LAKB COLNTY EXAniNER LAKEVIEW, OREQON, SEPT. S. THE 1WENTIETH CENTURY V V V V Hens Golf Caps at Bieber.s. County Court is in session tliis week. Kew Draperies juat received at Bieber's. W. II. Shirk arrived from Adol Ust week. Klamath Falls has an Anti-Saloon league. Dr. Magilton is now located at Klam ath Falls. Pre Patterns from f 1.50 upward at Bieber's. Joe Payne, the sheepman, is in town for a few days. A first class type setter (man) is want ed at 'his office. II. P. Enquist, the sheepman, is io town this week. Look Sharp now, and ask for a Lake- view cigar. Miss Lura Amick is up from New Pine Creek on a visit. Frank Rogers, the sheepman, went to Plush Tuesday. Hi Manring and K. E. Band are in from North Warner. Kew lines of Fall Dress goods just ar rived at Bieber's. Mrs. Joe Stickel arrived from North Warner Tuesday evening. The "Tamale Sisters" re playing in Siskiyou towns this week. J. T. Flook, the stockmen from Hock creek, is in tow n this week. Watch foi Senator llamden and his minstrels on Sept. 14di. 35-2 Owen McKendree and Archie White of Bly were in towa this week. John Odoai, the wool grower, arrived in town Tuesday from his camp. A. J. Hall and Wm. Long of Susan Tille, were arrivals here Ust week. George Hankins has sold to Wm. Routson of Adel 2500 lambs at f 1.75. Bieber's Stork of Furnishing Goods is complete in every detail. Mrs. John Wells and son Spratt Wells, of Bly, have gone to Ashland on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Rile Striplin were viit ors in Lakeview last Sunday arid Mon day. A. J. Neilon has returned from the XL ranch where he has been putting up fcar. EWier's ne lines of Glassware are the best in town for the,price. Leonder Bos. pitched their tent at Paisley last Saturday and showed to big crowds. Artist Merritt is doing some beautiful sign work on Post A King's windows this week. Ashland !oys go to Med ford aod get drunk and llieir ia a big kick in conse quence. An endless variety of school supplies at The .Monogram, Ahlstrom Bro'e. 35 M. J. Cumuiings of Portland, and J. G. Davison o Sacramento, wert in town last week. Klamath Falls will hold twodys rac ing the second week in October if it don't enow. W. M. Harvey will start for the rail road, at Ashland today or toruo-row after load of fruit, All kinds of News Notes Taken on The Fly By an Examiner Representative v V V V V V V Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wise and children of Plush were visitors here last Friday. George S. Ramer and Loon Ramer were here from Davis Creek last Fri day. Children' Yacht Caps at Bieber's. Miss Jean Tonningsen, second daugh ter of Judge C'has. Tonningsen, has gone to Jacksonville to enter St. Mary's Acad emy. Last Tuesday John Odom sold to J. M. Thomson the Modoc buyer, 1500 sheep at f 1.75 for lambs and $3 fur older sheep. Senator Hamdem at yourservice.35 2 Charlie loveless is building a new and neat residence on the ranch he recently purchased from W. P. Huff at Warner canyon. D. C. Berry and family of Davis Creek have gone to Chico on a visit. Miss Cora lerry will attend the Normal there this w inter. "Uncle" Whorton is doing a rattling good business in the fruit ami vegetable line. He keeps everything fresh and the best to be had. Get Bielter's prices on your Fall pur chases They ill surprise you. Mr. and Mrs. IKtlph Schmiiick and "HELLO!" LINE Expert Electrician Arrives to Put Up the Telephone Line From Lakeview to Silver Lake To Ruh the Work William Harvey, President of the Lake County Telep. A Teleg. Co., returned last Sunday from San Francisoo, hither he went two weeks ago to purchase tools for construction and all equipments for the line from Ijtkeview to Silver I-ake. Mr. Harvey was accompanied to Lake view by O. T Kimmel, an expert elec trician, who was rejoin mended tohim by the Capital Telephone Co. of Sacramento. Mr. Kimmel thoroughly understands his business and will have full charge of the construction work, which will U com menced iu a few days, just as soon as the material ami the too' s ran be brought here from Termo, where they are await ing transmutation. The work will he started by Mr. Kimmel and twelve men, and the force will he. increased as con struction progresses. One of the direct ors will be i hand to see that the laUr does not lag. To directors, in calling for lutsir, desire all the cxerieiicod line men they can engage. The construction will U'gin at lakeview and proceed north a rapidly a tMissthlc. It is he-j lieved that Isdore the first fall of snow ! the line will he completed mid in work- ! iug order to Silver 1-ake. Thus far the directors have not made a bauble in the