LAKH COUNTY fcXAMINCR LAKEVIEW .OREOON. SEPT. 1. 1901. SCHEME FAILS Attorney Uenaral of Californifl Will not he Allowed to Take l.eventon, Drown and Lade Trom Modoc. TIi Allnrii" I'lalniliHlrr u t w tlm K'l wrcHili iihiii tlir lima il Pixlrirt A l'.rin-y U'MilMT III tin' fiilln INK InMlllli till Iiin'! "'I'lii' nrliiiin of lli' Allofiii-y I ii-ncrnl to iliMtriliulo I-vitiI iii, llrnwii mill I .Hili'X nvi r lli Klalc in rHl Ihixc (uf lln Im'IH'IIi of lira'l liiinti'rn hihII'I'mxI niiuiry ilrati iliil lint iiitrlHliiW. Tin fact wua ilui. rtinl nil liinmr cuv In Iiim, Jo tli iltrrtiiintil ttiitiili ( I'ik trlct Altnrnt'y lltinnrr. Ilmiilr)'' tin cimriiiotia mat In llin roiinly fur xurli a novo Mr. Him r imiIi find no Ihw to warrant tlm rniiiiiiiiiiatiini of u li an outniKn. Tin- U rtnit. removal to tli) jitil of n I'oiiliKiioiiK t'oiuit V only here tlnr u no j nl, wlirrt llif j nl U uiikmIx or h lnTe Uiiti- I lUiigi-r of riot. None of llii'ioi i'oiiililioii ran In fonml in tin iri'i'nt ran, timl i'xi'iimi or iHlmtiiit rtrruiiintatiri-H a.n rlitirrlv wnnlinu. VV linvi'HMi in Mrn t Iniiifhiiil ilnllur jis I hihI iln oiiiniKM " only nt t in jl n t lull I liu it iBiini-rn lllitfllt In i l uil-i I hi tlll IIIITI'V of l !u n HUTU ni l nn 1 1 - it I 1 limit i'In. 'I luil i hII 1 1 1 i i ih of it, Mini i I nnrii i ' mill n-ti".r ni Ilia' JiiIki llur- r i ik "' 'nl'l n"t l"f a ri i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 havi' I tlliilullt nl li l.'llllk' liMII-l-ll t'l llll on- ' filiniit loii nl hii i: 1. 1 1 1 1 . i u a hi'iiii'. Al U-i-t, luxr hiII ! hi.'li m xl year in Mo I'M' iiii.I to h II to the tin m I i-ll l i a Mill further iin iim-i' for I lit- liiu-lit of a :Wa1 uf I h! iiiiiiii'V I'lr.lli-, Uolllil I ii' m h a fi ii mi of i lull en l inn lli I'Hin 1 1 out I lii mil lit V tlillt llii mil' Im III Jilil'l or iMftml Attorney V oill'l line lo fure il. 'flu A'loi'oe) lielieilll lll il hin !Hll( I'liri lei! ii ;i iio( lli, ii Iiin.'i- il Moid i-.iiiuly II 1 1 ink I II ile. I , ii M.l Kuli.e mil ilt o' liniment I ,M. II ! I I . ' ' ' I iil-l I.. uivnte.l inel 'lellmll ' W it II e ,.( M.oe mme it I t 1 1 r. ilue I i ! 1 1, .ii. k iii . .11 in i ii- i i- t ' ! if i . i'. i' .1., ..i I In I. on Mi r. Wtiid I- Wo ,f l.llf-V I hiH i iiJ I'iiii.hc. " ii m I HI 1 I full iiil "pril Wiifiiii uheelx, i ilt Mil IIIm, H ilKnll Mini i ii.mii ntnl eXUe.M Imiwh, v ' fc-' I" W.U'oi! tile, I 1 1 n ' till Hllll t-lilllU WH(on tne in lin t eM iythim: in heeei-ciiry lo I'limliirt an up tn-il.itti liliii-kMiiith ami w iipm nlini. I oiM 1 1 1 1 ik' u HK-i-iiilily. I ' i ' ) i in iiml have I' leil S iIho:i ninl Fliloii ikhIi im k hIhh' your hoie. llu y are 'r'niekiijaekii iroin away I ui k . ' ' "If V. I. WlMMIIIKK A Kon Seven Days At Carnival. All tin trutiiiirtMtloii lln in lli .N.irllmect lire wrranitliitf to aivi Hx'ial Iv low riieii to ami from the 1'or'l.inl Car nival, w hich runa- from Npt. IH to Oft. IV, uinl the fxriirrion tiekfta w ill ht kimm! for 7 iluy. Thin ia the loiiM limit rvir Kiven on Milch tickfla, ami will nivr w ple niiiil time to dee all ihi Mitthla rule necteil with the ureal x f h t-i 1 1 i i . Willi two full in lilary lunula, a mili tary tMiiriiiinieiit, a hnrie hlmw, athletic nmitn, exhihilH tif I ii i ii i it), uyr ieiili urc, li.illiriilluie llli'l iniiliu(ii''tiiiiii, a full mill w ay, lirewotkM, ami tin itriay of niiiUHi inentH nml uttriictioiiH, tlm Ciiriii Mil will hi oiu of the tfienifhl event of llie weiiMiin, hiiiI llie inlnOHHinn fee in tioiiu lo lie only .') ceiitH, III renin for children A Cnmwunlcallon Mr. 1 Mitor Allow me to Mieak it few v..riU in favor of ( haiuherlHin'H t'olijih It'euieily. 