Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 07, 1901, Image 6

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The "Seven Year Itch."
It is rvfrv!intf to note tiw tlm Mtl-
ico-ilitor of the AhIiIhihI Tilling infp
awnv nith on 1mIi of tie kii nil
Wnm-e of th ilrtj.tdiM inliiix in
Ktntiigth. Tln Tilling -xptt mvp:
"Much injury it Wing done the to n
of KUniMth Fulls hy iinrelinMe sttt
tneni in hystt'ticsl jH,Hrs rrggrttinn
the pre-sene of few caces of Mtfiiilu
itch i' has lawn in the laie dtiriny
the iwki ten tUv. Thew cit'B Iwve
been grofdy exHv'KeriittHi into smallpox."
Manila itch or st-xi'ii-year-ulil itoli, or
whatever may In' the disease, it is cer
tainly contagious, aiul even in a mild
form xole do not fancy l-ntnping up
against it. It was considered, of sulli
cient important' to thedireetors to t!ose
down the piiiilie school at Klamath
Falls. It is iriluiMy the same disease
that lias Ut-n found at BIy, Klamah
county, and that lias lieen designated
smallpox in a mild form, hy at least one
physician who knows smallpox when he
set- it. While The F.xaminer is no
alarmist and does not helieve in excit
ing people over null matters, still it
does not consider it imprudent to tell
the people where such diseases are. It
were N" Iter to lira tritle "hysterical"'
sometimes than altoi:t tlier silent on
auch matters. Kven the "seven year
itch" is a bad thing to allow to j:et
a foothold in a coinnninil v.
Spreads Like Wildfire.
When things are "the Ix'ft" they le
cojne "the ta'st t-rlling." Ahrahani
Hare, a Ii-a.iing lruggit, of Itelleville,
O.. writes: ' Electric Hitlers are the lost
selling litter I have handled in 2t
rears." You know why? Most diseases
leyin in disorders of Miiitiai-h, liver,
kidneys, hovels Limit! and nerves.
Electric Hitters tones up the Htiunaili,
regulates liver, kidneys and Ix.wel-,
purities the IIikk1, streiiL'thens the
nerves, hence cures multitude? of mal
adies. It Imilds up the entire system,
l'uts new life and viiinr i ti t any weak
sickly, rurdow n w tnau or linn. Trice
50ientf. Sold hy Lie Heal I, druggist.
New Township Plats.
Ufited States Land tlff-i-f,
I-akeview , Or., t)ct. 2", l'.KH.
Notice is hereliy given that the follow
ing des -rilied approved township plats
have heen receivel at this office vix:
Township No. 21 south Kance No. 13
East W. M., Oregon; Township No. 21
south llange No. Hi Eat V. M., Oregon ;
Township No. 22 south Hauge No. 15
East W. M., Oregon ; Township No. 22
aouth Range No. 16 EastiW. M.. -Oregon.
And will be filed in this otiice on the
2nd day of December. 1901. Applications
for the entry of lands in the above de
scribed Townships wi I be received at
this office and made of record on and af
ter said 2nd day of December, 1901.
E. M. Brattain,
Hakry Bailey,
The above refers to timber land in
Crook county, just north of Silver Lake,
Jumped on a Ten Penny Nail.
The little daughter of J. N. Powell
jumped on an inverted rake made of ten
penny nails, and thrust one nail en
tirely through her foot and a second one
half way through. Chamberlains Pain
Balm was promptly applied and five
minute later the pain had disappeared
and no more suffering was experienced.
In three days the child wa wearing her
shoe as usual and with absolutely no
discomfort. Mr. Powell is a well known
merchant of Forkland, Ya. Pain Balm
is an antiseptic and heals such injures
without maturation and in one-third
the time required by the usual tieat
inent. For sale hv a- HnM, druggist.
Heaven his Home.
An editor, sya a brother editor, died
and slowly wended his way to hell. The
devil met him and t-aid : "For many
years hast thou Ijorue the blame for the
errors thy printers have made in the
pajier. They have deviled thee on Sat
urday for wages when thou had not a
red cent to thy name. Men have taken
the paper without paying a cent, yea,
verily, and cursed you for not Issuing a
better one. Thou canst not come. In
this place there would be continual dun
ning of delinquents as hell ia full of
thera and the sad wailing of the town
killer.- would be like unto an amateur
band playing a dirge in ragtime. Be
gone! Heaven is your home.
