Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 25, 1901, Image 7

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President Lytle, C. S.,
Visits Eastern Ore.
Tin Ori--iinlaii tiof a trl-i tnmlf to
l'lcrii (iii-ifnii ly l'rciiili-iil l' I-..
I.) I Ik of I In- ('iillliiiliiii Sunt lit-rit. Hi'iutii
)iiiniii liy V. II. Mihiih mikI C. K. I.vtlf.
lilrt liliji'i'l nf lhl vlnit MUM to tit-Mr lilt
riiniitry Ih-Ihim-ii ('ihiiIoii ami I-'' i I , in
tiilllillli Hli'l Wlii-clrr rulUi'lfS to li- I r
initio It ill I lie Mlt'i-xtl'ill nf tmililiiiK h
liiMiirh riul fmm tlm CiiIiiiiiMii Smith.
Pril, III It-IIM' I III- lllltill lll Ml litlttiril'
Million, ITi iiiiIi-m nmllii.f Sluiiiikn, iiml
iil in n font lit'it-tli f I v I i rt-rt l ill ilnMli
tu din .luliii I'iiv rivt-r, Tin- I'niiiilry
llin null w la it-li I In- riuii-il Inn
tun in nn iiricnlliitnl arrlioii. It in
I Imtiiflit tlnit ( llic mini in I. mil il Mill
I r i 1 1 1 i I i if M tili-iiifi.l. A in-liniiiiiiry
tnirvt-y til lltn irnHifi lintm li m minli
himiii' imiiilliM hw", Sun t lln-n h
It 111 1 1 1 n I ( .1) nl llil l-iilllitlV In In' hTlnl
Im Ih-iii iniiili-. it ml it in IoiiihI iiiiiili
nl ) ii'l lmu i Illicit vol ii ii if nl I nilli - w. Ii-n
'i'ti-lnM-i, iiinl it li-vi-iiiin-iit i t-v
mm-Ii I In Im' rit.i l iiii'li-r irnMT t-iirniir-
I'r--il-til I. tlli- ii'lmi Hint tin' unit-ti-r
in n-ri-ivilii; Minn' iilii-hliiiii. Ill' in
t In' Kriit li-nmii lin Mil. UTi-nily inti-r-t
if m im liv it ri iii-t-iilntivi- t'f 'I lit- l.'tki
t'nillity I-! xiim liter Im ii. i Iin iitfn, mil linn' linn lit- Mniit.l
iHitivry vlxit l.nkf i-niitity iiml Ijiki-
Vil-M Mllliill l-IXty M. I'rt-"illt-l'l
I.) ll" III". I fllH- llMlf anil-. Unit III" r..n.l
Mlllll'l 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 I l.llkt'Vtl.V ill till' Ill-Ill
I'lmilt .l.ililit, t-lnillM tin' ( 'i.llllliliui
Sniitln-rii Htutt I'Ktiii-i.iii vmik (iiwiinl
l.itkfvit'M, tin- N I'll iiiiiiiai-iiii-nl
Mnlllil 'l-l lun-tlilllll't' -,'llt mi it nn. I
i-nliiti mi r it I i 1 1 V In meet lilt- "Im- (mill
t lie north."
l ine home tor Sale.
A iii-it Ihiiit, il riHiiiiN, 1 t 1 1 c ixii" I, (iiie
Mitter llt'lil I'tlt nl the moil it tilt It , eli-Viit
til tiriitniil, iei li-rl ill iiinii).'!', tiltf I'H iility ,
lieitr I 1 1 1 1 1 - m Ii.i.iI l.nil.lir., -ir-A, K'hkI nut liinlilinh, Iniiii-e rei'eiitlt
iallllt-ii, mi r I'otl IK let I I V lieu lelli-f, lll-
nruiui- nn iini-rty I'linl lor titer imi
yt'Hru, tniM' reiitM Im $I."HI n-r enr. r'nr
caln nl M lutrnm. t'all i-arly at '1 he .x
Miniiier nlttre Mon'l Im on tint market
loiiK. 17t(
Why Stockmen Are (Jrottlng; Rich.
