Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 31, 1901, Image 2

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    LAkn COLNTY fcXAnlNEft LAKEVIEW, OREGON, OCT. jl, 1901.
Pvbllaned Every Thursday
Mimic BulWlof
(One Year, $2.00
.'Six Months. 1.00
(Three Months 50
Some bright in-nxm hs (mtftiedrxl Un
changing of the name ( the Philippine
Islands to the McKinley llam1. We
note that one Oregon paper states that
the press of the country is unanimous
in favor of the change. Allow The Kx
aminer to eater a protest here. After
the battle of Maniia, these same people
who are clamoring for a change in
name, or some others like theiu, tie
sired to call them the Dewey IsUmls
It may not have occurred to the advo
cates of the latest propoeed change that
the people down theie who call them
selves Filipinos may dislike to have
that name taken away from them, and
that there would be a strong reason of
Dolicv. if none other, for declining to
make such a change as tins. The de
sire to honor President M -Kinley in
connection with the Islands, however,
is entirely praiseworthy, but some bet
ter means than that suggested should be
chosen. Let us honor the great Presi
dent not by taking away from the people
of the Islands something thev already
have, but by giving them "omething
that would be to their advantage. For
example, suppose there should be estab
lished a great university in Manila, toj
be known as the McKinley University,
in which all of the brightest young men
and women of the Islands could secure
an education free of cost. Could the
dead Piedlent rise up in his tomb we
believe he would say, "that is wliat I
would like to see." If the M'Kinley
University shouht lie endowed with $10,
OOOjOOU by Vote of congress, the people
of this country would say, "well done,"
but not so if an attempt should be made
to filch from 'he I-Uuder the name that
thev have borne for some hundreds of
Refined, Aired 3a, Fair of Pace
With Ro.y Cheeks and Sweet
Red Lips, She Yearns.
The following letter has been received
by the Postmaster at linker City, this
state, and made public by him io the
hope that the energetic young widow-
may find a gl husband :
"To all it may concern: A refined
widow, aaed 82 jears, with three boys,
9, 7, and 5 years, wishes to form the ac
qttaintance of some kind-hearted and
honorable gentleman who is desirous of
obtaining a genial companion and who
cau sing and play and do general house
work. Fair complexion with dark
brown hair, eyes and eye-brows, with
rosy cheeks and lips, considered nice
looking. Before marriage, was leading
soprano in the Baptist church at Port
Arthur, Ontario. My reason for adver
titing is that I am desirous of making
my home in the west. I aut not wealthy
and am not expecting riches. My hus
band a as a dentist, out was addicted to
drink and left us in poor circumstances
so that our financial condition does Hot
count very high. Now I think I have
given you a fairly good description of my
self and for further particular, , address
Mrs. Jennie Ashbury, Carlisle, Went-
worth county, Ontario, Canada."
We do not believe there is anything
in Baker City that will suit Mrs. Ash
bury, after looking the field over. If
she w ill just send her photo to The Fx-
aminer we believe she will be able to
find her ideal of a husband, if she has an
ideal, here in Lakeview. We have
seveial good fellows here whom ought to
lie married.
1 TheZ - $30,000 Sta. I
..The Lakeview Mercantile Company., fb
Successors to M. C. ROTHE & CO. 8tt
P M Miller. Ireitral
A Mchart. V I
V I. Hnrlllng. HrrA Trraa
We will soon have on
hand the largest and most
complete stock of
Ever opened up in South
eastern Oregon.
V M Miller, V A Mrharl
V I.Mi'llluK. Itrbl MrHrr
W Hrr Hard . rNlim-a
U4ra II llaablna
1 Lakeview flercantile Co. I
Senator Morgan has hud a talk with
President Koose- ell about the prosects
of the Nicaragua canal bill, at the com
ing session of Congress. The President
. told Morgan that he would submit the
Senate a new treatyon the subject which
more nearly met bis views than the first
Hay-Pauncefo e treaty, but did not go
into particulars. (leaking of the Pres
ident's policy, in regard to Southern ap
pointment, Senator Morgan said : "It
is policy of reconcilliaiion, a policy ol
the best man in the iHite."
General W. H.Odellof Salem, repre
senting the state of Oregon, and C. J.
Taylor of Elkhart, 111., representing the
United State, have beeu in Klamath
county to examine and certify on certain
swamp lands. Thev have the same
ilntieg to perforin in Lake county.--K'am-sth
Walter N. Dimmick, the San Fran
cisco mint looter, has been sentenced to
two years in San Qiieutiu prison on the
first connt. There are two other charges
against him which are to be tried before
he dons the etripes. This is the end
ing cf a bright young man who went the
From the way the Demo-pop press of
the country is republishing "wise say
ings'' from the Commoner, it is evident
that Mr. Bryan is being "boomed" for
the Presidency in '04. The irrepress
ible colonel doubtless believes that the
''third time is the charm."
