Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 24, 1901, Image 6

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Berries Still Growing In Lake.
The inct thill in tornn trU of Ijikf
county the nnt ternler fruit und all
kinJaof Wrrioscan be grown theU'terat
any (on o'theyr is qtiiteftpparviit.
The Prst trlls about rwivirij banket
of Insrimis straw lorries in the nii.Mlw of
October from the garden of Mm. Mo
Do well at Summer take. Tli turrit's
were on th vinerj. whore retm borrios
and blooftonm clustered in rich profus
ion, ami in all stages of development.
The rt rays that there is no doubt
that Northern Lake county is the para
dise of Oregon.
The Examiner has something good to
tell in this line aho. Last Thursday
John Harrington, who ha a fine garden
spot at Crane Creek, in Goose take val
ley, six miles south of takeview, brought
to this office two I a rue baskets of black
berries, tine, large and of excellent
flavor, which he picked from his vHes
on that date. The vines are full of ber
ries in all stages of development fiom
the blossom to the fully developed berry.
Mr. Harrington ill have ripe berries
front now until after Christmas. "Jack
Frost" never visitslhe Rarrinitton place.
We herebv extend an invitation to the
editor of the l'i-t to come down and eat
blackberries and rream with us in the
paradise of Southern take on Christmas
day. as Mr. x'Hrriiigton has promised to
feich us another basket of the luscious
berries on that date.
Stricken With Paralysis.
Henderson Giimet', of this place
was stricken w ith partial paralysis and
completely lot-, loe use ot one arm and
side. After leinu treated by an emi
nent phii-ian for quite a w hile without
relief, mv wife r. commended Chamber
tain's I'ain l'.;ilm, and alter using two
bottles of it he is almost entirely cured.
(5so. R. McIKi.nalo, Man,. Logan county.
W. Va. Several other very remark
able cures oi partial paralysis have
been effected bv the use of this lini
ment. It is most w idely known, how
ever, as a cure for rheumatism, sprains
and bruises. Sold by Lee IWall, Drug
gist. An Interesting Cavalcade.
A cavalcade of unusual interest is
making its way to Washington county,
this state, from Klamath county. A
band of fifty superb bunch grass hories,
driven by a couple of comely young
women, forms the center of an interest
ing picture. In front there is a covered
wagon and behind there is another, says
the Corvalha Times.
The young women wear divided skirts,
high topped shoes and ride astride
Each are equipped witn a pair of spars
Uiat occasionally find the saddle horses'
4Tanks with a dull tbad. With ease and
grace the fair buecarioa ride amoog the
iiorses and keep tbeaa 'moving like clock
The father of one of the yonng women
rides in one of the wagon. He is Mr
McDonald, a jolly Scot, who came Jrom
Washington county to Klamath In 1872.
The world has used bint well, and 200
additional horses and a band of 400 cattle
still remain on tbe Klamath county
ranch. The present drive is being made
lor the purpose of d spoeing of the horses
Miss McDonald and her yonng friend are
doin: tbe buccario act as a diversion
and are enjoying the trip very much.
Tot Causes Night Alarm.
. a .a aam
u e nigni my nrotner s DaDy was
taken with roup," writes Mr. J. C.
Snider, of Crittenden. Ky., "it seemed
it would strangle before we could get a
doctor, so we iave it Dr. Kintr's New
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. we always
keep it in the house to protect our
children irom croup and Whooping
iougn. it cured me ol a chronic bron
chial trouble that no other remedy
would relieve." Infallible for Coughs,
Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c
and fl.OO. Trial bottles free at Lee
Bead's Drug Store.
No Such Disease Here.
The fellow who started the following
canard must have heard of the hog chol
era in Shasta county. Csl., and had a
"hop dream" about Oregon :
A malignant and fatal diseae, known
as anthrax has broken out among the
cattle in several counties in Oregon, and
.cattle are dying in numbers. It was
first discovered in Klamath county. It
ia a very contagious disease, and is
spread to widely separated districts by
buzzards, which, after feeding on the
carrion of animals that have died of the
disease, carry the germs to watering
troughs and animals become affected
while drinking.