ThnHi'Mhn my tliHt the pre-cnt lii-Ji
jirii'v o( U el In h Ihhiiii ,'ro.iKiiion may
rt'Hil lint follii-A intf from I lit leeileln'
tiunetle: Why in heel at ltd plt'i-fiit
liili irit- ? Who ilo men In. I (reely for
Iti-li tyt'B of imprnveil uniniuli nl the
Itttef lirretl? Why lire lite tlnry lireeili
(et'liiiK tho HMiiki'tiiti)!? In l'.KH) mi Iiml
in thin t-ntintry lU,UtM),(MK) Ii-kh cat lie
limn in lH'.il'- In ihut time the )Hipulie
tilth Ini-rt'itMeil over l(,(H)t In 1HI2
mo hml H'il hcail of rattlt- for t very 1,000
of Hiiiilution. In l'.HHJ thin ratio Iiml
fallen tu fH6 cattle for t very 1000 ieo.le.
lhtring thu eight yi-HiH intt-rvt-nitiu: Imj-tMt-eii
the vern named we lout on a
average over l,(HK),Ot)0 ol rattle per year.
To maintain even our pri'tn-nt rutin ol
i'u t tie to Hiulutinii e iniiNtHlinM' an in
(ream of almiit 1,UK),(HK) rattle annually,
ami when thcue tlnrt-H are a.hteil to
Hi tln-r Houiti ii iiili-iHtainlinu of the pre
ht'itt nit uutii hi hhmilil he i-hhv olcranp hy
the Hit if I in i k i 1 1 f r I it -t I iniutl.
I ulellieut yonnn men from 17 to I'l
yi-uin of nc, having I'limitmii kcIumI i. hi , to lftt r i 1 1 1 t-i'l i it it it'll 1 ttuili-tt.
Im full i ii Ii ii nut t it hi apply or tt i He to,
t'ninn Iron Wiukf, .Market St., San
1-lain-iMi-o. l?t V-4 1
(letter Demand Tor Wool.
A r.o-toll iliripalfh of the liilh i Itel .
nay" thai there hit hern a hetlrr de
ti 1 11 in I for wool there thin tvet-k ami val-ui-N
ait- lit liter. Tint demand ha" not
luvit mi lunch for Home cpei-inl buyi-is an
it IniM hern general. The market for
territory hooIh Ihih hhown a 'ooi tln
mattil. I'l in- medium and Hue m-nured
Htaple i" limited lit 4!) ami 41 tthilo the
Htrietly Hlaplo iaii,t)H up to 4ti(i47.
Fleertt mimiIh are quiet, with prirea on
1 1 1 11 1 1 y gradea iinminal,
"1 wihIi to truthfully state to you ami
thu reader of thrno few linen that your
Kodol DyapepHiu Cure in without quea-.
tion, the bent and only euro for dyapep
fia that i have ever ronio in roiituct
with ami 1 havu used many other prepu
rnlioiiH. Johu Ileum, Weal Meddlehex.
I1. No preparation eijuala Kodol 1))-h-pt-ipaiit
Cure at it contaiiiH all the natural
liKtthtMnt. It will ilint-Hl all kind" of
AhI1 Miitl en n't Imlp hut do J'011 good.
I.akwiew Urug Co. .. 2d 5
AftrV praying long nd eamehtly for her
LiiBhaniVwH Eugone wotati uhkoiI her
pantor whit tnorti ah'i ooiild do to induce
liitu to tstaV at hnuienl-iliU. Ho udvii-ied
adding to bi Iiouie " coiiiforts nmi'ihin
thut he wHaVujoyinii away frwn liome.
