Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 05, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 35.
As 5ccn and heard One thousand points
from a 25. mile of Interest at the
rldconanobser- 4 Nation's Capital & 06
vation car. 4 George Town.
g itf itf vtf
Only two days lime ami oiio l them
Sumluy, wa tin lime allotted the writer
in hi vinit to WnhIiI ntt toti , I. C. In
mich a limited limn it was advised that
we take 11 guide in order to facilila'e
matters ami see aa much a iiossible
without going over the same ground
twice. We were taken through all the
(iovcrnnietit buildings Mini everything
w an explained to our satisfaction. Every
thing 1 11 in tcr -Ht inif (mm atari to finish,
and lino doe nut realize that they have
walked alxiut tvii miles, ami this princi
pally in the buildings.
Hut tlu most inlcieslmg ami enter
taining thing a visitor enn llml in ti take
a trip n the "Hiving Washington" car.
The cars Marl (mm the Treasury build
ing every two hours, each car equipped
wild an entirely new and l iiiiwl guide,
w hose leet lire delivered through a huge
liiiViiplioiie, in one continued Jierfor
iniiiiro and n nevcr-to-lie-forgcitteii effort
of liintotv, sentiment, wit ami ciilogiuin.
Wlial thin orator does not know about
Washington in liardly worth knotting,
aud he reels off ful't and fancy with a
fluency calculated to amnte. even the
out trier of a circus side dhow. Here
with we give nearly verbatim what the
lecturer said, and the reader run itnag
1 no if possible, themselves seated colli'
fortahly on a trolly car w ith their nocks
craning in direction indicated ly the
lecturer. Am the car starts on it Si
mile trip the seaker begins:
Ladies and Uunllemuii : Thia i 15th
and U itreets V. V.,, the point from
which the N-el iik Washington Car atart
on it grand lour of the "ity of Washing
ton. The impressive looking building
.lirectly in front of ua in Uncle, hain't
I'ockcllxHik, the I'nited States Treasury
Building. The plana of the architect ul
thia building, Itohfrl MiIIk, contem
plated that the building should occupy
the center of extensive grounds. Au
drew Jackson was then President of the
I'nited Stales. He liecaiue anuoyed at
the delay in selecting n site (or the
TreaNury Building, ami, com i nil
the White limine to the plot of ground
upon which thin building now stands,
and, sticking his cane into the ((round,
said, "Huild it here" and here it stands.
The aiuiiuut of laoney in the Treasury
in so large, and the iiumUir of clerks em
ployed there, who object to being te
linked in ao great, that here It in likely
to remain. The Statu Department wan
located here while William 11. He ward
was Secretary of Mate. The Ionic col
iiiiiiih, which are to he observed on the
cant aide of the Treasury building, are
fanliioned after thoae of the Temple of
Minerva at Athena. There it a pair of
acalea in the Treasury IVparlnient ao
finely constructed that one'a name writ
ten tiMin piece of paper will erci'pd
bly increaae the weight of the pajier.
On your left U the Mtn House, one of
the leading liotula of the city. It wa
formerly occupied by the United States
uart 'rtnaHtor-tienoral'a olllce. On your
left, the tall red building is the site of
the former homo of Henry Clay. The
ceilings in thia houae were decorated by
the famous liruniidi, who decorated the
interior of the dome of the Capitol.