No snoh disease as anthrax or any
thing else has made its appearance in
Lake county, and The Examiner has
yet to learn of any such thing in Klam
ath. There is no disease among the
cattle of Southern Oregon.
Stepped Into Live Coals.
"When a child I burned my foot
frightfully," writes W. H. Eads, of
Jonesville, Va., "which caused horrible
leg surfs fur thirty years, but tiucklon'a
Arnica Salve wholly cured me after
everything else failed." Infallible for
lliirns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, bruises and
J'ilcs. Sold by tae Ik-all, Druggist.
. Looked Like Thirty Cent.
A take county woolgrosver drove In
to town this week with his desert ark.
lie had letieath the big cover several
head of fine sheep, ami other things.
As he drove up Main street he was ac
costed by a young dude with "tanged"
hair who thought he would crack a food
joke on the 'hnyaced,"and he sang out:
"Say, Noah, your sik seems pretty
full." The woolrower looked around
ami unconcernedly replied ; "Don't you
worry voting man. I have reserved a
place for the ja'kass; step right in."
The dude with the banged hair, blushed
walked away, and looked like thirty
cents, as several ladies heard the con
version ami were bubbling over with
mirth at the way the young man was
Is ken in.
Whorton A Smith invite the public to
.-all and see them in their new quarters
w here they have a hne slock ol liquors
at d ciktars, and a commodit us club
room and reading room Nothing but
the best of everything ia served in their
club room, and courteous treatment is
given to all their patrons. The Whorton
it Smith establishment is one of I he fin
est north of Heno, Nevada. When yon
come to takeview drop in and aeetieorge
and Kent. Uo tf
Scalp Bounty All Right.
A Five Mile rancher, who wai today
complaining -that the covotes had got
awav with from 100 to 200 of hischl kens
., . " . , , . ,,, . ,
this year, was asked by the t hronicle if
the oix-raiiiui of the scnlo Isnintv lH
was having noefTei't on the varmints. The
, .
farmer's answer was: "There is not one
c)ote now where there w-re hfty before
the Ix.iini v was paid. The good result of
the scalp bounty law is very marked,
and I am qui'e certain if the law is con
tinued, as it ouulit to be, that in the
course of a very few. year more, coyotes
will be practically exterminated."
Dalles Chronicle.
Will some of the little pustules on the
face of nature down in the Willamette
Valley please take note of the above.
J. F. Clarkson, stock inspector, who
has been making the roundsof the sheep
camps lor the past month, says the
grass is growing fast on the ranges. Es
pecially does the range feed look well
on Little Chewancan, where Mr. Clark
son says the new grass is fully two in
ches high. Good reports come from the
desert in every direction, also, and the
prospects for tbe great flocks of Lake
county wintering welt are good.
nAb rioer.
Last) Ofloe, Lakeviaw, Oregon,!
)c. ll. J1.
Notice Is henhf firth that tbe follow ln
named settler haa SIM ootlca of blalnirntloa
to mtkt floal prao! in iu apart oi bu )aln,
and that said proof will b made before the
testator wat mnak rar.ok Ukevlew,-Oreiron,
on Nov. 23. 1S01. Tie: Frank Hotter If. E. n0.
2063 for the W of WVi and HK of N WW and
Mi. ol HWU Str-le S , H S KT He
names the following vitneaaee to pro hi
con'lnaous reaidencaj apoa and cwitlralton of
aid land-, ria: l. l'.;i.nd, of Pluah. Orrron,
Xaerhens WbUworth, Jama rnrpea, and Wil
liam Staulf y, olUkertew, Oregon.
K. M. Ba.TTalS,
OCH7-41 Keg later.
