LAKE COUNTY EXAMINER : L. KEVIEW, OREGON, AIM. 13, loOl. SHERIFFS SALE. Delinquent Tax List 0( Eeastern Oregon. For Lake County Notice is !iTly Kiven, t ti Mt by virtue of warrant to mo directed, issued out ut the I'ounty Court .( the State of Ore iron for Lake County, comnisnditist me to collect tlie delinquent statu, school anil corsTV taxks for the year l'.MM. which warrant is attached to the lint of unptid ami delinquent taxes for tiio vt ar UHM.) in said Lake County, ami not having been alle. after diligent search, to find any personal property within said County out of which to make the taxes hereinalter mentioned or any part 1 of anv of the same, I have levied tton the following described real property situated in 1-ake County, (heiton, and lielotigitiit: to the several peisous and parties hereinafter specified and named, a tabulated list of which said pa -tics as their name. apHar upon said delinquent i tax roll, together with the description of said lands, amount of costs of all ami amount of taxes assessed against each person and each tract respectively, set opposite thereto, is as follows: I A Cur lor Cholera Infantum. "Last May," saya Mrs. Curtis (taker, of llookwaltcr, Ohio, "an infant child of our neighbor's w as snflerintt from cholera infantum. The doctor had uiven up all hoos of recovery. I ttsik a Isittle tif Chamherlain'a Cofie, Cholera and iMar rhoca ttcinedy to the house, tellinu them I anro it wonlil ilo itimn.1 if used every cent of money expended and con- i accordiiw to directions. In two day's teiitment is sure to follow. Hut there time the child had fully rceovcrd, and is fONTINCKO RHOM MCCONU PAOK. success front the itart inspired by the univeisal success that surrounds one here. tS've one conlldence in sikci ss lor Tl... l!.,Wl Mantell I a I a rue and fmgrgnl ciyar. Once used you will call for no other, W'csiisn it la a pleasant smoke ami everv one In the box is ytMid. Fine- tobacco, For saleonly by Whorton Jk Nnith. in Ukevicw. '.'M I'm now- (nearly a venr since) a vigorous, heslth v Klrl. I have iccoiiiinanded this Kemtxiy frequently anl have never known it to fail in anv single instance." For sale by lleall'a I it tig More. Wl-ft ('. T. Thomas. Sumlervi.le, Ala.. "I ' was suffering- from dt-spcpidti when II commencel taking kodol Itvspepsiit ' Cure. 1 took scvcisl tie and can ill- extending hinh toward the heavens, as ; Bi'st anything." Kodol Pvspcpsia (.'lire , i . i i it i - i toe on v pre pant i on t'niiiiiiiiiiig an straight and un.n,rt as If cIiimUhI by . ililtrill .Ute ,uids. I. Jives human hands. ild same, U-ar, tleer, j w Ni stomachs entire rest, restormif atiteloe and smaller species . roam the their natural condition. Lakeview I'rug are other attractions here. The scenery of Kastern Oregon is iudecnilcnt of any other section and unlikeany in any other pari of the t-ta'e. In nearly every coun ty hot springs, with a tern parature sutficietit to boil an egg in a few minutes, gush from the earth. Tall rock pillars are to be found at many points KAMI I or I inwaiPTioN or land '. TAX I FAYK I plains and find hills and mountains, and tish are abundant in the streams. The wild lif i and daring riding of the hucca ro 8 also have interesting features. Telephones connect ibis section w illi the outside world, and the punctual mail service hring the daily pncr to the most remote xinu ere they are three dav. old. There are also Co. Allison, 8 V Lull 1. 