Tlie nt-xt day Ni1 woruaa-wtis Imikintj up
the jtrice of bouXhy tin) ,
A COT A MPl OfTera iini'Xi'i'lletl fnriliilin for learn-
i-JI iLsIxlVLJ VS Intt the Cilehrnteil IVrnin Shorthand hv
, . . nail. TIiim inethotl i-tnplnyn in illu-r
TT-4t7 V AT (jfjmv phadinif, pimitiori nor arhitrarv runt mi!-
AJ-' WwWl turn; in the in.plet, tnoft hyihli;, and
'rapid Mhnrilinnd in umi-, and th only
j I j j t ttn-lh'xl that ran Im fiKTenffnlly leaf netl
IllClCyP H.ltinl I )nntC hy until. Hend for fnn trial lemon and
) UWbl W""a AtClUCa ,.HinllWi Coinincrriallhiildinif,
At . t ft.! IriKtnn, corner ftwond, 12 tf
rvy t e rT- I litfsnntnf l
The Anhliiiid TiJiiiKH Mty. that in the
matter of the petition for a m t it of re
view of the rune nf the City of Anhland
tu lloin k tV I ii nut, for n violiitimi of
lite liior ordiliain-eN of the eily in
m It iel i I lotirk tV llautlt eie fined fllMI
for violating the orlliiain e in rellinK
liipmr hy Itei-ordi-r Millon IWry,'
II. K. ilatina of the Ciri'inl Court of the
I'ii fl Jil'lii-iiil I'lHlriet hiinilfil tlnMii hin
I'M-it-i' Hi at .'I o'rlnt k l hi afternoon. In
the l rtil 1 1 roil it lloiirk A I'lliiie ap
peared at plaintiff" and the City of Aide
land att defi'iidiiiil.
j Thi" iH a left rn"e for nil other" under '
! the fime nrdiniilii-e. Ill" It ported that
i lie ene in in- iMirieu In llie Ml jirelue
j t'nlltt ol the State of Oregon.
j Tl pillion ol .liid)e llaiiita i" a" (o-
I low II
j Sou, mi thi" .' h day 1. 1 Ju'y, Itmi .
j nf'er can ful i-nii-.iili-rat ion of faid riniMj
' tint Cniirl lindt that there hhm iki error
j nf law in the t i it I of mi id railHe in faid j
. I.'i rdei' Court, in hiii.1 City of Ah-
! Iiimi ; or in the rendition ol tint dri-i-jon
' t In-ieiii. It it then-fore ordered that!
the petition of plaintiff", he th-tiied and !
that the IC'it Court ol the City
of Afhlainl I xt kinl it ia lii-n l.y direrie I
in pni'eeil in llie inu'ier reviewed ill ar-
i-ordiiiii-e wi It it (li-t iioii.
Il i- further unified that the defend-, j
am hate jii-lKi-meiit fnr mM" and tluit
the i-h'ik of thi" ronrt t-pread till itM
reronl" llie priM-eeilniti Ihti-iii an pro
ii-e Itiijl-t had in vai-atioii.
Ueaii I his and Cause.
W. Ii. Wo hIi-.m k A Son 1-arry u full'
line ol lniyu'V and i-prin whoii whet In,
I'liKiiV fpiinu", i-eat hplinen, iiuon and
l-ncuv pole", uncoil and t-xptt-eM Iiowh,
witfoti lire, huyj-y tire and H'liiiii tta-ou
tin-- in fart eterythiim that in iiefeM-ary
to i-oniliii't an up tn-dale hlarkMiitth ami '
w iiou "hop. I lor-e --li.ieiii a fieiiality. j
I'ropin and have I-red WiUiKi and KldniC
WiHuli'oi'k flii"' your hnrfeH. They are
"rriii kujai k" fmin away lui. k."
1'7-lf W. I). WtaiiaiN k A Sos
China Loot Destroyed.
The Afhland lltvord dim-rila'a the col
lifion at lilark Unite, Sihkiyoti county,
it ft -1 i 1 1 f to the iMiltlierit whiih
ran into the regular Culiforuiit KxpreHH
a" follow :
'The Holtlier rperial r-onlaiiietl tho
fitiuoiiH Fifth Ihittery, U. S. A., en route
from China to Fori Walla Walla, Wanli.,
ami Man in command of Captain Ilidise
wav. Tin" wan thu hatlery that did
a. rh line wurk in Healing the w all" of the
Imperial City, the ftt volley of the
Cliiin-Mt Army killiiit; the gallant Cap
tain Kiley and three other".