IkF.KRHr LAND VlWl. rKsor
Und Office at Ukeview, Orrton, Oct. It. 1901,
Notli-e la hereby given that Ullie Page of Mc
bermitt, Nevada, haa Sled notice of Intention
to make proof on ber deaert-lanl claim No. 4US,
for the following described tract ml land : Malt
ing at a point about one balf mile above the
mouth of Kiver Creek, following the alate line
one mile eaat, thence due north one half alle,
tin-nee ei on mile, thence south one half
mile to mate line at place of beginning. Una
claim Ilea south of and aIJolnlug Noah U.
M intera Hd. claim on MeHermilt Creel and
marked by monument at each of the four cor
nersand is iltuated In Malheur county, state of
iregon, ueiore a. u. King, county cierkat Vale,
Oregon, on i-'riday, tbe t& day of November,
1J1. Hhe naima the following wilneaaea lo
Drove the rnniDlele Irrivalion and reelamatlon
of laid land: Charles iiayward, fink Hovd.
Krank M. Mane. , Frank Connor, all of kfclJer
iniit, Nevada.
oet. 17-41 K. M. BRATTAIN, Reglater.
land Office at takeview. Oreion. Oct. IV tail
Nonce 1 hereby given that Frank M. ha of
McOerniitt, Nevada, has filed notice of Inten
tion lo make Droof on hla dcnerl-land claim No.
4J1, for the following deacriljed tract of land:
Commencing at a point on the slate line he-
tween the alate of Oregon and Nevada, where
thehouth Fork of McOermllt Creek uroaae aald
line, and running north one quarter of a mile,
thence west one balf of a uille, thence north
one quarter of a mile, thence weat one half of a
mile, thence south one half of a mile lo state
line H ence eaat along said stale line one mile
to place of beginning and about four mile
northeast of Disaster Peak In Nevada, contain
ing 24Uaurei, before A. ii. King, counlv clerk at
Vale, Oregon, on Krlday the Zid eay of Novem
ber. l'JOl, He namea the followiliK .witueaaea to
prove the complete irrigation and reclamation
of said laud: K. nag. Charle Hay ward, !
Chsrle liay, Krank Connor, all of Mclicrmlit, I
ot 117-41 E. U. BRATTAIN', Regitter,
Department of Interior,
United Hlales land Ottlce.
lakevlew, Oregon, Oct. 16th, liml
A sufficient contest affidavit having beeu filed
In this office by Otis O. Kollet, contestant.against
Umber culture entry Ne. 11M, made auguat JrHli
r.i, for the SKKi of the Nfc'-. Hection 14, Town
ship 4(1, H Range to K.. by Amanda K. Hoyd.
eonieatee, In which It I alleged that ai.
entry woman Is now deceased, having died
olxmt three years ago, leaving as her heir,
at law, Alice ifoore, a daughter aged over 21
year., Arilla Vernon, a daughter aged over 21
years.Lela Boyd, a grand daughter and a minor;
alto ttaymoud Boyd, Royal A. Hoyd and Coy
A. Boyd, three grandsons: and lust aald entry
woman, Amanda K. Boyd, and each and nil of
ber said heirs al law have wholly failed and
neglected to, at any time, plant any trees, tree ,
sect'., timber or culling., upon any pan of said !
lamia, except mat during one summer said
heirs caused to be sown upon said lauds some
tree seeds, which was not done iu good laitn;
said parties are hereby notified to appear, roe.
pond and offer evidence touching satdallcKa
tlon at 10 o'clock a. ni. on Tuesday, November
20, 11, before the Register and Receiver at
the Uuited state. land office in lakevlew,
Oregon. The aald contestant baring, In
prer affidavit, hied Hepleuiber Ihe lsth, 1111,
set forth fsvuts which show that alter due dil
igence personal service of this notice cannot
be made, it is hereby ordered an1 directed that
such notice be given by due and proper pub
lication. K. M. BRATTAIN, Register.
OCU7-41 HARRY BAII.KY, Receiver.
ri vt. moot-.
t'nllett Slate Land Dittos, lakevlew. Ore
Sept. , IM. Notice la hen-ny given thsl
mi una ins iisiiii'ii settler nsa nii"i hoik
his Intcmlnii in make Hual lireol In ill'l
hla clslm. suit Hist hl iuimii III he mail he
for I hi. Kegiatcr and Receiver l I skevlew. J
Oregon, in Nou n In r 4 lu'l.vls: W II I on lal
gdlrlsh. II. K. No. .MM. Inr ll U'la 1. 1. ' 1
we. as. T. : 8.. It. u . M. iiauca as
w II no, a I.i proe It I s residence .
