LAKH COUNTY OXAHINCR: LAKCVIEW, COON SEPT. 5, 1901. t News, liOCJAl, . Interesting Notes (lathered During The Week and Stated Briefly For Examiner Readers 300 Samples. 300 Samples. S Ladies, Look Here t 513 it d At m - a. PS. Take The I) x it in i ii-r mill keep poNtcd. W. (iuriloii anived (rum Yrckn Iiini fti'ck. A. M. Smith llllN ll-IIKI-ll tint Tmii Col- vin rnnrli lit Kew I'ine Creek. It in (ikiIih)i to wmry; yesterday was once today, it 1 1 I tiiiiim mw will Ik- I k Ik y . S. II. Admin mm n nrriviil lit Hotel Lakeview from ll.iM'iiniii, M .nliiiiii, litfl week. i i w here you Mill, tlu Ih'hI saloons wll Jec M.xiic m III k i' v. :t"i V. i . i.. k .i. .... i. . i... i .i... ' '" i ' I I V 11 ' lltl- I'l'lhl'll Will HIIMMIK IIM- itf (ill Imi.e nUiiit I - 1 I ' 1 1 1 1 1 tlmt ri'xi'iulili'H iiiiki-)i. II. I:. W. rinlli, kI.h kuicn ( t cd.irville wem Iiimiiu-HH viUoin In I.Uhi-Mi'H 111-! Week. I'ni-t.-y uill i;ivi it 1 1 1 ii f 1 1 v hull, I li pr It tn .ii 1 1 1 1 : ii lu ll .ir the new rliim Ii j ' I -1 di du Hied. I 'i i ill i imI In hk liil J Moore w hiky uii'l i i.ii'II ul ,n Im happy . in Mile Ht Ih.U'.ii A Mn'itliV ' li.tll l.lij;llll II' H l IIUIHll'IH niiikc sheep ruin ing ii I'liMiii hn; i lin A iin rii'iiii llm UiihihI i t iii : k it ti k jm'i-u In t urn. J . t '. 1 .ld.ill, till' Will kllOMII KtiM'k lllllll u It. Bid tt el I, W It I ' l II H llllKtlll'IIN ill Litkcvicw I n -1 I humility. Vuiir iiii'iliriiut 'lii-xt in i mi mi !!' i it i 1 1 t utiH -k - I itti Ji'nxi' .iiir- "A A" ; whlkeV. ( li'l II ll'iilll JulllllllTtlllll. X"i I'hIIh", I'nlk county, In to Imvi' a IhihdI o( trade. Mmiy ureal induM ries am to In founded in that cnterpr ieii.K pla a, hiiiuiik tlifin city water works, ami a riilli-tft', A luiiiril of initio In jiiNtwhat Lakeview needs badly. Tin beautiful painting of tint Lat'le- hip ( iri'U'in, at J'u't V Kiiix'x, has Im-i-ii lidoiucd with a handsome iluiil. If (rnini' ol Krecn dapple, which m h much to the beauty of th painting. Tim (mine In !l feel long liy 5 in width. K inu'N ri'Hort ( ii i ii 1 1 1 1 r- niNV coiiicin. khnI I ' 1 1. UN HII'I lllllt Mliokt-N, (till tlilTH M lull' Voil iin- in tiw ii, iiii.I you w ill In ruynlly t ri -it i .-. J . r, ('.11. 1'iirkt-r wiin looking lor ii ri-ni-ilrii. i- proicriy iluriinf l i h xtny Ihti- ri n l.llv, I. nt (, .tun I liotliint; tlmt jnt Hilit-i-.l In- (miry. lloi vfr, ClifH. Iihn not Kivi-ii up tin- i'lfii ot tiiHkiiiu' I-iikrvii-W 1 1 i n Iioiih', uii'l tiiiiy yit piiri liHNi-. Tin- Win. I Minki't iiml SIkm-i jiiurn:il pilli'ihlii-.l tit ( linn i..ii niivn: "Wool in I'liittfiiiil lO.-i'iiiN a p., tin. I nt Luki'vii-w, trrjj.iii. 1 'rciitlit to iki Ih.iim h I am Acnt for the Largest and I lest LADIIiS' TAILOK y MA 1)15 SUIT COMPANY K " the United States. I'riees on these Suits rane from $13 to $100 We also make to order waists, Skirtsand Jaeketsin Latest Style from seleeted material. I lint'. . r- 11,-.... II 1 1 m .....v. win i mtt iiuiKireti "i Samples of the finest cloths 'j) and very latest patterns to $ select from. My prices are riht. Myoodsareriht. f) And the fit and make-up is 'A all rijrht. ft Call and leave 'your orders fl early as it takes time to make up a nice dress suit. H C. U. SNIDER, - - - JLakeview, Ore. & It in uil tlmt (IciuthI ('uhniiih M. Clay tliii.kH lie in itooil for ti-n yram yt-t. Iln eviili-iitly i-xiN-flf to fmon tin; i.tury murk iN-foru lie CamiUN in his cliwkN. I.iiki'vicw pi-oplv lire mak intr tlo-ir mi nimi . 