amtntt VOL. XX l. LAKKVIKW, LAKE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 0. 1001. NO. 40. LAKE COUNTY INSTITUTE Meeting of Educators Last Week Said to be Most Successful Ever Held in the County In sccoidane with tlm tml Ire puh lithu in thu Examiner the Twelfth An- ual leathers' Institute was held In l.akevlew mi Monday, Tueadny and Wed iiiwluy I In l week. There wa. mi need of extra urging tho tea. hers f the county to attend, as all who wire touching or conleiiiplatinir teaching were there. The ineetliiK were lii ld In tin' Public fehool Building hihI :30 o'c'o. k of Inst Monday morning (mind nil tlm teacher ami imwiy ti i 1m mid school patron lrrwiil. Am Ihe opening hour had ar rived SnKTinlflidrlit WitlllM called tlm Itmlltutc to order, after which he made few very encouraging remarks -er-(iiluing to the school of tlil couiny. He said that III l-ako (Vinty.lbere were at present i.inclc. ii teacher ftiilfl ; .f these eight held Mate papers, live tlrrt gtudc rnniitv paper, loiir second irrudf county pti'ot", two lcniHtary, nn I Mi lliinl gtndc. l'llty per cent f those engaged In leaching are either Normal School grad tiatc or have lmd Normal tiniiintt. Tliu a verngu salnr) fur male teacher i. 'i7. Tho average milury j.uiil female teacher in lo a small incicaMover other years. The "ft subject lo li taken up language. 'Mil Sllbj'Ct Was lllllldll'd liy President CsmpUll. Am tlie text hooks haw been changed President Cam pin II the Ixnik lo tlm toachcia prcciit, r-lowcd it advantages ml gave the tcscher a very clear in aiht a to it. plan. , fcUtw Rupeilnteii.lent Ackerman then took lha MuHint of Arithmetic. Pro fessor Ackermaii showed bow tliu minor details of this subject can lie suoeess fully taught. As the new arithmetic In soon to lie introduced hit remarks we re more than intcio'tiug. A recess was thou taken during which those teachers who fivru not Ki'(iiainted with tliu CoiiiliU'tom Huru hihiIo ho. After rt'ct'MM I'r fcuwir 1'miiiiIk'I1 took up thu iuIiJihI of St liiKil llytfii'liti. 1'rcM idi'iit t'Miiiplxdl uttiil rxtrvine clvatilinvM of Midiixil room ami groiimlii ai thu JlrMt Minl to ho liotfd, mid thin avoid thu duiitfi'r of diHi-iiNo from kitiiih in liiMt. l'ri'niili'iit ('uiiiili(dl khvu many iiiHtrui'tivu Hiinla na to vontilMtlou. Ho nail): "l'leiity of froth air, hut no di rwl drauKh." He adviH-atoa thu uho of dial thoruiomolorM in all mcIiooIm mo that (he teuijoiatiiru muy ho kot uni form duriiiK llio day. A HUU'iiioiit mat e by Mr. Camoholl hum Ihul llio avorao lifu of kmi1u had riMon from 33 to 3D yoara and all thin ia duo lo ih v caution diHlMyoii in Hyuione an woll thu advance ol Modical Hciouce. TrofoMMor Ackerman next prenentoil theatudyo Hintory and ahowod how that tud) chould U) luught in connec tion with I ho Conalitutioii. His method of treatiiirf battle, if adopted by tench ra wjuld reduce the drudnory now ex- intintt in mouio pla.!o, to a minimum. A recess wat thou taken until 1:30 p. in. The afternoon session was opened by l'rofossor Canipboll taking the subject of geography. President Campbell laid the plun of the book on this subject, be fore tlie Institute as only an artist in his line could and Uo suKgotted many books that can be used advantageously as supplementary work on Koogruphy. The next on tiie program was a paor by I'rofeHHor J. H. MeCormiick of the Kukoview school. In this paor Mr. McCormm-k plainly showed his ability as a thinkui and w riter. Ity a unani mous vote of the liiHtitute it wits r Uifted that Mr. MeCormiick ullow lii pupor to ho prii)tel in the Oregon Touchers' Monthly. Thu subject of muni as it should ho tmight in schools was developed by County Superintendent Willits. Tlio subject was enthusiastically presented, us some tuacheis cluimod they could not t-ingibut Kuporiutondunt Willits soon demonstrated the fuct that they could sintr. Suporintondont Ackerman next took up the subj ict of Reading. As sll other studies are bused on rouding particular slroMn should be laid on this subjnet. Next C'lne lh questioii box, and to Mm the manner