LAKH COUNTV LXAMINLk LAKE itt , CkLOON NOI . 2. HOI. NEW RULES ON TAXATION A Kljliteoui l.nw lutd by the Oregon IKUIatur.' ReR-ordlnar Payment of Toxe. Tint follow. i. u is a synopsis ( the Uw rcnnliitiiiK laX flllll-t tilHlS IHTCHlIlT, . . . i . I . ..1- ia iH-ii iy inn iam i-tpie- lnlur: Takes lie .m1I on r l-for llu Kxli "I Murcli m-kl tum-riliiiK Ui .Ui( li-vy w ll l hI low t l it rlta o( llirt- jr -ti t . Tasa ll Ix'lwtfii llu- Iftili ( Martli Mixl lli flrot MoinUy of April ilalt-s lit-clti.lvt-, Hill not l nllowftl any n-Uto, iit-ltlit-r will lUno Iw ny "liy " btrt-st Tin illiiiiiniit after tlie firel MiimUy in Aril, ml llmre will (if liu liali-ly tlifrclo a in-nalty of ton .r ci-M, ami nLo liil-rel at llm rata of twelve -r rent r annum in oil to ll iffhaliy. If on -half of ll taif arc paid on or la-fnre Urn llret Monday In April then tlx rrtnalmli-r may ltMltii-rrt-l up to tlm Him Monday in O.-ii.U-r; hut if llit-n mil atl tlit-y iiliall lt e iWliniii-ni ami miljH-t to a -nalty of tt-n r rt-nl, and inUTtnl at tlm taifol tle -r ffiil ia-r aoniiiii front tti Hist Mon.lay of ttiti iiriH-odiiiK April. Uu all HToiuil pri.rly tai-a tin law oiii U ih- lnnll to inakc- K-vy, nod trolliM-t tin- m ' after Airil tlie first unlt-aa one half of ll. e xaniti shall Iihvu la-en panl n or U-lurt- the litat MoihImv hi April. Tin. Inw i In- In-iifl to sell all Ihi.iI i. ii wliuh lain linvi- Hot U-eli ....I hi.. I 1. 1. .v i.l. i. Unit tux n'.- iiih.Ii' ii.-l lii r limn Miii-h llrr-l ol tlx yi ar fiii-.i-olu u thai mwlm li tin- levy .liuil have Ixt'ii'. -nM-rty will In- '"M l' la-rs'-iis J.i.l.liin: tin-l..w t raM- -f Interest, and i rllllU uU " ill U- Issiiril tht-n-lor, Mild dt-t-iU k!iv n to tin- ptrty three yeare mur null 'lt unless h- irot-rty hluill have lawn sooner re.leeineil. A Physician lent Hie. "I have Ink. mi K.-lol l s-iil ( hit and hiivw never ii-d anttlunx in my life tlmt did mo lh t"t 'i.!, ' o v I'livxiiimi tieo. V. Srroiiiea of IUII toiintv. 'li. iriK h phynriaii 1 havd pri-m rilMtl it and found II to jjivt i.. lx-t iwtilu." II tl' f . h m! you -Ht n-iu.iina iiiiliit'"it.d in onr xtoinat li it ilis-ava tlurn ii ml poimnin tint ,li-in. You Vn prvvt-nt llii h ln tin and Unit niiana alarviitlo'i. ImIo lytpfpia 1,'nrti dlxi-nl whin, you t-ut. You l.H-d Hiiff.-r Innii tlyr-pt-pnu mr Mtarvniiyii. 'flu- worm o.o-rx t iiii-k I v turiHl. Ni-n-r fail. Ijtkt-vh-w Inir t'o. 44- Come! Cornel Cedarville Kecortl Kxamihvr itoea into You Jest. The Ijtknview fcmacic over a Lake county la-el that weigh ...iinda ami ia two feet In leliRlh. Mmloc can U-Mt that. We have a four dollar and a hnlf aeUiliiilanee withu Ix-at ill Modoc thai in between live and nix feet in length and weiitl a anywhere from 150 to 175 pound. Reliable and Clentle. .. April' a pill," av the aaw. Hut there are pllla and pllla. S ou waula pill which iacerUin, thorough and gentle. Mualn' gria. DeWilt'a Little Lurly Hiaera til tlie lull. Purely vegetable, hinull and t-iiHy to lake. Lakevn w lrug Ck. 44 The center of intrri-m for u 1o-day in Ejrypt i the Ural itynaaty time, ami how far adtiinced