1 1 1: r i ii ii c to Sniiiiiii-r I.akf in Hi'.in Ii of wild pluiiiH. TliiM fruit in l.ark wiinl. Iiki hII otliiT fruiti of lliin country duiiiiji tin pri'wiit M'iihoii. I .it I iil rui-tora i a M' iikI pli-ainz tliii.t' to cinukis Thin l iuitr in' l.v tt.f I a i in ih TrnjilloK, iiml in knoMiiiiH tin-pet .- t l it' ;ir,'tiiri'il in Ki v ci-nt I 'i-ft. Ti y oiii- nt Alilhiroiiin JlroN., t-nlu 'IF f if 9 9 a .u 1 1. 1 l.y t -u iii h . W hut u.,ii. I a mil iiii iiii to a country liko ilint'.'" Tin- K.iU.rt Miintill jn a lariif and friik'iaiit i luar. ( liirf iim-,1 ).mi w ill t all fur no ot licr, Imm huhi' it in a pl.-nnuit in.iki' and rvi'tv oik' in tin Ix.x im koihI. I nn' tiiluit'co. l-'ur NiiU'only liy liorion A in 1 1 1 . in loikcvicit . ' 'JH 'Jm I'l-rn-on, tlm Crmii' creek fruit and vi'ip'tulili iiiiiii ih landiii)t wiiiio "wliopp- B w uU'Miii'Ioiih on tliu Iim'iiI nmr-ki-t. Tliu man w lio tvlU tin niinpln truth I'l'iliiipn in doinj; ri;lit ; Hut ull tlio world w ill censure him For hcing im poli to. Tin- lliithct Itanch riiiiHintinir of ?Hl) rri'N, with cMaliliHtii'd water nulit, In- minion 1 oitonwiMHi Creek, in now ol-. unit of Julv' work. lereil lor NHle. v.". I uilmcli alxitil It. lu ll l.iltu M.ihn tii'd IiIh Naddle liorne to a tree near ilio Whortoii fruit Mtand hift hridiiy, and 1 lie Naddle turned and Nlruck the animal in the II oik. The animal U came frenzied and hucked Naddlo and hrtdle off, liroke hin halter and jjot way. Th ilirector of the Woodland cream- lUelitN. Jn Jill .(.Ii ii N. WatNon, the owner of Ko-e-I. nd riuii li lit Summer Lake, and a prom inent rheeiuiiau of lliin county, wan wen at I it 11 n i' ii I . Ilurney county, lat week, truiliuK altera hand of hi)! wethem with a flu-phcid'H criHik. Ir. I)i nioreHt and family are taking an outinx on the hank of the C'hewancan at Taifley. The r. comhinea luihiiieioi w ith pleiiNure ami removes trout. lenoine molarv u well an lilling the ChewaucAn head with gold tnitiea. StnokerH will never know the comfort of a hue citfur until they try the HI Con andante. Thin if) a fraKrant weed that ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS ACCOMODATIONS SAHPLE ROOH For COnnERCIAL TRAVELERS COURTEOUS TREATMENT F. H. MILLER & CO., Proprietors. F. P. LIGHT, Manager b. F. ALLEN T. H. LAFOLLETT ALLEN & LAFOLLETT the pnlroiiN of that itiNtitutioii, an a re- Mill, we have i people w ho contend that creamer KriKhlera Ilorley, IWrun and IlulT dofini't pay ayi the Hedding Search arrived (mm Teiuio laal Thumday, with . lij-ht. ery hv declared a dividend of t'7W to lulls men to leep and uivea them pleas nt tireauii. On cale only at 1 ont A King'! Lakeview. 5W 2tn The Montaxue correpotilent to the Yreka Journal aaya thai Louis liurber Uieln-r, In the tuck room or on your aide Ixiard JeNNO Moore "AA" whit-key ia in-diNN-iiNille. Always on hand at Jam inertlial'ii. 3,r) (rem ht 'or AhlHlrom liroa., Whortoii A r-iniih and ethers. The price paid hy Cox A Clark (or the Turner iimiiertv known aa the I'oint ranch, was I7.,ri0 instead of $7.