Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 05, 1901, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday
Maaonlc Building
(One Year, $2.00
-'Six Months. 1.00
(Three Months, 30
Wlu'ii Mr. I'urrk' N:ii i n wa i'lfornit'.l
that lu-r liulutnl l:l lir.iiulit Mlit for
div rve on t lu rontx! of iIomt in, clio
rtMlldrktvl : "I mil lill'l I:ivM Iihs t:iktn
tlit-stei. I'iiIoms tlit'te is coiin'i liiin; in
Ins petition to relhvt on my tliiwaiti'r 1
hall nut oppose the mil l.tlnniiJit 1
lovl Pavitl when 1 inrn I him twenty
five vears ai!o hut it i- it ileeiini: fancy.
1 an. Mire he never l..v, i ; l.e . jti-t
sorry for me because 1 .done. We
have both been living a lie and it is a re
lief to see the end. Pui! i-n'l a bad
fellow, liut he is too hw lot me." "Will
you marry again if yon get a chance?"'
w as asked, "Now don't we' tli; w ith me.
yoiiiii man," M.-. Nai.'ii rep.ied. ' I'll
answer your q:ies'ion since yo t've aked
it. I would not surrender my freedom
attain for the best man lint ever stretched
elioe leather." Women oi i s,-ioigi-cal
genius of Mrs. Nation ca ..nt he ex
peo'ed to give up to a family w hat i
meant for mankind. They mutt "live
their own lives" etc.. much to the regret
of saloon keepers Kin! o'hers. Iut it is
no wonder if ihe P.ivids ho stay at home
occasionally nnitae them and pine fur
The Dalles Paiiy hr nicle, Kep :
"The Pom are i. Hi i f starting
a big democratic d.iily , i 1'ortland.
What is the matter with ' regoniuti?
It lielieves in fiee trade. . the dem
ocrats. It hales McKlii - S i do the
democrats. It damn v i.iu who
has acquired wealth in in a.i of bu-i
no effcvtel by a tiruf. s I .the dem
ocrats. It condemn ver nimiop ily.
IfiieScial or otiicru ise, -xc- i its own.
So do 'he demot rats. '!mt in thunder,
do tl.e l'ur'land democrat want, anv- '
how?-' ' !
The following aileua' iu.
divorce agaitu-t a wife w :
supreme court of Wash,
state any legal ground i
was quarrelsome, vicious
in a bill for
held by the
toi not to
,iv-rce: "She
n dn-jiosirion.
murderous in threats plaintiff
nd bis parents, hysteric. .1 ainl imgi.v
and by her caue!es and uuorovoked
boisterounes, (H-reaming, li.illooing and
other wild conduct, by day aud night,
an intolerable nuisance to all her neigh
bor '
A monument to tioe he and Schiller
wig unveiled in Golden Gate Park, Sn
Francisco, before a large crowd of people
Mayor Phelan accepted the monument
in behalf of the city and county of San
Francisco. The bronze (inures of the
tw o gr. at Germans are of heroic size, and
the monument bears the i n? ription,
"Indicated to the City of San Francisco
by citizens of German Pecent in Cali'or
nia. in the Ver Nineteen Hundred and
The San Francisco Chronicle says that
a broad-gnage railroad v. ill he built into
the western part of Mod-: county from
the McCloud line as hot as rails can la
laid. T. Ii. Walker, president of the
MeCloud Kiver railroad, who owns
about 300,00 a res of tine tiinlx-r land
in Siskiyou, Shasta, Las-en and Klam
ath counties, is at the head of 'he pro
ject. W. . O'Brien has retired from the
Siskiyou News ft Yreka, after one year's
lalior in the democratic field of that
county. Veteran Hob Nixon appears to
lie "too many" for the tenderfeet quill
drivers. The News has had a stoimy
and disastrous voyage ever Nim.e it was
launched. Here's better luck to the new
publisher, V. P. Crow.
The Yreka Journal says: Large cattle
raisers w ho are in favor of land leasing
propositions are this year usinjj every
means, violent or otherwise, to make
the situation on the ranges appear more
appalling, presumably with the hojie to
influence the passage of the land lease
law to :ome before the next Congress.
