LAKE COLNTY IIXAHINER LA KG VIEW, OREOON, OCT. 17, IWI. gahr (Count u CI at am I in r Published Every Thureday BEACH & M'OARREY Masonic Bullillnf (One Year $2.00 TERMS: 'Six Month. 1.00 (Three Months 50 ANARCHY IN THE NORTH LAKEVIEW, C KCQUN, tK T. 17, lOI. "'I Home Group" Colony of Anar chists Near Tacoma Practice Tree Love and Teach All Thin us Disloyal. - I While I'xolk'o-i'n nc will diMinittiiidi kim for a short time, it ill xtin'ui-di Bint for a hum time. Kenowill liuilii in her park ly public miberription a land-iome monument to President McKiniev. The Reno (.iazette i now i---uini( a ban. l mo eetni weekly paper in connip tion with the daily, in place of a weekly a heretofore. The net om put ( the new mining eanip of Toinipnh, Nevada, in said to le fhere are 1IMM) jieople there a ml water is sold al II .V) a barrel. That Mrs. MeKinley ha home tip un der her great 8 Miction io well is remark able and gratify ii.j the whole Ameri-i present frame work of order anil govern It i pa ill that there is a colony of anarchists near Tacoma, Washington. called "Home Uroup." The U. A. U. Veterans will take a hand for the pur pone of stamping out the tiihe. These xople live in twenty or more dwelling locaed on a tract of 211 acres of land, at a small town culled M inter. They prac tice the doctrine of free love. Al! of them vehemently denounce the right of one men to rule over another. They advocate the utter extirpation of the present law- hi ding humanity together in government, and also abrogate the customs and usages employed Udwecii man and man. Like the rominunUts of Paris they declare the present conditions of aiK-itil order erratic, with nothing whatever in their favor, save the Mind adheience .he race manifest for follow ing in the trodden paths. Instead of the iTPhe new (5 20 Off M ft New i i Firm PJWiWW Ca w 1 ..The Lakeview Mercatile Company.. SI Successors to II. C. KOTMIs & CO. pital ran people, who nniwrsallv feel a tender oJicitude for her, meiit thev advocate the substitution of independent thought and action with every man a law to himself. Humanity A fortune teller advised a (iponMn linrwliiirv rnniimi farmer to dig at the end of a certain mile J and tradition, is certainly tending to this rare tiack and he would rind a lot of money. The farmer olieyed and un earthed f 30,000 ' in gold. How that fortune teller must have regreled she did ot dig herself. Anarchist, go hack to the regions of hate; co hack to the lands where kings reign anil tyrants rule, tio hack or by the blond of our martyred !re--ilent we will rise in aveimir.g wrath and wioe yon fiom Ihe earth. Mayor Pavid S. Roe, of Mi'wnukee. Anarchists should le driven from this wntntrv. The law should do it. And that same law should read tl at hem Birth, anv man desiring to land on the American shores shall have upon his person a certificate of good "itienship in the conntrv from whence he came. jtoint. . pa cr called "Piscontent" is printed hy the colony, the columns of which glare with i nil amatory and incen diary utterances. One of the leaders is A. J. Tope, a notorious anarchists and former associate of Isatks of Chicago. Few eople are aware that anarchy i- It'ing hied in the heait of the nation so llagrantly. It is to he ho-d that the tirand Army I'o.'t of Tacoma with its Iivai l.t a.ue w iil Ik successful in stamp ing out these