Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 24, 1901, Image 2

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ahc (Count ij 0?rtnhu-r
PnblUh4 Every Thursday
ccac:: oc M'GAixKnY
M.aoak Balkllng
(One Year, $2.00
-'Six Month 1 .00
(Three Months, 30
Tlivre it no troth
lion. Dhvk! I. Hill
Irom the I'rvsiilcntinl tap.
II iv t i I rfiUM o lli '" ley
Mount lent h. i I? If not, you s. ...' ' Jo
o at once. His monument slio'il'l be
worthy of the richest and greatest coun
try on earth.
An Italian newspaper adviwa Italy to
"tweak the nose of Uncle Sam." An ex
change ni;ire(it8 that for full partii ulara
How to Jo it, Italy t-lioulJ apply to the
King of Spain.
That one ean never tell what a jury
will do, is again exemplified in the ver
dict of a coroner's jury in Florida. They
(ound that the victim of a mob had
tied from heart failure.
Chicago cee in s to iiave got a aqiit'Htu
iah grand jury. It has actually indicted
U. E. Burke, chairman of the democratic
county committee and city oil iuc pector,
lor embezzling puhlic fund.
It in humiliating to think that the
sr!tiin of rrrt-ident McKinley i un
American-born citizen, hut twme conso
lation is derived from the reflection
that his ideas were imported, ays the
The disaster w Inch befell a company
ef United States' trimi on an isolated
Uland in the I'liilippine group gives the
Democratic press another wluick at
"the McKinley imperialistic government."
Golden Wedding In Palrbury, III,
Some time ago Mr. and Mrs. 0. W.
Spencer of the V1 Side, went to
Imry, Illinoiw, on a vi-it to Mr. Sprit
cer old home and many relatives, in'
eluding his aged lather and mother, Mr
and Mrs. T. l spencer, who have jnct
celebrated their golden ambling in Fair
bury in the precent e of all their living
: children, grandchildren and other re I
j stives. The Fairhury Itlade, a bright
. - , neitr of -.he town, has a long ac-
i r.,-....r ,i,..lw'wnoftlnUiiip..rtaiitfvenl. That pa
t... I-.,. .hiW..i!ht, In Hakiig of the golden wedding,
says in pari :
Few people live to "clebrate their fif
tieth wedding anniverrai v, but such a
Meosing fell to the' lot of Mr. and Mrs.
T. C Spencer, o' this city. September
28, ISM, in Fulton county, Illinois, they
were united In marriage and last Salur
day, September 28, they celebrated their
golden wedi'iug, surrounded by rela
tives and friends.
At 12 o'clock the guests were assem
bled at the south sitting room and all
standing, Kev. J. L. Itv.n, paMor of the
Baptist ihun-h. offered a short prayer
and made a short addrecs in lehalf of
those aoceiubled, in presenting many
handsome presents. Then ll repaired
to the dining room where amid con
vi via I good cheer they partook ol a beau
tiful repast. '
Thomas C. Spencer was born in Schuy
ler County, Illinois, Nov. M, 182ti. lie
was reared in Fulton county, Illinois,
w here he lived until grown to manhood. I
Mrs. T. C eni-er was born in High
land county, Ohio, Oct. 8. 18X a d was
reared in Fulton county, III. The aged
couple are anions Fairbuiy's moet re
spec led citizens. There were twenty
people present at the golden wedding,
nearly all of whom were relatives.
Among them were Mr. and Mrs. W. ti.
Spencer of Lakeview, Oregon.
SnPhe new ThAA New
II taaa I-u 11 II I J II EI LI UU IM a . at
il Firm " vujjjj Capital &
..The Lakeview Mercantile Company.. ft
Incompetency and tiiirelia!iltty are)
the characteristics of mod men who
lira.; fra Ll time in unsati.-f actory
positions of low pay und menial servi
tude. The man who is a'ive to hi own
interests and thereby gives valuable
service to his employer seldom fails to
advance. "It is harJ to keep a good man
Albert Toiler, Preside ut of the Nation
al Educational A association, is indorsed
by every stite preen association iucluded
to he original Oregon Territory, for
jwetie agent of the I wis and Clark Cen
tennial and American Pacific Exposition.
