LA KB COUNTY EXAIINER: LAKLVIEW, REOON, AUO. 22. 1901. News, TjOOAI Interesting Notes (lathered During The Week and Stated Briefly I'or Hxamlner Readers Owing t tli iitrike ('nliloniia fruit crop w ill KiifTer grimily. It. I. Wiilch, tlio ..iilnr travi-ler, wan mt arrival Ml Hotel l.akeview 'Ilium ilny. Mm. riidi lxi 1 1, h rut I building mil lion dollar KiiimiMT palace on Millutid river. Joint IVw-ock nriil wife were fWhiiig at 1'aialry Inul ii'k and, enjoying a gwmrul outing. II VHir iliM-inr rrncrilM-n whikoy. or der J,N'l M'Kire every tiinu from Oeo, Jammitriliitl. :l ' Tin- cntiri lumber product of ("alitor nin (or the in st two yearn U Bold in advance. K v. ('. W. Il-illoiimii, ol the tn.tit rhunh ol Ijiki-vicw, occupied I lie pill pit in 1'iii.ley lii"t Hindny. M. :. Hart i in receipt of a letter Iroin K'l. .riootronK,tln' brick n.iiKoii and contra tor. I'M i now located lit Tn coin t. 'Unit ni-w IIik- of ilii-liefi nt S-liiuiiirk , Nm' i l:tr ulieiol of iinvtloiig tliey have Iiml J el. N't' llieln liefoie uncoil tlient Ik lilokeli. !il-2l Tln xlrike linn not cftVctcd ISontoii in the leiiit mid tliero will lx! no trouble in harvcHlilig the niiiminotli lieiui crop j UN UMIlll. Max llodman of Sun Friincifco and Joint A . M".v hihwi -if Sue rumen to, two "knight ol tin- grip," vtert' here wveral lay hint week. The lliltel Iklirteh ronn'iMliiin of '.'Ml J at-rex, with eHtitlilinlieil water light, lo-I ruled on t'ottonw'MHl t'reck, i now of- fered for wile. ('. I'inlmi h about it. !)-t 1 Miarkcy and Jeffrie willmict before tho Sun Franciaco Athletie Club next ' moiiih prox iileil r-harkey don't find an excue to back out. I, ute Mom wax over from the moun tain ranue on I'rutio Creek hint week. Lute helped to clirixtcn "Wild I time" lump on Peep rrerk. Nearly everylxxly ha read Tom Paine. The Tom I'liine ciunr in an good a the hook. A long, Kweet Kinok. Cull for it ul Ayrea A Hchlagcl'ii l!rtwerv Sa loon. 2H-2m Wallowa county itheepmen aro pro text int; vigorously auaiiiHt tho presence of 1 T 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 county idiccp on the ranges of the former dintrict. , Tho Kugeiui ereamery turned out over live iiml a half ton of butler in July. Am u rehiilt over f 'Jl "t X ) were divided up among tlie people of ihnt town. Chitmherlain'M Colic, Cltoleru nml I in ri Iiim-u Ueineilv Iuih a world wide re iutatioii fur its cured. It never fails and la pleifant and cale to take. For sale hy Ilea I I'm liniK Store. :UI-5 When a man ruin's hit hat to a lady anil discovers that she is a stranger, it re quires considerable ni'lf-wHMcieioii and skill to make believe ho is only smooth ing dow n hia hair. A. I. Kdgar, a well known stage ami mail contractor in California and Ore gon, died at Nome, Alaska Juno 10th. Mr. Kdgar was well known in Kiistcrn Oregon. Frank W. Fosket, tlio woolirrower of Wurner, npent a few ily in Lakeviow hint week. Mr. Fonkct and brother Sumner have their nheep at tho head ol Crane Creek. The Uwh of health require that tho bowela move once each day and out- ' I tho penalties for ''tola' inn law ' iiih-M. Keep your ihiwoih retsunir iy tak ing a dose of Chamberlain, h Stomach uiid l.iver Tableta when iieceHttary and you will never havo llmt aovore puniHli moiit inllictcd upon you. I'rico, 5 cent. For Hulo hy IteaH'a Prug Store. HO-fi 6 f-ant week at Shaniko tho I'riitvvillq I.anil A Mvealock Company aold their cllptif l'.Nil wool lo tho hlKheat bidder. Tliuy hud an excellent product and re ceived 14 renin er fMiund. William Fcrtfiinon killed u hi( rititlo niuike on tho I'ellcan liny road, ten j milea from AhIiIhikI. It meaiured teven feet unit Inch in leiiKtb, ("ported 27 ratllen It ml had almoltltely nothiliK to recomineitd il. There i one w dinkey that nlwaya Uvea itl lo iU reputation and that in Ji-mho Nloore. iet it at JummcrthalV .'i'l ''Krfita at ni'ieteen renta a dozen utriki-a mo with wonder," hid newly ariivod Nehraxka man to the Corvullia Tiineii. When he left home two week li fore, ivi!i