New Traffic Manager.
J. II. Bennett has resigned hi position
of tratlie Manager with the N. C. (.
railroad timpany, and ia mieceeded by
J. M. fiawUy, a former assistant
freight agent of the Southern Pacific
Company. The company Is building
modern hcep-dippiiig plant at Amedce
for the accommodation of growers and
The water in the vats la kept warm
by a system of pixs through which the
water is cot duced from the spiings to
the vat. It leaves he spring at a tem
pers tore of 2ltf degrees, Farenheit. A vat
for ccokir.g the dip has lieen provide.!
and as the water of the spring is highly
impregnated with sulphur it is just j V-rk wi V
what is needed for sheep dip.
The N C. O. will erect another di
ping plant at Madeline.
mwai. moor.
I'tiltcd JMMm I and times, Inkevlpw, tin-son,
SViit.SO, Itkil. Nolle Ii ht-rchy k I von thai tin
follntvliig named acttl.r h ni"t notice of
tils Intciiilon to make final proof In auprt ol
hi. cUlm, and Dim aald prool will n mad I
fore tlm H. slater snil Kooclvcr at lakcvlew,
Oregon, on NiiinrM i limi.vli! William lh.1-idli-iali.
II. K. No. JoiS. (or the Ix.ta I. i, . ami 4
m-c. art, T, .IS S., H.M K., W, M. Hi naiiica at
witnc-a.a in i.niir hi. ronlliiiioua realdonce
iiioi suit cultivation ol ll I mot. vlat 'rank
Poiinlaon, Thnmaafc. trump, i. N. tiiian and
II. A. t'slih rwiMHl, all of V'lcl. inn. n,
IH'I.IW K. M. HHTTIS. Kcglalcr.
ikm'nt moor
t'. H. UiM m. , Ukxvl. w. -)r , O. i. 1. t'kil.
Nollca l ln ri-by iliril that Thoin Kcrrl.
ol W urncr like. Onuon, hi., flleal iioinvol In-
ti'iitl. n lo mk rNl on hi. ilc.i rt IkhiI clmiii
I So. ' lor tli.- M.'4 NK'. v, 1.1. T 41 x.. K. l
, K., . M. suit U.t f Is T. 41 . It. .'I K.. Im
lor I ho Kt-itl.n-r . Kivelver si Ijikevd-w. Ore
! (on. on tMlnn.lKy, ihc Ii h day ol l c iiiIht,
; IW't. lit uintn the liillowing wiinc. ii'ii io
prove ihi i'oiiiIc(i irrikKilon mitl ri-,'lHiiitUti
I Hl mini: (o'oriiK r. Mmii'ln, Monro l.
one mnl ( Urenco tMxoii. all ol
arin'r Ijtkc, Oreuon.
ot'ilo hi K. M. lilt ATTMN. Ki-gl.trr.
fr&'l pastes
Astounding Discovery.
From Ciioieisvil!t, Mich., comes
word ol a Wuuilerliil l if cover y of a pleas
ant liquid that w hen used U fure retir
ing hy any one troubled with a had
cough always insures a good night's
rest. ' It will cttie the cough too,"
writes Mr-. S. Ilinielbtirger, "lor three
generations of our family have used Or.
Ku;g's New liM.-overy for Consumption
and never found its eotial for Coughs
and Colds." p'san unrivaled life save.-
wlirntised for tlestx-rale lung diseases.
(iiiaranit til Ih. tiles fsV and f 1. 00 at Lie
HiaU'silrug store. Trial Isittles free.
That Throbbing Headache.
Woultl quiekly have ton, if voil Used
lr. King's New Liver Pills. Thousands
I of sill ers have proved their matchless
I 11. .nil f..r t k ..r...,u II Iu.1.....
Tin v ttiitke pure I.Iih , ml build up
vour IichMIi. tliilv 2.V. Money back if
Hot cured. So!. I Heall, tl I ilgir-t .
To the East.'
The greatest jn'rcentage of Pacific
Coa-t travel passes through Salt Ijike
City hy way oi liie Rni. ian.le Lines. 1
The tall ami w inter cli ma'e in 1" tali un.i
Culoi ado is ideal : the sun lit d.ivs iH'iug
iw pr.iverl.ial in win'er . in summer.
