fi) wintt) VOL. XXII. LAKKVIKW, LAKE COUNTY, O It KG OX, THURSDAY, OCT. 17, VM. NO. 41. THE LAST OF 1 THE BIG GAME FALL TERM OF COURT DON'T WANT ANY MONEY Two Taxpayers Reply to Cltlen' With (loud ArgumentResi dents North of Lakeview Only Want Justice. V'.iuruH Kiamimcm : We notice in your IhhI imuu Hint "entliiinilil sign ing liiiiiRi'K "CiUaen" I making a ' ' tuoti n tui it out of a mole lilll" ri-Crtlifi uir aim l appeal loth Hwera that bo to cut UK olf from a m'IhmiI district that li really no advantage to ua, and form na into a in- d lot tii' t tlint will l convenl ut ami of fniif acceaa. Ho lar aa the taxpayers lying north of the lleryford lino are concerned school dintrirt No. 7 i o( no advantage to liino. Hi true, wunv ol im in the past have tuki'ii i vant age olihe educational facilliea i tlt I Jiko view dialri l, I 'ill it lot always Ueit a source, ol gieat incMiivenieiice to u to do i. We uie not M('fioiiial and do not ak mi) tiling unreasonable. Wo would liko to have the same advantagea iu llm education til our children tiiat nlher onj.y. Ww cannot all live in Lakeview, although Homo ol UK nave Ihm-ii coin pel led to leave our ranchea mid move to Lukeview fur tlio winter in or .ler that our children milil attend St'llOnl. The only thing that lint lakeview dia trict would liMwf in tin' cHtul'lihliini'iil ol Ilia now dinlrut prayed (or would Imi the Kr capiM lux ol tlm number of children that would leave tlio school to altvnd in tli? now district, and tlio asaUiance of the taxpayers who livtt in the .ro)Hini district in thu payment of thu Its for bonded iudchteduvaa, about ono iuiII wliirh in mi iiiaiguitlcaut that it is not worthy of vouaideration. The main feature of the argument set orih by "Ciliami" in, that "if the dia tricl were divided, tlio now dialrict would lie entitled to a diviaion of all the whool properly of dialrict No. 7 even to tlmir tart of the appraised value of ur school buililiufa and ground, to any nothing of dividing our school money, furniture and apparatus." Now, to chow the people of dialrict No. 7 that we do not ark to v cut louse from them through any mercenary motive, we will guaiamce that not one ecu t of their choo mulieyl will be aaked for, neither will wesak fur a diviaion of any part of their nchool buildings, grounds or any cither properly belonging to thu dialrict. All wo want ia a district act aaido for ualhat will U convenient to our homes and our i hildreti eoiuethiiig we have never yet enjoyed. "Citixeu" also says that a (li viaion would virtually destroy our very ellicieut high school." We cannot ace how Lake vie 'a hgh school would be destroyed by the formation of a new dia trict, when we do imt uak for or expect a cent of the fund of diatrict No, 7, or ny ol the property of the dialrict; none of the children in the projKxied new dia trict are eligible to the high school, or ever attended that dopartuient, and our now district would not lake a single pupil away Irom the nign acliool. ltkeview tiaa altonether a winter ee aion. It ia a terrible hardship on the cntluren to couijk-1 tliem to go aeveral mile to and from school in the winter Heaaoti through snow, rain and mud. In the new diatrict wa would have a Huuituer acliool. Not to, at "C'itiaon" al leuea. that "the nareuU who rei'resont a majority of the pupila of acliool age re- Hiding in the proiioaeii diatrict are nieie ly temporary reaidinta." The new dia trict would have hitkkm ok mohk cr inaiient pupils of school age and eleven traiiaionta, some of whom may become permanent. The iii'iirt-Ht family north of Lukeviow with children of school utte lives three miles fiom town, and the remainder are from four to eleven miles iliHtunt. Three miles is even a Ioiik diMtiince to travel twice a duv in winter, if our itctitiou la urn nt I'd uh piayed (or we can imild a hi liool hotiHo in the new district so situ u led that all could roiich it within a dia taucu of one and ti luilf milea, with the exception ol one family. In our dimple prayer for the establish ment of a new school tlint rict we nak nothing iinfuir; wo only want justice, mid an opportunity to educate our chil dren properly. And, in aiking that, we Iihvo no intention ul injuring any oilier liatrict. Kverylxidy who loves justice has signed our petition, nnd the docu ment contains the names of nearly all the buaiueaH men of J.ttkuview, We would reipuiHt tliut in his next "C'iliKi'ii" sign his true name. Reapectfully, ClUUt.KH H. I.0VKI.K8H. l'HItn hNYDKH. Lakeview, Oregon, Oct. 12, 11)01. The Cedarvllle Record "Closes the Incident" and (lives us a Mot Parting: Shot on Con temptible Methods." Our friend of the Cedarville Record "clows the incident" of the bae ball game at Alturaa and anawer. The Kx ainlm r si tide of two weeks ago, in the atvle to be found below. The Examiner willingly cloie. the matter w ith this is cue, for the reason that there never was at any time anything in it to raise a rum;.'tis about. There ia only one thing that The Kxaiuiner will not stand for In the Record's last shot and that is w hoie tlift editor allows himself to say, "don't all w yoiirmilf to ever resort to such contemptible methods again." "You will have to show me I'm from Miimoiiri." Ijikeview played ball ac cording to the conditions published by the directors of the Modoc County Fair, and in adhering to lho conditions we will not con fens to any "contemptible, meihoda." We don't blame you, neigh bor, for feeling a little sore. It takea a fellow a long time to get over a bad at tack of heait failure. Hero's what the Record aays which closes thu game: "a ll-OHKII INt'lllKXr." I-sit week the Ijkeview Examiner trieil to excuse the bane ball manage ment lor doing as it did at the Alturua Fair. About the only excuse it bad waa that "when a fellow gets licked good ! and hard twice he naturally prepur.a for the enemy the third time." That is one way of looking at it. liut it was not compulsory, and while tholooae manage ment of the fair permitted, it hardly Justified our neiithbors iu restortiug to trickery and even attempted, bribery - to di'liat the Cedarville club. The Kx aminer says but for Codaryille' battery and third baseman the a jo re would have been a "disgrace to the national game." We beg leave to say that that statement is utterly false, as every one of the Ced arville hoys played aa good a game in their reMHclive positions as those men tioned. The Cedarville club was com posed of seven loys who had lived here for years, and two who had boon work ing here all summer, none of them be ing professionals. The Kxaiuiner says there were only four imported men iu the I-akeview team. There was one Lakeview man, and two Alturas men iu the team where did the other six come from 7 Cedarville is not sor at the defeat of her boys, but our ieople justly condemn the methods by which the defeat was brought abnut. Cedarville has a team that the Lakeview boys can't touch. We simply refer to the ball in at tor at this lime to set The Examiner straight. With us it is a closed incident, and here by extend our T in fraternal fellow shio and friendliness to The Examiner; but, aay, neighbor, don't allow yourself to ever resort to such contemptible methods again. I. F. Davles (Joes to Dairy. I. F. Davies, one of the old resident! of Lake county, haa concluded to cast Ida lot in Klamath county, and has lo cated at Dairy, in the heart of one of the richest sections of Klamath. Mr. Pa vies is preparing to open a model coun try store at Dairy and has named his es tablishment "The Excelsior." With good business foreight he has entered into a yearly contract with Tl e Ex aminer to carry an advertisement for him, and the same appears in this issue. Mr. Davies has become familiar with the business of merchandising and be ing a thorough btixiuoHS man, as well as man of genial personality, there is no shadow of doubt about his future uccess. Mr. I'uvies Is also a man ol great enterpiiNU and we would not be surprised (o hear of liim inducing the Kiuniatli Electric I'ower Company to build an electric road to Dairy, The proprietor of "The Kxcelsioi " will also bo t!e village poatmaster, and has or dered a liunilHome, up-to-date postollice cabinet with lock and wire boxes. The good people' living in the vicinity of Dairy will I oho nothing by having Mr. Davios settle among them, and Lake- county loses an honorable and upright citizen. They will find iu Mr. Davies a social, warm hearted gontlouian, and a square business man. 1 " " '' ' M.a'aM nmsnaaPMBsai iaaw''p " MAItCOXl'S MOTOR CAR WITII WIRELESS ATTACHMENT. '111. iliiutratiua .lioa a rcrot ioT.ntiua of U. wbard, Ifareoai. It is oaed for aif Huliuir ahi'wl wha on lb row) ia his motor ear. "11 tub. on top of tlx ear contain. totiio-at liiiim l In wliii'li mcMuis-Hi mra raoeiTMl aod from which thrj ar. iapatehd. Th liitiiM 1 iiiar tw uiwd la -uhr aiot or pruatrat Dositioo, but doca thu beat work vhea prtiriiliualar. D. ofH. LODGE AT STATE; LINE ' " Lone Pine Lodge Institut ed at New Pine Creek With 75 Charter Members. Line Cine Idge, D. of II. was duly instituted l"t Saturday evening at New Tine Creek by Deputy Grand