Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, October 24, 1901, Image 1

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    Ml H nt
NO. 42.
The Oldest Living: 5ettlcr of Lake
County Passe Over to the
Silent riaJorlty-Death
Wai Very Sudden.
David K Jones, the well known stork
maoand capitalist of I.akevlw,dled last
Saturday evening Hi H oVhwk at the
home of 0n McKendree, two mllet
rail of tli (ierber ranch In Horsefly,
Klatnatli county. About ten day ao
Mr. Jomim ltd here mills tiU camp wagon
following U a crew of vaipueros who
dad chargo t f IM head of liiat-ecf cattle.
They reached Klamath Kail where the
rattle were "Id, and while there ha hail
a alight attack of cramp colic, lie re.
covered sulllcluntly to atari on the home
ward trl, and umii reaching tin Mor
ton ranch fifteen miles from Klamath
Fall he suffered a second attack. Again
he recovered iilllcienlly to attempt the
homeward rip. but uion reaching the
McKendrea place on Thruaday twining
it ain sUil with spasmodic
(tain Ir. Johnson of Monant was railed
and found thai he con Id only rmider
temporary relief to the sufferer, and
hoped to relieve him miftlcl' inly so that
he could make Ihe trip to I-ukitview to
where he could tee hi family physician.
Alter the physician left him, however,
the patient gradually grew worse, until
Saturday evenm at o'clock, when ho
sank into the eternal sleep. Arthur
IlighAII came al once to Lakeview, rid
ing all night, to announce the sad news
to Mr. J one and her daughter.
On Monday morning, F. K. Ilarrii, of
(he undertaking firm of Studley audi
Harria, having been previously notified
to take chaw of the remains, secured
aaerioMol FT. Uunlhcr lo-goafter
the body. The "remain! arrived here
Monday flint before noon, Mr. Oonther
driving all of (Sunday ni-ht to reach
here quickly with the body. Deceased
waa conacioui up to an hour and a bait
failure death, and did nil seem toreallxe
that he waa dying. Hit last word
were: "Send for my wile, ao aba can
take me home." Iteceaaed waa anxious
o reiuin lo Lakeview quickly, aa he and
hia wifo were to goal one to California
for the winter. During the allernoon
liefore hia death Mr. Jonea asked Mn.
McKcndreo to read the newa In
' the Lake County Examiner, aa he
wus anxious to learn what m going on
in lakeview during hi absence. Mrs.
McKendree complied, and later, when
the patient lecaine delorioiis bespoke o
nearly every thing that the lady had
read to him from The Examiner.
David H. Jones, wan the oldest living
inhabitant of Lake county, Oregon, up
to the time of hia death. He waa born
ia Virginia about Oft years ago. He ar
rived in Jacksonville, this state, in 18I0,
coming by loat from Wew York to Han
Francisco, thence by stage to Oregon. Int
1K04, Mr. Jones left Jackson county for
Washington Territory. In 18041, he
moved to Idaho. During this time be
waa engaged in Ike freighting business
The followiog year he loaded his big
teams with grain and followed the sol
!tera to old camp Warner, in Warner
Valley, this county, arriving there Sept.
15, I8o7. In Warner Valley Mr. Jonea
made his home, end has resided there
most of the time since, though having a
home also In Lakeview. In May,18ol,
he was married to Mrs. Ellen Gregory,
who survives him, and is almost broken
hearted in her aorrow. Three children
were lorn of the union, David Jones Jr.,
Mrs. Rally Kiggs, and Minn Ella Jones,
the youngest child, about 14 years of age.
Deceased experienced all the perils
and hardships Incident to frontier life
in the early history of Lake County.
Many hairbreadth escapes from the
murderous Bannock IndiuiiM wore his.
Meet footed and caution hm he waa in
those days he came near meeting his
death on several occasions..
The funeral was held from the M. E.
Church in Lakeview on Tuesday hint, at
li l M. and was largely attended. Hev.
('. W. Hollonmn officiated. Many
friends sympathiiee with the bereaved
w idow and children in their hour of af
ilictlon. It ia said that deceased left a
will In which he bequeathed all of tils
toH8flrsiont to his wife during her life
What the Fates and Carelessness
In Some Instances Have Been
Doing With 5ome Lake
County People.
Shot In the LefTwrUt.
