Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 05, 1901, Image 4

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fiaht Count u tffxamtnrr
Pabll.hed Every ThurwUy
MaMok BulWInf
(One Year, $2.0
TERMS: Sik Months. 1 .00
(Three Months 50
Mr. Js. Howard of Prews Valley,
Lake county, accompanied hy her daugh
ter, and Miss Jean Tomiinic'en, arrive!
Thursday. The yonnu ladiea will enter
St. Mary' Academy at Jacksonville, says
Town Talk of Ashland.
W. P. Sharp, the cipsr manufacturer,
went out to lily last week to meet Mr. and little con. who were enroute
from Portland. The party arrived Fri
day evening and are guests at Hotel
Lakeview. Mrs. Sharp thinks lakeview
a long distance from the railroad, but
she believes she will like the town.
F. O. Bunting of the Prews Valley
Hereford Stock Farm, started Wednes
day morning for Sacramento where he
will attend the California State Fair for
a week, and then visit the Nevada State
Fair at Reno, which opens on the KUh
inst. Mrs. Bunting accompanies her
husband, and they will be absent about
thirty days.
Eugene Ede met with a painful acci
dent last Thursday while unloading hay
at Barry's stable. Ash Farrington was
in the mow, and was coming down to
assist him in pitching. He dropped the
pitchfork down into the wagon as he
supposed, but one tine caught Kde's
right hand and the sharp point ran
through the palm, causing a most pain
ful wound.
A party of jolly serenaders visited
numerous residences in Lakevie1 last
Thursday night, and entertained the in
mates with som ' sweet vocal music with
guitar accompaniment. It was the first
genuine serenade the writer has listened
to in Lakeview and it was certainly a
pleasing innovation. Some of our best
and jolliest people made op the party,
and had a pleasant evening.
Reid Bros, have sold to John Mo
Elhinney of Lakeview the 43 head of
bnrks advertised for two weeks in The
Examiner, m n n -imnhir- .tiiim...
that advertising in The Examiner brings
good results. Mr. McElhinney says he
read the ad. in this paper, and went
straightway and bought the bucks.
When you want to buy or sell anything,
place an ad. io these columns.
A refreshing rain fell throughout this
vicinity last Sunday afternoon. For the
day and night the government instru
ment marked .07 of an inch. The storm
extended a considerable distance in
every direction, and particularly did it
rain hard up north. Up the canyons
and in the vicinity of the Water Com
pany's springs, it was a genuine down
pour, and the dry creeks became rushing
Lord and Mrs. Talbot were here
several c'ays during the past meek.
Lord is the well known representative
of Trieste Bros., manufacturers of fine
hats, and he has many patrons in Lake
view. Mrs. Talbot is a pleasant and
prepossessing lartv and during her visit
here formed numerous acquaintances
among tbe Lakeview ladies. She liken
the trip and will visit Lakeview again.
They went West Tuesday.
Misses Otiie and Lena Snellinc, the
two eldest daughters of A. F. Fuelling,
at one time county clerk of this county,
.arrived here last Thursday from North
Yakima, Washington, in company with
R. K. Tandy. The Misses Snelling re
sided in Lakeview during their child
hood, and are having a pleasant visit
witti relatives and old friends of their
family. They are guests this week ol
their aunt, Miss Delia Snelling.
R. It. Tandy, an old citizen of Lake
county, arrived latThursday from North
Yakima, Washington, and will remain
here some time attending to business af
fairs. He desires to dispose of all his
property in this section, as his health is
greatly impaired, and he can no longer
tand the trips here to attend to his af'
fairs. About a year ago Mr. Tandy met
with an accident in falling from a wagon
from which h sustained serious injuries
about the head, and he has never fully
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Massingill and
daughter Bernice. and Mr. and Mrs. A.
Y. Beach and daughter Marie, and Miss
Ella Pratt returned from Camp Ideal on
Deep Greek Iat Thursday, after a two
weeks' stay. But for the accident to Mrs.
Beach, in which she cut her foot badly
with an ax, and the loss of a span of
horses, the trip would have been a
thoroughly enjoyabio one George Han
kins came to the rescue with a team and
the party came home. Mrs. Beach is
low! recovering from her accident.
Town Council Meeting.
At a rugular meeting of the Town
Council belt Tuesday evening last, new '
rules were formulated regarding the j
payment of e eetrie light bills, which :
make it imperative that all patron of j
the service pay such bills on or before i
the 5th day of each month. The monev i
from the eleo'ric light service is needed
for running exjenses.
The street committee reported favor
able progress on the town well, and that
the stone wallimr of the well would be
completed in eight days.
The council granted a franchise to run
for 60 years to the Ike County Tele
phone and Telegraph Company, which
allows said company to place poles and
w ire on all the streets and alleys of the
Col. Graham's Specialty Co.
Col. Graham's-Specialty Co. sent an
announcement to The Examiner last
Tuesday night that the company would
plav here on Saturday evening, Sept.
Nth. As the hall had been engaged bv
Senator Hamden lor that evening, The
Examiner tried to find the agent by
w ire along the line, to inform him of the
fact, but failed, and we now announce
that the Col. Graham Specialty Co. will
play in Lakeview at a date to be found
in the next issue of this paper. It is to be a good show, and "our o n"
Prof. Graham is one of the owners.
Watch for date next issue.
Fine Beef Sold.
Al. Henderson, representing the West
ern Meat Co. bought, two weeks ago,
2:0 head of lieef catlie from Cressler,
the Cedarville banker. The cattle were
sold from Creesler's Big Valley rn-h
and we understand brought $32 and 3S
per head. At the same time Henderson
bought from Pan P. Browne, of Bidwell,
90 head of 3 and 4 year-old steers. These
cattle were as tine a lot as ever went to
market and were taken from Browne's
Big valley pasture. They brought fW
per head.