This f.iet, toge'her w ltd the inat.ili nil
M-ei.ery ami the splinLd train setvice
tend in iiiuii.. (lie K:.i raude via
i liver and ."ait Lake, the newt popular
r.e.ite ill the e.iiintry. Three la-t ti-ittis
daily 't-t ween ail in 'et and the
East. Cloe coiiiiecllon at Og.len with
rains of S .inhern Pacific acl Oregon
Shoit Line. Pullman Palace and Ordi
nary Sleepers without change tollenver.
OinuliA. Kansas City, St. Louis and Chi
cago. Perlei't Ih'iiiug Car service. Per
sonally conducted excursions. For lime
tables, rates and descriptive matter in
qireof J. D. Mansfield, General Agent,
124 Third St., Portland; or (Jeo. W.
Heintz As't. General Passenger Agent,
."alt Lake City.
n At. i-itoor
t'nlii-.l simrii jn. urn.-., m I lo vl. . lire,
tH't. t. I'l. Noilcv ! Iir.'l... his .-ii ilmi tliv
followln nsni.1 H.'tilrr lis. III.-. I nolle of ton
lntt'titlon to nmlit. rttn.1 proof in ti-(pM.rt of liU
I'lsiti', ami lltst .Hlt pr.H.t -.111 Ih- hi net.- l..'forv
tin- K. kui. r il l Kiit'.-ivrr t I k i. w , uregoti
on Noi .'iiiIh r A. I'-i'l. l : Sainii l K I rnu. II,
K. No. IM-1 for III.- NK1, Sei'. HO r - s.. It. IH ..,
VV.M. IU tlAtltt'N lilt- fo!t..Ullt( IA 1 1 lt' to
.rovi- tits roiiiiiimsift r.-.iil(-niii' o.n ml cu).
tivittloii of i.l ir : KolH-ri N l-oii. Kil
rtr, II ri Imiro .qi-i -mi Aitiiur. nil ol l.k.--vit'w
, tircgoii.
tKt.i.w E. M. IHtATTAIN. H.-nl-t- r
Ijin.l time.'
Nt Ijilo'vlt-vv, (ir.'t.-titi.
tv-pi .'. I .
Notli-0 la hi-f t.v itlvi'ii Hist In.- follow in(- hny anjr cr
1INIII.-I1 iu-(it-r IIH. Ill l ll"ll.-C Ol HI. IIKIII oil .i(uOM Tl.r.- ........ ll-ll- ......
to in Ik.- tins) .r.iol .,.,...rt ol In. cl.i.n. I ' '" ' rop ullnlla wlilioul Irrinaiioii
inl tlmi M. pi-nf mil In- in..!), l.-ior.- II''1' ' '" H'l !"' t'l .hI r.'.lil'iii
K irh h r.tsou , I oniity t'l'Tk hi liiirn., ir- uon. on ' .i-- on the rm Ii TUt .Ui-o i nn U' eul un
1st) aerra sti ant mrMlow, all giMvt Urnilni
Umt, situati'il on lh Sls.h roait, at filnlut
l.nki'vlcw llinlti hoiiM, l.srn atnt t-orrsl A
valiishle pliH-r of proH-rijr rlthsr lor agricult
ural, gsnli-n or Imll-llng piiriH... i, Kor fnrllicr
prtlcnlr i'tiiiilri- at Tli Ktiatiiliirr oltlct-,
WW acr.1 -Mi-mlow ami ps.tnrs Unit ItitliMiM
l-nkd Vslliiy. all feiit-1-.t with lour hartx-i! wlrr;
living aprliiaa. Mniilr at thli oltli-
Korly acr.-a, iart.-n sil, I nilli- onth ol jiki
vlw on main ma.t. Klvv lira.! ol call I.', Iiorw
ami t.nggy. a.Hi.l, M nsiiiia, lltu onan,
all lioii.fliol.l t'ltm-ta. Ilurr ran l. p In ami
lak lull iHiBM-Halnn prcimri-il for farinliig. (in
Itiiiutrcil ainl filly Ini.hi-la grain rown tlr.t
year II was eitltln ali-l. W ill (row alfalfa, Our
I of tlie Im .i .mall -canlcii m.i In jik coniity.
Mii. n I re nl Agency lki-l.-w.