Chief ol Honor Will T. Boyd, assisted by Past Chief of Honor Mrs. Anna Weilon, Chief of Honor Mrs- Fannie liurrua, Acting Lady of Honor Miss Lillie tiarrue, Chiel ol Ceremonies Mrs. Addie Arzner, and (irand Uaher Mrs. Ann Sherlock, and other member, of Lakeview Lodge No. 77, D. of II. of Lakeview. The following ollicers were duly elected and properly installed: Mra-Msgfla Umoa P. C.efH. Mr. B.rlha Charlton C. of II. Mr.. Kato Morrlaou L. of H. Mrs. Mora Hamrslejr C. of C. Mrs. Elrua liartxog Rrlvsr. Mr.. Pearl Barn.i Financier Ml.. KotaOlbbina Recorder! Via. Myrtle K. fcinltb lu.lde Watvh. Mr. Wvckllfl Eaatar OuUIJ. Watch. Mrs. Annia Butl.r Right Maid of Honor. MIM.0'Niil Ult Mr.. MskrIs Inion 1 rrar Mr. KalilvUlUblii. 2 Ji-ar.5 Mr.. Lulu Ki'lU I ion) Tru.teea. Revenly-tive members were on the Charter lint, of w hom forty-eight were present and initiated. Illness and ab sence from town prevented some from lielng present, but the absent ones w ill le initiated at an early date. The citi zens of New Tine Creek treated the visi tor royally and gave them a fine lunch at which all the members of the new lodge were seated at table. Short addresses were, made by the new officers and visiting members. Several applica tions were made for beneficiaries, and the lodge closed at midnight. Organ izer Boyd will remain at New Pine Creek this week to in.truct the officers in their work. New Tine Creek and Lone Pine Lodge, aa well as Deputy Grand Chief of Honor Will T. Boyd, are to be congratulated on the splendid showing made. The Ex aminer trusts that the interest in the new Wge will never lag and that it will continue to flourish like a '"green bay tree." Few lodges start off with such a large membership and under such pleasant auspices. It ia to be hoped that a large proportion of the members will become beneficiaries, as it ia the benefit members who take the greatest interest in Lodge work. Serious Runaway. Last Saturday Stanley McLaughlin ol New Pine Creek started with his family for Washington, where he intends to lo cate on some property he acquired, sit uated across the line about twenty miles from Portland. Upon arriving near the place of Isaac Deter in Goose Lake valley, the team he was driving became frightened and ran away. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin and two children were thrown to the ground, and Mrs. McLaughlin was severely injured. The other occupants escaped injury. One of (he hordes fell w hile running and the wagon - ran upon the animal injuring him quite badly. The family went back to New Pine Creek and are shopping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Itiynolds, ut the mill, until Mrs. McLaughlin recovers from hr injuries, when they will make the second start for Washington, it is to lie hoped, without accident. WARNER FIRES FIRST GUN North Warner Anti-Leas ing Association Pass Resolutions Con demning Gill. At a meeting of the North Warner Anti-Land Leaning Association, held at Plush on Saturday, the 13lh day of Oc tober, A. D., l'.Xil the following was adopted: is evident that the cor porations and strong Mock companies are nergetically using and actively em ploying all tbe power and influence they pot-seas to crea.e a sentiment throughout the East favorable to leasing ihe pontic lands 5 and, wheivas this As- !ociation regards the proposed land pol icy as of more importance to ns than all other questions of puplic policy ; and be lieving that it is traught with greater dan ger to our business interests than any other proposed policy with wh'ch the country has ever been threatened, there- lore, be it Resolved; That should the proposed law pass we will never herealter, in the discharge of our duties as citizens, allow any opportunity to pass without show ing our disapproval and condemnation of the men and the political parly that may be responsible for its passage; that we earnestly urge tbe people of each election precinct in Lake county to meet at the earliest day possible, that they may take such action as may be deemed best, in opposition to the proposed policy f leaning the public lands, and to bring the entire population into harmonious action "Against Leasing." We suggest that, when there shall be twe other As sociations of like purposes organized, each Association shall appoint one Mem ber of s County Executive Committee, which committee Bhall meet and devise some plan by which the united voice of the people may be taken, so that their opposition to this movement of leasing the public lands may be made known to the American Co jgress in the