; h VOL. XXII. LAKKVIEW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON,' THURSDAY, DEC. 12, 1901. NO. 41). HERE IS THE BILL. fhe Bill for Leatlnf of The Public Lands Drawn Up by Cattle 0 rower' Atcociatlon. The hTWo WII lr llie Iranlna for timing pnrpoaea of vacant public du main ami reserving all righta of home alred ami mineral entry ha been draws up at L'hleo. Cel., and will oj printed to Congra : "feet lion I. IWi t enacted by the St.li atM and I 1u of lUpretimtalve of the United Sale of America in Coligreaa aa-m-rubled, iliat all vacant public land weal of I lie lotlth meridian el from Greenwich shall leaned for il' k-ril-ing purimsea, aul.jwl to lliu riK.it of homestead and mineral entry under ex Ming lawa of ih I 'nurd Mates, and when ro entered, to U canceled from tlie lease. "N't-. 1!. I-eiiws ol mn li laud t'.iall not u attbjcet to bid. 1 be unilorm renl i. shall be rent. -er u ht annuiil, payable annually in advance, and prefer ence lor such Icio-t" hall U given to ncra of cultivated itgi icultoral land, ..r leasable land abutting upoo their tieeholds in Moi.fulion of 10 acics ! leaseholds lo oin' lit e of freehold. A like prclcrt In e of 10 m n of I -).'. I I ne nrte of In t hold shall be given lo f-tnckgrowel s w bo ale nl-n 1 uelioldei iIiih M. li reiii e shall ai ! lv only to lo i . h within I be counties n 1 1 wliirli Iheii , i.iU liulii tut I ! v mute. If in ram of ill .it of the prcfcrt un a above piovided I' .ere till not I i lllrirnt leasable Inl'iiti in the rolinly lo ie i nrh i-imui i u'lllid lo llie preleieni e llie liiiixilolllli I.M'K'llioli of 10 line I" one, (bell mi id lands shall It proiiite.l Utmrn llie per si lib entiled lo sn.li on fri i-nre. 'l lie further preference lo lands not leased under 'be ftifgoii.g lovisinnn of His M't'lioii hbull be fcivin lo floi 'rnwriH bo Wele in m l im I iim iiii.I oi eiipanev ol id lands during i l.e ) car endjiig on Jan it ii ry 1, l'.01, la he leased to lliein in pit portion lo their respective interest III Kiid Ilea thereof. Where the states lease lull' I it I it 1 M 1 1 if 1 1 1 it liilr holders of s -'iilr leaseholds m I h I ) If beiietirim it'H of 'he prefereiife yist n nln.ve lo .'oeki;rtiW 'iHVthuiilu H I ho f f c t-i 1 1 i I 1 1-; provided I hut hiteli ftnte b'lift hfil.lH nre not held by itny onti peri-oll in liuru exi't'i'dini; HV-10 linen in any oi e hotly. I ret hohl riyhtc under thin aertion h 1 1 it 1 1 not apply to louiihitti proH'rty, nor to any lunda tit' 1 1 vinu 1 i i It- from hpiu-inli or Mexi.'itn v: i u 1 1 1 u . .ee. .1 All It'iin'M to inn id veil i ft, illi the privilege of lenewal for a net' onti term of 10 yearx, llie ti rut lewt'e hav ing the preference for etii'h feeond term, I'lovliled ht'Nlnill luve eoiiiplietl with the ietilireineiitH of thin luw mid the terma of bia leane, and him not ullowed bin li HKt holil to tleteriorute. "Sou. 4. Tht) ruvunue derived from the lutteeH herein aulhoii.wl hIiuII Ih pnitl in In tht TretHiinry of the United Statea, nutl tint net revenue, after dtthu tiiiK the exK.inim uf aduiiniutt rinu thia tract, hIiuII m held in truat to ho paid to Hindi atnte and torritoriea herein theleuHehohlaaro biluuted, as piovidu a atate engineer and other pror memia for tlevoting the Kameto the tlivcrHion or itoiHge of wnlt r and ita diMtribulion for irrigation of Hitrhulturul IuihIh. Only hiicIi levenuo hh in derived i I hiiy atate or territory hall be retmned lo it for audi purpofce. "feo. n."rhe iHocratury of tlio Inttsrlor ahall have the jmwer to tanevl a lease when it holder boeoinea iimliKible, and ahall admiuiaier thin ad, making all needful rulea and regulutioua for that purpose. "8ec, U Nothing In tl in act nhall do- THE PRESIDENT'S FIRST MESSAGE. A the Prealdenl'a Dieaage ai an 1 a Uuv'hj docuineat, containing nearly 20,000 worda, it ie impoible for The F.iaminer to publl.h more than a aynop nil. Thle however eoven tbe main lea turea ai.d aa moth probably a a great many care to read. Trie