"AmoiiK the property deatrttyed by
the colliNion ttaa a large amount of loot
thu Fifth Kattery stole from the Chineae
in the taking of 1'ekin, la-ing in the Hhaaj
ol vase", turn, ram coin, utampa, jewel
ery, ami everylhini; of couceivallu inter
i'nl to thu liuiuun heart and eye. Thexe
Kidu were in the hox ear which waaj
knockeil into cmitheieenH. The aoltliera I
climated the value of the dcBtroyed j
giiod" at t'al.Otkl.
'Thi" haltery wan with the allied army 1
that tteul nut to the Howaei- Fmprefa' j
1-1 1 11 1 11 1-r paliit-e to tiring; per in. lint
-lie ami the curt hail minlu lltrir ei-rape.
They ili-M-nhe the palace at e.tecdinnly
awell ami rol.hed it of t'veryt hiug. They
cave the lininuien, ia-ciiL'citt and
lllillllnl" all
tint w icck."
kin. Is nt Miuvei.irH from
I. line l or ale.
I niticH witiitii: lin.c ran have it in
liny in:i 11 1 11 ictt lioin tin- lirnt kiln
Iiiiiiii-iI. Cull nt lh. ii'Milcnce of 10.11.
I.olllUM, l.nkevievv, and leave your or
der. I.iiue Mil 1 . 1 1 1 '.I from thu kiln 4
llllll'H in rt Ii of (oW 11.
1'Stl l.tlFnTH it D.M.UYMI'l.K.
Oscar ia (iood.
P'lll'W lllK'llll l'tii-t .)
The I .nkt view Examiner nee ma to
have 11 I't-iicliant, for iillmlini; to Thu
Chew aura 11 Font its a "reli.'ioiiH jour
nal." If The Font ia aa Kood na tho
phraHu implieH it w ill he a model for The
Fxamiuer to patten: after.
Stnpi th Cough and Work oil tb Cold.
Laxative Hromo-Quinine Tahleta cure
a cold in one day. No cure no pay
,1'rire 25 tenia. HH-lyr
TiioHtt fanio in Intlu pilla, IVtWitt'a
Little 1 airly Kiwera compel your liver
and IiomcIh to do their duly, thua giving
you pure, licit hlond to recuperate your
hotly. Are eimy to luke. Never gripe,
laikcview ltrug Co. 'Jti-5
Tho real entate in Lako county, lie
loitriug to tho Fiankl Co., ia now on the
niarkei for mile. No reaNonahle offer
w HI hit retimed for any pat t of it. For
full particulars rail at or addri-HH thin
ollire, or Chat leu L'luhurh, Lakeview,
Oregon. 1-tf
Notice 5ottlcmciit of final Accniint.
I In lite imiiiy Court ol tl"' of Or. -(on
Inr ltke I'liiinty.
In He- tnntt. riif tin-i-tt'.mt' nf lit iijmnln War-
IIIT. l'-'' M-H-'l.
Tl I WHOM IT MtV '' KltV; Vnilr-r l
In rrliy alv.-, tliat III" ll 11 l--r-i u o .1 .n.JNlr' I
tor nf I le' i-tiait, nf IU-ii 'f.infri tt'itrrt-T. Inn- of i
l-nki- t'lititily, tr-'iv, 'l.-' .-mi -'1. Unn flli-! IiU '
r'tn-il Ai't-ii'iiii nt .l in 1 1 i i t,f imjl
I tine. In tin- (illu-x of llir ' 11111117 I -rk of
I ikf inirily, (in-., unit Iiml l-r.r Ann. flh i
l-nl l III 1,'i liH-k A. M., nf mtl'l at thn I
I'mnily Jietfi-'p t rllf t 111 tin- t'liiiniy t'tiiirt
ll.iiiu. nf Iji... 1 niiiiijr, (lr.Km, in tin. Town nf
l-akorlt-w, lnt tii-i-n iuiltiiil unit f) .-rl l,y '
linn. ' taa. It ti fil 11 tro' 11 . Jil'tK" nl III 1 inirt -tu
t... II... .lm..,ll.,.
1.1 r.i'i r iiibi n 111, 11 aiij iiiiiv iir, mi .j
ilif tu-tti'-mf-tit ilii-rt-i'f,
j fi-n-'l tliln till. lny nf July. m.
