Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 31, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 43.
The l-ctharglc Spirit of (he Local
3tockmen Mean Death to
Our Richest Industry.
Tit Hurna-Time. Herald ! warning
the hiiIm uimmh to leasing of the pub'
lie land that notwithstanding a xrtlon of
the alale rM aay that the scheme is
dead Ihu, ti.l will not I framed in ton
bill, the tnll leaning tMKiple should lie m
the alert. Tim preaanl indications way
bear out the theory that the matter la a
load issue, but a The F.xaininer liaa
heretofore anid, there doublle"oin
tlilnil ii tli" sleeve" of lli1 cattle barons.
It la not our opinion that the bill coin
luonly known a. tint tanl leanug bill
Itow bt'lore the public will become law
without considerable modification, anil
the elimination of (lie part which debars
the homesteader from making entry, but
it la our opinion Itie promoter of the
ai ht'iiiH bavp given out tho wrong bill
purpoM'ty in order to hoodwink tbo ef
j. If, ami that when the proper time come
a bill that will uii'ilall the requirements
of tho wealthy stock syndicate will m
sprung on the country and on congress.
The vi call by cattlemen bavo set their
hearts, minds and souls on thia IuikI
U'ittn n hi-iiio ami they will not li tils
MiMilfil from their purHMMi so easily
jut fur tho reason tliat the poulr t ry
laaguinat their scheme. It la not only
the bi( slock companies of the Went that
mo interested in tho land li-acing proo
ailion, but the rich packing houses of
tho east are backing thu scheme. The
efU'te ami crowded, choking eant has no
laii'la ti lea we, consequently ila members
of congress, caring little about the inter
tut. of the weal, will care le how they
may vole on audi a proposition, especial
ly il they can pel the aaslsUuce ol o'lier
congressmen iu the passage of koine
billa that umy effect them. Thia appar
ent lethargy i only a blind, no doubt, on
the part of the rich western stockman, to
allow the opposition to get quiet, confi
dent and careless. Thia uiuat not be.
When the time ia ripe the promoters will
doubtless "bob up aereuley" in thu halli
of congress with a paid, owerful lobby
and purchaiiod following. Thu wen tern
congress men will have a hard fight
Against big odds to defeat the most dam
liable acheuie and plot to ruin the beat in
dustry iu the weal that was ever con
In several aectiona of Southeastern
Oregon the uinull atockmen are organit'
iug into aasociallons to prepare for the
battle royal and to encourage their re-
reauutHtivue in congress to iand firmly
for the right, and to tight for their in
terests. A (ew determined men in
Not th Warner, thia county, were the
flrat local iioople to ahow their disap
proval of the scheme to take the public
land (rout the intending settler and the
small stockman and hand them over to
the rich cattle barons and syndicates.
The North Warner Anti-Land Leasing
Association is composed of the right sort
of stuff and has started off in the right
direction. In every precinct in Lake
county and in fact in all of Eastern and
Southeastern Oregon just such ao as
aociatlon should be orgaiiited. In union
there is strength. With a strong body
to appeal to congress against the leasing
steal our own representatives at the
nation's capital may find the sentiment
ao strong that they can defeat the aims
and calculations of the barons. It has
been said tht out of the entire Oregon
delegation there is but one member who
stands out bravely against the leasing
scheme. This we do not believe, lint
if such bo the case we would like to be
present at tho home-coming of the other
inemliers when their duties at Washing
ton shall have ceused for tne time-being.
The "marble heart" shall be giveu to
the Oregon representative and senator
who w ill stand for the laud leasing rob
bery. Iet them be warned in time.
There ia to be an election next June,
and it is time that the people know how
they stand.
In 8eakiog of this land leasing matter,
Mr. I N. Converse, late of Minnesota,
who has come with his family to Luke
county to reside, and who ow ns a tine
farm near New Tine Creek, saya he has
thought of a butter plan than the leasing
proposition, iu his opinion, if it could
In-come a law. Mr. Convene Idea I to
paa a law whereby any ciiixeu could
ippl) to the government and lake up
any part of a township of land and upon
the cillsen inclosing said land with a
lawful fence the government deed him
the tract o' laud inclosed. In this way
Mr. Converse say the comity and state
In which the land i incloaed would re
clove a revenue therefrom in the war of
taxes. The gentleman overcome the
argument that much of the land in
Southeastern Oregon Is barren of water
for stork by saying that If the govern
ment would deed the land to the man
applying lor It after It wa inclosed by a
liw Itii fence, the land would lie his and
he would find me means to dig into
the bowel of the earth and find water.
Of course the government might object
tothia deeding projiosilion without some
financial return ttierefor. llowever.
