Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 21, 1901, Image 5

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That Miiilii(iit ncu.piipi'r, tin' Win-lu-innrm
Nlver hlste, linn llimlly tll
rnvered lliiit tin' im-m-titlit (if I'ri-Hilt-iit
Mi-Kinlt-y mux u republican. Ilnuhilitss
t lie nnu piipi-r w ill dnti-iivef im'W llinl
Cliri'l uiih I ln i r i k.r 1 1 1 ii 1 Judas Nrariiit,
Mini -liiim ri'1itiinit-liii wiili liim.
Men's (iull klnl Winter dp t
Ult-bi-lV 10
IVi'sidi'llt 1 1 n V t t ' IK Iflvt'll lli IIS-
HiimiM i' lli it tin will il'i every thinu in
liin pMr l" lurlln-r tin' iiilt-re--t n( lln
s i iii"i ( 'iiu u i;i"iii'in to i xi Ih'I'I
ill I '! t tufxi . tri'gnii, In I'Si.V Tin- I'li'H
idelit ill-"' prniiiie. to viit III" rixiht
iii'il KiiiiiiiM'r, hikI to I i i nk i-muml
t III' 't lllnl I' X puMII inn.
I'lilnr- Mini-e Meat 3H. I W:on Jul" TV
nt Hi. Im . I"
It. I.. Iti ii' lii'l nt Pinl'-v tins in I .ii lei
view. li"t week mi liuhinifn, Mr. Iti-iie-lii'l
luii U'i'ii iijiiti"l as artisan in
1'iiililiiK ti tli" vrnMi j limn I'lt'lin
wnu.nn. Iln 1 1 1 c in : 1 ! i 1 1 1 1 if tin
winter in Ik' V ill iini'i lull i'iiiiI'I ii'il
tnir liiniM'll it vt ii y Irciii I I Luke even
lur ii r' iiki'ii, iiml I. .in L'iiirliiili'l to re
liniiii tit li'inii',
WlllIlT mil llllll IVI'lriHlt'- Till' V.i mt
M'lfl I II. II III KIII'H llllll Uk'l ril'lll", )llll'll
Iiml nl I'.u I'it'm. I'i
I, II."lli'il, r't'-iiciiliiiK A I It'll iV
1 jifulli'll, bleeders nf lini' tilieep ill Crunk
(i t), Will ll'HVI! fur liulllll next Mull-
day. A I Mint a iii'.nlli Hi Mr. I ifnl lit t
( licit' Willi M I'.lll'l III lUllllxillll'Mf
nihI I U-lmiie Inn ks, in. I iliK.i.l nl I'm
lii'inl in i.uke i-iiU iiy. They are h lini'
ut I'l Imeks HIM I till' plirchasera a w
fl.eni-v, tin' harness mini, lum line
slink ulri-ii'ly uli l.nii'l. I"i( I" .m.itinK it
new inv'.ii'ti i.l all kinds nl ifmaN kin.wn
In ll.i' IM ll' I nl Will I oillplete III"
winter Murk. Y'Hi in tltid uiiytlni'H
V"ii uniii hi Clii'in-y'ii. I'l
Ti'Wn Ttilk, founded by 'u". I). Hun
) v 1,1 A-lil.'i"l, li.i" ih'I'Ii rapi I "lri.lf
in tin" j.iiirimlmli 3 areim, liuvmu i . . a n
liuinii iifw pajs-r iln- m." nf it r.nul
pliisli-.- In time Unit Mil' will. ill n
lew Tin T"W II T.Ik i" elltei lli-i
ii..i u lew V'llniii" with dill beMei
r t In Hi" (mure. Il is a spicii
lil'l i..-:il ne "pHper.
Ai v o( renders wauling li'li'.
highly profitable v ii t . -.Iintild I V to Iln' hrlio Nuvi'liy t'-o., Krlm,
New V'lik, lur uiin nl iln-ir I ' m tin veil
Novi'ltv rl"w Cut'l f-iKini tllxH ) 'iit
iilnnii" mill tinn to uriitH. KxrliiH V"
tvrni'iiy (;iviii. -fi
Mr. P.. miiii)hii lit.iiiktlit a d'W fiim
,t. uf itntiii' tn Tin' Kxuiii)i.'r I'llii'c
lait 1 ii' . In) tlmt nuti Uhii-h Hiiytliintt in
llic i-i'iiil In." w" IniV" ('Vi'F Hi'rii in I .uk"
riiiinly. 1'iiiir ( tln-fii jMitaliM wi-i.'li
lii-in ly 12 1'hiii.Im. TIm wi-n- irmwn l.y
C. A. l;lirt at Croikiiil Crcrk. II
tln-ri i uiiylliii'K in lini " nran""
l.c't nl.'1'it I iiifN'y tlnitciin "kin" IIh-m-KiUili,
trnt 'rlnnilt.
