Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 05, 1901, Image 6

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Cliaa. IWker, munll t-toekiiieii of
I Harney enmity, !n in npptwetl to tlit
I lensitik! i'f tin pulilic Inn.! an i prtixtel
by a liill tluil will It1 pteM'tited to eon-
iv tlii ia'er, 11 propicillin llial
in,ccn,.n TnnlT. Uonllo n 1 lHk f tir nti.l f.-rtsil.K-, l.nt wliii'li wonl.l
Letter from
League on His Position
on Cuban Annexa.
liaterr.n mi aerea in.a.lo. all g.m.1 farming
Intnl. Iluatial mi the Sln.ti ro., al Hitting i ( ntv nl l-ake
lakeview limit.; li.niae, Imrn aiul corral A
J prvlmlily lie viunriinaly opptiaetl Ity tlie
l larj' cliH-kiui ii Mr Pivkcr hvh:
"Let tlie i. iicml ttnverniueiit lake
i onliol of i In' ittr.tlf 1 ,ii it off into
i tliatriet of utliili M.r". AiiHiiit a
1 Uutikie Witt.!.-.. I.r e ill mil every ' li'tmj M-rlng". t-t...Hre t tin. ..itl.'..-
! iri. t . it ,!,,,,,!, I l.e t,t tliut forty a.r.'..,nr.te.ia...t.t mil,. a..titn.l lake-
In tlistrii'l it. t oM ts kc I, wliii li
Tin II Ml I.. Ml JOTH K.
Clill.'. I Mulct I a n. I (iftlee,
l.kt lew. tin ..n. ii u it at A, Hail
Not lev la given Hint In i'tni.llatiet
llh lli . riivliliii ill Urn ai't ! I'lingreai ul
Jnlli. , lT. iiillil.'.l "All art fur III aale. nl
1 1 in l. r In ml In Ihn Hlnlea nf California, lire
roll . Vrvn.u mi.l W a.l.liitfliiii Tetrltiirv," aa t
l. li.l. .1 l.i all tin- I'iiI.II.' I an. I hll. l.y a. I nl
Augiiat, la".', i harlea r, milder, nf l.nkevli
tali-nl Ur. n. ill. Iiaa tltla ilav
file. I In tltla iiltlr." hlaantirtl n. Ml',
I... 111. l.l.r.'I.HUI a. I .1... hll. ..I Ml. 1.1. 1 M..I.II..I.
valuable pleee ut properly either (or aitrieult . ;, r,,wnlilp No. sa n. Iianu.. V K.
ural. iinnlin or Imll'thm iiiir.a. a. Ki.r lurtlier ! and lll nff.-r riH.( tit alum I In lau.l
........I... .. .... . -i-i.- k .....I....P .m.... i aniik'lit la inor.' i hi .i I .in lor Ma ilinii.r ur toin'
, ... ,.,,.. ,..,..,, . tlm,, r nitrl. llli.irnl pnrpi a a. and l nlnl.llah
'.Mil aerea - Meadow ami pa. Hire land In ! In. rlann lo anl.l laud l.....r llu It a-u I t r an. I
I ... v.ii... .11 f. .......l .nl. r....r l..rt....l ., I " ivi rol iiil.i.m. .. ni l.a.rvleiv. iirrguii. on
a. wiltl'.a: W K. Itnrrt, I liarlca Mim.m.
Jntitra .antlinnv. Nifc. llttrrv." nil of l.akftl-u
ltrt-.-i.ti liii anil nil iH.ia.tiik . luiinltitf u.l-r.e
vli'W on nittln run. I. rive head of caul.-. Iiora.- i n,. nl t.'.. ri;.-. Inn. la nr.. re.iui lo
ami lillkirv. at .... I r.'al.letiee. M rut una. iil in w nil. tl I i Inllt.a In IIH nllli II or ImIoIi- an II
u.nil.l Ih i'..ii.1iii' el nlioiit on I lio Miino .i i'.. . 1. 1 . ....... ii... i.. ....i :'.Hi .ln ol litiil.r. !'l. .. M. Ha irrti
:ll in
Coni!rK:iiHii T.Mitfiit', wlm i-. now at
Hill-Uiro, lii limit, i in rivivpt of a
letttT from tli (.'iilijiii-Ann'rii-iiii Lotiui'.
of New York, a.-kinw' lii vi"v on tlie
ailliexMtion of Culm. He Iihh repli.l ', pimeiple MS i- inm Mpin-n in our lori-ar i ta inn .. i,.., n t..r mrinitii:. mi..: .
