LA KB COUNTY UXAfUNCR LAKEVIEW, CRCQON, NOV. 7, 1901. "6 f Local & Personal Coming & Going Robert Hariin is in Alluraa. Kead Bieber'a advertisment. County Court is io aeasion this eek. . Mitquerade ball Christmas prepare for it. New line of kid gloves at B. A M's. Klamath Falls wants a county high tctiool. Jim Petree is going to the Soldiers, Home to reside. Fresh bronius inerruis sets! at fcchiunck's. J. B. Johnson was an arrival from Warner Monday. A. McDowell was an arrival from Fish Creek Tuesday. Full line of Rubber Good arrived this week at Bieber's. Wide Snyder, the sheepman, is ppond ing a few days iu town. Two houses to Kent one furnished. Inquire at this olliee. The celebrated Simmons kid gloves just arrived at l. A M's. Enj.y a treat--the Beeilal by Miss Nickerson, tomorrow evi-ninsj. Walter iK-nt, the woolgrower, arrived from the sheep camp Monday evening. 0 set-d at 44-2 An eseellent pr.'tfra-u h.i hern ar ranti 'l for the Uecital toin tow evening. Brome grass (hrointis inerml Sclmiii:ck'. Oeo.S. Mrkeroon arrived from Bid well last Sunday and will remain until after the recital to be given by his sister, Mies Grace Xii-kersou. County Commissioner J. M. Martin arrived from Silver take Tuesday to be present at tbe opening of the regular session of county court. 8. A W. canned fruit at B. A M's. Levi D. Ward and Mary K. Brant- latcht were mrnl at Merrill, Oregon, Oct., 27th. The bride, is a daughter of Alex Zevely cf Bonanza. Born In Yreka, Cal., Oct. 2S, 11)01. to Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Johnson, a son. The mother was formerly Mis Myrtle Will, expre.-s afc'ent in Ashland. Lioia Itcans just reeeiveil at liielvr's. Mis9 Myrtle mith, the aivoinnlixhed teacher in Cornell I'n-ek district spent j Saturday in takoview visiting friends.! Miss Smi'li's home is in Cedarville. i I.Kik intt for the big Anniversary edi-j tion ot Tlie Kxani'iier on January 2nd.: 1W2. Tins will be the best prcr by faf ! ever issued iu Southeastern Oregon. j tell raising B. W. Hour at li. A .M's. It is reported tliat the rustling physi cians of Khmath Falls advam-tvl the prii'e of vaccination from one l lo d !lars diirina the "Manila Itch" ho .in. IN LIGHT FORM T. Q. Wisdom, Exposed to the Klamath "Hanita Itch" Quar antined In Lakeview. The F.xamlner gave notice two wlti ago that something should he done to keep smallpox out o( takeview and the advice went unheeded. It a as known as i fact that there were several cases at Bly and others at Klamath Falls, but the papers over there made light ot the matter, and palmed it off as "Manila Itch." It is true, the disease is in a mild form, but nevertheless proper pre cautions should have Iteen taken to keep it from spreading. Now conies to Lakeview one T. (. Wisdom, an employe of Iave Filler, who was exposed to the disease at Bly. Wisdom went out to a sheep camp at Honey Creek and remained there sev eral davs until he was indiicel to come to Lnkeview for medical attendance on Monday evening. The mail went di rect to the office ol County Physicians Smith A Steiner, and those physicians made an examination of his ca e and at once pronounced it small) ox. Mrs. Paly A Hull ami lr. K. II. Smith were called in, and thev also pronounced the case smallpox. The man Mas detained in the ollice bile the to-.wi and county authoiities were notified. County Judite Toiiiiiiig-f li Mud M ior Miller at once a.'ted ill the matter, procmcd an isolated liich as convei te I in'o u pet lre;nre for the nr.nid in i : on Chri- mas'.ijht ;M I'arry :: Win. li nt n mid "-l.otty 't!ic tr nailed ior. Arizona wi'.i l:h-Hh s. One u'a'lon ' le hali hnli-e. vt ! l."iiie oil ar I Tin C v-! ,k I C.