(KX, as Among the pleasure seekers and wild ataietl hv The Kiaminer lant week. I',u,n I'i'-kera who went from hereto .... . it . .. Summer Lake lat week were Mr. I list cl imiik nave tne ikihu-iii itohvi outM.lo ol ttrenon'a hi city. It is a I has. h. Moore, Mrs. S. B. Itolton, Mr. popular phii'e hecause iiotiiiuic ts iiauiiuti I ami v . jM-nrer, sirs. Uordon llieru in the liUor and cigar line Imt ! (Jarretl, Mrs. O. F. Arthur and Miss Breeders of Pure Bred Sheep t' i . ii-.., ' i-a-- ,-. .'v-2 atandard brands. 2iV t( Miss Myres, of Klainathon, ft niece o( Mrs. Jack I'urtln of Summer I.nke, pKHned throiiKh Lakevlow last week on the way to the I'artin homo oo a vinit. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith of New I'ine Creek were viNiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hampton in Chewauran last week. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hampton are sclera. Nearly everylNxly huh rend Tom 1'nine. The Tom I'ii i no ciar ia as gmid as the Ixiok. A Iouk, sweet smoke. Call lor it at Ayrcs A Schlagel a Itrewery Sa loon. :'S-2iu Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent and Jim Vincent, who live down the valley, will leave the last of this week for a trip to the coiiHt, north of Crescent City. They will boabHoul several weeks. Marion liurnea, brother of Frank, Hi and William Karnes of this county, has leased Charlie Campbell's blacksmith simp at 1'aiNley. The l'ont say a Mr. Campbell will look for ancther location. Offers unexcelled facilities for learn ing the Celebrated 1'ernin Shorthand by mail. This method employs neither ahadinit, Hition nor arbitrary contrac tions; is the simplest, moat legible, and rapid Hhorthaml in use, and the only method that can lie HticceHsftilly learned by mail. Send for free trial lesson and catalogue. Commercial JSuilding, Wash ington, corner Second. 12-tf Ana Arthur. Alniut a tuomli ago Pan Chandler found in the roadway lietwcen Lakeview and Hrews Valley n lady's purse con taining a certain sum of money. The ow ner can have the same by calling o j Mr. Chandler, proving proerty and paying (or this notice. 35-tf When you go to Klamath Falla don't fail to aee C. I. Wilson the Mipular caterer at the Gem saloon. He carries the tinest stock in tow n and will treat you riicht. The(em is the Miular resort Try the Hermitage w hisky there. 25-t. lied llluff is the only town in the state that maintains a public ice water foun tain. It is supported by the city at an exKnse of f 2.r er mouth (or ice and is exceptionally well patronized indeed during the present summer it has proved a blessing to that torrid town. . Hie real estate in Lake county, be longing to the Frank! Co., is now on the market (or sale. No reasonable offer w ill be refused lor any pait of it. For (ull particulars call at or address this ollice, or Charles U in bach, Lakeview, Oregon. 1-tf A neyer (ailing cure (or cuts, burns, scalds, ulcers wounds and sores is le Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. A most sooth ing and healinu remedy (or all skin affect ions. Accept only the genuine. Lakeview Drug Co. 35-4 and the Mitchell Bros- brought in seven hundred head of beef last week from out east, (.ierlier also shipiied 1, HO0 head of sheep and Swanson shipped several car loads of lambs purchased from Martin and Churchill's bands. , Kverylxxly w ho smokes has heard of the famous La Hosa cigar, it needs no recommendation other than the smok ing. When you drop in to Cobb Henk le'a Alhambra call for a La Hosa and get happy. 