anar.'hists as (hey have VoWrd to do. 1 sr tltriONN OV TIIK teni'twi F n Miller. rrr.Mrnl ' A Mr hart. 9 V t.Marlliax, Trra LARGER and IJETTER ...S I OCK... THAN EVER IJEEORE Wc will soon have on hand the largest and most complete stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ever opened up In South eastern Oregon. Ill HI.. TOM or Tilt; "7 8 g I V M Mlllrr, ' A Itrba.l V I. Mnrllluc. ItrM NrHrr M I llrr tort. t" M (irrra It is the intention of Presddent elt to cany out the policy of the admin titration as lil down by his lamented predecessor. He has reappointed all the members of the cabinet and they have accepted. The MeKinley policy is Knod enough for Riwsevelt as it stands cow. Sir Henry Westwood Cooper, who has a record as a bigamist with four wives and who has served three terms in prison as a thief, was last Saturday sen tended to ten years in Pan Qnentin on a eharge of bigamy. He inveigled No rienne Schnider into a fan ial marriage hy means of a telegram forged in the o.ime of her mother. Fine hotel to Lease. I am prepared now to lease for a t nil of ye.irs to any resioniblu party my new hotel prierty, formerly known as the Cottage Hotel, on Water Street in Lakeview . The property has just been remodeled, renovated, paintet and pe pered, and it is in tirst class condition lor the party w ho desires to engage in the hotel business. For full particulars call on or aililre.-s the undersigned at Lakeview, Oregon. 40tf W. K. Bakrv. 1 Lakeview flercantile Co. I School savings banks have lieen prais ed" because they teach the pupils habits of thrift. The principal 'f a school in West Virginia call attention to the fact Hiat tfie plan has alo brought alsmt a miticable decrease in the amount of candy and gum consumed by the girls, and in th niimlier of cigarette smoked ly the 1hvh. Evidently, therefore, the liiildis are learning what llnift really mean: that it is not merely saving money, but saving it by cutting off use fes expenee and foregoing bad habits. Habid Onllah Khan, eldest son of the Amefot' Aithanis'an, has reported to tiie firitihh agent at Cabul that the Ameer is dead after a brief illnets. The dt-alh of the Ameer will create consider able uneasiness among the powers. The H!.s eeut a shock through Kngland. It wt P encourage the Doers to prolong the war, and Russia may t-ii-ze the opisirtuni ly to push her frontier forward. England, however, has g'eat confidence in the ability of the Indian Viceroy, Ird Cur r.un . to deal with the situaiion. Habid fliillab Kabn ill succeed his father as ruier of Afghanistan. Colog-iz, tli-' assassin of 1'iesident Mc Kinley, is now in Anbnni Stale prison aw ailing execution, on tie 2th day of (letober. I'pon reaching the pri-oii after being found guilty and cornier' n Mi, death the unforfne wretch Burke's Pencil Sharpener. The 1'hiladelphia Record, one of the greatest newspaiers 'n the L'nited States, says of one of Eugene Burke's patents: "Between the large crunk-operated pencil sharpener and the small ocket one there has hitherto seea.ed to he no mediuui sized article which had neither cost nor bulk as an objection to it. The Burke patent illustrates a novel ty in this line that should prove a great convenience f r chool and mercantile use." Mr. Burke is daily in receipt of letters from big linns asking for his terms mi the-e rotary pencil sharpeners in big