Hnn ami nl sat. I land, via: rank
Imnnlaon, Thomas . trump. i.N.i.iian sml!
II. A. i aldi rweod, all ol Adol,
wi:i ;n k. m. Hacrrix, licglaicr.
i:mht I. n rH4r
V. 8. Unt omce, I.akcvli v, "r . Oct. t. fml.
Nollo la herct.y given that Thomas Kerrla
of W arucr Uko. Oregon, haa filed nollre nl In-
trillion lii msae proof mi hla dcert land claim J
Nu. xsv fort h Nk.'4 S b' I t. T II . W
K .. W. M. suit tail f , lT. 4t , li St K.. be
(orv Urn Hi'd-li r .li Hefier at l.aki-vliw , ir-
iron, on r in-a-lay, tin- ila ol Ii-wiiiIht,
iMOl. Ill tlaltli'ft til- fiilloullltf HMii.'ka-a lit
prov. thi' ronttliti Irrivatioti niiiI ri-rlNtnalloM
of aalit laiot: liiMirtfi h . Xlaiipin. Alonro i,
Krak. a. . 1. I'oiw ami l iar. m o I'l x.m, all ol
W arm r Uk. Ori'Kon.
oellotu K. M. IIRATI IV. It. lli r.
H Vkl. I'llliOK j
t'nlti-it stall's Uml Ottli'i' at I aki li'tv, tiro.,
(t. 2. likU. Nolle N, iili.-n ill at the
lollimltiaT tiatm-U artilrr hat fll.-il notlr of lila
Inii nilon to mats Hual proof In aoppoii of lna
elatm, anil thai alt proof till In nia.ti' Iti-fort
tin- Ki tl.tiT ainl Iti-o-lvi-r al I aki vu o . tin-noil
on Nowmlx-r rt. 'M. U. Sanmi l K t rain. II.
K. No. IMS for tin- NK4 s.m. mi IV :t .. It. IH K., I
W, M. Ho natiii'H Ilit follouniK Hlitn-aa a Iti '
provi hta i-oti'tuooiia ri'-Pli'it-' ni-n anil imi.
tlatlon of Mini Wmt. i U: Holt, ri N loii. tA
lairo, II. -rt lairo ami Mm Atlhnr, all ol I ako-vli-w.
tirt'ifoti. ! K f. UltAITt.V, lt-)ti.lir. !
ni. i-mitii-'
Unit tlftli'v al Uki'Vlrur, Ori'Kon.t
.'.. J4. ll l. I
Nolli'i' la hrrvli)' glu'ii thai On- Ki'lowlna;-
naini il ai-tlli-r haa tlti il ( f Ina lut.-iil l.xi
to make llnai priatl In anpiMirt of lila rlalm,
ami thai aaht proof will W inli- tM-fori II.
Klrhaniaon. Connlv CI. rk at lloriia. I r. uon. on
Novnniwr 4, iwji. u: i.... ph i. aiio, il. h,
!2M for the lota -J. anil v, n W '. -Vi :i r in 8.,
' k k. w . M lit- nam.', ii... (..i!..niK wim.-..
I to prov hia i-onoiiuou .i.l.-ii.'.. ...n ai.,
rtlltlvatlitii 4.1 valil anil. it : M. M.IHiau. I haa.
1 lark, .--niiiui l lull ami tr r.-.J I..