A aaw nit'l. capacity S.iui feci -r ilar, tun
riniiiliig. In cmhI or.l.-r; hall luii.ri-at In (ihhI
planer ; Hi r.-t- yoke of cat lie truck.. dial tin etc.;
also l.Hi acres laml coiiialnlng emvlleiit thither.
Nitiiati-.t 4 m Ilea from Lakstlew. W rite In I ake
View Keal K.late Agency, lAketlcw, Hregoii,
Kk'lilv acrca laml fence.!, goo.1 houae ami
ham, vli acres rleare.l: a a. rea Ihvh plow. -it;
will grow alfalfa or ganleii. Write to l.aketlew
Keal r .late Agency
Is-'t) aci. allaUa, hay ami grain lan.t. a mllra
aoi'th 1 1 Ce.lart lllr, In Mnrprlae Valley, In
l-'ki this place pr.vluee.l pa.i ton. of hay a. il
NS41 i.ii.h.-l. ol grain, t'ait grow Ion. of
.Now ha. a .Unit of -JS aerra ig
NoieinU-r I. I'jol, via: J. at. oh, Ii. K
I'.'.Ji lor the iota .'. a an l N v ' v-c. I I si S
H -ol.. II.M. He iiamea the follow inv w On.
. a to prove hta i-t.niiloioiiR r. ..l.t. e lijaHi aott
riiltn at Ion of .alii la ml. , ix Vi. M . Ilonn, l lina.
I lark. -am.. .1 Hall ami r r ! I., ll. n. ail of
Ih-iii.i, r K. M. Iihtti.
Sept Jli-S K.KI.Ier.
full. -I --tai.-. ijtn.t otlice at t.ik.' I. w , Ore
iron uc:oi r l'i. I 'l. No'l. e i. ii.-r i- k'Uen
tuai ttie loljou iiix-nitiiK'.l -i tl. r tuit til -.1 no
nce of Ira nil. -lit . mi lo Mak" II. .ni -l..,,t In
ni.M.rl of hi. claim, an I lion m-i . r . .. . u u. I..
in. le Ih f,.r.' the Ii- ui.ier an I li i'-u. r at
Ink. lew , I in 'on. .. I Vim ml . I I . it:
Atitone J. war. . II. S. -.n.J lor tin- s1- .,
NW. ', " II. att.l Mi'.WI'. -M'.'. II f
Is I-. H titki'ip- I h' tot .on ii.f with. ...
hi - . .-ol'iiii.tu. r--.l l.-nc ii---ii ami
ol -1 . 1 alot. 11: H 11 l. lore.
.a lo pr..
enlll'. hC.ii
M ... : I -ol
I .. ,..-i .
o. ..'I I.'
Into i or a amall ram he. very Iih.-ly. ill
' incailoM ami natural aprlnga all over the laml.
I am. a l.iiylng .an al-u In. lu.le ;i the piirchaae
'"I'"I l.rr.-,!. deep ami l.'A In a. I tattle If ilny
.le.lre. A fl'aai a- Ikh.I Iioiim. la lia-ale.l III otle
comer ol thla ranch. No Irrigation nec-aaary
for fruit, allalla or gram ral.lng. t
oiilllt ol g.HHl heraea, agoiia ami iiiaehinery
lor liiriiiieg purH go with tlo-ram h. Una
I. the fliu al .lalry ranch In Siirprl.e all. y. A
.. I' ll. II. I .-.tale for a colony of -eii or eight
famllle.. (l tier .1. .If.-a to ..-tl H i ante he h a.
t.M. much Uti, mt too many other inirr.-ata to
: I.H.k after. K..r further part cular. nrlletoor
en.nire ol jtk lew Agencv. J. K. .M. i.arrey
' Manager.
-w a a
1 1
h u. in:
-i i
v i r iv.
I M A I.
Kami ( tttle.
Tl tltlt-.U t.l l K
.1 -t.
I. h.
II II lo
J n tl 1 !'
tiii.t--r iii I iu
oll. N.-i h1h. rtu-l
emeu. I. .1 lo all the
il ' -i a.
-l,.l . o
I'ol.ile I
"hla lignatar la oa nwurj bog of tbo genulat
Laxative Brorao-Quinine Tbteu
- remedy that mn eoM la mm day
ill I-. IHIIl'''
I Ol I oli'I... . f
f.-r -In' .nl- of
I Hi II. I'.ia. lu
ll I rr l..r." a.