1 Hiiffereil for thre yearn with tlm iirouclnliH ami coulil not nlee) at niKlilN. I tried neveral iloi'lora and van illin iiltelit inedli'llieH, hut could gel noth nitf to Kive nit any relief until my iru Xt Ixittle of Una fikluiihln medicine, w lilcli Iimh complf tely relieveil nie.-W. K 'riN'kman, HuKiicll, Mo. Thia remedy m tor biiio iy ilea. ra ituk More. M I'.HHtern Oregon ii deuiandini' neverul of the state, office, any. the Sulem Inde Miudent. Time wuh w hen we could take our little KHHtern Oregon brother by the alack of the pants and the actiff of the neck nml throw him over the fence into the cow thi.tlea, and jeer t him to boot, but the KuHtern brother Iihh grown and sunny, and now demands better treatment at the hamln uf hta webfoot brother, and he in now (iliyaically able to make it extremely tropical for his iniliurto rattier Uiihi kiiiHinau. JohIi WeHthafor, of Ioiotee, Ind., ia a jHior man, but be any. he would not be without ('hHmherluin'H l'liin lialm if it coat five dollars a hottle, for it paved Mm from heinti a crinple. No external an plication ia equal to this liniment for atiff and swollen joints, contracted mus cles, miff neck, sprains and rheumatic and musclar pains. It bus also cured numerous cases of lmi tiul purulysi 1 . It is for sale by Jleall s Drug More. UD-4 Ahout a month ntto Pan Chandler found in the roadway between J.ukeview Hiid Drowa Valley a lady's purse con-turning- a certain sum nl inoiiev. The owner can luivo the name by calling 01 Mr. Chandler, proving property and paying for this notice. 35 tt To Wtno l air. H t'lKlnry Imi Winr ot Ilia Nrvaila Watt Fair ML Tlm Kiaminrr that tli N (! () My. company lia k"'i the Fair coin in i ((' tliti luweat nntr rmlroHil ratca of any oilier railroad, ami tln furl in lilKlily utiirTitr"l. 'I liomi from lliia northern rtmnlry who ila-nira lo make that ili'iimiit tili to Ni-vhiU'm nreily littlo l ity can tin ho fur oiu-lial( fare ftoiii all (Milium for tli ronml lri . 'J rnllif ManaKiT J. II. ftruitiHt ha ! hiiimI n i iri ular rrtfaplititf liiiiiirn tor xlilliiliiui at lli Ni-vaila Main Fair. Tlii'Ktt iliiHiieliL hIiohIiI W fnrarli'i lo lifiio at rrgular rata., voimintnl to tlm i hihitor, chara n-iaiil. Coiiiitini-ra or thiliitora innal aurrrn iliT to tliM ruilioH'l I'oiiipany'a .unit, lif n rfturiiiiitf ahiiuiit, Him riitiirit hill thowintf i harttf" I" Hit Fair, armm mii -) with mflfal! of lli mrrrlary of lli Axeooatlnii, tint latter wltim forth that iruierty haa Ihii on rxliilii linn hihI Mil rliuutfiil IiuimU, v Inn run m;niiinil ill U (orwMiili-il to original xliliiliiK roiiit fri-H of t-hariftt. Tht Id no at' t will ri-fiiml nil ' Imrwn for tr:" .itimi lo tin- I-air, aluiLing1 oiiKinal cxHanMi lull, herrnlHiy'it iliiHlt ami rco-lpt of coiifiKiife or Aiitliilor. tiliM'J lrlh Oil. I.. II. MiIIpIiv, a III lyi'r.if II. Mil-tin, Ti x . , oin f I'h,i, i a k"''' iliKtf'T. Id "My liroihi'r n very lm Willi iii:J li-vi-r .ni'l IhiiiiiIi 'i-. 