Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 12, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 36.
Highway Robbery Tax List
Summary Full Term of
School, Etc., Etc.
The Kimnlrior acknowledges rrrolpi !
a complimentary ticket to tli. Modoc
(bounty Fair, to he lipid at Aituraa com
mencing Kept. lUlli and to lut one week.
Tli. Executive committee coni-inta of K.
lAuer, chairman, Clarence A. (taker,
secretary ; lloaid of Directors, M. Pink
ney, Preiiideiil, A. J. Myera, secretary.
Willi Hindi well known and reliable
mien at the hciid of the ammclatiun, the
succeas of the Fair is amuicd. There
will Ihj Rpirilfd home racing for excel
lent Jiiirwn, ami a hafehall tournament
that w ill not lin k in interest to the visit
or.. I'roliahly four ten in. will content in
the tournament, and very likely l.ake
view will "end down a team to crow, hat
with .nine of (lie la-at in the Northern
i'oii n try. The ever victorious (Ydarville
team will he there stronger than ever, it
i mud, and the rnirpriiie Imys ahoold
aland a ten to eight chance ol winning
lirat money. Cedarville'a team iaalway
in practice and that in where Lakeview
fall abort. However, New hill w ill re
turn in lime to aiminl I.akeview, and the
liomu team haa a few men out pitching
day who have romined to m on dock to
go to Aituraa to play. With ihene men
our team ia dill abort two men, hut the
places will douhllea be tilled from the
hay ranches ill lime to take part in ilie
content. I.akeview did not intend to
take art in tbe tournaiuent, hut friends
in A It uraa sent aever.l written requests
til our k-oIj and to niemtiers of the
baaebali team to send team down, and
out of courUvy and good feeling for our
n igh boring rounty, (jtkeview will be
represented a. beat it cn in the garnet.
Alturaa liaa not leen very warm in the
past toward Ike Coumy'a fair, and few
ol Modoc's alliens have honored Ul by
their presence. Hut let the people of
I.ake county give our neighbors a lesson
in courtesy and good fellowship and
end a big crowd down to their fair next
week, l'robahly when lakeview gives
the next fair, Modoc will return the
Now, for the Modoc Fair with a Lite
hurrah I
It whs currently reported lam week on
the street that the I-nkeview public
achool for the 1001 term would only bo a
Mix-mouths region, owing to a lack of
funda, and ujon this reMrtTlie Examin
er said lat week :
The Lakeview public achool w ill prob
ably oiM-n about Sept. Kith. We learn
that the directors can promise only a
sia-montha term this season, and there
will be some difficulty in getting teach
ers to sign a contract for such a short
County Superintendent J. Q. Willita
aays he is at loss to know how such a re
port could gain currency though it was
probably announced by somebody not in
authority as the Lakeview public school
is in a flourishing condition financially,
as are all th. schools of Lake county.
The Examiner Is pleased to make the
correction and to state that there will be
a full eight months' term and probably
nine months. The Superintendent says
there are over f 5,000 now to apportion
to the various schools of the county, and
that there will be another apportionment
in April next fully as lurge, which wilt
place our schools in an unusually healthy
condition. We also understand that
there is no difficulty in getting the teach
ers for the various departments of our
school this year to sign a contract. The
positions in the Lukeview school are
much sought after.
The Examiner cheerfully makes this
-correction, and trusts that the labor of
tbe teachers in the Lnkevlow school will
t attended by much success and marked
The County Court ban allowed H. B.
Chandler damages in the sum of $00 and
It. W. Hartman in the Hum -f f:!0, caused
by opening of the new county roud
.through their ranches. '
1 he day. of highway robbery which
made Black Bart famous BpKar to have
been revived by lone highwaymen who
try to imitate him in these parts with
only moderate success. Th. Aahland
Tidings cays thai the "gentleman bur
lar" bus been oeraliug in the towns
south of here during the pant week and
now come, along the good Matured high
way incu as a companion picture in crime,
lo add to the list of tlume whoae profca
sion is to depurate by force unnuiecting
travelers from their money. Jeff. How
ard, tln driver of the Aahland Klauialli
Falls stage, which arrived in town tlii.
morning, tells how .1. L. Yadin, the prop
rietor of the line fell a victim to the high
waymen, yesterday. Yadin had left
Hart a Station, on the main road, in hit
home and cart, fur points Ix-yond the
logging camp, aome fix milea distant, via
a by-road. Afler he had prut-ceded some
balance he was met by a young, vigor
ous looking k-llow of alxjut 20 years of
tgu, riding horseback from the opiKwite
direction. The young man saluted and
stopped the .Lane-line owner, engaged in
uood-na lured conversation about the
weather, c -million of the roads, etc, and
after a few minutes rather surprised Mr
Yadin by asking if he bad any money, to
which Yadin replied, ' Yes a little." As
he did so the young man ran his bands
down into bis trowacr'a pocket and took
bold of a revolver he carried there at
llitytame time telliugYadin todifide. Not
fancying the appearance" of "the inrrln
th. young man's hands, the stage-line
owner complied with the command and
handed over all the loose change In his
pocket amounting to 1.85. Then the
highwaymao was as courteous in parting
with as iu meeting his victim and bid
liim a hurried adieu oniresumin" his way.