in Itia hxnl town were worth but hi x cents a dozen. w inn to the tdrike in San Fraiicineo the river IkiiiIh will not run to Itoddiex for the next two month. Anyone from thin iiortlteiu i-oiintty who Iuih ordered freight to come by boat to lied liltiff hhould look after the xhippiit);. Say. Mr. buy vottr w ife a fteel ramie and rave all that bard work, and (live Iter a chance to rhow you what ho can do in the baking and cooking lino. Si ti in i in k Hcilx tlit'in reiiHoliable. lll-l't The tCiM"lopM'ra aro plaviiiK bavin: in tho ealern pari of Shiihta cotinly. Cat. They have aHhtimed tho proMirtioiiH of a dextrin live a-Ht, ctrippiiiK tlio orcharila of both fruit and foliage and tlenudiu) the alfalfa tlclda of vegetation. A Coltaco tirovo wmnan, who in (omethiiiK of u xhot, went after a deer the other day, when xhe met a particu larly lare and lively cougar comint; tlow n the path. She ran couth the cou gar north, and there were no cuHiialiticn. Jatiiea White, Hryaiilxville, Intl., cava IteWitta Witch Hazel Salvo healed run nintf not cm on iNith It'H". Ho hail iiifTe red II eara. Iioctora failed to help him. (iet I'eWittV Accept no iniltat ionn. I.ukeview Itrtiu Co. 'M b A Mra. McDonald, ol Uold Hill, has Kno to California In purxuit of her run away iiilopteti daughter, liot-a Taylor, uel 10 ycara. Tho young jjirl ia raid to havo uppropriaietl Humoot tho In-long ingH of Mm. McDonald before her de part tire. Dancing makea a girl's feet largo, Ice cream product-it treckleA, hanging on tho front gate producca rhenmaliMm, chew ing gum tlcHroyH the mouth, playing on tho piano derlroy tho la-nuty of tho lunula, windiing tlihea catifea "cliapn" to come to proline. What inoHt ptnijile wantia fomcibing mild ami gi-ntle, Vtlicn in need of a J'hvxic. ('hamberliiiii,n Stomach and .iver Tableta till tho bill to adol. They aro eiiMV lo take and plcii-ant in effect. For aalo hy lteaH'i Drug Store. 'M 5 After a lapne of nearly half a century, J. A. KeiH, A. S. Huldwin ami M. II. Mead aro to get back tho money loaned to California (or tho purpose of carrying on an Indian war. Such ia tho effect of n decision of the Supreme Court on Aug net 2d which ondn litigution nince lK5ti. Jim Judge and Ixtren Itailey havo com pleted their contract to paint tho liaptint Church building uml tho work wan well done. That place of uortdtipia now much more pit-axing lo the eve. Thetnembera of tho church, iih well iih all the hunim-HH men of tho town w ho contributed, are to bo congratulated on the vplouditl uppear ar e ! hi !.hioI I ho real v'xtiue !n Iike county, lat louging to tho Fruitkl Co., id now on the market, for aalo. No reuannahlo offer will bo rofiiHod for any paitof it. For full particulara call at or add reus thia ollice, or Chuilea I'mbuch, Lakoview, Oregon. 1-tf New Pine Creek is Coming; to the Front. We Sell Good Goods. Our Prices Are Right. LEMON & C IT CMIHRD Pioneer Merchant m IJ. llLEilV of Lake County I RECEIVED NEW THIS WEEK I W 5hlrt Waists In Silk Mull, Taffeta Silk, Mercerized Silk, French Cham- f bray, Lawn, Crepe fladras, Percale. ;y; y Ladies' Wrapper, 75c to $1.50. Ladies' Walking Hats, trimmed in f ) t :) silk, $1.75. Ladies' and Hisses Shoes, Sandals and Oxford Ties, $ B latest styles. A f- j.. w All the above Roods sold at N. Y., Chicago and San Francisco prices. Get our prices be- uj fore buying elsewhere Tho I 'oft tnya that Mr. A. A. Wi'ham will Htart next Saturday for Fortland by private conveyance, lo attend lo who buxincHs relating to her farm in Colum bia county, and to bring back from Port laud tho Dr'a. brother w ho ia coming out from Knglaiid. Fred Itagley w ill accom pany her on tho trip dow n ami ho will remain in Corvallin to attend hi hoot thin w inter. 