Ii I i-i.t.- l.v a. I
ef A 11 j l.l t. I'harleaS. ,,. ,-.... ,,f
v ievv . ol I .... . .tnli ol i lr. i'. oi. Iota l lua
iIhv III.-. I Ml thla o ttte.- til. awor i .latelil. Ill No.
:ij.. for the puretia. of tne s, of i-K1.. NW,
of si:1 , of iM-e. No. '.'.' iii Tp No .1. h. K. No jti K.
ami w ill off. r pr..ol I.. thai Un- lan-l .nxlit
ia mote vatiial.l for tia tliii:M-r or t.-m ihari
for agr. cultural puri-oae-. ami to ratal. Ii-li hla
claim to aai.l lnmlii.'lor' th. Ic.-uiaier ami le
ceivcr of thl. rft v at Ijikrvlew , i irrgoti. on Fri
day the '.Tin day ol Ivc. ltI. He nam. a aa
wltne.a. a: VV. K. Ilarr; . Jamea II. Tur n. K
W. taring, Nathan K. W ileox, all of Ijikevlew.
(irexoii. Any and alt peraona elaiitung ad
veraely the aUivo Ue.cnl.c.l lau.l. are ri
H ileal. ! to file llielr elaluia in thla orhee on
or heforc aald tlih day ol Ih emln-r. l a'l.
OC117-41 , M HKA I I AIN. K. gi.ter.
. I Ifeirou,
ami Mil-
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature ia sLrengihenltiR aud recon
structing the exhausted digestive or ; Frank
gans. ii is me latesiaiscovereaaigest
ant and tonic. 2n'o other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It in- j
stantly relieves and permanently cures :
Dyspepsia, indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, INausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgla Crampsanc
all other results of imperfect digebtlon.
Price 5oc. and It. LarireslaeeontalnstH times
small slzo. lKXg all about dyspepata ualledlrtni
Prepared by E, C. OcWITT A CO.. Cljleoflo.
r tAt. riiutiF
fulled Stat. a ljind Ufhce at Ijikevlew, Ore
gon N-pt. :, pail. Noili r ia h.-r.-l.y Klv. u that
I lie folio a tug-named M-t tier, have tlie. notice of
their I mention lo make rtnai priH.f in .ut.i.irt of
j their claim, and that aacl .raif w III U- made Ih--I
fore the K.'Kiater ami h.-i-.-tv er al I ak-v l.-w ,
j Oregon, on November 4. I'i. Frank W.
I Fo-ketl. 11. fc. No. (rf, for III.' t',.ol Si.'. See
! 1. T. 41 K.. It. -.'I F... U.I 4. S. ii, , , JlX f.-. e
I 7, T. 41 .. K.. VV. M. He liau.ea the follow
Ilia Willie. a. a to prov.' hlaeoniiuuo ia renhleiiee
I tiin and i-uitivaiion ol aald lau.l. vie: Ailn-rt
Y. l'Wi., Miinm-r Fo.k.-tl, Ihonaa F.-rria and
II harn-a, all ol M aru.-r Ijtk.-, lire
; goii. Alao:
j hiimtier Foak 'tl. II. Ft. No. JnTI , for the N'i,
! NK', s-'c. 1.-, ami Wij.-l-i, s.,-. .'. h., k. al
I F... VV . .M. He tlumc. III.' follow Hilt w Itm-a ea to ami cul
tivation of aald land, viz: .VII r I F. M-wla.
W. Ko.k-tl. TI.oiiib. Ferrl. of Warner
Lake tir.-Koii, and t harl.-a I.hiiiiium ii of l ake
V leu , I iregoll. A lao
Alia-rt F. U'Wia. II V , So. I', for the SiV.
SV'. kW4 NW ,He.-.i.. a,.. M.i ,! NKi
SK', See. an. I . til -.. i:. a. k., . m. h,. ,.,
the lollo Vllig Wllneaw. lo prov-' hiaeo tniil.ioa
re.idenc.' Ilali and i nil 1 . a. I. .11 ol .anl land,
viz: K S. kalader, Huu iier ioaaeit ami Frank
U. Foakett of Warner Lake, (iregoii, and Havld
Voutiir of Fort llnlw II, i allf
oi W.f'J t. M. UK ATTAIN, Keglater'
, l-akev lew. (ir. iron
, , 'HI II. pa. . ,
Nolle.' la y given lhat fit" follow 111 ar
tin iil.'d al 1 1, r ha. II 1.1 liolli .- ol 1.1. mi III loll
to make pr.M, In .,,..orl of hla . lain,
aul-hal ,i. i.r.M.i will I... male Ih.