Yadin not lo be outdone in jocularity,
atked tbe young man if he did not want
his watch, too, but the young man finally
decided that he would not demand that,
Yadin had 116 in a book in tiia vest but
the highwayman did not press for or de
mand more than was handed him. Afler
the incident both the travelers on the
public highway proceeded on their re
Sectiv. ways. Yadin went to th. log
ging camp w here he secured some men to
aid him in pursuing the highwayman.
Aftei relieving Yadin of bis small
change the young fellow encounteied an
old man traveling along the road and
held him up, but lie was unprofitable
game and nothing at all was secured
from him. The third victim was an old
gentlemen, a fruit peddler named Booth,
who contributed the princely sum of 40c,
all lie h.d on his person, to the coffers oi
the robber, and at his earnest solicitation.
With a number of men from the log
ging camp Mr. Yadin went in search of
the highwayman and overtook him at
Puckett's ranch where he had gone and
ordered a meal prepared after his day'a
work, lie was arreted and taken to
Klamath Falls, this morning, where he
will be given a hearing, lie is described
as an underlined, smooth faced fellow,
wore goggles and gave his name as
No. irm illlalil. land
tin, irtri fiimilllaMs Unil
Value n( Imp. in land 4wimi
and -.Km ted
No. town Int.
Imp m town lot. .
Valiia Imp. nn land not dwd4
Valu. ol mllla, snslnr. and
mantilat-turlns mai-hlawrjr
Valu. ol mil.. lines and trails
Valu. of wagoua.
r.rrlM-.. rie
Moni-y, ni-t ami accounts. . ..
No. aUx ....
Huuwholil lurnlluro, walab...
Ji-wrlrjr, eu:
No, hiirw.and mult
No. ul rati).
No. of livp
No. of .win. M ,
OroM valu. of all property....
ToUl vain, propr7
Nn. of poll.
Valuo all otln-r proprrtr -
4"2i 1 11770
in tuv
tt M7
WI77 teH'
1UJ4 'tP-vm
iK S7M
Polish Anarchist Attempts
to Assassinate the
Below will be found the summary of
the assessment roll of Lake county for
the year 11)01, as shown by the books of
Assessor John Blair. Land to the
amount of 38,230 acies, a great portion
of which is in Warner valley, and in
dispute, and the taxes thereon having
heretofore been paid by the Warner
Stock Company, was r worn off this year,
and appears under the heading of
"wrongfully assessed." Owing to this
the assessment is not so great on land
and a little higher on other property
this year. The increased valuation would
have been considered greater for 1901
than previous years were it not for the
"swearing oft" process. Following is
the summary I
BvfrALO, N. Y., Sept. 11 The follow
ing bulletin was issued by the Preti
dent's physicians at 10:30 last night:
The condition of the President is un
changed in all important particulars.
Pulse 114; temperature 100.0; respira
tion 28. When the operation was per
formed on Friday last it wa noticed the
bullet had carried w ith it a abort die
lance tienealb the skin fragment of the
Preiudeiit'a roal. Thisforeign material
was of course removed, but a slight Irri
taiion of tlie tifsiies was '.produced, the
rvidence of which lias only appeared to
night. It lias been news nary on account
of this alight disturbance to remove a
few stitches and partially open the stain
wound. This incident cannot give rife
to other complications, but it is com
municated to the public as the surgeons
in attendance wish to make their bulle
tins entirely frank. In consequence of
this separation of tbe edges of the sur
face wound healing of the same will be
somewhat delayed. Tbe ''resident ia
a WivelT enongh to birit rtWe-Tioflij
iahment by the mouth in the form of
pure beef juice. Iiixar, H. D.
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept, 11, 0:10 a. m.
The President rested comfortably during
the night and a decided benefit has fol
'owed the dressing of the wound made
last night. His stomach tolerates the
beef juice well and it is taken with
great satisfaction. Aia condition this
morning is excellent. Pulse 116; temp
erature 100, ; respiration 25.
Kixky, M. D.
The Hunter Return.
The mighty hunters, Dr. F. E. Smith
Lee Beall, Wm. HamersU-y and Harry
Bailey, returned home Monday evening
from Honey creek. They have mighty
tales to tell of thrilling episodes on the
trip. At one time they were without
water for nearly twenty-four hours and
all but Hamersley "lay down to die."