Ailmliilit'rMtnr f tint Kaiat of Hi-tiJ-tmln War
I m-r, Iti-t i-M-K-il,
... .-I.I 1 if - ., ,1...... 1... 1. I !
Stage Line.
A. W. BHYAM. Proprietor.
I.eavcH Jjikevirw nt 0 a. tn.
i-vi-ry ilay Irtit Sunday.
iW-ttirnii!)?, leiivi'H TaiHley
nt ii :-0 a. tn every lny but
Pa-'Mn-rrr' are f.. Pound trip f g
Oi l ICE - Keyiioltlo A WluKfleM'ia, Lakt-vli-w.
rYt "i
Beer sold Wholesale & Retail
Delivered any place in Town
Soda Works
VJ V- L-r
Our Holieinian Laor is a
JTOOtl a JHM l.CI", JJOOll tO tastO,
j tin iip-huililor of health. Spe
cial care is exercised in mak
ing it, special care is exer
cised in handling it.
Nave you ever tried Bo
5uerann.Mito, Cal. 27-2
Write us for terms and
J. E. BERNARD t& SON, Lakeview, Oregon
1 P.
-AF mm w
CitTlli-rii lo Tlif Ki-tmln-r
who rfinov
frinn inn- Inoliir to anmli'-r.
t-r t lmnKt!
ihftr titiiiirtti'i' a'tilri-.-i nh-iuhl r'-niHml-.r to
lriii iliin i.fTii-f t-irl o tli-lr (Kpi-r t an !
itrt-Hx 1 to tin riKlit;c.
la kfpl on fill- at V..C. Dakk'h
A1vi rtifliiK Af n. v II anil its
Mir'tiAiiitt' Kxi'lntriKf , hail I- m-irf-M o, 1 it.,
wIiiti- rniitrai u (r .I vitiUIuk ran I matlt?
fnr It.
Horseshoeing A Specialtv
For nj ntH killing ur MmX
liif cttx-ft brtoiiintc to the
South Eastern Oregon
Live Stock Association
$500 REWIRb
Will w given for the rrt and cooviftion of any per
ron or peraon ttealing any stock beloDin
to tueiuHr of thu Association.
J. D. COUarlLIN,
J, fl. INNES, President.
visit DR. JORDAN'S cat at
HHl-ma Uau aa amatk.J
Tblarart Aaaiaaaloal UnMam
la ilia W01 t
Orna'tul mltrmeticm a ths CUy. A
ytrmmmm, or anreontraet &
a tihteiuMt.l.t-Mlitval'P etarr) by m
lha ttlUet (-parlM.l.t 011 tu I'aolS
Cuaak tauUau.dM J
Tttta-aa aaeai an4 anftttila r
a. MfH waa aia autr-Tln A
fn.m th trdrrli f To" till. il Indl. W
ci .Units er .i.f.i In maturvr A
mil NarT.iiisiii'tl phTiiini Itokliit-t, ins. V
ttuiena... Lot M..t.a Iti 1I lueompll-
r trln.ll.l. .1. Itjr a ciu:.ln(li.ii ol, o( i .1.1 tiuratltr pot .r, f. Doctor '
I his lrMilm-.i.t Ihall1 ttlll nut A
only a'riird Ii-Bmrillata rtlti-f, but periuaiisnt V
cira. 1 as uuelur dttea itui claim top.iruria
tntrcl.i, hut Is wall kn.iwn tubm I.-lr ami W
. nimrs rlivvlptitri nd ltiirti'ii'i, r.-euitiisnl
I lu l.i -.pi-.'.uln- uf JSert.
kYI-llll.ll ihur-nnctT sn.tllriitKl from
I tba ayslstu without ths unfof liai-etar.-t. 0
Trstassia fitted bv aa Ktwrt llntlleal
etire Inr Rulure. A quick ami
c-irs for Fliva, Klt-iurs atiJ f'l'lnlas, by
Dr. Jur. t in's ii.tvl mlnlt-i4 ni.tln. ia. A
Etkkt MAW aniilrlnf tonawiUraoalT T
I Our A.iiitl unliiiou nf lusrot.'Ptrtli.r. A
lis u l1 (Aar.inlr a t-U&I 11 VM CUSM Ol W
I et-rrv ciws t,.. tkii tert .Ira. A
I 'TOHt'Mi nt I K ann stTietty pn-raia. ar
1 i..hlinsiit psrttouailv or by letter.