Keglal. r am! al f.k.vl.w, Oregon
o i So,- .'.'. l' l v i lrii ICovk. ra II. y '
.a..: h.r in,. ol N w . ad a,,, , , s , , ..,
Ni.l, i..i. .-I, 1 M '
name, die follow lug wllnee. to prove M.
coll lloioii. r. al.". e lla,, .11. 1 tlvatloll of
iii'i lain., in: I '. I . t I. laml, of I'luah
.aeeiieiia niiiiworth. tain-. rnri n,
oh. ii r-,n,t-7, oi tjiaevieta, or-aoii.
I a. fHllflF.
Utld OfTlce at Ijikevlewr. Oregon. SVpleln
",' "', 'M Not'i-f ia h. rehlr Ueu that the
IoIIowIiik u aim-. I aelller haa filed miller ol hla
liitei -.lou lo make Anal pr.Mil In auppnrt ol
hi. claim, and lhat aald nrool will ha made lie
lorv' the K.-Kl.ler and Receiver at Ijikevlew.
u-'oP.""" .V. NJuvrn''r a. inul. via: Aucuai
Wllllama, lid. F.. 19CA. lor the hK', dec 8 T 41
H., K. Itf K., W. W. He name) the following
wlltie.aea to i.rove hla coiillniiou. reanleoee
upon and cultivation of aald land. vli. Jamea
A. VV illlaina. ol Lakevlrw, tiregon, U wla A
I arrlker, ol Ukevlew, Oregon. Iiavld II
t.rove, ol Ukevlear. On gon, A run I'. Kooicr,
of lkeviewr, Oregon.
Oct. M. K. M. BS4TTAIK. Kegl.ter
M. eta on the 2d and 41 Ii Wedncaday of
each month in Maaonic Hall, al a p. m.
r.. r. i iirsKY. i oiiaui Command, r.
r.i.iai... iv imiih ih-g, t lerk.
.Knights it I'vthiui
IHMMaK I. A K E 1-OtMlK No. M, meet.
V.v'.'!y .T"''"' -vnlni. Odd F. llowa
Hall, lakevl. w, Ore. Vl.ning Knighla
cordial! y Invlleit.
,lr in kTiiN, Chancellor Commander.
uau. it. ATa. k. of K. and ri,
Great Luck of an Editor.
"For two years all efforts to care, Kc
eeina in the palms of my hands failed,"
writes Ktlitor H. S. Letter, of fSyracues,
Kalis., "then I wag wholly cured hv,
Uucklcn's Arnica Salve." It's the
world's Lt-Bt for Kruptions, Sores and all
tit iii diseases. Only 20c at Lee Beali'a.
Modt rn Surgery Surpassed.
"While suffering from a had case of tiiles
'I consulted a physician who advised me
to try a box of IMVitt'g Witch Hazel
Salve," nays O. V. Carter. Atlanta. Ga.
"I procured a bos and was entirely cur
ed. I'eWitt'n Witch Hazel Salve is a
splendid cure for piles, giving relief in
stantly, and I heartly recommend it to
all sufferers." Surgery is unnecest-ary
to cure piles. iHs Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve will cure any case. Cuts, burns,
bruises and all other wounds are also
quickly cured by it. Beware of counter.
eits. U
ljind OOlce at Ijikeview, Oregon, Oct. Ii. lil.
