining rapid headway, and realizing
that water would leof liule ue in stay
irtg it? fnrv thecUrk helhought himself
of a fire extinguisher on a shelf near the !
otfice and quickly putting the instru
ment into use soon had the lite exting
uished. The origin of the tire w as a spark
that fell into the wood box. which soon
ignited Mine paper and then the wood.
At tiie tianies crawled np the wall the
string holding the picture frame wait
hurnt. and the frme fell to the floor.
It was the noise of the falling picture
that attracted the attention of Mr. Jaq
uih and saved the town and especial'y
Bernard & S n from disastrous and
costly fire. This is not the only instance
in which these little hand extinguishers
have done excellent work and saved
much property.
Miss Portia Knight, Actrea.
Miss Portia Knight is a leaiitifiil Oi
egon girl of much ability who has cre
ated no little seusation in this country
and England. Mie is a native of Klam
ath county and the daughter of Col. N.
B. Knight of Wood River. A part of
her life was passed in Salem, hut her
environments became too damped for
so much lcauty and talent and she
crossed the waters to London where
she brant tied out as an actress. She it
was who created a sensation in two
countries by bringing suit for $50,000
against the L'oke of Manchester for
breach of promise. After the Duke had
promised to marry Miss Knight lie
changed his affections to Papa Zimmer
man's daughter, on account of the
Papa's millions and because Miss Knight
was moneyless. She recently appeared
in London in "The Artful Valet," a
stupid comedy selected for her, and her
debut was a "frost." Miss Knight is
well known throughout Oregon. She
attended schoU t Ashl.uid. She is
said to be not only a great beauty, but
also has exceptional historonic talent
Importation5of Wool.
The greatest volume of wool imrorts
comes from Australia, 22,500,000 pounds
during the last fiscal year. Nearly all
this was fine wool, class one; but only
about halt of this came from Australia
direct, the other half being reshipped
from Kngland, Helgium and trance.
From Argentina we imsjrted about 14,
500,(JiKl ounds of wool, three-fourths of
which, approximately, was "carpet
wools," class three. Then of coarse or
carpet wools we imported about 11,000
000 pounds from Scotland, and of dif
ferent grades of wools, 5,000,000 freni
England. Fiom various portions of
Russia came 12.000,000 pounds, mostly
coarse wools; and we received 0,000,000
pounds also from China, and nearly as
much from the Turkeys. Altogether,
the United States imported during the
fiscal year, 101,518,521 pounds of wool
at three ports Boaton, New York and
Philadelphia of which 6 per cent was
-of class three, 40 per cent of class one,
and 4 per cent of class two. The United
-States produces a very large quantity of
wool, but it i ears much more, and needs
the wools of other countries.
Canal From Uca Chuttca.
It is reported that J. J. Windle, rep
resenting Minneapolis capitalists, has
been in Oregon several we ka investi
gating chancel for the prosective ir
rigation of lands for new settlers from
the oast, says the Republican. Mr.
Windle thinks favorably of a project to
build a 62-mile canal from the head
waters of the Dei Chuttea river into
jCJansetli county. He figures the ester
prise would cost f000 per mile and
irrigate 150,000 acres of land.
The Poltctts Have Done.
Mr. and Mm. lierry Follett and ehil-i
dren left Lakeview last Friday morning J
for Itoulder Creek, Cal., where Mr. Fol
left's father and other relatives reside.
Although it w Friday and the Uth at
that. t!erry said he did not believe in
superstition, hut scarcely had the stage
coach carrying them not outside the
city limits than the vehicle hroke down
and left them on the roadside What
other accident Udell them on the Jour
ney has not hcen learned. Mr. Follelt
will leave his family at Jloulder Creek
while he got" b seek a new home for
them. Mis Hist visit will le to tilobc,
Arizona, where he will pr:My locate.
The family have many friend in Lake
view who will wish them happiness and
suciva w herever they go.
A Chrl.otmis Wedding.
Cards are out announcing the forth
coming nurriage of Mr. Frank Schlagel,
an attorney, of I'ortUnd, to Miss Mamie
Hell Palmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
P. P. Palmer, of Kugene. The wedding
will take place the evening of December
24th. PAH, at the home of the bride's
parents at Kugene. Mr. and Mrs.
Schlagel, after their honeymoon, will re
side in Portland. Mr. Schlagel, whose
home was in Lakeiew prior to going to
Portland, has built up a successful
practice in the Oregon metropolis. The
Kxaminer joins his many friends here
in wishing him and his bride much hap
piness and prosperity.