writs H.Kiit. piiu.osornr or
N tllltUfiL. Mtn.itD Ksia jA valuaxs
bovis; lor men.) call or wriia
01 JORDAN ft CO.. 1051 Marks St. t. R
a 11
City Meat
Market k
BRICK mmtteJifi
Door Kor:h of Mt LaJwiew h
Beef, Pork and
Bologna, Sausage, Etc
mm m m j m mm m m '
South and East
Shasta Route.
Train 1t itio-i Inr I'ortlftnd and wajr ata
tinna at i 1:'A a 11 ait. I ;'::'.' p, m., anrl rar
Aaliland tor l'n:tianl at 3:V a.m aarl :l! . m
l.r Pnrtlauil ,..
Ar Ai'iland
" Sacramento
fan Kraiiritw.'o ...
! a m
. t -t'2 a ia
12 . v a ra
. A-lu p ia
. 7:15 p ia
. 4-.rf, am
. 9 : to a m
. :'2f a m
. 7:-tt a m
: p ra
:7 p m
12:6 p m
i-M) a m
:45a aa
7;f0 a m
9:15 p at
7:2Aa n
6:3ua an
:06 a m
6:i a id
11:83 a m
fi: p m
6:42 a n
12:1U p m
" 'i-ci n
" Itt-nvpr , ..
" Kaiinaa Ctiy . ..
' lilraao
" ja Anccltta....
" H I'ami
' Fort Worth
" City o' M'-xli o,,
" llnutn .
" Ktrw Orl aim...
" Sew York
. 2:X) p m
.. 6:1-0 p 111
. :? a m
ll.'.-tu a m
. 7:tt) a m
. 6:!lo p m
. f,:A a ai
U:10 p m
Pullman anil Tonriat ran- on both train,
rtiatr i-art i?ai-raainto to Oxden anfl El t aao,
and latirittt t ara 10 blc-ago, St. Lount, New Or-It-ana
and Waalniijttnn.
Connfriln-?at Pan Franriaro with thes?T--ral
-tt-airialilii linea fnr Honolulu, Japan. China,
I'tiUliolnri, t'enirai and Ktiuih Ann-rii a.
Hit! a-tt-'iit at Agir station, or addresa
t . 11. MAKKHAM, ti. P. A.,
Portland, Or.
Stage Line.
S. L. Mc'iAUGHTON, Proprietor
Office. Hotel Linkville
Klamath Falls, Or.
Leave Lakeview at 6:. a. in.; arrive at Bly
in It bourn.
I Leave My at 8 a. m.; arrire at Klamath Falli
' in IS houri.
Leave Klamath Fall at 7 a. m.; arrive at
I Beswit-k In 9 hours.
t iieave Beawick at 5 a. m.; arrive at Ar in
7 Doura.
Make connection a ith all train at A get,
Easy Coaches
Excellent Acccmmodations
Paattenger. expraa and freight traffic
aolicitetl. AH business eotraiu-d to . oa
mill be expedited.
General Merchandise,
First-Class Hotel.
The Plush House,
Tonsorial Parlors.
Plush, Lake County, Oregon.
fab a fT
I a a f m M f a n U IIHfl
I J t I
j arv a . , .
Dincsts what you cat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
! Nature ia strengthening and recon
! structlng tho exhausted digestive or
gans. It lathe latest discovereddlgest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in ertlciency. It in
' staatly relievesand permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ileartburnr
! Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
; Sick: Headache, Gastraltfia Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
I Price 50c. and $1. LcrtrestfecontalnsSH timet
sniullsiie. Book all about dy-iepj.iauiitiiedlre)
Prepared by E. C. DcWITT A CO., Chicago.
I.ukeview llrug Cotupaity.
The best Wagon on earth
Car load daily arriving
You will find the m osf
complete line of iude--baker
Wagons aU iug.
gies in stock to be found
in a radious of two hun
dred miles, also a com
plete line of Farm Ma
chinery and Hardware.