Xearly all the press of the ttale alao ask
this appointment. Allert Tozier would
the riht man in the rigiit place.
None could rill it with more ab.lity and
o man in the Hate would take more
pride iu the uuty uiiposetl upon him.
The Bulgarian hngands, having heard
that the raising of ransom money is pro
gressing w iih considerable rapidity iu the
Uuited States, are now willing to give
tlitir captive. Miss Stone, an extension of
life for thirty days. If ever a set of
HCoundrel deserved to stretch hemp,
rfiese felloo s are me ones, and whether
or not thev succeed in extorting the
money they demand, all the civilised
governments should unite in demanding
that the Bulgarian nod Turkish authori
ties hunt Uiecu -dow n.
A former Oregon farmer who went to
Kansas a year or two ago to engage in
farming in that state wrote back to Ore
zru friends recently as follows: "I be
lieve in diversified agriculture. An ex
Mbif ofjooy crop report tor 1901 is as
eulibwsr f kawe raised one acre of
baked potatoes, 50 bushels of dried
peaches, 25 acres of parched torn, one
acre of roasted peanuts, and, if the
weather continues dry, I will have
about two acres of melon preserves. The
balance of my crop consists of chintz
oug, graseSoppers and jack rabbits."
Sfi dij Mcl'eruuit. formerly of
Kort Jones, this county, 'lied in Sacra
ntvnto, Oct., 4th. after a brief illness, at
lie hniu of hersititer, Mr.. Lee Shepard,
says- the Yreka Journal. She was a
arhowl tea her for several years past,
ni Sacramento owint.. ,an daughter of
t!ol. Chas. Mt;I')ermit, the urst sheriff of
Siskiyou county, and cominander of a
avtilry company recruited here during
fhei i'vi7 war, who was killed by treach
erous Tittle Indians while in charge of
Fort Church!. t, Sew, w here he was sta
lowed after close ol the ar in removal of
his command from Salt Lake. Her
mother, a well known pioneer of Fort
Jones, tiled about a year and a half ago.
The deceased was a relative of the nutii-t-rou
Imvidsoii family of Scott Valley,
and has a host of friends in Siskiyou w ho
extend hincere sympathy wall surviving
relatives ill the untimely loss of a highly
esteemed, exemplary and accomplished
Notice of Administrator's Sale of
Personal Property.
Notice is hereby tiiven that in pursu
ance nf an order of the County Court of
the County of Lake and Mate of ( irrou,
made on the 2 i I J iv of l'.sil,
in the matter of the Estate of John Ie
(iarnio, deceu-ed, the oiidcr-KMo-d, ad
minisirator of the estate of said deceased,
w ill sell at publi- auction, to the high
est bidder, for cash in hand, on Satur
day, the KMh dav of Octolter, I'.KJl, at 1
o'click p. m., at the Livery and Feed
table of V. K. Barry, io I-akevtew ,
Oregon, the following personal proerty,
tow it : Twenty-two head of horses, con
sisting 5 tiead of large gentle geldings,
balance lare brood mares. .
L. Foskktt
Administrator of the Estate ofJohnDe
(iarmo, Jeceased. 3'J-'2
Charley Trumbo Injured.
Last Monday evening while separating
cattle near what is known as the "bucca
roo house"on the ZX ranch, ahout three
miles from town, Charley Trumbo's
horse fell on him inflicting quite seri
ous injury, says the Post. He aaa try
ing to separate two steers that were run
ning close together when his horse step
ped on one of the steers' hind feet and
fell, Charley falling underneath and the
horse's hips striking him across the
small tf ihe back. He was "knocked
out" for a little while, but rallied and
walked a few steps, but the injury be
came too painful for hirn to stand up and
Jack McDonald came after medicine for
the injured man. The principal part of
the pain seemed to be in the groin. He
came to town Tuesday and is now on
crutches and much better.