in the arta of life were the turn of that age may be arm by the beauty of aha pr of the atone and alabuatcr vasra that ore here to view, and the rxjiiihllr workmiiUHhip of a little toilet naril or rye paint box carved out of a ilngie block of Ivory, and made in the ahape of a couple of ilucka whose taila are t wlated tofrether to form, aa It wrre, the hinge of the Imx. The great (rentleman who owned thla waa buried with 30 jara of offer ing: In hit brick tomb, while 1A atone vaaea wrre near hia body. He had at plllowitone a aandaton block for corn grinding and a beautiful ahapedtaxza of alate had been apparently placed at hla head. Atlantic. Their among hia vaaet had lain when I'rof. Fllnder 1'etrla and John (laritang brought hla akull bone and hit funeral furniture o the light of day. Hut the table in the renter of Ihr room It la to thi we turn, for here are placed enntrmpnrary carving In wood and ivory, weapon and plrcr of the royal drinking bowl and furniture of aeven of the eight king of the flrxt dynaaty, and the work of two that p ee.ded Aha-.Mena. Here 1 a fragment of a alate bowl that the llpa of Zirr the pre-Menlte king perhaps huve touched. Here U a fragment of an alabaster jar that bear upon' It the nam of Narmer, the auccredlng ov erlgn, but my eye went at once to the little bit of nryvtal vhc which bore the nam of Men, for now I eemed to feel myth fade away and the real king who drank from a cryeial goblet to the auceea of the city of Memphi be had built In fair field from which he had turned the great Nil flood, seamed to; aiwud before me. Letter I rom Herb. Ahldrldge. Tim KxBiiilur U In wnlpt of a lt-ttr from llnli. Ahl.lridn, a one linn- aI-n-Ii-mail of iiortln-in huiiiiii-i Lik" valley. Mr. Alil'lridim in now livlrni at Holct- Cllv, IiImIki, arid If n-por'a l' trim, wan liirtrrind on the Hli Inat. to Miaa ir kiniii IVai-t-. m cl.atlnlnii lady, forim-rly of Siiiiiint-r Lakf. Mr. AlillridK' '" In writiiiK toTht waaloonlor Ida pn-r forwardt-d to Hoire for a yrar, and Incidi-riiallv to tfll lia nonn-thinn ahoiit I lie wriloii in whi h h- ha liiHilt liln honif. Il( ay lie liki-a thucotinlry In MhIio, and thliiki ll mum lu o. k. when they wan t ut threw crop of clover In a aeawmi and the a. r-nt "own in ex tennivii. The !)! i aliont nix ton er acre and ll H worth M to 't er ton on the ranch, and 1 7 to H delivered. There areirunal eompoiiea there w ho let waler for lrrl(tion; thy make nearly all the prolita off the farmers. From one ranal the price per Inch for water li fl.W) for the aeaaon : on ano'her the prn; rutin aa hltfh aa 14 ltr Inch. Tht-ae ranala are 15 to 2ft mile long and carry ftnOtoM"K) Inche of water. "Krult of all kin-U tfrow In abundance, here, aayi Mr. AhUridiie. hut the crop were very light thi eaoti on account of frota him i-prinir. There I not much work there for a l ranyer, allhotuh Ikuce l l.nil.ling up rapidly. At the preaent time nix or aeven hrica hlo k and alxiilt one hutidrexl col'ai-a are U-iru contruit-d. Notwiihmamlii.K all thi lniNiiifKi i-ii'i-iiirin.