The building on the right ia Foundry
Methodiat Kpiaoopal Church. Thia is
where President Hayes worshipped dur
ing his Administration. A Mr. Foxall
owned a gun foundry west of George- j
town, where guns were bored out by
water power. His foundry was not de
stroyed at the time the llritish invaded
the city. Aa a thank-offering Mr. Foxall
gave the ground for this church, and it
was named Foundry M. E. church. Di
rectly across the street from the Wyatt
liuilding is the remaining part of the
famous old Willurd Hotel, the part
which formerly faced on Pennsylvania
uvenue having been torn down, to be re
placed by the modern structure which
you tee being erected. It will cost over
12,000,000. The new Willard, when com
pleted, will occupy the entire site upon
which the old Willurd Hotel stood. Be
fore the Willard Hotel occupied this site
old Colonial Hotel stood here, wherein,
perhaps, more history has Inm-ii umde
than in any other hotel building in the
United Mate. Abraham Lincoln stayed
at this hotel on his vinit. to Washington ;
Jenny Liml sang here on her lirat a-H-arance
in America; and here Ioiiia
M. Alcoll wasaniirHe when this hotel
was used as a hospital during the civil
war. On this comer, on your right, is
the I'.bbitl Hoilne, known aa the he.d
ijiiurtern of Army and Navy officers tern
isiratily residing in the city. Here
('resident McKinley lived while lie was
a incmlM-r o( Congress. The Kagan
ourt-martial wa held here. On your
right, the one-story building, used now
as a cigar store, is the rile of the former
home o( Aaron Hurr, who was the third
vice pre idcul of the United States. It
was he who (ought the historical duel
with Alexander Hamilton, and while
vii e-prci.ident of the United States he
was indicted in the stale of New Jersey,
where the duel was fought, and dicfrau
hised in New York slate. The brown
ami while iron front building on lite
right is the ollice of the U. S. Ueolisical
Survey. We are now on F street, one
of the principal business thoroughfares
of the city, and also fashionable prome
nade between four an 1 six o'clock in the
afternoon, liuring the civil war it was
a street of fashionable boarding houses,
many oHiccrs of the Army residing here
w hile awaiting orders. At the next cor
ner looking u your right, will bobsr.
td a led brkk bu.tJii having the ap
H-arance of a churrb odillce, located in
the middle o( the blo:k on the left hand
side of the street. Thia is Ford's Thea
ter, formerly a Haptist church. Here
occured the assassination of President
Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth. Direct
ly across the strwt, the red brick house
with iron steps, high porch, and flying
the flag from the third sury window ia
the house to which President Lincoln
was carried after he waa shot, and where
in he died on the follow'ng morning at
'.'2 minutes past 7 o'clock. Thia house
is now occupied by the Museum of Lin
coln relics, the most retnaikable collec
tion of its kind in the world. In 1HU3
Ford's Theater was the scene of another
disaster. The floors fell In, killing more
thuii 30 Government employees. It was
then, and is now, used aa the Kecord
and Pension Division of the War Ie
partment. The alley on your right ia
known as "Old Haptist Alley." It waa
through tiiis alley that the assassin
liooth escaped from the rear of the
theater. The granite building on the
corner is the Masonic Temple, built in
18415. Here Admiral Schley waa made a
mason upon sight, an incident unique
and unusual in masonic circles, and
which caused much comment through
out thia country and Europe. We now
croaa 0th street, N. W. On the first cor
ner, od the left, atanda the building of
the Interior Department, occupying two
entire blo'ks. In thia building are lo
cated the otllces of the Secretary of the
Interior, and of the Commissioner of
Patents. The building is devoted large
ly to patents, and is generally known as
the Patent Ollice. Over 400,000 patents
have been issued from here, covering
nearly every branch of human ingenui
ty. This building cost :i,000,000. On
your right may be seen a bridge connect'
ing the red brick building on the right,
formerly the Dead letter Ollice, with
the marble building on the opposite side
of the street, formerly the Post Ollice
Department. This bridge is called the
'Bridge of Sighs," for over it were
carried all the dead letters to be destroy
ed, thus causing sighs innumerable from
thoso w ho looked in vain for letters that
never, never came. The old Post Ofllce
building ia now the General Laud Ollice,
a bureau of the Interior Departmeut. It
is of Corinthian style of architecture.
The Post Ollice Department has been re
moved to Pennsylvania Avenue, where
we will see it later on our tour. We are
now about to cross 7lh street, a leadiug
business street of the city, at the head
of which are Howard University and
the National Soldiers' Home. Shortly
may be mien one of the largest public
enervations of the city. Judiciary Square
or l'eii.ion Office Park. Aa we round
the corner a good view may le had, on
your left, of the Pension liuilding, the
largest brick building in the world.