! "t'"- '" K. M. I
Alli-n. all of
S. pi Jblf
Kt 'Staler.
ri u. ritooK
t'nio d Siat.'a Land um. e. I ke .- . Oregon,
s.. '.'I. Iwd. Notii-e la lo-rel.v ulien thai Ihe
follow mg. named w-ltler iiaa fllnl llolli e of lila
inienilioi to make dual .ro.if hi auiM.ttof lila
claim, ami that aat't riMi will e tnade la-fore
II. KtelianlaiMi, Co. inly hrk al ll.irua. iiri aoti, ,
on NovriiilH-r 4. I'.a'l. vir: M.-lvin M Iman. II.
K. liMS. for (lie SH,lii. sei-. . T HsS.. K. a.". K. .
W. VI.. NK4 W -h'. Ntt l4 and lot .1 s.r. t I'.
:i9H , K. .v r... W. M lie nam. a the folinwing ;
wltiii-aM' to prove his i-nntliiiinua rFBiili-m-e ur. '
on ami eiiltlv lion of aal.l laud, vn: Joc.h ,
J. ( allow. Chaa. ( lark. -ini. Hall and f red
1.. Allen all of IK-ulo. ur.Koii '
Rept. Jh-.1H k. M. IISaTTalS, Keglater. I
TlttHKIt l..l MITII K
Cnlled stalea IjiiuI tiltlre, ;
Ijikevirw. tlrexoli, del. U, Hail.
Nolle ia I'errlir given thai In compliance I
with the proviiiou ol the ai-l of Congmaa of i
June S, 17.1. entitled "An a. I fur the aale oil
timber lamia In the Hlal. a of California, Ore-I
gon, Nevada, and M aaiilngloti Territory," a
extended to all Ihe I'ulillc Ijind Stalea bv ail
of Auguat 4. "K. CharUa S. I-iiv.-l.'., ol Ijtke
view. i-ouuty of l ake. nale ol Oregon, haa this
day filed In this office hla iworn statement No.
X!U, for the purebaaeol the si, of UK'.. NW't
of ', ol Sec. No. il in Tp. No. . S. K. No. 'Al K. j
and will offrr pri.f to ahow that the land sought j
la moie valuaMe for lia timber or atone than!
for agricultural puraiaea. and toratabllah hla
claim to tald landbefor- thi Keglater and Ke-
reiver of thlafoltlee at Lakevlew, Oregon, on Krl- '
day the 7th day ot Iec. IVUI. He names as
wltneaaea: W. K.Harrj, Jamea II. Turpea, t.
W. liwlng. Nathan R. W'lluox, all of Lakevlew,
Oregon. Any and all peraona claiming ad
versely the above aVaoribed lands are re
quested to file their rlaliua la this ofllue on
or before said 27tb day of I'rt einb. r, Iwd.
CU7-41 . M. ttKATI AIN. Reglater.
riwAi. pioor.
United mates land Office at Lakevlew. Ore- I
gon, ne pi. au, iwii. Aotlce la hereby given that
the following-named aetllerahave fllel tioliueof
their tnieoiino loniak fluai proof in support of
their Claim, and thai said proof will be made tie
fore the Heglater and Herelver at lkevlrw,
Oregon, on .Novemb.-r 4, lvol. vis: frank W.
Koakett. H. K. No. liki, for the EU nf SK. Hee
1. T. 41 8., R. 24 K., 1,1 4. Wee. , and l-ol f Hec.
7, T. 41 H., K. r... . M. He namea the follow-
Ing witnesses to prove hiseonttnuoua resldenre I
mwin ml ...I I ..I.I I....I ..... ........
S' i , J- "..... mnuer lanu mine mate ol California, Ore-
ls. humner foakett. Thoma. rerrla and ! gon, Nevala and V aahlngioti rerritory." as eg
Charlrs Tonulugs. n, all ol W arutr lake. Ore-1 tended to all the public land State by w l ol
gon. Alao: Auguat 4. Isyi, tharle U. rlnlder, of lakevlew.