On" nf tli" t.wi'lU't iImihth of lliu hi-h-null
will I"' i vi ii on TliiirmlHy iiilit,
Nov. 'JXOi, ill Itnrry Hull, tioml iiiiiMi
Iiiih l.i "ii "IikkiiI uixl tin ilani-inu lliHir
w ill I'" inmli) i"r(""t Inr lla rry waltx.
No Invi r n( ii iinoil iliilici' i nn uffonl to In
h ) -! I (min tint Hlfair for iIilto'h k.-uiiii'
to It" un all roiiml K'i.hI limn. -lit
A nik'iuili'- ' 10 n ',Klt
"i n Kiiiihiih tn ii.Iviiiii " tl'i prii't of w lii'iit
tiy iMitlin' off tlm Biiiily. It in jiro
jhihihI tlmt liniiii of tin' lariniTH in that
8""timi f )i itl I raio any wheal ("r nal"
next yi'ar. If IniiiiIutii Khiimuh wero
tlif only wln'Kt rainiiiK ronntry in the
w or lil tlm Pi lii'ine woiil'l work, hut iln
crop it only alrop in the hncket, I c"
tint m-lii'iiiu inuHt fail.
KvitvImmIv Inven Wowora. Tli" fink
Sm one nf tli" iihinI (raurant, ami Hi" I'alo
Alto Pink iw a "ji-wH in tlm I'fil ol
Unworn." Ili'iiH, tlm i uuif int , Iiiih all th"
Inlit-t Mini lu'Ht p"ifilinN, iminiiK llii-in
I'liill Ki-im-i 's Ciililin niii i"iluiii"M iiiinlo
from I'nl'i Alto .inkn ami othiT Unworn.
See Ik-all ht'loi" you puiclirtHO pi-rfuim'H.
Among tlm Inipruvi'iiii'iita KoiiiK on i"
tlm ri-Miili-ii"" portion of Lakoviow, vt
nuti' tli" ii"W reti,1iiii:M of Krimk P.
Fmith iiml H"ii Mi aiioIi are nearly i-oin-pltiUnl.
John Taniiuhill in buildiiiB tlm
foriniT ami Mr. Uraiuh la dolnK hia own
work. K. N. Jaquiah Id huililiiiK an d
dition to hit) roHidenpe on South Wal
ter Htreet. There are nunieroua other
improvement Koinx ou about town.
Large bands of catlle are being pas
tured and did in this county at preaent,
for the San Francisco market, and w ill
lie shipped below later on. This seison
has been very favorable for stock by the
omiHionul rains keepinx grass In Kood
condition, to save much feeding of hay.
There has been no snow of any conse
quence to cover the pastures of the high
est altitude, but the stock men have
been obliged to drive them into the low
valleys, from the high benches and
mountains, for fear of a heavy snow
storm coming unexpectedly, which will
be a great bt nellt to the pastures of
snow seclions.
The Times- Mmiiitaiiii'i'r says thnt
Kome ni'liMalinMal writers have In-come
alariiiril about the Im i-I supply of this
(-uiuitry and Statu that In a very fuw
yi-HM only the very rich will be a bin lo
eat beef. Thi'V are unduly alumm I.
The great weft isntill able to supply In-ef
fillers with meat, and w ill continue to do
so fur ages to i-utiiu. We predict ll at
In i-l w ill be luwi-r in two years I linn il Ih
The Ci'ihirvilln Itecord says that Mrs.
I, Mutt of I, like t it v was taken to AI
In mi Ul Monday by lii-puty Uiiictahli)
I'liillipw It M-eiiis that Mrs. Mutt win
In wi-l. ulniig in year, has been acting
rattier ipii-erly lately, and while in des
titute conililiuti has utterly refilled to
allow her children or relatives tn imci-il I
her and has been camping out at Nil
lier ('in k fur souie lini". Il is tliuilght I
iiml In-r iiiiud ix unbalanced.
