Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 22, 1901, Image 1

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no. ;a
The Local Team (lets an
Excellent Drubbing at
Surprise Valley.
The lloys Treated Royally by Their
Opponents an 1 he CJood I'co
pie Across the llilU--l.ake-vlcw
Color Out o' Sight.
An wan autit-ipated hy Tim Examiner
I Hut week the mixed li'iim il huHclmll
players that went from l-akeview, New
Pino Creek ami Alturns tu represent nur
town in tho series "of games al Cedar
villu, returned home without glory ami
minus tin' purse of fits) Unit wax offered
liy the citizen i( the Surprise Valley
town for llm winners tf thu Ih-hI two out
of three. Cedarville won in two straight
game anil while the lya that held
up I.akevicw's side a Ix-tit tln-y could
were unwe'it and unsung, mill they were
not unhonored, o a few of tlio damsel
of Odarvillo am said to liavo worn tin
colors of our team, the red and gold, even
though they wore them "out of sight,'
fearful leal they Ihj accused of living tin
patriotic to their homo team and town
Amomt our Isiys were some ol Hie
awellesl lieart-smaiiber that ever stole
a haHo, and w ho could hlamu the pretty
girl of Cedarville for show ing theiu some
little courtesies.
The liova were not strong enough to
lower thu Cedarville coloro, and were
not any more surprised at the outcome
of the game than were thu citizcimof thin
town. They have the Halifaction (
knowing that they kept faith with the
Cedarville team and that the usual goo;
feeling Iwtween the two towns in morV
strongly ceniciiteil thiiu ever ticlore
Our Ix'ys take their defeat phihwophi al
IvhihIlIvu their ornaments credit for
playing by far the heal hull.
Thu HorciifHH of the defeat, if any ex
iftta, ix more tlun oIImcI hy the s,leudil
treatment accorded the v i h i 1 1 n team hy
the t'edarville hall players as well a all
the citizens of the town. The Imivs all
apeak in glowing terma of Ccdurvillt'
hospitality, and of the young people as
iollv entertainers. In fuel aoino of the
Lakeview Isiys left Cedarville after
viait of three days with profound regrets
they declare that the Surprise Valley
town bus the swelleHt arid sweetest girls
and the most courteous lot of young uien
this side of Kalamasoo. Snider will
even stake his out!) on the declaration.
The first name of the series was play
ed on Wednesday afternoon and resulted
in a score of 14 o 7 in favor of Cedar
ville. On the following day it was
arranged in Lakeview that tho manager
of the Lakeview team and four new
players would go to Cedarville and make
a chanuu for the final name, hut the
arrangement slipped a cog, and the new
feature was dropped, leaving the badly
whiptHjd team to play out thu string
without assistance, ami return home all
gory from the scalping knives of the
Surprise star players. On Thursday
Lakeview met with a more disastrous
defeat than on the day before, the score
standing at the close of the game 1U to 3
In Cedarvillu's favor. It is said to have
been a splendid contest up to the fifth
inning owning to thu excellent perform
ance of Kent Smith iu the box. After
both sides had completed the filli iuuiug
the score stood Cedarville 1, Lakeview
(I. Hut, after that, "what a fall, my
countrymen !"
Cedarville having won in straight
heats the series closed and the honor and
money as well belonged to them. Our
boys started Friday morning for their
various homes with many remembrances
of the courteous treatment they received
and the enjoyable time they had.
Lakeview team was inudo up of thu
following players:
Lakeview liunther, Smith, Whorton,
Snider and llrown; New Tine Creek
Easter; Alturus Charlie and Harry
Warner, and Dacy of Cud'aivillo. The
local players have not yet given up the
idea that they can play ball, and say
they are going to keep in practice and
endeavor to muke a play for some of that
$100 in the Altums tournament next
The Citizens Hust Take
Up the right For the
Small Stockman.
The People of Harney are Becoming
Aroused and Lake Should jl ol
low SuitMonster Petitions
the Weapon of Defense.
The citizens ol Harney county, and
particularly the Mm kinen, nru takings
deep inti-rent in thft question of leasing
the public domain, and are giving their
views and opinions, and w hat ought to
be done by the tsHiplt!, in the local prefix.
There I nothing to be lout in discoasinu
this important iputHtion. Home artiou
will surely be taken in the matter either
l the next session of Congress or later,
and it is welt that ths people arouse
themselves for they have before them a
fight to the death their opponents to
Iju the calMo barons of tha West and
millions of money. There is no ques
tion of the pursue of the rich stockmen
and that they are preparing for the run
test before the next congress. It is not
the belief of The Kxsminer that the
cattle barons will attempt to win out
on the bill now in course of preparation
w hich purports that the public lauds are
to be leased by the government and take
away from the homesteader his rights
as an American ritisen. Such a law
would I in direct violation of the Con
stitution and the alleged proposed bill we
believe to be simply a blind to cover up
the real work of the leaders ol the leas
ing proKiiioti.