2. 3. 4. Blin k C, Town filter Ijike. LakcCoiin- ty, Oregon Accrui-ig costs anil expenses Kussill. II F. SE of N 'v S, o( NK', ami X Y. of sr.'4 See 1:1, Tp:, SK. Is Kat ot tt M in Lake County, tire- pun Accruing coslsand expenses Christensen.O G, K Propst, J H 6 41 on 4 of SW,. SK, ot SW , an J s 1 , el Nf, fee Tp S K is Khsi of W M hi Lake County, Oregon Accruing costs anil expenses E. Sec .in Tp S K 19 Kast CM M ill l.AKe t mini, drelfOIl Aecruiug costs ami expenses Loper, E, t-ots 3. 4. . 6, KliK-k S in To n ot ! New fine reek, Lake t'linnty. i in gun 3 W Accruing ciists ami expi-nses 5 uo Kingsley, Richard. S', of 8M4 S-r li. Tp j 4li, s K IS Kast of W M in Lake County, Ore Ron 2 ST AicruiiiK costs ami ex iH-nses 4 ci Hopkins. L L, W, of NE4. K, of Xtvt, ant Lots 1 ami 2, See is Tp .fit. S K 20 Kast of W M in Lake County, Ore gon 19 W Accruing costs and epens's 5 .f Hopkins, M D, E'i of SWi4', and Its i and 4 Sec 1. Tp : S K M Kast i W M in IJike Couuty. Oregon 9 W Ai-cruiug costs and expenses 5 UJ Johnson, Georgia, SE'4 of sV'4and Its 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, Pee 2. Tp ai r K 25 Kast of V M iu . Ljtix. UlUUXlV 0;j;on;. Lemon, Wm, W'i, of st'i4 Sec Tp 39 H R 20 East of W M in Ijike Coiinly, 'r'-Koii Accruing cjsib and expenses Russill, J W, W ' of MVi4 Sec S Tp SS ? R 19 Kast of V f iu Lake ( oiiniy, oreiiim Accruing costs ami expenses t-weitser. .1, Commencing 30 ft South and :!2I ft Kast of X V ii.rner of sit ..I s. t4 s.-e In, Tp K 20 r.asl of W M in Lake i ouiitv. Ore gon, theme east 4 feet. Mo-nee south 2' fe.-t, tiietlee West 4'. feel, Ihenee Ilortll Jl feel to place of beginning . . 2 lo Accruing costs and expense s oo I at. or I tun I a.-i. i i,mtg to visit, where t,oted battles were I ai.A inst f I samk ; fought with the Indians and where forts I and camps were ocupicd by the soldiers. ! These are, of course, aide from the in dustries of the country, but go to make up its features. Most of the tMipulitiioii ' is made up from men who formerly set- tied in Westeren Oregon, and while ll-ey still love their old "Wcbfoot" home, i they w ill tel, you that they would not irtve the exhilarating; lite on the dry i "desert" for the easy life iu "wet" old Webfoot. Ami they w ill tell you another thing--thai, w hile Faster n t Megon is now know n us a stock country almost excltisirel v, in very few years she wih rival her Vel foot Msler as a producer of nearly every thing that grows on the larm, ami still raise slock and w ihiI on a huge scule. l aud Ottlee, Lake, lew. Oregon.! July 1.1, l'l. I Xollee Is hereliy given Ihal ih follow lug named w'ttl. r has tiled noilee ot his inleiiilon lo make tinal pnd Iti upHirl of Ins elaiin, i and that said proof will l- made U'lore the: Register ami llieelvi r al lake,le, (iregoti. on Aiigusi it, ir- I farly H.h.i,.- Il.t r I Xo. Iiru for Ihe sM. MM. '. Xh'. and X manv lilslonc I Xh'4 s,-r. II. I f s; s It i: I-.. tt . m. ii,- names the ld low lug wilnenes lo prove his eoiiiliiuoui ri-sldeliec ii and eiln allou of said land, vli: Ira Hradlei, td K. t-nd, Al. M. Ihniell, tt til. f. Overtoil alt of 1'iiish, uregou. IS'JS. K. M II K 1 1 1 '.tlx. Iteglsler. I Nolle, of .settlement id final Account. In the County Court of Ihe Staia of On goii for Ijiki Counlv. In Ihe matter of the estate of II. njsinln War ner, ileei-awil. Ill tVtlOM IT MtV COX'HIS: Xollee la hereby give, that tlie ii 1 1 . t. t -: i I adlullilitra tor d Ihe eststr of Iteioaililii Itarlu r. late i.l Lake I utility, Orrgiitt. . t t-as d. has flleil III! rlnal Areoiint as a'lni i n is-ran.r of said Kstale, in ihe onue ol Hie i oiiniy I l.