Horse Commits flay hem.
Mr Moore from Chewaucan was in
town this week. He reports a serious
ac. ident to Charlie Trumbo, of the ZX
ranch, last week. One of the employes
was riding a colt and the bucking animal
was about to get the best if the Conteat,
whan.Trumbo made. aJfrap for the
"hackamore." The colt turned his
head and bit off the thumb of Trumbo'a
right band.
Board of Equalizaton.
Notice is hereby given that the County
Board of Equalization will convene at the
Court House, in Lakeview, Oregon, on
Friday September 27th, 1!W1, and will be
session one week. All those who have in
grievance and can show error in their
assessment are respectifully lequested to
call at any time during the session of the
Board and have the same adjusted.
Dated Sept. 5th. l'JOl.
J. B. Bi.aik,
35-3 Assessor Lake County, Oregon.
Will Build Livery Stable.
About six weeks ngo Dr. B. Daly
bought the J. M. limes lot on Main
street opposite the r ielI store. Last
Tuesday he sold the lot to Stonewall J.
Vernon, who has already contracted for
the lumber to bui.d a big livery stable
thereon. The building will be construct
ed as fast as mechanics can put it up.
The price paid for the lot w as about
Notice To Odd Fellows.
The Grand Master will meet the dif
ferent I. O. (). F. Lodges on Sept. 11th
at the following hours: Subordinate
lodge from 1 o'clock to 3, Rebekah lodge
from 3 o'clock to 4 :30, and Encampment
at 4:30. All members are requested to
be present promptly at the hour stated.
By order of Reception Com.
All members are requested to be pres
ent at our next regular meeting, Sept.
10th. Our worthy Grand Matron, Mrs.
Clara A. Marsden of Burns, will be pres
ent. Fraternally,
M akv E. Hniukh,
Worthy Matron.
Hay For Sale.
Morris Wingfield has about one hun
dred and sixty tons of hay to sell. En
quire of him at the store. 35-3
Susanville had another fire last week
in which a planing mill and fire hose
house were destroyed. The old fire bell,
which for years rang out the alarms, also
sounded its own death knell and was
lost. Just after the great Lakeview fiie
of May 22, 1000, Susanville suffered a
like conflagration, though not so heavy
as ours. Among the many new buildings
that now grace the streets of that enter
prising town on the old site is a fifty
thousand dollar hotel. The recent fire
carried with it onlya loea of $3,400.
fi have many
mi.i- .m,. .' ,nuu1 we
stock. We acknowledge we carry good quality of goods. This refers to our
cheaper gootls in just the same degree as to those of the very best quality.
In ordeiing our goods we give just as particular attention to the durability,
the substantial make and the superior quality of the low priced goods as we do
to the medium and better grades, but our assortment is mainly confined to the
medium and better grades.
The strength of our lines is apparent when you look at our stock, and for
Spring and Summer we venture to assert that there is not another stock of goods
in the country that is equal to ours in its wonderful variety, in its great range of
price, in its particular style of everything that wc show.
We solicit the business of the people of Southeastern Oregon and can readily
that we arj:
nen Wanted.
The Chewaucan I-aml A Stock Com
pany wish to employ a inunlier of men
immediately to work on their ranch in
Chewaucan Valley. There will be plenty
of work: until snow the. 'M '
Notice of Special Meeting.
the nfllreni and mrinbrra ot I-ak
vli-w Uxtgn No. U, I. (. it. V.. tbal
lh-r! will be a tntM-lal tnf-iluv ol
aald lodge at the I. o n. K hall In lk. u w.
Oreinn. on Wronrxtar ermine, .ptrmbr
lltti. mil, at wblab ttine (ton. ". II. NVliuin.
urand Mamer. I. O. U. P. for the Xtale ol Ore
gon will be preaenl. All ni'mbera are rsauret-
111117 requeaieu to meei wun ut on nam rvta
J. W. M,.
Noble lira nil.
New Vegetable
All kinds of Berries, Vegetables &
Fruit carried in season.
Leave orders and what you want
for the day will be delivered at
your door, fresh and sweet.
1 1
r V'
new customers each season coming to our establishment
who tell us they ntwnys understood that we handled good quality of
goods. Our reputation with our customers is not made by any par-
i.'iw. but bv the general excellence ot every article in our
the best house to trade with
.i i1. yttfe
V - J., '"jl...
...Southern Oregon State Normal School...
Strong Academic coutho. rrotVcHiomil truininR of the liighent r xcel
lencf. Fimt-cIaHH Trniniiifr. Department. Well KfjtiipjK-d Laborator
ies The demand for trained teachers exceed the mipply. (Iraduatca
e;inily secure good jKiHitionH. Beautiful location. Kent climate ou
the Count. KxtM-nhen from $125 to $150 tx-r vcar. Fall term lu iiiia
cptcniber 9th. Write for Catalogue.
W. M. CLAYTON, President.
"'s'sy'ss'sCr -Vs s'sj I j's's's's's's's'sjr's's's's'si's
V O.
y V-
"N T- r-V Ay K
- - -.-zr-ysvz -ccc:
in this entire region.
Stock 3?arm
Drows Valloy, Oregon.
F. O. Bunting, Owner
Largest herd of registered
Herefords in Oregon
It; Registered Yearling Bulls
IOO, 120 and I DO each
IAID0R AlAMO head of pjstj
i r
i'sW's's's (W'y s S 7V- v'VO
l .Maal
,V - V
e'j'.e-'i 'XfJ.t -V 'c'' -V.- .xv tiCci