Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 07, 1901, Image 4

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T Will Reach Silver Lake this Week
5a id to be a Substantially
Constructed Line.
fe Stocft
- iicwa -m-
m mm
Win. Harvey says the telephone line
la huildina on rapidly toward Silver
Lake, and will reach that place about
next Saturday nijjht. Excellent and
rapid work lias bei'ii done on the north
end and all who have inspected the
line say it is the nnt substantially con
structed line outside of the cities. The
Examiner lern that the town authori
ties of I-akeview, having given the com
pany a franchise for fifty years to place
telephone poles ithin the limits, now
ask that the company give the town
officer frve service on the line. The
Examiner cannot believe that the re
quest was made in all seriousness. This
is as yet and doubtless will be for some
time a non-paving en erpriee. Nostock-
holdr in the company will exie't any
service on the line without paying for it,
and there is no gxd reason w hy favors
should be extended to the Tow n of Lake
view a a corporation any more than to
private individual or a stockholder.
The Lake Itounty Telephone system is
splendid enterprise for Lake "ouhty it
is a pood thing and we should all help it
along. The Examiner has no fear hot
that at some time in the not distant fu
ture the system w ill be a dividend pay
ing property. In its infancy, however,
it should be given all the assistance
within the power of every citizen from
Xew Pine Creek to Silver Lake.
In connection with this matter, The
Examiner has been reminded of a slate
ment made in the last issue, which, by
the way, was not intended as a slight to
any of the stockholders of the company
who live outside of Lakeview. The ob
jectionable sentence apeared in a brief
local headed, "Wants Telephone Built to
l'rineville," in which the types made us
say :
There is no good reason why the en
terprising citizens of l'rineville should
not follow the example of Lakeview
citizens and form a joint stork company
to continue the line to Crook's shire
Upon its face this appears to be an in
justice to subscribers of other towns and
localities in the county, but such was
not the intention. In reality, the far
greater portion of the capital stock of the
Lake County Telephone Company was
subscribed outside of Lakeview. Crooked
Creek, Paisley, Summer Lake and Sil
ver Lake citizeus are deserving of due
credit for their unselfish enterprise.
Miss O race Nickerson at the Opera
House Friday Evening.
Jutt now local public attention is cen
tered on the Recital to be given at Barry
opera houe tomorrow (Friday evenirg)
by Miss lirace G. Nickerson, assisted by
the lst of local talent. Miss Nicker
son is a graduate of Cumnock College of
Oratory, North Western Universitj of
Chicago. From this school Miss Nick
erson graduated with the highest hon
ors of her clss. Those who fail to at
tend the Recital will miss the greatest
treat that has been given Lakeview
people for years. The price of ad mis
ion is 50 and 2't cents. The program is
as follows:
Male Quartett Selected
Messrs. Benson, Rutenic,
Avers and Nickerson
The Party Paul Lawrence Dunbar,
Mrs. Mayor's atory Ralph Connor.
Mi-s Nickerson.
In Old Madrid Trotere.
Miss May Miller.
Little Brown Baby Dunbar
If I should die Ben King
Miss Nickerson.
Queen of the Earth Pinsuti.
Mr. Geo. H. Nickerson.
When the Folks is gone. . . .J. W. R ley
Object ot lxve Mary h. Wilklns
Miss Nickerson.
Thinking" C. A. White
Mrs. Walter R. Dyer.
Drawing Room scene from the Christian
Hall Caine
A Poor Rule Anon.
Miss Nickerson .
Asleep in the Deep If. W. Petrie
Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner.
Bob's Tramp II. Smith
Hally Ann's experience. . Eliza C. Hall
Miss Nickerson.
The Holy City Adams.
Mr. Geo. S. Nickerson.
There is no necessity for a general
alarm on account of smallpox, as the one
case in Lakeview is isolated and under
etrict quarantine. Some newspapers
would call this "Manila itch," or some
thing else, hut The Examiner believe in
calling things by their right names re
gardless of results. We believe the
public should be notified w herever the
disease exists. However, we repeat,
there is no cause for alarm. No one
should be frightened away from town
in consequence.
W. Albert Walker, the Bly mock nun, I
lias gone to Gold Hill with bunch ol
fine horses from the Sprague River
stock ranch.
Joe Burrus started Saturday for the N-C-O
terminus with a fine bunch ot
horses purchase! from W. A. Currier of
Summer I.ake.
E. U. Hanan of Douglas county has
purchased ISO head of lieef cattle In
Northern Lake county, and shipped to
market from Ashland.
W. Z. Moss sent to Termo lust
Tuesday 14 head of young horses
for army artillery use. The animals
are young, just broken, and fine lookers.
J. C. Dodson of Bidwell starred M)
head of fine horses for Termo yesterday.
The animals were purchased in Harney
county, and tll l delivered at Termo
to Geo. Bay ley.
M. F. Martin, the well known sheep
man of Montague, has leased the as
ture of 2000 acres on the Levi Morris
place, east of Talent, and will winter
about 1200 sheep on tiie pla,ce.