-al t..r Ca-h Cans .Vie each this in Manly Wln.rto vi-i-.. .1 Airman last week w ith L'ave Edit r. They leturned Monday. Misses Olla and Nettie Leotiar.l ol Iavis Creek are said to Ire very ill with typhoid fever. Henry Sorden and San y Vanderkarr ef Bonanza were married at Jacksonville, Ore., Oct., 2tith. Imported French mushrooms, and peas, at Bailey & Massingill's. S. J. Studlev went to his Goose Lake ranch last week to butcher a Jarge nuin Ver of fat porkers. Howard B. Lamb and Miss Ada J. Ea se were mrried at Clover Swale, Mo toc ccunty, last week. Thursday, Nov. 23th, is the day set apart by the President of the United States for general Thanagiving. Special Sale of 10 quart I. C. Tin pressed Milk Pain 10c each at Bieber's Ibis; week only tor Ca-h. 44 Uon't forget the Recital tomorrow evening fy Miss Nickerson, assisted by local talent, at Barry opera house. Si'-.s A. T. ClipeiiiHjr returned two weeks H'jro from her visit to relatives iu Or.?'-. Mrs. Clippewge.r 'wl m.etiyahle trip- Born At tl T.ovefess, Warner (Janyon, Lake county, Oregon, Novem her, 2, to the w ile of J.ures C. Huff, a son. i. D- S'rVie", ODe of tUfl prosperous rancf.ers and truckmen of South Warner, mw in Lakeview for a few days this week. Fancy Maine sweet corn, Corton brand at B Sc M's. fuis GerVer. the Klamath sto kman, arrived from Iorella last Sunlay and w.eut to W'ainer valley after fat beef and inudon. Jolin Arzner and Bert Snyder came in fruok the desert this week. Their hand of heep is near the Bond place, et of Vash. Ile man Schlagel of Ahurai onf Mrs. Minnie Scott of Paitdey were here to at tend the funeral of their father, the late Nichols. Schlagel. The Misses Ettie and Nettie Vinyard iA New Bine Creek have gor.e to Iike Uty t resume their duties as teachers in the public school. Will U. Ile'yford, who went to Gazelle a few weeks, ago in chaw of one bun Ji of the Warner Valley Stock Coin pany'b cattle, returned Sunday. i. If. Fh of Meiii.i, Klamath cnumy, has exchanged his lanch near Merrill for a fourteeii-acre orchard iu Santa Barbara county, Cal. Presiding Eld r Su mine rville of the M. E. Church has been lookinit after the interests of his people in Northern Lake co inly during the past week. I'.'ketr, to C...U..' St. CK- .. i- h.-ie I.,-: 11 home.-ie.l- Is. hei 's t his , eek 11 i " k n-t'll'lled Tile- -i. to- norrh end of the .o-t ol the Vt.ivi Med 1 ler trip as very s:ic- ; Fiat k W. and s-'iiroi pro-. ! ii;i,I ;.r ;:,'.', W.iri-er, I. .U'l IT.S i'l.'f I , oi. iy ; r i .i-'i. ! Mfs. 1 . v Ii . mi a 1 1 ; ci LWity in li:.' io i. a! ( '"in !auy . IC-slill. Mr. mi l Mr.-. Lorenzo Frakes and lit tle son arrived Ir mi South Warner Mon day to remain a lew days. They recent ly returned from a trip through North em California. Fancy canned asparagus, tips at B. !c M 's. Win. Ialgieish, farmer and stockraiser South 'Warner, was here last Monday proving up on his homestead in the local land otlice. A. . Ix-wis, one of his wit nesses, w as also here. Mary Ellen Connolly died at her home near Keno, Klamath county, Oct., 22d, aged 17 years, 4 months and 2 days. She w as a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Con nolly of Cold Springs. Brown "Brilliant" Enameled ware Complete line at Bieber's. 44 Iick Smith, a Klamath F'alls boy, is making a remarkable record as a foot hall player. His playing with Colum bia against Yale last week astonished all cranks of the game. Born In Lakeview, Oregon, Nov., 1, 1!01, to the wife of City Councilman I'eter Post, twin sons. The boys are b i;:!it and lusty lads and the parents are correspoiidiiiglv happy. Blue I. ike canned striug ; B. Mo. The Leid Bros, have had constructed on their residence on South iJewey street n fine p.