Humuer Koakett H. K. No. 71. for the SK county f Uke. Hl.te of Oregon, haa Ihla d"y
i V.' "d W "i'''' T' f 1 o K- "" n this office hi. sworn at.t.inenl No. ill
K., MM. ; for the purchase of the HK. ofHK'. of Her lion
prove hi. continiiou. residence upon and tul- No. an In Township No. 3m. Range No UK
Ovation of said land, vis: Allien K. l.-ul. !.,! .m ..... . 7L. . .."' 721
frV'k. W- K'"'"l1':.,T,".""V "' 'J'sruer i
lake Oregon, and t harl. Tuunliigarii ol Uke-
To ? . . .. a. v , . . . I hla claim to aald land iiefore the Reglati r and
J' !-- i'J; 'Tj,'"' U,r Nv 5 N I "''" of thlsoftlceal lakevlew" tfr'.n S
2ki He? A T i ? , i VN 4 r.n' SK FfhU'r- H dr " ""'-r. IU. He name.
hr.'i N'C. O. I , 4IJ f.. K. I1,.. .M. lit riat.IIlfa.Rvki ka. II lm.M AV U S't aa
ti.M 7,.n,.i..u u.i.....g,.. la-a .i tui, i.
i eiui iivv "("Il all IM II HlilMI 1 kt l
.. J . g.- i. a- .
... . :
id Kraiik
id liavld
vis; r.. n. .hiiuit, nun lit'r rtisvKt'll
UL' O.. t.... M - ... I .. I. a
v . .1-; ..... V" i, . " """ 1 "Vl" I
wu'Lo i-r..v- .. ,
w. w of J. . .., an,.,, oi'Kiaicr I
. n i . ii m ii
Iereford Stock Farm
I ''-'i.T.a.''"'
; I'
lot) .or. a - mi acrea mi'alow, all smut farming
lamt. situated on ttn siaah road, ait olultig
lakevlew lluilli Inula, ham anil corral A fill- nl ifoi riy either (or sgrtmiH
oral, garden or tuillllng iurn'. For further
I'srlli'iilara i'iiiiilr at Tlir t naiiillii-r nltlrr.
'.tl ai-rvi - Mi"olo sti'l alnri latnl lutliMiw
Lake Valley, all friirni with tour Imrln-il wlri-i
IIvImk .rlina. Knnlre al tlila I'ltli'K'
Korly a r a. .antrn hiI, 1 mlli nniiti ol Uki.
vln on main roail. Hvn lu-ail ot caitllo. Imrw
j Ihikk) . kinmI rrailt'iici. S riHUiia. iirMan
all houaeliol'l i ffw la. itirr ran ali p III ami
laka full Hiaaeaaion .reiari d lor farming. Our
hundred and fl'iy l.ii.loia grain grown Dial
Viarllaaculilva(.t. W ill grow alfalfa. One
ot the beat small garden a.a In l-ake i-ouniy.
1 n.Ulre of Agency I ak. lew .
A aatt tul'l. l apaclly S.lUi feel p r dav, now
running, In good or. Or; half Intereal In g.Ml
planer; Ih ree yoke ol caille, irui ka .elialua. eic. ;
alo l.Maerea lai.d eotitalulng teelieiil lluiln r.
Hllualed 4 mlli-a from I ake lew. W rile Intake
view Ileal kaiale Agency, takeview . Oregon,
hlghiv acres laud feused, giaid houae and
I. aril. '.M ai r. a i lcarcd: a. rea been ploned;
III grow allalla or garden. rile lu lketli w
t Ileal Katale Agency
iK'o acr. a alia'i', liar ami ,raln land, a mllea
. a.. i Hi I (Vdarvllle, In Kurprlao Valley. In
I lieaj Una place proiiiiced l'J lona of bay a. il
1 mho huahcla of grain. Can grow Huui loua of
' hay any y.-ar Now haa a aland of '.''.1 ai r. a of
alfalfa Three rro. alfalfa without Imitation
will I rut tlila year. VUv g.HHl realdrnce
ptai'ea oti the ranch. 1 he place rail lie em up
Into 7 or S amall ram-hea very hlc'ly. All
liieailuw ami natural aprlnga all over I lie land.