Mr. Converse has promised to give his
plan in detail to the leaders of The Ex- !
aminer at an early date.
t ni.La . i.... ...,. .hurt if n.k ,
ing proMiaitioti liecomea a law rue hx
aminer can aee no other outcome, shak
ing for I.ake county, than the ruination
of the beat industry of the country the
buainua of the small stockman. Kvery
oreclnct In Uke county should at once
gel into line and form an L county are not "in thhandsof Bos
aimiliar to the one organised in Norlh qu d I'ortugnes who are not citiien
Warner, and w ith the same purpose. j n,! W no taxes to the local county."
They are, with substantial nniversality,
Death of Mr. Fhll Lynch. (owned by ci'Uens of the county who
Phil Lynch arrived fiom the sheep have "landed headquarters in the
range laat Thursday evening, and met ' county," and pay, without dodging,
with the saddest and moat painful news ( their full proportion of taxes in Lake
of his lile. In the poatolUce awaited I county on their sheep and on many of
him a letter from Ireland, and at the i the very U-st homes in the county,
telegraph olllce a message bearing thojxjier are the heaviest patrons of the
I sorrowful announcement of the death j
'of his beloved wife, who pasaed suddenly j
out beneath the portals oi lifeon Oct. 1st.
The good woman had been ill but a
brief lime with congestion of the bra'n,
a 1. B I I t I .! . 1 I
urougiu on ry overwora in nerouiie in u
the manAgBtnenrorcn ai ton to ,
care. Death came to her at her home
in Hall) duane, New Market, Cork county,
Ireland, just as she had reached the
blush of useful womanhood. She leavea
many relative in the old country, and
two young children w ho need the care
of a loving mother, fthe had been mar
ried to Mr. Lynch about four years, and
was once in Lakeview for a few mouths.
With all the advantages of a good edu
cation she wa a woman of rare talents
a refined gentlewoman, whoee lo.s is
deeply mourned by countless friends, as
well as many loving relatives. The loss
of his loving life-pnrtuer is a sad blow to
the stricken hiikband whoee heart ia
well nigh broken over the sad news from
so far away across the ocean. Mr. Lynch
has the heartfelt sympathy of many
An Awful Experience. '
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Wise arrived from
Shirk last week, and on Friday morning
started for Now Pine Creek to visit Mrs
Wise's sister, Mrs. Oliver Charlton.
When just beyond ' the home of C. C.
Pratt, four miles south of Lakeview, the
team drien by Mr.' Wise became frigh
tened at the sudden appearance of a
bicycle. One of the animals began
kicking and soon the pole was broken
completely off, and the horses made a
mad dash for lltwrty, Mr. Wise held to
the lines and made si Iat effort to oon
trol the team, but without success, and
the sprlngwagon was overturned, throw
ing Mr. and Mrs. Wise and little child
to the ground very forcibly. The child
and Mr. Wise were somewhat Injured
though nut seriously. Joe Currus hap
pened , along after the accident, and
brought the party back to Lakeview,
The wagon was badly broken. Feeling
not much the worse from their terrible
experience, on the following day Mr.
and Mrs. Wise contiii"ed on to New
Pine Creek to pay their visit.
The marriage of C. W. Withers of
Puisley and Miss Ixttie Hairis, of Hum
mer Lake, is announced to take place on
November (Ith. The license has already
been issued. Thu principals in the com
ing event ar e extremely popular young
people of tho north. The brido-to-bu is
pretty and charming. She is a niece of
F. E. Harris of Lakeview.
John Larkiu, whose arrival from Pipe
stone, Minnesota was mentioned in The
Examiner two weeks ago, lias rented the
ranch and orchard of ltoliert Kelley
near the, mill at New Pine Creek, for a
term of three years.
North Warner Antl- -and Leaslng
Assoclatlon Expo&ea Lnsk'a
Smooth Little Game.
A meeting of the North Warner Anil
Lend leasing Association was held at
Plush, Oregon, on fiatuHay, the 19th
day of October, A. D., 1001, when the
following was reported by the Commit
tee on Correspondence, and was ap
proved t
In partial reply to what is known as
"The Lusk Letter," published in the
Oregonian, this Aaaociation declares:
That the inference to be drawn from
the reading of this letter by persons not
farniilir w ith the f.cta is, that through-
0tit the range country the home-builders
who are permanently settled upon the
inti Have had titeir cawie -ariven out
and off the range by countless bands of
migratory sheep whose owners "pay no
taxes to the lo'ial county." Wa declare
that nothing suggested in this Is true of
the situation on the range in Lake
county- Th sheep which summer in
merchants and farmers, and while thus
, herally contributing to the general
prosperity, are adding as much to the
wealth of Lake county as any other
class of citixens. It ia also a fact that,
jnljki LCOuntT.catye jr iwlJajB4'
. . . . . ..
or off the ranges 6y sheep; but
that throughout Lake county sheep and
cattle are always to be found on the
same range, prospering together.
