Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, December 05, 1901, Image 2

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    LAkn COt MY 1-XAniM-RLAKUVinVV, CkUUON, ,I)LC 3, IWI.
a!ic Q! emit a Olxainlnvc
7 Pur.ll.bfJ Byery Thurdjr
(K l ling Hear. hllKht.)
Fir St V ml year lli jurat rattle
raising ror million. of the t liw
nPhe new
(R lA' AAA New
t ltell coiiiiltctltij? A rmiiMUH of MtlitR1
. . I... I... I ... ..1 I ' - ..
m6.c nuuuing y- wW,,!,,!, t: 1iWWe Cvimreaa to
1 ;;lH llioil.'lll t'd lioVnlillt for tilt' "It'llfihU
, (One Year, of t ! iiiMic jiminn land ti tlie Itijtli-
TI:KttS: SU Months. M ,,i(,.,.r. The i.r..iei..l " oljcct of
I 4 Firm
xyxyxyxy capital a
K..The Lakeview Mercantile Company.. 6
Cll nrrpcnni t II . C iVOTHI- & CO. Pi
rl'IHltMl olj
. ... I I ItrvC iTIWIIIIOi. . i t-'
ll.ttf move wa to protect Oovernnirnt
! tu re I.iii.Ih from bv'w turned into
LAKEVM-W.OKtOUN.NOV. js, iooi. u,;vt9 ,.,,v ;,,,. Mll. function
Mold A Moral. .
Once iiim a time a donkey fell into a i
ieej iuV. ami after nearly tai vinjt j
mij;lit tdjtla of a jr fox ami implor- j
ed ttie Mranger to help him out.
"I iu too suialUo aid vou," taiil tlie
fox, "but 1 mill give you mine advice.
Only a few" rod away 1 a Mjt, ' troiijj
elephant. Call to hint and te will get
you out in a jiffy.
After the Jo had pona ,h. donkey
thua reasoned! "I am rery weak Iroin
want of nourish ment. Every move 1
make is jut to much additional tors of
strength. If I raise my voice to call tlie
elephant I hallgrotr weaker yet. No, 1
will not waste my an balance that way.
It is the duty of the elephant to come
w ithout railing.
So the dj key settled himself back and
eventually starved to deatti.
Long afterwards, the fox parsing the
hole saw- w ithin a wilhened skeleton and
remarked :
"If it le that the souls of animals are
transmigrated into uirn, that donkey
will become one of those merchants who
enn never tifford toadveiMse.." Caveat.
I'robably the laiwtt consignment of
Hereford cattle ever brought to America
Jias reavht d Haltimorc, am! ii! li- taken ,
to kanst-.s City some time in .laiiuaiy
nexl. In the lot arc three bulls, l'.HJ
cows ami 4' t;.its boiikilit in I.ii.n.'l
for tlie late K. 11. Armour, by W . K.
Brltlan, tecieliiiy ol the Knji--li licie
ford society. Two oi helteis are
from the lord of Km; rMwani 11.,
one a wii.ner at the Koyal slum this sea
Sji). The bull Mt-ruir) is fr.iin '.le held
of the Karl i f Coventry, the prize-u in
li i i hull Maji'stic and the yearling I'ltUo
from James Smith, ol Thiiijtliill Castie;
4 prize-M iuniiu 'ous from (i. II. (.irecii,
Wi:uiore. Mr. Armour's herd wiil I
the most valuable in the country, and
ill be cared for by ids brother, Cuas.
V. Armour.
The (ostort'ee department has decided
to place President McKinley's picture
on the new issue of postal cards, w hich
will appear shortly after December 1st.
The design, as explained by acting Post
ambler General Madden, includes the
yer of bin-, ami year of death imiuedi
Jtteiy at the left nd right, respectively
f the iume "McKinley" w Inch w ill lie
directly under the head. Above tlie
head will be the words "Setiesof l'.t)),"
and above that ' ji;e Cent." The in-
sc.n.u.wi, lurcu rlnlr, i ., iiui, ;
l)o appearing on tlie postal can is w Ml
Ik; abandoned and renlared at a imiut
lower dow n, so as to leave llie space at
the up,er part of the card, one third of
the w idlh ol the raid, clear l'T post
mark j.
