It t Yi! LAKH COUNTY CXAniNI-R: I.AM VinV. UkM (ION. Aid I, HOI. i. j(aiir ffmmUt OJxaiittiivr PuMUhrd Every Thursday BEACH & AVGARREY Maaonlc Building iflnt War, $2.00 TERMS: Six Months 1 .00 (three Months, 50 LAKKVIEW, OHt-UON. Al t). I. OOI. Some Experiment. The peopie of "' West including Prews Owk, Cottonwood, Tick Kidge, attil that whole section west of I-akcview ami li.Hi.e Luke, have Ihimi try iti f"r years to make a success of rif iiiK grain ot all kinds and grasses. From tin" hick vt water in pliees it is claimed, and from the '' n'uiiii'y of jaoc rabbits in tlie whole section, the crupi are not what might lt called a success, Some say if the land was all taken and the sage biush cleared off that there would W no more rabbits, hut then that would not make any more water. Now. wo do not le lieve that to le tlie case altogether; of course to clear of! the a.e brush the rabbit would have no home, nd there is no doubt ihat some sections need water for irrigating ami The Kx a miner would itke nothing leiter than to see a lame irrigation system itartel over there, lint it has been proven that veg etables grow there as good, if not liettei tha'i any other place in the county, and giain has tVen produced in places that cannot l leat. Mr. Kobl. Nelson, who is somewhat eiiihtiHiir-tic on seeing the Weft Side devenjicd, is making some proclical ex ierinienls in grains and grases. A few Ways auo he brought to town a half doz en samples of as many different kinds ai.d we noticed particularly the tine pe. linen of oats which were alsiiil three feet high and well tilled. It is expected that they w ill attain the lioigh: of live teet when matured. Tlie oats are growing on ground -hat has not been irrigated and only oi.e rain has fallen upon them, and it isn't like Kansas eiher. Among the lot was a Secimen of bromus grass w Inch is not so tall as most samples we have een but it is very thi-k and heavy, with miihII stems and iots of seed, which it is said makes better feed ttian the courser kind. Sir. Nelson lias quarter acre tracts ot these half dozen valine and will practically demonstrate to the farm ers of tlie West Side this fall, what can le done on that sandy sage-brush soil. He be is also experimenting in vege tables of different kinds that were thought impm-cihte to grow in this coun ty, for iiiManc-, he has peaniiu in blism SHERIFF'S SALE Delinquent Tax List For Lake County Notice i hereby given, that by virtua . of a warrant to me directed, issued out, ol the County Court t ( the State ot Ore j g"it for I.ake County, commanding inn ' to collect the delinquent urArr, school' and cowry tax" for the year I WO. 1 which i attached to t' list vl i u n pn Id delinquent taxes for the vear !l0 in said Ijiko t'onnty, and not . iiaving ln-en able, alter diligent search, to find any personal property within said t'ountv out of which to make the taxes hereinafter mentioned or any part of anv of the same, I have levied upon the following de-cribed real proieitv M'un'ed in Lake t'onnty, Oiegon, and lielonging to the several poison and ) parties hereinafter spocilhil and named, , a tabulated list ol which suid pi lies as their liauie appear upon said dclii-ipieiit tax roll together wi'h the description ; of said hinds, amount of costs of all and amount ol taxes assessed ag-ilnM each peis-'ii and each tract, set opposite thereto, is as follow s : MM I I mf nr or : nrs. hiition or liiti a. I ion ' TA X I '!. rtvra i I uaint i i AK Altitun. SV Lot I. :i. 4. IliiK-k '. Tnwn sili r l.ak. 1 nM-i'oiin- ly. or kihi ' Act-rut.. en! an-l '.