- Mr. Ahldridtfn i of the opinion thl t..ici and vicinity i a very p.Mir plu.e for a workman to Ko to unlen heU fortunate enough to Iihvi. a wallet with him in cum- of all t-iiit-ry.-licy . Shepmccn, Mere' a Snap. Here' a anap lor somebody who de- , aire to engage in the rh'-ep I'U'inera in llii.n.-v coiintv. Thi lro-rty ehotild I - - be iiiMM-ctcd by MHiieof our woolgrower. ll ia the ll ahuep ranch in llailny county. 11 liKHt'HIiTIOS. t'orixiHt of ItMtl acres deeded land (.in iicre pant u re land near Hla k Unties; controU water. Good lambing ground, l our hundred acrea meadow in r-ilver t'n- k Yaliey, -" miles north ol Iloise l.eiid; H.ljoina decerl and control un limited ih-r-ert range. In addition to thin owner hit under leaae 2 section roinl land all fenced, at a rental of 2W n-r year; thla includes six miles wire fence which goes wiih the sale; HO acres wild land broken and ready for seeding. With the place wIIIImj sold 2 mowers, 2 rakea, rulky and walking pl iwo, 1 har row, und an iliterert in threrher and twine hinder. Will bIho sell with the property I-'hi ton of wild red top hay at f5 per ton. 4'lace located at Kiley, t)ro gun, near rlore ; w indmill and young or chard. I'rice $IHJ00. For further ar iicular call at or address Kxmniiier ollue, Luke iew, Ore. . 45 tl The Children's Friend. You'll have a cold this w inter. May-la- you have one now; - Your children will differ ton. Forcoiwlm, croup, bron chitis, irrip and other winter noniphtinis One Milium CoiirIi Cure never fails. Act promptly. It I very pleasant to the tat nnd'Krfertly hariiilea. C' li. tJpnrjre, Winchester, Ky.. writes, "Our little eirl was attacked with croup iRie one niutit ana was su nouisu sue couiu hardly ia-ak. Ye (av her n few dunes of One Minute ('outfit (.'lire. It relieved her iininediately and she went to sleep. When she awoke next niorninp t he had no siiMi of hoarseness or croup." 1 -ake- iew 1 rug C'o. J ..v felehrs had the iliKtlnction of belnt; (he home of the smallest livitif repre sentative of thr wild cattli-, or, imleed, of the wild cattle of any period of the earth'a history, for no equally diminu tive fohkil member of the jjroup op peara to be known to acirnce. An idea of the extremely diminutive pro portions of the a nou. or sapi-ulan, aa the animal In question ia ret.uec lively called by t!u inhabitant of (Viehra and the Mat a, may be (rained when it la atated that It height at the shoulder ia only about three feet three inche, whereaa that of the great Indian wild ox, or guar, la at least six feet four inchea, and may, according to some writer, reach a much aa seven feet. In fact, the anoa la really not much, If at all, larger than a well-grown South Down sheep and scarcely exceed In thla respect the little domesticated Hraminl cat tle ahown a few years aro at the In dian exhibition held at Karl' Court, says Knowledge, The anoa haa many of the charac ter of the large '.Indian buffalo, but ita noma are relatively shorter, less curved and more upright. In t It Is-, na well a in certain other reapecta. It la more like the young than the adult of the last-named apeoiea, and a young animals frequently show ancestral featurea which are. gradually lost a maturity la approached It would he a natural supposition that the anoa U a primitive type of buffalo. f . After Ike Hon m. . . 