',... ,t... i'i, ; n'M-iv.-K. Ami I'V till iiumii kiv the I ,""l,lr' "'' arnui Kr.vii ilr.l J Kenler
"""""" l"'f " , . ttr It W UUroiv allnlln. line
for annexation, lie for one will weleome j r -Hitlenl nei of livetoek the pteler- , ,,,,. ,m.,u.r,,, ,,,. , Uk. ,.,,,..
tliein with open nrins. The lertttne'n : eiuv thoretni. W ht-n a .lil net i auikttl I Hnnlre ol A.n. I nk. i. . j
letter n. Kepre.-ntative Tmnrue ami hi- , '"r " ' t. H" more: A . mi'l. en,.. it mw (..! ,. -r .lav. now j thereto follow ' ' Huvk to he .1. IV. n ill Iron. SI..M.M I hi rnn"'"U. In it lor.l.r: ImW mi.i.-.i In .a..l
repl thereto lollow . ! , . , I .lun. r;tltr.-.-Milo ot.tilr.irn. k..rl.nli....-t.v;
"Hon. T II. Tongue. M. 0 ,, : .Kvu,.tt... ;i.l.-.ue .y natuial ; uKt.r,., ,,,.,.,,,,., ,i,., ,,.,,. ,
Or. Dear !"ir : We of ihe I'tihan- A uteri i oveif-lock it, let tin' ;U!. n oi.l.r h .i- ; ,,. ,.. ,ml, (,,,, ,kt., rt,. ln i '
ean I"i!ue ) not eoni I -r onr work or : tii'n I'er int .( tlie M. k cut tl-wn. !" ' ' ' " " S
Cu,l a eomplele ..U, a. Ion a, there , I- T,o I !...... ,r,.n ., a..,. ., : ;''; LTlZ:-
is a poM-ihility of the llnit of Hie Tiiiieil 'lie Mualler M-ek it whom I have h. anl , w(!rtt ,(MlU(,r ,,, ., ,..,,.., M
States coming ilm n for a Miinle motn.-iit I epie' ihem-elv.-.- on Una nnt iniiorl- j u, Hi ( ,.B1. y. m -
in Olhtt In f:U't, ail our (.'ilh.n meill ' :H't r-ni'jivt, wonUI n the e. lir. ImW i l.aa-t.-a atla- lia an.l raut Init.t. 1 ntllea :
'. .; !..,,( i mii.-li eomntaineil of ami Moll all tur- i '' -lrul.e. It. S..r,.ri. nl..). In
ITFP lltl."! lllilV nun I.' mil' j
fe 'live work : tint Cnha hv the a.-tion I tht r ramie u i ill i ..r(...ia' lony to ,
t I
ll. lt lallT.
haa Hlirrlaillll
Resdsr & Mcrrison
nucKSuiii's .
of her H?ople, aiul with a weh-ome from j nte m ii.ii. .. uIh.iii, ami
the 1'nite.i Mates, r-hnll Itvonie a per- j i.n all nine to e.nne
liiaiient of (he I'liim. Al! Ihev re- i plan woul l pivv.-nt . nr puMie
quest from list to help with fiiinl for
.in pnl
-,u h a ail-tUn
ta'a. Una .lni .- .r...iui . .l ,at lon.ol lint n .1 '
stall la ot k'fH'. I'nll tfr-.v. .i.".! ton. t.f
an I niiil.-r
in l.iliiiik: mi l
nee-s.-.try .r:.ii.iiii4 work. They aie a the e- iilr n .1 e rp r .li.'i.s,
1 it tie nneeilain as to "the wel.'ome them iion-i.-i.ti-nts ..i Ihe State in
from the l'uite.1 M.te-.' I'resi.lent Me ! w hieli t heir h. .hui-k:.- aie !....t'..l, sm h
Kinley has nai.l to their repreeifnt e : aie n n p.ili.'n ; '!,e in-
'If yon were only a ineinher of the lain- . 'ln-'r "i Texas a .1 A list i alia. I'.ut sii.h
ily.' Will yon kimlly w I ite lis the el a I.n ihe hi; e..i p.irali.iits .1.. i,. t want,
come tint is for CuLa. as y.m I N-tlunn w ill -nit ih.-in hut lite wli.le
Uiiilers-an.l it, when shee.' knot kini; '. e.irtlt Willi a Aire ieme ar .uml II " ;
at the tl nr of l he I inon, ami it see
votirwav clear to hecome a mem her of
lm n.i) hi No n ln. n Mnml o( '. n. r. of
I l.r. i- .Top nit.. I in w !it..'it irrtkniitin
uili In- en! tin. .nr Kite t.'.""! ri-a..leil.