Willow n, Ciillfurniii, I" lint mi ordinary '
tuWII. It liim Villi. HIH lliilik- llmt other
towns cHiiiint Im Hitl of. It in a live i
town, with live -j .lr , it hux a live I
lii-w fpiiper, the .luuruiil ; il In the home
tuw n of "T'iti" NiiniiieiH and Ciiioth
lliu, two girnd hall Ihm-i ; it calchee all
the iip-ln-iliite nl 1 1 ni-t i"iiH ; it ha il j
fol.Crnwf .nl, tli" i-nti-d; it
Iiiih a celt-l.r.i'eil. boii-toii divorce rase
behind luM-d th-nrt with the fair and
hiixmii plaliiliff ml inn a her own attor
neyand hit week it hud an earth
ijn. ike distinctly il own. Tin-re in
in-thing flow alNiUl WilluWH.
(irorgn Switrer, the San Fram ico
horh" buyer hits licn nrrt-Hti-il. lan-t
wii-kmx -.tiirviux home and mule, pnr
rliHei by .w itr.t-r fur II each and shii-ped
(mm Stockton, arrived in San Francim-n,
cniiimied to hun. The animals were to
In M-iil to retaluuia where '.hey were to
Im made intti rhirkeii feed, when see re
tiiry llullirrMik of the Aniuiiil Na-iety
t Nik rharge of the Htr beafts and kept
tlielu It. mi pcrirhing. I u of I
IjiUe iniiiily will ii iiu iiiU r Swilzcr, j
w ho wim here a year or ru ago huying
iiniiiial (or rhipmeiit to Sun FranclffO, J
where he k J a hume ba.uar. 1
lint French Uleiill Live-ilni-k ('oili- ;
miiiv, nl wlii. Ii Mr. Lunk, of "Luk .
l-l In " (.line is the prenidi-nt , ii work
ing on a iliflti-r with which to dig H
.lit. 1 1 tn drain I he k r i-a I I'.! il.i-ll w mnp.
'I hi w iiuip, w hich him Ih-iti the liu I i-!
I hi. no I wild I'l-axts fur an", i lucatiil J
in a wil.l part of lliinn-v rotinty. It in '
iwt-nly-live iiiitea long by live tn erven
uiilc l.rnail mid wln-n ilruincil, it is i-h-
tiinalcd, li-l,IKM) Herri of gru.iiig anj buy ,
producing land will le -tvailubli. Tin
t uiiipaiiy ha 75.1SS) In a.l of cattle, be-
Hide many tliouiiinl hurn-n. in in ,
prt'-ent lale lUiUt-n hwampi Valiu-li-,
nave a a hunting ground. j
I. L. Shiik infiirms the Ci ill"
Hi-onrtl of the death of John Callow, ul !
1'uabln. Mr. Callow wui u pioneer rc- j
iileiil in Oregon iiml fur year one of her
H'.lid i.iiixeriH, but tuisl.n tune oveittH.k
hun during the lat yeirs of his life ami I
di-i-ai-e ruvuKcd hi hvnU-iii nitikiug him !
an invalid. II" wax a man U-lovi-d by !
many, as his i-ympaihy and u,'i'"i'ohi-y j
proiiii"d him to iit-it lh" needy apply-1
lux in I i nt fur aid, and while his hint i
days were seiit innler tryii.g circuin-
st iin'i-s his many gomi (Ici-iIm are still
g.rniTi'ti in the memory of his huge cir
cle of friends. It is proponed that his
remains will be taken from their pres- j
cut resting place in Oregon and interred 1
in San Francieco, where a neat nionu-j
incut w ill be placed to murk his grave by j
Mr. Shirk. j
The Telephone Office. 1
The lu-iid ollli of the Lake County '
Teleihone syt"in for l.aki-vii-w is liM-ated i
in the ueneral inercha dine Mure uf Ay re '
Whitworlh A Ayres, where thoxe who
tlehi re service on the line can In accoin-1
inuilatcil. The line will he in winking j
order from I.akuview to Silver Lake by 1
next Saliiid iv. 1'ii-Nideiit Win. Harvey'
nays the aVHtein is a perfect one I
and thai the ticking uf a watch can be
plainly heard ovur the line for adinUnce I
of forty miles. j
Harried at Reno.
C. Oscar Metukrr, editor of the Che
aiicaii l'ost, and M rs. Uemia V. Clark,
were married in Reno, Nevada, ou the
I'.ith Inst. Mr. Mctxker made an attempt
to surprise his friends in the culiniiui
tion of his love affair, but "Old Mrs.
Grundy" whispered alout it in deep
secrecy and that's the way the secret was
kept. Mr. Metzker needs no introduc
tion to th readers of The Examiner.
Since establishing the Post in Paisley he
has latcouie a prominent figure in the !
northern part of the county. He has a
large circle of friends all over this sec
tion. The bride is the ex-wlfe of Dr.
