LAKE COUNTY CXAHINCR LAKEVIEW, OREQON, AUO. jo, IWI. I THE TWENTIETH I CENTURY fj iji ajs J; fja js All kinds of News Notes Taken on The Fly By an Examiner Representative V V V A fine stream of water has Ihhmi struck in the town well. A few line rf Iju-e Curtains just re- ceivetl at meter f. Charlie Linehargcrraiue in from Plush Saturday. A. F. DeWitt was over from Plush with Jeff Parish last wet-It. The Confectionery sola at bieiier is Iwavs fresh. New lota are received eery week. Bert Nichols arrived from Med ford Saturday. Dr. Steiner and family returned yes terday morning from talent. Bieber's Agate Ware prices are just a little below the other fellow, and the iiuality of the Ware is consideraole bet ter. A. B. Seal, the "drummer boy" and J. B. McCullongh, the sheepman of Re no arrived Tuesday. L. Ci. Thomas, the woolgrower, came in from his Sprague river range Monday, and is spending a few days in town. Schminck is celling a good many of those tine ranges. N-e him when you want a gotd stove or range at a moderate price. All the leading brands are to be found at the Hotel Lakeview cigar stand. Try the 25 cent cigar there. Schminck's agateware and glassware is all the go. Save money and buv of Schminck. 35-2 Roy Paston returned last week from Montana, w here he has been residing for nearly two years. John SomrneM, advance agent for Leonder Bros, circus, who was here last week, once represented Linn county in the Oregon legislature. Attorney W. J. Moore and family left this week for Crater Lake via Ashland. They will be absent about three or four weeks. The selection of Glassware at B eber'a is better y far than you will usually found in Lakeview Htores. Al McDowell .made a hasty trip from Fish creek to Lakeview and return list Saturday. George II. Ay res returned Monday evening from San Francisco, having been absent on business and pleasure com bined for a month. . The commodious addition to the Barry property f the Cottage hotel) is nearing completion atid adds greatly to the good appearance of North Water street. It is understood that tl.e match game of baseball that was to have been played in Lakeview between the Stte Line and Iavis Creek teams has been called off. John S. Watson, who went north to buy sheep, has purchased 1800 wethers at the going price, said to be less than $2.50, ami will purchase 1000 more before he, returns, M. Lauer, member of the big Modoc firm of M. Lauer & Sons, arrived here Tuesday evening. Mr. Lauer has many iriend,-. in Lakeview who are always glad, to see him. H. V. Dangberg, of Carson, Nevada, ha been spending a week in Lakeview. Mr. Dangberg is a Nevada stockman, and ii looking for some large purchases of sheep in this county. Boh Hunter, the biggest baseball rrank this side of Milpetas, and the well known and popular Fireman's Fund Insurance (.Company agen1, arrived in town Tues day evening. Mr Fiich, who has been engaged on the Rustler for several weeks, will leave for bin home. Chehali, Washington, on Moudiy. Mr. Fitch is a good printer and a pleasant gentleman. Tow 11 Talk 6ya that great fire in rag ;ng in Awliland canyon, and on the hills above that town. A vant area of land ha been covers i by the flames, and the tow n has been filled almost to suffocation with suioke. Several new houses are being erected in Lakeview. Frank Barnes, Kldon Woodcock and Clint Linebargur are- just finishing their tine homes in the north end and Moe rHriplin has an elegant two-story residence well on the way down on West Street. Miss Etta Johnson arrived fioin New port last week. She has been sending a part of her vacation with Prof, and Mrs. J. It. McCormack at that dt light ful place, and has returned to again take up her duties in the Lakeview public school. Hince leaving here Miss John win taught several months of a summer school in Sonoma county, Cal. M. E. MiHgrove of Montague arrived here Saturday. R. O. Rowley of Chicago was at Hotel lakeview Saturday. M.-s. Elmer Rinehart and son were in town Monday from the mill. James Kistler of Cedarville lias gone to Pennsylvania, his old home 011 a visit. II. P. Empiist, the sheepman came in from camp Monday and remained a few days. W. D. Puke returned from San Fran cisco last week, and went to the ZX ranch. A great fire burned several days last week in the railroad snow sheds near Truekee. Mrs Aviranette was ill several days during the lust week, but is somewhat U'tter now. James Ivory, an old and esteemed citizen of Modoc county, died on the 10th inst. Roller's selection of Gol? Caps are dif ferent in pattern than you will hud at any oilier store. Childrens Tom O'Shant ters, Yacht Caps and new styles of