While handling a pUtol last Monday,
about the noon hour, Hi Manrlng niet
a lib a si-rlous and painful accident. He
out not know that the weapon was
loaded, Nit it waa diachargod and the
bullet entered the Inside of the wrist of
the left hand and went straight through.
Mr. Manrlng came to town the same
evening and Drs Smith A Sleiner dressed
the wound. The Irs. say he will sutler
no serious results from the wound.
Shot by hia Brother.
Two boys of the CI off family living in
South Warner, aged 9 and II years, re
specllvely, were playing "about ' with a
double-barreled shotgun al the home of
their parents, altout ten days ago, when
the youngea lxy II I led his brother's anat
omy full of shot from the knees to the top
of his head. The elder Itoy had placed
a loaded .ahe'l in the breech, and the
brother "didn't know it was loaded."
The wounded boy is recovering.
Clarence Dixon Injured.
About ten days ago Clarence Dixon
of South Wsrner mel with an accident
that came near proving ful." lie was
hauling a load of polus with four horses,
and leading a horse behind the wagon
with a reata wrapped around liis hand.
The animal behind be.-anie frightened,
and ran around in front of the lead hors-
I es, pulling Mr. Diion off the swat down
among the wheel horses, He waa
trampled on by the frightened animala
and one wheel of the heavily loaded
wsa;ow asaaid s,w Ma hrt 1 r. 1J u n
ter of I't. Bid well waa sailed and soon
made the injured man as comfortable
as possible. No serious results will fol
low as a result of the accident.
Reported Lost In Werner.
Word reached Lakeview last Monday
that there waa considerable uneasiness
felt in South Warner over the disappear
ance of Fred Crump, son of Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Crump. The young msn
was running a bunch of sheep on the
rim rock about six miles from Adol,
says A. L. Price, and he failed to return
home or to camp on Saturday night last,
as usual, though hisdogwenthomealone.
A search I arty went out Saturday night,
but up to Sunday morning when Mr.
I'rice left there, the party had found no
trace of the boy. The general opinion
at Adul wis, at that time, that the boy
had met with some accident, or bad
beed killed. The Examiner has been
unable to get any further particulars
since Mr. Trice arrived.
John Drumm Seriously Injured.
On Monday last, while hauling e load
of lumber from the Itenefield Mill above
Paisley, John Drumm of tha latter place
met with a aerioua accident. Coming
down Bummer Lake mountain his brake
gave way and the horses became un
manageable. Down the steep grade the
animals dashed, and Mr. Drumm waa
thrown forcibly to the- ground receiving
aerious injury. The wagon waa de
molished. The injured man after a
hard struggle reached the Witham
stock farm, and there procured a buggy.
After going but a short distance toward
Paisley the horses again ran away, de
molishing the buggy and dragging the
unfortuuate man for a considerable dis
tance. He finally reached Paisley.
where Dr. Witham attended to bis in
juries. Driver Will iilair, of the North
ern stage, says it is feared Mr. Drumm
is badly injured internally.
natch Ball (lame Saturday.
A hot game of bull will bo played on
the Lakeview diamond next Saturday
between the Davis Creek team and the
State Line tossera. Lakeview will hang
up a complete baseball outfit gloves,
musk, protector, bats and bull to be
presented to the winning team. A
small admission will be charged the
people at the gate. The visiting teams
are expected to arrive with their friends
on Saturday afternoon to attend the so
cial dance to be given for their enter
tainment on that evening. It ia hoped
that all our local dance goers will at
tend and attain in making the social a
big success. ,
Tba special act, a prod sot at sjuWUra iadastrial sspaaaioa, b a sort of li slim aalas
snaa traordiaary. Tha Uiostratioa shaws oas of thaw (tlsaaa, Mr. WiilaH C. TyUr,
who is tks raprMsDUtira of aa Auarioaa loaumotir company ia Jaoaa. Thonga tha
raprsaaatatira of a nun saadsra as4 sviftar method of Uavci, Mr. TyUr says ho n'yjjt
aoUilav asttar Uias a jMat la a Japaaaaa riekahaw, with a good eigmr tat anmpajiy. Ks
spaaaa Japasaaa kks a nun sad is parfattly at aawaa ia tka soatry. of whisk aa k rsry food.
Say He Does Not Vant to Go to
Congress in Moody's Place,
But Would Not Object to
the Secretaryship.