Winters, the man who performed such
a neat job in relieving the Selby Smelt
ing Company t Crocke't, Cal., of f2M,
000 and afterward made a jackass of
himself by telling that he did the work,
plead guilty in court and got Gfteeu
years for his trouble. The bullion was
f jund where Winters told them lie put
it in the bay.
Well, w hat is Kastern Oregon going to
do about that petition againut leasin.
the public domain?
Ashland's second crop of strawberries
is now on. List year they had three
A Pavenport, VtinliiiiKton man hit a
potato digger whioh ia pulled by ix
liorven, ami whieh ilit Bin! iai'ka ten
aorvs u( p itatiH'! in H ilav. When that
100 ai re tract of tioone Lake land la
planted to Oregon pinl, the enerjietiv
potato man will have one here. The
Pawn port iltuer is the only one thin of Ptikota.
Mis IVssie Flack one of the uc.-efofnl
applicant;) for a certiti-att) before the
county board of education a few week
ao, opened the (-clioo! at Summer Lake
lat Momlay. Mixti Klack is a bright
voting woman, and The F.xaminer pre
dicts that her term at Summer Lake
will Ik a Htieccti.-liil one, and that school
patron will ml mire her
Sid Parting, 1012 Howard st., Port
Huron, .Mich., writes: 1 have tried many
pills and laxatives but IVWul's l.ltl.e
l-.aily 1'imts are far the best pills 1 have
ever tired. lhey never gripe. Lake
view Prug Co. lid 4
Yreka's team of Woodmen won the
trophy at the great log rolling which
took place recently at Mt. Shasta. The
trophy was won in i'ometitive drill, and
consists of a handsome sword of elabor
ate design. l')on the scabbard are en
graved the names of the winners, and
U(hui the blade of ttie sword the eusignu
of the Woodmen of the World.
The Kuropean powers are said to be
threatening Tui key. We don't threaten.
But in about twelve weeks (torn now j
ever mother's sou of an Amerion, hisj
cousins, aunts, uncles and spectacled ;
grandpapa will ue cleaning Turkey out
to the very marrow. Poor Turkey ! For
years and years it ha la-en killed off as
regularly as November rolls around.
Poit't wait until you become chronic-j
ally con.-tu.ated but take Pc Ill's Little ,
! Karly Ki-ir- i.i.m mid then. They will
j keep your liver and Isiwels in or- j
der. Kasy to take. Sale pills. Lake- '
View Prug Co. ;(." ) !
i I
j Jim Welch came near getting his le.-s 1
, broke Tuesday evening. He had come
j don ii from Little Chewancau and was
going to the mari-li ; when he went to!
untie his hore from the fence he walk
ed behind the animal to tie a package
on the saddle and the horse cared at
him and kicked, striking both of Jim's
legs !elow the knee. No terious damage
resulted, says the Post.
Mrs. Hi -hard Sherlock and family
of Paisley have gone to Portland on a
im wii.nd wioii Airs. Sherlo k'
mother, Mrs. King. They will be absent
about six weeks. Will J. Sherlock accom
pauied them, and will lie accompanied
home by two sons, w ho recently arrived
in Portland direct from Ireland. The
young men will engage in the sheep
business with their father.
Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind., is
a poor man, but he says he would not lie
without Chamberlain's Pain iialm if it
cost five dollars a botile, for it saved him
from being a cripple. No external ap
plication is equal to this liniment for
stiff and swollen joints, contracted mus
cles, stiff neck, sprains and rheumatic
and mus-'lar pains. It has also cured
numerous caes of partial puralysi . It
is for sale by ISeall's Prug More'. 35-4
Frank Ross returned last week from a
tour of Washington state in the interest
of the patent riveter introduced here by
Pick Kingsley a few months ago. Frank
says Ihe riveter was thoroughly worked
up there la-fore his arrival, and he was
lucky in not having to walk hack. In
ail his travels he sayH he saw many
larger places, but none better than
Lake view .
