LA KB COUNTY EXAIINER: LAKE VIEW, OREGON SEPT. 26, I90L :! News, .- MI-4- A roll til rr rruM of hrt n lirm1, Th)f voir for miulr, ami tiijr wnil I, I' 1 i Tlio rulif ol lliy crlinxm Hp. lor wlnr Oli, wt"u woiilit i-Ihmhm' a rmlli ln,irt1? (loo. h-li'Vi'im was In town wwral tlays last 'k. IVtn mill An(tiMt Kiiiirat with in town Friday. Lakt county nlni'i are moving toward tlmlr w liilir range. Clia. Ttiompmni citiiiu in from Ills rani'li lasl Thursday. I ink 11 lli-hiiflt tame ovt from Warner after tiiili Innt e k. Joiihn I'.. Nornn ramn In from Ids Iuhi camp last Thursday. Mr. Jack Milkmaid rami down from Paisley limt win k on a visit. Frank Orr rcuislervd at tint l.akuviw from Portland luxt Thursday. Our advertisers Allen Lnfolli tt will lisve kiiiiki rains for Halo in Paisley smiic'iinc in Ociuher. HH 'i New vi-Ktiliiiled trains will "mm li , tliu order on Iho Southern Pat-iliu road. W. 1'. Moulder and caino over from Warner IuhI Tliurmliiyon Inmine-s. J. Frankl arrived in l.nkeview (rum han Fraiiciseo taut Thursday evening-. Anotlier liutrlier simp has lieen start ed in tin) rear of llitt old I luff lmi. Drink lintliiliK hut Jesse .Moore w liinky and you'll always lie liMy. On sale at Wlmrion A Smith's. IM-tl John Jai'oli Alitor, the founder of tin) New York family, wan the Hon of a liutrlier. J. (,'. Feiulf! and M. K. Mrfirath. Han Francisi-a commercial men were at the lakeview Friday. The hens in lliia vicinity are on a strike, -;oiiseuently there is a (treat scarcity of "lien fruit." Mim Mae Miller in prepared to tcivo lessons in vim'iiI and int riuneiital inii-io at her homo one door north of the Methodisl Church. 37-31 JomiH K. Noran wan in from Kound (irove Friday. He aayi feed is pretty short for sheep out there. One thousand head of cattle were itarted hy the Chewaucan Land A Cattle Co. for the railroad at MuiJiiKiie IhhI wwk. Thu largest pruned ryer in tho world, a locul rejMirt says, has lieen erected near Corvallia, and expects to lry 30 carloads of pr il nen thin fall. Punt A King have the swellcsl report oiilMiln of Oregon's hi city. It is a popular place liecaiiNe nothing In handled there in the liiilor unci cigar line hut standard hnttids. - if There should lie plenty of music und enter tuinuicnl in Lakeview thin winter; any way there in ail unumial amount of talent in that line here. P. I'. Hrowne and wifoof llidwell were arrival from Attn ran Friday. They had lieen in attendance at the Modoc Fair which they pronounced tirst-clus. James Itruminett returned to Lake view from the John Iay country Friday. Jim miys that country is over plucked and think thin country better than that for Htock. When you want a pleasant phyHio try the new reined v, (.'hamla-rNiii'a Stomach and Liver Tahlels. They are easy to take and plcaaunl in eliect. Price, cents. Sample free at Itcall' ilniK store. 3.V4 Jake Messner and W. 1'. Moulder, two old settlers of War.ier, were over near thu Ol Jacohs place on the t'UHt aide several day hint week, and the way they hunted antelope was not flow. In com pany with Ol Jacobs they succeeded in killiiiK 13 anteloe ; a pretty good score for such you and active boys. ?c 8 Interesting Notes Gathered During The Week and Stated Briefly Por Cxamlncr Readers :: J. W, ltrown who la running the J. K. Field and W, I'. Moulder band of sheep wan In town acveral day lat week. Theae aheep will Ik dividinl alniut the lat of October. Carry KnellinK ramo over from Ce!ar villn hint Friday with hi two coiimIii the Mimic Cora and Ottie Hnellinu who have len vUitlntf with the J me Hind linn family for few week. The name i a iruaranty of lt puiity Ji'Hn .Moore whickey i alwaya ritrht. Ituy it of Jammerthal. 