-rk of Lake Couittv, Ore., and ltal t rolay .tug. IMli L'l al IU o'i'Iih k A tl of said dav. al I lie County fudge's titliee 111 Hie lollltty Ciiurt House ut Lake County, orrif.ili. In Ihe r.islinl i t I.NSelli'W, lias IH'ell a--Mile, ami nii-i i Hon. cha. Toiiiiltig. ii. J iolif id .aid i mirt as Ihe I line and pla.e I, ir I to- Ii. aM tig id .ilijretlnlis , ruiiilre of I ak. 1 to sal. I ritial .tei oont, II aux tlit re lis, and hr th'- Silt lenient tin-reel I'. ted tins llth day of Jul! Adiuliils'ralor of the ( Mate tier, Peleased. Id. . h cm hit, iv. I lli -ti Jm iii lit tt ar j Astounded the Editor, j rMitor S. A. Brown, of lteiiiiettsvil!e, S. C. was once immensely surprised. ''Thioiigh long sufteiing from liysei i sia," he writes, "my wife was greatly j m i dow n. She had no strength m igor jand suffered great distress: from her ! stomach, but she tried Klectric Hitters whichhelped her at once, and, afier us I ing four Uittlcs, she is entirely well, can eat anything. It's a grand tonic, and i its gen lie laxative iialities are splendid fortorpid liver." Kor Iinlicestioti, Ioss of Appetite, Stomach and Liver troubles tt s a positive, guaranteed cure. I 5oc at Heall's drug store. forty res, ,rden smi, I nillr south of I aki tlrw mi main road, five head of cattle, Imrs. ami hum) . son.! residence, s riHuns. intiotgan. all household rffw-la. tluyrr call Hep In slid i.k. loll iisaesslon oreuan il for farming. OUv hundred ami fifty tnishels grain grown flrl vear it u as cull I vali d. W 111 grow allalla. One of Ihe l.i .t small garden is.t In lko coolity Knipilre of Agency Lakeview. A sawmill, i-apat lty s.iun feet p-r da, now running ill ismI order; half Interest In good planer ; three yoke of eat tie. triuki rlialut. ele also l.ti acres land roiitalnlng rierlletil llmtH-r. situated 4 miles from Lakoslew. tt rll lo Uke tlew Real Kstal Ageney, I ak.vlew. Oregon. Eighty aires laJid lelieed. gioit house and liarn, -Jit arris cleared; H a. res hern plowed; will gMW allalla or garden. Write to lakeview Real Kalate Ageney ni a ri s aila'fa, hay and grain land. S miles sooth if Ceilari lllc. In Surprise Valley. In sitlii. plaee prixiueed tim tuns of hay aid soul) hiislo Is of grain. Can r.. .tssi Ions id liay any year. Now has a stand of 2-'.i aer s of alfalfa. Three rmps alfalfa Ithoul Irrigation will Ik rut HO" year Klie gisd residence places on Ihe rani h. The place t an he cut up Into 7 or s mall ram lies very nicely. All meadow and natural springs all over the land, f artles Inlying ran also Inelude In lha purchase (. guod lirai-d slo-i-p and l.'.'i head rattle If ihey it. sire. t I ' al ai'hinil llnllselil.N at. it In one corner id this ram h. Xo Irrigation necesaar for fruit, alfalfa or grain raising. Complete outfit of good hi'fsi s. wagniis and tuai-hlio-ty for farming purisisi's go wnh the raitrh. This Is Ihe flm st dairy ram h In Hurptlse Valh y. A splendid .'stale for a rolotiy of seien or eight families. Ow tier d.