AMAMmeTa. rmident Roneevelt'e meeaage opena lib a detailed review ol the moral pha.ee of the aeaaaaination of I'reaiderit McKinley, which he denominatea "a blow aimed not t ihii 1'reaident hut at all I're.itlenla, at every ayrobol of gv ernmeiil." The crime, Mr. Hooaevelt ilecUre., waa an outgrowth of anarchy, and he recommend, aa a precautionary meaaure that anarchiaU or iteraona n leaning principle! hoalile to all govern. ineiit ami Justifying the mnrtler of thoe placetl in authority ahouhl be kept out uf thia country, and, if found here, thai they ahould l promptly deorlel ttj tint I'ounirv from nhich thev came. The ' ' I'refitlent reeornmemla that the Federal court, ahould iai given juriadiction over any pcrnon who Hlleinpla lo kill the President oi any mnu in line for the I'rt'Mdeiitial aiiiTeatinii. Til K Till (IT. Ill referring to the eommerciitl tie vi li pmeul of tbe cotinliy the I'rentlent titittx vi ry fully f h trul quei-lion, tlrrhiniitf lint "Hie lirnt eM-eii'iiil in lin tel mining h"v to ileal with the ureilt inilntriiil coiiibinalioiia ia know lediff of the fuclf publicity. " lie poilil out Ilutl Ml'-h Inrllier remetliea aa air needed in the y of governmental regulation or t a x a i ion tun only If dc'! mined in tl,i way, and to thin end recoiitmetiil.i ' that the to.vernment, without interfer-1 jug Willi the power of tbe Males in the, mnlicr itM'lf, rhoiilil a-hiilne M,wer of, Kiipeiviitioii uiitl rtvula ion over all ror porittioiia tloiug an intemlato ti'l'IneKc, i and if (.olitfrcfH fhoilltl decide thai it J .ha' not o aent the neciM-try piwer, ; he .l tinea the lldoplion of a cmiMtitil- i lional lillit'lidliielit. I t HIM MK 1( I CMOS. A tier advocating the creation of a new Cabinet ollicer, to le know u aa e'-relnry of Commerce and Intluhtry, tin' l'leci ih'iit tiikfH iii the ijtii-Kl inn of t hinei-e exclusion, declining that the law exclud ing Chinee hilmrera Hiioiild be re en acted immediately, and that it la at lengthened wherever necefHary, o thut it eiilorccmenl may be elitiiely ef fective. coKVu r i.vnoit. Another mutter of interest to the fined without the enactment of legis woikinu clussea i llie oppohit ion .ibicli hition harmful to those commercial the President shows to convict labor. prive i he United Mate- of coniroll of all j for Hiiy purpose, now exist-' reserva ions ing or liereufter creuleti. "Sec. 7. This net to take effect and be in force from and after it passage." The follow ing is u statement of the purpose and effects of the bill : "The purpose of this promised legisla tion is to prevent the further free use in cuminoii of the public domain in the aritl grazing region, ami thereby to pre vent the destruction of the forage by overstocking tlie saaie, by which process the land is becoming desert, tlie country more aritl, and spiings and watercourses losing their flow. Used free ami In com mon, the Western range ia practically without law,' and the competitors for it occupancy atto.npt to hold it against each other by violence and armed force, causing the doetrtictlon of life and prop erty, This doiiuiii belongs to all of the people, but lias been used by a few aa a means of acquiring wealth, w ithout com pensation to tbe rest ol the owner. Tht availability of he region involved tot ' He declarei that the Government ahoold provitle in ite contract! that ail work ahotild be done under "fair" condition!, and that all night wt.rk for women and children, and exceteive overtime, hok be prohibited. imhiobatiok. i ' In diacuaalng the queatinn of immigra tion I reaident Rooeevelt declare (bat we ehonld ex dude all pereune who are of a low moral tendency or of n n aa vory reputation. To thia end, be favor "a careful and not merely erfuncUry ed ucational teat" by w hich to aeenre eorne intelligent capacity to appreciate Ameri- can institution and act aanely ai Ainer- ican citizetia. There ahould alao lie, he aaya, "a profier prtMif of eraotial c.pac - ity lo earn an American living