Notice la here hy given that l.lllle Page of Mr
Permit!, Nevada, haa flier notice of intention
to make (.roof on her deaert-land claim No. 4u:, j
.' iiic Kin... iii urKTivcn iiavi al iinil : BlA'l-
Ing at a point ahout one half mile above the
mouth of Kiver Cr.k. follow In a the atate line
one mild eaat, thence due uortb one half mile, I
then w w eat ona mile, thence aouth one half
mile to atate line at place of beginning. Thla
claim Ilea aouth ol aud adjoiniug Noah M. I
Winter. Hd. claim on McDermlu Creegand !
marked hy moniinienta at each ol the lour cor- I
n.-ra and ia aituated In Malheur county, atate ol j
Oregon, before A. 0. king, county clerk at Vale,
Oregon, on Friday, the aad dav ol November,'
mil. hue naiiM-i the following witueaaea lo ,
prove the complete irrigalion and reclamallon
of aaid land: charlea Hayward, Fink Boyd, '
Frank M. Hage.Krank Connor, all ol Mclx-r-miit,
Nevada. , I
oct. 17-11 K. M. BK ATTAIN, Reglater. j
Uepartment ol t ie Interior,
I'll I ted Htalea Land Office,
Ijikevlew, Oregon, Oct. 15th, 1-nil
A Mifncleiit i "in leal affidavit baring been tiled
In tin- ofhee by OliaO. Follet.cutitentant.agaliiat
tunlM-r culture entry N. 1 In.!, made auguat atilb
iwj, lor the N ol the N K'-V hection 14, Town- i
hip 4(1, H., Kange ztl K by Amanda K. Boyd, i
comeatee, in which It la alleged that ,aal.
entry woman la now duceaaed, having died
obout three yeara ago, leaving aa her helra
at law, Alica Moore, a daughter aged over al
year-, Arllla Vernon, a daughter aged over 21
yeara, I ela boyd.agrand daughter and a minor;
alto Haymond Boyd, hoval A. Boyd and Cov I
A. Boyd, three gratidaona: and tiiat aaid entry
woman, Amanda K. Boyd, and each and all of
her aaid heirs at law hare wholly failed and
neglected to, at any time, plant any tre. a, tree
ee.'a, tiinl.r oreulllnga, upon any part ol aald
landa, except that duriug one auiiiiiier aaid
huira cauaed to be sown upon aald landa aoiue i
tree aeeda, which vaa not done in good lalih;
aaid partlei are hereby nctlflnd to appear, rea
pomi ami oner eviuence loucning naldailega- ;
Hon at 10 o'clock a. in. on Tueadav, Novemlx-r
2ti, lmil, before the Keglater and Receiver at
the United rtaiea Land office In lkeview.
Oregon. The aald conteataut having. In a !
proper affidavit, tiled Heptember the lain, nail,
act forth facta which show that after due dil- i
Igutice peraonal aerviceol thla notice cannot
be made., it ia hereby ordered anl directed that
aue-a notice be given by due and proper pub
lica'iou. E. M. BR ATTAIN, Reglater.
octl7-4l J1AKKV BA1LKV, Receiver.
1 -JlThe y&vi:
I 1 - - - - . - r m . -
i t i . i it r . l
w.i r.
k- I? A .
A Model Country Store
Dairy, Klamath Co., Oregon
At tha Eacalalor you can get '
anything from a paper of pins
to a town lot. If th artlclo
does not happen to tx In
atock I can get It for you.
Postoffice in the Store
...I. F. DAVIES...
Hereford Stock arm
Drews Valley. Oregon.
F. O. Bunting,, Owner
largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
5 Registered Yearling Bulls
IOO, 2S and ISO each
LAUDOR ALAMO head of herd
I.nkrvlrw, Or,
orrtt'K - nall'a lrn Htor, (-alia anawaraal
pr-Ntiptlji day ar Might.
I'nyalelna) m4 atuiB-sl,
lkrw. Or,
tirKlfK Ukavlew lrtig toa. Stem.
I.Bltrvlrw, tlra-gaar
tirriCK lalx Hitll-llni.
i.. r. tti
Atlarnr) g Uw
liWrvIrM, Oregoia
OKKIt K-lHalv llull.llng
v. ii i ti.N i n ii.:
Allarsr) -nt-ljiM.
l-atartlrw. Or.
Il'rii-K I a,l) llnildlng
AllarMr.M.Mw ,
l.ak-t lew , kr
tiKI'll'K lavl) HulMlivg.
I. 1 K4 ITOH
Ijiiitt ttallrra Hprr tally
nilli K ri.gauctl Hull. ling.
i- a iiH.av hi t. aoiir r an i
4 IM.HH :i.l. at III. 1. 1,
.tttoraaraa ul-lata
lllar IrM , Or.