'Mr. tfhurch-Whal did that diamond wedding ring oost j ou ava your vWfeT Mr. liotham-It tost me my frea doui. Yoiiker Statesman. Wkeai Wit rIU. T mwi and farmer war ambling down Itoyliton ttreet one nljrht thla wrrk. One cow, aparrvtly ofin tifly liiK line and he otner, a oemure an.i unallrr creature, roiioweo. inecowa wrre Ixmnd for tha Ilrl(hU.n alautfh-ter-houdf . U'hrn the fanner, who all a tall. Unk apeelmen, approached a jrroup of loiiirr a callow youiD anoiuen. "Hny, mlairr, aln t you arraiei mat cow with- nit a rope will run away: "She atln't irt her car far. If ahe had he would. 0 larifc- ther! The miiaclr of the farmer' face never changed. He did nt nila a tep a ft. iL.I or turn hta nean, ano tin imixn m went up from the throng drowned tor a minute tome paf which the hurdy-jfurdy waa paying from "Wil liam TelL" IWiiton Journal. , rata algnature la oa rrery box of tba (annln Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabu raoMdy that ewre tnH tm mtm eta J SulwrllM-rito Tlie Ktatntner who n-tnov nin (inn I.K-alMr aniMhrr. ur rhaiiK iliclr iKMitmr a'ldrM h..ull r.-ni-mt-r to .Imp tli ta ortli-e a 'r1 wi thrlr paper can b a4 dm-i to Die rllit poUifflc-. tiii ninrn iikn.tiinfll' i K,r. Iiut'i I Ml A rAftn A.-n.rlan.t i, I ii liinii-. Kan ram-lwo. t'al wlirrv conira:is for a.lvrrtlalnf ran t aiad lor It. A GOOD APPETIZER Our linhomia Lajrer is a ! in ni I nii! l'(M)(1 to taste. an up-buildcr of health. Spe cial care is exercrsed in mak ing it, special care is exercis ed in handling it. Have you ever tried Bo hemian? Write Tor terms and prices. BUFFALO BREWING COMPANY Sacramento, Cal. 3-,n' G.W WJSEi General Merchandise, First-Class Hotel. The Plush House, Tonsorial Parlors. Plush, Lake County, Oregon Mrs. Aviragnetec58 EXPERT AT CLOTHING l-srlor on Msln Htrert, Jiixt north of Fit-Id's MercbsudiM blore. rrl.-c. Modt-rslo snt Satl.fat-tlun Gusr-antt-etl. (live ins a call. tlMIIIIIIIIIIIMIII FRANK T, GUKTHER JEWELER Ager Lakeview Stage Line S. L. McNAUGHTON, Proprietoi Office, Hotel Llnkvllle Klamath Falls, Or. Leave takevieir at 6:M a.m.i arrlvuatBij In n hours. . ., Uav Hlyatta. ui.j arrive at klanatu Kallt lu 15 buurs. U-avs Klamath Falls at 1 a. in.; arrive at Bo.wlrk tu hours. U-ave Bcswli k at 4. a, m.usrrlvs st Agvf In 7 hours. Makes oonueotioo with all traius at Agi i Cal. EasyCoaohes Excellent Aooommodatlons V Passenger, aiprvet sod freih tratB solicited. All business entrusted to . a wilt be expe.iitod. WATCHMAKER AND Wi s c lUl 111 I rUCKJniTI15 INn i W1QON11KER5 UAHAAAltAftlnrT k C t ft . I ft VI nuiiCiiiuciii5 h -)pc.iaa J. W. Maxwell A rent for Ten of the Best high grade and rtandard makes of Pianos 8240.GO and up Organa SSO up 0 0 4 H h P IW. . i! ORGANS LOOKOUT 5& Fur m one killitiK ur .ml lni; .Ifxn tielun'inii to the South Eastern Oregon I i Stock Association $500 REWARD Will be Ivsn toe the srrw and oonvk-tion of ny per on or