I f J i .;- llRi'iriltK-TY. Ke.'iprocal liutlo relatitma w ith oilier nutioiiH are favoretl by the l'rcitnlent, the point being made that foreign rnai ket aie nbhoititely tciieiitiitl to uiiin tain the high level of our present proa periiy. MKIIt HAN'T MA HIVE. Without directly commitliiiK himself to the plan of prov itling ship tubhiilief, the l'refitleiit urgcHthat CtvrefcH vhouU lake Htepa lo pUee American shipping upon an ttpial footing with foreign. I NTKHS r Al'K ItlMMKKt K. The Interstate Ctniimerce act, I'resi dent KtHiievelt declatea, nhouUl Lie amentletl. Kail mini lutes shoultl be jiift to all, .nil this result should be se- agencies. agricultural settlement hits been injured by the increase of its aridity that lias ' followed the extirpation of t'o covering of grasses and furaue plants, and the ' land's potentiality ua a producer of j wealth w ill disappear unless it is protect-1 ed by law and its users are eonielled to pay for and protect what ihey occupy. "The proper Kilicy of this (.iovern ment is tbe encouragement of settlers to occupy all part of the piiblicdumain up on w hich families may gain a living. To this end the proposed law reserve al: the riulila of the homestead eettier. The Government encourage theadventuroua mineral proector, and thia law reserve all hia right to make mineral entry in any part of tlie domain that it cover. "IJesides these protective entrymen, there are existing right that must be protected. "The present agricultural settler, who tiller land, raise crop, and keep domes tic (tuck, find under the present system f tree use of tlie public domain that flocks and herd are driven upon hi free- ii i I f 1 f m 1 M i m 4 rotter krkvbs. Tbe itrong a tend the Pre.idenl take in favor of the protection to foreet re (ervee and eoneervlng tbe water of the arid region will be particularly plead ing to tbe people of tbe Weet. After poiatlng oat aeeeeeety legUiation to the flnkarilcalar,' be aaye that tbe coo trJ lA tbeae reeerve k boa Id reit entirely in the Bureau of Forestry, and Dot in mall department a at prevent. ARID LAM Da. In the mattei of arid lamia the mee aage advo ate the oonetraction by the t Government of great etorage work, to j equalize the flow of etreame and to eave the flood water. In the reclamation of 1 unsettled arid land 1'reaident Room veil aaya, water rnu.t be brought with in the reach of thoae eettlere who build home upon tbeae land. : mw roaaaaaioN. l'rogree in tbe adjustment of diffictil tiea in Hawaii, Porto Hico and Cuba tbe President believe to be gootl. As to the I'liilippiuea, lie aaya that "to leave the irluiidn at this time would mean that they would fall into a condition -of mtinleroua anarchy, r-uch a desertion of duty on our part would be a crime anaiiihl humanity." The introduction of iutliiKlrial euterpriaea, he thinks, will go (4r toward solving the problem. I'ACIKIC CAHLK. Tlie I'rchideiu aaya that there is "a crying ueetl for a cable to Hawaii and the Philippine-, to be continued from tbe hitler point to Attia," and further Kiiys that the work of construction hoojil not be deterred a day lonner than necessary. INTIIMIAN CANAL. Itegarding tbe Isthmian canal, the l'rctddeut joiut8 out the gratifying re Ntilt of our negotiations with (treat Hiilain, and the abrogation of the Clay- Ion Hulwer treaty, I THE XAVV. A strong navy is earnestly recom mended, and ita possible need in up holding the Monroe Doctrine is force full jaiinU'd out. THE ARMY. The army, the President declares, is liir.'e enough, but many changes in methods and organization are recom mended. Rt'RAL DKMVRKY. The benefits of rural free delivery are enlarged iioii, and it exteiiHon to greater districts favored. civil. BKKVKK. An enlargement of the sen of civil service ia urged, as is also a reorganiza tion of he consular service. hold, consume tlie forage upon w hich his tlonittic anitnals should feed, ami inflict rich injury Uion him that he is frequent- ly constrained to sacrifice