Here the Inaugural Halls are held. The
hall in this building is very large, as
many as 18,000 persons having attended
here an Inaugural Pull. All claims for
pension, come to a final adjudication in
this building. The Pension liuilding
was erected under the supervision of
General Mi-igs, and ia often called
"Meigs Hrn." When General Sheri
dan w as asked by General Meigs what
he thought of the building, he replied
that he thought it fit only (or stabling
his horses. For that reason it has come
to U known as "Meigs' Parti." On the
right, on the corner, ia Wesley Chapel
Methodist Kpiscopal church, the wor
shiping place ol an old and wealthy con
The N-C-O iieople are making the Sun
day ex ursiona to iioinls along their line
from Heno north very popular. Ijist
Sunday a big excursion .wits run to
Plumas Junction, where a big dinner,
and a baloon ascension and a parachute
jump by a world-famed .avnaul, wi-ie
L . . - - 3"-- -'
The Service Building at the Pan-American
Exposition, although small in
comparison with the big Exposition
structures which surround it, is a re
markable structure to be completed as
it was in the short period of thirty-two
working days. It was the first build
ing of all to be erected, and here the
headquarters of the administrative of
ficers were established since 1899, while
theExposition site and buildings have
been growing..
Will Play Here.
Farley M. Auble, the young merchant
of Davis Creek, and captain of the
Davis Creek Iteds baseball team, sends
word to Lakeview that it wUI be impos
sible for his team to contest on the
Lakeview diamond with the State Line
team of New Pine Creek, until after
the Modoc fair. Captain Auble says
that after the fair we may expect to see
the two teams at Lakeview to play for a
trophy. The game will probably be
played here about Sept. 2Uth,. It ia said
that the business men here will hang up
a purse for the visiting teams.
Residence Improvement.
The residences of W. D. and Eldon
Woodcock have received each a fine coat
of white paint, with the roofs covered
w ith fire proof paint, which add greatly
to their good appearance. During the
absence of Mr. and Mrs. KKIon Wood
cock at Deep Creek their residence was
ordered painted by Woodcock senior,
and upon their return to town the young
people were most agreeably eurprued.
A feminine crook is raid to be operat
ing in the towns of Northern California,
aud may conclude to leave the railroad
and visit Eastern Oregon. She is accom
panied by a little girl "too poor to buy
school books," and has a drawing or
raflle with chances from one cent to one
dollar. She has worked several towns
in California to the tune of 50 eucn by
the game.
United States Marshal
Pulls Down Carr Fen
ces and Klamth
ans are Glad.
A dispatch from Ashland under date
of Aug. 31st, says that Deputy United
States Marshall S. L Morse returned on
that date from Tule Lake, in Klamath
county, where he went one week ago to
carry out the instructions of Judge li. C.
Bellinger and U-ar down the fences erect
ed by the Jesse Carr Land & Livrstock
Company, illegally enclosing 80,000 acres
of the public domain. Contrary to ex
! inflation., no objection was made by the
j representatives of the Carr Company to
the tearing dow n of the illegal fences.
With the assistance of some of the com
pany's employes the Deputy United
States Marshall extensive openings
in the fence for a distance of four town
ships, burnt up the posts on which the
barbed wire was strung, and rolling up
the wire in large coils. The fence in
Oregon waa in the slupe of an angle,
which was intersected by a high mount-
- -
ain that formed a natural barrier. The
condition of the 80,000 acres of Govern
ment iand is in such a shape that the
flocks and herds of the cattlemen and
settlers of Klamath county have free ac
cess to the immense body of land that
the Carr Company had exclusive use of
for so many years. The Deputy Mar
shall found the fence erected on town
ship 40 south, instead of township 41
south, as had been explained to the
court, and which township was named
in the order of Judge Bellinger.