preliminary work, which speaks well for their ability as business men, though inexperienced in the building of elect- j rical liiies. They have figured eveiy , expense dow n to a fine jHiinl, and have Hot expended a dollar uiiiict'd-sarilv. THE POPULARITY Of this store increases every succeeding month. We make this store pop. ulm by selling the BEST GOODS tit the smallest margin of profit. This week we have a special bargain for you in a NEW LING OP GLASSWARE They arc beautiful goods at tempting prices 7 Piece Berry Sets for 75 cent 2 Quart Pitcher with 2 Tumblers to match 75c 4 Piece Table Sets for 75 cents. Prult and Cake Stands, Beautifully Decorated Ware for 75 cents. The advance Styles of DRESS PATTERNS are iu. Fall Shapes in DERBY'S, PEDORAS. and CMILDRENS MATS and CAPS have arrived. You rre as welcome to look as to buy. Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. llarlin returned j 1 he line will run through t rooke.1 t reek Saturday from Pelican l!ay. They re-j valley and through Chewnucitii valley port au enjoyable trip. j ar the marsh. He (at the shore)-This Ocean breeze ! Il ,1,"'ir,'l lvi ,,,,,n ul'" "" is awful damn. It make's a Mluws 1 ,'"",,"' "'"'clliing about ....I. wo.k mustache very sally. She (abseiitmiud- ' "l'l''.v once to V. edlvl-Yes : I notice that. Secretary 01 me i oinpany Sciiiiini.'tf's a'gat''? and" pfassware" Save nj.ri6 arid hay of 85-2 la all the- go Hchminck. Dr. tJirch, one of the eye specialists who sojourned in Lakeview recently, is now in Susanville. I. C. Raymond, principal of the pub lic school at Bidwell, was a visitor in Lakeview this week. Lester Champlin arrived from the north last Saturday and is sojourning in Lakeview a lew days. When parting your children to school remember you can find most anything you want at The Monogram. 35 Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Anderson have given Bp housekeeping and are now liv ing at Hotel Iakeview. E. C. Johns in and John Sullivan of Staten Island, Cal., were arrivals at Hotel Lakeview last week. Merritt, the artist, is leaving a lasting -nit ion of hit artistic ability on sev eral show' VH'dows bout town The n-uiiicipsl election to decide whether or not Alturas shall be mcor porated will be held on Saturday, Sept. 14th. James Dunn, the sheep buyer, started his drive of sheep this wefk for the lower country. He " go by the west tide of Goose Lake. Dr. F. K. Smith, Harry Bailey and Lee Beit II started for Honey Creek Mon day fuPy equipped for a week's chase after the fleet-footed anteloe. The uew fall shaes in Fedora Hats and Ierby's have arrived at Bieber's. Arthur Price, w ho has been running a prt of the Ileid estate sheep, was in town thi week. Mr. Price will work for George Hankins this winter. W. M. Thome, w ho has charge of the Tonningsen sheep, came iu lust week, having headed the band toward the des ert which he will make at slow stages. J. M. Thompson, the mutton buyer, has been attending to business in Lake view this week. The sheep purchased by Mr. Thompson are located near town. When you buy your clothes at Bieber's you are sure of getting the best for the money. Work on the telephone line north will soon begin, and before the snow falls this winter the dirtrtors hope to be able to hear 'hello" from Lakeview to Silver Lake. Virgil Conn, the Paisley merchant, and J. C. Conn the Silver Lake mer chant, stopped over night here Saturday while enroute to San Francis ,o to pur chase goods. Si hmiiick is selling a good many of loose line ranges, fee linn when you w ant a gis.d stove or range at a moderate price. Mrs. James Keddin has purchased the property known as the Methodist parsonage from F. O. Hunting, and will reside there in the future. The price paid was fX). County Commissioner J. M. Martin arrived from Mlver Lake Tuesday even ing to attend the regular session of county court. Mr. Martin is accompan ied by his daughter. The Examiner learns that Miss Nehie Snelling, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Snelling, was married at Cedarville last week to Mr. Stevens. No particulars were learned. "The Senator is coming." "What Senator?" Why Senator Hamden, the jolly entertainer. He and his famous minstrels will show in Lakeview Sept. nth. 35-2 Mrs. M. P. l)odon left for Baker City last Saturday to reside. Mrs. Dodsoo w ill keep house for her son Boone Dodaon who is one of the bright young men on the Baker City Kepuolican. Mrs. Oeorge M. Jones of Paisley ar L. Siii'lling, at the II. C. Hothe A Co. store in lakeview , Mr. Kim mel will arrange a telephone on the line as itlmilds on so that he can commun icate w ith I-akt-vh-v, at any