Mrs. Nellie AUeverti of Ne Yo.k and
John Edwar.l Sail-bury of Chici-o weie
twins. lietween them tl.e.e existed a
remarkable decree f sympthy. Mrs.
Al-eveifi betitme restless und strange. y
de;i.-ssed on Calm. lay without any ap-
patent canst ana she w as iil-o in ieal
physical pain. Her londitioii i;rew
wi'ise until a telegram anived aiinounc the death of he' i:i Chicago.
Iiurirt); his recent visit to .-an! iaj; j de
Cuba, General Wood bought 'or the
iovei ninent the principd portion of the
an Juan ba'tje ficltl, including iii Juan
hill, the sieof the block house and Ploody
liend. The tract coiiipiiseetfJU acres ami
t-t tlo.btX). It will l.e considered a
I." n i ted States reservation and the (iov-
eri inent inlends to lay out a
beuu'iful I
park OH the old battlefield. j
Mrs. Hannah Lee had her pocket pick--d
at the late Presidential inauguration.
Jler purse contnining f4wass'olen. Two
thieves were arres-ea. L'ach ;ave lo,
iKJll bonds and then fled. A security
company sent a detect i ve after the men
and they were ciptt :ed i't London. It
liasal eady cost the auilioiities over
$;W00 to apprehend the men.
An unususl proceeding took place in a
Heading, Pa., court when an order was
made allowing Dauiel I. Saul of Shoe
inakerville to adopt Daniel Brandon, a
married man, as a son and heir. He
will now take the name of Haul. Haul's
petition says he is without children and
that Brandon has lived In his family
.wince childhood.
Paris now has automobile fire engines
which measure six to ten feet, weigh
two and a half tons. or, when fully equip
I!, 6380 pounds. They start to work
instantly. The pump delivers twenty
gallons a minute.
now mmn on.
It 1 that if tlie deniraMe
ullio ilonmin re parceled, out under
leaae t lite liijthert bidder and ur-
rounded by certaJo )cf ifUtioii intended
to prevent the misuse of it, the public
would reap an advautsge in a large and
consequently a clleae supply of feed
ami mutton, ana tMe money to be de
rived by tl-e (tovemmeni from Us lease
system might be devoted to the recla
mation of arid lands. The plans of the
cattle barons were, piade attractive jn
other ways, but not seductive enough to
make th settler believe that it was for
his interests the bit corporations were
A lease system applicable to the pub
lic domain would surely throw all the
available lands fit for grazing into the
hands of the cattle larons, depriving
small stiK-kmen and settlers in general
of the free range to w hich they have al
w ays been priviliged. The proKal of
the ca tie corporation, if seriously en
tertained bv Congress, will be met with
bitter oppeil ion, but at the same time
every stockman ami settler interested
in defeating the proxsed lease system
should let his congressman and si-mr.or
know by letter what he thinks of the
In this war the caltie bar-
t.Jin )(. t1WiUlH
A (iood Cough Hcdicine. j
(Krmii tin' i.ii'-tli'. T''iHiiii h. iistrniin ) !
i t'ui'l t iiaml'ei l.iin's Conh Ueiuedy
i an e ellent medieine. I have been
-ulteiinj I r i a t-eveie oiik;ii for the
lasl two iiioiitl.s. aiiil It lias etterti d a
eiire. 1 liae ureal plea-. lie iiireemu
iiieudi-w it. W. C. Win KM:U. TIlU Is ,
1 1 opiiin of one of our oldest and'
most resperled resiilents. a. id has been 1
Milmoary ttiven in oikI faith that;
oilieis may l v the remei'y and be bene-
tite.l, as rt .11 .Mr. li iekner. i Iim rem
edy is sold bv eull, itruggiM.
.Nay, Nay, Says Pauline.
Pauline Hall, tlie well known ai'tres",
is having a controversy with the Health
IVpartmerit of Vonkers. . Y., over a
bill of 2.75. A horse lx'loniiiig to her
recently dropped dead in the roadway
ml waa left there to le removed by the
city. .Mi-n Hall was nolilied that she
would have to reimburse the city for the
' i -i i -i - i . . n-i :n
remov, o, ner oeau nor-e. i ne on. as
Mi to ier anil she re used to nav.