What the people of Oregon and every
oth. r Western and Northwestern stale
ives of their respective .tales know how
they stand on the question, and obtain
from the said representatives their
promihcs to tight hard against the lean
ing plan. Itefore Congress meet, again
mounter (M'titioiis should be sent to the
Western Congressmen and Senators
from every county and district in the
West opHising iu the strongest terms
the proved law to kill the best indus
try of our territory the business of tho
small stockman.
It will be a sorrv day for the stonk
sections of the West when such a bill is
passed y Congress that will permit the
barons with their many thousands of
cattle and sheep to drive the small
stockman out of business. Such a law
would bring ruination to Lake county,
as well as to every other county in
Eastern Oregon.
The leasers must be headed off by
strong petition, the poor man a only
weapon against tho strong hand of capi
tal. The people of Lake county should take
a deep interest in this matter the work
of the big stockmen of the country will
effect every man here, regardless of what
business he may be engaged in. The
columns of The Examiner are open to
the eople who desire to express their
views on the leasing question.
Lake Connty Teachers.
The following teachers have been en
gaged to teach in the various districts of
Lake county this winter:
Lakeview J. K. McCormack, princi
pal; Pearl Hall, Etta Johnson, Lora
Kern Butler of Monmouth, and Rose O.
Welsh, Monmouth, Oregon.
Paisley T. J. New bill, principal;
Ella Callahan.
Silver Lake J. Q. Willits.
Cogswell Creek Myrtle Smith.
Crane Creek Lura Amick.
Summer Lake Bessie L. Flack.
Warner Lake Jennie Maxwell.
Plush Winifred Fleming.
Misa Gertrude Vernon will close her
term of school at Dry Croek in about
three weeks; Miss Ida Stewart will be
engaged at Drews Valley until Sept. 15.
Crooked Creek, Vistillis, Chewaucan,
Adel and other districts that hold win
ter schools have not, up to date en
gaged teachers.
The Lakeview school will open about
Sept. lllih.
When you want a smoke call for a
Lakeview, Lome made cigar.
: y-ry y--':y: .::,r Vr
Since the recent revival of the Otympic games the form
and mention of the ancient Stadium has become familiar
to a majority of Americans who here behold games and
contests within the most gorgeous and spacious arena
ever erected in the United States, History places the ca
pacity of the great Colosseum at Rome at 87,000 specta
tors. Although the Pan-American Stadium is about 100
feet longer and nearly the same width as that of ancient
Home, yet it has sacrificed seating capacity to enlarge its
arena and is intended to hold 25,000 people. The top row
of seats is sixty feet from the ground. The structure cov
ers 10 acres of ground and is open to the sky only for the
awnings which now and then occur.
W ill 1 Ui IVUi X
May Make Surprise
Valley Famous.
Mn,.li ) Sunt pro ana am In
regard to the so-called "white metal"
existing in the mountain! on the west
sii. of Surprise valley, and a great deal
of exHrimenting has been done with it
in the endeavor to turn it into a revenue
yielder, and as a result one of the prob
lems that veiled the mysterious ore hag
lieen solved. While in conversation yes
terday with a mining inuii from Colorado,
who has been here for some weeks, and
who had the ore assayed by some of the
best assayers in the United States, he
informed us that the "white metal was
nothing but nickel, pure and simple and
expresses surprise that such a valuable
deposit should remain here so long un
discovered by our people. The ore is
of low gratle, and is found in large quan
tities in fissure veins. Experiments are
now being made with the oro and a
thorough test will be made as to its
value, says the Cedarville Kecord.
It is said that if the ore will average
1 to 2 per cent In nickel it can be work
ed at a good profit. A large number of
claims have been filed on. From Steam
boat canyon to Neasham bill a belt about
25 miles in length, has been taken, and
it is probable, after a thorough test of
the ore, that machinery and mills will
be erected to work it. The man who
says tho much-talked of "white metal"
is nickel appears to know what he is
talking about and has money to back
his Judgment.
Gone to San Francisco.
Wm. Harvey, President of the Lake
County Telephone i Telegraph Company
left for San Francisco last week to en.
gage the services of a competent mail to
superintend the construction of the liue
from here to Silver Lake. Mr. Harvey
will also purchase all the necessary
paraphernalia for the equipment of the
line. The directors will endeavor to
have construction work begin about
Sept. 1st.
A Sucessful Trip.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Woodcock and
daughters Maud and Josie, and son Jack,
Fred 0. Ahlstrom and Andrew Ham
ersley, returned last Saturday from
Guana Creek w here they camped for two
weeks. Miss Maud Woodcock was ill
for several days in camp, but outside of
that the party had a delightful as well
as a successful trip. Ilammersley killed
17 anteloe, Ahlstrom killed one, and
Wookcock, Sr., brouuht down three line
deer in tho space of two hours one morn
ing. The meat was excellent, ami vhat
the party did not use was cured and
brought home.
the Pan-American Ex.