-sires to sell I eatise he has nun h laud and lio many otlier liiteresta to lisik after for further part eulars wtitetooi Agency, 1. K. Mei,arrey Manager. You Can Nolle ol Appointment ot Administrator. In the Ci.ntity Co.irt id tl.e stale of On gmi. fn the Ciiiiutv id (jik III tin- matt, r of the es reas-d. XiiTli K IS IIKHKIlV der ill tlie i ouiitv i mirt for the C.iuntv ol Ijtke the v:h day of luh. I'BH sir if Kuh) I lark, d. . sent do sin and i. It KX. that Li an or lit the Mate id I Ir. gi.ll, made and rntrrid on tin- liuderstgne.l was 1'ily apMiitiied Administrator id the Kstate of Kill.) linn, dieiasid. All x-rsons listing claims again-! the Astalr ol said di i eas. il are herehy d lo tri -.tit the same ultn the proper voiieners. w Ithlu sit mouths fnuii the date of this not lee to tlie said t lilillllstfator, at the Hank of l ak.-ih w, Iu Ijike I ouiity, Ore gon. hated July llth, fail. 27 v. tl. M i i.l rti. Only ! Administrator of the K-ate of Itul.i I lark, de- Aeiinre a thoroughly practical ktiowl- cdsfe id the t eh lirat. il I'liKMN 5H()kTHANI) lV MAIL tittiMti ihit rlt riitit with itiif if. tl . hf ti1 (H.wlail UX fin- 1 rial I-. fuil (rUctiUrt tf our COKKIIDNDIINCI! COl'RSIJ Als.i opltilotiBot promliieitt i-dtii alors. husL to ss men, steiiograiiln-f and others, in re gard lo this no tiio.l. 1. it Ixs.k. .'. Terms fur Mall Instruction, $i i-r mooth. Irs sous corrected and returiieil on day of rc eiit. Itchnke'a Ijiw & Commercial 5chool, I'oMTI.AIIl, I lllKliOM, lK0ri!3SI0NAU M'llTII A WMtM, fhyslrlana ami taarBeawa, l.akevlew.Or. off ll'K - lleall'a Priig St..r (Vila ariaasrsst pnimtiily ilay r nlgid. K. II. talflfll M II " lhjlrU a ms amrgraa lketlrw. Or. orriCK Uks.le PlllgtVa Sl.w .! arsnar starts! Mtaaukt )lttMMt4 HI'KMHV, Altamrt -at - Ijiss , Ijistrvlcw, Or. Ot f ll'K In Cdgswrll's oltlev hulldlllg i.. r. ii Altursiri al ! Iikrlrw. ttrrgaa) OfriCR-lstty Itullding. V. II lI.M Allarnr).al-I.. Ijikrvlrw, nr. lit f ll'K Istly Hlllldllig. W. J HOIIHK A llarar) .al- Isaw . I.attrtlew, lr orfICK I "sty llull.lli lilt O '. IHMIHUsT llratlat I akrtlrss, Orrina OKfU K Paly Hulldlug. "nnnara fir f iiTigriniriTaT nuuuMtn ur iru numu . ...... x... tl.-rli mi the t' and 4th tt rdio -day ol c each motilli In tla.tlilc Hall, at a p i,,. sr K. f i li,sy i mo.ui i immand r. i r. i i's g, i lerk. c v f w ' t v t r t s f t s t X ...Kmhts tt l' thi;is. X S s l,(iil-K I nr. t.olx.K X,, ;c. uieeta every lurs.tay rviiilug. il.ld f.ilnas Hall. Iiinlis. lire, timing Kiilglila ordiall y lot lint. Jy In si. .s i haiic.lior Ci.ii.inaii.l. f no II A vans K. ol It. and n. 5" X V J U Mrrtler has Morrison 30-5 Ceased . TIMHfr'.K United States Im Lttll ml Ottlee, TI K I Lakeview, Oregon, to: A Big Job. ? llirtrsitrirn ou mucn i, i around the Government lml .-!. i ...... I l.v I ;.. . !' . won tue , rovi.ion. l the ., t 1 . - ' "ogress oi june a, is;, entitle,) An ai I h.r 1 Jewie I). Carr. alnjut live foot in- ui.ltli 1 thesaleof tiuii.. r Isn.i. in it,,, states i.l i .n. anl nashingion I r .iil, lie land the Reeder Morrison , p.ucksmiti:s AND .... I I'o-ina. Oregiiu, i aim luur leei in neiglif, anil tlie I nite.l ; rttory," as exti nd.-d to all . Stutes Marshall or Cnit-il Stat : "V "' '" 4 . ' harl.-. . It, , r' i-aisiey, e.inill) ol Lake. Mate lit Uregou 1 4 2" or w ho ever tnav lie sent to tear it dow u ! """ lhl" ,,HV '" "' office his sworn state I 4 M ,.. , , "... ' nieiil Xo. :m7, for the purchase il the si 1 is likely to have and all Siiininer job on sti4 and vt ah', ..f .ecnn t i ,,' ! hand says the Oregonian, especiaHy a. J "i"!!, .".iV-rt.V ,;,..u..S'-..?f.;l,',"-: ! ' .Mr. Hall savs the rock fence is to be "mr" valuable i..r its timocr .,r .ton- timu l,.r , i i . aKrieuliiiral piirtio-ea. and to estahlisn in. I ilestroyeil as wa the Tower of liabel. or claim to said land tifllff Ids lf.....t... a I..I ' ! i . t i .ii. . . K'-ri'i vt- r tit i liiat niltca mi ( - l ... , i i It , on .