I' on tin- rah. h. I tie (.la.', t un l. u.
into 1 or a Muni! t.-r nl.. iy. Ail
.i-t. nit, I t. tint r .. : . riiii;. nil .o. r II,.
I nni. I.n i tii ,-. n ii.. .1 i ... -1 1 1. 1.- 1 1. Hi.- ..iir! n
i..i u-oo'l l.ri-.-. h -. . mi. I IJ . I. t .-a.'.- il Jo y
tl. ir.-. f, ..I I,,,,,., !, ., ,i, , hi ..ii.-
lt r vt-rj Itilnaj In
lite llli.rkalllllhliiK
I I ne mill a.tia.rar.
inn ttnarnnlretl
Pino CrooK, OroRon.
eri.-rof ll,l r..,..!,. So it,,,, t sily '11?? Vtm
'r ir ol. niii.iU ..r trniii rni.nnt. . m : 1. .- .- V-. - ty YRSfl . ! ''" '
r,.,. ,..... ...! tan-!. i ly'Pj nV'itt''
'. r I r 1 1 1 1 k .i ri .... - to Mill. Hi. Ii. Iln.j ' i -i a 1' A.3.' XkV ' ' -'
la 111.- tlll.-al .lt r.llt.-ll III s ,,.t... Vnli. . ,' .' A 'VV H'S
I'hialelanai anil Marttrana.
CiKr lt'K . Ilrall'a I'nitf NUtra l allf anaovrtnl
r.ii.l)r tiny ur ttiutti.
kTii. hmitii m i
I'hjalrlaa anil Maiiiran
latkr Ira. Or.
ni l U K Ukr.l. iiii I tn Nt.-ra
n. it. ai-nttar ai trnsa nato.N
llltinilMl MI'r IIIIV.
Allurnr-al-l.n ,
I altrtlrH , lr.
mHU'K In'ai.nii-t' l-ka 1 1 . 1 1 t k
I.. K
,tllitrnr al Ijim
l.akrtlrw. Orriaa
'. II
lull lll.ll.llllkf
i ni-i.1:
Allttl itrj -al-1 . n
I.Mltt- llrn , Or
I'HU K iint,
u J ttiiiiHi: .
I.nket eM . Or
"H ll f. I a'l l..i:.l..k-
1)11 O o(taT
I akrilra, Hrnnit
III I III I'aly II . 1 1 1 1 1 1. K .
... ,i. .i
unnnu'i' nr rut wnnin i
ruuLJ.r.i n ur inr nuniu t... n
M. . I. on ll.. .' I ami lilt W 'In. ..tny of
.'nt-'t tnoltlli l:t Vla.-.t.l. Il-t'l til I . tn
I. I- . i It l . t V i oli.til l oi.. i.iali.l r
I i Lis llu.l.iaii.l Ink
Fifty Dollars KcwarU.
r i.. i . i . . i
the leiuneur to help in any other way. i l" "'.
i. ill l, .....,u,;,iu.l Witii. u ll ' view, tliewon :
Ivepresi'titative Tongue replied as f.i
low :
"William O. McDowell. Ksq.. Presi
dent the Cuban-American League: My
Dear Sir: I am just in receipt of yours
of recent date asking my views as to the
atlniissinti of Cuba 'to become a perma
nent part of the Union.' Permit me to
say that I shall be ready to favor the an
nexation of Cuba to the I "niteil Stales
whenever the people of that islai.d in a
proper, legal way glial! express their de
sire for such annexation. I think there
is no doubt that ultimately Cuba will
become a part of the United States.
.Sue a result U demanded by the inter
ests of the jieople of both countries.