Clark, who was at one time a resident
dentist in Paisley, and said to be a
charming and lovable woman.
Mr. and Mrs. Metxker are expected to
return next Saturday and will probably
slop over in Lakeview for a short time,
before returning to Paisley. The Exam
iner extends congratulations and hearty
good wishes to the happy couple.
Irvin Ayres.
II. C. Whltworth.
; Geo. II. Ayrta. ' ; t
The Yoke Coat
Is the Swagger Fall Coat. It's the Coat Smart Dressers
are Wearing. We have them.
We have a full stock the
See Them
W. M.Oifford has bought TO head of:
the Pratt hori-e and mules. j
Jelf Parinh, foreman for Mhm-h hi
Warner, huuulit Home cattle at Cedar-,
ville la-t week. j
We learn that John Collins hn pur-1
chiiHt-d the 1-nfTlUH liroe. bunch of hoims
at Crane Lake. !
Seventy head of the Allen A Lafollett
bucks will winter at llie Hankins ranch
at Summer Ijike, where they will be1
sold. '---'lt j
Mr. Stewart, one of the buyers here at
pre-ent, will look at the (ieorgo Small
mules at Silver Lake, will, a view of pur-,
Peiii tiel, the horse buyer, will accept
"" head ol broken hi'rea from W. Z.
Moss tiMtay. Mr. Heneliel has also ar- !
ranged to take a big bunch of the J. J. j
horres in Warner. j
Wm. Mullins sold almut ninety head of ,
good stock cattle to iieorge Mpt-s la-t
week, ami aluo seventeen fine leef steers (
to Marion Hulie" for the Alturas uieat
market Cedarvillo Record.
Messrs. Lawrence and Stewart, who '
have been cleaning up all the horses and :
mules they could find in Modoc, are in1
1-akcview this week to make purchases.
They purchased 24 head of mules fnuu
the bunch bought by Uifford from C. C.
Pratt. They have also contracted for 25
head of mules from W. A. Currier of
Summer Lake. j
ShaHta Valley and HutteCreek Valleys
are now pasturing and feeding larye
hands of cattle from Southern and F.axt
em Oregon, and shipment nre made as
rapidly as cars can he obtained. There
is a constant demand for cattle trains, 1
from the various stations between Kd-.-e-wood
and llnrnbrook, and the railroad
company is hard p reused for both cars
and locomotives, ow ing to the demands
for lumber, firewood and general freight 1
calls. Yreka Journal. J
U. Ii. Hinton, of l'akeoven, pur
chased of the Uilmon A French Live- j
stock Company, 200 head of yearling
heifers of the Southern and Heryford
breeds, whi-.-h were delivered Sunday,
) a the Shaniko Leader. The entire
hunch was fine, large, healthy looking
animals. The price paid was f 13 per
head, delivered at Shaniko. Mr. Hilton
bus alio purchased four fine Shorthorn
bulls from the famous breeding farm at
Frankfort, Ind., which are due to arrive
here some time this week. He is now
one of the principal sheep-owners in
Wasco County, and with this purchase
of cattle added to those he already po
ssesses he will be in the front ranks as a
cattle-owner for this section of Oregon.
The Oder of Flowers
That is what a perfume should be
true to Nature, delicate, lasting.
We have just received a fresh lot
from the place where the flowers
grow. These are among the most
delicate extracts made; they con
vey an air of refinement. If you
have never used any of our per
fumes, come in and sample them.
A large variety to select from.
BeaU's Drug Store.
i otMMHiMiiiiniiiiiin ininiiiiiMimMMMiiiiiiiottmnim
Now located
in the
South of the
Daly Bldg.
flaw ."3k " r' --".I.-- - Jm .
IVai" ' i ..ifcwiff ' wrSfi'.i ; -.--ril-.j-ia-l-ilj
Carpets, Mattings, Portieres
Lineolum, Carpet Covers.
Undertaking in every branch
Xaxarxi or ruitxiTTJ zcxi
at 1 A.
Meavlai at all hour
of the
Fine Sunday Dinners "ilrW:?:
J. C. Whipp of Jacksonville snd F. L.
Wright of Urants l'ass will establish a
marble works at Ashland. That town
lias certainly been forging ahead won
derfully in the past year or two.
ry2s iV'iV.y
Is rapidly forging ahead and
Follott and Amick. the Merchants
are trotting along at the head
of the procession.
Has already been received and more
new goods nre arriving at our store
all the time
We have everything desirous in the
Orocery Line. A special line of Qents
Fancy Shirts. An elegant line of
Candies, Cigars and Tobaccos. Watch
for our Pry Goods Display.