If cattle are decreasing on the range
In Lrke county, sheep are increasing,
and in the hands of citizens. This is
the result of the natural laws governing
the animals themselves, and ot ordinary
prudence In business. No fact is better
established than that sheep pay better
. . ... ...... .
man came, ana mat mey pro-per unaer
conditions not suitable for cattle,
fchrewd busi.iess men have simply con
formed to the force of circumstances by
exchanging their cattle for sheep, an
animal which yields i's owners profit
which cattle will not. This rationally
accounts for a condition of things which
Mr. Lusk very il logically ascribed to re
fusal of cattle to remain on the same
range with sheep, and to the active
"driving out" work of the herder and
his dogs. The fact that men have clone
murder, as stated by Mr. Lusk, to pre
vent others from going into the public
lands in a lawful manner, when pleaded
by him as an excuse for leasing the
public lands, excites only contempt in
the minds of just men, with proper re
gard for law and order.
Shall we continually change our laws,
and the manner of administering our gov
ernment, in order that men who have
defied the laws in the most violent man
ner may not have the same pretext for
doing ao again? In order that the em
ployes of the great cattle companies
may not murder people for going law
fully upon the publio land though the
result will rertai ally be the destruction
of the business ot thousands of owners f
little homes and small bands of stock,
which mutt necessarily become worth
less these poor people must be cut off
from all pasture for their stock, through
their known incapacity to compete w ith
the corporations in securing pasture by
lease. Mr. Lusk't specious pretense of
safeguarding the interests of these
people by giving the local settler of
which lie claims to be one a preference
to lease in advance of, and before for
eign syndicates, falls flat. The local
corporations are what we fear; and Mr.
Lusk propones to make them complete
masters of the situation, by cutting off
the only competition in louBing that he
could have the outside capitalist. If
the lands are to be leased, the thousands
of poor homebuilders don't ask for any
restrictions of law in favor of local land
owners, because it would tie, to them,
an empty favor, But, to Mr. Lusk and
his associates, such a restriction is
everything; ami without which it is
.. l - . i . . 1 1.1 ! .
erjr uoiiouui wnci-ii-rur nov fiiuiiiu .
have hit. i and all local corporation op
posing the lease law. But, withoulnide
capital excluded, all competition to lo
cal corporations is swept away. The
hnmebuilder, the school honsebuilder,
and the only real ctvilixera. and conquer
ors of this country are to be crushed.
Thia country ia prosperous. All it
.a m
i""1" pro-perny com iroui This fall and winter every mail route
free range. Nothing else could have I jn United Mates west of the Misais
made the present situation possible. ,lppl rUer j, to re.,et ChMnyet .ro
Nothing else can preserve It. We shod- mwde th,t th. dep,rllnent hope,
der to think of the chaotic state of busi- wi u w( benefit ,0 the poWic
nes here in every department of Indus- Une o( iheM) cn1(e, h to do ith pro.
try and trade, and of the discontent that feMjon bidder who ecure contracts
will prevail amongst a people now happy .d then for a profit sub-let them to lo
and progressive. When corporations ) c., ctirivn. -No bids submitted under
have the range, with all outside capital . thit advertisement wjij beconsidered nn-
cut on irom competition, me leasing n
narrowed down to a mere farciai con
teat between the local corporation with
unlimited mean and the small stock
owner without means.
Who can donbt the certainty of Mr.
Iiik and associate local corporations
gel'.ing the wh le? It ia also certain that
they will take that portion of the land
only on which there is water; thus by
leaning a mere modicum, they will be in
absolute possession of the entire rane.
Here will be s grievance never to be for
gotten. We shudder to think of the
Again do we urge the people to come
together, and proclaim with the
mighty voice of a united population
thoir abhorrence of thia proportion.
If we but make sun. that the country
is shown the animus of this movement,
the plot must fall. Already, Mr. Lunk,
who has proven himself an adept in the
art of deception, by proclaiming a great
reversion of sentiment amongst the
people on this question, ia busy perfezt
iu his plana.
If we remain Inactive, we shall cer
people have not changed, and that they
are of the same mind with us. No one,
however, can do this work for you. It
must start with you, and must con
tinue to be prosecuted by you until
Attest: Daxcsx Booxb,
Train Hold-up Near Eugene.
The north bound Southern Pacific pass
enger train was held up at 3 o'clock
last Thursday morning twenty miles
south of Eugene by three highwaymen
who boarded the train at Cottage Grove.