1 imt- (,,,,, ,, irv ; tm- Huti-i., himI hi' Mn h.Hili .tiili'li le-llef, lillt e.ilit ililleij II' lii until In ua ule.llv eilleil. I III mi fun l.le. '.lie lltlel XHVeil 111" life " I III- I X.el InllllllM, Xllln ill" ea-e Kel III" rtiel 'iirllie the I I m . I ; nnl illi.'1'hl loo, refill HI en llVi'l, kliilieyt llli'l iMiwel, rureM eoli-t 1 1 ill I Mill . il V'rf' j e 1.1 , in i urn ili-e.iM H, k nl y Iroulili N, te mule i i.ii'l,lliil ; niven iel!erl lieHltti. I Inly .'.ih' mi Ik'iill'a ill ut xlofi. !!.'. 4 Own riuch of the lUrtli. The In in nl Mi'ii i l. ix, ( .ilil 'i iii.i, om.ii 1 1.5 t l.inl l ii, ii h ..I I. ui I. nearly nil of It uinuiii mi ll u li' I um 'I (mi' k'I .iiiij". A r'liii.l'lii.i' li' iiMilimi m the lainl IH I' .i I eil in i ,it i n inn i runt heio tern ie- ! k'.'ll. I I. i ll lnii :,!'. :i'e eijila! t'l llj ana 'I Si 1 1 ..i.. lit a lei .Manxachu- "it-, l:ii"'ie J-I.Hnl it I ( ni i:ei I lent to-; K'i 'hel . I 1 l- Ii ill tl.e Me nl New Volk! ami t hree t Hi.e. t he M.e ol New JetheVI- aliMiil ihe Me of Wi M. ii:ina nml no ti(jhl h of the entile aieit of Calllul ma. It in hi larye Ui dlii'ir, four Ullientlie ie of Ali-in e a'd I-oiiaiue, and hut lit tle Miiulier I huii I leland, and one-tliitd lli. i.e ol Knxlaml iiml Wale tiyctlii r. The FtlKelit I iiianl fiiya that there in only out IhlliU thai lleliiy Miller, the Mil v i llif liiemher of tin til in of Miller A l.lix, I eroiiiei neivniiM over, and that in tliKM'iiMHion of ihe Me of hiH holdingK. A Night ol Terror. "Awful Himety wax felt for the widow of the luave lim iihillll ol M.irh mm, Me., when llied'H'lora rui.l the would die from I im uuiiiiua hefoie morniiii'," write. Mra. S. II. i.lii, w ho atteii.led her that fearful niiht, hut fhe lieKKed for lr. kiii' New l'lnrovery, wlurli had more than wire naved tier life, and cured her of ('iiiMiiiiitiuii. After taking, flic ulept all iiitt li t. Further um entiielv cur ed her." Thin marvi'lloiia inedii ine l k'Uaruuteed to rure all Throat, (.'heft ami I, unt: ! tase-i. Only &),; und $1,00. Trial h'ltlle. free at I.eaH'n drug More. Crooked Lawyer Located. A t-1 1 In ii I Tow n Talk i-uys that Fiamia 1'itrh, the JackMiii county attorney who sKippcd from .Meilford und haa numer nun rhaii'eN of einhe..leiiicnt uilitti-i him, has been l.nute.l. He hun made propiiNiiioii ni pay fiiioo hh a .oin pro- mine if he ia not plaeed under arrest. (-nine ol the paitieit who sutl'ered loss throiitih I' itch are deMroux of H.juaring . i . . . i me inauer mis way, reHirt coining from Jackaouville yesterday that Henry Klippel, win) has a large claim against the attorney, had already lieen ratistled It will lie remembered thai Hieriff Alex Orme only recently returned from Arizona, w here he bud gone in quest of bitch, but the sheriff's coming bad Urn anticipate I and the bird bud flown on the arrival of the olhcer. Working Day and Night. The busiest and mightiest lit'le thing that ever was made i Dr. King's New Life fills. These pills chunge weakness into strength, listlessuuss into energy, brain-fag into mental power, They're wonderful in building up the health. Only L'fio per box. Sold by Lee Ileal I Druggist. 