Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 25, 1901, Image 5

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Souvenir of the Oregon.
ihtv. T. T. (iiir is the rt'ci'ilirit of a
tirrwhl which hit values very hia-hly. Il
in willit R. ,t. flreil hy the liattlcslil-i
(ri'Kon, while off tli count of Hitnllui,
'n I. a 1 1... 1 ......i...... .. l
were iK'iiil.Hrdioit clly, during the
Utile on hwi.l hetween II,., fifnuMi hii.I 1 1 'y'"1' '" ,ro,n '' c,n'
Amerii'sii A utile. Thi. hot in a .iMH Tu',"y'
f steel, seven IikIicm Ioik mill two' I'niiUp left for hi home at
Im lii n in illiuneter. nml was flrcl out of I'h-ehi lust Thitrsility.
one of iIik Oriou's kuiim, In iiiK thrown' Win. Corhel arrived from Hums Tiles
into tlie cily. dny. Ui'ly In hcen working on the I.
When the city fell lulu t lie IihihU of Hiim li.
the Ainerleuim, Chief Yeoman Weir, of t , . . ...
;, .... . , . . risnk Siniili, the Url-er, ha the best
tin. UnKii, wriit on Hh..rv, .ml ilur-i up m-hit.. Imth mom in Uke rounty.
liitf lii riiinlilr- tlin.iiKli the c ity fountl ' i!e .r nth of Itiink. tfMf
thi- Imt l.i,l,,,-.l In n mhII. IiiKtfir.K .keview eitigens are liieinx tl.em
it out. ,H,k it I.M. k to iI.h warship, selves to the tnuuiitains in (frcat mini
himI kept it mx liiewenli.of the Oregon's, her t,. v,i. heste.l kih-11.
warfare on the Cuhan roast.
When Mr. Weir ami hi riiin-ouiio-i
left the Or.-Kon to ko to Kalem,
. I l.i i .
lliu nut nillliu ni llteseillell H ) (,V- !
rrimr (leer a a keepsake. He hntl tin
hot hi'in-li-il with a -ai rihhc-ii, (tear
ing thn wonl "I". S. H. Oregon," Hie
whole heiii winp4-i in a white silk
hamlkeiihlef. Around thin wan another
sailor' arihUui, henring a Kohl aut hor
AnJ -able tiil the initials 'T. h. N."
linnTDur ticcr prize the relic: of tin
Spanish w nr ami tin- O argon's coihu-ci ion
with it very highly, ami will mil it to
lliu nln-Hilv ViIiihIiIi rollii tiuii of ii-lirn
ii ml cur ion.
Says it l No (JooJ.
A in-hI anonyi-r who him iiihIi-hii anal
yln of tln mw "w hile iih-IhI" bImiuhI
jog on ('liiiuiM whii'h IN-'l-li ntt v ami
othvn riMiui'ly loi ati cl on Sohli-r crn-k
in MimIiio foniity ilt'1arra that the wlilti
iiiilMnin i In imt a in ii 1 ik i all lut a nlnit
IdUihI in lu'ii'oun rink, aya lh Fr't
I'ri'iin. 1ht H-HHyir piMiiiiiiin-i tin
luff worthlfn. Almiit fx yinr" hko a
party of Ki'.l.lmpirii invi-ptiiratol thin
nanii anlmtanif. Thi-y hml immn of the
riH-k Mtm-lifil ami ilnl not n l jiiHtifictl
in iloiiig furl Imt w ith it.
Tin' uii'ii wIiiiIihvi1 mihcIi' the new lo
ratioiiN art' not ntinllii with tin1 ii i-f av
er ' Hliili'iiii'iil ami woinii of thrm at It it -1
ftill rlili(t to tlu hi'lii-f I hat they hnvtt
f i tt n I a new uu'tiil of mui'h value.
InJ'an Council at Klamath.
Tin K'liMiHiliH, MimIim'h mikI the
Yuliookiii ImiihI n( Smite Imliuii-, met
in i'oum:il Ht Khimuth Aiiem-y, on the,
Hh iiiHt. IU'V. Jeni Kiik lieiiiK ehiiirmen
ul llvory WiUoii, ovcrvtHry , tyn tlir
Itepuliliean. Tim ohjecl ni lo ronew
the emit rnt't with tlieir attorney, J. It.
Mi'Ciiiiioii of Wuxhiiitfton I. t'. who Inul
leen uctiiiK in their U luilf in relation tn
t'laiuiN atEaiiml the iiovernnienl. hiii'h
renewal liavidx heen mailt, liev. Mr.
Kirk, William Hall ami Wil.iinu Crow
foot mine to KUmath l'liltn mi ThurMluy
of IiinI week pml made the liiieccurv
eertilirate he (ore J 1 1 tt Willita ami
('ouiily Clerk lriwoll.
Another Huslnead Change.
Win. K. Harry anil Hon Michael, own
rra of the I.ukeview l.ivery anil Fmnl
Stable pnrchantsl thelU.'Ki'Hanil harneHH
from Willia Stewart hint Monday ami
took hnrjji' of tho Btahlo Tuenday. Mr.