Frank Hackiuay, the Goose Lake
freighter, will try the climate of Ked
Bluff during the next few weeks. Frank
says he has been there during the hot
test time and escaped the scathing, has
read all the newspaer accounts about
the Bluff' being hotter than h , and
has learned that Lakeview horses have
dropped in their harness from the stif
flirig heat of that section, but he is go
ing to take a chance and bring back a
big load of merchandise.
For a refreshing summer drink drop
in at the ladies' entrance at Post ik
Kings ami touch the button. The wait
er will attend to your wants while you
are enjoying a cool and refreshing rest
in their beautiful parlor, fitted for the
purpose in a neat and attractive style. 31
'I tell you, ain't none o' th' nations
a-goin't t' tackle us," shouted the man
with the faded hair, gesticulating loudly
to the. assembled crowd. "We're a
world power now, an' we've got 'em all
skeered. Why, we've got a big navy,
th' best army in th' world an' we've got
more money than we can haul in a hay
wagon. We're so almighty big an' rich
that we kin " "Yes we've got all
them idlings," interrupted a lady who
had slipped into the crowd and grasped
the orator by the arm. "We're a world
power alright, but ain't got enough
wood saw d to boil Squire Kichuian's
washin', aud if we don't git it right
away a iortion o' this great nation ain't
a-goin' t' git no dinner. No you mosey
off home an' let Lurope tremble all she
wants to."
We have the newest Spring Clothing-,
Shirts, Shoes, Hats, Etc.,
FiNe Soajps, Perfumes,
Toilet Goods, Etc.
You Can
A i. il l r.- ttmroiiirhly prxtliul kniitti-film-
ol tin- Oli'lir.tiit
Witliunt Int. rl.Ttntf with mnr .r m iii .In
ti.-M. pmmmI txiftnl lr Kri'v Trial I'mmmi eii.I
full iitriiriilnr of our
Also opinloim uf prominent 'ilm-.turii. t.iitl
ih'hm iiifii, Nti'iMiKrni.titTN .n't nttirr. In r.--Kr.
ti tin lie ihiij. T"l ItB.k. J. T'-rmi
(or Mail liiMriii tion. I i-t ni'.i.lh
son corr'rt'''l kii.I ri'turiil iu ility of rr
Behnke's Law & Commercial School,
vi. i. Knot .
fnlti'il utti- IjoiiI tiltlri'. LhIuvIiw, lir'Kiin.
Auk. el. l'.ml. N..t l. U li.-r. l.y (ii. n lion l n -fii.luvviiiK
n.iiit'il 'ttir li.t IU'''l ii'iiiri' (
liin liiti'iiiion to iiihUi llnnl proof In NiipH.rt it
liin rlMiin, hidI ll.Mt Hfl piimiI v 111 1'' !"
fiire 4. II. kintf. I'fintttv I I. -rk Ml v nil. Iir.-tt.n
! mi i. toll, r 4. lwil, vi: .IiiIiii Mri. inn', II. K
No. Inr til" r i, i.l c k, hii.I w
.l NW, mii.I UK' , "t NW '4 i.t H. '. ill, Tp :i . ,
Ii. II K., M (Ir. Knii. II" intiii.'x tin; InlliiU'iiK
Mltui'-Hi'M to pr v.- hi ri.tiiiiniiHiM r. Ht.l.'in-i'
II pilll Hllll I' 111 t I Mill. II Uf KMill iNll'l. Vl: .Itllll.'K
11 oiif in..ii. I'll iiMinl"r Ii. ff' iil.M.iKli. uriii'liu.
Khii Mini ift-urK" MiupM.n All of Nli-1 r in 1 1, Siv
vhiIh. K. M. liKtrriN,
;n-fi lti'Kiti-r.
Tl l II Kit I. AMI MITM H,
thllti 'l HlMti-il Ijillil Dltll'f,
I.HlO'Vl.n, (iri'K'in, AuKiixt 1, Pml.