lots. Undoubtedly he will soon have his patent on the market, and will make a small fortune out ol it and pos-i!ly a large one. The Wise Hunter The wise hunter wiil come straight to this store if he is looking for a good shot gun. Whether you want to buy or rent Its all the same. We will do well by you Pidn't you know we rented guns? Well we do; Ims of 'em. Double barrel, single barrel, Winchesters all Ihe good ont-s. Pu'vder, shot and shell ? Sure! Sciimi.vk, the gun man. BEALL'S DRUG STORE Soaps, Perfumes Toilet Goods, Etc, You Can First Prize tor Oregon Wool.. Henry E. Dasch, one of Oregon's Commissioners at the Tan-American Ex position, w ired to the Oregon on Oct. Mid the following good news: Again Oregon occupies a front seat, and on a velvet chair. Our collective wool exhibit was given the highest award and gold medal this morning by the jury, which also recommended a special gold medal for the Pallus Scour ing Mills, as having the finest exhibit of grades of scoured wools on exhibition. All other individual exhibitors received a diploma of houoiable mention, which is the highest award given to individual exhibits." C Mil Notice to the Public. J'ulrymple has obtained a jiuVg- I ! uieiil rg:iiut Hie on a bill Without cull . j sideratiou ami I hereby warn the public not to on v the nau.e Arqtilrv a thnrftiiitliljr prai'llcal knowl edge ol Ike LVL'l.mtvd PEkNIN SHORTHAND ItV MAIL Without iniiTii-riiiK Willi your prrM-nt ilu lli . N-nd pimial l,,r Krre Trial U-mii ami full ijartH-uiars ol our COKRIiSPONDLNCE COURSE A1m o,Uii4imol irfiiiinenl lurator. Ijii1 lif, mi. ntcuowrNiilHT ai1 oiImti,, in r, IfanI li chiH mtUMl. T'l Uiok. 'Ifrin for Mma) iiiHlrurlwrfi. V mouth. a' oun cor r. i lf.l ui rilurunl u liay of n--ci'ipl. AiiilriM Behnke" Law & Commercial School, I'OUTLA.IU, (lHXMM, TIH It Kit OTKK. I lOH 'l HiaUi Laml trtfi,')', jiki'ri,'w. ir una. Urli.U r I. I'.it. N'otM'H W lit-ri'hy yivi'U lluU lu coioiihnnii1 with tie jro Ihioiih ,! tin ru t of Coa-tr'-M ul June a, IKJ vutltlil "An m l lor llu- nli of llinl, r ln-nil in Hik Sii. uf lLl.H-at. On -X, NfViMla. Hut! WmhIiiiikioii ii-rriiufy." an fXK-iKkik u all the I'ulilli Laml sihi hjr art of AiiKUHit. Is'.rj, Jiuiiui, II . 'furiH-u.of Utkrvii'W, l-'Oiiuly oi lki. hthjlA ol Of-K"llt haj tUlr (lay H It! in till- ortlre hi riwora MMivriifiit No. Ill I. for I In- -mri'lia-H lit Um K' t NK't 14,-c. ami !, SK1 , 14 rlloii x lu Tout ahl Ni. Si H, Hanio- So, li K V M, anal will uf. r kihiI to nliow tlubt tin laiiiL aouiiht la imirf vaLitaliiii for tin tlinhor or Moil than fur aKtrului-ml pur- Imiki'M, tuul lo fHtabllsli hi uh ll Ui Mt'l Unit s-'fon; the lU'iriotxr ami Kiti-I vvr of IhUnrtli i' at l.aki.wiiiw .H'ri'vun, on riilay, tin lukilay of ftf?eiulMr Hsu. lie iiau-an an vnttuum-, (-urK JaiiiimrMlial, .1. K. Mititwrmy, I 'rank tUncnvrti of l.akeva-w. Ori'ijitn, ami 1'o.vwi L. 1 Wlanl of Hlimli, (ri K"li. Any aixj all r rl I'laluihiK arlversvly the alsiv.-ilauirilHri laiuia ara ru- qiivNluil to file their eliliiit i a thin iitfti'e uu or U'fora aalil Mlljuitay of beiM'inki r. Iistl. K. K. hM.i.rrl, -X) lot lii'Kl.U:r. Notice f tt leraiinl of I'lnalArvaant lu. tlit) t onal y Conn of llai HlaM' of Ori'ifon for. Iaku I i.uiny. In the aiatler uf tltr katatv of Aiexallilea Itefl, drvueHM'-i. 