Jack Radley of unsavory reputation
shot and killed George Matthews at Do
I.mar near Redding, Cal., during the
jiterese of R masquerade ball. Mat
thews had warned his wife not to dance
with Radley, and the latter became offended.
Herr Maurer, editor of the Nenesta
Leben, an anarchist sheet published in
lierlin, has been sentenced to four
months imprisonment owing to the pub
lication of an article approving of the
assassination of President McKinley.
Governor tieer of Oregon lias gone to
l ihio to stump that stale for the Repub
lican party. The campaign was opened
iu U'.v tlackeye state on the 1'Jtlt irmt. by
Nash, Foraki l and Ilanna.
II mors uio bring heaed upon us.
Oregon is again a gold medal winner at
the Buffalo fair for the la-st canned
butter in the world.
A Typical South African Store.
O. R. Lnron, of B:iy Villa, Sundays
Piver. Ciie Colony, conducts a store
typical of South Afri -a, at which can la
purchased anything from the proverbial
needle to an anchor. I his store is
situated iu a valley nine miles from the
nearest railway station and about twen
ty-tive miles from the nearest town.
Mr. Larson says : "I urn favored with
the custom of farmers within a radius
of thirty miles, to many of whom I
hive supplied with Chamberlain's rem
edies. All testify to their value in a
household where a doctor's advice is
almost out of the question. Within one
mile ot my store the population pr.
haps sixty. Of these, within the past
twelve mouths, no less than fourteen
have been ab-olutely cured by Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. This must
surely lie record." For sale by Lee
Beall, Dauggist.
The Ohio democrats are not even
putting up a re.pectable bluff in the way
of a campaign this year.
The telegraph brings news that Cssol
yuas takes his K'Wls ruary. He will
uut'do so long.
To Solve a Mystery, If Possible.
Ever since the days of early settlement
in this section travelers in the vicinity
of Aliert lake have seen not far from the
shore portions of a wagon projecting
from the waters of that lake. Various
opinions have ever been rife as to how
that wagon got in the lake, one of them
being that at some time in the distant
past a venturesome traveler attempted
to drive across the lake on the ice and
broke through. The most probable theo
ry is, perhaps, the story that before the
early settlement of Lake county a band
of iinigraii's with their train of wagons
passed through this country and were
killed by the Indians. The train was
probably on the top of the rim, over
looking the lake, when the murders
were committed, and the wagon was
rolled down into the water by the savages.
At any rate, George Ilankins, one
among many, has long been curious
about the matter, and announces his
intention of satisfying his curiosity by
going to the lake and attempting to poll
the wagon to the shore with a span of
horses. Mr. Ilankins may make a grew
some find if he succeeds in the under
taking. The wagon bed may be filled
with grinnipg skeletons.
A Fiendish Attack.
An attack was lately made on C. F.
Coiner of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly
proved fatal. It came through his kid
nevs. His back got o lame he could
not stoop w ithout great pain, or sit in a
chair except propped by cushions. No
remedy helped him until he tried Elec
tric Bitters which effe-ted such a won
derful change that he writes he feels
like a new man. This marvelous medi
cine cures backache and kidney trouble,
purifies the blivsl and builds up your
health. Only 50c at Beall's Drug Store.
Veteran Stage Driver Dead.
Dan M. Cawley, the veteran driver
who in early days drove etsge for the
old California and Oregon Stage Com
pany, and who ws one of the most
widely known pioneers of Northern Cal
ifornia, died in Yreka, Oct. 15th. For
years deceased has made his home with
the Bloomingcamp family at Bogus,
eight miles from Ager. lie was a na
tive of New Hampshire and 70 years of
age. The funeral was held in Yreka on
the twentieth inst. under the auspices of
thelmp'dO. R. M. of which order he
was a prominent member. Deceased
had a host of friends in California said
fine Soaps, Perfumes,
Toilet Qoods, Etc.
Acquire a thoroughly
c1k j( the Celebrated
You Can
prat-Heal know!-
Without Interfering with your preaent dii
tlca. Send ixMlal lor tivw Trial Leuou suit
lull partlrulnr of our
Alaooptiilnnanf prominent educator,, boi
lw men, atcnoKratilicra and other, In re
gard to thm method. Teat book, I.'. Ti-nna
(r Mail Instruction, l' per mouth. U-a-anria
corrected and returned on day of re
ceipt. AUilri-M
Behnke'a Law &. Commercial School,
Portland, Okkoo.v,
TIMIIKIt !..! .TM K.