Their interests and their destiny are
mutual. But e must not coerce them ;
we must not force annexation agaiiibt
their will. Whatever is done in this re
gard must be with the full, free and ex
pressed consent of the people of that
is'and. Whenever that is jtiven, I, for
one, shall be ready to welcome them
with open arms. I have the honor to
"Truly and sincerely yours,
"Thomas II. Tonuce."
CM"!er a of I ifty hollars (fill,
to any person who will jjive evidence
leadiiik! to the arrest ami cmi v iet ion of
the party or parlies who broke this
company's line on August "Vh and'. '7th,
between Ijikeview ami New Pine Creek.
Oregon. N. S. Mi Kinskv.
Supt. C. & O. Telt-B Co.
SrsANViu.K. Cat. Amr. 27, Pi. :!.r-2
a i. 'It'll. I
I.n. nt i.i-lt lm nit
look ntirr. lor .'iiriln r .nrt
en. , nr.-of I nk. i ! Ak-.-li. v, J. K
Mating, r.
lull' for n . ol a t. -Ii ..r i ik'llt
H II. r .1. .ir.'a to I, , all.. I.,- tin.
I.Mi ninny oth.-r Ini. r. .i lo
n . I.. i,r .
Mri.nrr.)- 1
The Elements Play Pranks with
the Great White Sentinel.
Mt. Shasta's snowy mantle is in tat
ers. The snow now clings only to the
hiKh places and the sheltered gulches
says the Free Preis. The Mitten is a lit
tie larger and more destitute of white
than m usual at this season The snow
has tumbled away from Thumb Rock
and the jutting promontory is more
striking than ever. The hot summer
has wrought strange pranks upon the
hoary old mountain. A sulphur spring
has alwpys bubbled boiling hot in a
bowl of stone near the monument on
the summit. The spring, for the first
time, has gone dry. So has Mud Lake
near by. This may be the unusual Leat
or it may betoken internal disturbances
within the mighty cone. The "extinct"
volcano may not be as dead as it ha
seemed. Quite a commotion was occa
eioned some weeks alio when a party of
mountain climbers opened the dor to
the monument to lilt from its iron bos
the register which has done duly for so
many years. Box and register were
gone. It is said that the book contain
ing autographs of many noted persons
was brought dow n and sent to San Fran
cis o at the request of some club which
wished to make a list of all the names
it contained. The book is said to be
back in Sission and will soon be in its!
place at the summit again. The bible
which "Daddy" Grimes put in the mon
ument is still there. A visitor was sup
prised to rind that with good glass he
could see the monuB.ent on Mt. tihasta
and the flag staff on the highest pin
nacle of the Black Buttes. The same
splendid glass showed plainly the raf
fled snow down the south side .of the
Mitten where the descending tourists
sitg on a tack and scoots earthward lor
three and a half miles.
Sheepmen of Kas'eru Oregon are till
lo.kiiw for that "hard winter." The
Caldwell News says they are buying tip
all the hay in that vicinity at prices
ranging from $1 to 5 pt r t -n that is 1m-.
ing offered for sale. Their reason for
fhiinir, so in on atwotinl of tho tmtiaiiat
shortage of the range on account of the
hot weather, which will comjtel them to
liegin feeding earlier than usual They
look for a severe winter, stating for a
reaaon that several winersof la'e have
been mild and in the natural course ot
things, there w ill be a change.
A Certain Cure for Dyaentcry and
"Some years ago I was one of a party
tha' intended making a long bicycle
trip, says r . I., lay Inr, of .New Albany,
Bradford County, Pa. "I was taken
suddenly willi diarrhoea, and was alsnit
to give up the trip, when editor Ward,
of the Ijiceyville Messenger, suguesied
that 1 takeadoseof Chainhe rlian's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedv. 1 tmr-
chased a bottle look tut) doses, one
Itefore starling and one on the route. I
made the trip successful ami never felt
any ill effect. Attain last summer I was
almost completely run down with an at
tack of dysentery. 1 bought a bottle of
this same remedy and this tim lonedose
cured me." Sold by Bead's Drug Store.
The Redding Free Press says a blind
man ii just now making a tour of the
Sacramento canyon in a covered wagon.