I'H II'f. Hank ol Ukev l.-w
Still- .! lilt tMlaa with Xwallow folk liv
rlahl ear lor a; r. v. re
tun alol Hill
III right ear. lar lUalnl II!
I ak-.
James Barry
ing a iM-ir, niiiiv inn rijuarti
is ', a a i ihrihi at;, )t liffr,
Zac whitworth ::::i;:;'iz;
rlxht for eva.-a; r.-v. rae t..r ariln . lar Hrau
Kange, ti.h r..k. r...t..rtiee a.l.llraa.
I.ak.-vlf w , nr. gou
T tnkf i-rTvl Siitnliiy, May 6, lmil.
No. I
a ? a. iii. l.v Hetio . . . . Ar
ul a. in. Ar .. iMiiiimll.. l.v
it a. m. ar i e ar l.v
41 a. m. Ar .. Iraneia l.v
Hi:lu a. in. Ar .. l.v
Hi :Vij a.ln, Ar I'luniaa l.v
IO:Vi a.m. l.v. ... I'luniaa ..... .A r
in . hi a. m, Ar . ( hat Ar
II IAa. in. Ar t'aiiieroii . At
ll i-i a. m. Ar. ..He,! H.ak . .Ar
ll .Vta. m. Ar .. Coiiaianila .. Ar
tJ m ii. ni, Ar ln.vle .Ar
1 io p. m. Ar . ...Ar
1:40 I p.m. Ar . Ame.lee l.v
2;ii( Ar . Ainr.lee . . Ar
I p m. Ar . Mot sprtnga..Ar
K:U p. ni. Ar . Murray Ar
i.'t p. in. Ar .. Karlo ..Ar
4 :ofi p. tn. Ar . . Ilorae jik. . Ar
t !' p. iii. Ar Wavcrljr r
' HI p m Ar Teruio l.v
No, i
ft: 47
4 'OA
s :m
i .11
i l
I 111
II -l--.
III 31
V ii
a . io
p m
p. hi.
p. m.
P. in.
p. in.
I p.m.
I p.m.
p. in.
P- lu,
p. m.
p. in.
p. in.
p. m.
p ni.
a aa.
a. in.
M I'll!
t 1'. pie
i, :ai pin
7 iu pin
10 SAam.l.v. 11 ii in A .t.ia.) put V am
1 1 Vnaiii l.r Vinton Arl i.l'. pin a Injun
I.', .'.am l.v Itei k lib. Ar'.' . pn- 7 v'ain
i'i .Viaiul l.v. I lairvilleAr 1. 4opiu 7 Uu an.
Termo, for Ijikevi.-w, I'aUli y and I In ah, tire.,
and Kl. Indwell. Ike City, I e.lai v Hie. A'lln.
Alluraa and lll.-her, I'allf.
Hot srintr.- lor Maii' and Hiiaaiivllle.
In.y e - for Mllford, tatn-avllle ami minting
vllle, Calif.
Vlnion -for Uivalloii, liovt nievlllii aiidCaiup-Ix-ll'a
Hot Hiriuga, I allf.
Heektvllh, lor i.enea,',., Ta lorv lllc ami l.reeii
v 111,-. I allf.
rialrvtlle,- Mohawk and Qnlnev, Calif.
Hello,-'oniiectiug Itu . l a. . t o. for all
la.lnla Kaal .V Meal: V. X T It. It., for all M.lnla
Hill III.'
'..r Trade :. g
Anyo.lnttnf ftikftfrh and rtwr' . t
quickly asrartitin our oiitiin fru t.1 1 - .
Hivantlon la probahlf tNtiiiiil'te. fi.rni i.
tlntfitritTtlrcoiiO(lii((.tl. UiuiiJlKMik ttti I'ltii mm
tut trmm. OMimI iitrirf fur ftufurititf iuti'iin.
intnu tsiAvti tumtiKh 1uiui A (u.rv(Htiv
9jUxl tVlCa. Without Clt"rV, lU ttl
Scientific Jlntcrican.
A hanrtaomalf lllnatratad wnoklr. T-anraat r-tr-culailon
of anf aeiaiitinn lournnl. I'erma. 13 ai
rr: lour ninniin, u Boia b all naaiadealarm.
aeiBrcd.rJpiv Y0rt
Kitlc. mrVL, Waahinatun. II. C.