There is much satisfaction expressed
by the settlers and cattlemen of Klamath
county over the outcome of the range,
and the restoration of this extensive
range of rich grass land and its water
facilities to the public domain. The
stockmen oyer the California line are
earnestly hoping for a like result as a
sequence to the case against the Carr
Company in the Federal Court for the
State ol California.
Report Erroneoua.
The report was current last week that
I-eui Winklemau, w ho has taken sudden
ly ill on Burney mountain, below Fall
Kiver, while returning from Ued Bluff
two weeks ago, was dead and that his
remains would be shippetl here for
burial. How the report was started
cannot be learned. The Examiner is
pleased to state that while Mr. Winkle-
man was, at la.t reports, a very sick man
there were strong hopes for his recovery.
Mrs. inklemau is at las bedside,
Officers Believe the Ager
Highwayman Makes
Safe Exit From .
the Scene.
At last reports the masked highway
man who held up the Western stage
near Ager, about two weeks ago, had
not been apprehended. According to
the Ashland Kecord the robber is sup
posed to be a fellow who has been living
at that place, and disappeared about the
time of the holdup.
Detective Thacker of Wells, Fargo &
Co.'s express was at the scene of the
robbery and gathered all the evidence
completely. A postal insector was al
so on the scene. After getting the strong
box and the mail pouched, the robber
walked into the brush about 200yaids
and opened the express, and in two oth
er places rifled the mail. He left the
jewelry and checks amounting to $3000
worth severely a'one. Part the way in
making his escape he traveled with his
feet covered w ith burlaps and the bal
ance he traveled in his shoes. He was
traced to a point between Ager and
Klamathon where he got back to the
railroad track. Freights were conveni
ent and he was able to go either way
It is reported on good authority that
Detective Thacker has the robber spot
ted and that he has left the country.
We could not learn the suspects name
but he was formerly employed about
Ashland and had been employed near
the scene of the robbery. He had made
frequent trips which he announced were
for bunting and then quit work a few
weeks before tht robbery. He was not
mm. i n mi tar thm 1 "!
The robber did his work thoroughly,
opening-all the letters in the rifled mail
pouches in search of currency. Among
the 200 letters opened by the robber was
one written by Miss Grace Beach of this
office to her mother in Ashland. Last
Sunday Miss Beach received the follow
ing notification from the postal authori
ties: Post Office Department, Office of Post
Office Inspector in Charge.
San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 28, 1901
The letter herewith to vour address waa
one of about 200 contained in mail pouch
taken by highway robber, who robbed
the U. S. Mail Stage one mile east of
Bogus post office, Siskiyou Co., Cal.,
Aug. 21, 1901 and was by him rifled. It
was recovered in its present condition
at the place the robber opened the
pouch and is now forwarded to you.
Very respectfully, Robt. R. Mdnbo,
Inspector in Charge.
This robber is supposed to be the
same who robbed the stages in Mendo
cino county several times in the last few
S. L. McNaugbton, superintendent of
the Lakeview-Ager stage line, who
tracked the robber with detective Thack
er for several days, and w ho found vari
ous packages of mail scattered along his
route through the brush, is in town this
week, and informs The Examiner that
in his opiuion the rubber got back to
the railroad, boarded a freight train and
left the country. So fat as kuown some
thing over $11 was all the fellow got out
of the registered mail, and nothing from
the express box. Mr. McNaughton says
w hen he left Ager there was one package
of mail matter still missing, which the
robber is supposed to have secreted. It
was at first suspecttd that a local resi
dent of Klamathon was the man who
did the work, but that theory has been
given up. Mc believes the robber is an
old hand at the business.
Steele Swamp Sold.
W. B. Whittemore and Deputy Sheriff
Flemmtng returned this week from a
few days stay at Steele Swamp, says the
New Era. While there Mr. Whittemore
purchased the Steele Swamp ranch from
Arthur Jackson. We did not learn all
the details of the sale but understand
that Mr. Whittemore bought the ranch
w ithout the stock, aud the price paid
was $25,000. This is a large body of land
and a valuable stock ranch. We do uot
know w bat Mr. Jackson's intentioua are
for the future.