What nomination will State Senator
Williamson receive? Of the man v avail
ble men in Eastern Oregon, he, at least
is apparently a sure winner for some
thing. That he will not be overlooked at
the convention next Spring 1- considered
a certainty by well-informed Republicans
of this city, saya the Portland Telegram
Senator Willieraaow-ie apoVsn ot-a s
successor to Congressman "Moody and al
so aa a successor to Secretary of State
Dunbar. There is quite a boomlet hav
ing as Its object Williamson's candidacy
for Congress. This ia against bia wishes,
however, for his preference is the post
now filled by Dunbar.
It is asserted that politicians mfrieodly
to Moody are trying to defeat him by
means of Williamson ; i.ot that they love
the latter more, but that they care fo.-
Moody less. Having no inclination to be
a Congressman nor to be used aa a club
against Moody, Williamson refuses toen
tcrtain the idea of representing the Sec
ond Congressional District of Oregon at
Senator Williamson atated recently
that bis ambition was to be Secretary of
State, and to use an overworked expres
sion, be is not a "miscellaneous candi
date." H is career has been quite meteoric,
for it ia only within the past three years he
attracted attention throughout the state.
Thus far he has served in the Legislature
ss Representative one term, and ia now
filling hia first term as a Senator. Hav
ing avoided becoming a rabid partisan,
he stands well in both factiona of the
Republican party.
Alturas Incorporated.
The preliminary details of town govern
ment are now completed and our town ia
now lully incorporated, says the new
I. W. Gibbina, clerk, and R. T. Taylor
marshal, entered upon their duties last
week, and are discharging them in an en
ergetic and capable manner.
The board of trusteea hold their meet
ing- in the supervisors room at the court
house, and two rooms of the old jail will
be used aa a town jail. The trustees
have chosen att rney A. F. Shartell aa
recorder and police judge, and he will
make an efficient and fearless officer.
fir. and Mrs., Moore Entertain.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore entertained
twenty guests at a banquet in Klamath
Falls on the evening of Oct. 12th, after a
performs ce given by them. Those who
enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Moore's hospital
ity were the members of the iocal dram
atic company, their relatives and a few
friends. The Republican eays the event
was a substantial evidence of the good
feeling entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
Moore for those who have co-o(erated
with them in giving publio entertain
ments. The repaat was excellent and
the social features added much to the
pleasure of the occasion .
A Big Bnnch of Thoroughbred De
laines and Ramboulettes on
Exhibition by Lafollett &
Allen of Crook.
L. li. Lafollett, representing Allen &
Lafollett, breeders of fine blooded sheep,
was an arrival in Lakeview last Thurs
day. Mr. I-afollett arrived in Lake
county with 255 rama this week, and
the animals had reached Summer Lake
when he came on to Lakeview. One
hall of these xna ara thoroughbred D
lainea and the other half are a croee be
tween the two fine atrains of Delaines
and Ramboulettes. They come from
the Allen A Lafollett breeding farm near
Prineville, Crook county. These gen
tlemen have been breeding up the beet
strsinsof aheep at this tame farm for
twenty-five years, and believe tbey bave
reached the acme in the business of
sheep breeding. These sheep were
originally of the Spanish Merino blood,
and have after years of experimenting,
been bred up lo Ramboulettes and De
laines. The wool of either of the two
latter breeds is said to be too dry, but
the cross makes the wool more moist,
and altogether a fine sheep. The Ram
boulettes are slightly the largest sheep,
but the Delaines are said to exceed
slightly in wool. The firm has just re
ceived a pair of gold medal prize winning
Delainea which were bought for the
Crook county farm at the Kansas fair.
Out of the 225 bead brought to Lake
county by Mr. Lafollett, 96 head were
purchased in Bummer Lake by wool-
growers Won. Harvey, George Winkle-
man, 8. P. Mosa and Jamea McXew.
W. J. Sherlock also purchased quite a
number from the same firm. There are
159 head of these fine rama left, and
they will be brought' to Lakeview the
last of this week for inspection by our
loca) sheepmen. The sheep can be seen
for the next couple of weeks, if not sold
sooner, at the pasture of John Bull, a
short walk west from Lakeview, near
the slash. The Crook county breeding
farm supplies nearly all of Eastern and
Southern Oregon with fine atrains of
sheep. Allen A Lafollett raise' about
1000 rams annually.