-te" n 4 :ai RinIU. II K. SK C'lirttcni-n.' i .( W't. s nf Nt .; , Nf'4ofSl.', S.i- II. 1' t. .- It. 1 Kh.I ill W M III lk.-t iilllity. Or.--K.-n l-r II I II K COI'! Sllll I' X m-I.H. H . r'j.if S',. sK'.M N" 1 , mi. I sW ',..) r'4 - M. T. W, S K In t- l nf W M III lki- t'OKIIIT, I ifi-Kull I. II Accruing ci"i! nit i-x -ii- i .a- l'rnpt. i il. at-",. S-T WTn -si s II M K( of U M In I nkc I iitiul) . nr. mm Ai-cruniit cn-.t sii't i-tM-ni A I ai lAiH-r, ! , :i, 4. r,. Illm-lc 3 ill Tu t 11 of Ni-w l-inf i r.-.-k, tko i inly, i ir ic-iii Accruing cIr mii1 i-xj-im' 'i iw w t.iA ; hnvc tunny new customer each saison coim'titf to our tstihlislmunt w ho tell is they hIwhvs ttmlirstooil llit c Imtnllal ooil quality of ((nls. Our tvmtfitioii w ith our customers is not minlc hy imy !' tieuhir line ot'ifooils w e hut hy the xcncrnl excellence ol' every iirticle in our stock, 11V ncknow ktle w e curry l;oo1 futility , . This refers to our chc."iicr xootls in just the snme tkrcc ;is to those of' the very hcsl (unlity. In ortkiinjs our xols we .ctr just us f.irticuhtr attention ttt the tlurnhihty. the suhst;iuti;il make ami the sncrior iunlity ol' the low juical xnnls its we tlo to the medium ami Utter xrmks, hut our assortment is mainly confinctl to the medium anil better grades. The strength of our lines is ajtjmrent w hen you look at our stock, and for Spring and Summer we venture to assert that there is not another stock of ools in the country that is canal to ours in its wonderful variety, in its great range id firiec, in its particular style of everything that w e show. We solicit the business " the people of Southeastern Oregon and can readily convince them that we are the best house to traile with in this entire region. BAILEY & MASSING ILL and has sweet isjtatoes that look tine, i i i.. . ,. . I V Kill.-. X, SH'i4. Sec 17 T. K, S It Kn.t I IV M in Ijki- I iilitit)'. nr.u..;i Accrtiinic ri.i! mnl t jh-iiai'a .a KuifptleT, tilrlmrJ s' , nf i, H, T, 0. KIU nil nf M In I.Nkc t'ouuty, Or-- on . . i : Ai-cruiiiK -iii inl t-i i- iim-4 4 .' Hop kill. L I., i, nf NK'4. r', f MM, KDll tl I AMI-I .'. S-.-l- l Tn -ft. s K :i tt nf w M in t'uiiuly, Ore- Accruuift cosu anil rkpnt lloikln, M D. K', of '., .n. li. Kant i t W M In ouniv. ori-Kini 9 :j Accruiiiif ctnt aiiil tx'iiMt 6 uu 1 Jnlinwill, (i-iirKl. SK'4 ol HWi4cmf IjH i I 2.3. 4. 5. . Ser S, I t Vt S K ii ol U M III ! Ijtke Couniv. iiri'iron . M u AccruiiiK cinlt ami ( n. i mi I Hen Wanted. TL .. I l I I t. . ..I. t . .. lilt- MfWniHH" l.llllll i .-ni-fc I lllll- ii i hi ii v wih toeuipl-iv a nnuilier f uu-ti iiiiuiediii'elv to mk on their ranch in M 'hew aticiin Valley. There will U-plenty : of nnlil snow tbes. ;ui Hereford Stock Farm I'lat to he lied. I ami Oftii-i- Hi Ijiktivli-w. in-nnii. t Jul V v.1 -i. i I MiTH'K la hfp-liv rin ii itmi an . t.,. ' "Tll lnl nf li- Ki.rl Klnlnatli l.ii..nii. : Milium ni Miy 1 1. :il . It tff.tu Hi " , .tA.S ? ' I . ' l - Drows Valloy, OroRon. F. O. DuntlrtR, Owner mwi Kwni M.