3o-6 The Octoroon". Members of the local dramatic com pany have commenced rehearsing the "Octoroon," which will be presented here in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Moore take leading parts and are put ting forth their best drilling the home talent. The play in intensely interesting throughout. Klamath Re publican. A Shocking Calamity. "Lately befell a railroad laborer." writes D. A. Kellett, of Williford, Ark. "Mis foot wus budlv crushed, but Kuck- len'a Arnica Salve quickly cured him. It's simply wonderful for Hums, Itoils, files and all skin eruptions It's the world's champion healer. Cure iniur- anteed. 25n. Sold by Lee Dealt, Drug list. 35-4 Mrs. Aviragnetej6 RXtCHT AT CLOTHING I'arlur on Main Hin-(, Jt north uf Kli'l'l'd Mcn liaiiillui Miori'. 1'rli i'f Mmli-rain aii'1 Halli'ni'tlon Oiiar aiili'cil. Olvc wr rull. i Northern Stage Line. LA KEVIEW IA I SLEY. A. W. BRIAN, Proprietor. lA'Hvrn Lakeview at 8 a. m. vi-ry lay Imt Sunday. Hi-turning, Iavca rHich-y at 15 :-0 a. m. evt-ry lny but Stjii;iy. P(iHHrri' arc f J. Unund trip $$ Ol I ICIi - lli'jrliiililfi it WIiikHi-I'I'i, l.ln-Tlc-w. rwf rewery AYKES& SCHLAOEL, Prop. SALOON IN CONNECTION IWer sold Wholesale & Retail Delivered any place in Town FRANK T, GUIITHER WATCHMAKER JEWELER J. W. Maxwell A rwt far Ten of the Best high grade and standard makes of Pianos S240.00 and up Organs SCO up 0 H (4 OXCGKA.XITJ3 TARK AND WASHINGTON STREKT3 4 PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. Arat.trang, LL. ., Principal A practical, progrruirc achoul, contpicuou. for thorough work, with liuutlretl. of graduate. In poaillon. a. bookkcrper. and atenograpbere. Alrcatljr proud of a high .lauding whercrcr known, it atradiljr grow, better and better. Open all the year. Student, admitted dt time. I'rivmte or ctaaa iiutruction. Learn what and how we teach, and what it coat.. Catalogue free. BxrS .1 Dlract.ra D. P. THOMPSON, PRESIDENT D. SOLIS COHEN - - DAVID M. DUNNB ACORN Stoves and Ranges They have been the itandird cooker, and heater for three generation. Without an equal; a iigned guarantee with every ACORN. Greatest variety in pattern and price ottered by any laundry, J. E. BERNARD &S0N dJfTaSV'JrrnK itiXOac iiiilla E, nhnerltx.ri to Th Kiaminer who fmov tlii'ir .MiMfi,'i a'iilr'4 tteiul.i r'iri'iiitn'r to itrop llitt inii'f a ritr'l o f heir ('ttK-r ran le: .' ilrt .-i'd in llie rluiii iiinire. TUIt? DinrO l ki't'l'i" H" M- K.. IiakI'.,i lnl r Af tn Alv. nl-ni l utfl!$ i-ri'tniii' rxrhniiifr. h.n r rHiirliu-o, ( nl., her- cmifrtetN ror altrriitliu ran tfc iiia'lu fur II. r BLACK jniTH5 AND -J My,.- h ' I Kor ant one killmir or itl- in tOCK bt'lollttlg to the South Eastern Oregon Live Stack Association $500 REWARD Will t givn for the rret nl nnvi.-tion of ny jHrr on or vraon stealing avny uck Uionihtc to tuerubcm of this AsuocUtioo. J. D. couariLiN, J, H. INNES, President. Secretary. visit DR. JORDAN'S eacaT nusECP sf urnem (fit UARKET ST., SN FRANCISCO. CAL lMm Stxtk tat a.Ttuik J Th.tarcMitAaat.micai Uuieum "I u ui. ertl44( attrition In ri City. 4 4lMMmm.pmm1tir0i r rut f J ht at Wa.fa.... or any nintrttrt Ht bpri.niliiii Hit I cido Rif.aaatUg toaia. A ML JOKOAN PRIVATE DISEASES x Tmm aavra aa4 an 14a la " at. uOrrluc tim Ik. IH tt xoutiiliil Indir i a an im i In atauirar . HTMNmuiilMa itaaaainMHaan p.r, ih "ii Ma InaUMbl lb4 IT . riAPtatr ' eaaVr ar Ua htf aoaWL Will BOl A amt BtrmaiLiit W I la. Bnar 4w UI aUlia Ui ixufurm I alalia Ui.'