A woman doe the cooking when the
wagon halts at meal time or night, but
the man's special attendants are his two
small boys. They are his eyes and see
for I im. The man drives his train ac
cording to their directions. He sells
organs to pay expenses. The sightless
man apjiears to greatly enjoy his outing
though it is cool air and spring water
rather than fine icenery which attract
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Th
lets. All druggists refund the money if
iv tans to cure. Cj. w.urove a siktria
ture is on each box. 25c. I5H- vr
Have you a sense of fullness in the n- '
k'i f "'ir atomaeb alter cut itt-.' '.' If o
you will It hei.iii,., hy u-im: t 'Iihii.Iht-
hlln's Mutinied ami l.iver Tiihle's. hey I
.lo cure helehniu ami sour stotnaeh. I
They rtvulaie the iH.vteU ... ', '
cent". ."-..Id hy Peall's Dm.' Store. :i.'i-J'
rLL-i. l.:',rn t: . . ..- - ,
Everybody is talking ,
v J's -y 's-1 s
toll.;,,,, irsvxiMVLf i wvtuxMum.imm.ti
Ho th w!twmEm
about Koinur
16th Annual
CRENO, September 16 to 31st.
vrivf v t rmmrrr ii'uuhiuiuhii r ft 'rvrrrrr
KcdiKcd Kates i)n all the Railroads. Rates von will
admire $0000 in Speed Purses.
j Fruits, Vegetables ami Flowers iii profusion. Mu
S sic by the best Hands in the Country. The Cirounds
are superb and finely located.
I'. L. Flaxioan, Frest. Lons Hkvimk, See' v.
...Kniiihts nl I' thi:is... s
1 N
t, ihihI. I tkl: lulu.! V. ii..'. la - 1. 1., la. . t.lill,fc' 1.1.1 l.ll.n. v
Hall, iMtt.-vl- Hr, ltfr. I.I. 1 1 k- K l.l t I.I. '
.til.l.ali In. tl. "I.
J a V III li U.S. i l.ati.-' tl'.r ' ;
kit II till h t.l It. mi. I s, V
.-yyyy'y s.s si
aall . mt ,!,
llrn. la Willi all.. a Ilk
iKllt rnr f..r '-a; r.K raa-
fur wrihi ra. s..iiitfrw.a f.(iiuif t r . . an.t silt
In r t at ti I tar. Inr limml III. I raitn
I Jilt.' I'l.att.ftllr mltr. aa. la art lr . I if (nil.
Of? Irll
rlKhl fur rtn; ti-ii t' Inr tt'ilii ra 1r loan
W ltall(.'. l"lll free. I'li.lliftltl. Bilttrran,
lAk.-vlt-vt , I ir.-t((.ti.
James Barry ;;
fur at rt h.-ra. smua r
III r I at ti I ar. Inr I
l-alo- 1'iiatt.ftli r mi l
Zac Whitworth 1111 t n.l. r. rii nil
5v A
& y2L
Lakeview Livery
WM. K. BARRV & H. W. J. IJARRY, Props.
To take effect Stl inlay, May ft. I'.all.
Nil. t Nil.
: I, m. .v Mimio Ar fl:W p. 1".
V ' a. In. Ar . hit in in It , It .'i -t i. in.
v.i-'i a. rtt. ar i ar I. :.17 . m.
V II a. in. .ar Krain-la . . I t ft:.'.' i. tn.
in Hi a. in. Ar .. I l I I.' . in
In :tn a.m. Ar I'lninaa l.v 4 K. i ..m.
it:a'ii a in. l.v .. I'l aa Ar 3:n i (i.irt.
In '. a. in. Ar Cltal Ar i. W.
II :l'i n in. Ar I nin. r. .tt At l p. rn.
II I. a. in. Ar. ..It.-.l Kik k ...Ar l.
II . I a. in. Ar I 'i.iiai an I lit . . A r 'I
I.' I t n. m Ar Itnvln Ar 't ii I'. "
1 in i. in. Ar I li-aan ...Ar Imp.
I 4H I t.lll. Ar A ttl.-.l.-e. ,v r.' IM i.m.
i III I . Ill Ar . Alii.-.l.- Ar ll 4.liaaH.
J Vi )i m. Ar II..I S,rlnga..Ar tl .'ia.
2:!y .. in. Ar Murray Ar n:.'.7 a. m.