-jrch, which adds greatly to the good ap)earance of their property. Hazletou and Emerson did the work. Mrs. Sarn Duke has gone to Seat le to spend the winter. Mrs. Duke has heart trouble, and upon advice of her physi cian has made the change. She will visit with relatives during the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Eb. Follett tnd little son came up from New Pine Creek last Fri day on a visit. Mr. Follett returned home and Mrs. Follett and son .remained several days visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Hawkins "Ebbery time I come do'vn dis road at night I is startled by de apparition of a jacksss." Mr. Suowden--"Hugh ! Some eople is a' hkeered of 'der own shadder." It vas h-ft to a giddy girl of fifty sum mers and as many winters to pass safely over Niagara Falls in a barrel. She says she did it la-cause eople told her she couldn't. There is nothing impossible to the new woman . o. C. A pplegato, Indian agent on the Klamath reservation, has issued a no tice to the public that, owing to the ap pearance of smallpox iu the country, he lias placed the entire reservation under quarantine restrictions and asks all out siders to rciuiin outside the reservation lines for the present. He has also pro hibited tdl persons now on the reserva tion Hum leaving it. ; llo.l- h. u-e. and a'.-o found an attendant to take care of the patient. The patient j was at once taken t tiie pest house and i ttie .premise duly i'iarantiued. The di-ease is in very iniel form, and the proper piei-.iuti n- having heell taken at once, there is little Linger ol a -plead ; of the diseise, in the opinion of the lo ci1 phy-ici ins." Tl Mice ot ill - c. .til. ly physic;,., ns h is . en th ro-ijhlv fu'ni mid I'Veiy pleia'l io.i lai.e'1 ,11 the n.a'-.-i . 'I ue. .I.ty inori,:n' lie .( r i-h to tin. ni'ii.v ..I nil 'li'1 pin si, hi town for the purp i-e of v .c. , i. i oil safe to sac I ti lt 1,1 i 'he p .;.;. .i.oii of WHEN YOU HAVE READ ALL OF THE ADS. a When you have seen all that you want, then it is time to come down this way. for this is the store where you find THE SAME THING FOR LESS MONEY We are out of the high-expense district, only a few steps from it, but 100 steps below their prices. tf The Best Table Fruits. ..25c a can 3 pa's Epicurean Food 5oc Alaccaroni per box 5oc 5 lbs Roast Coffee 1.00 Fajjle Roast Coffee 25c a lb Schillings Typical Roast 3 lbs 1.00 2 Boxes Best Bluing 25c 20 Bars Washing Soap 1.00 Imperial Oysters 15c a can Kairomel Syrup full measure. $1 tfal ,i, a I : Lakeview has j;. t roujli th l'hvsi i ins a.lvise a . .er..! v ic i;iat..n. f A close guard will i e Uepl on s-,,p!e I coininu' to ton fn i.i Klamuth coiinly, I so that there may he no danger I that quarter. j There is rea'ly no danger, considering1 all the precautious taken, but such pre ! cautious should have been taken at an earlier date. There is no reason why people from the country should not come to Lakeview as usual to attend to business affairs. An Unsuccessful Trip. (ieorge Hankins and Will Mulkey went to Abort Lake last week. Their purpose was to find, if possible, and pull out of the waters of the lake a wagon that has been there since the early history of Lake county, as wis stated in The Ex aminer of last week. They took a Isiat and launched it on the. lake, and all day long pulled the craft about en the water, without getting sight of the object they were looking for. The wind was blow ing a stiff gale all the time they were searching for the old relic, and tbe w bite caps ran so high f to nh-cure the hiht