5aw Death Near. i
, , r , 1.1 l I
It often made my heart ache.
w riles L. C. Ovei street, of KIj.mii, Telin., !
'i b. ii uK i.i.iil ii I :
, , , , iiit :
m-r weK ana wire uuik uouiu i-u,iumi'.
iuihI (iiH'tllf hUld Hilt ViUS H) I ii T y III
with Consumption that no me.leenie or
earthly help coiilil save her, but a It leml
re oinmi lided Dr. Knnj s
ew I : sci iv
...... .,, .1 ., ..1,1... I ,.v,...ll..ll '
... 1 . . . , , ', . !
n, el. en. e saved her I.fe. Its ab o-
''iteiv irnarHiileed for Coiihs, Cnhls, !'clntis, Asthma and all throat and ;
Innj di-eases. one and fl.tMl at l-e j
Ileali's, drtltfiiist. Trial butlles free. 1
M.(li;1 ,,,.,., j , a .p.r.arob
j,.,.tlve ,,;, for ,..ri,,u fr, Australia,
a .nj,,,.,;,,,, w,i;.t (.,,ul,l wain
lln(i.r , ,.,,., The. new order of
thM;i,s ll.t,.11(1(.)1 ,y 1,.1(.ia,,H Hll(j
L..l-kieiiers with jjrowinK enthusiasm.
Miss I lelen (iould thinks enough of a
coun'ry paper inbli-bed by an old
,. ...
friend of her father to insist on paying
i"a year for i, althouuh the subscriii-,
T . .
tion jirice is mly fl, Such app ecia-
'ion is rare and deserves s-ecial com
mendation. A.J.Snell wanted to attend a patty,
but was afraid to do so on acct.unt of
pains in his stomach, which he feared
vvi lild i row worse. He says, "I was
telling my troubles to a lady friend, who
K'"' : hainbcrlalfi H t..fiolic, Cholera
ami Piarrlioea Keineiiy win put, you 111
condition for the party.' I botiKht a
bottle and take pleasure in stating that
.wo bottles cuied me and enable me to
have, good time at the party." Mr.
Miell is a resident of Summer Ilili, N.
Y. This remedy is for sale by Iee
Iteall, dru gist.
(ieoiye Galloway was the other day
sentenced by Police Judge Kennedy to be
trounced by his wife. Galloway was w ith intoxication, and Mrs. Gal
loway was in court. "If you'll promise
to take a broomstick," said the Judge,
ami give him what he deserves when
you get home JT1 discharge him." ''I'll
do it if you say so, Judge." "All right;
make a good job of it. Go Lome with
your wife, Galloway."
Pood Changed to Poison.
Putrefying food in the intestines pro
duces effects like thoee of arsenic, but
Dr. King's New Liver Pills expel the
poisons from clogged bowels, gently,
easily but surely, curing Constipation,
Kilousness, Kick Headache, revers, all
Liver. Kidney and Iowcl
Onlv 25c at Lee Beall's.
ill' "
V If Miller, frraldrat
4- A Hrharl, V V
1 Lakeview flercantile Co.
.VW CJF. f,t.S.? BC.r
You Can
A ! ll"1i M I'l-,!"
I i-l. Li .ill .1
I" "I Hi'
it licit imI rVn in; with
r i r ii
li- w. iiw!h. i.r r r I rmi
lull i-atrt!' iiUr at u .r
A Nil ltl II li m lrii::.t':i-nl i-.lurHh'Di tn..
ui-sm fu.-ti , .t .-iHirf rpi'ip-rN .ii I utlii-r., tti ri-
It rl m t h : m t li T'- t IsMk . linn
for Mntl in-t rut 'on. r iiinih l.
.'Tin eurr-ro-'l .hi ri'luriifl mi iUy nl rr-ti-il.
Ik-hnWe's l-aw & Commercial 5chool,
I'lHTHMl, ( IllKl.oX,
I'mteii sitp. jnii urn. .
jik. it. w. iir-Knti. in iiiImt 4. I''l.