S '."i i. ill. Ar .. Karlti .,Ar ti:.ii a. m.
4 t.'i i, in. Ar... Ili.rat- l.nktt .Ar U::r.' a, nt.
4Wi. in. Ar.. Waverljr , , .Ar l:ll, m
ft:ln p in. Ar . 'riTtim l.v ft :ui a. nt
a, wuti a
Feed a5taDie
in Connection
'Iai, rHonr.
latnij Office at I-akevlew, Oregon,
Auk. at' 11T. I
Notice ll ht ri-bv riven that lint
named aettler ttaa Died notiee ! I ll lnl Ion
to make dual uroof in tuuuirt i.l
and tliat aald proof will tie made before the
nt-Kimer anu neceiver at Ijtkeview, Orekton, on
Otitobi-r 15, 1901, vl: iJelivan I). Defeiilmuirli
U. K. No. flisa for the HU NKU ami ku hii
h.... l.Th a., U U u, V r, . .t 'P ..
.-re. , , p. p, a. n,oi c. tie nauiea ine loitovv-
niK wttiit'uea to prove hi. coiitniiioua realdenve
upon and cultivation of aald laud, via: A.I....
Adrian. Krauk Adrian, Henry HukIimio aud
wll tlefeubaugn all of Denio, Oresutl.
Ind Office, Lakeview, OreKOn.l
. Aus. M, ltfol. I
Notice la hereby given that the following,
named aeltler haa Died notice of !tl intention
to make final proof In aupport of It la claim,
and tltat laid proof will be made before the
Keglater and Kec-elver at lkevlew, Oregon,
on October 1A, 101, via: Adam l. lleleuiiaiigli
H. E. No. -M4 for the BWW Bee. iH. WV,
NK'4 and HK4 HZy. Bee. 2a Tp. its H., K. 87 K.
He iiamei the fiillowlng wltneaaea to prove bit
conlinuoua residence upon aud cultivation of
aid land, via: Adam Adrian, Krauk Adrian,
HeuryHughaon aud Lewia liefenbaugh all of
Kanlo, Oregou. K. M Bhattiin,
- Heg liter.
Horses boarded by the dav or month
b'irst class turnouts and saddle horses.
Our specialty is the (uick and safe de
livery of passengers to all points in
the district.
Hay and Grain for Sale. -t
urtLiuK ui'uka flUUMi, Lakeview, Oregon.
StH'einl rstes from
Cliii'Htfn, New t Ir-
IfllllM, MeniiliiM,
St. louix nntl nil
MiNNonri Hiver
I'tlllltH to
-lit f
rs l 3-8
' C t c
i !!.-2 ?
: s-
. 3 p '
11 tl ill ih :il (Ml f'H Ml ,2(1 (K)
llnl SprincH. . .
AniiHtriiiiK. . . .
Ill' (Ml, '.t fit) 'J7 (Ml
Tl (HI. .'ill .r; I'M INI
:u (nil :n m (to
$3.50 Shoes for Ladies.
Keith's ;, All
Fine Shapes
Shoes K And
For Wjy Ai
Ctnitieetliilt at I'lninaa Juni't'i.n ultli Hlerra
Valley'a llnlluay; tillliatagi. a1. Intli for Mil
for.l, Jnueavlllit and UmillliKville. Al llol
MirlniiB fur .-.itaaiivllle ami mimiiiIi-'i. Al Ti rni.i
fur Altiirna, t'e.larvlllit, l.ak ( ily and Curl
Hi'ltvi-ll.t al.,and Lakeview, I'luali ami l itlaley,
V. I', ami II. M. Traflle Vanager.
a'i. B0 YEARS'
1 MP
TnDC fi'.
Anrnnaaanitlna- aikafoh and ee-i .
qnliiklr aatwrlaln our oiilult.n freu .. I"
itivauilrin I. iininaritir paieniuitiii. t
tlntiaairlutirooiifitlaiitfnl. Ilauillitiok on I'ttleiita
aetit frea. Olilnal aifHiter for aui'iiriiitf rnii'tiia.
ratauia taken tiirouirh IMuiiii A Cu. rucelva
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Scientific Jlmcricnn.
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culation of anr .tiienlian luurnal, "1 anna, ti a
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ing that time. Heat Cough Cure. Lake
view Dtugt'o. 35.4