Stewurt Iihh had tho Imrn leaned for the
pant year. Thin Ima lieen a ifoixl ayiuK
proKrty, eNpecially i-ineo the lire a year
bro, aa it Iiuh lieen tho only Htalilo here
dim e that time.
The new proprietor1) will put in new
liornea from their rauehe, anil lit up
the premium in an up-to-date tuyle, ami
tho public can lit MHKiireil of lirnl-i'laea
The N-C-O Bxtentlon.
Contractor Hailey has a large force of
uii'ii ami horned at work on the N-C-O
extenlion from Terino to Van Iian'a,
the end of the divinion, nays the Heno
(iazetto. The road will probably hanx
up there for the winter. The atation at
Teruio will ho abandoned ader trains
run to the northern horder of the Made
litiu I'luina.
Mim lietht'l ltawson, a number of a
party which made tho ascent of Mt.
llood latit week fainted from exhauHtlou
lurhma hlizard. The necesBity of re
moving her from the mountain was ur
gent and in the emergency, I'rof K, Mt
McElfrcbli, of tliu butf ile(iiirlnudil o( tliu
Agrlciiltural Collene at Curvallla, made
hlniHulf Into a human sled and With the
lady strapped to him, was drflgcod dowti i
Uie steep mow mountain, Wiiure the
noccsaary relief was Bdmhiisterud and
the lady .resuscitated. Th Vru't--Bor's
gallant act saved her life
tbi Aral slttpmehl 1t Piuclies 'for the
Becson- wi bin-fsoli Monday hy the Ash
landVru'lj AOfolatloii, about 100 boxes
J.jEftrtyATofcanderj, going to Portland.
Wiw.ilpmciitvliollowed Tuesday Knd
jrotte)Niiiyt ntth season will soon lie tn
fuSl swng. J1i9 peaohes w ere consigned
Vo Vonlaud whoUalor? And the Associa
tion will rvaline 60 ceuU p r box, which
is the price it is retailing thvm for in the
l ical market. Ashland W.lldga.
3 t AT t
3 1 v V- aV. i .
3 pjpT t rpQi
J lOxV U ""0.
Quite a party of Lakeviewr youriK
eoplc are iniikiiiK arrangements to o
i" v ipiri mihu iirin i ill; I nv null lli II
I.. 'r.l... I ..I... I...... l. I 1,1. t.
of AuKOxt.
Mm. K. K. Kmerwin, accoinpaiiii by
her children, will start next week for
hi-r old home at Kugenn on a vicit to
her parents.
Charles Cecil Kitxrnorri, a 17 year old
!y of Chicago, arrived at that j.lace on
the 20th, making the trip around the
world in 'i0 days.
Monday ami Tiiemlay the ((overn
menl therimiuieler at The Kxuminer
oll'ne r v i"t""""'l " This is two dexrues
the hottest weather we haw had.
A choice of two tnnrti tm reMileiire
proper! iec aro now oflered by the Ijiku
view Agem-y at (1 100 and fl'.MO reiT
lively, (titotl houses ami lare lots.
M. I'.ly of Fresno, Cal.. niMHtered at
lintel Lakeview Tuewlay. Il has sever
al bamls of sheep driving throuiih Lake
ounty from the John Juy country.
Mm. F.tta IIimIhiui and daughter Ilrcw
cy, arrived from their home at liurns
Monday eveninjj. They made the trip
a rims the desert in a one home liiiKiry,
and are. bound for Susauvillu to visit
Mrs. IIchUoh's parents.
An enlarged water color picture of
Andrew McCullen adorns the win
dows ol C. I'. Snider's store. It is from
an old photograph ami shows Andrew
ridiiitf in his little wagon drawn by a
et lamb. The sight was a familiar one
in I.ikeview a few years ago.
I'.lbel Hardin, a 10-year eld fcirl of
Mid ford, while on her way to Ft. Klam
ath one day Ust week met with a serious
accident, She attempted to jump into
tho moving wagon and her foot slipped,
throwing her underneath, breaking her
collarbone and several ribs.
At a meeting of the Town Council
Tuesday night it was decided to sink the
town well deeper, the well having gone
dry the past few (1hs. Work will hs
Coinn. need at urn e. It is thought that
by going leeHr and drifting south to
the U'd of billiard creek thai a good
How will be found.
The Altu;an l'laindealer says fossil
IkhIs have lieen disooverini in Shasta
county which outrival those of John Iay
valley and Fossil I-ako. It is estimated
they aro 2,000,000 years old. And yet
they are not "in il" either in age ror
abundance of deposits with the Alturas
lice Ileall and Koss Anderson with
their wives returned from their fishing
trip on Chewaucan Sunday. The Osh
ing they report is good only in the even
ing after the nun goes down. Other re
ports differ, however, ns it was noticed
that they whiled away the sunny hours
in the shade.
The Klamath V.x press says the latter
part of last week, I.. IK-nnis purchased
three ranches in that vicinity as follows:
lave llaugh's 300 aero ranch in Long
Valley with 42 head of cattle for fl800;
K. II. Mcllmoil'a 80 acre alfalfa ranch
on Lost river and his (U0 acre ranch on
Lower Klamath lake for 14250.