-r or.-miti mil i-i-in.-.i i.i ii.i. ,,m.-.- l. :; ? i-,. r e ! 6 ." mi lie--J-.'it ijr of Aimiit. l'A'l. On allrr 4" . '.' ri , v it K : lil ily ol Anmi.1. I-a.. i,, ih fr ; .' ' V-i''Vr ' ' t ami ! h rnlrv n( lali.l. In l In-alm--lr tlH-l I n ."'; .' TT"' lili m III In rTi-lv-'il al thiaiiflli-f anil of ;i ri-cnnl. K. M l".lt ATI l . IN iriatrr. w II '1-5 -. 11 IIIHV HAH.hV. Ki'iihi r k (, largest herd cf registered Herefords in Oregon however, the season here mav lie to short fur litem. There is a great future for that vast section on the West Side, an I is nut far off. i I.rnnn, Win, W , of sV'4 s.-r :is T. 39 S K m in n m lu UkKo A riiititMur of the supporting cables of j the lirooklyn bridge pulled ait of their sockets, and were found one day last week dangling in the air. This com pletely slot ed all stieet car trafli- over the structure, and after a delay of two davs it was repaired. The accident caused great excitement and the public reserves were called out. After praying several days for rain in Kansas, the people of Wichita rang hi-!N and blew- whistles and serenaded the rain with a brass band. At night can nons were lired and an immense display offire-woiks was made. An exchange suggests that no doubt the rain was highly gratified by this reception. The Chinese have learned fiomelhing from the size of the indemnities demand ed by the various European Govern ments, for Minister Wu lias just present ed to our Government a claim for f.VXJ, HK) on account of outrages committed iisui Chinese in Montana. The railroad mileage of the l.'nited States was increased 4051 miles during the year ending June HO, VMM. That is the largest increase in any one year since 18!)3. The total sing! i track mileage in the country on Jima ,'Knh was Vfi7y miles. riiiinty. 'iri'Knii . . 4 li ALiriiliiK coal a anil ip-iiu-a 4 i llim.lll, 1 W, M.. of HW i4 Sec :i Tii 4W S It ' IV laal of W M in lki' j I (iiimjr. Or. Ron 4 7 Ac'i-rnliiK coaia ami cxiii-m 4 li Hw-Htr, I, C'omm'iiclint M It Smith ami :fif ft Kaat of SW roriicr of rW '4 i,l V l4 S.-I- 111. T :K i r.aai of W M In ljiki I oiinty. 1 1 ch . kkii. tlii-ni-i- faniiJt fi-i-t. ' lln-lii-e aoulli fi-i-t, ttl.'IM-K Ul-hl 4'iS lci-l, tlirlii-p tinrtll Via li:.-t U I I'iart-of iM-KinnitiK . 'J In AccruiiiK coals ami i-Xi-iim a S tto ! New Vegetable Store... L. 15. WMOKTON, rop. OI'I'OSITr. BAM I V A M 5MNtl.L'S All kinds of lierries, Vegetables & Truit carried in season. Iave orders and what you want for the day will be delivered at your door, fresh and sweet. u-,..m4 tAtDOR A1AV0 head ot pjau 1 Rrqistrrrd .rarlinq Bulls iLlOO, 1135 and iSQoach ...Southern Oregon Stale Normal School... ASHLAND. OREGON Strung Acail" luic cuiirse. I'rufessiuiiiil training of tin iiigliest excel lence, r'irst-chiss 'I'raiti'iig I a-:t rt o k-h t. Well KtiiM il I.iiborattir li s The 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 I fur Ir.iilii il teachtTH excet'il (lie sn'tilV. ( iraillliltcs e:isily secure iu-it iuiiH. IScautiful luciitiun. Host climate on tlie Cuast. Kxnnsi a from Sl'J'i to $ I ' I Jar year. Kali term begins Si jiti nilier '.Mh. Write fur ('atitlogiie. am W. M. CLAYTON, President. A Kansas