Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, November 07, 1901, Image 2

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flahe CTountu saminr
Pabllstid Ery TlNtndajr
MiMKk Building:
(One Year $2.00
J Sl Months 1.00
(Thre Months, 50
LAKirVIFW. ORPOON. NOV. 7. 1901.
Leon CioleoFi, the assassin of Prwti
lent McKintev who was electrocuted on
fhp morivM! of (Vtober 29, broke the
iVln-o liich 1 Jiad maintained so ob
stinately by making s brief speevh a he
Mt in the electric chair.
"I killed the Precident because he
was an enemv of irood ieoile of the
food working people. I am not sorry
or mv crime.
Thcwe were his last words as the
guards hurried him into the chair
Within a few moments thereafter a cur
rent of seventeen hundred volts of elec
tricity rushed through the living body
When the doctors came to perform an
autopev thev could find no visible evi
fence that anything was the matter with
sis brsin, which was of more than usual
ise. nor sny evidence that there was
anythins abnormal in the physical con
dition of the man. There may have
been not the slightest touch of insanity
apon Czolgosx, and yet he as the vie
ton of a delusion which led him to the
commission of an act that causes mil
lions of people to hold him in abhor
rence, while very few sympathise with
his deed.
Hi delusion was the assassination of
a great and good man who had been
elected President would benefit the
people w ho elected him. The man as
sumed that the 7,000,0X) citizens who
voted for Wni. McKinley were too ig
norant to know the pathway totheirown
welfare and that it dejiended upon his
arm to strike the blow which must fiee
them from the consequences of their
folly or superstitions-truly an egotistical
assumption, and yet one which he ab
sorbed through mental contact from
some source. The most striking fact
about popular delusion is their com
municability ; they are more catching
than Klamath's small pox or "Manila
itch." Mobs go mad together, and men
laboring under excitement inflame
eoe another. We have I ad in this
county during the last five years num
ber i of persons who have denounced
President McKinley as the representa
tive of economic or class influences
which were impoverishing the people,
and large numbers of people have be
lieved these things when they heard
the to. Amongst them they have worked
ap a high degree of excitement, and
thousands have had incendiary thoughts;
hundreds have indulged in incendiary
language. Czolgosz proceeded as far as
action. He is the one man who, when
he received the influence of the conta
gious excitement, was so wrought upon
that he became desperate enough to
translate a suggestion into action. The
dien wliocommit such deeds are, gen
erally not infant, but they possess tern
ermei)ts so febrile that they cannot re
reive the current of the prevailing ex
citement without being driven to des
perate deeds.
This is Leon Czolgosz, sane assassin of
ur beloved President.
Oxnmensurate with his crime the
juJgment of the law wa carried cm.
probably not to the satisfaction of some
people who would still believe in the
panishment of barbaric days, but this
assassin was given death in the easiest
possible manner because his deed was
cojuaiitted in a civilized country.
Let Us forget the assassin and remem
ber his crime.
fcenator John P. Jones, ultra free sil
ver a pottle of Nevada since Mr. Bryan
and his craze was conceived, and who
left the republican party on the issue of
the money question, has returned to the
fold, and u glad of it. Senator Jones
saytt: "The silver issue is dead and we
are face to face with other is ties. The
evolution of political issues lind me again
inaliguineitt with the republican party.
The enormous output of goli lias ac
complished what biuiftali-m would have
accomplished I have alw .is acted with
the republican party upon every question
but silver. I have an unbroken record
as a protectionist. My vote in the Sen
ate Committee on Finance enabled the
Jiinglev tariff bill to be reported and
thus saved tLo country from the woes of
'Ociuoeratio tariff murule."
Senator 51 tbJhell of Oregon, when in
Washington a few days ago, said : "I am
opposed, and so are my constituents, to
atiy tinkering with the Tariff at the com
ig session of Congress. The country is
..l.-m,i. with the Tariff as it now
exists, and business is adjusted to it, and
She Had flany Dupes
Mis Ktna Pugsn, a charmer of Gold
Hill, this state, has leen arrested and
charged with using the United Mates
mails to defraud, and deriving consider
able revenue from wile hunters. The
woman is 38 years old but how thatfact
was discovered is not know n--and is well
know n in Jackson county. For six years
she has been in correspondence with
number of men-all of whom wanted a wife
and under promise of marriage lias
succeeded in securing various sums from
her dupes ranging from 5 to
Through the suspicions of one of her
Idaho corespondents the attention of the
Federal grand jury was brought to
her methods by the U. S. postal author!
ties. Her method of working is said to
have been to answer advertisements of
men who were looking forsuitable wives.
After correspondence and exchange of
photographs she would ray that she w as
willing to be married to the w riter and
would suggest that money le sent to de
fray the expenses to her future husband's
home. In most cases the money was
forthcoming, a evidenced by the money
orders cashed at Gold Hill in her favor.