Cart let buying can al-o lncluilc In lit piirchaac
Haai good breed aheep and li'i head catile If .hey
di aire. A ll.VaJ a.'li.H.I liotlae (a l.a ateit In one
corn, r of thl. ranch. No IrrU'atii.n i.c ...r )
, for fruit, alfalfa or grain raiaiug. Complete
.mini of g.HHl hora.-a, wagon and machinery
lor farming purfHwa gu with tie-ranch. I In.
la the lineal ilalr) ranch In Murprlav alley. A
aplcmll.l .-alate for a colony of ai teu or eight
la hi I: I. a. Ik ranap In. i
lie, inurn laint ami too ninny other lui. reaia to
, liaik afir. for lurther pari culara wrllelnor
enquire of lkei lew Ageticv. i. K. ildiarrcy
. Manager.
Svllr KI lilt t!tlm
lamOC Rami Hrmla with Swallow fork In
jauica Daiij rU, r.r i, rH.;.Vrr
tor wethers. Home rwca Square Crop and Silt
In right ear. Tar Hrand 111. Mange. Cranj
lke. I'oalolMcc addrraa, lakevlew, Oregon.
Zac Whitwonh
Brands with Crop off left
ear, Hall Cndercron oS
right lor ewes; reverse lor wrihcra. Tar llrau
W. Range, Klah Creek. I'oalofflce address,
laikrvlew, Oregon.
., rHMr.
land Offlr at Ijikevlew, Oregon, Heptem
b. r7. IWil Noccv ia herebv given thai the
following-named settler ha filed nolle of hi
luleu'.lon to make Anal proof In support of
hiaclaim, and that aald proof will ke made be
fore the Erglatrr and Heoelver at takeview,
Oregon, on November a. IMU, vis: Augual
William. Hd. K. la. for the tif: Hee. t.4l
H . a.ltt., W. M. Ha namea the following
wllucaera to prove hi coulluuou realdenne
upon sad rallivailoa of aald Und. vis. Jamr
A. William, of Latkevlew, Oregon, Lewis A.
Carrlker. of Ukeelew, Oregon, David M.
Orove, of Ukevi.w. Oregon, Area J. Kooaer,
of lakeview, Oregon.
Oet. S-SS. K. M. BikTTiin. Reglater
17 lilted Stale land Office,
lakevlew, Oregon, Auguat , laul.
Notice la hereby given that iu compliance
With Ih lihivUnn. ..f ,k. .... ..J ,
June I, l7s, entitled "An art for the sale of
.i . . . . . ...
aought I more valuable for it timber or alone
than for agricultural purpose, and to etabllh
77 a . .v v. tNro.
a Itarrv. all fif I .k.Ml..ur
' ny aim an persona ''lallnliig ail vera,-
ly the alaive de;rlMH lamls are rei.ueaie.! . i
Hie their claim In this office on or before said
'slm. In thla ottlre on or before said
itn nay ol October, 1UU1. K. M. llaSTTAIM
A Model Country Store
Dairy, Klamath Co., Oregon
At the Excelsior you can get
anything from a paper of pins
to a town lot. If th article
docs not happen Is be ,ln
stock I can get It for you.
Postofflce In the Store
...I. F. DAVIES...
Drews Valley, Oregon.
f F. O. Bunting, Owner
largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
fr) Registered Yearling Bulls
IOO, 1 20 and ISO each
IAID0R ALAMO head of herd
MHITII t MTri4KH. M. Ii-..
I.nkevlew, Ur.
orricR - ".sir i..g t..ra. uiu, ,,.,.
pninipily day ar nigtii,
I'kjalrlasinnd kaMrB,..N
lakevlew. Or.
orrit'K - Uklew rug IV si r
I., r, I
Attorney m law
lakevlew. Urrgoa
OKKICK- laly llulliling.
v. ii. nii Kvnri.K
A Kerne) -at -law.
lakevlew, Ur.
of'riCK - Ihily Hilllittng.
A Harney -at-law .
lakevlew , Ur
(iKKICK lly Hull. ling.