girl eloped the other day and stole $1200 of her mother'a money. Tl ien footpads took it away from her, and now she is wondering if honesty isn't the best policy. A few more enterprising farmers on the West Side is needed to work up some kind of and irrigating system ho that country could be nude to blossom as the ror-e. The I'resident decided to ac.:ept the resignation of Governor Allen of 1'orto liico. William Hunt, the sec. clary of J'orto liico, will succeed him. The recent IWitisli censim shows that there are only S'J men for every 1(K) women, in that country. Aim i nave levicu noon cacli oarce o t the alsive decribei real properly, as , the projiertv of the several s-ioiisop- posi'e to whose re-pective names the same is hereinbefi.i e setfoilh, as the. s, same a;H-ars ai-sesr-ed on said deliu- j -S tpient tax roll. ! 'Jj Now therefore, if each and all of said ; llelilllllleilt STATK, -0-.TV ami SCIIiMll, ! S tax km are not paid on or before Saturday the lilst day ol August, I'.fOl, at the; hour of one o'i l.s:k p. in. , I w ill, on said ; S lay and at Slid hour, at and in front of ' 0 the east disir of the hheriff's OHice in the i Conn y Court House of Lake County,' Oregon, in the Town of I.akeview. sell - at public auction to the highest bidder j A for i-uali ull a... I ,.,.1. .ml ......... I ! ...i. . . . . 4 i m.ii mi'i rin y iaii.t:i , .g of saitl above descril)ed lands, or so I i(j much thereof as may be necessary of I W each parcel thereof, to satisfy the sever-1 $ al sums as hereinbefore selforlh opio-j site to the names of the respective per- Kv sons for taxes so asseHsed against saidifS persons Uon said parcels of land tespec-1 U tively, in said Lake County, Oregon for ',' the year VMH) together with accruing costs and expenses as alsive set fortn. II. It. J)i;ni.ap, Sheriff of Lake County, Oregon. Jatcd this first day of August, ' f f y s s s r s ''S'''s r''sfs t s ' ' t ' ''' J MOTHERS riOTiHBRS If you are interested in seeing yobr boys dressed in the Best Clothes avxxwvo uwi ait as 1UW a5 111 tne ist Before the Land Office. The Kegister and Receiver of the Land OHice are quite busy thin week. The first of five contests on land in township near Parker's K-.a'iou, about half way between Klamath J ails and Ashland, was commenced Tuesday morning, with K. 1'. Campbell vs .Mike S. I'arker as contestants. Lewtt A .Mills, Klamath Fulls attorneys, and W. J, Moore of this place repres"it the con testants in till the ca-es. and L. F. Conn acts for the defc iidents. Tim riiher cases are 8 J .Meeker vs Harris Jleans, John tiilpin vs Win I Weeks, Norman Camp bell vs .lames licll and Win liarton vs II H Dunbar. Home ol the witnchMis aie Joe (Jlawsoii. IJ I 11 Yeager, S'tjiiiie and Jesse I'arker and Oco W I low aril. Most of the pirlies interested live at l'okegi-ma, near the land and others at lily. lowest, you should read this list BOYS' SAILOR SUITS IN CRASH GOODS, WITH NCKTIE, $2 UP " NOBBY BLUE SEROR SUITS, PANCY VESTS,! SILK PACED COLLAR, ONLY 2 " BLOUSE SUIT WITH IMITATION VEST ALL VOOL 3 " FINE BLACK SUIT, KNEE PANTS I 5 " ALL WOOL SUITS, POR SUNDAY WEAR 2 50 Right Prices-Good Service-Honest Goods All these we guarantee everM Customer. MONOGRAM, AHLSTROM BRO'S., Proprietors ?yy ' s..;j