Nutlee t li-nry kiviti tli.t III riilnhllHtli-e
with tin- prio Imimi ut tin .rt of Coiir.-ia ol
Julie S. IT lllilli-.l "All Bet fur I In- Mile nl
June it. l,s
, , ,. , St , ,., , -.,.,. , ;r
! i'iti-ml l in .11 tin- I'ui.iii' l.mi.l .Hiti- l. ki i
ami. i k'""
of AiiKUI I Is-r.i, Jnuifii M Tur,'li.iil lkr i-i .
i-iomi ni iiriumi, h. un !hy
llll-'l til HO- ltlC" (It "Horil .Irtt.MIM in N.. ill.
,r ,,. ,,r, .,,,.. , ,,. Ki j s K, t mlt ,
K' , ol ..-! ion .. .v, in T.. n . No. in s.
HaiiKi- So .'I K W M . .ml wiil ..t. r to
Mm iii.ii t uv inii'i "iimni is ui'ii1' iun'u- mi
, ttmu.r .-r thmi for nun-uiturnl i-ur
Im H ll'l t i tt hIi! l.-h htn 4 t. t til l PHl'i Uii'l
tlt TM I It litKlHt.-r MIMl II'TI'IMT III Uils. liITIO
Mt l.ttk'-vicu ,t h r ridny , t In- I li h ltiy il
Iii i t intii r, l'li'l. hi- hhiim' hn w ltiifM M'l.rKt
Jaiuiii'-rt tinl, J. K. Mirrt), Kiaiik lit,''-r !
1'iimti. Or.'icoii. Any bihI bII i.,-riitis rlnimttitf
,.,,. iy HM., ,..,. ,,tiIh-. Intel- nr.' r.-
.ii. t.-. io fin- th.-ir rUnn in tin- ottn i- on ir
' 1 '' ",'';"J:I"'rH
4.1 lot r.
l i n t. i-itiiut
I.BInl "III' t I hIo Kri'Hull, "" t I I"'I
Notice In ni-r.-ny kiv.-ii tliMt I'ruttk M . -m'. of
Mcll'-rinitt. V-VH-ln. Im HU-il liotic- ot tritrll
lion to luuki' l.root on liW(. i-r lun l - iiiui No.
IJI . for t In Ii.iIom Inn I rilH il irMct of l.n.l
1 oin 111' in' 1 ni u( h ikiiiiI ici tie' .ih'i-tin' li-
t v '-11 t In- slnte of ' Ir-'KOII Hint N.'.H'lu. .her-
tie sun' Ii l-orii 111 Mr 1 1' nun 1 1 o el; iro..i hii
litie. .till ruiitiinK tiortli one n un r it of ii Bill-,
thi'iii'i ui-st inn- half el n in : ! . lie in'' iiorih
mi" iiii,rl r of h lull ', tlii'lii'i unt on lii.ll of b
mill', tlii'tii-e solilti w4ih li.lf nf n nuti' l. Ki.te
illlie II elf p i-.-l Hloti until slMtt- ltlii-orn- lillli'
; til plH'l' Of Itl'tO II II I IIK Hllll nllOllt lolir Ifllll'M
llllllin'N.I III l'l-l-l" I Ol n'lo. "'III.II1'
, J441 ,..,. .f,,r-.1. (i. K 1111.M on 1.1 w l-rk t
'', ''f -';;". Kr.iv n,.- 1 .s.e,.
l.'-r. 1 .il . lie llnllli'K till- follow 1 II V lllii lo
jirove tin- eomiiiet,- Immnn.n mul n, .nmntioii
l Nttl'l lilllil ' 11 .-ilk . 1 iiniii-i, nnynani.
1 linrN ii Imy, Krntik imiinr. bII ol M..i riintl,
iu-117 II K. M. IIIHTTtiV. kVKioirr.
i i?i lit; it i.M uii K
I'lill,',! Ulin Ij.11'1 I Mill .'.
l.Hki-lli w , Ori'KUII. Het. I I. I'S'l.