Hats THE GAME AT SURPRISE Lakeview has Good Little Hoys But They Can't Play Hall Tor Shucks. have arrived. Wat. h the "For Sale" column in The Examiner. Some rare bargains are ap pearing there. The Bishop-Weblwr place at Cedar Pass, has been sold to Cressler A Bonner the Cedarville bankers. John II. Penland of Cedarville has purchased the ranch of B. F. Scammon at Cedar Pass. Price 13,000 Haying is completed in South Warner, and the Warner Stock Company is gath ering the beef for the fall drive. F. T. Gunther went to Paisley Mon day to do some work on Conn's cash register and returned Tuesday Three bath tickets for $1 at Frank Smith's barber shop. First class in every respect. Shop one door south of Hank. ;J0U Duke Bennett and Ed. Dunnavin, two substantial citizens of South Warner, were business visitors in Lakeview M011 day. J. Early Boone, one of the progressive young ranchers ami horsemen of the Plush section, was in Lakeview last Sat urday on land business. Dr. Dewey will go back to his old stand in Alturas on Sept. 10th to put gold into the mouths of the people ot that locality. Bob Paxton and son Walter returned last week from Sisyon, where they as sisted Gilford in driving his bands of mutton sheep. Harry Glacier returned last Saturday after enjoying a week's tour of the towns of Surprise Valley. He rode h is heel the entire distance. Wanted Two Oregon girls to work at a California health resort. Dining room and chamber work. Good wages the year round. Enquire at this oflice. 1-2 Ladies, you should read the new ad vertisement of C. U. Snider in this issue of The Examiner. Mr. Snider has something to say of great interest to you all. Jeff. Parish, foreman for Mapes in Warner, was a business visitor here Monday. Mr. Parish has not yet recov ered from the injury to his eye, caused from the recoil of a reata, several weeks ago. Arthur Follett and Chester Easter of New Pine Creek passed through here last Friday enroute to Ashland. They expect to return in ten days with a big load of fruit, including peaches, iiears and grapes. Senator Fred Cox, of the cattle firm of Cox & Clark, Sacramento, arrived Sun day and is looking over the firm's pos sessions in Lake county this week. Su perintendent Felix (ireen went to Agur after the Senator. George Syron was thrown from a horse a few miles below Lakeview last Saturday. The young man fell in a pile of rocks and was badly cut and bruised about the face and head. The horse was a young animal, jiist caught up out of pasture, and was vicious. In reporting the return of the hunting party from Guano creek, last week, we gave Mr, Hamersley credit for nearly all the antelope scalps that were taken. The fact is W. D. Woodcock killed eight of the eighteen antelope, besides three fine deer and five coyotes. Little Jack Woodcock also brought down a fine antelope. The lst Issue of the Cedarville Reurd contains the following details of the Imschall game between I-akeview and the Surprise Valley team : I.ait Tuesday evening a Mrtion of the lakeview baseball club, consisting of Messrs. Win, Gunther, Fent Smith, Earnest Brown, Manly Whorton, C. Easter and Warner Snider, arrived here. and were Joined by Chan, and "Bogs" Warner of Alturas to play ball with the Cedarville club. Being short one man, U't Paey of this place "took the owl It of llegiance" ami the lakeview club was complete. At 2 o'clock Wednesday a fair sized crowd hail gathered at the lull ground to witness the con ten I lietwem the "gladiators of the dia nond." Some good hall playing was done, hut the home team was too much for tle visit ing team and the game came to a close. with the lat half of the eighth not be ing played by the victors, as follows: Lakeview, 0 tl 012 1 0 0 :t-7 Cedarville, 0 8 5 4 10 0 1 14 On Thursday the same tenuis again faced each other, and up to the 7th in- niug good ball was playet, the score' standing ;l to (, when lakeview "let loo" and Cedarville ran up 7 tul lies to their i redit. From that time on J the result was plain, and with half of ' the Dth inning to the Cedarville club's I credit the score s:od us follows: I-akeview 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 :t Cedarville 0 0 3 2 1 0 7 3 HI Thus giving the game to the home team. Nme tine plays were made. Ir win Kit-tier took in some pretty and hot flys. John Carter made a neck to neck race with a home run, tint the umpire ruled him out. "McCormick" made neat home run tv lauding the hall wav beyond the lielders. In fact aitood many neat plays were made by both clubs. Lakeview has no cause to feel aggriev ed at her club. They are nice, gentle' manly young men, a credit to any town, and had they crossed bats with any other club north of Sacramento or in Southern Oregon, they would undoubt edly have defeated them, but the Cedar ville boys were too much for them and won out simply by playing flrt class ball. They took their defeat cheerfully, and conducted themselves atove re proach and made many friends while here. The Cedarville hoy a wore iheir honors with becoming modesty, and we of Ce darville cannot help but feel proud of them. The attendance was hardly as large a could have been desired, owing k the busy time of the year, the gate receipts being .