Postmaster W. T. Keames, of Gold Hill
who testified before the grand jury said
that during the past year Miss lftingan
had received $200 in money oiders; but
that her registered mail far exceeded
this and, that the amount she obtained
from registered letters is not known.
The Children's Friend.
You'll have a cold this winter. May
be you have one now. Your children
will suffer too. For coughs, croup, bron
chitis, grip and other winter complaints
One Minute Cough Cure never fails.
Act promptly. It is verv pleasant to
the tate and perfectly harmless. C- B.
(ieorge, Winchester, Ky., writes, "Our
little girl was attacked with croup late
one night and was so noarse sue couiti
hardly speak. We gave her a few doses
of tine Minute Cough Cure. It relieved
her immediately and she went to sleep.
hen she awoke next morning Mte had
no signs of hoarseness or croup." l-ake-view
Prug Co. 44
Madeline, the N-C-O. Terminus.
The new town of Madaline, the ter
minus of the N. C. O.. w ill lie duly chri-
tened when the" wheels ge round" that
far north, sometime early in November,
says the Reno Gazette.
The town bids fair to nutgrot' Susan-
ville aud to In-come one of the most im
portant towns in the north. It will be
the end of the first division and repair
shops will be put there.
. Van Loan is building a modern ho
tel, stock yards ate being put up, a fine
Bheep-dipping plant will be constructed,
the railroad company is building a com
modious depot and warehouse, Hart and
Johnson are putting up a fine big store
building and will be ready for business
when the rails are laid.
The demand for town lots is pro
nounced, so Mr. Van Loan says. The
new town is in a section of the country
which is bound to make it of great im
portance for it w ill be the shipping point
of a large section.
Reliable and Gentle.
Anril's a till." savs the saw. But there
are pills aud pills. You want a pill w hich
is certain, thorough and gentle. Mustn tj
grie. iJeWitt's Little Karly Risers till
the bill. Purely vegetable. Small and
easy to take. Lakeview Iirug Co. 44
Jesse Must Take His Medicine.
The United States Court of Appeals
has rendered a decision sustaining Judge
Bellinger and denying the relief sought
by the plaintiff in the case of the Jesse
I). ( arr I-and & Livestock Company
vs. the United States. The matter was
on appeal from the order of the District
Court of Oregon, directing the United
States Marshal to remove certain fences
inclosing eighty thousand acres of land
bordering on Klamath county. It would
seem that Jesse must needs take his
medicine, but the old boy has always
something else up his sleeve.
5tops the Cough
and works off the Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablet cure scold In
one day. No cure no pay, Frlce 2S ceula. Uly
"Miss Stone was captured", says the
Soda correspondent of the Neues Wiene
Journal of Vienna, "not by brigands, but
by a detachment of Turkish cavalry, at
the instigation of the Sultan'. Evi
dently his Sultanic Majesty has not for
gotten that little affair of honor between
himself and Uncle Sam a short time ago,
and wants to do something nasty for ven
geance sake. It is also reported that
Mnie. Tilka, the companion of Miss
Stone, died recently in captivity after
giving birth to a child. There ought to
be some red-hot business done with these
dastardly Turks, that they may in fut
ure respect the people of a civilized and
decent country.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All
druggiat refund the money If it fall to cure, t.
W. tirove'a signatuie la on eaeubos. iioc. 4Uy
A new three cent piece will soon be
coined and put into circulation by the
government. The coin will have a hole
in the center like the Chinese coin. It
has already been nicknamed "the dough-out."
g TMie new
i il Firm
its ..The Lakeview Mercantile Company., jb
- r.Kst
V n Miller, rrmldeat
V A KrhaH. V P
V L.Marlllac. Mrr at Trfan
Lakeview flercantile Co. I
PiNF Soaps, Perfumes,
Toilet Goods, Etc.
You Can
Acquire a thoroughly
prartiral knowl-
eage of tne irietrau-i
Without Inti-rfi-rlnit with your nn-wnl du
tl. i. Mend pofttal lor Kn-e Trial 1-cxwm aud
lull particular, of our
A lw opinion. o( prominent eduratura. tiutl
neaa lui-n, at'iioKraiihi-r anl otlu-r, In rr-
?:anl to Una im-thoi. T-it iMwk. ti. Trrma
or Mall Inatrurtlon. t-"1 Pr month. U-a-aon.
cor fct'-'t am) returned on day ol re
ceipt. Addn-aa
Behnke's Law & Commercial School,
t'niti-d Htatt-a Ijind Olttc.'.
I-akt-vlrw. Ori'tfon. Oclnbvr 4. 1'Jnl.