Fine Hotel to Lease.
I am prepared now to lease for a trm
of years to any responsible party my
new hotel property, formerly known as
the Cottage Hotel, on Water Street in
Lakeview. The property has just been
remodeled, renovated, painted and pe
pered, and it is in first class condition
lor the party who desires to engage in
the hotel business. For full particulars
call on or address the undersigned at
Lakeview, Oregon.
40tf W. K. IUrkv.
Sale of Klamath Timber.
The Klamath Express says that C. S.
and It. K. Moore, of Klamath county.
have purchased the 10,503 acres of tim
ber land in Klamath county, formerly
owned by Sam'l Coulter, of Portland,
for the sum of f 12,600. The land was
sold at public auction to the highest bid-
tier bv Receiver K.Nixon, of the defunct
Portland Savings Bank, which institu
tion had taken the land to satisfy Mr.
Coulter's indebtedness. The price paid
by tb Moore Brothers was remarkably
low and very much less than the first
cost of the land when it was first taken
from the public domain.
A Fiendish Attack.
An attack was lately made ou C. F.
Coiner of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly
proved fatal. It came through his kid
nevs. His hack got so lame he could
not stoop without great pain, or sit in a
chair except propped by cushions. No
reuiedv ht;led him until he tried Elec
tric Bitters which effected such a won
derful change that he writes he feels
like a new man. This marvelous medi
cine cures backache and kidney trouble,
purifies the blood and builds up your
healih. Only 50o ut Beall's Urug Stole.
ijS I iirntKHM I
P or Til k I
I itt.
JH KM M.lter. fre-l-r..
IjjJ V A Mr hart. V H
j V I.Hnrllln(.M'r A Trraa
Successors to II. C. ROTHl; & CO.
We will soon have on
hand the largest and most
complete stock of
Ever opened up In South
eastern Oregon.
Lakeview flercantile Co. f
isnrtvi n
i I 1 1
i I b i
f N Klllrr, t 'A Hrka.l ty)
V I. Marl Una. Krst WrHre 'ff
r Ilrrr. r M lareew
PINe Soaps, Perfumes,
Toilet Goods, Etc.
Arutr a thoroughly
rlK ( the Ci-lf braliil
You Can
(irarllcal knowl-
Wltlioat InO-rli-rliiK with your prpapiit lii
II. a. N-nrt pfwial for Kree Trial U iuum auU
lull parllculari of our
Alxo iliilona of iiroiiiliK iit -'lui atiira. hii.i
neaa tni-n, MteiiiiKratti-ra anl ntlwr, In r
Kr. to lliu iii. iIi.h1. T.'tl lHHk, .'. Tt'Miia Mail liiatriiiiliin, !' "T immih. Ijt
aniia rurr.-i'O-'l ami ri'ttirncl on day ol ru
vvlpi. A.l.ln-aa
Behnke'a Law & Commercial School,
I'nili-.l Htatea IjiikI Olttre,
Ijilo rli w. Ori'smi. ortober 4. I J -1 .
Nli' l lii-rt-liy k I -ii that In iMui.llaiic4
with tli provUhma ol the ai t ol t'oliKri a ol
Jiiiu' 1, 1iK i iiiIiIimI "All act lor the aalc ol
tlinlo-r lauila In llif Htatt-a ol ( alllornla. r
lion. Nevada, and W aHlitiiicum T.-rrltory." aa
exU'lidi-d Ui all the I' lnd Ktatcn bjr act
ol Ausuat , I tut, J a nica lk.tUw.
counly o( Ijik.-. alale ol Ori-fon, ha. i It la day
Hied III Hi l oltli-e Ilia .worn .lalfruirnt No. S14.