When Hearing the place selected for the
hold-up one of the men climbed over to
the engine and at the point of a Win
chester made Engineer Lucua stop the
train. The express and mail car were
cut loose and the engineer was ordered
to go ahead. Two miles distant from
where the train was halted, the engi
neer was again ordered to halt. Ex
press Messenger C. F. Charles was or
dered to open the express car, but re
fused to do so. All sorts ot threats
were made to intimidate the brave
messenger, all to no purpose. Finally
the robbers fired several shots through
the car, and then threw dynamite under
and against the car. Finally a hole was
knocked in the car and through tbis-
aperature a sti.-k of dynamite with
lighted fuse was thrown into the car.
The messenger picked up the powerful
missile and fired it back at the robbers,
who finally gave, up in despair, and
turned their attention to the registered
packages in the mail car. The loss is
said to be light. It ia thought the rob
bers have been loca ted in Eugene.
Makes Light of it.
The Klamath Express does not con
sider the inhabitants of its town in any
great danger from smallpox and says:
"There has been somewhat of a small
pox, Manila itch scare prevalent here
for a week or more, and while the disease
ia not regarded very dangerous if reason
able care is trken, yet the town board
decided to close the school for .a week
and instructed the marshal to order all
persons who had the "itch" to go home
and quit duck shooting and skylarking
about until they recovered. As most of
the "patients" felt too good to enjoy un
molested peace and quiet, they succum
bed to the mandate unwillingly and a
few of them chartered the "Ancient Mar
iner", took aboard their carpet bags
and in the dead calm of the sunny after
noon last Sunday, set sad for lower
Klamath lake, to take it out of the mal
lards and spoonbills.
With the Professional Star Route
Contractor Out of the Way
Good Service flust Follow
,he bidder in bi. bjd
that in event of the service being
awarded to him be will give bis personal
supervision to the performance of the
same, and will reside on or contiguous to
the route", is one of the stipulations in
the new contracts. Heretofore, except
under late contracts, parties living on stsr
routes have been requires to pay mail
carriers a fee for leaving mail at their
houses. Under the new contract the
government aaeumee this expense, and
the follow ing clause will be inserted in
all contracts:
"In addition to carrying the mails
from the various poetofbees, the carrier
on each route will be also required to
deliver mall into all boxes and hang
small bags or katchels containing mail
j on crane8 or that mmy l)e eretted
along the route".
Any persons living on or near any star
routes and not within the corporate lim
iu of any tow n, or within 80 rods of any
postofiice, is entitled to this privilege.
It will be remembered that about three
years ago The Examiner made a fight
I against the letting of star route contracts -
'l Ia I T"n S..fuuci-in m I iWititr.ntka kKa ii ''
a siT7 pi vtonivuMi wm evi wmv 7s
in their oiflce in the East and without
going out of their way a single step re
ceived contract for carrying the mail
in the West, and at once proceeded to
sub-let the coolracts to irresponsible
and poor men at a price that they could
not even buy tiorse feed at. At that tirpe,
The Examiner forwarded to the author
ities at Washington a petition containing
nearly one thousand names which was
presented to Congress by Hon. Thomas
II . Tongue. This petition was an appeal
to Congress to do away with the profes
sional star route contractor. . Other pe
titions followed from variius p.rta of the
West and the result was that Congress
acted promptly and passed a righteous
law. The professional star router must
now seek a new avocation. He is out of
It might be well in this connection to
warn the local men who may conclude
to bid on the various routes in Lake
county, that, with the professional East
ern star route contractor out of the way
there is no reason for bidding on the
contracts at a ruinous rate. The bids
should be made at a figure tout wilt
justify the man receiving the contract to
give first class service and at the same
time make some money out of the busi
ness above all expenses. And another
matter that should be carefully consid
ered by local bidders is the fact that
there has been a material advance in the
price of good horses and all other things
that go toward Blocking up a road. The
man who bids on the route from Klam
ath Falls to Lakeview must bear thia in
mind, for this is a difficult piece of road
to cover, especially in the winter season.
In order to give first cUbs service it
must be a four-horse line all the way,
and as the railroad from the south crawls
nearer to Lakeview the through travel
will naturally divert to the southern
line to the injury of the western route.
All these and many more matters should
be carefully considered by intending
bidders. The Examiner mentions thia
fact merely to put bidders "next" and
at the same time assist in getting good
Town Election Next Tuesday.
There will be an election held next
Tuesday, November, 5th, for the pur
pose of electing a mayor, four council
men, a rocorder and treasurer. We
understand that there will be no other
candidates anuouueed for the various
offices but the present incumbents, ex
cept for the office of recorder. It ap
pears to be a case of the "office bunting
the man".