Notii-. la hi-ri-t)- kIvi-ii that III compliance
with the prnviaiona of the a-t of t'onnri-a. uf
June 8, 1H entitled "An act for the aale ol
tiinlx-r lamia In the Htalea of California. Ore
Ron, Nevada, ami Wanlilng-inn Territory," aa
extendrd to all the flll.Hi: l-nlld Hiatea (y acl
of AiiRiiat 4, ri, Jamea II.TurM-u,of lkevU w,
eountyol jke, atale of ()r" oli, haa thia day
flled In thla iltlee hla aworn alateineni No. SU.
for the purehane of the K', NK1, Hee. S5, and H
HK. of Heetion No. 2 In Towiiahip No. u S,
KanKe No. 21 K W M, and will offrr proof to
ahow that th. land aouKht la more valualila for
ita timlier or atone than for agricultural pur
iwHiea, and to eatahllab hla cli liu to aald land
before the Kettiater and Receiver of thla office
at lakeview, lOreKon, on Friday, Ibe 14lh day of
t'eneiuber, 1 1(0 1 . He namea aa witneMiea (leome
Janimerthal, J. E. Mcliarrey, Frank Koxsera of
Lakeview, Oregon, and David I', ('leland of
fluah, Oregon. Any and ail peraona ctalmlna
adversely the aljove-deaerllted landa are re
queated to file their claim. In IhLa ofne-e on or
before aald Mill day of Decern her, 1 Jl.
40-lot Kcsialer.
Matlre f Mettlrmrat f Hwl Arr.aat
In the County Courof the State of Oregon,
for Ijtke County, fn the inato-r of the eatat
of Alexander Held, di-eeaaed.
To whom It may concern : Notice la hereby
given, that the underaigned, admin Intra tor vif
the eatate of Alexander Held, Inte of lkeeoua-
ty, Oregon, deceaai-n, haa nli-i iiia final Ac
count aa admiiilatrator of aaid eatate, In tlMf
flce of the C'omity Clerk of Lake County, (re ,
and that Monday Nov. 4, 1U0I, at lOo'clock a.
in., ol aald day, at the i utility jiiiiki- a one III
the County Court Holme of Lake County, Ore
gun, 111 the '"own of Lakeview, liaalieenap-
y ul tiled and fixed by Hon. Chaa. 1 oiniliigaen,
iidge o' aall Court aa the time and place for
Ibe hearing of objection to aald Final Ateoiinl
If any there be, and for the ai'ttli-meitl thereof.
Iialcd thla M day of OcioImt, I '.ml.
iM-t-:V fiKOKiitt KKH),
Admiiilatrator of the ealali- of Alexauder Held,
Laud t'tttee at l-akcvlcw, Ontioii. ik-i. l.'i, Imil.
Notice m hereby given that Frank M. Hage of
McUermltt. Nevada, haa tiled inrtKT of Inten
tion lo make proof on hla di M-rl-land claim No.
for tlie follow ing deacrilied tract of land:
Commencing at a point on the mule line Im
tweeu Ihc late of (In-jron ami Ni valin, where
the boll III Fork ol llclii rinlll Creek enwaea aaW
line, and running liorih one quarter of a mile,
I hence weal one half of a utile, Ihcnce tiortb
one quarter of a ivile, lln-nce weat one half of a
mile, then koiiiIi one hall of a mile to atate
line trence eaat along aald alate line one aulle
to place of lieglniilng and about four Hillea
northeaat uf Uiaaatcr I'eak in Nevada, runtalD
Itig 24U aj-rca. before A. 0. King, coliuti clerk at
Vale, Oregon, on Friday the 'Sh eay of Novein
oer.lKIl, He iiami a the following .wltueaaea lo
prove the complete Irrigation aud reclamation
of aaid laud: K. Hag. C baric. Hay ward,
Charles lay, Frank Coiiuor, all of Wclicrinltt,
ocin-tl K. H. BKATTAlN. Ecglatur,
Successors to M. C. ROTHE &
We will soon have on
hand the largest and most
complete stock of
Ever opened up in South
eastern Oregon.
5. F. Ahlstrom
Manufactwrer of the
Hefniie4 as the
Wagon and Btijry UarncHH
Bits, Spars, QinrtJ.
Q Rt'pairing of all kiiwln, by
& A A & 6 A & A 6 6 &
Sash, Blinds, Moulding:, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
Lakeview Variety Store
...C H. DUNLAP...
Capital w
Ill HP.. TO KM)
n Miller, V A Mekart
V I.MarlllaK. Meat MrKro
W r ller rwr , rNSfws
(era II llaaklaa
ja-ta a ar-kk m v m m a
Best Vaguero Saddle fX
Whips, UoboH, ItoataH, Q
Ilosetten, Etc. -f- 5
competent men. -A- -4-
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 CS A 6 it & &
we do no want any cm....