period. eUaliiia- an; .took bclonKinc to niemben of this AsjocUtiun. J. D. COUarlLIN, J, H. INNES, President. . Secretary." Northern Stage Line. LAKEVIEW -PAISLEY. A. W. BRYAN, Proprietor. leaves Lakeview at 6 a. m. every day but Sunday. Heturning, leaves Paisley " at 6 :0 . n. every day but Sunday. Pasaancers' are $j. Round trip $s OFPICB-Hejrnoldt A Wtngfleld-s, Lakeview. r " i mm L OAI? OutVJD .. - T : J. E. BERNARD & SON GENERAL HARDWARE, WAGONS, BUOOIES . ' IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINES. , WIND MILLS, PUMPS, PIPES, COAL AND IRON. . . . Ti Market i CNEW BRICK BUIlDINGfiJ DoorNorih of Hotel I a Review Beef, Pork and Mutton Bologna, Sausage, Etc W TrtuA n ppnp k 1 1 LULIlnLU) I IIUI lr Greatest Playground on Earth EVERY NEED EVEKY WISH ) CAN BE f SUITED EVERY PURSE SPECIAL RATES Have been established bv the SOUTHERN I PACIFIC between sll parts el ! CALIFORNIA j and Its treat aurnbee ot lamous resorts by which the expense ot a trip I reduced to ' a ver low and reasonable rate. ! For exampfe: TROM ALL PAIfTS OF CALIFORNIA TO IHt HtMKTilMHh SMA5TA E- tilON. LAkFIAHOK AND SI kfOtNO. IXI.S, VOSHMITH. Trie Klti TREES, Th2 klNUS 8IVLU COLM KV. FRO.T 5AN JOAOl'IN AND SACRAMENTO VAI.LEV POINTS TO 1 HE MOVTEKKY BAY COAST. FRO.TTHR SAN JOQLIN VALLEY, ARIZONA ANO NEW flEXloO TO TMK SEASHORE IN SOLTHERN CAL IMikMt ANO THE RESORTS OP NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. I For full Information. Inqolre of nearest agent I Southern Pacific i ( ' LAKev evv -4 ' - - " rewery AYRES & SCMLAQEL, Props. SALOON IN CONNECTION Beer sold Wholesale & Retail Delivered any place in Town 'visit DR. JORDAN'S oncArf tiUSEUl! OF AHATOUYf 1051 MARKET ST.. SAN MaNCISO - CAL. I OMe sink tie SmeikJ Q A TbelarfMit Aaatomlcal Vussam tBtbsWor'sL enotm anvoeMon a 9t CUy. A ' toi dn W tiv At ee Milan. , f WttkuMM. orenjooatreet. a od dlMMe.wwItteoly owro by W tue aldeat BpecWiletun ta faola CoaaL KetaoUaiied M yeej M. JOROAJt-MIVATI DISEASES Tesst aad Baldtfl F a-d M.9W w be ate euffcrtng A frum the etfeeta mt youthful Indie- V reoioJIea. ot f i I he. as r mef ed a ' only afferd loil I ale Ireatmrnt IhU fT will aot A ' only aSWd InnedSkto eellrt, out r i euro. Tee Doctor does ant alalia to serlsrai A ' Mlrealea, bet veil anewa w oe a bur ana w ira PhTlctan ana ourfMin, nre-eauueai I la SHeclaiiy DIihhi mt Meai. ireil.1. IMIWimy .-"nimiw .w I Ua rtm wimeul lt ue. oi .'.'. ailed he an EieerL Saadloeil ert tor K.l.r. A qntrk nd rnttml , ewefee IMIe. riaaar aad Fl-la, by 1 I Dr. Jeraaa-a special paiaiece neiaooa. IfUf AM apply Ina la a. alUieoefra ' oar aaat eeia ' Nil ui iw a Kla M.tml.llll. Bl raf a txuuu rm vvu e Vnne.iioiim r nr. a. p" -v 7 r ,' ' T.Ln.i.i - . h. Uiter. Write fnr nook. PSItO'OrST I alAatatlAdlK. Miiui Foaav CAT.IsaSie i book lee saeo,) caJiocwnio H MRDAN C0 1011 Maritsl 5U Sai 'Sit 1 rebeea ee eac.e... in neiurer a foara. Fareoiiawid bTiki 4ebliuy,lin- W ptmj, tmmt aankM laell luoumalt- otleiiej Srenaete.rkew. rr..l.l.r- M rkaa eieeekieM, , rreee.a.; f I'rUellee, . Ky a osmaiutlea of J ammHma Ma., t' m V NOW jtV.XtiJ.CX V JLOTO i