Sheriff Dunlap Return.
Mieritf Dunlap reiumed home Tues
day evening after an unsuccessful pur
suit of the Wilson Brothers, w ho roblied
the (iibUins A llartzog store at New
Pine Creek. The sherif was on the sup
posed trail ten days. The last heard of
the fugitives 'as in North Warner, and
there the trail was lost. No one could
lie found who had seen the men after i
they left Warner. They dropped com- j
pletely out of sight. Sheriff Dunlap was ,
at the P Hatich, Warm Springs, Nar
rows, Wagontire and other planes to the
north, and although it would seem the
men were heading for the noith, or they
would not have gone through North
Warner, the sheriff is of the opinion
that they did not go north.
Horn" Fuller flarried.
On the 12th im-t. Osmar Fuller and
Miss Delia Farrar were united in mar
riage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i. S.
Humphrey in Klamath Falls, hev. J. j
M. McCninh was the officiating pardon. I
I The brid is said lobe pretty and isip- i
1 1
i ular, anl is the dauhter of Mr. and
! Mrs. F. Farrar. Almost everyUwIy in
j conty knows the groom to be an
industrious and worthy young man.
He left I.akeview about a year ago and
has U-en engaged at his trade in Brad
ley's harness shop, Klamath Falls, ever
sim e. "Horn's" many friends in Lake
view wish him and his fair bride the
full meauure of happiners and success.
The Thread Social.
The thread social given at the Metho
dist church last Saturday evening by
the Ladies' Aid Society was interest
ing and amusing. The program con
sisted of singing, recitations and dia
logues besides the thread maze which
created much merriment. An excel
lent free lunch was served and a col
lection was taken up. A Urge crowd
was in attendance, and all express
themselves as hnving apent a most en
joyable eveuing. The receipt! were
School Christmas Trees.
Some of the teachers of the Lakeview
publh school have reported to The Ex
aminer that they will have Christmas
trees and exercises in their respective
departments. In Miss Hall's primary
department the tree will be prepared at
2 p. m. Moiday, In Principal McCor
mark's department Monday evening and
in Mies West's department Friday aftert.
noon. Parents are invited to place
presents on the trees for the pupils.
A Noble Outcast.
"A Noble Outcast," a drama in four
acts, will be given at Crane Creek on
Saturday evening, December 28th, and
will be reproduced at New Pine Creek
on the evening of January 3d, The
drama will be given by Crane Creek's
local talent. Admission 25 cents for all
over 10 years of age.
m m m
1 .,R
J W Krrdrr
Chan Morrlaon
Reefer I Morrison
xxXlJ" X ':SLj'J;-x.
ln ever) thing In
the ftlarknmllhlna; i
l.lne and natlnrae
tion auarnnlrrd
Pine CroeK, Oregon
New Vegetable
L. B. WHORTON, f'rop.
A k,nds of Vegetables &
pril: rnr-- a i
. . , .
Leave orders and what you want
for the daywill be delivered at
your door, fresh and sweet. I
Perfumes. Toilet Articles,
Ebony Sterling Mounted Novelties, Mirrors,
Hair Brushes, Fancy Atomizers, Toilet Cases, Pocket Books,
Musical Instruments, Drums, Chatelaine Bags,
Manicure Sets, Cuff, Glove and
Handkerchief Boxes, Books, Games, and many
things for the little folks.
tr.-t .t tu-i
n:i f.ti ca
imujiiujuui fi u u miuu n nuis .uj 1 1 uuu u ummiuiiuiin n ui ; ,,,,
Y speak
It yH com lo our slnr m will lt u
goad anil ound rraaoni. hard lnllar ria.
una. hy lh alu ( ! In nr oud.
w hy you thouM flit your Irad.
nuallv. U ara MlUtld;llh tht palran-
lha puhllc hand .In al aur doar. Hul.
Ilka all tnargallc paopla wa want to da
mora. can II aalUfy aid or naw
patrons that na marthanl In Inwn can nn
Qaiely & passing!)!
CMll.DUr.N'S 5CI1(M)L .
5rti:l-:i'MiiKI)hR'S NAII.III)
V . I W Wm, I ,A If AT
hen you see
a 5-mile on
a man's face
like this fellow,
just guess that
he has a pair of
(iraves Shoes.
These 5hocs
are all cele
brated makes;
are the best to
be found on the
market, and arc
moderate price.
Jj -. -A la jj ' . '