time. SARAH L.ON. Brief mention wj, made iu The Fx aminer last week d the death of Mrs. B. B. Lyon of VY..!nw Kanch, Iieeeascd had lieen a patient suflt rt r for utility months, and all that the Is-st medical skill could accomplish was of no avail, arid the good mother, loving wife and kind friend passed out of life, leaving many mourners to deeply regret her loss. Her maiden name was Surah Follett, lorn in Beetown, Wisconsin, Dec. .'1, 1S41. She was married to C. M. (iraut in the east July 3, and one child, F.lza (i rant, was the result of this union. On Sept. 1, Mid, deceased was joined iu marriage with Bradley B. Lyon, the husband who is now painfully ttereitved by her death. Four children were left to the father's care Milton C , F.lmer E., Luther A. and Blanche K. Crccde. The death occurred at the home near Willow Hanch on Aug. L'H, l'.KU. The funeral was held at New Pino Creek on thel'llth insr. anil w.s quite largely at tended. Deceased was the aunt of (i. A., and Ashley Follett of Lakeview and Mrs. F. B. 1 Ion -tun id Adel, and sister to O D. Follett of Lakeview. 0 NEW PINE CREEK A jL Is rapidly forging tilieitil and Foil, tt j! it. I An, it k, tli. Mf-rc-hunt f are trotting along; lit the I a-ad A of the irin'fHiiiii. A PINE NEW STOCK & lias uln iiilv be' ii received nrul more new (.'mills nre nrriving nt ur rvri' all the time AMONG OTHER THINGS We liUVe i-vel j tiling desirous ill till' (IrnciTV Line. A spn idl lino of tleiit jL Fancy Shirts. An li (unt lino of r CaiulieH, (,'igiirH unit TolirtectiH. Watch f..r our I'ry iixil.i Pisplay. 0 POLLETT 6c AMICK k Town Well Caved In. The town well, from which water is supposed to he furnished to supply the engine to rnn the electric light dynamo, and incidentally for tire purjxme, met with a sad mishap last Saturday night. Workmen have bet-n engaged for several weeks in til uitling south (rum the l d of the well in search d more water, ami only last week found a good sited flow that looked like a permanent one. On Satunlay, however, life ground caved iu and filed up the well, aud the excavat ing is now bfiiig done iu a different di rection. The earth is being removed and the well walled op with ris k, in or der to prevent another such mishap. It is believed that by tunneling a short distance further toward the canyon channel that au abundance of water can he had. It is to be hoped that such will be die case as the water works thus far has been a dismal failure. When the eave-iu occurred, J. A. An thony, the electrician, was dow n in the well inspecting the work. He saw the earth from above sliding in and just P ELTON WATER WHEEL THE PEITON WHEEL. N known the world over as aflording the most simple, re. liable and economical Hwer for all purposes. Ten Thousand W heel Now Kunrrlnr Filling every condition of service in the most ernVient aud satisfactory way. Hlectric Power Transmission PF.LTON W!IF.KI are the recognized standard for operating tjenerators. and are running the majority of stations of this character in all parts of the world. Water Pipe and Tran.tml.tslon Machinery And all applini nr.eeted with a power plant, supplied on the most reasonable t.-rms. Shipments made Ir.-m Sun Fr.uieisco nr New ork as may alloril llie most favorable freight rates. Catalogues. F.nglish or Spanish, furnialied on appli cation. Address, giving conditions of service. THE PEITON WATER WHEEL COMPANT,; rived in Lakeview Saturday morning 1 ""-pped ' the right direction from the west, and went home Monday. Mrs. Jones has been visiting in Portland and other places for several weeks. Henry Lofftus started this week for Ashland, and will return in two weeks accompanied by his wife. Mrs Lofftus has been at Ashland putting up fruit for her winter use for the past few weeks. Sehminck A Son liave as fine a line of hats as can be found anywhere. Any kind of a hat you want can be found at KrlilliHW It H. to avoid being crushed to doith. On the tide he was standing the dirt only covered him to the knees. He was soon hauled out of his jjerilous position and feels sure that Fate was kind to him, otherwise bo would have met with terrible death. The cave came from the direction of the big boiler on the east ami the dynamo on the north. The work of walling with rock is even a dan ge roils proceedure, and is being dutiu carefully . 1- I 1 (3 fr I pay no rents, I pay no clerk, but do my own Ml' work. IT'S EASY to see how I can give you better bargains than any house in the county WHY FlfiLD CN OIVE YOU TUB ...BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN... FIQURE IT OUT YOURSELF, IT V0NT TAKE LONQ ' i J. S. FIELD On Main Street Lak; ew