(urm k alabti ib and w ln. t W.w. J y rrom UI Baa man ... lutM r aa awaaanialiji rtaui tmrmmmy .ni.ic.iia iron, k I ah BW4t mi M.iT.rt. IUaatar. A a.lck an. mwinti A niat, ariaaaaao aatl rllalta, b . Ji.lia. a.atdal aaaalaa. aaathiHla. A MWmmT mM arrlrw to saw Ui Y A Hi atliiln tl hUfgai.l.liH. A f Ml lwilH a YmAiIVM CVSM a W aaiwaailt or ay Vmu a tub wutaAMV aaw 1 m aiaaivaai. anua rai kwttk. Ut aatMt.) CaUainrila Tttl ' - av j . if f!l ";?-: ' n.3 :;"? m r? n? ) U ll j'i..nll if i3 JNi. J) I Hnrr.r.rJinsir!!? A $r?. in!tv t AND -- LOOKOUT ii". a. law ui HaMMIMiMiitr, Im "ar, -- mm nk. j tm U "I an I ., rrui.r. W krl om. tar a MBtaluatlon mt Mam Ka aa Uk Talmaia jtmaMi J. E. BERNARD & SON ARE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE, WAGONS, BUGGIES IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINES. WIND MILLS,' PUMPS, PIPES, COAL AND IRON. Call and see us before we will save you money. ity Meat M Market fe a- LYM BRICK BUIlDINGgl Door north of Hotel Lakeview X i Beef, Pork and Mutton Bologna, Sausage, Etc H. DAY. PROP South and East VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC CGMPANY Shasta Route. Train, h ave Airer lor l'ortlnd and war im. tlorui at i k. in si 'I 1 ,, tn., anrl Ii ate Arlilaml for I ort tml al 3;.V a.m an :.'" .. rn I.r Portlnnil , fflj a in :.m n in 4MV a ra 3..'i7 . m Y2:'A a m J2:M p ra b:ii p in 'ii a rn I'M j. rn :.J a rc Ar Anlilanil ' Mnrrnl'ii-lllo . . " au iTilK l.l.'o " 'eien ' lleriver , ... l ity. ... riiraKO . i:Mi m . a m . : ' a rn . "Mm tn . 2:0" p m . 6 0 p m . a m .11::' a in . 7:K) a rn . 6: ii p m . "Vr.1. a ru 12:10 p m "mi a ra 9:is p m " : 2!t a m C:. ta S:it', a in 6:iv p ra 6::i a ra 11 a rn 7: n rn f. :;e p in (:l . ra :lu p ra A nuclei Kl fao Kuri Worth liyot Mexico,. Hoiuioti. N'W rl".iiB VVatiuiiifio.j New Vi.rk Pullman and Tm.riii rr- on foih irnirii. I't.Mir i'r. mi rm i -Kio tn n : l"n aiei 1.1 i o, hihI im. r..l i cr-t.i i liit hko, -l. Lf.iiin, ew Or U'HUH an l U ukIi i ii:;toii. f'nmii'i'ilTiif m iiii V rhiii'lwn ia !ih The veral ft.-ti litun 1 1 line. lor Id. IK. I , 111. Ja.ili. I l.ina, I'll i 1 i i ..i Til-, t eniriii mill -r : h A in. rira See ai;eiii at Ai r mi i.n , nr '!'lr"- i . U.M Al:KU t M, i.. 1'. A . I'.ir'.iMni, ' ir. Agcr-LclxYlew Staoe Line. S. L. McNA'JGHTON, Fronrietcr Office, Hotel Linkvillo Klamath Falls, Or. Lr-ave l.itkevi.'W at 6:: a. m.; arrive at Biy In 11 liotirn. l-ave HI j at 8 a. tn. ; arrive at Klamath Palli In 15 liniirs. I-ave Kiamnth Fall, at 7 a. m ; arrive at hi hw jrk in 9 liuiim. U-av Hi-BM H k at 5 a. in.; arrive at Ager in 7 boura. Mkc connectioD with all triiua at Ager, C.I Easy Coaches Excellent Acccmmodations P.sM-nger. expra. aud freight traffic olicitrd. All tiuaiueta entrusted to a will be expeditt-d. G. W WISE. General Merchandise, First-Class Hotel, The Flush House, Tonsorial Parlors. Plush, Lake County, Oregon Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature ia sirengtheaing and reconstructing- the exhausted digestive or gans. It Istbe latest discoTered digest act and tonio. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, your Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and II. Large site contain tH ttmea small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailedlrca Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO.. Cglcago. Lakeview Drug Company. purchasing elsewhere and mm '3