Smith shot an antelope 700 yards and
had lo crook his gun - barrel to reach
round ttie m -tuntain to bring down the
game. Beall fired at a cougar and the
shot started up a big buck between him
and camp and he ran so fast to get out
of the way of the cougar that he came in
contact with the buck and kicked him
out of the way, remarking as he did so,
"Get out of the way, and give a man a
chance who can run." Tb. buck was
speeding with the wind at the time.
There are other interesting things f be
told, but lack of space forbids. The
party killed many antelope and two line
buck deer.
BUFFALO, N. Y., via Reno, Nevada, Sept. 6. Pres
ident McKinley was shot twice at Buffalo, while attend
ing a meeting in Music Temple, at 4 p. m. today. The
shots were fired by a Polish Anarchist from Detroit, Mich
igan, named Fred Nieman, who remarked after firing at
the President and seeing him fall; "I did ray duty and I
am glad oitU! One.bullet struck the President in the up
per portion of the breastbone, glanced and did not pene
trate. The second bullet penetrated the abdomen five in
ches below the left nipple and one and a half inches to the
left of the meeting line. The bullet penetrated the stom
ach. There is no injury to the intestines nor the abdom
nal organs. The latest report is to the effect that the bul
let has been extracted and the patient is resting easy.
The assailant was arrested and had to be protected by a
body of police to save him from lynching.
John Aviragnette, Mrs. John O'Neil,
Mrs, E. P. Coonse and Misa Minnie Mut
kep returned to Lakeview and thence to
their several homes last Monday even
ing. The party visited Crater Lake and
other places of interest, and the ladies
also visited Mrs. C. O.Neil at Ashland.
They report an enjoyable trip and noth
ing to mar their pleasure until the "stage
robbers" fired into their camp at Drews
Miss Lora Fern Butler and Miss liose
0. West, two accomplished young edu
cators from Monmouth, arrived this
week to accept positions in the Lakeview
public school. We are informed that
both ladies are also accomplished musi
cians. The people of Lakeview wilt ex
tend to Misses Butler and West a most
hearty welcome, trusting their school
work may be pleasant, and their life
here enjoyable.
The newa reached Lakeview by wire
on Friday evening that President Mc
Kinley bad been shot and killed, and it
was a fearful shock to our citisens. Men
and women could be seen in groups on
every street corner talking over the sad
calamity, and little children passed along
the byways telling passera-by.that the
President was dead. The local telegraph
office was besieged by anxious crowds
clamorina for further particulars. Just
after supper word came that tbe first re
port w as erroneous, and that the Presi
dent, though shot twice, was still alive.
No definite news could be bad unlit The
Examiner wired tbe Reno Gazette for
the particulars of the tragedy. By 9
o'clock tb. telegraph instrument began
to tick off the Special to The Examiner,
which was the only message received
that night, and which ia reprinted in
this issue from The Examiner Extra.
There was an anxious crowd in waiting
to listen to tbe message, and as soon as it
was read at the telegraph office the peo
ple began to separate, murmuring as they
started for their homes, "Thank God)
He ia not dead I"
The Examiner Extra was printed and
mailed before midnight to all the sub
scribers in Lake county, and was carried
to its destinations by the ui.rning stages.
Early in the morning each patron of the
local postofllce was handed an Examiner
Extra, w hich contained the only authen
tic news of the attempted assassination
of the Nation's leader.
The Lakeview Rustler, with great en
terprise, also issued an extra telling
about the tragedy in a garbled dispatch.
Ttie Rustler's newa was boldly stolen and
published from The Examiner's paid for
special telegram, without any credit to
this paper. As a putty pilferer of private
dispatches the aforesaid Rustler takes
the "mit." At the expense of The Ex
aminer the readers of the Rustler were
privileged to read a part of the paiticu
lars of the attempted assassination cf
President McKinley.
Further particulars as to the methods
U8ed by the would-be assassin are of in
terest. The President was on his way to
the Temple of Music, and when in front
of tbe Ethnology Building a man ap
proached and pretended to want to shake
hands w ith the President. His hand
was covered with a white handkerchief
and beneath it was tbe deadly pistol.
He immediately shot the President twice
at close range. He admits that be is an
Mrs. McKinley accompanied the Presi
dent to Buffalo, but waa resting in ber
room when the tragedy occurred. When
the news was gently divulged she bore
up bravely and requested that her
wounded husband be brought to ber if
ihe police have learned that the real'
name of the assassin is Leon Czolgoei.
He made a confession to the effect that
he had become au anarchist through the
influence of Emma Goldman, whose
writings he had read, and whose lectures
he had listened to. He says he was in
duced by bis attention to Emma Gold
man's lectures aud writings to decide
that the present form of government in
this country waa all wrong, au' he
thought the best way to end it was by
killing the President. He shows no signs
of insanity.
The San Francisco Bulletin charges
the Hearst newspapers with the respon
sibility for the shooting of President
McKinley. The Bulletin says editorially
that the Hearst papers are primarily
gui'ty of the monstrous crime. They
Concluded on Fourth Page.