-.utiii'U v. t hi 'iiii iU v ..f a .,,,.1 i -.i ti ' i tJAlaj i H . .. "" -'i, in- ii j ww r iiiii I 1 I'l IN U llll kboa- I Is llu..i a.. (1 . " " " - . r , nniisit-i, iv. i,. ii IIORSISIIOIRS And I have levied upon each parcel of the above described real property, as the proiertv 'if tlie several persons op posite to whos-e respective names the ame is hereinbefore setforth, as the same afears assessed on said delin quent tax roll. Now therefore, if each and all of said delinquent htatk, ioixtv and school1 taxes are not pid on or before Saturday ! the Hist day of August, Y), at tlie' hour of one o'clock p. m., I w ill, on said day and at siid hour, at anil in front of the east door of the Sheriffs Oliice in the Conn y Court House of Lake County, Oregon, in the Town of Lakeview, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all and each ami every parcel of said above des'-ribed lands, or so lunch thereof as may be necessary of each parcel thereof, to satisfy the sever-: al sums as hereinbefore selforth oppo- 1 eiie to me names ot tlie respective per sons for taxes so assessed against said persoiiH upon said parcels of land respec tively, in said Lake County, Oregon for the year l'JOO together with accruing costs and expenses a above set forth. H. It. In x lap, Sheriff of Lake County, Oregon. Dated this first tlay of August, 1U01. the Tern -le of Babylon, or perhaps was the Temple of Jerusalem (Mr. Hall is not well posted in biblical matters), of which not one stone was left upon an other. The miles of barla-d w ire fencing will be rolled up like a scroll, but the rim ris k cliffs which form u an of the fence will not be molested. .Mr. Carr, however, is still in possesion of the lands, with the ex-eption of a calf pus ture of some fSHM) aires, and the end of the trouble is not yet. County Treasurer's Notice. j -Notice is hereby given that there is money in the county treasury fur the' payment of all county warrants protest-' ed prior to and including September 10, 1 IHilS. Interest on same ill cease from ' August Mth, 1'Jbi. Lkk IIkai.i., I - County Treasurer, j Stops the Cough and Workt off the Cold. Laxative J5romo-0,uiniiie Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure no pay J'rice 25 cents. 38-lyr A Young; Lady's Life Saved. At Panama, Columbia, by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Dr. Chas. II. Utter, a prominent phy sician, of I'pnama, Columbia, in a recent letter states: "Last March I had as a patient a young lady sixteen years of age, w ho had a very bad attack of dysen tery. Everything I prescribed for her proved ineffectual anil she was growing worse every hour, iter parents were sure she would die. She had become so wreak that she could not turn over in bed. What, to do at this critical mom ent was a study for me, but I thought of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and as soon a last resort prescribed it. The most wonderful re sult was effected. Within eight hours .she vas feeling much better: inside of three days she was upon her feet and at end of one w eek w as entirely well." For iiale by iieaU's Drug Store. 