1'lavored and xcaxotied in wtxxl, rich and elegant with the bt-xt materiala lixed bv tlixtilUtiH, it in no wonder thai Jexe iMlre ia tho leading wl.ixkey in the world. A Salvation Army artixt wrote on a hill Ixwrd in letter a foot high: "What xliall 1 do to be xaveil?" A patent med icine painter anaweretl it by putting underneath it: "Take III ank's Little l.iver I'illa." The Salvalionixt caw the j ike and again uxed hix bruxli effectively under tho cruel joke of the medicine l taker by painting, "And prepare to meet thytiod.'' F'.ruptiona, cuta, burn, scalds and pott-M of all kinda ipiickly healed by Ie Witt'a Witch Ila.el Sulve. Certain cure for pilea. lieu are of Counterfeit. lie aiire you get the original DeWitt'f,. , l.akeview Drug Co. 30-5 Tho Oregonian aya: "Tho United Stalea tioological Survey party is at work in tho Caacade mountains in the vicinity of Odoll ami Crescent Lakes at the Hiiiu in it of the CVcadei", in Lake county. The surveyors have found Odell lake to be 4'.M10 feet and Crescent lake 5025 feet above the level ol the ocean. The summit ol the mountains w here they croaaod ia kS50 feet above the level." Tho places, referred to are not in I-ake, but close to the line iu Crook. In cam", of cough or croup give the little one One MinuteCongh Cure. Then rent easy and have no fear. The child will lie nil rivht in a little while. It never fail. I'leaxant to take, always safe, sure anil almoxt inxtan'aneoua in effect. Lakoview Drug Co. 30-5 The editor of the Hums News has en joyed an outing iu his ha k yard for a few day ami feels rejuvenated there from. Ho says; "When tho old cows on tho mountain range look down and hoc I lie big stacks of winter feed that are punching boles in tho atmosphere of Harney Valley the aforesaid cows lie down in the tdiude of a pine tree and laugh till their tallow neU a'l out of nhapo. And the little wether lamb that don't know- anything about hay, is sleeping away the summer that is Kiv intt him a big start towards f'2.30." Mrs. S. II. Allport, Johnstown, Pa., says: "Our little girl almost strangled to death witli croup. The doctors said she couldn't live bit: ftho was instantly relieved by One Minute Cough Cure, l.akeview Drug Co. 0-5 l'oxt A King have the swellcst resort outside of Oregon's big city. It is a Mipular place because nothing is haudled there in the liquor and cigar line but standard brands. 2o-lf O. (). liuck, Boirne, Ark., says : I was troubled with constipation until I bought DoWitt's Little Karly Risers. Bince then have lieen entirely cured ol my old complaint. 1 recommend them. Lake view Drug Ci. 30-6 "ft III r ERECTED IN 1900 MODERN THROUGHOUT FIRST-CLASS ACCOnriODATIONS mm For COnnERCIAL fjt ' COURTEOUS TREATMENT F. H. MILLER & CO., Proprietors. F. P. LIGHT, Manager B. F. ALLEN ALLEN & LAFOLLETT ' Lodging House 25CTS 2 Mrs. E. H. Day, vy -The Only 25 Cent House in Lakeview- Restaurant and Lodging House have both been thorough ly renovated. Good table eervice and clean beds. The comfort of our patrons will always be our firet aim. Call at me cottage tor a goou meat ana oeu. Nothing totu-hea Post A Kints'e resort for tine furniture, cosy cornern, good liiiuor8 and tine smokes. Call there while you are in town, and you will be royally treated. 2tl-5 Smokers will never know the comfort ol a hue cipar until they try the El Cou. undante. This is a fragrant weed that lulls men to sleep and (jives them pleas ant dreams. On sale only at Tost it King's, Lakeview. 2m Come And See. HARTZOC T. H. LAFOLLETT Breeders of Pure Bred Sheep Original atock Spanish rtcrtao. Havt bred for man)' year to registered Delalna and Ramboullet Ram from the flock of leading eastern breeder. We offer for eaon of 1 90 1 7 00 yearling rams and I oo two-year-old rams. Price and term rea sonable. Home ranch on McKay Creak ten mile north of Prlneville, Oregon. Call on or address ALLEN & LAPOLLETT, 530-3 m Prinevllle, Oregon Cottagez$ Restaurant. Proprietor- TO Ct'RE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Cirove's signa ture is on each box. 25c. 38-lyr When you go to Klamath Falls don't fail to see C. I. Wilson the popular caterer at the Gem salmon. He carries the finest stock in town and w ill treat you right. The Gem is the popular resort. Try the Hermitage whisky there. 25-t j