in which it was patron sl.nwi'd how it was appreciated. All (iiom' 'lis that puxttlod llio U-Hchor nf ih county wore very aiinfuctorily an rMoN'.l by Ih.) conductors o the do ll,.. it of thotw who a-ked them. Tt'KHliA Y IK.T. 1st. The flrnt on the program for the morn ing MoMsioii wa (irainiuar by I', h. ('ampUdl. As I'roMidmit Campbell in tr.xlucod 'he Hiibjucl of Language, his remarks on grammar wore on the linos of simpl.i progress from one blanch lo the next higher. As I'roidetit Cinp-Im-II said, "u gradually piiHS from the known to the unknown." Thu next subject waa Arithmetic by Superintend ent Ackormun. In hisdim-UMOou he foU Iowa in the SMino line as when he lint introduced thu subject, "lie said, null y problems s'lould im made to fit giv n conditions." Superintendent Ackorm.tii strongly advocitlcs the uho of linos in ex planation and s olving arithmetical prob lems. A rooKS was now taken. After r.H'ens I'rexideiit Cumpln-ll sHke on Applied rry.hol'igy. He clearly showed thu workings of the mind. He sid, "the mind is not the brain but a forcu working or acting through the brain." Hi'jcrintoiidcnt Ackerman now Ux.k up the further study of History as ro uted to Civil Government. Mr. Ack ermau the methods employed in elect ion of officers from primaries to tho elcctwl oilicer taking the oath of office. He show til how this process could lo carried out in public schools with little effort, thus makingthe pupils acquainted with the workings of po litical or literary organizations. A recess was now taken for noon. Afternoon, the first was s review of reading as introduced by Superintend ent Ackerman. He said: ''Heading is thought gelling, not pronouncing woids." Ho said: "have tliu pupil memorize short a lections of choice po etry. All eighth grade examinations now will call lor a short selection of this kind to lie written. The next was a paer by Mr. T. F. Newbill entitled "Character." He showed that character is taught at learned ; also that a teacher should be tho model as well as leader in his com munity. The many excellent qualities of this essay caused the Institute by a unanimous vote to ask Mr. Newbill to allow it to be published in the Oregon Teachers' Monthly. Superintendent Wil lits next took up the subject of Music again, and save some very excellent drills that will produce good results if employed in the schools. Next 1'resident Campliell completed his instruction oil Geography. He said "use the outline with the book but do not become its slave, lie original and introduce much supplemental work." President Campbell thinks that half holidays could be of much boned if used in studying Geography from oa lure rather than text. The question 1kx w hich had been well patronised during the day was now taken up by President Campbell. WKDNBMIIAY, OCT. 2NU. President Campbell now took up the subject of Grammar whore he loft of! on Tuesday. He gave a good outline for the preparation o' a lesson in grammar, alto a good outline to conduct a recita tion in the same. Supoiin'endent Ackornian next took up the subject of AritlimoticHiid showed his lino analysis can li adopted to any and all problems of this branch. He solved many dilllcult problems by this method, making the explanations so clear that any pupil could understand them. Touchers, if ihey follow this method of analysis, will have no more dilllcully in teaching montttl arithmetic. Recess. President (Jampbell now took up Ap plied Psychology and continued on thu lines laid down by him in his previous discussion. CONTINCKD ON PACiK 4. "msw' PRESIDENT CHARLES M. SCHWAB. Chart! M Srhk nf tttm Kl t... .u- v.: t.. dfbmt amlartMl othria of a businett rotarprtM ia th. world. If then is U17 tiros wlui eunws iwar to rnin bi. ..danr it is when lis has a ficbt on with th Amalgamated of lbs AuuilKvnatad. dwii't ooru. sa high oa his bands kumUium, THEY MET AT CRANE CREEK Local Baptist , AsoJiatlon Electa New Officer jind Hold En thusiastic Meeting-Next Session be Held Here The Lakeview liaptixts met with the Crane Creek Dnptivt church on Oct. 3rd, at 