Santas, the Sacramento horsebuyer,
has shipped to the California Capital l'.U)
head of Warner horses. Mrs. Alexan
der, ho owns the AX brand furnished ;
105 of these and N. Fine 25 head. !
Dave Edler cf Lakeview sold to J. M.
Thompson of Modoc 3100 head of year- j
ling and two-year old wethers at tne !
market price. The sheep were delivered
to Mr. Thompson in Modoc this week, j
Jack Simmons, George McKinney and ;
Lester Kelsay, vaijaeros w ho drove thej
1 lines A Kelsay ca tie to Termo, arrived i
here on their return trip to the Chew au-
can last luestiav. the txvs say the
leef readied the railroad in fine condi
The Klamath County Live Stock As
sociation, just established, has a stand
ing teward of $250 for the arrest and on
viction of any person or persons found
guilty of stealing or altering the marks
or brand i of any stock belonging to any
member of the Association.
Jimmie Sullivan and several other
Silver Lake cowboys brought in a bunch
of beef cattle belonging to Joe Howard
of Silver Lake. The stock will be fed at
the Gowen ranch this winter, Mr. How.
ard having bought the hay at that pUce
of Levi D. Ward. Klamath Express.
John Collins the veteran horse buyer
from the Presido, San Francisco, is in
Lakeview looking for good horses. He
has been at Bidwell for several days,
and will probably pick up a few there.
Mr. Collins is now looking at the fine
stock of C. C. Pratt, and will probably
buy a large number of that brand.
O. P. Ben fiel, buyer for the English
government, will be in Lakeview in a
few days from Huntington to buy all the
mares and iteldings he can procure in
this section. Animals must be in si
14.0 to 15.1 hands, and 5 to 9 years old.
Anyone having these kind of horses
would do well to gather them at once.
A. S. Ward of Surprise valley, a for
mer resident of the Happy valley sec
tion, spent a short time in Burns this
week looking after some business in
terests, says the Burns News. Mr.
Ward returned to this section to gather
some of his horses that were here on the
range and which he will drive to mar
ket in California.
Elmer Hardy, the Chicago horseman,
has shipped from Lake county 340 head
of horses. The animals were started to
Winnemucca, Nevada, on the 2nd inBt.
to be shipped to Chicago. Calderwood
A Sons of Warner furnished 284 head of
these, Jack Adams of Rock creek 34
horses and 6 mules, Willis Scammon 14
horses and J. W. Lofftus the remainder.
Jack Kelsay and vaqueros returned
from Reno last Monday night whither
they went with the Innes Bros, and
Kelsay beef numbering 275 head. The
cattle were shipped from Termo to Rend
and made up a trai of seventeen cars.
Thev await the arrival of cars in Reno
for fchipment to San Francisco, Mr,
Kelsay says the sUx.-k stood the trip
well. They have not yet been "sold and
may be fed at Reno tor a month.
The price of mutton sheep has been
depressed somewhat during the present
fall by large shipments of them to Sac
ramento and Han Francisco from Kansas
and Utah. The drought during the
Hummer and the shortness of feed as a
result in Kansas has I teen the cause of
the shipment of mutton from there to
the Coast. Kansas and Utah flock.
master have been sending their stock
to the California markets and selling at
a lower price than Pacific Coast sheep
can be marketed for. This is the first
instance of such competition in the his
tory of the industry in Oregon and Cal
ifornia, i
mm m
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asst. ffei'
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vtI yf,
W-i M-'
fti m foil
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II com In our (lor w will lv yvu
good and (auntl rvaiona. hard dollar fe.
ana. by Ida valua wa glva In aur goada,
why yoa ahould gla ea your troda, i
navar hlna. Our bualnraa liKraaaaa an.
nually. Wi afa aallaflad Willi lha palrsa
( I ha public banda In at our door. Hut.
Ilka all anargallc paopla ws want to da
mora. Wa can aaallv aallaly old or naw
palrona that no uiari'hant In town can un
dararll ua, and glva tha valuca wa glva.
Balcly & rvjassingill
m m
rv- i.
jC? f-ULii til
Now Pino
haa Morrlaou
Reeder & Morrison
lo everything- lu
the Klw-koanllhlng
1.1 ne nnd utmhr.
lion snantnlrrd
CreeK, Oregon.
New Vegetable
L. B. WHORTON, Prop.
All kinds of Berries, Vegetables &
Fruit carried in season.
Leave orders and what you want
for the day will be delivered at
your door, fresh and sweet.
VXhen you see
a mlle on
a man's face
like this fellow,
just guess that
he has a pair of
Graves Shoe.
nphese 5hoes
' are all cele
brated makes;
are the best to
be found on the
market, and are
moderate price.
They don't have to kidnap people to get them to go to
We have a complete line of Men's and Boys' Clothing.
and the latest styles are now arriving. Ours cannot be
And our prices are
surpassed in quality and finish.
away down .je g