30-5 TltlllKIC I, l .OTI4 K Cniteil States Land Office, Lakeview , On gun, iigusl ',, I'sil. Notice is hcrehy given Unit in compliance ilh the provisions of the ad of Congress of June :i. Is7, entitled "An act or the sale of timocr lands in the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada anl Washington Territory," as ex tenderi ut all the Puhlie. Land Klates hjr act of August 4. v.r, harh-s t.'. hnnler, of Lakeview, county of Lake, stale t Oregon, has this day i tiled iu this ottlee his sworn statement No. Hl'J I for tlie purchase of the WK' , of SK' , of Section No. Wl in Tow nship No. Ss H, Italige No 22 K and will offer proof lo show that tlie IhiuI ! sought is mora valiiahlH for Its tliuher or stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo estahlish I his claim to said laud heforu the Kegisn r and I hv'ivcrf this office ai Lakeview. Oregon, on Friday, the 2-ilh day of Ootohcr, pail. Hi; names as witnesses: W. K. Harry. Charles Moure, James Anthony, Mike Harry, all of Lakeview, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the atsive ili-scnlied lands an: reifiiesled to lilt- their claims in this office on i,r before said 2-th day of October, law. K. 11. Hhattain, 3-l Register. day i J. k Paisley. Oregon, and Y. ;-iuiih, ol Lakei . . i ir.-g.ui. Auvaudall per I sons claiming adversely the alene iesi rii.e. lands are requested tn the their claim- In this ' nil e on or oeiore said 21th dav of August, L. M Hkattaiv, Jtiiih-2-2 ID It. glster. TI M II Kit I. oTI4 K l lllt. d SK,., Ij,,,,) ,,,,),.,. "k. i. . or. in. n. June -'.i, put Nolle is hereby gn. ii that In ioiphane wnh the provis.ous of the act of oiigresa of Jim.-.i. i-,s. eniiii. ii "An act .,r the sal - of i timber lands In the Slat 's of chlifi,rulM, Ore I gmi, Nevada, and t ash ing mil T-rntnrv" as extclldill to nil the Pub, le l.iu,. M.ile. ',v act : if August 4. Iskj. A I it X. I.apham. of Vl-lll ', lus, County of Klainn'h, Mate nf iin giui has this .liiy tll.-.l In tnis i, it ,. suiiru Mnt.'nient ......11.., llll- OUT' HUM' (II 1 it . H llll )l l.f See. IS 111 to;, n l,i, Xo. .I s.. IliiiiL'e v.. Ill' ffer irniif tn show Ihal the i lalilHlile fur lli, liii.l... ..v slnlielhan for agricultiirnl pursi,i s nndloes-' tahlish his elaliu lo . mil Inioi hefore Up- ItegU. t. rand It-ceivr ol this ..file,, at l.ak.iic ore ; gon.oii rrnlaj, ihei.n, ,y ol s..-pt. niber. psil ; He names as u ithe-ne: J, srtiier V J Samh rs, .1. I. Me,'k, ,-. ,.. i..,.r,,, visilli,,.' Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse- i ly the above -described Inn's hi.- rciucii-d lo tile their clnims In 'his officii on or before said : -..ii .in; ,o n.-ot- ui-r , r.sii, 2tMu I-:. M. ItiiATTAf.N, Itcgiaicr. Ilo rtrry Ihlna In Hie lllneLamllliltia I Inr anil aaliaiar tion Buarmii-rit CrooK, OroRon. V i r t r t.f .. f . s s . Slll l f llll 4lM lamoc Rarru swaiiow x m JdlllCi DdiiJ ! ,.,r , re,, ,errw for wetlu-r. hsiina ewrs Sijuarr I rop and Islli In right ear. lar llratid III. Iiangr. Crsna Lake. I'ostofflee addri ss, I ake, lw . Of, inn. zac whitworth t::;;'::: rig hi (or ewes ; revels,' Im art Inn. lar Hrau W. Italige, Klsh I reck. l oslnftiir address, lakeview . I Ircgntl. To til lie cfTiM'l Slllnhiv, No. May ', fMI I . lion Sn K., W. M., and will lai d sicighi is more It. i i. jr.sun nisx ' 1 :'tVt IB' m Ml XVXat ' . 1 .aW-aT a, m saj m '-as... u. TI.1IIIKK I.AMI .OTKV.. United States Ijind OtHcn, Ijikeview, Oregon, August 1, Itiol. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Coior. .. ,. June 8, 1S7S. entitled "An act for the sale of limber lauds In the States of California, Orc j gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ( extended to all the Public Laud Slates by act of A iigusl 4, 1HU2, James If. Turpln, of Lakeview, county of Lake, state of Oregon, has this day filed ill this Office his sworn S.',, uJ for the purchase of tbe KU SYM Hec. H.r, and 8 A HK'-i of Bectioii No. 28 in Township No. 40 H, Range No. 21 K W M, and will offer proof to show that His land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to estahlish his cli lin to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Lakeview, Oregon, on Friday, the 4th day of October, luui. He name as witnesses Cieorge Jammertbal, J. E. Mutiarrey, frank Koggers of Lakeview, Oregon, and David U. C'leland of flush, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are re quested to file their claims In this ottlee oo or before said 4th day of October, luoi. K. M. Bhattatst, 81-lot Register. LA FRANCESCA $3-50 Shoes for Ladies Keith's Fine Shoes For Men All Shapes And Sizes At the Mori Q110,0. Aa-UUV s 1 a. v in a. a. 'I II a. in IU a. in t le in a. II I i a. 111. a 11 :.-! a. 12 I I n. I isi p 1 lo i p 2 Hi i p 2:1 p 2: V. p. S: 2.'i (i. 4 hi p. 4 p. I' a.m. a m. Hetio , . Summit , I ar rrattcis , . I in Iv . liiimaa I'lnmas . Cbal I am, roll I., d I!... k I nl. slant la . Iu le. I.legatl A meile,. , . . A medei ILiI springs Murray .. harm Horse Lake ttal.rly I el inn SHcial rnti'H from ClllCliejII, . t f. Il-lllis, Mi-n,iis, M ldlisiuiil nil M issiHin l.'ivcr I'ollil" to No, r. so p in. 'si p. lit. .17 p. III. ' .' p. in. 4 12 p. In. 4 lv' I p III. -I ' 4o I p in. :i :ai p m :t i' p n,. 1 :l p. in. t .'i p in. 2 p. in. I i'l p. in 12 l.'o p in. II 4-. im. II 21 a. in. I'i .'.7 a. in. Iu -n a in. ' 12 a. in . " I.' a. iu s :mi a. tn . y $ WV l . -i - 5 'i. Oil f -,'K .'ifl f.'fl (H) :t:i tsi :in :g oh oo :il isi :l .'si lii isi I'll) 111 list Hot Sprites ArtiiMtriiiiK Tcrttio I nliueelll.g ill PI il.,ii Jnl.i,;i u ltd Sierra talley's Hallway; Mlib singe at Imiie lor . Mil lord. June. i Hie and llll ti 1 1 u v i ill,.. At Mill springs Inr siisniiviiIc and sinudi.b. At Tcriuo lor Alturiis, Ceilari lllc, I ek- Mty and Km t Itldwell, 1 al , and Lllkil ten . I'lli.h and lal.lei. On gon. T. K. Id NAWAV. I IlKHMT-T. t.l'.andd. M. Irarlle Manager. .0144 60 YEAR8 QrT..,. vTfjtSXPERIENCE D T I il trll ""- . mljmm0u 1 I 1 raV Trade Marks rasj rrt'' CosivniaMTa A A nynn sanding a Skat oh and deserlpl Ion mar quickly ascertain our opinion free whether aa invention la prohahlr piitenlahln. nniniiiiilra lloiisslrliillyeonlldiintfiil. llaiiilliaikon Paleuta sent fraa. (Ililest agency for securing patents. Patents taken Inrouuh SI,,,,,, a , sprrtui nulkt, wllhoulehasga, Iu tlia Scicniilic Jlmcrldm. A nannsortisly tllnstratad wiwkly. I.argat rtr. ........... , , iiuai, journal. Terms, tl a aaii!a!'.'i,ri:""',,L (i nawBdealarsT MUNN & Co,BB-. New York urancn umee. m V Ht, Washington. Ii. f. d TMa slgnatur Is on every boi of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tablets Oia remedy thatrtartsa at rolcl B ABa mj It tllO HUtioil of Vliur luiwula iu .wV easy and rpgnlur serious comiilications must he IIih II ii h. I result ih.u' m. 1 t..i ,arly Hisers will nimove this dsninr alo, pleusunt snd nfluutivo, Lakeview Drug Co.