lor I In? purt'hami of the K1. Nfc' h f. and M
' , HK'4 ol H..(ilon No. In Townahlp Nu. MIS,
KaiiKw Ni. 21 K W M, and will iifli-r pnml to
ahAWf that III. land aoiisht la won valuattln for
lta tliulwr or atone than fur aicrk-uliuntl pur-
K !. and In tlatltah hla cla lia to said land
'fur Ihe KeKlater and Kf ! -r o thlabltlcv
at LakeviewjOrea-on, on Kmlay. lk I4llUay of
OniuilM-r, 1U0I. Ilv niiMt aa wltnt-aara littorKn
Jammeflhal, J. K. Mc liaxr.y. rnk H.wfrr.of
lakeview, Orefun. and iMvkd U. t lriand of
fluah, Oregon. Any and all a-nlclalinlli
adveraely Ihe bovtMlt-acrttml ImimU art) t-iu-atfd
to fllii their rlaluia In lata of&ce on or
belora aald lltn day ol lareeaulwr, l-l.
t. M. UaarraiN,
40-104 ' ' Kclttr.
Watiee ef tactile Marat aa llail Arrouat
In the f'oiinty Court of taw Mtate of Orofjon
for Lake Cuuuty. Iu the aialw-rol the ealale
of Alexaiulet Held, defeated.
To whom 11 hut cvno-nt: Notice la hereby
Klven, thai tun undiralicned, adralnixralor of
the ratale of Alexander Held, lali-of Lakeeoun
ty, Oresoo. deeeaat-d, haa flii d hi" Final Ac
count aa adiultikatrator of riuld eatale, Inlheof
Aee of the County t'lerk of ljku County, Uru ,
and thai Monday Nov. 4, ltnil, at lOo'elix k a.
m., of aald day, at the County Jii'Ik'-'h ortlc. Iu
the Uouuty Court House ol ljtkv I ounty, Ore
gon, In tin- Town of l.akt-vn-w, haa lu i-n as
ixilnleil and ni l ly Hon. t han. TomilliKU'O,
Juiluu o' aaid Court aa Ihe time and plaee fur
theliearliiK ol ol)-ellou lo aald Klual Account
if any there In-, and lor the. settlement tin roof.
Iiao-d this '2d day of OcIoIht, l'Jiil.
.-t:-:tU (,K(lk(.K HKIfk
Administrator of the estate of Alexander Held, I
I S. F. Ahlstrom;rS
i m-
manutaciurcr 01 me .- , e
Recojnlzett as iha Hct Vaqucro 5adll
J Repairing of all kimls, by fompetiMit men.
Wagon anil Buggy IlarncHH. Whipn, Bo1kh, ItoatiiH,
Bits, Spurs, QuIrtH, RosettoH, Etc. b-
Z& 6666 666 Abb 666 Cib Ad 66 A 66 AO
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & . material
Notice of Settlement of Final Account.
In the County Court of the Mate of Oregon
for I.hkh County.
In the nuttier of the estate of N. I. Tunning
aen, deceHwd.
hereby given, that llni unilnralgned, adminis
trator of the e.uti! of S. I'. TniiiiliiKscn, late of
Lake County, Oregon, deceased, has filed his
Unal Account aa administrator ol an Id Hstnle,
iu Ihe Ortii-e of I lie County Clerk of Lake Coun
ty, Ore., and that Monday Oct. 7. IMJl, at 10
o'clock A. M,, of mill dsy, at the County
Judge's OHice in Hie County Court House ol
Lake I ounty, Or gou, III the Town of Lakeview,
lias been appointed ami fixed by Hon. ( has.
I'oiiniliKseii. J uilgu of aald Court as Ihe time
and Iiluce for the hearing of objections In aald
KIiihI Aceouiit, if any there bv, and for the
settlement thereof.
Haled this Jd day of September, I'Sil.
H.' 6 A. K, ToKMMisKN,
Admlniatrator of the KutaUi of N. I', Tunning
aeu, liuvvased.
Lakeview Variety Store
...C. H. DUNLAP...