C'liili-'t Htatea l-and Office-,
lakeview. OriKnii, Oclolicr 4. I'M.
Notice la hereby Klvcii that In compliant-
with Ihr provlmoiia of tlie art of Cmigrcm of
June a, 17 entitled "An ai t fur the aala ui
1 1 mlii r land In thf Htie of California. Orv
Kon. N.-vada. and Walilri-ton Territory : a
extended to all the Pulilli: itnd Htalea by aet
of Anxum i, Iwl, J a mm II Turn,of l.kcw.
county ol Ijike, alatu of Ori-Kon, tiaa thladay
filed in thla ottic blworn latemeut No.814,
for Ihe pnrrliNw of tin K'j NK1 Her. Sft, and rt
HK'i of section No. Win Townnhlp Nn.i S.
Hauge No. '21 K W M, and will offer pr4 to
hw that tha land anusbt la more valuabio tot
ita timber or atone than for agriculture par-
Kim-n, and to etabllli bla clriin to aalik land
ifore the Kc-Klaler and Ki-nelverof thlaMct!
at l-akenew.iOri-Kon, on Friday, the Uth 4ay of
December, Iwil. He nainea aa wltneawa Utorte
Janimertbal. J. K. Mcliarrey, Krank Hopjrt-raof
l.akelcw. Oregon, and Ilavld U. CleUad of
fluah, Oreson. Any and all pftraona c!iailn(
adrerwly the above-dear.rlueVi landa am ra
qurated to file their clalnia In thla nfflue on or
before aald lain day of IxcemU-r, liiol .
K. M. iutaTTam,
4o-lot KaMlnter.
WotUe r Mrttleaweait f Klaal Anut
In the Onnty Court of the Ktate f Oreuon
lor Lake I ouuty. In the Dialler ol liie etU)
ol Akeaander Held, deoeaaod.
To whom it may concern: Not Ira-la htniby
given, that the undi-mlKned. admirialrator of
the ratate of Alexander Held, late ol Lake ioun
ty, OrtKnu. ileieam il, liaa (lied h la, final Ac
count aa admliilairator of kaid etat, In I he of.
flee of the County Clerk ol Lake c'wuiuy, Ore ,
and that Monday Nov. a, Kail, at too'i'liu-k a.
in., of aaid day, at lite County JiKttfe'a otDt-a In
the County Court llunae of I.aku wuuly, Ore
Kon, In tho Town of Ijtkevicw, baa l-i n ap-
JMiinted and fined hy Hon. Chaa. ToiiiiInkhcii,
uilKe o' aald Court aa the tiiuv and place for
the TieariiiK of ob rllom to aald Final Account
If any there be, and for the Mctllcmuiii thereof.
Iinted thia'Jd day of October, fail.
y i-:i CKOKi.K RHID.
AiliuliilKtrator of the en tale of AUnaiuler Held,
S. F. A hi strom
Manufacturer of the
Recognized as the Beat Vaqucro 5addle
Wagon and Uuggy Harnciw. Whips, Robos, RcataH,
Bits, SpurH, Quirlu, Rosettes, Etc. -A-Repairing
of all kimlss by competent men. A- -A-
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
i it t i.aii rivi. PKitur.
I.iinil Oltice at Ikevlew, Ori-aon, Oct. 1.1, Mul.
Notice la hereby given thai r'rank M. Haipi ol
Mclieriultt. Ni valin, haa filed notice of Inten
tion to make proof nil hla ilenert-laud claim No.
4l!l, for the following dcucrlhcd tract of land:
CommelicliiK at a point on the alate line be
tHeeii the Mlatc of Ciri-Kou and Nevada, where
OieKouth r'urk of Mclieriultt Creek croaaea aald
line, and runiiliig north one uarler of a mile,
thence went one half of a mile, thence north
one iiiarter of a mile, thence went one half of a
mile, theiieu no u lb one half of a mile to alalu
line H ence cant alonir aald atat" line oiiii mile
to place of Iik i ii it I n K and about four in 1 1 en
nortlieaat of HUmlcr peak In Nevada, coiilaiii
Iiik 2 acrea, before A. O. KltiK, county clerk at
Vale, OreKnii, on r'rlilay the ll eay of Novem
ber, ltaul . lie nainea the followliiK .wltueaHca to
prove the complete irrigation and reclamation
of aald land: H. Kane. Charlea Hay ward,
Charlea lay, Krank Connor, all of MclK-riulll,
uvtWll E. M. BBATTAlK, Kcglater.
Lakeview Variety Store
...C. HY DUNLAF...