10 a.m. An hour was 8ent in de votional meeting, conducted by Elder L. E. Henderson, after which the intro ductory sermon was preached by Kev. ('. W. Holloiuan. An adjournment was then taken until 2 p. m. The meeting was called to order in the afternoon by Moderator L. E. Hender son and the election of officers for the following year eueued. They are as fol low s : Moderator T. B. Wrnon L 1,-r,t '. C. KlKlOU Tr. .ur.r I. H. liaruog liesides the regulur form of business the following preachers occupied the pulpit: Thursday evening, Elder H Smith; rnday at 11 a. m.. Elder L. A. Myers; Friday evening, Elder P. J Sjoon; Saturday at 11 a. in., Eldsr L. A. Henderson; Saturday evening, L. A Myers; Saturday at 11 a. m., Rev.C. W. llolloman; Saturday at 3 p. m., Rev. P J. Spoon, and at nivht Elder II. Smith. The weather was stormy Thursday : and Friday, but it cleared up later, and 3 the attendance was good. There was good. considerable interest taken in the As sociation, and everybody appeared to enjoy the meeting.. On Sunday the crowd was large. The good people of Crane Creek know how to entertain. Everybody was bount ifully led and royally treated. Their kindness and hospitality will long be re membered by the members of the As sociation. There was a good spirit all through the meeting and many were heard to remark that they were glad to on nere. A liabiist Association is a voluntary body and its sole object is the spread of the Gospel. The Association w ill meet next your with the Lakeview ?hurch. The Dog-Poisoner Again. Thu dog poisoner is at his work again, an ' on Friday night last no less than ten canines w ere put out of business. Some of thu animals killed were worthless. w hile others were much thought of by their ow ners, w ho make no secret of their indignation, and disgust for the unknown party who would do such a cowardly act. Some respect would bo held for the man who could openly shoot a dog that annoys hiin, but there is none for the man who prowls in the night like a sneak thief to do the brutal work with poison. aa Mr. Schwab, but h. aJbo has Urn oontraoU STATE LINE A. O. U. W. Organizer Body Institutes a Big Lodge at New Pine Creek--A Strong Auxiliary to be Instituted Saturday. Will T. Boyd, organizer and deputy Grand Marshal of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, has found a rich field in which to labor in the New I ine Creek vicinity. In an interview with Mr. lloyd last Monday he told an Ex aminer representative that he had in stituted a lodge of Workmen at New Pine Creek with 33 charter members, and that by next Saturday night the roll of applicants would reach 43. Be sides he had already applications num. bering C5 for a lodge of the Degree of Honor and the members would reach 100 b fore lie flnirhed his canvass. This ia a wonderful showing for a town the size of New Pine Creek, and demon strates the fact that the people are be coming alive to the importance of good, cheap, lodge insurance and family pro tection in case of death. A number of the pioneer members of the old Lake view lodge of Workmen went to New Pine Creek on September 28th to assist Mr. Boyd in instituting the new lodge. The lodge was named New Pine Creek Lodge and the officers elected are as fol lows : Paat Master Workman B. F. t'aunon. Master Workman Wm. Lemon. Foreman Alex Robuett. Overaeer A. M. Gallagher. Uuld. J. A. W.lones. Receiver Jowpn Smith. Recorder F. C. Eaater. Financier K. H. Glbbina. Iniide Watch Wm. Blurton. Ouulde Watch James Laughlin. Trustee.... Will Cannon. Trustee . H. tilbblna. Trustee Alex Robnett. The degree of honor will be instituted next Saturday night, and a number of members of the local lodge will go to New Pine Creek to assist. Taken to the Asylum- Since Vernio Hopkins' incarceration he has become demented. Last Thurs day County Physicians Via. Smith and Stoiner, in the presence of the County Court, examined the patient aud pro nnuiicei' him insane. He was commit ted to the asylum at Salem and John B. Blair and Ashley Follett wore appointed guards to escort him to the