Another oil discovery lias been made,
this time it is on the desert near Wagon
tire. It is said that oil out of the
ground in places, Our informant saye
that stockmen have known of the place
for a long time, and tlut the oil burns
sufficiently to heat their branding irons,
which they have taken advantage of,
H. Wi Ilrtrlmttili llid sheepman drop
pud into Tll Examiner ollice Tuesday
and ohk'fed his Examiner sunt to liiiu
at Westfaleu, Germany. He IbaVtis this
week for his old home to Visit with his
parents w hom ho h Vibl seen for 21
years. Mr. llorttnan has left his slieep
in charge of Wade Snyder until next
April, w hen Vie expects to return.
AhjKMhI plat of the Ft. Klamath
abandoned Military and Hay Tieser va
rious, Tp 33 8 R 7tf E W M, approved
May 22d, 1001, by surveyor geueral aud
General Iind ofl'ce. on July 12, lVbl, was
received at the Lakeview Land office on
July 22d. All lnda not heretofore dis
posed of will ho open to entry Aug. 22d.
This plat takes the place of the one "w hh-
dranw April 25, 1901, nd the order uith-
drawing it revoked. See notice.
Geo. H. Ay re.
.. THE
See the new wrappers with the summer corsets made in them.
The contract for lighting the town of ;
Lebanen provides for not less than 1200 j
candle power, enclosed arc lights, to j
be maintained all night and every night ;
from twilight to daylight, at fti.75 each
per month. j
Luther P. Fleming after a month's
visit to his Lake county home, returned 1
Tuesday to Coojier Medical College at j
San Francisco. This is the beginning of
his second year at that institution and
if he is as successful in the remaining !
three years as be was the first, lie will I
Come 'it an accomplished physician. !
Cattle ranches aro in demand in Lake
county it would seem from the nunilx-rj
of people who inquire about them. Last i
week a Mr. Carter of Seattle and Mr.
Taylor of Grants Pass, were looking over '
the county with a view of purchasing a ;
ranch and going into the stock business.
They returned home however, and ex-;
pect to come back later on.
Information is wanted of Claude Her '
riford, Gold Hill, Or., who worked at'
Sheba and Russell mines in Scott Valley :
a year ago. He belonged to the Odd .
Fellows' Lodge at Gold Hill, paid his'
dues, and a receipt sent for same was
returned, indicating that something may -have
happened to Herriford, at least his '
relatives and friends at Gold Hill fear so. !
Hereafter domestis money orders will
Ih) drawn on all money order offices on
either C.inada or Cuba, for which cnlyi
domestic rates will be chargod. Hereto-1
fore business with these two countries ,
was done on inter-national orders, the
charges being from 10 cents to (1, while i
under the new ruling tho charges w ill j
le from 3 to 30 cents according to i
amount. The new ruling regarding :
Canadian and Cuban rates went into
effect July 1st. , ;
A duck that had laid several dozen
eggs during the season complained that
while her working record was better than j
the hen's, the latter had books and j
poems written in her honor, while no!
one had a word of praise for the duck.j
A wise old rooeter 8'andlna Iv said : '
You lay your egit And then waddle off
withont a word, while that sister o
mine never lays one rit1out letting
everyone, m jhfl nekhborhood know!
about It. If you want to cut any ice
around here you must advertise." I-1
kota City Eagle. !
The horse buyers, ior 'the tVtish cov
eminent, Hall fcnQ 'ReY, who were
in Lake(eur two weo'Ws ago, purchased
18 head of animals Yit for cavalry use
from W. 55. Mos. The pricea were good,
and other Vte county horsemen lost
the chatice of good sales by not taking
the k(t vice of The Examiner and fetch
lug their horses to town on the date
Plat to be Filed.
Land Offloo at Lakeview, Oregon,
July . luul. 1
NOTICKts hereby given that an approved
nt-olal plat of the Kurt Klamath abauiluiiril
M unary aim nay nvavrvuviiiu., iji.,ii o
K Will. Mvr. Oregon, will be tiled In thia.offlr.e
un the 2Ud day of Aukii. ISUl. On and ttfMr
Mid 2M day ol Aiinu.l, luul, appltill(m for
ilia entry of lande 111 the above deaortlwd Towu
ahluwillus received at tlilaoftloe and niadeol
rocord. K. M. RHATTA1N, KeKtater. W-4t
Now located
in the
Car load of
mllm - " Hardened Steel Mole Plow
Implements The Disk Plow (Something New)
fa" klnda. I Peerless Cang.a Fine Plow
We are the Benicia Star, Sulky plow
Full and complete stock of
Everything in the line of
i Ely Restuiirant
Meal art sill hura f the
" j- r might
Table auppllrd wlik evrrythlaiK
the anarkrt flrarda-
Fine Sunday Dinners
M. C. Whltworth.
fc Co.
South of the
Daly Bldg.
Carpets, Mattings, Portieres
Linealum, Carpet Covers.
Undertaking in every branch
Peerless Chilled Plow
Snider feurding on Water St.