ids proierty and seek another location, only to be again overtaken by the same intolerable conditions. The proposed law give him the preference of a leasehold on abutting public domain, which he may protect from the trespasses which now injure him. "The next preference is given to free holder whose parsuila are pastoral, t) protect themselves iu like manner from nomads, and secure the range needed for their stock. "Land not taken by either of the fore going clause! of freeholder shall be sub ject to lease by sto.:kgrowers w ho were in use and occupancy during tlie year ending January 1, UXU, each to have leasehold in proportion to hi interest, so that none, not even the least, can be excluded. "The poBDuooo.. of SosscLolJa to state lands, In area limited to 040 acres, are given the same right a f'eeholdera. ''The owner of the vast Mexican and Ppanlah grant are excluded from free hold or other privilege onder thia law, by limiting ita benfleiarir to holder onder the land law of the United State and towosite freeholder are also prop erly excluded, "The fixing of tiro of pastoral occu pancy at the year ending on January 1, 1901, ia to exclude combinaion of capi tal forming for tbe urjoe of getting leasehold control of theae land, to the exclusion of the Weatern raugemen and (tockgrtwera who now occupy hem in common. "To ataaulutely guard the right of all against combination by a few,, the lea e are not open to bid. There will be no auction at w hich tlie atrong ran .ver- cime the we.k. Every man ha hia right defined by the law, ar.'J none can take them away. "The leaseholder, being compelled to pay for the land he nsea, will protect it forage against extermination by over stocking. The vegetable covering will increase and will more and more con serve the mauture, increasing the means of irrigation. The law proKse that the net revenues of the leases shall be held by the United S'ates in tiust for the use of the states where it is derived, in the storage ane distribution of water. Huch use of the rentals w ill be the devotion of an existing public asset to a public pur pose of supreme im ortance to the arid West, and w ill rentier unnecessiry the. demand that the taxpayers of the whole country be burdened for that purpose by Congresional appropriations. "It is intended that the bill shall pro tect the forage r.f, t!ic public range, get revenue from its use, defend the rights of piescnt freeholders, exclude no exist ing intrest, however small, and shall ac celerate H'ttleinent and tillage by conser vation of moisture and the support of irrigatfon. "With those ends in v'ew, itis submit ted to Congress by orderof the American Cattlegrowere' Association, through its committee on legislation. "Jwiv 1. Ikihh, "Oakland, California. "Husky M. Portkr, "Denver, Colorado. "A. B. Robertson, "Colorado, Texas. "15ARTI.ETT KlCHAKllS, "Kllsworth, Nebraska. "M. K. Paksons, "Salt Lake, Utah." dale Hopkins. The following notice of the marriage of Miss Minnie Hopkins formerly of this city, ia copied from a Manila paper. Mr. Herbert D. tiale, cashier in tlie ofbe of the Chief Quartet master, De partment of Southern Luzon, and Miss Minnie Hopkins were married on Oc tober 12th, at the 'residence of Mr. Al bert Bryan, the well known contractor, Calle Keal, l'aco. Tho ceremony was performed by the lie v. Dr. MncLaugh lin.' Mr. Gale was (ormoily Ciptaiu ami Quartermaster of the 4!Hh Iowa Infantry,' and served w ith his regimen, in Cuba. He accompanied Lieneral Humphrey to China, and later came to Manila as chief ulerk to Capt. and Quartermaster 11. C. liarnhardt. Mis Hopkins arrived in Manila since Oct., liKK). She bs been connected with the Kducational Bureau ever lince her arrival, hlie ia an accomplished and estimable woman. Mr. Gale 1 a lawyer and may prac tice bia profession in Manila when con dition are wore settled. At present there i general uprising of the native. The nrmy is Mng increased, and may take full control in a short time.