The Lakeview Mercantile Company.
The Examiner neglected la.-t week to
announce that the Lakeview Mercantile
Company had incorporated and that the
shareholders had paid the full amounts
of their stock into the concern. The
new company was duly organized and is
now doing business with the following
officers elected : F. M. Miller, president ;
Chas. A. Kehart, vice-president; V. L
Snelling, secretary and treasurer. The
directors are, F. M. Miller, V. L. Snel-
ling, Win. P. Heryford, Chas. A. Kehart,
Robert McKeo, F. M. tireen and tieo.
H. Hankins. This company starts off
with thirty thousand dollars additional
capital and is certainly on a solid finan
cial foundation, as it is composed of some
of the wealthiest men in I-ake county.
The Kxaminer hopes that the Lakeview
Mercantile Company w ill meet w ith uu
liniiud success.
Several Cases Reported in Klam
ath Palls and Bly Two Cases
in Lakeview Prove to be
Word was received in Lakeview laat
Monday that smallpox had br ken out
in Klamath Falls and that several people
of that place were afflicted, and one
case proved fatal on Saturday, owing to
the patient exposing himself t tu freely.
The disease is in a mild form, and at
last reports the physicians ol that town
had not determined whether it waa
smallpox or not. Some say it is not
that dreaded disease, while others be
lieve it is. It was not learned whether
or not a quarantine bad been placed on
the town. Onr informant stated that
the supposed smallpox patients were
walking about and appeared uncon-
Henry Newell, who arrived from
Drews valley Monday, saya there are
six cases of the same disease at Bly, and
that opinion there appears to be di
vided as to ilie nature of the disease,
some declaring it ia smallpox while
others say not. Dr. Johnson of Bonanza,
at last accounts, would not give an
opinion regarding the nature of the dis
ease u itil he had studied the cases more
fully. Moot of the physicians of Lake
view aoDear to think it is not small dox.
I1 ----.
although they have not examined any
oi toe cases, they Dane their opinion
upon the theory that it ia customary in
a case of chickenpoxor breaking out
with a rash, to cull the disease "small
pox 1"
Some excitement waa created in Lake
view Tuesday morning by the announce
ment thai two ease of smallpox bad ap
peared in Lakeview in the family ofT.
E. Bernard. The members of the family
aaid to be afflicted are James, the eldest
boy, aged about eleven years, and Mar
gie, aged eight. Dr. F. E. Smith, aa
county physician, attended the patients,'
and while in bis opinion it is chicken
pox be ha i taken the precaution to
place a strict quarantine on the Bernard
home. Dr. Smith says he has taken
this precaution to avoid any spreading
of the disease, and for fear that it may
develop into a case of smallpox later on,
though he has no fear that it will prove
to be that disease. He undergoes the
same fumigating process about his own
penon as though he were treating a well
developed case of smallpox. In justice
to himself as health officer and to the en
tire community, Dr. Smith believes he
is doing his full duty In the premises,
and in our opinion the public will bear .
him out, and give him due credit for the
faithful performance of duty. Dr. Smith
has also talked the matter over with the
Mayor and Recorder of the town, and,
requested those officials to send any
physician to examine the raaes if they
were not satisfied.
Even if these cases torn out to be
smallpox, which is most Improbable,
there ia no occasion for any alarm, aa
the Bernard home is nnder strict quar
antine, and there ia no possible danger
of a spread of tbe disease. The Ex
aminer it inclined to the opinion of Dr.
Smith regarding these cases, and be
lieves that the entire "scare'' from
Klamath Falls to Lakeview will turn out
to be cases of chickenpox. People liv
ing in the country can safely come to
Lakeview and transact business as us
ual without a particle of danger.
Latkk Since the above was put in
type it has been definitely settled that
the children of T. E. Bernard are afflict
ed with chickenpox. On Tuesday Dr.
Steiner discovered a half dozen cases of
the same kind on the West Sido.
Wool From Lakeview.
The Ked Bluff News of the 11 inet.
says that two teams of two wagons each
on which were loaded 54 bales of wool
from I-ake view, Oregon, arrived there
Friday evening. The wool was un
loaded at the steamer landing to be ship
ped by water to San Francisco. The
teams were sixteen days on the way
down and the teau-.sters say they had a
hard trip as they encountered enough
rain to make the roads quite muddy
and heavy.