'no w hum. it may uonuera : NKlre la heri'liy Kiveii, that the uniVrHiKiiini, ailailjilMrator ui lijuematewf Alexaaih r ll-il, ImU-oI Laki-ruuu ty, Ori'Koli. ileeeaM-d, ha Hlnl his Filial Ac fount hh Kdiiiliiihifalur oi Haiil ealalu. in llifof ncr of iIj ( oiiiii t I ierk ol Lake l ciuiily, Oro , and that Monday Nov. r lwil, at lUaVlis k a. in., ol uld day, at tin; I'uuiily Judxe'a olfli'n bti the ( ouuiy l oiiit IIoiim of l.nke I tainly, Ore- Koll, ill II. i- '1'iutu of l.aki vu:, haa Ibii'M ap- Miliite'land llxnl hy lliui. I tiaa. 1 on n I iik-o . ImlKe o' aiil I'wirt an the liuie Had ulaee lor Ihu tu-ariiiK of ojjii'iiona to tald Final Ai-founl if any theie U, and lr the tteitlfuu'iit tlu:r-w. Dated this jl day ol Detola r, I'AU. im t.KOKi.K KKlIi, Adiuiuuuratur of llu i-nlat.' of Alexamliir I'.eUl. dvi:uiH-d. Manufacturer of the w V? w w w 5 5. F. Ahlstrom 6 I LAKEVIEW 3 3 - a aa - -f t RecognUed the lieat Vaquero 5addt 0 Wtigon ami IUi'y HarneH.s. Whips, Uoben, UoutuM, HiU, Snir.s, Quirts, RosrtUvs, Ktc. -o Hcpairin of all kimls, hy compcttMit men. LAKEVIEW PLANING MILL Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window and Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture of all kinds made to order. Write for estimates on contract work & material (iKOiil.K JoX.CS. H I tnma tioldman and iriiie couH be tilaced in the Siirne Ifosition as Hs.a--siii of Win. Mrkm-1 It lias been slaien tnai jiarion county ley, then would the r.milry Ihj t-ale, for . is out of debt, and it is noticeable that a time at least until Hearst's yellow the demo pop piess considers this ,,., could school others in the "ortof i st.-ange coincidence under a republican anarchy." before t-entence was pro-, iioiinced on Czolgot he mailo the lol lowing statement: 'Theie was no one e'i-e but me. No one else tol l me to do it. and no one paid me to do it. I was aot told anything about the crime, and I ihoutht nothing about it until a couple administration, lhere is really nothing strai'ge about it. Harney couu.y is also out of debt under a republican admin istration, and despite the attempt from certain sources to distort facts Lake county's indebtidnesB is gradually being reduced under the "detestable rcpubli ,f days before 1 committed the crime." jean admini tration." HAND LEY & CLENDENENv Notice el 5ctU mcnt ol Final Account. In the County Court uf the Mate of Oregon for l.axe l ouiiiy. lu tho waf er tf the estate of N. I'. Tulillilig IM'll, det-eai-ed. TO WHOM IT MAY l ONCKKX: Notl la lierehy Klveu, that the iinilrrniKiied, ailuihil-i-tralor of the e-.ln.le ol N. I'. 'lonnlUKwIi, latu of Ijtku County, Orekiui, deeeaaeil, lis filed li 1m Final Aeeount aa adiuiiilmrator of Knld F.atHte, in the Ottiio of the County Clerk of Pake Coun ty, Ore., and that Monday Oet. 7, 1'Jol, at III u'eliM'k A. M of auid day, at the C'ounty Judiie'a OHIee lu Hie County Court Holme of ljike County, OreKou.ili the Town of lakeview, ha heen aioiuted and fixed hy Hon. Chaa. Toiiiiliikaeii. Judge of aaid Court an the lime and tilaei lor the hearing of ohjecliona to naid Filial Aeeount, If any there be, and for the auitleinent lliereof. Hated thin ad day of Hejitelnlier, mil. Hri-6 A. F. Tonminuhrn, AdmliilHtrator of tliti KilttUj of N. J. Toiinlng ken, liuceaneil. I 10IM )! )-)llt00IMM')ttOiM IIMHI M IGE 0R1AM PAKLOR ..AND.. ROOM Lakeview Variety Store ...c. H. DUNLAP... mtnimitimwMin ffttniiMiittiiMniMiinft 2 f-S