clearest and most effective manner. Attest : Daniel Boons Secretary. Telephone Builders Oo On Strike. Eight of the men working on the Lake County Telephone line went on a strike at Paisley last Thursday evening. It is said that the men struck for 25 cents more per day, but this the men deny. Several of the strikers were here this week and they all aver that the wages were satisfactory, and they bad no fault to find with the directors, or super intendent Kimmel. They do say that the reason they quit was because the cook was on a continual debauch ever since I he crew reached the stage road in Chewaucan, and that they could not get their meals regularly and on time, and were not allowed to sleep owing to the midnight rebels of the chief, who per sisted in looking upon the wine when it was red. They claim that they either wanted new cook or extra pay for as sisting in the work of preparing meals. We understand that extra men have been sent north to take the places of the men who quit, and that the work has not been long delayed owing to the strike. An Adjourned Meeting: of Circuit Court Convenes Today; Rcg nlar Term Opens Mon dayThe Docket. Too Circuit Court for Lake county, II . L. beiisuii, judge, wiil open to-day at 10 a. to. as an adjourned session to dirpoee of some rases in equity, divorce, and to make final orders in matters that have been settled out of court. On Monday, Oct. 21st, the regular semi-annual term oi circuit court will open to try the cases on the docket, which are as follows : CHIMIXAL. State of Oregon vs. Fred Venator In dictment for the larceuy of a steer. Stale of Oregon vs. Samuel Combs and Frank Wilso i Indictment for larceny of a steer. Slate ol Oregon vs. Wm. Humphrey Indictment for larceny of a caif. Mate of Uregou vs. Wm. Ford Bound over from justice court and indictment foraaitaull with a dangerous weapon. Stale of Oregon vs. John Doe Indict ment for larceuy. fclate of Oregon vs. John Doe Infor mation for larceny. Male of Oregon vs. Andrew J. Neilon Information, larceny of public money. A. L. Keames, district attorney, for the prosecution; C. A. Cogswell and A. S. Hammond, attorneys for defence. Slate of Oregon vs. E J ward Laird Information for la'ceny. A. E. Keames, district attorney, for ihe prosecution ; L. It. Webster, L. F. Conn and Lldon M. Bratlaiu attorneys for defense. ACTIONS OF LAW. George II, Small vs. Elmer D. I.uta Action ia ejectment. C. A. Cogswell at torney for plain tiff; C. B. Watacn and B. B. Beekmao for defense. Lakeview Bank vs. W. T. Boyd et-al Garnishment of N. P. Tonuingsea. L. F. Conn attorney for plaintiff ; ti perry 4 Hammond for defense. George II. Bogus vs. R. L. Sherlock Recovery of money. W. J. Moore, C. A. Moore and A. . Reames attorneys for plaintiff; C. A. Cogswell foradefense. Lake County vs. Andrew J. Neilon Actiou on bond of tax collector. A. . Reames, district attorney, prosecuting; Cogswell and Hammond for defense. SUITS 1! EQUITY. Mary A. Barnes vs. Arthur Barnes- -Suit for divorce. Floren.-e V. Boyd vs. John C. Apple white To determine adverse claims to real property. Hammond & Sperry at torneys for plaintiff. Paisley School District, No. 11 vs. II. J. Sadler et al M. C. Sadler and Erwin L. Sadler substituted To establish boundary lines. L. F. Conn attorney for plaintiff. M. D. Hopkins vs. A. McCallen For specific performance. L. F. Conn at torney tor plaintiff. S. P. Moss vs. L. A. Most, Annie Moss, V. Conn and George Conn For confirmotion ot sale. W. J. Moore and C. A. Moore attorneys for plaintiff. W. II. Dalrymple vs. Helen Dal rymple Suit for divorce. C. II. Dal rymple attorney for plaintiff; W. J. Moore for defendant. Maggie Tull vs. Charles Tull Suit for divorce. L. F. Conn attorney for plain tiff. Annie M. Chase vs. E. E. Chase Suit for divorce. L. F. Conn attorney for plaintiff. Bank of Lakeview vs. Stephen Gay lord et al Foreclosure of Mortgage. W. A. Wilshire attorni y for plaintiff. Only Seven Accepted. W. Z. Moss returned from Terino last Monday evening. He bought in Lake county, broke and drove a band of young horses numbering 47 head to Ternio for George 11. Bayley w ho is buying for the American Government. After insiiec tion only seven out of the iorty-seven were accepted by the inspecting ollicers. They would oniy accept animals of bay and roau colors. The horses aie to be used in the artillery. Mr. Moss says out of a bunch of 300 at Termo, only 811 were accepted. Horses must "look good" to the American inspecting olli cers, or they are thrown out. Mr. Moss sold more out of his bunch than any olher man.