3H XV. H. Itlair ha taken W. J. MrKee'a aeat on thn northern atne and now bring- ,he mall in on time. Hill McKee ha taken tharn of the Itoh McKee place wiul h of Lakevn-w and hit ""p to ranchinti. The clonitiK of every buine hone ill fjtkeview lt Thursday in honor of the dead 1'reHident howcd the uinver xal reie't the a-ople bad for him who knew no wrong. Such a thinK ha never been done here before. NmhitiK louche 1'oft A Kinn' rcort fur line lurnitiire, cony corner, cod liiiuor and Hue mnoke. Call there while you are in town, and you will he royally treated. 2U:5 The flrnt Cabinet inwlintc wa held in Wahhinnton on the lHlh, at the reoidence of Commander Cow lea, where rrenidenl Koowvelt i dtavinu. I'redident ltHMe- velt reUetted all the members of the Cabinet to retain their tiottilion throiinh- out hi term. J. C. INwIboii and family of I '.id well panned IItoiihIi Iikeview hint week for llunii on a vinit to relative. Mr. Id non will buy nunc cavalry borne while there for the liritinh government, and may purchase a large number for artil lary puimhch while there. When you go to Klamath Fall don't fail to see C. . Wilson the iMipulur caterer at the (ieiii sal xm. He carries the HneRt vtiH'k in town and will treat voti right. Thetiein in the popular renort Try the Hermitage w hisky there. 2."-t. Ltion F. Ciolgosi, alius Frel Neiman, waa indicte.1 at Huffa.o Kept. Kith, by the County Court and tirand Jury for murder in the first degree for faially shiMiting frenident McKinley in the Temlile of Music in the ran-Ainerican IOxMHition, on the afternoon of Septem ler (1th. rMitno of tho lioya thut went to Altura Friday made tho trip on their wheels. W, U. Steele got a far as Fugle I'oint with them when he concluded he was not in the nice and came back to town. Flmer Ahlstrom, Hoy Chondler and (ieo. Keid went half way and then yave up the race und returned. Offers unexcelled facilities for learn ing the Celebrated I'crnin Shorthand by nail. This method employs neither shading, Kiition nor arbitrary contrac tions; is the simplest, most legible, and rapid shorthand in use, and the only method that can I hi successfully learned by mail. Send for free trial lesson and catalogue. Commercial Building, Wash ington, corner Second. 12-tf Mr. McKinley's first thought after be ing shot at Buffalo was of his wife. "Be careful almut her; don't let her know," he said. His second thought was of the miscreant who hud tried to kill him while the I'resident was extending his hand in greeting. "I,et no one hurt him," laid Mr. McKinley. In those two utterances in what must have seem ed to him the death hour were shown the personal qualities of the man whom Senator Hoar calls "tho best lieloved of all our Presidents." Physicians would not recommend Jesse Moore whiskey if they did not know it to lie tho best ill the market. Jammer thai sells it. 'M You cri At New Pine Creek's LEMON 6c FOR FASTIDIOUS DRESSERS $ Ever ordered for Lake County. My new Fall and Winter Stock! Of Goods will soon arrive. Ladies if you want a j I JACKET, CAPE or FUR COLLARETTE x Wait until you can examine my stock. Price the Lowest. & . . . C. U. SNIDER ... i I An orchestra was organized last week and practiced for the first time F'riday night at the residence of A. Y. Heath. Cnder the leadership of Prol. F. L I )n hn, of Kan Francisro as violin player the organization consists of Mis Hutler, piano; (ieo. II. Ayres, clarinet; C. H. Duiilap, tromtiotie and A. Y. Beach, cornel. Frank Smith, the tonsorial artist will treat you right and do your work up to il u to. .il-tf K. F. Duttou, stockman of Wagontire, Iihs sold to a Harney valley buyer 1M0 head of 3 and 4-year-old steers for f -II H-r head. They are for the Kanlern market and will Iw shipiei at once from a railroad (stint on Snake river. Mr. Iiiition wants to sell about 'MX) head of slock cattle, as his hay is short this sea son. Paisley Post. For home use, for br use, for physi cian use, for everylxHly's use, Jesse Mi wire whiskey is always the licet and is in most general demand. 