1. 1 vr. v to ii " "
land Malterai Mpeelalt
IlKUl K- Cogawell Hulldlllg.
lakevlew, Oregon
OKHCK lialy llulMlng.
v it'onnHty nr inr unnin lak.ii.
n'juufltn ur inc nuniu camp s. .m
Merta on Ihe t.l sml Oh U eitneaday ol
caeli mouth In Maaiuilc Hail, al s p. in
K. K. i livirr. onaul I oiiiiuand. r.
M.iais w.aita s a, t Icrk.
s fr't 'ft'f -y - r r s t s u
...Knights til I'vthins... v
. . . "
I.OiiSK l.tKK I.OIM.K No. V. me. la
every luea.lay evalilliy l).. S
Hall, jkeview. Ore. Viaiilng hnlglil , ludle.l. V
JaV In sto.h, Chanerllor 1'ouitiiaudcr iSj
so. II. A YSae. k. ol II. and H.
To uke rffivt HumUy, May ft. 1101.
No. I
I'tft a. t
t:un a. r
: M s, e
l a. s
10 :10 a.
IS Vil a.
is 4At a t
10 w a.
11 IA a.
II 44 a. c
II . i
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I uo p. I
I 40(p t
t:U p. t
i y y. t
1:26 p. t
4:0 p. v
4:2ft p. s
1:10 p. I
Ho. a
S p. sa
ft'.M p. as.
:S7 p. Su.
b IX p. m ,
4 C1 p. m.
4:lft I p.m.
R'40 p.M.
:M p. sa
1:0 p. a.
2:W p, n.
2"2U p. .
3 0 p. a.
I .W p. as. i
II ISl u.m
11:41 t as .
11 A m.
10 M a. BSw
10 so a. a.
s W a. m.
t IU a. sa
s aw a. ih
Reno .
Summit.. .
,l i ar
Krancl. ...
. I'luwas...
. flnma
. Cameron. .
. Iv
. Lt
. Iv
. Red Rock
.('onataulla ..At
. lmvle Ar
.Megan Ar
. A medee I.V
.. Assawlee ... Ar
Hot Hprlug...Ar
Murray Ar
Karlo Ar
Horse lak..Ar
Waverly Ar
.Termo . . l.v
A .00 pan 1 10 V am. tv . . I'l n at as . A ,4.00 pm it.xfl s at
It 46 Din II JUamll.v . Vlnion Arl.i.lA n o"ui
:wpm ll'j.'es am ,v.Be kwlth.Ar l .sopir T Viani
7 ju pmliaami l.v i isirviuesr- i.wpm wi am
Termo, for lakevlew, I'alaley and Huah, Or.,
and Kt. Bldwell. lake Clly, Celarvllle, Adln,
Altiiraaaod Hleber, mil.
Hot Si.rliixs. fur Htaiiillah and Husativlllc.
liy lor Ml I ford, Janeavllle and llunllng
vllle, Calif.
Vinton for Ixrallnn, Downievillo and Camp.
heir. Hot Mprlngs, Calif.
ru-ckwlih, lor oenuace, layiorvllle atidtireen-
vllle. Calif.
Clalrrllie, Mohawk and Ouincy, Calif.
Ileno, connecting with "o. I'ae. Co. for all
IH.Inia ICaat A West: V. ok T. R. It., for all piluta
jt Tradc f;;
Anvn.M sending a sketch and rtrarvu .
qiilosir aaeerlalu our opinion free wm .
Invention la probably palentnhle. Ci.n.r
llmia strictly rummluiitliil. HaiiillKxiS ou l'i.
sunt free. Oldeal airancr fur siicurlua- mil. ;
i'aleuls taken tlirouwli Munn A Cu. rucciv
tptruu nutlcs, witliuutciianio, in lli
Scientific Jlmcricatf.
A handsomely lllnatraied weekly, t.areset cir
culation of any sctauitan Journal. 'I'eriua, 13 a
raart four months, L Hold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.-xNew York
itraueh Oltlce, (Ut V BU Washington. l. C.
r mm
i .,iiu.".'iiil!Mhl!ii!!l,:
i:uil!i.:.' y