(. Thursday v 'ning a social ball was indulged in and a pleas ant time was hail by all. Satisfaction That's Imek of every sale we make. We think, really, more of that than we tlo of yout money. If yon are wttisfietl we know we will jjet your money. So if you have the slightest jjrievenee, tell us of it. dive us a ehanee to make it rijjht. We will if it's within our power. We tlon't think of the expense or trouble in our endeavor to make you satisfied. That's what we are here f r. We are tfciiiitf to make this a "BUST STORE" "YOUR STORLV-yours by choice. Ladies Summer Vests, 2 for 25c Lawns reduced from 12 yds to 16 yds for 1.00 Talented People to Come Here. The Examiner is in receipt of a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, late of the Rudewin Company, who are now teaching a clan in elocution at Klamath Falls. Tbene talented people express their delight at the protpectof returning to Lakeview for the winter and organic ing a class in elocution, besides giving some plays for the winter months with the assistance of local talent. The mat ter is now in the hands of a few of our young ladies, who will endeavor to or ganize a class for Mr. and Mrs. Moore. There is little doubt that a large class can be gotten up, and an invitation will be forwarded to the Moore's to come to lakeview. This is Pretty Dry. Cedarville Record : A. L. Page, who has just returned from Missouri, says, substance - that : There have been times so dry io the western part of that state you would have to soak a hog over night before iie would hold swill. There are places out there where water is wet only on one side. I know one place where the owner of a ferry boat hauls water most of the time to keep his boat running. Water is so. scarce in some parts that men won't drink it. Why they used to have to run a well through a wringer to get enough water for coffee. An Eventful Trip. May Eighty, junior member of this firm, and Miss Delia Smith left here last Friday for a short visit to Reno, return ing Tuesday says the New Era. They had a pleasant trip, though somewhat an eventful one, as on their way to Reno they were delayed half a day by a w recked train near Doyle, while on their journey home their train was wrecked near Aniedee and five cars thrown off the track. No one was hurt in the first wreck, but in the second a train hand was very badly injured, while the ex press agent was bruised up considerably. & NEW I'lNli CKtliK Is rapidly forging; aheud aa.J V Follett iiimI Ainivk, the Merchant a tire trotting along at the hal of the priKH'ttaioM. K A FINE NEW STOCK ? Ila already Imh-ii received anl more e) new- giHxl 1, re arriving at owe frUwe v nil the time ? AMONG OTHER THINGS 1? We have everything ilesiroite in the A (Jroi nrjr Line. A apecinl lira of Uetita g Funny Hurts. An-elegant line of ?T (.'atiiitn, Cigars niwl Tobacev. Watch d for our Iry Good Dieplay. h FOLLETT & AMICK THE PELTON WHCll. PELTON WATER WHEEL Is known the world over as affording the most simple, re liable and economical xer for all pures. Ten ThousanJ Wheel Now Running F illing every condition of service in the moet cltivicitt and satisfactory way. Electric Fbwer Transmission I'ELTON WIIK.KIt are the rvruvniu-d standard for oiwrating (ienerators, and are running tite majority of stations of this character in all parts of the world. Water Pipe and Transmission Machinery And all appliances connected with a power Uuit, supplied on the most reasonable terms. ShittwientH made from Hun Franciw or New York as may afford the most favorable freight rates. Catalogues, English or Spanish, furnished on appli cation. Address, leiving conditions of service. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL mfmjSSSSSXVSStmSt II. IL WHY FIELD CAN OIVE VOU THI3 ...BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN.., FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF, IT WIST TAKE LONO I pay no rents, I pay no clerk, but do my own work. IT'S EA5Y to see how I can rive you better bargains th&n any house In the county t-2- J. S. FIELD On Main Street - Lake !tw