38 In view of a very interesting game of ball U-ing played at Alturas last Friday between the Lukeview team and Cedar ville nine, o,uiteanumbcrof Lakeviewites went down Thursday to witness this and see the fair. Among them were C. K. Sherlock, W. A. Massingill, C. It. An derson, Fent Smith, Frank Gunther and Max Whittlecy. A Unit a month ago Dan Chandler found in the roadway between lukeview and Irews Valley a lady's purse con taining a certain sum of monev. The ownercan have the same by calling 01 Mr. Chandler, proving property and paying for this notice. 35-tf The watermellon season this year has been sn ideal one for Lake county grow er, also for thpse that eat them. Usu ally when the melon crop is ripe the weather is so cool that to eat them one must put on an overcoat and sit down by a fire. But thin year it is different, in fact several days last week there was considerable complaint almut the heat I and the thermometer stood at 90 and 01 for several days. ) Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind., is a jxMir man, hut be says he would not lie without ChanilH'rlain's Pain Balm if it cost live dollars a Ixittle, for it saved hiui from living a cripple. No external a- plication is equal to this liniment for i stiff and swollen joints, contracted mus-1 clen, stiff neck, sprains and rheumatic and musclar pains. It has also cured numerous cases of partial purulysi . It is for sale by Beall's Drug Store. 35-4 Prof. F. L. Daliii, a finishid player on the violin and clarinet, and a teacher on these and other in-truments arrived here last Thursday from San Francisco, to re side. Mr. Iahn is also a first-class painter and paier hanger, and secured employment in that line the day follow ing his arrival. He bus been a teacher for many years and thoroughly under stands music ; at the present time he ar ranges music for the McMillan Publish ing Co. of Chi.'flgo. Mr. Dahn hits a wife and family of thren children, who will loin here later on. The band will Im reorganized this week under his leadership, and with the addition tt Prof, (iraham who ta'ight the band last year, Lakeview can boat of the best baud they ever had. Wanta Watch gargain ilflt L,AKETIEW . ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS ACCOfinODATIONS , SAMPLE ROOH For COnriERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT F. H. MILLER & CO., Proprietors. F. P. LIGHT, Manage B. F. ALLEN ALLEN & ,; - V 'C I .' i-w : , W-riL'.'1-:- ...Lodging House Mrs. E. H. Day, Proprietor. The Only 25 Cent House in Lakeview Restaurant and Lodging House have both been thorough ly renovated. Good table service and "clean bees. The comfort of our patrons will always be our first aim. Call at The Cottage for a good meal and bed. Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S Strongest in the World. We can't all aecumlate an estate, but we can buy oneu Life Assurance has enabled many a man to die wealthy, or to live a comfortable bid age. You don't have .to die ta win on tho 0. C. V. policies of the Equitable. That f. sir' s-- w. A Countpp Big; Store, HARTZOG 9 yvf T. H. LAFOLLETT LAFOLLETT Breeders of Pure Bred Sheep Original stock Spanish Her I no. Have bred for many year to registered Delaine ad Rambouilet Ran from the flock tf leading eastern breeders. Wo offer for f of I Aof 7na vearllnr mmd I ka 2 two-y ear-old raois. Prices and terns rea- fl sonaDie. nome rancn on mca.ay cree ten miles north of Prineville, Oregon. Call on or address ALLEN & LAFOLLETT., 30-3 m Prinev le, Oregag CTS leCottaore-: Restaurant... A