Notfrf! Ill hi'rchy iflvi'll til lit ill rolni1tllC
With IhR ITIIViHHItr III till Bl't lit I olltffMMIi nf
June .1, ism. iMilllK-i "All B t for 'lie Mill! nf
timlier IhiuIh 111 the Htnti-M of I'HllforiiiB. tire
Ifoti. Nevmlii. Btnl W knhliidtou 'lerritory," B
exti-inli il lo nil tlie Cut, He l.anil Hun lv net
nl AiikiihI 4. IMtt. Cliarl." rt. Iivelinn. of Ijike
view, enillity nf like, htBlH ut flri'Knil. Iib I inn
Iny 111' il ill till" ollici' Ills nuin iilHti-fiii'lit No.
H3i, for tlie iurene nf llm H'.j nf hK'., Ntt1,
nf HK1, nl Si c. Ni,. a in T. Nm. :ts H. K. Ni. ai K.
ami u ill offi r .rnof to lio that tin- laid mhikIiI
Im mote valuable for lis tlmlH-r or Mont iltan
for aKr'i-iillural iiiroHeM. anil In fit.lilisii iiiii
eialin tn -h ll Innilliefurn t tit iO'KlM.-r ami Ke-ci-iviT
nf llilHc,rtire at l.akeTli-w, Ori-K"ii. on Kri
ilny tin- J7th ilay of I'i'i'. IWil. II" natni-a an
witiiesMt. : W. K . llarrt , Jhiiich II. luinn, K
W. KwIiik, Nittliati It. Wllcnx, all of l.iiki-vlcw,
Ori'Knti. Any anil all iierniuia rlniiniliK al
versely lint above ili-sfi ila-il lamlii arc re-
iuenleil In Hie their claims In thin nit) n
or bi'fnre Haiti i7lli ilr nf Iieeeiiidi r, I'.ml.
s:t!7 4l K. M. hKA'ITAlN. K.-nlali-r.
IIKKHHr !. fl.liAI. I'ltOOK
IjiiiiI Ortlce at tJiki'tlcw, On-Koti, (let. IS. IU11I,
Notice l In ri.'l.y Klven that Llllic SnK" of Mu
I'erinltl, Nevaila, li. flleil inaice of Inlilltloll
to make proof on her ili mirl Ulnl claim Sn.Mri,
for tlie fiillowliiK deiwrllieil tract f luml: Mart.
I11K at b fsilul about one half mile bImivu tUi
mouth of Hivur Cri'ek, (nllowltiK the alalt) litis
one mile east, them e due north one hall mile,
the tic went 011. mile, thence south one half
UiIIb to male Hue at plai e of Ih KlliulHk- 'I III.
claim Ilea south of anil BdJoliiiiiK Noah H.
Winter, lid. claim on MuDeruiilt Creek and
marked by monument, at each of the four cor
ner, and I. iltuated In Malheur eouuly, atatu of
OreKim, before A. li. kins, county clerk at Vale,
Oregon, un Friday, the VJd day of November,
lbUl. J4he ii.uii. the following wltnuaiHia to
prove the coin), IclD IrrlK.llun and ri i lainatlini
of laid laud: h.rle. Hayward, Fink Hoyd,
Kr.i.kM. Make. Krauk Connor, all ol MciHr
mitt, Nevaila.
oct. 17 41 E. M. BRATTAIN, Ri gl.ter.
We will soon have on
hand the largest and most
complete stock of
Ever opened up In South
eastern Oregon.
k'..V.'3 hCo. V-
5. !:. Ahlstrom
Manufacturer of the
Wccognled as the
Wapon and Ini'y Hani
Hits, Sjnirs, Quirts, Uoscttcs, I'.tc. -o- -b- -o-
Kcpairin; f all kinds, liy coniiM'tfiit men. -o- -o-
666666666 6666666666
Sash, IJIitids, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Purniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
A very large and handsome
assortment of Ladies' and
Gentlemens Watches, and
complete line of Jewelry.
Put your ad in The
v tnr.
' M Mlllrr, ' A Hrlmrl
V I, Mnrttlug, Mr 1.1 Wrkrr
M I llrrlril. r' M (.rem
-rr II llnnttlna
w fcW. T,. BC
Pot Vatjuero 5aJdl4 4
Whips, ItotVtf, ltcatits,
Examiner 'it brings $