Strange Pranks of the
Weather .Maiw
Lakeview and vicinity was visited ly
a thunder and lightning storm last Sat
urday, and a copious rain Ml to give
new life to the parched and cracking
earth. Not quite enough of the rain
fell to properly lay the dust in this vi
cinity, but it is said that for several
miles down the valley the gulches run
sluicH heads and the roads were very
muddy. Sam Duke, driver on the
Southern, says it was almost a cloud
burst for six miles south of the Down
place. The storm extended to the moun
tains at the head of Crane Creek. At
Lute Moss sheep camp just over the
summit on the Deep cieek side the rain
came down in torrents, and swept away
or despoiled all the eatables in the
camp, and Lute was compelled to take
the back track to Lakeview after new
Dick Moore, driver on the Western
says the Saturday and Sunday morning
storm was one of the fiercest he ever en
countered, between Drews Valley and
Bly. Hail fell fully six inches deep, he
said, and bis horses were knocked down
by the lightning shocks. The hail was
followed by a heavy rain. Taking the
storm all in all it was certainly a
phenomenon for midsummer.
Another Lookout Tragedy.
A man named J. 8. Whitehouse, of
Egg Lake, near Lookout, Modoc county,
upon returning home from Lookout
after indulging io a spree for several
days, last Thursday called to his wife
who was cooking supper and said :
"Come and kiss me good -bye; I am go
ing away." Little suspecting his in
tentions the wife put her arms around
his neck, thinking to humor him. Quick
as a flash he reached back, drew a pistol
from his pocket, and placing the muzzle
to the center of his forehead sent a bul
let through his brain.
He leaves n wife and two children, the
oldest a girl about eight yeart of age.
The family are comparative strangers in
that section, having moved there only
last fall.
Vein of Water Uncovered.
Messrs. Nail and Watson, who are
delving for water in the town well, have
drifted south about IS feet toward the
channel of the canyon. They are in
hard rock, which necessitates blasting.
Tuesday afternoon a good sized vein of
water was encountered, but was lost
again after putting iu a blast. The in
dications are that a good flow may be
Detective Fred Jackson
Says Every flan will
Pay the Penalty.
Jackson H&s a Reputation as a Crim
inal Hunter and Intimates That
He Knows All the Lynchers
-Now Making; Report.
Every member of the mob which took
Calvin Hall and hs three sons and Dan
iel Yant is from the custody of the con
stable and his deputies at Lookout, Mo
doc county, several months ago and
hanged them to a bridge near town, will
be brought to justice.
So declared Freu II. Jackson, who has
mule an investigation of the late tragedy
for Attorney-General Tirey L. Ford, and
who passed through Kedding Monday
night on his way to San Francisco to
make his report, says the Searchlight.
Jackson is employed as a Wells, Fargo
messenger on the Jackson and lone
srage, and made himself famous in the
battle which resuiied in the death of
John Sontag and the capture of Chris
Evans, and in which battle he lost a
Shortly after the Modoc lynching he
appeared in Shasta county, ostensibly
to spend several months at his wiie'a
former home on Churn creek bottom,
near Redding, but in reality to assist
the state in establishing the identity of
the lynchers. The public in general
failed to snspe-H the occasion of bis visit
but the guilty members of the midnight
I( now seems that .their j-oij-o.-
tives stopied at Churn creek bottom,
where Jackson spent a few days as a
blind, and, waiting upon him, warned
him to stay away. Unmindful of this
Jackeon went straight to the strong
hold of the lynchers, and, avowing the
purpose of bis visit, began his investiga
tion. He was again waited upon after
his arrival there, but declined to take
cognizance of the threats made against
him. He completed his investigation
and departed without molestation.
Jackson says the banging of the five
men was entirely unjustifiable, and that
it was not for the betterment of the
community. He feels confident that a
clear case can be made out against each
member of the lynching party, the
names of whom he has, but refuses to
When he returned, Jackson said:
They were not a very brave lot of men.
and they are now thoroughly cowed.
They are all equally guilty and will have
to pay the penalty. I paid absolutely
no attention to their warnings and
threats, and I think I can prove their
Land Cases Continued.
The contest cases from Klamath coun
ty before the local land office were dis
continued temporarily last week in order
to take testimony at Klamath Falls.
The defense in the first case of Edward
Parker vs. Mike S. Tarker was given a
satisfactory time to file briefs, and the
time for completing the testimony at
Klamath Falls in the cases of Norman
Campbell vs. Jas. Beil, and W. M. Bar
ton vs. II. S. Dunbar was fixed at Sept.-
1Kb. m
Cave Lake Campers.
Henry Lofftus and family and W.
A. Wilshire and family have re
turned from a fishing and camping trip
to Cave lake. This beautiful body of
water is situated on the top of the high
mountain overlooking New Pine Creek.
There is said to be a cave there in
which are many interesting sights. The
fishing was not the best during the visit
of the Lakeview ites though some large
beauties were taken. One can drive to
within four miles of the lake, and from
there the trip to the summit is made on
horseback. All who have ever visited
Cave lake speak in glowing terms of the
beauty of the place and the grand pano
ramic view from the mountain heights.
Near the lake is also located a mineral