2-2n I 'oh t A King have a handsome new liquor cabinet made out of oak with beveled mirror glass. It is one of the prettiest pieces o( work ever exhibited any place. The cabinet was made by U.A. Follett, and is filled with all the choicest brands of liquors and wines known to the trade. Post A King carry nothing but the beet grades of liqucrs 1 and high wiues. Las Do N.ctonos, the pure MexL-ana riliar, guaranteed, is a leader at Lea Beall'a smokers' emporium. One can't real ire what the sweet aroma of a per fect cigar is until he has tested the qualities of the Las Dos Nacione. Call for them at lleall's. 28 2m 0. S. and Bob Ilenellel, the lumber men of Chewaucan, were here last week on land business and were overlooked by our reporter. The lormer had com plied with the law and made proof of a new timber land ?laim before the local land ollice. Beneflel Bros now have a choice belt ot timber, sufficient to keep their mill saws goiug at full speed (or many years to come. Nonis Silver, North Stratford, N.1L, : "I purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure when aufferinur with acouirh doctors told me was incurable. One bot tle relieved me, the second and third al most cured. Todav I am a well man. Lakeview Drug Co. 35 4 t9 : Original stock Spanish nerino. ttav bred lor many year to registered Detain nd Karaboullet Rams from the flocks of lead In f eastern breeders. We offer for ' season of loot 7oo yearling rams and loo ' warear-ald . w"- sonable. Home ranch oa McKay Creek ten miles north ot Prloeville, Oregon. Call oo or address ALLEN & LAFOLLETT, 30-3m Prineville, Oregon THE b 10 Cottagezg ..Lodging House Restaurant... Mrs. E. h. Day, Proprietor. -The Only 25 Cent House in Lakeview- Restaurant and Lodging House have both been thorough ly renovated. Good table service and clean beds. The comfort of our patrons will always bv our first n a Mil t . . 111 aim. uaii at ine cottage tor a good meat ana Dea. When you want a pleasant physic try the new remedy, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in eriect. Trice, 25 cents. Samples free at Beall's drug store. 35-4 B. W. Pursell, Kintecsvilla, Pa., savs he suffered 25yers with piles and could obtain no relief until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve affected a permanent cure. Counterfeits are worthless. Lakeview Drug Co. 35 4 Geo. W. Lane, Pewtmo, Mich,, writes: "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for in digestion and eiomach trouble that I ever used. For year- I suffered from dyspepsia, at times com-. pellinK me to stay in bed and causing me untold agony. I am completely cur ed by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In recom mending it to friends who suffer from indigestion I always offei to pay for it if -it fails. Thus far far I have never paid." Lakeview Drug Co. 35-4 6 New Pine Creek is Coming: to the Front. We Sell Good Goods. Our Prices Are Right. Come And See. LEMON & HARTZOG i