of the wheels of the waou, which are said to only emerge ix or euht inches from the waterduring a calm. The wag on is there w ithoiit doubt, and Messrs. Hankins and Mulkey are goiu to make another attempt to lind it, and fetch it to laud. Mr. Hankins remained in Sun -lucr Lake, and Mr. Mulkey returned to Lakeview. t-ince returning here he has discovered that they' made the search in the wrong place, and at the next at tempt will very likely find the wagon and succeed in landing it. Not So Queer. Tl e trial of Andy Neilon, indicted in Lake county for emliezzlement of funds while Sheriff, came to an inglorious end. The Court refused to permit the intro duction of the books of the county in evidence, and as they were the only evi dence against him tbe case was dismiss ed. tjueer proceedings that. Alturas Plamdealer. It is strange that such idle gossip will be indulged in. There is really nothing to this report. The Neilon case is still dragging its weary length along in our circuit court, and may not come to a final conclusion for a week yet. How such unfounded reports gain currency is past finding out. Ounther Uunther. County Clerk William Uunther sur prised his friends last Thursday night, Oct. 31st, by procuring a license, and remarrying bis fotmer wife Mrs. Vida Uunther. The event took place at the residence cf John P'Ull, near the Mush, and was strictly private. Judge Ton iiingsen said the words that re-united Air. and Mrs. Uunthr. The secret was closely kept until Friday morning when the groom received numerous congram lations. Thus is united, husband, wife and son, and The Examiner joins with many friends in wishing them happy (uture. CLOTHING Men's Suits from (.()() Mill's Dress !ants ;.) Hoys' (iootl School Suits I. oil''; Pants CI1iItlit.11 Suits from (hi ;rits. o.l HI L'.OO smoi-s CliiKIrcn's School Shoes from l.oo Chiln it's Dress Shoes from 1 . L" Ladies' Juliets Loll Laities' Kill Juliets Fur top.s L'.OO and Remember Lakeview Livery" WM. K. BARRY & Tl. W. J. BARRY, Props. ' in Connection Feed stable Horses hoarded by the day or munth First class turnouts and saddle horses. Our specialty i the quick and safe de livery of passengers to all points in the district. and Grain for Sale. prprictors Parry's Opera House Only plac In Laluvlcw lur boldtof pubPW alaftalnmcnts iv "tytV 5ysrsViiw'y-ty NEW PING CREEK Ih ratdly forcing ulieinl nnl sr Follett nnl Ainic k, tlio Merehiinta " a are trotting along tit tlio lutul A of tht pnx esHion. A FINE NEW STOCK Haw already lu t n rccci veil and more A new goods nro arriving at war store f all the time AMONG OTHER THINGS We have everything doniriHiB in the A Grocery Line. A sjwcial Line of OentH Fairy Shirta. An elegant line of Candiefl, Cignm and ToLaccoB. Watch A for our Dry Goods Display. O FOLLETT & AMICK PELTON WATER WHEEL Ih I now 11 the wnrhl over hh affonling the moHt iniile, re liable ami ei'oiumiii'Hl power (or all purxieH. mm li'- Ten Thousand Wheel Now Running THE PELTON WHEEL Filling everv roinlition ( mn vire ill (he iiiohI t Brient ami Hatinfaetory way. Hlectrlc Power Transmission IT-I.TON WHKFI.K are the rewgnixed Htaiiilunl (or operating OeneraturH, and are running the majority of Htatioim of thia uhanu'ter in all part of the world. Water Pipe and Transmission Machinery Anil all appliiuif.eit con nut tml with a power plant, nupplil on the moht n-aNonahlo tennK. KhipiiientH made from Hun FraneiHcit ir New York as iniiv afford the moHt fuvoradle freight raten. t'atulogm-H, I'.iigliNh.or.Hpiiiiltth, f uriiibhuit on appli cation. AiUlreHD, giving conditioiiH of aerviee. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL C0M?AHU:a:u