institution for which place they started hist Friday. The asylum is a better place than any other for this unfortuiiato young muii. He may be cured under the kind treat ment of the asylum doctors, and still become a useful citizen. Let us bo -e so. OBJECTS TO THE DIVISION Citizen" Gives His Rea sons Why Lakeview District Ought to Remain Intact Editor Examixfh: I notices petition in t ircula'ion, having '.or its object the division of our school district, and am grea'ly surprised that many, ept-ecially taxpayer, are signing it. It serins to me that i.o citizen of this town, especial- I ly if he be a patron of our choo and a taxpayer, can consistently sign a petition m divide the district. In the first place the district is bonded, all of which bonded indebtedness would have to lie paid by the old district (No. i 7i in cai-e of a division, the new district being relieved from all obligation on ac count of this debt. In the terond place, if ifie district were divided, the new district would be enti led to a division of all the school i property even to their part of the ap j praised value of our school buildings and grounds, to say nothing of dividing our school money, furniture and apparatus, j We would necessarily have to vote a lariie tax on our proierty to raise this propoilional part of the appraised value j of our school pioperty, which I fancy would not be generally favored by the j taxpayer. A divinon would virtually destroy our very efficient high schorl a school that is the pride of the county, and one that compares favorably with any other of like institutions iu the state. I say that a diviciou would destroy this high school, which it surely would do unless we were to resort to taxation for its support. The boundaries ot the proposed new district, as I understand it, are about aa follows: Commencing about lj miles north of town and extending north to the north boundary line of our present district which is north of Warner can yon ; from west to east it extends from the east line of Thomas creek district, near the F. D. Bauer ranch, east to be yond Camas prairie. Anyone at all fa miliar with the actual bona fide residents of this territory knows that it would be utterly impossible to locate a school building so that a l could be Accommd" dated; in fact some of the resident would be nearer to Lakeview than to the building in the proposed district. Then, again, it is well known that the parents whb represent a majority of the pupils of school age residing in the proposed district are merely temporary residents, who may be in another county or state at any time. Taking it all in all I must confess that from my way of thinking a division of our district at this time would benefit the residents in the new district but little if any, and that it would be of in calculable damage to our school. Citizen. Lakeview, Ore., Oct. 7, 1901. The Telephone Line The planting of poles for the Lake County Telephone lin: will be com pleted to Paisley tonight. The wire has been strung from Lakeview to four miles north of the Ileryford Bros, ranch. More wire is on the way from the rail road and as soon aa it arrives w'lll be strung to Paisley. Each one of the di rectors are taking a turn at overseeing the work on the various sections. Di rectors S. B. Chandler, Wm. P. llerry ford and George Conn have been looking alter the work between Lakeview and Paisley, and President Win. Harvey left for Paisley yesterday to take up the work from there to the north end of Summer Lake. From there on to Sil ver Lake it is expected that Director F. M. ChriBuian will oversee the work. The construction of the line has been very satisfactory thus far. Ditch Company at Bly. The Klamath Express says that a ditch company was formed at Bonanza Monday for the purpose ot taking water from the big springs on Ed. Terw illiger'a place. The stockholders are John Shook, president, D. F Driscoll, vice-presiuent Ed. Terwilliger, secretary and treasurer. They proiiose to start work at once and about three miles of ditch w ill be finish ed this fall.