Nntiro U lii-rHl.)' Klvi'ti t lint In ruinpllMin'
with tin' j.rovlniiiii'N if tin; Mrt of rufiKr-'HM of
Jiim-8, IH7H i-ntllli'.l "An .-t lor I In- anli- nf
timli. r ImihIh In tliv Htnti' of ( Hlifurnlii, iir.
lion, Ni'vhiIh. hihI Wmlilnif.i.n 'I. rrlmrv," to nil tin; I'll I.l ! (.Mini Hlale l.y rt
of AiiKnt 4, Mri, Jmni'ii II. Turpi ll, of Ijikevli-w,
roiiiiiy of Ijiki', mull' of Ori'Kou, ! thl iiy
Hli'.l In tliU ortii i' liin KMurli ilnleiiient No. tIM,
for I hi? purrliKmi of tin; NK1 Hi-c. !.', mill H
!, HK'i of Mi-ctlon No. W in Tou tiHlilp No. 40 H,
Kmiiki- No. 21 E W M, mill will off. r priMif to
allow tint Hi. iMn'l ftniiKtit i innri' valiiHhlu fur
it timln-r or atomi tlian for HKririilturitl pur
iii.Hi;, mnl lo i'mIhIiIIhIi hi cl lui to a!i! ImiiJ
IX'lore tli Kt'KintiT ami Kwlv"r of thla nftlue
at Ijiki vlrw, Ori'Kou, on Krlilay, the 4th day of
Oi:totiT, 1111. Ilu nami'a a wltiiiiHM. Ut!nrK!
Jainiiii'rthal, .1. K. Mi l. am y, Frank Kukkith of
l.aki'vli-w, Ori-Kotl. ami I'avl.l I'. (Mclanil of
I'IiihIi, On'K'.n. Any aud all pi.rwiii i:lalmiiiK
ailvitrai'ly thH ahuvi'-il.'Horitii'il lanila am ru
iiii'ii'ii to till! their I'laliiia In thla otllce on or
before aaiil 1 1 It day of Ortot.i-r. Itil.
III Kit ItKKllllT.
rniti-rl HtaP-a IJilld Oftli'i',
Ijiki'Vli'w, Ori'K'iti, June 'JU, IMtil.
Nut l.e la lierehy glvi'n that In vouipllaiici'
with the proviaiona of the act of nnifrtxn of
June it, 1H7M, t'titillvii "An ai t fur the aale of
timber landa In the Ktatt-a of Califurnla, Ore
Kon, Nevada, ami WaahliiKtnn Turrltory," a
extended to all the I'll III li: l.ainl Hlali'a bv aet
nf AuifiiHl 4. tKVJ. Alinon N. I.apliam, of Vlntll
laa, County of Klamath, Htatu of OreKon, haa
llnmliy Hied ill IIiIk oltli'i' lila aworn atati'iiieiit
No. for the purehaae of Uita t anil nf Hee
tion No. IK in Townnhlp No. M H., KaiiK N, I'l
K., W. M., and will offer proof to ahuw that the
land mi. unlit la more valuable for ita timber or
Mlo in' than for MKrieulturnl piirpoaea, ami lo ea
tabliMh hi I'laim In nald laud bi fore the Ki'kla
I it and Keri'iverof lliia oltiee at Lakeview, Ori'
Kou, on Friday, the (iih day of Hepti'inbiT, l'.ml.
He iiamea aa w Itni'MMi'H: J. II. KambTH, W. J.
Hamli TM, J, I. Mi'liek.C. I.. Hi.i rall, nf Viatillaa,
Ori'Kou. Any and all i.i roiiM i IhIiiiIiik adverm
ly tlie aiiove-di'Bi rlbi'il Ian . am ri!iiieMtei to
lile ihi ir elaliiia in iliia olllco on or huforu aula
Utll day ol (September, l'JUl.
W ii) K. M. HKATTAIN, KeKialer.
line of Tin and Agate Ware...
5. F. Ahlstrom
Manufacturer of the
Recognised as the
Waon ami Bu :;" IlnrnoMs. Whips, Kobcs, Iloatas,
IJits, Spurs, Quirts, Host'ttfs, Klc. -o-Iicpairiii":
oi all kimls, by coinpclcut men. -4- -o-
C6 666 6666 666666666
Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Window'and
Door Casings, Beehives and Furniture
of all kinds made to order. Write for
estimates on contract work & material
Lakeview Variety Store
...C. Ii. DUNLAP...
v j .
aT t . . - Ji
llet Vaguero 5aJJIe